2021 Bilsland Family Reunion

Cedar City, Utah

Friday, July 23, 2021:    Arrival day!

Grandma Sadi’s and Grandpa Mark’s trailer. (Space on the left for the Staten’s “bus!”)


Anabella getting some love from Pepper in Grandpa & Grandma Bilsland’s RV


Grandma Sadi & Kelly getting photobombed by Kevin!



Ashlee & Kelly and two new furry members of the Staten family.




Eating under awning of Denis & Ann’s RV. 
Kevin and Anastasia’s cabin straight back, with Alyssa and Zach’s cabin next door.


The Phillips, Zach, Alyssa, Diesel & Titan

  Time for a campfire!


Kim, Mark, Hailey, & Austin’s Cabin
(Millie & Thor too!)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Trek up to Cedar Breaks National Monument beginning with lunch in the parking lot from the backs of our trucks.



 A bit of rain slowed us down as the trail was slippery and wet.

The sun came out and the canyon was beautiful!

Meeting back in the parking lot, warm from the hike!


Saturday Afternoon:

A few of us went to the Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire in Cedar City

Duel between Anabella and Hailey

Jump Anabella!

Saturday Night

We had some competitive cornhole going on!


Sunday, July 18, 2021 – Play day!

Pool time!


 Park time with Ely!

Anabella and Ely “buddy-time”


Bike riding!

Anabella had some good card tricks!

The dogs were a BIG part of our reunion!
Roxie, our smallest and
most senior dog!

Titan, our BIGGEST dog! (Diesel too – see Phillips’ photo!)
Millie, who didn’t appear to be too fond of her “cousins!
(Thor too, not pictured!)

Pepper, our youngest dog!

Sunday night BBQ!

Chef Steven and sous chef Ely!
Who’s stronger? Ely or Jayden?

We’re ALL here!

Bilsland Family Reunion

Back row:  Kim Rones, Austin Rones, Hailey Rones, Mark Rones, Jayden Burt, Ashlee Roundy, Max Roundy, Steven Staten, Zach Phillips.
Middle row:  Anastasia Bilsland, Kevin Bilsland, Ely Staten, Sally DiVecchio, Mark DiVecchio, Ann Bilsland, Denis Bilsland, Kelly Staten, Alyssa Phillips. 
Front row:  Anabella Bilsland, Pepper, Roxie, Diesel, and Titan.

Will we ever ALL be together again? This was a special time!
Created by Sally & Mark DiVecchio , July 2021

This site prepared and maintained by Sally DiVecchio

email :  sadi@silogic.com

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