Diego & Arizona Railway
Scenery Objects
Billboards, the Lionel Years
MSTS 1950's Billboards - The Lionel Years.
33 billboards scanned from Lionel Corporation's 310 Billboards.
Developed for the San Diego and Arizona Railway route. By Mark DiVecchio.
Look for file at or
search for the keyword "billboards".
Billboards, the Lionel Years - Part II
Billboards, the Lionel Years (Part II). 10
more billboards scanned from Lionel Corporation's 310 Billboards.
Developed for the San Diego and Arizona Railway route. By Mark DiVecchio.
Look for file at or
search for the keyword "billboards".
SD&A Splash Screen Setup
From Yuri J Sos <> comes a
replacement splash screen for MSTS. It replaces one of the stock splash
screens with one designed by Yuri for the SD&A. Here is a link to
download it directly from his site. He has tutorials on his site
including how he made this splash screen. First, here is the SD&A
splash screen setup:
Here is Yuri's MSTS web site
SD&A Splash Screens Extended

I've extended the Splash Screen that Yuri Sos developed for the
SD&A route.
Here are replacement screens for all the splash screens used by MSTS.
They replace the 7 screens that come with the simulator.
You can
download them from here
(6 Mb).
This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio
email :
Mark's Home Page
This site will be under construction for a while.