Genealogy Data Page 174 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Vincenzo diGiacomo (I13841) [Male]
1824 SPA transcribed marriage record #1 of daughter Felicia.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Giovanni Antonio Gabriele diTella (I13842) [Male] b. 1 Jul 1813 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 Sep 1813 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1813 SPA transcribed birth record #40, no father listed.
1813 SPA transcribed death record #25, 1m, padre ignato. Figlio naturale.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Genova diMartino (I13843) [Female]
1824 SPA transcribed marriage record #1 of daughter Felicia.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Liberata Cioffi (I13844) [Female] b. ABT 1778 - d. 7 Aug 1810 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1810 SPA transcribed death record #18. 32y.
Change: 9 Nov 2021
Concetta Cioffi (I13845) [Female] d. 15 Jul 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1817 SPA transcribed death record #74.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Angiola Cioffi (I13846) [Female] d. 10 Jan 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1850 SPA transcribed death record #5.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Mary Theresa Huften (I13847) [Female] b. 1 Jan 1967 Binghamton, Broome, NY
Huften Family Tree:
email from herself, Mary DelVillano, Oct 2012: "Hi Mark, my name is Mary DelVillano. I am the grand daughter of Frank (DiVecchio) Belveg, great grand daughter of Charles (Camillo) DiVecchio, great great grand daughter of Francesco DiVecchio. I am trying to find info about my grand father's family, who as you know is from Sant'Eufemia a Maiella. Any help you can provide would be wonderful. From the email I saw on your web site my mother, Virginia Fuller contacted you a few years ago"
email from herself, Mary DelVillano, Sep 2024: "I think we “spoke” some time ago about our family members (tree) I am the great great grand child of Francesco and Ignazia DiVecchio-
Camilo and Theresa are my great grandparents. Grand parents Francis and Susan. My mom is Virginia Fuller.
I was looking at some of the ancestry… my what memories, lol. I saw in the tree that my grandfather’s brother Joseph isn’t on the tree with grandpa and my aunts. He was younger than my grandfather. He passed away as a child.
Anyway, I saw in some of your notes, comments about Old Forge and such.. one comment struck me as funny because of how very true it was. It was about how many of the relatives lived near each other on the same road. Oh my did they ever!! I remember one time driving down to see my great grandmother and we had a friend of my mother’s with us and I remember watching my mom point out houses… she just kept pointing all the way down the road and when asked she said they were houses of our relatives. My mom’s friend was amazed at how many there were. Yeah.. we have a large family!!"
1967 Jan 3 article in the Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, NY, "New Year's Day Baby Total Slowly Makes Its Way to 8". Photo of her and mother, Virginia.
2020 obituary of mother, Virginia.
Change: 28 Sep 2024
Charles Belveg (I13848) [Male]
email from niece, Mary DelVillano, Oct 2012: "My mom's younger brother Charles DiVecchio, is planning a trip to Italy in a year or two and I would love to give him any information that may help him find any remaining family in Italy."
2001 obituary of mother, Susan Mikolasko Belveg.
Change: 28 Sep 2024
Domenico SILVIO Mastrojanni (I13849) [Male] b. 30 Oct 1839 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 3 Aug 1841 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1839 SPA transcribed birth record #53. Notation died 3 Aug 1841.
Change: 4 Jul 2016
Pasquale Mastrojanni (I13850) [Male] b. 17 Jun 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 9 Jan 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1846 SPA transcribed birth record #37. Notation died 9 Jan 1847
1847 SPA transcribed death record #3.
Change: 4 Jul 2016
Francesco Mastrojanni (I13851) [Male] b. 24 Nov 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1847 SPA transcribed birth record #73
Change: 17 Oct 2012
Celestina Mastroianni (I13852) [Female] b. 20 May 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 15 Oct 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1852 SPA transcribed birth record #28. Notation - died 15 Oct 1857.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 24 Jul 2016
Francesco Paolo Mastrojanni (I13853) [Male] b. 4 Oct 1837 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 30 Sep 1848 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1837 SPA transcribed birth record #39.
1848 SPA transcribed death record #35.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 24 Jul 2016
Mary Giannelli Johns (I13854) [Female]
2012 obituary of husband, William Frazzini. She survives.
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Ron Frazzini (I13855) [Male]
2012 obituary of father, William Frazzini. He survives.
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Lisa (I13856) [Female]
2012 obituary of father-in-law, William Frazzini.
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Hansen (I13857) [Male]
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Scheurn (I13858) [Male]
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Woods (I13859) [Male]
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Piccoli (I13860) [Male]
Change: 28 Oct 2012
King (I13861) [Male]
Change: 28 Oct 2012
Bernarda Morelli (I13862) [Female] b. ABT 1891 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 20 Nov 1911
1891/2/3 SPA birth records are missing.
1902 immigration per the 1920 census but I don't think that is correct.
1911 20 Nov EI arrival, 20y, servant, traveled with Degna Cioffi Frazzini and chlidren. Going to Denver, CO. Father in SPA - Olindo/Olinto. (Mark's note: Degna Cioffi is the wife of Cesare Frazzini.)
1912 immigration per the 1930 census but I think its really 1911 as shown above.
1920 census, Montpelier, Bear Lake, ID, 28y, Listed as Bernarda Julio, husband, Edward, and son, Edward Daniel. Immigrated 1902.
1920 Dec 20 article in the Montpelier Daily News: "Mrs. E. Julio and son Daniel left today for Tooele, Utah, where they will visit with Mrs. Julio's brother, Philip Morrell."
1930 census, Rawlins, Carbon, WY, 38y, Listed as "Bernarda Julio", first married at 22y. With husband, Ed D.. Imm 1912, Naturalized. Son Edward is not listed (found him as a lodger with Elizabeth Mumm also in Rawlins, WY).
1940 census, Rawlins, Carbon, WY, 49y, divorced. Naturalized, listed as mother to Dan Julio.
Change: 16 Apr 2023
Olinto Saverio Morelli (I13863) [Male] b. 1863 SPA
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'.
1888 SPA transcribed marriage record #7.
1889 SPA transcribed birth record #15 of son Filippo Valentino. 26y.
1911 reference in EI arrival of daughter, Bernarda. He was in SPA. show birth in 1857.
Change: 16 Apr 2023
Maria CONCETTA Colajanni (I13864) [Female] b. 11 Mar 1828 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1828 SPA transcribed birth record #25. Maria Concetta. f: Geremia, m: Maria diLudovico.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Domenico Morelli (I13865) [Male] b. 31 May 1823 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1823 SPA transcribed birth record #49. Listed as Domenico Antonio, f: Carmine, m: Maria Carmela d'Amicone.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Carmen Morelli (I13866) [Male] b. 1851
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'.
Change: 30 Oct 2012
Carmelo Morelli (I13867) [Male] b. 1859
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'.
Change: 30 Oct 2012
Carmine Morelli (I13868) [Male]
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'. Of son, Domenico.
Change: 30 Oct 2012
Maria d'Amicone (I13869) [Female]
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 019, Via Trinita'. Of son, Domenico.
Change: 30 Oct 2012
Maria Speranza Rossi (I13870) [Female] b. 20 May 1862 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1862 SPA transcribed birth record #34.
1888 SPA transcribed marriage record #7.
1889 SPA transcribed birth record #15 of son Filippo Valentino.
Change: 30 Oct 2012
Ercole "Edward" diJullio (I13871) [Male] b. ABT 1885 Roccacaramanio, Chieti, Italy - d. 8 Oct 1960 Ilwaco, Pacific, WA
Immigration: : 7 Feb 1902
Naturalization: : 26 Jul 1923
See notes for marriage to Bernarda Morelli.
The spelling of his surname could be diJullo, diJullio, diJulio, or diGulio.
Probable: Boston, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1954
Name: Ercole Dijullio
Gender: Male
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1885
Age: 17
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Ship Name: Commonwealth
Arrival Date: 7 Feb 1902
Port of Arrival: Boston, Massachusetts
Friend's Name: Agothin Molley <-- going to father, Agostino, Mulberry St, New York.
Last Residence: Roccacaramanio
1914 15 Jan marriage to Bernarda Morelli in Ogden, Weber, UT.
1920 census, Montpelier, Bear Lake, ID, 35y, Listed as Edward Julio, wife, Bernarda, and son. Immigrated 1902. Boiler maker for the steam railroad. Living next door to them was future wife, Millie A. Williams who was married to Alma P. Willis.
1921 2 Mar marriage to Millie Agnus Williams Willis, Dillon, Beaverhead, MT.
1923 Jul 26 - newspaper article in The Paris Post about Ed Julio being naturalized.
1930 census, Rawlins, Carbon, WY, 45y, Listed as "Ed D. Julio", first married at 29y. Imm 1902, Naturalized. Coal miner. Wife, Bernarda. Son Edward is not listed.
1940 census, Rawlins, Carbon, WY, not listed with wife, Bernarda.
Washington, Deaths, 1883-1960
Name: Edward Dejulio
Gender: Male
Birth Date: abt 1884
Death Date: 8 Oct 1960
Age at Death: 76
Death Location: Ilwaco, Pacific, Washington
Father: Agustino Dejulio
Mother: Enrichetta Dejulio
Record Source: Washington State Death Records
Washington, Select Death Certificates, 1907-1960
Name: Edward Dejulio
Gender: Male
Age: 76
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1884
Death Date: 8 Oct 1960
Death Place: Ilwaco, Pacific, Washington
Father: Agustino Dejulio
Mother: Enrichetta Dejulio
FHL Film Number: 2034039
Reference ID: 21156 Born Roccacaramanico, Italy. Father : "Agusta" most likely Agosto or Agostino. Had these notes:
Re: Pasquale DeJulio, Roccacaramonico, Italy
Posted by: Dana Fjeldsted
Date: October 01, 2001 at 18:45:51
In Reply to: Pasquale DeJulio, Roccacaramonico, Italy by Sandra Tessitore
Hi Sandra,
I'm just starting out in my search. All I know so far is that My Great Grandfather Eduardo Ercole De Julio was from Roccacaramonico also. He was born in 1884. His father was Agostino De Julio and his Mother was Enrichetta De Julio. Have you seen any of these names in your search? It is possible that they traveled through and maybe lived in Colorado. However, My Grandfather was born in Montpellier ID (Edward Daniel De Julio) in 1916. I have not been able to find record of any one of these people on the Ellis Island site. I'm just hoping that someone recognizes the names. There was an Agostino De Julio that came over in 1897 but there is no mention of Enrichetta. It appears he was traveling with an Annantonia De Julio, possibly a sister. I don't know if any of this makes sense--but its a start.
Re: Pasquale DeJulio, Roccacaramonico, Italy
Posted by: Sandra Tessitore
Date: October 01, 2001 at 20:11:26
In Reply to: Re: Pasquale DeJulio, Roccacaramonico, Italy by Dana Fjeldsted
Hi Dana: My Husband andI just got back from Roccacaramonico and gathered a lot of information first hand in the all of records in Pescara. I remember this family as I hand copied the marriage. I just haven't gotten it sorted yet. If you can give me a couple of weeks to get my act together, will send you what I have. We saw the house of the elder Pasquale which is curretly being restored as well as that of Pasquale the grandson. I'll get back to you soon. Sandy
Mark's note, Sandy had contacted me in 2004. I've sent her an email on Sep 2014. Her and husband, Bob, responded with their notes about the diJulio family. They had Ercole as person number 52 in their data base.
Change: 7 Oct 2014
Alberto Ferri (I13872) [Male] b. 1901 San Pietro Avelana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 2 Dec 1959 Buenos Aries, Argentina
email from Robert Morrison, Nov 2012.
DOB and DOD from gravesite details from findagrave web page for wife Lucia Morelli.
email from greatgrandson, Federico Cisternas, Oct 2018.
Change: 30 Oct 2018
Elisa diCroce (I13873) [Female] b. 1949 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 11 Mar 1963
guestbook entry by Elisa diCroce Moré, Nov 2012: "I am a native of San Pietro Avellana (1949) My father was Emilio Di Croce (il Maggiore) (1908) and my mother was Paolina Cetra (1919) I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since 1963. I would appreciate any information from your records regarding my great-grandparents. I am fluent in Italian and would like to hear from you or anyone with information. "
email from herself, Elisa diCroce Moré, Nov 2012: "Ciao Mark and thanks for your quick response.
email from herself, Elisa diCroce Moré, Nov 2012: "My entire family traveled to New York from Napoli on the "Cristoforo Colombo" March 3 to the 11, 1963."
As a way of introduction, I am actually Corrado Di Croce's cousin. He is married to your cousin Donatella Colaianni. This past August, my husband and I were fortunate to spend time with them in San Pietro as their oldest son Michele was married. What a fabled wedding and feasts!
As to my ancestors: my maternal grandparents are Silvestro Cetra and Cristina Gentile di Francesco Gentile and Maria Falcione. (You might find this familiar since I am also second cousin to Virgilio Gentile) My grandfather's Silvestro's parents were Giovanni Cetra and Elisabetta no maiden name. Actually the first name Giovanni is not for sure. My paternal grandparents were Amico Di Croce and Chiara Colaizzi. Sadly all I know of their parents is that Chiara Colaizzi's mom's first name was Elisabetta. she was married twice, and was also the biological mother of Silvestro Cetra. I have no information on my paternal great-grandparents.
My husband (Luciano Moré who was also born in Italy in Roio Del Sangro in the Abbruzzo region) and I recently retired and have spent part of the past two summers in Italy, I became interested in our ancestors. Therefore I am collecting information on both of our families in the hope of building a family tree. Your willingness to help is touching and very generous. It is deeply appreciated! Grazie e ciao, Elisa"
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Elisa More
Birth Date: 5 Feb 1949
Phone Number: 793-8260
Address: 150 Yosemite Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235-2042 (1993)
Change: 20 Nov 2012
Paolina Cetra (I13874) [Female] b. 29 Jun 1919 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 27 Feb 2004 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Immigration: : 11 Mar 1963
email from daughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My entire family traveled to New York from Napoli on the "Cristoforo Colombo" March 3 to the 11, 1963."
Social Security Death Index
Name: Paolina Dicroce
Last Residence: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 29 Jun 1919
Last Benefit: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Died: 27 Feb 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1972)
Change: 20 Nov 2012
Emilio diCroce (I13875) [Male] b. 24 Sep 1908 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 8 Nov 1978 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
email from daughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "As young men, my father ( Emilio Di Croce) and two of his brothers, Guido and Iggino worked making bricks at the only industry in San Pietro: La Fornace owned by the Santilli family. If I am not mistaken, my maternal uncles also worked there as young men."
email from daughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "While in Pittsburgh, my father and my uncles Giovannino and Franceschino Cetra worked as laborers for several construction companies."
email from daughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My Father's date of death is November 8, 1978."
1950 signed a notorized statement (in SPA) on the 1892 birth of Giovanni Colalianni. Doc sent to me by Giovanni's grandson, Joseph W. Colaianne.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2
Name: Emilio Dicroce
Birth Date: 24 Sep 1908
Address: 238 Cedarville St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-1944
Social Security Death Index
Name: Emilio Dicroce
SSN: 191-36-2481
Last Residence: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 24 Sep 1908
Last Benefit: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Died: Dec 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1962-1963)
Change: 5 Nov 2014
Luciano Moré (I13876) [Male]
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Luciano A More
Phone Number: 793-8260
Address: 150 Yosemite Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235-2042
Change: 13 Dec 2012
Silvestro Cetra (I13877) [Male] b. 31 Dec 1894 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1958 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Immigration: : 1 Jun 1921
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: She wrote about her grandfather, Silvestro Cetra: "I never met him and actually neither did my mother. My grandfather, Silvestro, worked as a miner for the now abandoned Marian Coal Co of Uniontown, Pa. As a young man in San Pietro, Silvestro worked as a "garzone" or farm hand for the Di Sanza family who were wealthy landowners, until his immigration."
Film 1448676 1894 nati #91, 31 Dec, f:Franco, 26y, m: Elisabetta Ricci. House at 55 Corso San Rocco. No mention of birthplace of father.
1921 1 Jun EI arrival on the Gothland, sailing from Naples, 26y, Record markd "Deported". Something handwritten on the record which I cannot read. Wife, Cristina Gentile, in SPA. Going to friend, Giuseppe Colaianni in Minneapolis, MN
1921 1 Jun EI arrival, "Record of Aliens Held for Special Inquiry" - LPC PD. Deported on the Canopic leaving New York on 16 Jun 1921 (date from other deportee's records).
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "Regarding page 2 of the manifest [Mark's note: of the 1921 EI arrival] you sent, my two daughters in the medical field were able to make out the work "valvular" and of course "disease" which would indicate some kind of heart ailment. As a matter of fact, shortly after my grandfather came to Pittsburgh, he took critically ill. He was nursed back to health by a friend's family (Oliviero and Lesina Di Lorenzo) who had been warned of possible contageous consequenses to their entire family."
1937 Pittsburgh City Directory, "Cetre Sylvester lab r4402 Woolslayer way".
WWII Draft Registration, 31 Dec 1894 in SPA. contact - Mrs. Filomena diTato, 4720 Juniper St, Pittsburgh, PA. Employer - Mr. Fred Donatelli. Email from Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "Before his wife Cristina joined him, he lived with Mrs. Filomena Di Tata and her husband at 4720 Juniper Street in the Bloomfield section of Pittsburgh nicknamed to this day as "Little Italy". Filomena Di Tata seems to be the reason Silvestro settled in Pittsburgh as she was aunt to Cristina Gentile and Oreste Gentile. Upon Filomena's death, my grandfather inherited her house."
1954 Pittsburgh City Directory: "Cetra Silvestro (Christine) lab h4720 Juniper".
1958 Pittsburgh (PA) City Directory: "Silvestro (Christina) lab Marion Coal Coal & Sup Co h4720 Juniper"
U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002
Name: Sylvester Cetra
Address: 5453 Clarendon Pl
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Zip Code: 15206-3460
Phone Number: 412-363-0360
Residence Years: 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Franco Cetra (I13878) [Male] b. ABT 1868
email from great-granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My grandfather's Silvestro's parents were Giovanni Cetra and Elisabetta no maiden name. Actually the first name Giovanni is not for sure."
Most of the Cetra men arriving at EI were from the town of Castel del Monte. That town is in the province of L'Aquila in northern Abruzzo. I've not yet found any evidence that this is Franco's hometown.
Film 1448676 1894 nati #91 of son, Silvestro. name clearly is Franco. 26y.
Film 1448676 1897 nati #65 of son, Ferdinando Francesco.
Possible: 5 Jun 1903 EI arrival, 35y (1868), last residence Castel del Monte (L'Aquila), going to cousin Antonio Battista in New York City. Never before in the US.
email from great-granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "The only addition
from my Zia Filomena was that FRANCO CETRA, my great-grandfather was not from SPA. He was working for the railroad in SPA when he met and married my widowed great-grandmother MARIA ELISABETTA RICCI.
Change: 21 Nov 2012
Giuseppe Colaizzi (I13879) [Male] b. ABT 1849 - d. ABT 1890
1874 SPA transcribed banns records, #40, 46, 47. Maria Elisabetta Ricci (f:Luigi, m:Aurora Diana diLorenzo) and Giuseppe Colaizzi (also in 1874, another Giuseppe Colaizzi married Maria Domenica Morelli).
Film 1448676 1874 matri #12, 25y. From Ripalimosano (near Campobasso).
Film 1448675 1880 nati #28 of daughter, Chiara.
Film 1448676 1888 nati #69 of son Michele.
Giuseppe's wife, Elisabetta, remarried to Franco Cetra and had a son, Silvensto, in 1894. Giuseppe must have died 3-4 years before then.
email from Elisa diCroce More', Dec 2012: "I have been in touch with my aunt Filomena Musilli Di Croce in SPA. She seems to remember brothers of Chiara Colaizzi Di Croce named Pasqualino or Amico in addition to Giovanni and Michele which we know for sure. Pasqualino and/or Amico Colaizzi immigrated to the US."
Change: 12 Dec 2012
Francesco AMICO diCroce (I13880) [Male] b. 24 Mar 1880 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT 1946 Vastogirardi, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 9 Apr 1906
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My paternal grandparents were Amico Di Croce and Chiara Colaizzi. Sadly all I know of their parents is that Chiara Colaizzi's mom's first name was Elisabetta. she was married twice, and was also the biological mother of Silvestro Cetra."
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "As I have mentioned in another email, my father's youngest brother will be ninety years old December 16. His recollections are not clear. However, his wife, Filomena Musilli is sharp and on top of SPA history. I talked to her at lenght yesterday, and she was able to confirm some things. It seems that Francesco Amico diCroce immigrated to the US around 1908 and returned to Italy a few years later. This would put some light to the posting I saw on your website about an "Emico Di Croce". The birth date and age seem to match. That would mean that my grandfather lived shortly with one of your ancestors in Dawson."
Film 1448675 1880 nati #19. Listed as Francesco Amico. Father listed as "union with a single man".
1905 immigration per 1909 EI arrival but I can't find any manifest record. Maybe it really was 1906.
Probable: 1906 9 Apr EI arrival, 25y, married, porter, Going to brother-in-law Giuseppe Colaizzi in Trinidad, CO. Traveled with Ororato Cenci. Never before in the US.
1908 immigration per 1910 census but I can't find any manifest record. Maybe it really was 1909.
1909 31 Mar EI arrival, 28y, on the Cretic. listed as Francesco diCroce, wife in SPA - Chiara. Going to brother-in-law, Giovanni Colaizzi at 200 25th St in Ogden, UT. Previously in the US from 1905-1908 in Trinidad, CO. Travelled with 5 other men from SPA: Domenico Carlini, Severino Colaianni, Costanzo Carlino, Domenico diLorenzo, Giuseppe diLorenzo and Vincenzo Iasella. (Bad manifest reference: Series T715, Roll 1230, Frame 534)
Probable: 1910 census, Dawson, NM, 30y, Listed as "Emico diCroce", married 8 years, imm 1908, mason helper for the coke ovens. Living with my great-granduncle Teridano diTella. Look at my Dawson web page for more.
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "It seems that Francesco Amico diCroce immigrated to the US around 1908 and returned to Italy a few years later."
1946 : email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My paternal grandfather Amico Di Croce died as a war refugee and is buried in Vastogirardi, a few miles from San Pietro. I have no information about his parents or the kind of work he did. My dear Zia Filomena (Musilli) also confirmed the date of death of Francesco Amico Di Croce as 1946."
Change: 14 Dec 2012
Chiara Filomena Colaizzi (I13881) [Female] b. 21 Apr 1880 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My paternal grandparents were Amico Di Croce and Chiara Colaizzi. Sadly all I know of their parents is that Chiara Colaizzi's mom's first name was Elisabetta. she was married twice, and was also the biological mother of Silvestro Cetra."
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My paternal Grandmother Chiara Colaizzi was half sister to Sislvestro Cetra on their mother's side (Elisabetta no last name who married twice). I am not sure of the first names of Elisabetta's two husbands. Chiara Colaizzi was a child of the first marriage and had siblings who immigrated to Argentina (no information on them)."
Film 1448675 1880 nati #28.
Change: 21 Nov 2012
Ferdinando Francesco Cetra (I13882) [Male] b. 1897 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 1897 nati #65, I did not write down the date. Home at 63 Croso San Rocco.
Change: 19 Nov 2012
Maria ELISABETTA Ricci (I13883) [Female] b. 31 Aug 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
email from great-granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "Sadly all I know of their parents is that Chiara Colaizzi's mom's first name was Elisabetta. she was married twice, and was also the biological mother of Silvestro Cetra."
email from great-granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My grandfather's Silvestro's parents were Giovanni Cetra and Elisabetta no maiden name.
email from great-granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "I am not sure of the first names of Elisabetta's two husbands. Chiara Colaizzi was a child of the first marriage and had siblings who immigrated to Argentina (no information on them). Elisabetta's second marriage produced two boys, Silvestro and Ferdinando Cetra. Ferdinando and his family to this day kept their San Pietro house even though they moved to Rome."
1855 SPA transcribed birth record #53.
1869 SPA Status Animarum
1874 SPA transcribed banns records, #40, 46, 47. Maria Elisabetta Ricci (f:Luigi, m:Aurora Diana diLorenzo) and Giuseppe Colaizzi.
Film 1448676 1874 matri #12, 19y
Film 1448675 1880 nati #28 of daughter, Chiara.
Film 1448676 1888 nati #69 of son Michele.
Film 1448676 1894 nati #91 of son, Silvestro.
Film 1448676 1897 nati #65 of son, Ferdinando Francesco.
Change: 21 Nov 2012
Franceschino "Francis" Cetra (I13884) [Male] b. 20 Feb 1917 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. May 1987 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Immigration: : 31 Mar 1953
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "While in Pittsburgh, my father and my uncles Giovannino and Franceschino Cetra worked as laborers for several construction companies."
1953 31 Mar NY arrival on the Saturnia, 36y, single, going to 4720 Juniper St. Pittsburgh, PA. Italian passport.
1958 Pittsburgh (PA) City Directory: "Francis (Ester) cement fnshr Marion Coal & Sup Co h421 Cedarville"
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Francis Cetra
Birth Date: 20 Feb 1917
Address: 421 Cedarville St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-2001 (1982)
[351 Gross St # 1, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-2234 (1994)]
Social Security Death Index
Name: Francis Cetra
SSN: 202-28-3019
Last Residence: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 20 Feb 1917
Last Benefit: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Died: May 1987
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1952-1954)
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Antonino Cetra (I13885) [Male] b. 28 May 1922 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Sep 1983 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Immigration: : 31 Mar 1953
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My uncle Antonino worked in the kitchen of the revered William Penn Hotel."
1953 31 Mar, NY arrival on the Saturnia, going to 4720 Juniper St, Pittsburgh, PA.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2
Name: Antonino Cetra
Birth Date: 28 May 1922
Address: 4751 Juniper St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-1901
Social Security Death Index
Name: Antonio Cetra
SSN: 202-32-5610
Last Residence: 15224 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 28 May 1922
Died: Sep 1983
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1958-1960)
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Iggino "Gino" diCroce (I13886) [Male] b. 16 Dec 1922
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "As young men, my father ( Emilio Di Croce) and two of his brothers, Guido and Iggino worked making bricks at the only industry in San Pietro: La Fornace owned by the Santilli family. If I am not mistaken, my maternal uncles also worked there as young men."
email from daughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "my father's youngest brother will be ninety years old December 16."
email from Elisa diCroce More', Dec 2012: "Corrado Di Croce, my cousin, the son of Iggino and Filomena Musilli, retired in SPA and is married to your distant cousin Donatella Colaianni."
Change: 7 Dec 2012
Filomena Musilli (I13887) [Female] b. 1925 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012.
email from Elisa diCroce More', Dec 2012: "Corrado Di Croce, my cousin, the son of Iggino and Filomena Musilli, retired in SPA and is married to your distant cousin Donatella Colaianni."
email from niece Elisa diCroce More', Dec 2012:"Filomena Musilli was born XXX. X, 1925 to Michele Musilli (10/15/1889) and Antonietta Gatti (11/13/1893)"
Change: 11 Dec 2012
Tullio diGiacomo (I13888) [Male] b. 1898 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 1 Jun 1921
1898 SPA transcribed birth record #35.
1921 Jun 1 EI arrival, 23y, taylor, mother Felicia Rosa Vernucci in SPA. Going to sister, Restom (?) diGiacomo at 937 North Ave, Pocatello, ID.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Felicia Rosa Vernucci (I13889) [Female]
1921 EI arrival of son Tullio.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Alberico Quaranta (I13890) [Male] b. 11 Jun 1878 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 1 Jun 1921
1878 SPA transcribed birth record #47.
1921 1 Jun EI arrival, 42y, wife in SPA - Domenica Quaranta, Going to brother-in-law, Sabatino diSanza at 105 Main St in Leetonia, OH.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Antonio Vernucci (I13891) [Male] b. ABT 1810 Frasso Telesino, Benevento, Italy
1868 SPA digital marriage records - reconstructed in 1954 of son, Giuseppe. most likely born in Frasso Telesino, province Benevento, region of Campania. Year of birth is estimated. See notes for marriage of son Giuseppe.
1869 SPA digital birth record #100 of granddaughter Elvira Cloristella.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 16 May 2024
Clotilda Rosa Angelica Vernucci (I13892) [Female] b. 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1868 SPA transcribed birth record #72.
1868 SPA transcribed death record #50.
Change: 16 May 2024
Eleina Clori Stella Vernucci (I13893) [Female] b. 20 Dec 1869 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 17 Jul 1916
1869 SPA digital birth record #100. Listed as Eleina Clori Stella.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
1899 SPA digital birth record #3 of son Guido Domenico.
1916 EI Arrival of family.
Change: 19 May 2024
Antonio Vernucci (I13894) [Male] b. ABT 1863
Immigration: : 20 Jan 1915
Not found in records around 1863. Possibly not born in SPA. Possibily born in Frasso Telesino, Benevento, Italy.
1886 SPA transcribed marriage record #4.
1899 SPA digital birth record #3 of son Guido Domenico, 36y.
1915 01 20 EI arrival of Antonio and daughter, Concettina
New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1957
Name Antonino Vernucci
Gender Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality Scandinavian
Marital Status Married
Age 53
Birth Date abt 1863
Birth Place Italy
Other Birth Place S Pietro
Last Known Residence S. Pietro, U. S.
Departure Port Naples, Italy
Arrival Date 17 Jul 1916
Arrival Port New York, New York, USA
Residence Place Sweden
Final Destination Youngstown, Ohio
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Complexion Regular
Money in Possession 300
Person in Old Country Serafino Di Cella
Person in Old Country Relationship Mother-in-law
Person in Old Country Residence S Paetra
Person in US Guido
Person in US Relationship Son
Ship Name Giuseppe Verdi
Travelled with wife, Elvira, children Emma, Rosina, Ferdinando, Emilo, Fortunata.
Change: 16 May 2024
Luigi Lembo (I13895) [Male] b. 18 Jun 1902 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 20 Oct 1975 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
email from Antonio Vernucci, Jul 2005.
email from Charles Lembo, Sep 2005.
from tree "Descendents of Domenico Lembo and Ambrosina Mariani.jpg" sent to me by Bob Ricci, Oct 2005.
Dates from tombstone photo in SPA cemetery.
Change: 15 Oct 2015
Aida Vernucci (I13896) [Female]
email from Antonio Vernucci, Jul 2005.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Vernucci (I13897) [Male]
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Alfredo Vernucci (I13898) [Male]
email from Antonio Vernucci, Jul 2005.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Davide Lembo (I13899) [Male]
email from Antonio Vernucci, Jul 2005.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Antonio "Tony" Vernucci (I13900) [Male]
email from himself, Antonio Vernucci, Dec 2009: "You may remember that in year 2005 we had an e-mail exchange regarding San Pietro Avellana, the birthplace of my father Alfredo Vernucci.
At that time we also spoke about my uncle Luigi Lembo (the husband of Aida Lembo, my father's sister) appearing in the misterious Militia photo, who was the father of my cousins Carlo Lembo and Davide Lembo both living in Rome.
Reading your e-mail I realized that you hold an ham-radio licence with call K3FWT. I just wanted to let you know that I also hold an Italian ham-radio licence with call I0JX since 1968, as well as an US ham-radio licence with call AB6VZ (1993) eventually turned into the vanity call K0JX in 1996.
Also my cousin Carlo Lembo holds an ham-radio licence with call I0LB since the mid fifties, though he is no longer very active. Davide has no licence, but he is obviously well aware of what ham radio is.
Our one-by-two calls (I0JX and I0LB) belong to an old call series that are no longer being re-issued when becoming available. Therefore, it is today very uncommon to meet Italian hams having such short calls. Current calls have six characters (e.g. IZ0ABC).
Best wishes for year 2010."
Change: 19 May 2024
Carlo Lembo (I13901) [Male]
email from himself, Antonio Vernucci, Dec 2009.
Change: 6 Nov 2012
Leombruno (I13902) [Male]
Change: 11 Nov 2012
Lucy Ricci (I13903) [Female] b. 19 Aug 1920
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Lucy Casella
Birth Date: 19 Aug 1920
Address: 73 Sparkill St, Watertown, MA, 02472-3128 (1986)
2001 MA death index for husband, Rosario Casella, lists her full name as Lucy Ricci.
Change: 12 Nov 2012
Maria C Conti (I13904) [Female]
Change: 11 Nov 2012
Giustino "Justo" diVecchia (I13905) [Male] b. 5 Oct 1927 Italy - d. 2 Oct 2014 Riverside Cemetery, North Reading, Middlesex, MA
Naturalization: : 25 Nov 1957
1957 Newton (MA) City Directory: "DiVecchio Joseph (The Snak House Delicatessen) r41 Brooksdale rd (Br)" and "DiVecchia Giustino lab Farina Bros r22 Sheafe (B)".
U.S. Naturalization Records Indexes, 1794-1995
Name: Giustino Divecchia
Age: 30
Birth Date: 5 Oct 1927
Issue Date: 25 Nov 1957
State: Massachusetts
Locality, Court: District of Masssachusetts, District Court
1960 Boston (MA) City Directory: 'DiVecchia Justo (Antonette) lab h22 Sheafe".
1963 Boston (MA) City Directory: "DiVecchia Giustino (Antonia) lab Turner Constn h22 Sheafe apt 4".
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Giustino Divecchia
Birth Date: 5 Oct 1927
Address: 2 Mountain View Way, Burlington, MA, 01803-4715 (1993)
Alien Registration No. 8362830
1998 05 05 obituary of brother, Antonio, The Boston Globe, Giustino was mentioned as living in Burlington, MA.
Published by THE BOSTON GLOBE October 5, 2014
Giustino DIVECCHIA of North Reading.
Beloved husband of Antonia (Rosatone). Father of: John DiVecchia and his wife Patricia of North Reading, Gino and his wife Barbara of Wilmington and Linda Turrell of Plymouth. Grandfather of Kristen, Amanda, Matthew and Shawn. Brother of Maria Beber of Italy and the late Anthony and Gina. Funeral Mass in St. Theresa's Church, 63 Winter St. (Rte. 62), North Reading
Interment Riverside Cemetery, North Reading.
Change: 20 Jun 2023
Antonia "Antonette" Rosatone (I13906) [Female] b. 8 Nov 1932 - d. 20 Nov 2019 Riverside Cemetery, North Reading, Middlesex, MA
1960 Boston (MA) City Directory: 'DiVecchia Justo (Antonette) lab h22 Sheafe".
1963 Boston (MA) City Directory: "DiVecchia Giustino (Antonia) lab Turner Constn h22 Sheafe apt 4".
Antonia (Rosatone) DiVecchia Of North Reading, passed away, November 20, 2019. Beloved wife of the late Giustino DiVecchia. Mother of John DiVecchia of North Reading, Gino of Wilmington and their spouses and Linda Turrell of Pllymouth. Grandmother of 4 grandchildren. Sister of Eleana Pasquale of North Reading, Ettore Rosatone of Peabody and Fredinado Rosatone of Somerville. Antonia is also survived by many loving nieces and nephews.
ARRANGEMENTS: Cota Funeral Home, N. Reading.
INTERMENT: Riverside Cemetery, North Reading.
Published in The Boston Globe on Nov. 22, 2019
U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847-Current
Name Antonia Divecchia
Maiden Name Rosatone
Gender Female
Residence Place North Reading
Death Date 20 Nov 2019
Burial Date 25 Nov
Burial Place North Reading
Obituary Date 21 Nov 2019
Spouse Giustino Divecchia
Child John Divecchia
Linda Turrell
Change: 19 Jun 2023
Stephanie A. (I13907) [Female] b. 12 Sep 1914 - d. May 1978 Needham, Norfolk, MA
1960 Boston (MA) City Directory: "DiVecchio Jos A (Stephanie A) barber h41 Brooksdale rd (Br)"
Social Security Death Index
Name: Stephanie Divecchio
SSN: 029-03-4114
Last Residence: 02192 Needham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States of America
Born: 12 Sep 1914
Last Benefit: 02192 Needham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States of America
Died: May 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Massachusetts (Before 1951)
Change: 12 Nov 2012
Guido diCroce (I13908) [Male]
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "As young men, my father ( Emilio Di Croce) and two of his brothers, Guido and Iggino worked making bricks at the only industry in San Pietro: La Fornace owned by the Santilli family. If I am not mistaken, my maternal uncles also worked there as young men."
email from niece, Elisa diCroce More', Dec 2012: "Fulvio Di Croce, another cousin, is the son of Guido and Pierina Di Croce."
Change: 7 Dec 2012
Ester D. (I13909) [Female] b. 22 Jul 1918
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Esther D Cetra
Birth Date: 22 Jul 1918
[22 Jul 1919]
Phone Number: 681-3364
Address: 351 Gross St Flr 1, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-2234 (1994)
[421 Cedarville St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224-2001 (1982)]
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Michele Vincenzo Colaizzi (I13910) [Male] b. 8 Oct 1888 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 1888 nati #69, lists mother as Elisabetta Ricci and her father as Luigi..
email from grandniece, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "As to the other two brothers, Michele and Giovanni I have no information other than they both immigrated to America."
Change: 5 Dec 2012
Amico Michael diCroce (I13911) [Male] b. 1947
Immigration: : 11 Mar 1963
1970 Jun 9 engagement announcment.
email from sister, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "My entire family traveled to New York from Napoli on the "Cristoforo Colombo" March 3 to the 11, 1963."
Change: 20 Nov 2012
Sheila Kaen McKeag (I13912) [Female]
1970 engagement announcment.
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Consolata diCroce (I13913) [Female] b. ABT 1845
Possible 3 Mar 1845 transcribed birth record #10. f: Benedetto, m: Clorinda diGiacomo.
Possible 1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 393. via Sotto la Chiesa. f: Benedetto, m: Clorinda diGiacomo.
Film 1448675 1880 nati #19 of son Francesco Amico. 33y, "union with a single man".
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Domenico diCroce (I13914) [Male] b. 1847
1869 SPA Status Animarum, rif 393.
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Mariantonia diCroce (I13915) [Female] b. 1851
1869 SPA Status Animarum, rif 393.
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Giuseppe diCroce (I13916) [Male] b. 1854
1869 SPA Status Animarum, rif 393.
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Clorinda diGiacomo (I13917) [Female] b. 1821
1840 SPA transcribed marriage record #3, to Amico Romualdo diCianno.
1844 SPA transcribed marriage record #2.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, rif 393. Transcription says 1841 but I think is 1821.
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Angiola diCianno (I13918) [Female] d. 29 Aug 1837 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1837 SPA transcribed death record #46. 29 Aug, m: Fortunata Colajanni.
Change: 16 Nov 2012
Giovanna Maria "Joanne" Buccigrossi (I13919) [Female] b. ABT 1936 OH
Guestbook posting by herself, Giovanna Maria Buccigrossi Browning, Nov 2012: "I am Joanne Marie Buccigrossi and live in the Pittsburgh, PA area. My mother was Louisa di Sanza, b. San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Molise, IT on 6 Feb 1898, d. 22 Aug 1937, Akron, Ohio. Her Father was Matteo di Sanza, b 28 Oct 1839 in Ateleta, Sulmona, Abruzzo, IT close to San Pietro Avellana. His father was Sabatino di Sanza b. 24 Mar 1810 Castel Del Giudice, Isernia, IT, d 29 Oct 1804 Ateleta Wife Angela d" Ascenzo b. 4 Jul 1804 in Castel Del Giudice. His Father was Giuseppe di Sanza b. 1789 1829 in San Pietro Avellana, wife Catarina Ricci, b. in 1779 San Pietro Avellana, d. 16 Aug 1829 in Ateleta. His Father was Vincenzo di Sanza b. about 1751 in San Pietro Avellana, d. 27 Aug 1817 Ateleta, wife Carmilla Tristano, b. about 1761 in San Pietro Avellana, d. before 1817, his Father was Francesco di Sanza, b. about 1729 in San Pietro Avellana, wife Maria Florio b. about 1739 in San Pietro Avellana, d. before 1817. My data is from birth, marriage, death certificates and Tax Records provided from our Genealogist, who was from L´Aquila. After the earthquake she moved to southern IT. We have 5 children and 12 Grandchildren and are interested in sharing information and data with blood relatives."
1940 census, Norton Twp, Summit, OH, 4y.
Change: 17 Nov 2012
Louisa diSanza (I13920) [Female] b. 6 Feb 1898 Ateleta, L'Aquila, Italy - d. 22 Aug 1937 Akron, Summit, OH
Immigration: : 2 Jun 1921
Guestbook posting by daughter, Giovanna Maria Buccigrossi Browning, Nov 2012: "My mother was Louisa di Sanza, b. San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Molise, IT on 6 Feb 1898, d. 22 Aug 1937, Akron, Ohio."
1921 2 Jun Boston arrival, 19y, with two children, going to husband, Emiddio Buccigrossi in Pittsburgh, PA. Born - Ateleta.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 30y, with husband, Ross Buccigrossi, and 6 children. First married at 16y. Imm 1921.
Change: 14 Oct 2017
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