Genealogy Data Page 194 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Anna Giuseppa Pallone (I15441) [Female] b. 23 Dec 1846 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
1846 SEaM digital birth record #51, f: Carlantonio, m: Angela Stella Mancini.
1885 SEaM digital birth record #11 of daughter, Maria Loreta Zaccagnini.
1892 SEaM digital marriage record #15, 45y.
email from great-grandson, Gary Zaccagnini, May 2017.
Change: 13 May 2017
Fioredomenico diVecchia (I15442) [Male] b. 20 May 1885 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1885 SEaM digital birth record #34, parents not listed but notation that his parents were married on 28 Apr 1892. Notation: married Anna Pace Zaccagnini on 28 Nov 1906.
1888 SEaM digital marriage record #10 of parents, born 20 May 1885.
1906 SEaM digital marriage record #18, 21y.
Change: 8 Sep 2014
Francesco "Frank" Zaccagnini (I15443) [Male] b. 11 Jan 1873 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 1 Feb 1916 Kansas City, Jackson, MO
Immigration: : 1890
1873 SEaM digital birth index #3.
1898 SEaM digital marriage record #4. 25y.
1892 SEaM digital marriage record #15 of parents.
1910 census, Gennison, CO, 37y, married 11 years. Imm 1890 Pa. Railroad laborer. 13 Jan 1873 Italy to 1 Feb 1916 Kansas City, Jackson, MO. "Son of Angelo Zaccagnino & Anna Palena".
email from grandson, Gary Zaccagnini, May 2017.
Posting on by Catherine L. Best, 12 Sep 2000: "My grandfather, Frank Zaccagnini, was born in 1915, and died in 1998. I never got to meet him or any of my real family. I have a picture of him though. If there are any of my relatives out there, I'd really like to know my family history."
Posting on by Deborah Davidson, 15 Oct 2000: "I just read your post about your grandfather Frank Zaccagnini, and I think he was my grandmother's brother! The patriarch of the family, also Frank Zaccagnini (born 13 Jan 1873 in Italy, died 1 Feb 1916 in Kansas City, MO) and Anna Josephine DuVicchio Zaccagnini (born 19 Mar 1881 in Italy, died 16 Oct 1958 in Chicago, Illinois) had seven children. He was a coal miner (died of black lung at 43) and they moved all over the country. The oldest son, Anthony was born in Italy. James S. Vincent Zaccagnini was born in New Mexico, Julia M. Zaccagnini Hemmingway (she married a relative of Ernest) was born in Illinois. Michael Zaccagnini and my grandmother, Mary Ann Zaccagnini Prombo were born in Colorado. Frank Zaccagnini was born in 1915 in Kansas City, Missouri, as was Ann J. Zaccagnini Turk. When the father died, most of the children were sent to live in other homes and orphanages because Anna could not care for them by herself. My grandmother settled in Morris, Illinois, and lives in Aurora, Illinois and just turned 87 in August. I think she is the last surving child. "
Posting on by Kayla Zaccagnini, 26 Dec 2000: "My name is Kayla and I think that my husband might be a relative. His name is Brent and we have two daughters, Jessica (18) and Alyssa (17) we live in Ottawa IL, his dad's name is James Vincent Zaccagnini Jr. James' father's name was James Vincent also and he passed away in 1993. He lived in Marseilles IL. And I believe that he was born in New Mexico. James Senior had 5 kids, Vivian who died I believe in 1980, Ernie who died in the early 1990's, Jim who is 63 and lives in Naplate IL, Jerry who lives in Marseilles who is about 58, and Julie who is 50 lives in Ottawa. Then there is Herbie who lives in Kansas MO who is Jim's (63) cousin. I am going to pass this along to Julie and James and maybe they can give you some more information."
Posting on by Shelley Zaccagnini-Wheatland, 26 Dec 2000 10:12AM: “Hi - I'm one of James Vincent's grandkids. My dad, James Jr., received an x-mas card from Mary Ann Prombo - she keeps in touch with him around the holidays. My dad went down to Frank's funeral in 1998. Also, we had a reunion at our house in 1992 or 1993 (I'll check with my dad on that) and Frank's two boys - Gary and Jimmy - also attended as did Frank. We still keep in touch with Michael's son Herb who lives near Kansas City, Mo. We live in Ottawa, IL which is where Grandpa Zac (James Jr.) settled (Marseilles, IL) near Joliet and Chicago. Mary Ann Prombo lives about 45 minutes from us. I will find out more info from my dad over the next few days and respond. Please respond to me regarding this if you would like. My email is Hope everyone had a nice holiday!!! Thanks - Shelley”
Posting on by haljul, 26 Dec 2000 01:21PM: “ I have pictures of your dad when he attended Uncle Frank's funeral-he is spitting image of him. My dad and your granpa-brothers.My address is 619 Magnolia Lane, Ottawa, IL 61350. Love to hear from you. Herb Z and I keep in touch often.Uncle Frank and family had quite a life. Love Julie. I am named after Aunt Julie, one of your grandpa's sisters.Telephone (815)433-4814)”
Posting on by haljul, 26 Dec 2000 01:27PM: “I am Julie "Zaccagnini" Garner named after my Aunt Julie and yes I keep in touch with Aunt MaryAnn-my dad is James V, Sr.That C. Best is Uncle Frank's -recently found son and family before his death. Yes Aunt MaryAnn is the only surviving sibling.Everything you have said, I have heard quite a few times. Love Julie Ann (also named after Aunt Annie Turk. My email is"
Posting on by, Cathy Best, Posted: 20 Jan 2001 12:42AM: “Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I moved to Pennsylvania. It's finally nice to know who you're real family is. I never got to meet Frank(my grandpa) I talked to him twice after my father found him. Then he passed away. I often wondered if I had any relatives that look like me. I often wondered where I got this big nose from. I'm going to post my phone number so you can call me. 610-478-9360. Hope to talk to you soon. Cathy. Here's my e-mail address:”
Posting on by, Cinnzenno_1 , 13 Jun 2004 09:17AM: “Been away a while. Haven't been in touch with any of you. I'm Franks grandaughter. I live in Missouri now. e-mail me or rite me. Want to meet family before we all keel over. lol. Cathy : 111 Rueben, Sikeston, MO 63801. Hope everyones doing well.”
Change: 18 May 2017
Babish (I15444) [Female]
email from brothers, Philip & Paul Babish, May 2017: "Our sister married Joseph Baghetti son of Anna and Frank. Anna was from West Aliquippa and her maiden name was DiPietrantonio."
Change: 13 May 2017
Pamela Marie Kennedy (I15445) [Female] b. 16 Jul 1981 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH - d. 3 Feb 2010 Struthers, Mahoning, OH
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Pamela Marie Kennedy
Last Residence: 44471 Struthers, Mahoning, Ohio
BORN: 16 Jul 1981
Died: 3 Feb 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1983)
Pamela Marie Kennedy
STRUTHERS – Services will be held Monday at 10:30 a.m. at the Clemente Funeral Home and at 11 a.m. at St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, both in Struthers for Pamela Marie Kennedy, 28, who died suddenly Wednesday.
Pamela was born July 16, 1981, in Youngstown, a daughter of Robert Kennedy and Virginia Simchak.
She graduated from Struthers High School in 1999 with honors and was featured in Who’s Who in America. She received an Associates Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Youngstown State University and was currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree. She was employed as a computer design engineer and worked at Youngstown State University
Pam loved to dance and would swing dance on Thursdays’ at Cedar's in downtown Youngstown. She was a “closet” bowler and loved wine tasting, family gatherings, roller skating and playing poker. She loved cooking, especially Indian and Chinese cuisine. She had a great sense of humor, enjoyed concerts, singing karaoke, math and reading books. She had a passion for Twilight, Buffy and Angel.
Pam leaves her two daughters, Ciara Ann Davis, 9 and Addison Elizabeth Kennedy, 2, both of Struthers. She was a great mother and enjoyed spending time with her girls at the park, and going to festivals and other activities.
Pam is survived by her two children; her mother, Virginia Simchak Sharpe and Ralph Genova; and her father, Boyd “Robert” Kennedy and Maria Lebron; a brother, Rocky Kennedy of Austintown; a sister, Jennifer Sharpe of Youngstown; a grandmother, Virginia Lawrence of New Middletown; two nieces, Layla Elizabeth and Alyssa Turjonis; two nephews, Rocky Jr. and Ashton Kennedy; two aunts, Natasha Keller of San Diego and Carol Ann Coler of Poland; and two uncles, John Simchak of Sebring and Thomas Simchak of New Middletown. Pam also leaves many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and many loving friends and family and will be deeply missed by all.
Pam was preceded in death by her grandparents, Boyd and Florence Kennedy; a stepgrandfather, Kenneth Lawrence; stepcousin, Brian Collinsworth; and a cousin, Nancy Conley.
Monetary contributions can be made to the family to assist in the care of her two daughters.
Friends may call at the Clemente Funeral Home in Struthers on Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m.
Change: 4 Sep 2014
Virginia Simchak (I15446) [Female]
2010 obituary of daughter, Pamela Marie.
Change: 4 Sep 2014
Ciara Ann Davis (I15447) [Female] b. ABT 2001
2010 obituary of mother, Pamela Marie.
Change: 4 Sep 2014
Addison Elizabeth Kennedy (I15448) [Female] b. ABT 2008
2010 obituary of mother, Pamela Marie.
Change: 4 Sep 2014
Rocky Kennedy (I15449) [Male]
2010 obituary of sister, Pamela Marie.
Change: 4 Sep 2014
Emilia diGiovine (I15450) [Female] b. ABT 1900 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Immigration: : 9 Oct 1920
1920 9 Oct EI arrival, 20y, going to brother at 353 141 St, Cleveland, OH. Traveled with sister, Lucia, 21y. Father, Felice, in SEaM. Traveled with Maria Loreta Zaccagnini diVecchia and son, Carmine "Carlo". Emilia's mother was the brother of Giocondino diVecchia who married Maria Loreta Zaccagnini.
Change: 5 Sep 2014
Anna Pace Zaccagnini (I15451) [Female] b. ABT 1882
1906 SEaM digital marriage record #18, 24y. Mother listed as "madre ignata".
Change: 8 Sep 2014
Filippo Zaccagnini (I15452) [Male]
1906 SEaM digital marriage record #18 of daughter, Anna Pace.
Change: 8 Sep 2014
Maria Alfonsa diNardo (I15453) [Female] b. 19 Oct 1852 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 1852 Nati #9s.
1904 SEaM digital marriage record #4 of daughter, Clementina. fu.
Change: 21 Sep 2024
Giuseppe Palmieri (I15454) [Male] b. ABT 1833
1857 SEaM digital marriage record #10, 25y.
1863 SEaM digital birth record #12 of daughter Anna Concetta, 30y.
Change: 13 May 2017
Giuseppe "Joe" diVecchia (I15455) [Male] b. 18 Dec 1875 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1884 SEaM digital marriage record #4 of parents.
1905 SEaM digital marriage record #14, 30y.
WWI Draft Reg, 42y, 17 Dec 1875, naturalized, Primero, Las Animas, CO. Mrs Cathina DiVecchia in SEaM, Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Italy. Registered the same day as the person who is probably his brother named John.
Change: 1 Jan 2018
Maria Agnese Zianni (I15456) [Female] b. ABT 1850 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1884 SEaM digital marriage record #3, 34y. Lists 3 chilren.
1894 SEaM digital birth record #22 of daughter, Arcangela.
1906 SEaM digital marriage record #16 of son Giovanni.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angela Dea diPietrantonio (I15457) [Female]
Film 1353701 1862 Matri.
Change: 9 Sep 2014
Pasquale diPietrantonio (I15458) [Male] b. 18 May 1840 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1177441 1840 Nati #76
Change: 9 Sep 2014
Francesca diGiovine (I15459) [Female]
Film 1353701 1862 Matri of daughter, Angela Dea.
Change: 9 Sep 2014
Albino Bruno (I15460) [Male] b. ABT 1901 Italy
Immigration: : 1922
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 29y, born Italy. First married at 26y. Imm 1922.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 39y, laborer at Republic Steel. Living with wife's parents. Listed as Albert.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Bruno (I15461) [Female] b. ABT 1929 OH
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 3m.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 12y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Julia diVecchia (I15462) [Female] b. 30 Jan 1910 PA - d. 31 Dec 1978 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH
1920 census, Youngstown, OH, 10y, born PA.
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 20y, born Italy. First married at 17y. Living with parents.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 30y, Married to Albert Bruno, 4 children. Living with parents.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Julia Bruno
SSN: 274-26-8999
Last Residence: 44502 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA
BORN: 30 Jan 1910
Died: Dec 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Name: Julia Bruno
Birth Date: 1910
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence Place: Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, United States
Death Date: 31 Dec 1978
Hospital of Death: Youngstown Osteopathic Hosp
Death Place: Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA
Certificate: 096021
Age at Death: 68
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: Widowed
Census Tract: 8010
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Maddalena diVecchia (I15463) [Female] b. 29 May 1840 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
1840 VSE digital birth record #87, f: Angelo Nicola, m:Angela Donata Zaccagnini.
Change: 6 Aug 2019
Robert Bruno (I15464) [Male] b. ABT 1928 OH
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 1y 1m.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 11y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pauline Bruno (I15465) [Female] b. ABT 1932 OH
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 8y .
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lucy Bruno (I15466) [Female] b. ABT 1938 OH
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 2y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ippolito d'Antonio (I15467) [Male] d. 12 Mar 1845 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 1845 morti #11.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Beniamino d'Antonio (I15468) [Male]
Film 1353699 1845 morti #11 of son, Ippolito.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Pasqua Gargaro (I15469) [Female]
Film 1353699 1845 morti #11 of son, Ippolito.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Teresa Luigia diNardo (I15470) [Female] b. ABT 1774 - d. 25 Jan 1849 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 1849 morti #13, 75y. Spouse listed as "Donatantonio C____"
1810 Carmanico digital marriage record #7. 37y. 5 Feb 1810. f: Fiordomenico, m: Angela Persico. Hard to read husband's name "Felice Antonio Consuelo" ? Husband was 22y, f: Cresenzio, m: Ermengilda Tobia (fu).
Change: 2 Aug 2017
Maria Maddalena Persico (I15471) [Female]
1810 Carmanico digital marriage record #7 of daughter, Teresa Luigia. Listed as Angela Persico.
Film 1353699 1849 morti #13 of daughter, Teresa Luigia.
Change: 2 Aug 2017
Angela Rosa Mancini (I15472) [Female] b. 9 Apr 1817 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
Film 1177420 1817 morti #73.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Amadio Mancini (I15473) [Male]
Film 1177420 1817 morti #73 of daughter, Angela Rosa.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Angela Antonia Gargaro (I15474) [Female]
Film 1177420 1817 morti #73 of daughter, Angela Rosa.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Pietrantonio Crivelli (I15475) [Male] b. ABT 1815
Film 1177437 1835 matri #11, 20y.
Change: 13 Sep 2014
Rosa Gargaro (I15476) [Female]
Film 1177437 1835 matri #11 of son Pietrantonio.
Change: 13 Sep 2014
Domenica Palma diGiovine (I15477) [Female] b. ABT 1820
Film 1177437 1835 matri #11, 25y.
Change: 13 Sep 2014
Ignazio Michele Mancini (I15478) [Male] b. 8 May 1874 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 1958 Raton, Colfax, NM
Immigration: : 1894
1874 SEaM digital birth record #24. Ignazio Michele. Notation that parents married 3 Aug 1888 and he was their son.
1894 US arrival per 1910 census.
Possible: Name:Ignazio Mancini
Birth Date: 8 May 1874
Birth Place: Italy
Age at Event: 23
Court District: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont <-- We know Ignazio lived in Boston.
Date of Action: 15 Dec 1897
1901 (?) Ignazio returned to SEaM to get married. He was a US citizen.
1901 SEaM digital marriage record #2. 26y.
1902 Boston arrival, 27y, Married, US Citizen, Going to Boston. Previously in the US from 1897 to 1901. Probably after getting married. Filomena lost one child per the 1910 census. probably concieved and maybe born right after they got married. Child might have been born after Ignazio came back to the US.
19x Ignazio returned to SEaM to father a second child.
1906 second child Carrie (Carmina) born in SEaM - a US citizen.
1907 EI arrival, 33y, going to Carmine Nuccitelli, Trinidad, CO, previously in the US from 1898 to 1906. Probably after fathering Carrie (Carmina).
1909 wife Filomena and daughter, Carmina arrived in the US. Both were US citizens.
1910 census, Precinct 3, Las Animas, CO. 35y, Wife and two children. Boarders include Filippo diPietrantonio, Carlo Pantalone, Carmine diGiovine, Alfonso diPietrantonio, Agosto diNardo, Luigi diPietrantonio, and Antonio diPietrantonio.
1920 census, Precinct 24, Tabasco Coal Camp, Las Animas, CO.
1930 census, Van Houten, Colfax, NM.
1940 census, Van Houten, Colfax, NM., 65y.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s
Name: Ignazio Mancini
Birth Date: 1874
Death Date: 1958
Cemetery: Fairmont Cemetery
Burial Place: Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Plot: 1-02-46
Change: 4 Oct 2014
Michele Crivelli (I15479) [Male]
Film 1177437 1835 matri #11 of grandson Pietrantonio
Change: 13 Sep 2014
Filomena diMonte (I15480) [Female] b. 30 Jan 1882 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 1958 Raton, Colfax, NM
Immigration: : 1909
1882 SEaM digital birth record #5.
1901 SEaM digital marriage record #2. 19y.
1910 census, Precinct 3, Las Animas, CO. 27y, 3 children - 2 living.
1920 census, Precinct 24, Las Animas, CO.
1940 census, Van Houten, Colfax, NM., 58y. 1882-1963 Plot: 1-02-47
Change: 4 Oct 2014
Carrie Mancini (I15481) [Female] b. 29 Jun 1906 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 20 May 1997 Colorado Springs, CO
Immigration: : 1909
1910 census, Precinct 3, Las Animas, CO. 4y,
1920 census, Precinct 24, Las Animas, CO, 13y.
Publication: Springer News-Bulletin i
Location:Springer, New Mexico
Issue Date:Friday, June 6, 1997
Page:Page 3
Carrie M. Thomson, age 91, passed away May 20, 1997 in the Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, CO. She was born on June 29, 1906 in Italy to the late Ignazio and Filomena Mancini. She is survived by one son, Frank and his wife Marvel Thomson of Colorado, Springs, CO; one daughter, Eleanor and her husband Larry McCarty of Haxtun, CO; one brother, John Mancini, DDS of Sturgis, Michigan; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one brother, Ralph Mancini and one sister, Rose Berg. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Raton and a member of the Queen Esther Chapter Order of the Eastern Star for fifty years. She was also a member of the Delta Kappa Gamma teachers sorority. Carrie taught school in Van Houten, NM, Brilliant, NM and the Longfellow School in Raton. Contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society, 1445 North Union Blvd. B-100, Colorado Springs, CO 80909. Funeral services were held May 24, 1997 at the Errington Memorial Chapel in Raton. The Reverend Paul Duerkson officiated. The interment followed in the Fairmont Cemetery. The arrangements for Carrie M. Thomson was under the direction of the Errington Memorial Chapel **
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Ralph Mancini (I15482) [Male] b. 18 Apr 1910 CO - d. 24 Apr 1974 Rome, Italy
1910 census, Precinct 3, Las Animas, CO. 1m. Unnamed.
1920 census, Precinct 24, Las Animas, CO, 9y, listed as Ralph.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Ralph Mancini
Birth Year: 1910
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Colorado
State of Residence: New Mexico
County or City: Colfax
Enlistment Date: 10 Jun 1942
Enlistment State: New Mexico
Enlistment City: Santa Fe
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 3 years of college
Civil Occupation:Clerks, general office
Marital Status: Single, with dependents
Height: 66
Weight: 147
1951 NY arrival, going to Raton, NM.
1956 NY arrival with wife Ada and son John A. Ralph and John are on US passports, Ada is on an Italian passport.
Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974
Name: Ralph Mancini
Date of Birth: abt 1910
Date of Death: 24 Apr 1974
Place of Death: Italy
Age at Death: 64
1997 obituary of sister, Carrie.
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Rosa Mancini (I15483) [Female] b. 11 Mar 1917 CO
1920 census, Precinct 24, Las Animas, CO, 2y 9m.
1940 census, Denver, Denver, CO, 23y.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2
Name: Rose Berg
Birth Date: 11 Mar 1917
Address: 2229 S Cook St, Denver, CO, 80210-4915
1997 obituary of sister, Carrie.
Change: 15 Sep 2014
John Mancini (I15484) [Male] b. 6 Mar 1921 CO - d. 11 May 2006 Sturgis, Saint Joseph, MI
1930 census, Van Houten, Colfax, NM., 9y.
1940 census, Van Houten, Colfax, NM., 18y.
1940-41 High School yearbooks from Portales, NM on, born abt 1920.
1997 obituary of sister, Carrie.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: John Mancini
Last Residence: 49091 Sturgis, Saint Joseph, Michigan
BORN: 6 Mar 1921
Died: 11 May 2006
State (Year) SSN issued: New Mexico (Before 1951
United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: John Del Mancini
Age at Death: 85
Death Date: 11 May 2006
Obituary Date: 13 May 2006
Newspaper Title: Palladium-Item
Newspaper Location: Richmond, IN, US
Birth Date: 6 Mar 1921
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Sturgis, MI, Morley, CO, Hagerstown, IN
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Mary M., Filamena Mancini Dimonte
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Ada (I15485) [Female]
1956 NY arrival of Ralph Mancini with wife Ada and son John A. Ralph and John are on US passports, Ada is on an Italian passport.
Change: 15 Sep 2014
John A. Mancini (I15486) [Male]
1956 NY arrival of Ralph Mancini with wife Ada and son John A. Ralph and John are on US passports, Ada is on an Italian passport.
Change: 15 Sep 2014
John Berg (I15487) [Male] b. ABT 1901 OK
1940 census, Denver, Denver, CO, 39y. Born, OK, 1935 in Portales, NM.
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Thompson (I15488) [Male]
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Mary M. (I15489) [Female] b. 25 Jul 1920 - d. 24 Nov 1996 Sturgis, Saint Joseph, MI
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Mary M. Mancini
SSN: 313-12-0223
Last Residence: 49091 Sturgis, Saint Joseph, Michigan, USA
BORN: 25 Jul 1920
Died: 24 Nov 1996
State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951)
Change: 15 Sep 2014
Filomena Mancini (I15490) [Female]
1899 SEaM digital marriage record, #4, 20y.
Change: 18 Sep 2014
Luigi Mancini (I15491) [Male]
1899 SEaM digital marriage record, #4, of daughter, Filomena.
Change: 18 Sep 2014
Maria Felicia Cerrone (I15492) [Female]
1899 SEaM digital marriage record, #4, of daughter, Filomena.
Change: 18 Sep 2014
Sopio diGiovine (I15493) [Male] b. 1 May 1855 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 1855 Nati #13.
1881 SEaM digital marriage record #1, 25y.
1886 SEaM digital marriage record #20. 31y.
1909 8 Jul EI arrival, 53y, wife in SEaM - Nunziata Palmieri. Going to son-in-law, Nicola Piccirilli, & daughter at 810 Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. Previously in the US in PA - can't read how long.
Change: 14 Oct 2014
Nunziata Palmieri (I15494) [Female]
1886 SEaM digital marriage record #20.
Change: 18 Sep 2014
Angelina M Felix (I15495) [Female] b. 17 Oct 1933 Brighton, NY - d. 29 Jan 2007 Erie, PA
Angela M. DiVecchio
Angela M. DiVecchio Mother of County Executive
Angela M. Felix DiVecchio, 73, of Las Vegas, Nev., formerly of Erie, Pa., passed away peacefully January 29, 2007, at her daughter’s home in Erie. Born in Brighton, N.Y. on October 17, 1933, daughter of the late Victor and Adelina Forbini Felix. Before moving to Las Vegas in 1984, she was the co-owner of DiVecchio’s Pizza with her husband Robert. She had been employed at Bally’s Health Spa in Las Vegas for the last 23 years. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Robert J. DiVecchio, a son, Andrew J. DiVecchio and grandson Anthony DiVecchio. Survivors include a daughter, Anita DiVecchio-Bissonnette, two sons, Robert A. DiVecchio, of Las Vegas, Mark A. DiVecchio and his wife Susan of Erie, brother Emedio “Joe” Felix of Las Vegas, grandchildren, Maria, Ann, Robert and Rebecca. A memorial service is scheduled at St. Paul’s Church, 16th & Walnut St., on Tuesday, January 30, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Metropolitan Erie, 202 E. 10th St., Erie, PA 16503, or to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
Change: 19 Sep 2014
Robert Julius DiVecchio (I15496) [Male] b. 18 Nov 1928 PA - d. 4 Jan 1991 Las Vegas, Clark, NV
1930 census, Erie, Erie, PA. 1y 6m, with parents, born PA. Father, Julius 34y, born in Italy (imm 1912). Mother, Anita, born in PA.
2007 obituary of wife, Angelina.
Note: DiVecchio in Erie are from San Ginese, Lucca, Italy. This family was "diVecchio" in Italy, unlike my family which was "diVecchia" in Italy and had the "a" changed to the "o" in the US.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2
Name: Robert Divecchio
Birth Date: 18 Nov 1928
Address: 364 W 8th St, Erie, PA, 16502
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Robert J. Divecchio
SSN: 190-20-4537
BORN: 18 Nov 1928
Died: 4 Jan 1991
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951)
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Julius Divecchio
Gender: Male
Spouse: Anita H Angelotti
Child: Robert Julius Divecchio
Nevada, Death Index, 1980-2012
Name: Robert J Divecchio
Birth Date: 18 Nov 1928
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Death Date: 4 Jan 1991
Death Place: Clark, Nevada, USA
Change: 29 Oct 2021
Mark A. DiVecchio (I15497) [Male] b. 6 Jan 1959 Erie, Erie, PA - d. 6 Mar 2023 Erie, Erie, PA
2007 obituary of mother, Angelina.
Mark DiVecchio, who served as Erie County government's chief executive from 2006 through 2009 after a long career as an Erie County councilman, has died.
DiVecchio was 64.
Former Erie County Executive Mark DiVecchio died Monday at the age of 64.
DiVecchio died at his Erie home on Monday after a long battle with cancer, according to his obituary. DiVecchio had publicly acknowledged in the past that he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2019.
Erie County government acknowledged DiVecchio's death in a Facebook post on Monday.
“Mark was a true community minded guy with a strong dedication to public service. I’d like to thank him for his 12 years of devoted service to the County, he will be missed," Erie County Executive Brenton Davis said in a statement. "I wish his family comfort and solace during this difficult time.”
Obituary:Mark A. DiVecchio
DiVecchio, a lifelong Democrat, graduated from Strong Vincent High School 1977. He later attended Gannon University, earning a Bachelor's degree in political science.
DiVecchio represented Erie County Council's 4th District for eight years, serving on the seven-member panel from 1998 through 2005, the year he was elected county executive.
He won a razor-thin victory in the county executive's race, defeating Republican Dale McBrier by 121 votes out of 64,525 cast.
DiVecchio lost his re-election bid in 2009, losing in that year's primary race to his eventual successor, fellow Democrat Barry Grossman.
In a 2009 interview, DiVecchio counted his push toward establishing a community college in northwestern Pennsylvania and helping to secure county funding for multimillion-dollar runway upgrades at Erie International Airport among his administration's biggest achievements.
DiVecchio said he also helped bring stability and increased accountability to the county's Office of Children and Youth, which deals with about 2,000 abused and neglected children each year.
'A massive job':Advice from Dahlkemper, DiVecchio, Lynch for the next Erie County executive
He also said he left office with no regrets.
"Everywhere I go, people come up to me and say, 'You guys did a good job,"' DiVecchio said. "I feel like we accomplished a lot and made a difference. That's good enough for me."
Erie County Executive Mark DiVecchio looks over paperwork in his office in 2009.
After leaving office, DiVecchio worked for the Pennsylvania Department of the Auditor General and as a caterer. He occasionally wrote on Facebook about his battle with cancer.
"Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Also, thanks for the prayers for my me dealing with lung cancer," DiVecchio wrote in a Jan. 7, 2021, Facebook post. "I believe the prayers are working better than the chemo."
Erie Mayor Joe Schember said in a statement that "I was on City Council from 2006 to 2012. I got to know and develop a deep respect for Mark at that time. On behalf of the city, I offer my deepest sympathy andcondolences to Mark’s family.”
In another statement, Former Erie Mayor Joe Sinnott also expressed his condolences in a statement.
"It was a pleasure working with him," Sinnott said. "He always had the county’s best interest at heart, andhe accomplished some good things while in office.”
DiVecchio is survived by his wife of more than 30 years, former Erie City Treasurer Susan DiVecchio; two adult daughters; and four grandsons.
Friends will be received at St. James Roman Catholic Church, 2635 Buffalo Road, on Friday from 10 a.m. until the time of the funeral Mass there at 11:30 am. Burial will be private.
The Dusckas Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Inc. is handling arrangements. Condolences may be sent to
Memorial contributions may be made to the Autism Society of Northwestern PA, 3308 State St., Erie, PA 16508, and the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network, 425 W. 18th St., Erie, PA 16502.
Mark A. DiVecchio, age 64, of Erie, passed away at home on Monday, March 6, 2023, after a long battle with cancer. He was born in Erie on January 6, 1959, son of the late Robert and Angela Felix DiVecchio.
Mark was a graduate of Strong Vincent High School. He received his Bachelors in Political Science at Gannon University. Mark was owner of DiVecchio’s Restaurant. He served Erie County as Councilman for eight years and County Executive for four years. This was one of his most rewarding roles, as he truly loved helping the citizens of Erie County. Mark retired from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where he was an Auditor. He enjoyed golfing, cooking, reading, learning and talking current affairs which included politics. Mark was a member of the Gamma Rho chapter of Delta Sigma Phi, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of St. Patrick, the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, and was a member of Cursillo.
Along with his parents, Mark was preceded in death by his brother, Andrew DiVecchio; and nephew, Anthony DiVecchio. He is survived by his loving wife of 31 years, Susan Pacinelli DiVecchio of Erie; daughters, Maria Gartrell and Ann Camp (Greg); honorary daughter, Isabella Pacinelli; brother, Robert DiVecchio; sister, Anita DiVecchio Bissonnette; and several nieces and nephews. Mark’s greatest joy in life was being the proud “Papa” to his grandsons, Tyler, Grant, Gunnar and Gage.
Mark’s family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to family and friends for all their prayers, love and support, especially in the last year. They would also like to thank Interim HealthCare Hospice for their compassionate medical care, especially Dr. Leone and Kat.
Friends will be received at St. James R.C. Church, 2635 Buffalo Road, on Friday from 10 am until the time of the Funeral Mass at 11:30 am. A private interment will be held. Arrangements are being handled by the Dusckas Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Inc. Memorial contributions may be made to the Autism Society of Northwestern PA, 3308 State Street, Erie, PA 16508, and the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network Program, 425 West 18th Street, Erie, PA 16502.
Change: 28 May 2023
Jackie M. Kaufman (I15498) [Female]
1980 article in the Beaver County Times "Stonfer marriage solemnized".
Change: 3 Oct 2016
John W. Fithian (I15499) [Male]
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alonzo "Alzo" Angelo Morrell (I15500) [Male] b. 11 Oct 1914 UT - d. 15 Oct 1995 Tooele, Tooele, UT
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 15y
1940 census, Tooele, Tooele, UT, 25y, with wife, Edith.
1943 Utah Military Records.
1956 Ogden, Weber, UT, City Directory "Alonzo D r2718 Liberty" "Ruby (wid Hiette A) hsekpr h2718 Liberty".
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Alzo A Morrell
Birth Date: 11 Oct 1914
Address: 77 N 5th St, Tooele, UT, 84074-2308 (1995)
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Alzo A. Morrell
SSN: 529-01-2643
Last Residence: 84074 Tooele, Tooele, Utah, USA
BORN: 11 Oct 1914
Died: 15 Oct 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: Utah (Before 1951)
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Alzo Angelo Morrell
Birth Date: 11 Oct 1914
Death Date: 10 Oct 1995
Cemetery: Tooele City Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Tooele, Tooele County, Utah
Utah Cemetery Inventory
Name: Alzo Angelo Morrell
Birth Date: 11 Oct 1914
Birth Place: Tooele, UT
Death Date: 10 Oct 1995
Death Place: Salt Lake City, UT
Burial Date: 11 October 1995
Cemetery: Tooele City Cemetery
Source: Sexton Records / Grant
Grave Location: 14-17-3
Relatives: Spouse Busico, Edith
Mother Claranni, Morrell
Father Morrell, Phillip
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Change: 16 Apr 2023
Elvera Morrell (I15501) [Female] b. ABT 1916 UT - d. 5 Dec 1982 Tooele, Tooele, UT
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 14y
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, not shown with mother & siblings.
1982 obituary in the Tooele Bulletin, died 5 Dec 1982.
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Change: 16 Apr 2023
Stella Morrell (I15502) [Female] b. ABT 1919 UT - d. BEF 2011
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 11y.
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, not shown with mother & siblings.
1940 census, Sheboygan, Sheboygan, WI, 21y, residence in 1935, Tooele, Tooele, UT.
Possible: California, Marriage Index, 1960-1985
Name: Stella M Gruenke
Age: 54
Est. Birth: abt 1919
Spouse Name: Harry N Pinkston
Spouse Age: 56
Est. Spouse Birth: abt 1917
Date: 22 Nov 1973
Location: San Bernardino
2011 obituary of brother, Paul. Her surname was spelled "Grieenke".
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Rena Morrell (I15503) [Female] b. ABT 1922 UT - d. BEF 2011
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 8y.
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, not shown with mother & siblings.
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Paul Vincent Morrell (I15504) [Male] b. 15 Sep 1921 Tooele, Tooele, UT - d. 3 Dec 2011 Provo, Utah, UT
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 6y
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, 17y
Utah, Military Records, 1861-1970
Name: Paul Vincent Morrell
Birth Date: 15 Sep 1921
Birth Place: Tooele, Utah
Mother: Nettie Morrell
Age: 21
Military Service Year: 1942
1945 19 Feb - Paul Morrell, son of Mrs. Nettie Morrell, his brother, Alzo Morrell - The Transcript-Bulletin.
1946 Dec 10 - article in the Transcript-Bulletin - Paul Morrel of Sheaboygan, WI birth of daughter.
Published in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, December 6, 2011
Paul V. Morrell
Paul Vincent Morrell passed away peacefully on Dec. 3, 2011, at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. He was born on Sept. 15, 1923, in Tooele to Phillip Vincent and Antonette (Nettie) Morrell.
He married his sweetheart, Betty Jo Lindsay, on Jan. 26, 1946, in Sheboygan, Wis. They were blessed with seven children, Penny Morrell, Salem; Vickie Durrant, Spanish Fork; Marie (Gary) Wood, Salem; Lora (Raymond) Bohannon; David (Karen) Morrell; Richard (Lana) Morrell, Spanish Fork. He was also blessed with 29 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. He is survived by his sister Thelma "Cookie" (Tom) Epperly, and two brothers, John (JoAnn) Morrell and Phillip Morrell.
He was preceded in death by one son, Phillip Martin Morrell; brothers, Alzo Morrell and Patrick Morrell; sisters, Elvera Konstantenos, Stella Grieenke and Rena Pantolfi; and one grandson, Jack Durrant.
He proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1942 to 1945. Bake cakes, dagos and Rocky Road in Heaven, Dad!
Funeral services will be held Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011, at 11 a.m. at the Spanish Fork 9th Ward Chapel, 900 S. Del Monte Rd, Spanish Fork. Friends and family may call on Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Walker Funeral Home, 187 S. Main Street, Spanish Fork, and on Thursday at the church from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. prior to services. Internment will be at the Spanish Fork Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at
Obituary also published at :
Change: 24 Apr 2023
John Morrell (I15505) [Male] b. ABT 1927 UT
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 3y 11m.
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, 14y
1945 22 Jun article "Pvt John James of Los Vegas, Nevada, phoned his mother, Mrs. Nettie Morrell, Tuesday" The Transcript-Bulletin 22 Jun 1945.
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Change: 16 Apr 2023
Thelma "Cookie" Morrell (I15506) [Female] b. ABT 1928 UT - d. 7 Jun 2018 Tooele, Tooele, UT
1930 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT. 1y 7m.
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, 11y
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Our Mom, Cookie, passed away peacefully at Willow Springs on June 7th, 2018 at the age of 89. We know she was immediately met and embraced by our father, Tom who preceded her in death in 2013. She was also reunited with her siblings Alzo, Vera, Paul, Rena and Stella who have been waiting with Tom for her join them in God’s eternal kingdom. Cookie is survived by her three sons: Father Wayne Epperley (Detroit, MI), Tom (June) Tooele and Paul (Jen) Fort Worth, TX and her two brothers Phillip and John. Cookie was a lifelong resident of Tooele, born to Nettie and Phillip Morrell in 1928, and spent her early years playing with her brothers and sisters on Broadway and working at her parents’ general store and Coffee Johns. She married Tom in 1950 and spent many years in Europe with him while Tom served in the U.S. Army before returning to make their home in Tooele. She spent the rest of her life raising their children and many adopted children and family. Cookie was a devout Catholic and member of St. Marguerite’s church. She participated and hosted many events at the church over the years, most notably the ordination to the Priesthood of her son Wayne, a first for the parish. She will be remembered for her genuine kindness and compassion. In addition to keeping up with the friends that she and Tom made around the country and during the many winters they spent in Yuma she had many daily and weekly visitors later in life that would come to listen to her stories about the old days, get sage advice on life and just spend time in her presence. She will be greatly missed by all. The Funeral Mass will be held on Friday June 22nd, 2018 at St Marguerite’s Catholic church, 15 S 7th Street, Tooele, at 11am. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall after the service. Cookie will be buried with her beloved Tom in a private ceremony at Tooele City Cemetery
Change: 23 Apr 2023
Phillip Morrell (I15507) [Male] b. 1 Jul 1932 Tooele, Tooele, UT
Probable : 1932 07 08 - Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Morrel, a son July 1st, Tooele Transcript-Bulletin.
1940 census, possible, Tooele, Tooele, UT, 8y
2011 obituary of brother, Paul.
Change: 24 Apr 2023
Betty Jo Lindsay (I15508) [Female]
2011 obituary of husband, Paul.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Penny Morrell (I15509) [Female]
email from herself, Penny Morrell, Sep 2014: "My grandmother is Nettie Colaianni Morrell. I have been doing research on her family line. My sisters and I have just got back from a trip to Denver where we found news paper obituaries and found grave sites at the Mount Olivet Cemetery."
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Vikie Morrell (I15510) [Female]
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Vikie M Durrant
Birth Date: 15 Apr 1948
Phone Number: 798-6997
Address: 1386 E 410 S, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-2375 (1993)
[1082 N 560 E, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-1307 (1991)]
[POB 500, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660]
U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002
Name: Vikie Durrant
Address: 555 E 400 N
City: Spanish Fork
State: Utah
Zip Code: 84660-1601
Phone Number: 801-798-9735
Residence Years: 2002
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Marie Morrell (I15511) [Female]
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Lora Morrell (I15512) [Female]
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
David Morrell (I15513) [Male]
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: David P Morrell
Birth Date: 26 Nov 1957
Address: RR 3 POB 288, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660 (1985)
[8282 S State Rd, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-9399 (1993)]
[420 E 300 S, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-2148]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Richard Morrell (I15514) [Male]
2011 obituary of father, Paul.
Possible: Nevada, Marriage Index, 1956-2005
Name: Richard Dean Morrell
Gender: Male
Spouse: Lana J Searle
Marriage Date: 19 Jan 1997
Marriage County: Clark
Officiant Type: Religious celebrant
Recorded Date: 24 Jan 1997
Recorded County: Clark
Book: 124
Page: C808882
Instrument number: 76440
Possible: U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Richard D Morrell
Birth Date: 30 Dec 1959
Address: 1050 N 200 E Trlr 32, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-1260
[8282 S State Rd, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-9399 (1993)]
[687 Ea T 600, Payson, UT, 84651 (1990)]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Durrant (I15515) [Male]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Gary Wood (I15516) [Male]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Raymond Bohannon (I15517) [Male]
Possible: U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1
Name: Raymond Bohannon II
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1955
Address: 455 N 200 W, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660-1405 (1996)
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Karen (I15518) [Female]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Lana (I15519) [Female]
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Tom Epperly (I15520) [Male] d. 2013
2018 obituary of wife, Thelma Morrell Epperley.
Change: 23 Apr 2023
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