Genealogy Data Page 225 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Jim DeLisio (I17921) [Male]
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Robert J. "Bob" Becker (I17922) [Male]
Jan. 29, 1985 Robert J. Becker Jr. has been named to the newly created position of sales vice president at Megatek Corp., San Diego, a wholly owned subsidiary of United Telecommunications Inc. of Kansas City, Mo. Megatek designs and manufactures computer graphics systems, terminals and
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Nicolantonio Salvitti (I17923) [Male] b. 19 Feb 1887 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1887 SEaM digital birth record #12. f: Angelo Sante, m: woman who does not want to be named. Notation of marriage. Notation of parentage.
1940 census, Aliquippa, Beaver, PA, 53y.
2019 email from granddaughter, Nora Bires Becker.
Change: 26 Dec 2024
Domenica Giovanna Zaccagnini (I17924) [Female] b. 19 Jun 1889 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1887 SEaM digital birth record #12 of husband, Nicolantonio. Notation.
1889 SEaM digital birth record #39. Notation of marriage.
1940 census, Aliquippa, Beaver, PA, 51y.
2019 email from granddaughter, Nora Bires Becker.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Mary Salvitti (I17925) [Female] b. ABT 1921 Italy
1940 census, Aliquippa, Beaver, PA, 19y.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Camillo Salvitti (I17926) [Male] b. 25 Jul 1889 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1889 SEaM digital birth record #49.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Anna Carolina Gargano (I17927) [Female]
1889 SEaM digital birth record #49 of husband. Notation. Married in SEaM 27 Dec 1919.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Maria Gioconda Salvitti (I17928) [Female] b. 7 Jun 1892 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1892 SEaM digital birth record #28. f: Angelo Sante, m: Eufemia Zaccagnini.
2024 Dec email from GGD Melinda Santangelo.
Change: 12 Mar 2025
Maria Liberata Salvitti (I17929) [Female] b. 8 May 1894 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1894 SEaM digital birth record #28. f: Angelo Sante, m: Eufemia Zaccagnini.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Rosa Salvitti (I17930) [Female] b. 14 Dec 1899 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1899 SEaM digital birth record #54. f: Angelo Sante, m: Eufemia Zaccagnini. Notation: married Donato diPanio (?) 26 Mar 1927 in SEaM.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Camillo Salvitti (I17931) [Male] b. 14 Jul 1882 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1882 SEaM digital birth record #40. f: Angelo Santi, m: woman who does not want to be named.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Maria Arguizia Mantenuto (I17932) [Female]
1879 SEaM digital birth record #6 of husband, Giuseppe Salvitti.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Giuseppe Zaccagnini (I17933) [Male] b. 14 Jun 1813 Villa Ricciardi, Chieti, Italy
1813 VSE digital birth record #142. Lived in Villa Ricciardi. f: Raffaele 36y, m: Angela Celestina Mantenuto 26y.
1855 SEaM digital birth record #38 of daughter, Eufemia, 40y.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Maria Croscifissa Pallone (I17934) [Female] b. ABT 1819
1855 SEaM digital birth record #38 of daughter, Eufemia, 36y.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Francesco Paolo Zaccagnini (I17935) [Male] b. 4 May 1858 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1857 4 Jun SEaM digital birth record #14. listed as Francesco Paolo, f:Raffaele (must be wrong) 34y, m: Palma Mantenuto.
1889 SEaM digital birth record #39 of daughter, Domenica Giovanna, 31y.
1913 referenced in EI arrival of daughter, Margherita. Francesco was in SEaM.
Might be the same person as RIN #4524. But birth years of children is too far apart.
2019 email from great-granddaughter, Nora Bires Becker.
DNA match with great-grandson, Warren DePietress. Family tree of Warren DePietress.
Change: 8 Oct 2021
Anna Concetta Mantenuto (I17936) [Female] b. 4 May 1858 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1858 SEaM digital birth record #27. f: Pasqualantonio, m: Lucia diGiovine.
1889 SEaM digital birth record #39 of daughter, Domenica Giovanna.
2019 email from great-granddaughter, Nora Bires Becker.
DNA match with great-grandson, Warren DePietress. Family tree of Warren DePietress.
Change: 31 Jul 2019
Angelo Sante Salvitti (I17937) [Male] b. ABT 1780
1822 VSE digital birth record #136 of son, Domenico Panfilo, 42y.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Angela Domenica Finadamo (I17938) [Female] b. ABT 1794
1822 VSE digital birth record #136 of son, Domenico Panfilo, 28y.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Francesco Paolo Mantenuto (I17939) [Male]
1856 SE digital marriage record #3 of daughter, Palma.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Palma Mantenuto (I17940) [Female] b. ABT 1829
1856 SE digital marriage record #3.
1857 SEaM digital birth record #14 of son, Francesco Paolo, 28y.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Nick Bires (I17941) [Male]
Ancestry DNA match 4th-6th cousins.
2019 photo sent to me by sister, Nora Becker.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Matteo Crivelli (I17942) [Male]
1863 SEaM digital marraige record #4, 2nd book of grand-daughter, Maria Eufemia. f: Luca fu Matteo.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Albina Finadamo (I17943) [Female]
1856 SE digital marriage record #3 of daughter, Palma.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Domenica Rosa Zaccagnini (I17944) [Female] b. 29 Jan 1820 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
1820 VSE digital birth record #16. f: Raffaele, m: Angela Celestina Mantenuto.
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Degna Crivella (I17945) [Female] b. ABT 1701
1753 Catasto Onciario
Giustino Cellante pastore d'anni 62
Degna Crivella Moglie d'anni 52
Giovanni Rosa Figlia d'anni 27
Anna Pace Figlia d'anni 17
Anna Dorotea Figlia d'anni 13
Giacoma Crivella Cognata d'anni 45
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Giovanna Rosa Cellante (I17946) [Female] b. ABT 1726
1753 Catasto Onciario
Giustino Cellante pastore d'anni 62
Degna Crivella Moglie d'anni 52
Giovanni Rosa Figlia d'anni 27
Anna Pace Figlia d'anni 17
Anna Dorotea Figlia d'anni 13
Giacoma Crivella Cognata d'anni 45
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Anna Dorotea Cellante (I17947) [Female] b. ABT 1740
1753 Catasto Onciario
Giustino Cellante pastore d'anni 62
Degna Crivella Moglie d'anni 52
Giovanni Rosa Figlia d'anni 27
Anna Pace Figlia d'anni 17
Anna Dorotea Figlia d'anni 13
Giacoma Crivella Cognata d'anni 45
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Nicolo Gargaro (I17948) [Male] b. ABT 1730
Occupation: pastore: 1753
1753 Catasto Onciario
Nicola del quondam Francesco Gargaro pastore d'anni 33
Vittoria Zaccaro Moglie d'anni 32
Berardino Fratello Bracciale d'anni 55
Anna di Pietrantonio Moglie d'anni 34
Nicola del quondam Francesco Gargaro pastore d'anni 33
Vittoria Zaccaro Moglie d'anni 32
Berardino Fratello Bracciale d'anni 55
Anna di Pietrantonio Moglie d'anni 34
Industria di Nicola once 12
Industria di Berardino once 12
Abbita in Casa propria nella Villa di Sant' Eufemia.
Dodeci pecore, stabilita la rendita per annui carlini vent' uno, e grana sei, sono once 3:13
Tre capre, stabilita la rendita per carlini quattro, e mezzo, sono once 0:22 ½
Un picciolo ortocino vicino alle Case di canne diece, confinante l'Annunziata di Napoli, et altri, stimato di rendita per annue grana tre, sono once 0:03
Orto di coppa mezza in Contrada di Sant' Bartolomeo, confinante Francesco Zianni, la strada, Aniceto Salvitta, e Francesco Salvitta, stimato di rendita annue grana venti cinque, sono once 0:25
In Contrada del Pastine coppe due, e canne venti sette di territorio aratorio, confinante Lionardo d' Antonio Francesco, Carlantonio Mancino, le ripe, e la strada, stimato di rendita per annue grana dieci otto, once 0:18
In Contrada di Colle Japietro tommola tre, e coppa una di territorio aratorio, confinante il Santissimo, San
Tommaso d' Aquino, e la strada, stimato di rendita per annui carlini diece, che sono once 3:10
In Contrada della Casella tommola due di territorio aratorio, confinante Carlo di Monte, il Santissimo, Clemente Piccirillo, e l' inculto, stimato di rendita per annui carlini cinque, che sono once 1:20
In Contrada del Mazzamoro coppe due di territorio aratorio, confinante il Beneficio di San Biase, il vallone, e Giovanni di Donato di Giovine, stimato di rendita per annue grana diece, sono once 0:10
In Contrada di Fonte Stefano coppe cinque, e canne settanta sei di territorio aratorio, confinante il Santissimo, l' Annunziata, e la strada, stimato di rendita per annue grana trenta cinque, che sono once 1:05
In Contrada della Costa del Mazzo coppa una di territorio aratorio, confinante Giacomantonio
Piccirillo, il Santissimo, l' inculto, et il vallone, stimato di rendita per annue grana sette, e ½ ,o once 0:07 ½
In Contrada di Prato Paduro coppe due di territorio sterile, confinante Costantino di Monte, l' Eddomoda di Santa Maria, se medesimo, e Giovanni di Giovine, stimato di rendita per annue grana cinque, sono once 0:05
In Contrada delle Trine coppe due di territorio aratorio, confinante l' inculto, il vallone, Francesco Antonio Zianni, e Romualdo Finadamo, stimato di rendita per annue grana sedeci, sono once 0:16
In Contrada di Fonte Bruna tommolo uno di territorio aratorio, confinante a due lati l' inculto, la strada, e Lionardo di Nardo, stimato di rendita per annui carlini due, sono once 0:20
In Contrada di Colle Japietro tommolo uno di territorio aratorio, confinante Francesco Mantenuto, le Monache, et il Santissimo, stimato di rendita per annui carlini tre, sono once 1:00
Prato di canne quaranta quattro in Contrada di Fonte Rotolo, confinante il Santissimo, la strada, Tommaso Pantalone, Romualdo Finadamo, e Domenico Antonio Gargano, stimato di rendita per annue grana dodeci, sono once 0:12
In detta Contrada canne sedeci di territorio aratorio, confinante Lionardo, e Domenido d' Antonio Francesco, Domenico Capanna, e Giovanni Donato di Giovine, stimato di rendita per annue grana quattro, once 0:04
In Contrada di Prato Tommassello canne settanta due di territorio aratorio, confinante Girolamo Desejo, l' inculto, la strada, e Giovanni di Giovine, stimato di rendita per annue grana sette, che sono once 0:07
In Contrada del Colle di Sant' Antonio coppa una di territorio aratorio, confinante l' Eddomoda di Santa Maria, l' inculto, Girolamo Desejo, e Geremia Pantalone, stimato di rendita per annue grana sei, sono once 0:06
Un piedi di querce nel territorio di Pasquantonio di Giovine in Contrada delli Gamboni, stimato di rendita per annue grana diece, sono once 0:10
In Contrada del Fossato Signorello coppe tre di territorio prativo con noci, e querce, confinante la strada, Domenico Capanna, e la strada, stimato di rendita per annui carlini diece, sono once 3:10
In Contrada della Foresta coppe nove di territorio aratorio, confinante le Monache, Donato di Lazzaro Crivella, Carlo Timberio, e la Madonna di Monte Vergine, e l' inculto, stimato di rendita per annui carlini cinque, sono once 1:20
In Contrada della Guardata coppe tre di territorio aratorio, confinante Donato, e Girolamo Desejo, Don Giampaolo Scalpello, Donato di Lazzaro Crivella, e Giuseppe Fattore, stimato di rendita per annui carlini cinque, sono once 1:20
In Contrada del Scancallone canne quaranta quattro di territorio aratorio, confinante Lionardo d' Antonio Francesco, Giuseppe Zaccardo, e Domenico Capanna, stimato di rendita per annue grana sei, sono once 0:06
Orto di canne sessant' otto in Contrada di Fonte Rotolo, confinante il Santissimo, Alesandro Capanna, Micchele di Giovine, et Aniceto Salvitta, stimato di rendita per annue grana dieci otto, sono once 0:18
Un sito di Casa in Contrada del Fossato Bonomo.
Sono once 50:28
Change: 15 Feb 2021
Francesco Gargaro (I17949) [Male]
1753 Catasto Onciario
Nicola del quondam Francesco Gargaro pastore d'anni 33
Vittoria Zaccaro Moglie d'anni 32
Berardino Fratello Bracciale d'anni 55
Anna di Pietrantonio Moglie d'anni 34
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Vittoria Zaccaro (I17950) [Female] b. ABT 1731
Occupation: moglie: 1753
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Anna diPietrantonio (I17951) [Female] b. ABT 1719
Occupation: moglie: 1753
Change: 1 Aug 2019
Louis Devicchio (I17952) [Male] b. 1941
email from himself, Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019:"My name is Lou DeVicchio, forgive the misspelling, I'll explain that later. My family also comes from Sant'Eufemia. I discovered your website and would love to communicate with you. I've always been interested in finding out more about the DiVecchio family, originally spelled DiVecchia. My grandfather Raphael was an only child and always had me looking for lost family. Attached is my family tree I put together dating back to 1745. I'd like to cross reference it with other family trees to see if we could hook up somewhere."
U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1
Name: Louis F Devicchio
Birth Date: 19 Nov 1941
Phone Number: 759-8512
Address: 19 Colonial Dr Ste 26, Youngstown, OH, 44505-2162
[59 Carter Cir Apt 1, Youngstown, OH, 44512-6616]
[4745 Topper Hill Dr, Hubbard, OH, 44425-3329 (1993)]
Change: 6 Aug 2019
Louie DeVicchio (I17953) [Male] b. 1914 OH - d. 1980
1920 census, Youngstown, OH, 6y, born OH.
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 16y, born OH.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 25y, Laborer at Republic Steel.
Family tree sent to me by Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019. This is his father.
Change: 6 Aug 2019
Betty Zenchienko (I17954) [Female] b. ABT 1919 - d. 2012
U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1
Name: Betty Devicchio
Address: 851 Cambridge Ave, Youngstown, OH, 44502-2522 (1988)
U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current
Name: Betty DeVICCHIO
Gender: Female
Death Age: 93
Residence Place: Youngstown
Obituary Date: 6 Dec 2012
Change: 3 Aug 2019
Raffaele diVecchia (I17955) [Male] b. 1 Nov 1872 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 1877
1872 SEaM digital birth record #48. f: Domenico (di Angelo Nicola) 31y(b 1842), m:Anna Giuseppa diLullo.
1877 year of death from Louis DeVicchio, emailed family tree, Aug 2019. Sant'Eufemia death records are missing for that year.
Family tree sent to me by Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019. Shows the incorrect grandparents for Raffaele.
Change: 10 Aug 2019
Domenicantonio diVecchia (I17956) [Male] b. 27 Jun 1841 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 22 May 1906 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1177442 Nati 1841 #106. "ieri". f: Francesco 32y, m:Francesca diGiovine 29y.
1906 SEaM death record #38, 65y, f: Francesco, m:Francesca diGiovine, s: Maddalena Mancini.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Raffaele diVecchia (I17957) [Male] b. 8 Sep 1863 Sant'Eufemia, Chieti, Italy - d. 1872
1863 SE digital birth record #8. f: Domenico, gf: Angelo Nicola 23y, m: Anna Giuseppa diLullo, 24y.
1872 year of death from Louis DeVicchio, emailed family tree, Aug 2019. Sant'Eufemia death records are missing for that year.
Change: 10 Aug 2019
Luigi diVecchia (I17958) [Male] b. 12 Dec 1865 Sant'Eufemia, Chieti, Italy - d. 13 Apr 1888 Roma, Italy
1865 SE digital birth record #59. f: Domenico 23y di Angelo Nicola, m: Anna Giuseppa diLulo 26y.
1888 SEaM digital death record #4, book 2. A report of Luigi's death in Roma. 22y. f: Domenico, m:Anna Giuseppa diLullo, s: Gioina diMeo.
1888 Roma digital death record #516. 13 Apr 1888.
Change: 4 Aug 2019
Gioina diMeo (I17959) [Female]
1888 SEaM digital death record #4 of husband, Luigi.
Change: 4 Aug 2019
Maria diVecchia (I17960) [Female]
Family tree received from Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019.
Change: 4 Aug 2019
Domenico diVecchia (I17961) [Male] b. 3 Jul 1842 Sant'Eufemia, Chieti, Italy
Family tree sent to me by Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019, has, I believe, the wrong Domenico (wrong parents). I believe this is the correct Domenico. His tree shows f: Michele Antonio, m:Candida Pallone.
Dates from Louis DeVicchio family tree 1843-1933. Shows five children: Raffaele 1872-1877, Nicolantonio 1969, Luigi 1865-1888, Raffaele 1863-1872, and Angela 1876.
1842 VSE digital birth record #117. f: Angelo Nicola, m: Angela Donata Zaccagnini.
1862 SE digital marriage record #10, 20y, f: Angelo Nicola, m:Angela Donata Zaccagnini fu.
Change: 10 Aug 2019
Angelo Nicola diVecchia (I17962) [Male] b. ABT 1808
1838 VSE digital marriage record #28, 26y, f: Domenico, m:Maria Maddalena deSeo.
1842 VSE digital birth record #117 of son, Domenico, 34y.
1862 SE digital marriage record #10 of son Domenico.
1865 SE digital birth record of grandson, Luigi diVecchia.
Change: 4 Aug 2019
Angela Donata Zaccagnini (I17963) [Female] b. ABT 1818 - d. 21 Oct 1848 Sant'Eufemia, Chieti, Italy
1838 VSE digital marriage record #28, 20y, f: Giovannantonio, m: Domenica Cepanna.
1842 VSE digital birth record #117 of son, Domenico, 24y.
1848 SE death of Angela Donata Zaccagnini,#32, 40y, 21 Oct 1848. f: Giovannantonio, f:Domenica Cepanna.
1862 SE digital marriage record #10 of son Domenico, fu.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Oduardo diLullo (I17964) [Male] b. ABT 1810 - d. BEF 1862
1839 VSE digital birth record #57 of daughter, Anna Giuseppa, 29y.
1862 SE digital marriage record #10 of daughter, Anna Giuseppa fu.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Marta Rosa Gargaro (I17965) [Female] b. ABT 1812
1839 VSE digital birth record #57 of daughter, Anna Giuseppa, 27y.
1862 SE digital marriage record #10 of daughter, Anna Giuseppa diLullo.
Change: 9 Aug 2019
Maddalena Mancini (I17966) [Female]
1906 SEaM digital death record of daughter, Maddalena. Maddalena's mother was listed as Maddalena Mancini.
RIN's 8209, 17966 and 15635 are probably all the same person.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Angelina Fabilli (I17967) [Female] b. 29 Mar 1890 Italy - d. 4 Sep 1974 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH
Immigration: : 1908
Family tree sent to me by Louis DeVicchio, Aug 2019. This is his grandmother. He lists her as "Angelina Fabilli".
1916 death record of son, Antonio. She is listed as "Angeline Fabily".
WWI Draft reg of husband "Fred White". Living at Broad St, Struthers, OH.
1920 census, Youngstown, OH, 29y, born Italy, imm 1909,
1930 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 39y, Married to Fred White (43y (1887), b: Italy). First married at 18y (1908). Immigrated 1908. Living with them is daughter, Rose diLisio and her family.
1940 census, Youngstown, Mahoning, OH, 50y. Alien.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Angiela Divecchio
SSN: 270-62-6836
Last Residence: 44502 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 29 Mar 1890
Died: Sep 1974
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1973)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
Name: Angelin Divecchio
Birth Date: 1890
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Youngstown
Residence County: Mahoning
Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 4 Sep 1974
City of Death: Youngstown (Pt)
County of Death: Trumbull
Certificate: 071762
Age at Death: 84
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: No autopsy
Marital Status: Married
Change: 6 Aug 2019
Giovannantonio Zaccagnini (I17968) [Male]
1838 VSE digital marriage record #28 of daughter, Angel Donata.
Change: 4 Aug 2019
Domenica Capanna (I17969) [Female]
1838 VSE digital marriage record #28 of daughter, Angel Donata.
Change: 30 Mar 2020
Giuseppe diLullo (I17970) [Male]
1841 SE death record of son, Oduardo diLullo, #49, found in the 1862 processetti file for son, Oduardo.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Floralba diLullo (I17971) [Female]
1841 SE death record of son, Oduardo diLullo, #49, found in the 1862 processetti file for son, Oduardo.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Sabia diVecchia (I17972) [Female] b. 12 Apr 1878 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
1878 SEaM digital birth record #20.
Change: 11 Aug 2019
Debra Ann Mancini (I17973) [Female] b. 3 Apr 1959
Debra Dambrogi 1812 Vanburen St 7242034796
Deborah D Dambrogi
[Deborah D Ambrogi]
Birth Date: 3 Apr 1959
Address: 1565 Dutch Ridge Rd, Beaver, PA, 15009-9738 (1996)
[1665 Dutch Ridge Rd, Beaver, PA, 15009]
[102 Sunset Ln, Aliquippa, PA, 15001-1545 (1995)]
Found other Dambrogi from Patricia, Italy.
Change: 17 Aug 2019
Dambrogi (I17974) [Male]
Change: 16 Aug 2019
Bruno Henry Dambrogi (I17975) [Male] b. 9 Jan 1932 Patrica, Frosinone, Italy - d. 20 Mar 2003 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
71, Center Twp., passed away unexpectedly at home on Thursday, March 20, 2003. He is survived by his loving wife of 47 years, Margaret (Peggy) Antonini D'Ambrogi; two sons, a daughter-in-law, and one daughter, Erick Olindo D'Ambrogi, Pittsburgh, Deborah Ann D'Ambrogi, Aliquippa, Phillip & Karen Aubrey D'Ambrogi, Augusta, GA; one sister and brother-in-law, Jean & Jack Corsi, Hopewell Twp. and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends will be received on Saturday 6-8 pm and Sunday 2-4 and 6-8 pm in the MASTROFRANCESCO FUNERAL HOME, 21st and McMinn Streets, Aliquippa (724) 375-0496 where a service will be conducted on Monday at 10:30 am followed by a Mass of Christian burial at 11 am in St. Frances Cabrini Church. Interment will follow at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Hopewell Twp. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made, if desired, to the Beaver County Humane Society Shelter on Route 18, Monaca.
Published in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Mar. 22, 2003
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Bruno Henry Dambrogi
[Bruno H Dambrogi]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 9 Jan 1932
Birth Place: Patrica, Italy
Death Date: 20 Mar 2003
Father: Olindo Dambrogi
Mother: Iride Grossi
SSN: 184247287
Notes: Jul 1947: Name listed as BRUNO HENRY DAMBROGI; 28 Mar 2003: Name listed as BRUNO H DAMBROGI
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Bruno H. Dambrogi
SSN: 184-24-7287
Last Residence:
15001 Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA
Born: 9 Jan 1932
Died: 20 Mar 2003
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951)
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Bruno D'Ambrogi
Birth Date: 9 Jan 1932
Birth Place: Patrica, Provincia di Frosinone, Lazio, Italy
Death Date: 20 Mar 2003
Death Place: Center Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Cemetery: Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Aliquippa, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Has Bio?: N
Change: 17 Aug 2019
Margaret (Peggy) Antonini (I17976) [Female] b. 27 Aug 1935
U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1
Name: Margaret Dambrogi
Birth Date: 27 Aug 1935
Phone Number: 378-2696
Address: 102 Sunset Ln, Aliquippa, PA, 15001-1545 (1993)
2003 obituary of husband, Bruno.
Change: 17 Aug 2019
Carmine Donatelli (I17977) [Male] b. ABT 1878
Immigration: : 27 Mar 1899
Naturalization: : 18 Dec 1906
email from great-great-grandson, Brandon Hassett, Aug 2019: "Carolina's brother, Carmine, was my great-great grandfather. Carolina's husband listed Carmine as his point of contact in America when he came over.
I have a great deal of information on Carmine and his children, but not terribly much more on Carmine's father and his siblings outside of birth and some death dates.
I am planning a trip to Ateleta (I currently live in Norway) in the near future and hope to get all of the baptismal records for Carmine and his siblings. At that point, you should be able to populate your tree extensively."
1899 EI arrival, 21y, 18 Mar, line crossed out. Father in Ateleta - Francesco. Going to Pittsburgh, PA.
1899 EI arrival, 21y, 27 Mar. Father in Ateleta - Francesco. Going to Pittsburgh, PA.
Change: 3 Sep 2019
Franco Nicolas Giobbi (I17978) [Male] b. Sep 2019
Email from proud grandparents, John and Angela Giobbi, Sep 2019.
Change: 17 Sep 2019
John Harry Schmidley (I17979) [Male]
1940 census, Rockester, Beaver, PA.
Change: 29 Apr 2022
Harry W. "Bill" Schmidley (I17980) [Male] b. 21 Mar 1938 Rochester, Beaver PA - d. 25 Feb 2012 Beaver, Beaver, PA
On Saturday, February 25, 2012, Harry W. ‘Bill’ Schmidley entered into eternal life.
He was born March 21, 1938, in Rochester, to John Harry and Ethel Littell Schmidley, and raised by his stepfather, Theodore King.
He is survived by his devoted wife, Betty Skinner Schmidley, and eight children, Paul William of New Brighton, Sandra Shore of Wampum, Kathy Fasnaught of Weirton, WV, Harry Jr. (Gwen) of Rochester, James of Honolulu, HI, Barbara of Rochester, Linda (Don) Reader of Rochester, and Laura (Shawn) McCready of Las Vegas, NV, and his siblings, Edward King of Raleigh, NC, Bruce A. (late Donna) Schmidley of Evans City, Maxine (late Paul) Frazzini, Beaver Falls, and Judith (late Larry) Bable of OH; 16 grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren.
Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Sarah Witherow Schmidley; sisters, Patricia Caplinger Klinesmith, Edith Good, and Harriet Joann Showalter, and a great-granddaughter, Savannah Schmidley.
Harry retired from Pittsburgh Tube, Monaca, after 39 years of service as the Chief Loader. He enjoyed fishing, gardening and traveling to the casinos.
Calling hours with the family will be held from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, 2012, in the J.T. ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME, College Avenue at Second Street, Beaver, A funeral service will be conducted on Friday, March 2, 2012, at 1 p.m. by Envoys John and Nancy Barnett of the Salvation Army, Rochester. Burial will follow in Beaver Cemetery.
Change: 26 Sep 2019
Betty J. Skinner (I17981) [Female] b. 24 Jan 1939 Rochester, Beaver PA - d. 26 Oct 2015 Rochester, Beaver PA
Betty J. Schmidley, 76, of Rochester Twp., passed away Monday, October 26, 2015, in her home.
Born Jan. 24, 1939, in Rochester, a daughter of the late Delmar T. and Lennie Brewer Skinner, she was a retired waitress at the former Islay’s and Ruth’s Restaurant, Rochester. She was a member of the Rochester Salvation Army and was a former Cub Scout leader.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry W. Schmidley, Sr., in 2012.
Survived by five daughters and one son-in-law, Sandra Shore, Katherine Fosnaught, Barbara Schmidley, Linda Reader, and Laura and Shawn McCready; three sons, Paul William Schmidley, Harry W. Schmidley, Jr. and his wife, Gwen, and James A. Schmidley; numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren; a sister, Virginia McFarland, and a brother-in-law, Edward King;
Friends will be received Wednesday from 4 to 7:30 p.m. in the WILLIAM MURPHY FUNERAL HOME INC., 349 Adams St., Rochester, where a service will be held at 8 p.m. Officiating will be Pastor Bill Blume.
Interment will be in Beaver Cemetery.
The family wishes memorial contributions be made to the Rochester Salvation Army, 378 Jefferson Street, Rochester, PA 15074.
Change: 26 Sep 2019
Mary E. Pallone (I17982) [Female]
Email from herself, Oct 2019.
Change: 14 Oct 2019
Gesualdo del Tondo (I17983) [Male] d. BEF 1819
1819 digital death record #148 of daughter, Maria Egiziana del Tondo.
Change: 15 Oct 2019
Maria Giacinta diNardo (I17984) [Female] d. BEF 1819
1819 digital death record #148 of daughter, Maria Egiziana del Tondo.
Change: 15 Oct 2019
Jay diCianno (I17985) [Male]
Owner of Quattro Goombas Winery near Washington, D.C.
Change: 19 Oct 2019
Cynthia L. Cambouris (I17986) [Female]
Nevada, Divorce Index, 1968-2015
Name: Tod Carlini
Record Type: Defendant
Divorce Date: 20 May 1997
Divorce Place: Washoe, Nevada, USA
Spouse: Cynthia Carlini
Control Certificate Number: 17170
Court Code: 2
County File Number: 97-01008
Change: 20 Oct 2019
Angeline diVecchia (I17987) [Female] b. 28 May 1914 Scranton, Lackawanna, PA - d. 25 Jun 1915 Scranton, Lackawanna, PA
1915 PA DC, 1y 0m 27d. Reported by Frank Belvage
Change: 1 Nov 2019
Irene R. Sgambati (I17988) [Female]
1939 PA Marriage license and record.
Change: 5 Nov 2019
Anthony J. Rivetti (I17989) [Male]
1930 PA Veteran's Compensation for father, Anthony.
Change: 5 Nov 2019
Victor Califano (I17990) [Male] b. 24 Sep 1913
1848 CA marriage record.
1954 CA Death Index of wife, Mary Grace.
Change: 5 Nov 2019
John Califano (I17991) [Male]
1954 obituary of mother, Mary Grace.
Change: 5 Nov 2019
Charles G. Dunn (I17992) [Male]
From posting on eBay, Nov 2019. See notes for Vinny Frazzini.
Change: 6 Nov 2019
Drusianna 'Rose' Musilli (I17993) [Female] b. 2 Apr 1910 Baden, Beaver, PA - d. 18 Jun 1936 Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA
1910 census, 0m, Baden, Beaver, PA. Listed as Droucianna. Census taken 28-29 April 1910.
1930 PA census, Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA. 19y, with parents, born PA, lised as Rose. 1015 11th Ave.
1936 PA DC, 26y, 2m, 16d. Reported by father John Muselle, mother Marie Gatti. 1015 10th Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA. DOB 2 Apr 1910.
Change: 9 Nov 2019
Lauren Carlini (I17994) [Female] b. 28 Feb 1995 Aurora, IL
Name: Lauren Carlini
Discipline(s): Volleyball
Position: Setter
Height: 6-1
Hometown: Aurora, Ill.
High School: West Aurora High School (Aurora, Illinois)
College: U
Change: 15 Nov 2019
Olivia Marie diMartini (I17995) [Female] b. 1961
Email from daughter, Amber Groom, Dec 2019
U.S. Public Records Index
2023 email from Amber Groom Murata. "My mother is Olivia DiMartini. Her parents are Rita Aiuppa and Herman DiMartini. They had 7 children. Cathy (DiMartini)Cibel (she passed away. I'm so sorry I really can't remember the date or year.), Deborah (DiMartini) Cifaldi, Donald DiMartini, Dino DiMartini, Tina DiMartini and Gina DiMartini( she passed away in 1982) there is information online if needed."
Change: 22 Apr 2023
Curtis S. Murata (I17996) [Male]
Email from daughter, Amber Groom, Dec 2019
Change: 22 Apr 2023
Amber Murata (I17997) [Female]
Email from herself, Amber Groom, Dec 2019: "Herman (Louis) is my grandfather NOT my father. On your site you have it written that I am the daughter. I don’t believe I have any family pictures from then. I will ask my mother. Her dad is Herman DiMartini and mother is Rita Aiuppa."
Change: 22 Apr 2023
Gennaro Iannone (I17998) [Male] d. 1972 Roma, Roma, Italy
Cited book that he may have written: G. Jannone, II duello Pepe-Lamartine su documenti inediti (Terni: Visconti and Co., 1912).
emails from Aldo Iannone, son of Eugenio, Feb 2005: "I'm happy that we can correspond in Italian with the help of the translation program you mentioned. You asked me about Gennaro Jannone, he was the brother of my father and was a doctor in SPA from around 1910 to the mid 1950's when he moved to Roma, but returned to SPA every year until his death in 1972."
From Annuario Generale 1932-33 (XI) - references to Jannone on page 864. Published by the Touring Club Italiano Milano.
1893 Annuario d'Italia, Calendario generale del Regno mentions the names : Jannone. Vernucci, diTella, diRenzio, diIullo, Perilli.
In 2019, my cousin, Carlo Iasella, told me a saying the Dott. Iannone said "The Doctor that has no pity makes the wound rotten". Carlo also remembered that he had a brother, Roman, who may have come to the US.
Change: 2 Dec 2022
Roberto Pasquale Iannacchione (I17999) [Male] b. 12 Oct 1877 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. BEF 1930
Immigration: : 5 May 1898
1877 SPA transcribed birth record #82.
1898 EI arrival, 21y, Listed as "Roberto di Francesco Yannacchione". Going to brother-in-law Pasquale Colaizzi. Town name hard to read "***wood, PA", probably Homewood. Travelled with Girolamo Morelli who was going to Pittsburgh, PA.
WWI Draft Reg, DOB 11 Oct 1877. Living in Freedom, Beaver, PA. Contact wife, Carmen D. Iannachione. Track foreman for the PRR.
DNA match to greatgranddaughter, Lisa Lenore Yannachione Bermard. Tree shows DOB of 1889 (wrong) & DOD of 1940.
1915 Beaver Valley Directory with wife. 1530 6th Ave, Freedom, PA.
1927 Beaver Valley Directory with wife and daughter, Elsie. 1625 6th Ave, Freedom, PA. Works "Penna R R".
1930 census, Freedom, Beaver, PA. His wife is shown as widowed.
1940 census, Freedom, Beaver, PA. His wife is shown as widowed.
Based on age of youngest son, Robert, he may have died in 1927 which is when Robert was born. Diane Gudgeon tree.
Change: 13 Jan 2020
Robert G. Yannachione (I18000) [Male] b. 27 Feb 1927 PA - d. 3 Jul 2009 St. Cecilia Cemetery, Rochester, Beaver, PA
Event - Military Service : TEC 5 US Army WWII
DNA match to granddaughter, Lisa Lenore Yannachione.
email from granddaughter, Lisa Lenore Yannachione Bernard, Jan 2020.
1930 census, Freedom, Beaver, PA. 3y 1m.
Change: 14 Jan 2020
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