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IBM 7040 Hybrid Lab G-15 Bogart DEC PDP-10 CMU Photos from Chris Hausler

IBM 7040

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This page continues the documentation of the computers at Carnegie-Mellon University  in the 1960's. You can click on the links above to learn about some of the other computers.

The 7040 lived on the 4th floor of Scaife Hall.

7040 Front Panel sent to me by Chris Hausler

(for other Front Panel photos from Chris, click here.)
Date:            Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:04:30 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From:            "J. Chris Hausler" <>
Subject:         RE: Mark's web page

Hi Dave (and All :-)

<speaking of moving computers out of Scaife Hall>

That same day as we were cleaning up and pulling cables from under the floor I found an old paper box under the floor with two reels of tape in it.  These had been the "on the machine" (not the master copies) of the IBSYS operating system and libraries for the tape operating system which ran the 7040.  These would wear out and occasionally get replaced, sometimes by shorting the tape beyond the used area and putting a new load mark on the tape and then copying from the master copies.  Someone had obviously put them there when the 7040 was removed in 1967 or early 68.  Thinking them "historic" I "acquired" them and still have them in my pile of junque to this day.  One is labelled S.SLB1 and dated 2/13/67 and the other S.SLB2 and dated 7/13/67.

J. Chris Hausler, JH37
From: J. Chris Hausler []
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:57 AM
To: Roy; John Yurkon
Subject: Re: 1967 I/O Desk at Scaife

Hi Roy (and all),

It was a 7040 or 7044, not a 7090 or 7094 and it had those disgusting 7330 tape drives with the short sideways vacuum columns.  It was located on the north west end of the 4th floor, north of the 301 which was as you say in the middle of the west side (the G-20's were in the southwest corner, the west side was the side overlooking Panther Hollow and the railroad tracks).

And speaking of the 7040 and female operators (I still can't remember the name of that one in the photo), there was another one, Yvonne Gartland (or something close to that).  My freshman year someone (and it was either Dave Rodgers or Walt Sullivan as I recall :-) caused the 7040 to print out the the message "IBSYS DEMANDS THE SACRAFICE OF A VIRGIN" one night when Yvonne was working on it.  She came out wondering what she should do ;-)  This was also the girl we couldn't find one night when she was supposed to be working.  As you might recall, the stairwells in Scaife had these large circular lamps at the top.  Yvonne was eventually located at the top of one of the stairwells plastered against the wall.  She was afraid of spiders and there was a big one on the lamp....

Chris Hausler
Date:            Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:29:24 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From:            "J. Chris Hausler" <>
Subject:         Re: For Sale : EAI-680/DEC PDP-9 (1971 $$)

Hi Mark,

I really need to scan those two CIT 7040 documents and send them to you.  You could then add a 7040 page to your web site (and maybe include my story and photo too :-)  I have sent that story and photo as well as the photo already on the site of the 7040 console to a number of other folks and have gotten a lot of positive comments on it.  One of the telegraph guys said that looking at the 7040 photo he wasn't sure which was more venerable, the 50 year old 7040 or his 100 year old telegraph instruments.  I commented back to him that either of us could easily recreate a working 100 year old telegraph office with the equipment each of us has on hand but that we will never see an operating 7040 again as to my knowledge no complete one has survived and even if one did, it is unlikely it would be operable or anyone would be willing to spend the money to make it so.  Various technologies age at different rates. 

Of course the 7040 was kind of an "also ran".  I read somewhere that it was built in response to competitive pressures, that IBM had focused on the high end of scientific computing with the 709/7090/7094 and other companies were building lower price, lower performance machines for which IBM had no match.  The article where I read this mentioned several companies but only one machine, the G-20 :-)  IBM with the 7040 may have been playing that game for which they were accused of announcing something they didn't have to try and blunt the competition because the 7040 was announced in 1961 but first delivery wasn't until 1963, almost the dawn of the 360.  Probably the only thing for which the 7040 is famous is the creation of WATFOR and WATFIV by the University of Waterloo, Canada due to the extremely slow compilation speed of IBM's FORTRAN IV on the 7040.  (Interestingly, that CIT 7040 document mentions a faster compiler "FASFOR" which compiles faster and has better error detection but the resulting object code is not nearly as efficient as the regular FORTRAN IV.  It does not mention the source of this compiler and whether it was an IBM product or not.  I have no memory of ever hearing about it or trying it.  An Internet search has not turned up anything relevant either.)  I don't know if anyone in the Athena group other than I ever used the 7040.

It's interesting too how terminologies have changed and even been lost.  When was the last time you heard anyone speak about "turn time" or whether the computer was "up" or "down".  No one I know of ever refers to their laptop as being "up" or "down".  Its either running or not or broken or...  Other even more recent terminology is disappearing.  At the railroad museum I recently experienced a young person (maybe 8 to 10) who didn't know what a "floppy disk" was.  Laptops haven't come with them for at least half a dozen years now.  Just some musing...

73, Chris Hausler

In Aug of 2013, Chris sent me this story:

A while ago, a friend made me aware of a neat new toy, a tiny credit card sized computer which comes out of Britain with the weird name of “Raspberry Pi”.  Introduced early in 2012 it has become somewhat of a phenomenon, the range of uses to which it has been put and the number of sales, at $35 each, have way exceeding what its creators expected.  Although small, there are several OS's which will run on it, most of a Linux descent, and with that compatibility, many tools are freely available for it.  If you want to know more, just Google it. 

Although most anything that will run on Linux will work on the Pi, the language for which it was developed was “Python”, named after the British TV comedy series, “Monty Python's Flying Circus”  (and thus keeping in tune with the weird names aspect).  An interpreted language, it embodies the concepts of object oriented programming.  Although I have been aware of the basic concepts of OOP for about 20 years, the opportunity to use it never came up in my workaday C programming.  Now that I've been retired for several years I decided it would be interesting to learn a new language and maybe get some practical experience with OOP, just for the fun of it, of course.  Well, although I'm very definitely still in the early learning phase, it has been fun.  I'm reanimating numerous neurons which were beginning to rot for lack of use.  However, an interesting problem has appeared.  I have already acquired several “real” books on using the Pi and Python as well as several others in .pdf form and many more are available.  In addition there seems to be many web sites dedicated to it, one by the Raspberry Pi Foundation (a charitable organization) itself,  but I've found that frequently none of them answer the whole of whatever question I have at the moment.  This has lead me to, at times, wander the halls of what I've come to call “hypertext hell” seemingly endlessly to find the answers I seek. 

This experience got me to thinking (a dangerous thing :-).  I remember back in early 1967 (46 years ago !!) when I decided I should learn FORTRAN.  Sitting with Pat in front of one of the ASR 35's in Scaife Hall the previous fall, I had learned the rudiments of Algol on the G-20's.  When I went to learn FORTRAN I found that the G-20's just had a FORTRAN II compiler and a buggy one at that.  After several failed attempts to get even a simple program to compile, I gave up.  Although the IBM 360/ 67 was being installed and tested at that time, its schedule was erratic.  This left the IBM 7040.  Now the CIT (CMU) Computation Center was discouraging use of the 7040 as it was mostly used for funded research which would always have priority and thus turn time for other jobs would be long.  At least that was the story.  Sometimes this was true, but I befriended a number of the computer operators (this was a year before I became one), particularly the night shift crew, and frequently the 7040 would run out its job queue early in the AM leaving several uninterrupted hours where the machine was just sitting idle.   As I came to know the operators they would just let me use the machine directly without having to submit jobs through the I/O desk and I could spend several hours in the middle of the night in front of the machine running and debugging my own jobs.  As I related elsewhere, I missed seeing the buggy races both days during the 1967 spring carnival as I had been up the previous nights playing with the 7040.  When I went to bed both mornings at about 6 AM and set my alarm for several hours later, I slept right through it both days.

Well, the experience with the Pi and Python in “hypertext hell” got me to thinking of the documentation I had  needed to learn FORTRAN.  It took some mining around here but I found the four documents I had used.  Two, “7040 Reference Guide” and “Notes for 7040 FORTRAN Users” were published by the CIT Computation Center.  The third was the IBM document C-28-6329-3 “IBM 7040/7044 Operating System (16/32K) FORTRAN IV Language”.  The last, and by no means the least, was the 1965 issue of Daniel D. McCracken's “A Guide to FORTRAN IV Programming”.  His book on Algol programming had already been of great help with that language.  This was all I used in the way of documentation in order to learn FORTRAN IV.  Stacked, these four documents make a pile less than 3/4ths of an inch thick.  The “Raspberry Pi for Dummies” book I have purchased (no comments :-) alone is an inch thick and that's only one of the books I have acquired for the Pi and Python.  The just released 5th edition of “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz I just acquired is, at over 1500 pages, about 2.75 inches thick.  It probably has all the information I will require somewhere inside, if, at my “advanced age”, I live long enough to read it all :-)

It seems we have gone from using room-sized computers requiring minimal documentation to employ effectively to using tiny computers which seem to require a room-sized library of documentation.   I decided to illustrate this with a photograph.  As I have also previously related elsewhere, there was that day in early summer 1971 when I had the joy of being the one to disassemble the UNIVAC 1108 processor box into small enough pieces to be able to fit into the Scaife Hall elevator.  As I was pulling up floor boards to pull out cables for the 1108, I found two tapes in a box under the false floor.  These two tapes were labeled S.SLB1 and S.SLB2 and had been the last “on the machine” system tapes for the 7040.  Only a short length of the tape on each reel was actually used but as it was used constantly it would wear out.  When this happened, the worn section would be cut off and a new reflective load point put on the remaining tape.  Then a new image would be copied to it from a master tape.  Both these tapes have dates when they were made this way in the first half of 1967.  The 7040 was retired later that year and for some unknown reason the tapes had been left “sleeping” under the false floor for the several years since.  Thinking them historic even back then, I saved them.  The attached photo shows these two tapes and the four documents I used to learn FORTRAN IV on the 7040.  Right in the middle of the photo is a blank punch card and sitting on top of the punch card is a Raspberry Pi :-)

But that's not the end of the story.  In looking at all this I realized it had been at least three decades since I had written a single line of FORTRAN.  Thinking it would be fun, at least briefly, to do it again, I took a break from Python and sort of went back to my roots.  As the whole GNU gcc package is available for the Pi, I downloaded the GNU FORTRAN (“gfortran”) part of it.  This compiler is actually quite flexible in its support for the various FORTRAN standards which have come along over the years.  It even supports free form FORTRAN input (Free form FORTRAN input, sacrilege say I! :-), but I was going to do it the good old fashioned way starting in column 7 and all in caps.  I therefore wrote several small FORTRAN routines to run on the Pi.  It took a little while to regain my FORTRAN legs but thanks once again to McCracken they came back.  I was forcing the compiler to only accept the original fixed format input which lead to one funny instance.   I was getting a compile error on a FORMAT statement and I couldn't understand why, it looked good to me.   All of a sudden it came to me, leaving me ROTFL.  The FORMAT statement in question was for a header text line and thus was quite long.  It turns out I had exceeded my allotment of 72 columns on my imaginary “card image” so the compiler was not seeing the end of the FORMAT statement :-).

Now, unfortunately (or more likely, fortunately :-), none of the FORTRAN I wrote either at CIT/CMU or later has survived in my files.  I think I recall doing at least a couple of the exercises from McCracken's book on the 7040 but also wrote a number of things on my own.  The first few years of my working life (and the last 17) I was writing control system software which more or less had to predict the future and then bet on it.  If you seriously lost the bet you would end up with a 100 tons or more of wreckage piled up not to mention a few unhappy people wondering why (been there, done that, many times :-).  I used to refer to the process as applied high school physics.  When I first inherited this task, this prediction was done more or less by guess and by golly with minimal input.  I decided that to make my life easier I needed to at least try to improve this situation.  Some of this involved standing out in the hot sun with a stop watch and clipboard and recording data manually.  I then needed to somehow analyze this data. 

At this point in the early 70's a physics PhD friend suggested a book, “Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences” by Philip R. Bevington.  The first edition of this book, published in 1969 had two neat things about it.  First and foremost, the various chapter subjects were illustrated by tested and working FORTRAN subroutines which could be easily lifted and used.  Secondly, in the acknowledgments at the beginning of the book, our own crazy CIT physics professor and Renaissance man, Hugh D. Young, was given especial mention for his aid with the book.  I got a copy and proceeded to write FORTRAN data analysis programs using selected routines out of this book (running them on a 360, either my employer's or a customers if I was out on a job site.  There were no viable FORTRAN compilers on my target systems at the time.  My control system programming back then was all in assembler.).  With this I was, at least to a point, able to improve the accuracy of some of the predictions (There are still, to this day, too many variables to this problem, both unknown and economically unmeasurable).  Just FYI, there have been two later editions of this book, the second apparently had Pascal routines and the third, from 2003, has C++ routines.  Although the third edition of the book is expensive, you can download both the C++ routines and newer versions of the FORTRAN routines for free from the book's web site at: .  As I still have the original edition of this book I have taken a couple of the original routines from it and once again written little data analysis programs using them, running them on the Pi just for the joy of it.  It's been an amusing experience.

Now, if I wanted to go further, the next step would be to emulate an IBM 7040 on the Pi.  People are already running a 360/370/380/390 series emulator on the Pi (Hercules, see: )
so I assume it would be possible.  In fact, it turns out that one of my private rail car friends has a web site on 7090/7094 systems which includes links to a number of such things some of which which he has actively participated in developing and supporting.  (See: ).  Included are a 709/7090 simulator and IBSYS sources.  I suspect these could be hacked to do a 7040.  However, there is a thin line between success and excess and if I haven't already crossed it with my FORTRAN efforts above, I certainly would if I undertook this effort.  I think it's time to get back to learning Python...

Chris wrote : Abe Books has several copies of the 1965 issue of McCracken for between $9 and $25 and the IBM 7040 Fortran IV manual and other 7040 IBM manuals are available for free download from bitsavers at: .

In Aug of 2013, Chris sent me several documents about the 7040. He wrote:

Date:    Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:58:21 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From:    "J. Chris Hausler" <jchausler>

I have three documents for you, two are those two CIT 7040 documents in the photo.  The third document is a two page printout on booting (sorry, "initial loading" in IBM speak :-) the 7040.  As I mentioned in the story, the ops more or less let me alone with the machine so I did acquire some additional IBM docs for the 7040 not in that photo related to actually operating the machine.  This two page write-up is all I have which is not an IBM document but is specific to CIT.  The "notes" document, dated mid 1966, is shorter than the "reference guide" and is likely an earlier document than the "reference guide" as there is a fair amount of repetition between them and the unit assignments for the library tapes in the "reference guide" match the assignments in the boot procedure which is contemporary to my use of the machine.  That said, the "reference guide" must have followed it closely as I would have gotten it early 1967.

73, Chris Hausler

Initial Program Loading the IBM 7040 System (750KB) -  IPL, Termination of Running Program, Tape Channels......

1966 Notes for 7040 FORTRAN Users by William R. Ogden (5 MB) -  FORTRAN is a problem-oriented algebraic language similar to ALGOL. FORTRAN IV is available ....

IBM 7040 Reference Guide  (15 MB) -  User Services, Hardware Description, Operating System Overview, Software Description....

I received these emails and followup photos of the 7040:

From:    joe rubenfeld <>
Date sent:    Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:43:24 -0400
Subject:    Re: Carl Lefkowitz

Very interesting, thanks

1)  I recognize the name DiVecchio, but can't place it.  I think I knew a DiVecchio growing up in New Castle, PA
2) 1968 CMU chess program -- I gave it to Ira RUBEN when he was graduating from CMU and going to RCA.  He and Joel Bloom (who married Mary Noe) together with a few others who didn't know me, renamed my program CHAOS .... It tied for first place in the 1982 ACM Computer Chess tournament.,
3) Remember Edy Dickman?  I dated her a couple times.  She completed her career at Westinghouse as a VP.  I don't think she ever married.l

All the best,


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 11:26 AM, JONATHAN OROVITZ wrote:

> Joe,
> After your phone call, and just before going to bed, Carl Lefkowtiz's name moved to into my fore-brain.  Reflexively I did a Google search and came up with a link. It has more information about Carl and the CITcomputer center than you ever wanted to know (50 years later).
> One reason we had so few friends in common is that we didn't have any classes together.  I don't remember you from any classes, even computer courses.  I recall we met on a shared ride back to NYC and remained friendly.  It also occurs to me that the last time I saw you was more like 20 years ago rather than 10.
> Most of the work I did at the Computer Center was mundane but it paid the bills. I took out a modest student load freshman year but paid my own freight after that.  Beginning in 1964 I was a 2nd-shift lead operator with the G-20 and later the IBM 7040.  I did some application programming for the Pittsburgh Port Authority on the IBM 1401 and a special job that allowed RCA 301 tapes (7-bit characters) to print on the 1401, a six-bit machine.  I also did some statistical work for the psychology department and another long-forgotten project for PPG.
> I only had passing relationships with Computer Center employees and developers. My freshman year I took the two introductory computers after a summer of FORTRAN programming at NASA.  I worked on Wall Street during the 1963-64 academic year where I gained my 1401/1410 (programming and operating) skills and discovered the joys of systems programming.
> While at CIT I mastered most of the G-20/21 high-level languages (GATE, PILE, COMIT, ALGOL, LISP, etc.) and its assembler.  I also mastered the G-15's ALGO (aka ALGOL-58), ALGO Opcode and Intercomm (interpreted assemblers).  I was never able to fully comprehend the G-15's complex native assembler.  At NASA I learned 7090 FORTRAN and FAP which were first cousins to the 7040's software.  In 1966 I used the s/360 simulator that ran on the 7040 which positioned me well for later employment.
> Mostly I was friendly with a couple of the G-20 operators but didn't socialize much with management. There was a shared house in Squirrel Hill where a number of Computer Center employees (grad students?) lived and/or hung out.  I visited there once or twice. After leaving CMU in 1967 I kept in touch with no CC people except Ron Elco.
> Getting back to last night.  Once I found the link below I read a good deal of it and then couldn't get to sleep.  I recognized many names I hadn't thought about in years. Get comfortable before you click on it.
Joe and Jon,

Thanks for copying me on your email. I've forwarded it on to our short mailing list of people who have contacted me over the years about the computers at CMU.

If either of you have memories that you would like to share on my web page, send them along. I think my web pages about the computers at Carnegie in the 1960's are the only ones around.


I didn't realize Joe had added my name to his email.  After I pointed him to your site I started reviewing some notes I made about a dozen years ago about the joys and sorrows of the venerable G-15.

For the 1962-63 season I was a young freshman at CIT, coming off a summer job at NASA where I learned FORTRAN and FAP (assembler) for the 7090 in support of Project Gemini.  At Tech I took s205 and s206 with Alan Perlis.  The next year I worked for a Wall Street stock broker where I learned all about the 1401 (and 1410) and computer operations in general.

When I returned to CIT in autumn '64 I earned my keep working in the computer center mostly as an operator (first G-20 console then 7040).  I did some programming for a number of folks on and off campus.  One of those projects put me in peripheral contact with the RCA 301.

I had passing acquaintanceships with most of the big wig graduate students (Lefkowitz, McIlroy, etc.).  On at least two occasions I visited the Squirrel Hill house many called home.

One computer operator who became a friend was Ron Elco (younger brother of EE prof Dick Elco, both now deceased).  He fancied himself a photographer and (skipping long story) I recently inherited some of his B&W negatives taken in Scaife ca. 1965.

By early 1967, with my academic career going nowhere, I moved back to NYC and began a long systems program and consulting career.  Over the next few years I visited friends in Pittsburgh but went back to the comp center only once.

You site is likely unique.  Around 2005 a local non-EDP friend (DC) who grew up in Pittsburgh mentioned Carl Lefkowitz, a name I hadn't spoken in years.  My Google search at the time came up with little or nothing.

I'll send you some stuff when I get it organized.

Jon & Mark,

I started at CMU in the class of '65 in EE but after a disastrous Junior year (failed half my courses) the dean called me in and advised me
that I was being suspended for one semester and that I should stay far away from computers. Kinda in a daze I was walking around campus trying to decide what to tell my parents when all of a sudden I realized that I was in the computer center.

My friend, Roy Weil asked me, "What's up?" I told him. He said, "Wait here a minute"

When he returned from Charley Pfefferkorn's office, he offered me a job as the first Help Desk for $300/month. I worked there an average of 12 hours a day 7 says a week and loved it. After 4 months I got promoted to Manager of the Help Desk and System testing with a 50% raise!

After 2 years (and making up my failed courses) I returned full time and finished off my senior year.

During my two year hiatus I met Bob Walker, then a master chess player, and based on his chess expertise I wrote a Chess program. I documented the program in an article published by the Carnegie Technical. Ira Ruben took a copy with him when he went to work for RCA. He and a few friends renamed the program, CHAOS and started entering it in the ACM computer Chess Tournaments.

After coming in second place a couple times, in 1982, CHAOS came in a four way tie for first place.

Ira sent me documentation of CHAOS and I saw that it was still mostly my program -- just with a few more factors in the evaluation function and added book openings.

After graduation, I went to Pitt for an MS in computer science. In 2014 I completed a 50 year career as a programmer, including being the founding president of Applied Intelligence Systems, and the Deputy Commissioner for Advanced Technology in the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

Nice hearing from you,


I met Ronald Elco at the CIT computer center during the 1965-66 school year and we became good friends.  He came from Donora, PA.  I also knew his older brother Richard (1936-2010), an EE professor at Tech.  Ron died in 1992, at age 47, due to chronic medical problems. 

Below is one of Ron's 1966 selfies.

Among other things Ron was an amateur photographer who used a 35mm Pentax SLR.  He shot most B&W, often doing his own darkroom work.  A few years ago I got some of his negatives and snapshots from his widow.

Ron began his college career in Wichita, KS but moved back to Pittsburgh in late 1965 or early ‘66.  He was never a full time student at Tech but had access to some courses as a full time employee.  He worked as a computer operator, mainly with the IBM 7040.  I don’t recall that he had any interest in programming.

Here are some of his casual snapshots taken in Scaife Hall during the summer (Aug-Sep) of 1966.  While they are not great works of art they show a piece of CMU history.

In Oct of 2020, I got this email from Ron's daughter:

From:    sm e <>
Subject:    Ronald Elco
Date sent:    Thu, 15 Oct 2020 20:25:15 +0000

Hi Joe, Mark and Jon.  My name is Sara Elco.  I am Ronald's youngest daughter.  I came into this string of correspondences and am reaching out to chat about my dad.  I would love to hear any stories from back in the day.   Please feel free to email me or call me at 480-650-8992.  Thank you very much.  -Sara
Mark's note: Jon did not remember the name of this guy but he is Meyer Billmers. Meyer was a user consultant at the computer center in Scaife Hall. I traded emails with Meyer in 2010 which can be seen on this page.

I operated the IBM 7040 during the previous summer so it looks all too familiar.  Below a female operator puts punched cards into the IBM 1402 reader/punch connected to the 7040.

Unidentified male at the 7040 console (below).

IBM 7040 operator with user I/O folders.  I knew this guy but can't remember his name.

I also have some negatives that Ron shot on Tri-X and developed himself.  There are mostly from the G-20 machine room.  They were dusty and I need to clean them up.

Mark's note:  you can see these photos on the G-20/G-21 web page along with a few more comments about the 7040 and G-15.

Great photos. We have seen only (I think) one photo of the 7040. I've forwarded the photos to my mailing list and we'll see what other comments we get.

I believe the photo of the man at the desk is Meyer Bilmers. On this page there is a photo of him :

But I'm not sure.  I will send Meyer an email and ask him about it.


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