Genealogy Data Page 4 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Cipriano diTella (I241) [Male] b. 17 Aug 1774 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1 May 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Morti 1883 of Son Emiddio
Film 1338775 Nati 1813 #50 of son Geremia
1852 SPA Status Animarum, DOB, his father is listed as Iona.
Film 1329602 Morti 1853 #12, 79y
Change: 11 May 2020
Maria Antonia Carlino (I242) [Female] b. ABT 1776 - d. 3 Jul 1835 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1835 #6, 57y
Film 1448676 Morti 1883 of Son Emiddio
Film 1338775 Nati 1813 #50 of son Geremia
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Rosaria Angelica d'Achille (I243) [Female] b. ABT 1809 Roccacinquemiglia, L'Aquilla, Italy - d. 1879 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448219 Matri 1824 #9, 18y, gives full name and place of birth
Film 1338776 Nati 1835 #55 of son Sabatino Eliseo
1852 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1448575 Morti 1879 #29, 73y
Film 1448676 Morti 1883 of Husband Emiddio
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Luigi Maria Salvatore (I244) [Male] b. 30 Oct 1882 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 8 Dec 1883 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1882 #96
Film 1448676 Morti 1883 1 yr
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Domenico Antonio Salvatore (I245) [Male] b. 27 Jan 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 14 Jul 1887 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1886 #9
Film 1448676 Morti 1887 #2
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Felicia Antonia Candelora Colajanni (I246) [Female] b. ABT 1795 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 Oct 1864 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Morti 1884 for daughter Lucrezia.
Film 1338776 Nati 1838 #46 for daughter Lucrezia.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1854 SPA transcribed marriage record #13 of daughter Giovanna.
Film 1329602 Morti 1864 #42, 79y.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Trinita, Rif 028 of daughter Maria.
Atti di Matrimonio 1815 #8, 20y, sent to me by Alfonso diSanza d'Alena, would put her birth as 1795.
Baptism record from the Chiesa di SS Pietro e Paolo, 2 Feb 1795. Padrini Raimondo Musillo and Giovanna diCianno.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Chiara Sabatina Salvatore (I247) [Female] b. 14 Jul 1863 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Mar 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1863 #60
Film 1448676 Morti 1886 #8 age 22y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria ROSA Vincenza Carlino (I248) [Female] b. 13 May 1811 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Aug 1889 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1811 #28
1852 SPA Status Animarum, listed as widow.
Film 1448676 Morti 1889 #44, 78y, husband: Nunzio Frazzini
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Cesarea Salvatore (I249) [Female] b. 21 Sep 1875 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 16 Mar 1877 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Morti 1877 #13 1 yr old
Film 1448675 Nati 1875 #67
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Natale Giuseppe Carlini (I250) [Female] b. ABT Dec 1893 - d. 21 Mar 1894 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Morti 1894, 3m.
Microfilm records for 1893 are missing. He is not in the 1894 records.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nunzio Ippolito Salvatore (I251) [Male] b. 20 Dec 1867 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448675 Nati 1867 #97
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria SALOME diTella (I252) [Female] b. 22 Aug 1829 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Nov 1872 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1829 #36, on this birth record, the name is Maria Fallerana
Film 1448675 Nati 1866 #25 of daughter Maria Michele Carlino
Film 1448675 Nati 1868 #69 of daughter Amerina Vincenza Carlino
Film 1448676 Morti 1872 #78, 44y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Maria Passante (I253) [Female] b. ABT 1805
Film 1177636 Nati 9 Jul 1834 #143 of Elisabetta D'Antonio Francesco may be his daughter. But I can't be sure. Mother is shown as Maria Passante. No age listed for the father.
Film 1177433 Nati 1832 #203 of Anna Emilia D'Antonio Francesco may be his daughter. Buit I can't be sure. Mother is shown as Anna Maria Passante, 27y
Film 1177432 Matri 1831 #51, 26y.
Change: 21 Jul 2017
Pietro Gennaro Carlino (I254) [Male] b. 26 Jan 1830 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1830 #2
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Capocanale
Film 1448676 Matri 1874 #6 of daughter Sabina.
Possible 29 Apr 1891 NY arrival, 61y, shoemaker.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Amerina Vincenza Carlino (I255) [Female] b. 29 Oct 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448675 Nati 1868 #69
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Michela Carlino (I256) [Female] b. 8 May 1866 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448675 Nati 1866 #25
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuliana Berenice "Giulia" Salvatore (I257) [Female] b. 27 Apr 1849 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #20
Film 1338776 Nati 1849 #27
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 189, born 1849.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Achille Ondivio Buzzelli (I258) [Male] b. ABT 1849 Castel di Sangro, L'Aquila, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #20
Film 1338776 Nati 1849 #37 of Berenice Salvatore, notation of marriage to Achille Buzzelli
Middle name from Darlene Weir, Jan 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Martino Buzzelli (I259) [Male]
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #20 of son Achille.
Film 1448676 Matri 1869 #12 of son Domenico
Change: 10 Jul 2006
Maria Giacinta Petrarca (I260) [Female]
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #20 of son Achille.
Film 1448676 Matri 1869 #12 of son Domenico
Change: 28 Jun 2006
Sabatino MICHELANGELO Carlino (I261) [Male] b. 31 Mar 1827 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1827 #17, grandfather Michelangelo, notation: married Maria __ Frazzino on 10 May 1879
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #7
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria AURORA Frazzino (I262) [Female] b. 10 May 1821 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 May 1885 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #7
Film 1448676 Morti 1885 #17, 63y
1852 SPA Status Animarum, birth year is listed as 1820.
1853 transcribed SPA marraige records
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Luigi or Aloisio Frazzino (I263) [Male] b. ABT 1787 - d. 1 Mar 1835 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1814 #56 of duaghter Maria Letizia
Film 1329602 Morti 1835 #3, 51y
1852 SPA Status Animarum, fu
Film 1448675 Nati 1867 #4 of grandson Benedetto Sabatino Frazzini
1869 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Francesca - His name may really be Aloisio
Film 1448675 Nati 1873 #81 of grandson Luigi Amico
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria CONCETTA diGiacomo (I264) [Female] b. ABT 1792 S. Maria Oliveti, Italy
1811 SPA transcribed marriage record, born in S. Maria Oliveti.
Film 1338775 Nati 1814 #56 of duaghter Maria Letizia
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #7
Film 1329602 Morti 1835 #3 of husband Luigi Frazzino
1852 SPA Status Animarum
1869 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Francesca.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Celestina Carlino (I265) [Female] b. 17 Jun 1864 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1883
Film 1338776 Nati 1865 #41
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Camillo Carlino (I266) [Male] b. 11 Apr 1858 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 6 May 1900
Film 1338776 Nati 1858 #30
Film 1448676 Matri 1883
More info from "Status Animarium terrae S.Pietri di Avellana Absolutus Kalendis Octobris 1869 D. Joanne Archifi Frazzini" shows birth date as 11 Apr 1858.
Ellis Island, 12 May 1897, 39y, bad manifest reference but found at M237 Roll 673 Frame 988. Occupation: sculptor, I can't read destination.
Ellis Island, 6 May 1900, 41y, going to brother in Pittsburgh, PA. I don't know who that brother would be. I've not found any evidence of a brother coming to the US. Traveled with Francesco Carlino (Francesco Paolo b 1847).
Ellis Island, 11 Apr 1907, 48y, going to son Felice in Youngstown, OH. Previously in US from 1897 to 1900 (This is suspicious since his last daughter was born on 20 May 1899 - Unless he meant that he arrived in 1897 and 1900.). Traveled with seven other people from San Pietro Avellana.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tommaso Filippo diVecchia (I267) [Male] b. 25 Jul 1852 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Nati 1852 #33
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carmela Pantalone (I268) [Female] b. 10 Mar 1832 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
Film 1177433 Nati 1832 #47
Film 1353700 Matri 1852 #5
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Aristella Carlino (I269) [Female] b. 4 Apr 1860 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1879 #5
Film 1338776 Nati 1860 #25
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ferdinando Roserio Rossi (I270) [Male] b. 1851 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1879 #5
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Fiorangelo Antonio Rossi (I271) [Male] b. 2 Jan 1826 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1826 SPA transcribed birth record #65.
Film 1448676 Matri 1879 #5 of son Ferdinando Roserio
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #5 of daughter Cleonice
Info from Tina Rossi on her family tree 2006.
Change: 24 Sep 2011
Maria Consiglia Colajanni (I272) [Female] b. 13 Mar 1832 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Tina Rossi on her family tree 2006.
Film 1448676 Matri 1879 #5 of son Ferdinando Roserio
Film 1448676 Matri 1875 #5 of daughter Cleonice
Change: 24 Sep 2011
Nicola Lorenzo diIullo (I273) [Male] b. 9 Aug 1867 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448675 Nati 1876 #19, notation: 23 May 1903 Nicola Lorenzo diIullo. Maurizio Frazzini confirmed the diIullo family name.
Email Jan 2005 from Wilberta Illig stated Nicola and Fortunato were brothers and the following: ) Nicola Lorenzo diIullo b. 9 Aug 1867 SPA (source Film 1448675, Nati No.68-1867) married on 23 May 1903 (source for marriage was notation on HIS Nati record) to Maria Benedetta Frazzini b. 21 Mar 1876 [daughter of Pasquale Frazzini and Raffaela Diomira Perilli].
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Megan Kathleen Boyle (I274) [Female]
Ancestry DNA match.
Change: 18 Apr 2019
Marianicola Santangelo (I275) [Female]
1448676 Pubbs 1868 #71,74,77 for daughter Cristina
1869 Status Animarum census this is Amico's 1st wife; 2nd wife is Reginalda Zarlenga (1817)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Vincenzo diCianno (I276) [Male] b. 1849 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 14 Apr 1897
1849 SPA transcribed birth record.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
1897 14 Apr EI arrival on the Scindia, (47y 1850) going to New York. total of 6 men and 1 woman from SPA.
1900 census, Kelton, Box Elder, UT, 28y, born Sep 1849, immigrated 1882. Married 28y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Michela "Luisa" diTella (I277) [Female] b. 28 Apr 1840 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 2 May 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1840 #17
1852 SPA Status Animarum
1853 possible SPA transcribed death record #13.
Film 1448675 Nati 1879 #50 of daughter Esterina Angelica
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Lucia Rachela Salvatore (I278) [Female] b. 12 Feb 1845 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1845 #5
Film 1448676 Matri 1869 #12
1852 SPA Status Animarum
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sabatino Antonio Frazzino (I279) [Male] b. 11 Mar 1845 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1921 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Occupation: arciprete: 1903/1921
Film 1338776 Nati 1845 #13
My mother, Benilda Frazzini, remembers that he became a priest. She also remembers that she watched the funeral procession when he died, she was 8 or 9 years old.
Source: Baptism record #60 from SS Pietro e Paulo in San Pietro Avellana. Priest for my mother's baptism was Sabatino Frazzini, her great uncle (brother of her grandfather Ippolito Frazzini).
In the book "Il Mio Paese Racconta", Mario Colaianni notes that Sabatino was the head priest from 1903 to 1921.
Author of book "Vita di Santo Amico" in 1887.
1852 SPA Status Animarum
1869 SPA Status Animarum, ref 293, via La Plaza, lived with grandmother, Maria diFlorio and parents, Felice Amato Frazzini and Liberta diSanza.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Donato Antonio Nunzio Salvatore (I280) [Male] b. 18 Dec 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 18 Apr 1882
Film 1338776 Nati 1846 #77
Film 1448676 Nati 1897 #4 of son Luigi Giacomo Amico
Possible arrival 18 Apr 1882 Chateau Lafite
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 189, born 1846, living with parents.
Donato Salvatore appears about a half-dozen times as a witness on birth records. Look at the SPA transcribed birth records.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tommaso Cipriano diTella (I281) [Male] b. 16 Aug 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 24 Dec 1871 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1845 #61
1852 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1448676 Morti 1871 #62 25y 4m
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tomasino Maria Frazzini (I282) [Male] b. 1 Nov 1878 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 21 Nov 1918 Battle Mountain, Lander, NV
Immigration: : 8 Mar 1900
Film 1448676 Nati 1878 #97.
GF of Madalyn Frazzini (
1900 Ellis Island 8 Mar 1900, 21y.
1900 census, Box Elder Co, UT, 21y, b Nov 1878.
1905 Sent to me by Gene Frazzini:
This page (below) references his 1905 marriage in Utah:
Groom Last Name: FRAZZINI
Groom First Name: Tommaso M.
Groom Residence: Kelton, Box Elder, Utah
Bride Last Name: HISLOP
Bride First Name: Belle
Bride Residence: Ogden, Weber, Utah
County of Record: Weber
State: Utah
Marriage ID: 360526
Comment: Marriage application#2686, dated 8 Jul 1905.
1907 27 Nov - Declaration of Intention, Kellon, Box Elder, UT.
1910 census, 31y, Box Elder Co, UT, wife Adele 33y, Raffaela 4y, Eugenio 7m, 3 children total, 2 still living. married 5 years. Per Madalyn, died in 1918 of the Spanish Flu. Lived in Utah and NV.
1917 WWI Draft Reg, Dated 12 Sep 1918, DOB 1 Nov 1878, Relative : Adele Frazzini.
1917 10 04 article in the L'Italia, San Francisco, CA:
------- Italian ----------
PER I BISOGNI DELLA PATRIA (Feriti, Mutilati, Vedove ed Orfani della guerra)
L'ottimo signor Tommaso Frazzini di Battle Mountain, Neveda., che già due anni or sono ci mandò una lunga sottoscrizione in pro della Croce Rossa Italiana,
ha voluto dare una nuova prove della sua nobiltà d animo e del suo patriottismo col farne un'altra in questi giorni in risposta del nostro appello per i "Bisogni della Patria".
un'altra sottoscrizione che pubblichiamo oggi ci fu portata dal Signor Alfredo Arrighi di 707 11th St. San Francisco.
L'ottimo e generoso connazionale ha fatto una contribuzione personale di dieci dollari e di più ha voluto raccogliere parecchie offerte fra i suol amici portando cosi la lista a $29.50.
Ed il Signor M. Puccetll di 3220 9th Ave., Sacramento, California. ci manda cinque dollari raccolti fra un gruppo di amici. A tutti i nostri più vivi ringraziamenti.
Ultime offerte Oblazioni pervenuteci in Ufficio:
------- English Translation ----------
For The Needs Of the Country (Wounded, Cripples, Widows and Orphans of the war)
The Signature Opened By Our Newspaper
The excellent Mr. Thomas Frazzini of Battle Mountain, Neveda., that already two years or are he/she sent us a long signature in for of the Italian Red Cross,
you/he/she has wanted to give a new tests of his/her nobility d I animate and of his/her patriotism with to do another of it in these days in answer of our appeal for the "Needs of the Country."
un'altra sottoscrizione che pubblichiamo oggi ci fu portata dal Signor Alfredo Arrighi di 707 11th St. San Francisco.
The excellent and generous fellow countryman has made a personal contribution of ten dollars and more you/he/she has wanted to pick up quite a lot offers among the suols friends bringing so the list to $29.50.
And the Mr. M. Puccetll of 3220 9th Ave., Sacrament, California. he/she sends us five picked dollars among a group of friends. To all of our most alive thanks.
Last offers Donations reached us in the Office:
Thos. Frazzini $2.00
Adele Frazzini $1.00
Raffela Frazzini $0.25
Eugenio Frazzini $0.25
Lorenzo Frazzini $0.25
Lorenzo Gasbarro $0.25
U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Thomas Mario Frazzini
Birth Date: 1 Nov 1878
Birth Place: Italy
Death Date: 21 Nov 1918
Death Place: Nevada, United States of America
Cemetery: Battle Mountain City Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Battle Mountain, Lander County, Nevada, United States of America
Has Bio?: Y
From Carol Frazzini Elliot, daughter of Lawrence Frazzini: " My first cousin, Madalyn Frazzini Perrine, has been communicating with Mark DiVecchio regarding the Frazzini genealogy. My father is Lawrence Frazzini. His father was Tommaso Mario Frazzini, born 1 Nov 1878. Mark had questions regarding Ferdinando Frazzini, my father's uncle. Mark was wondering if my father Lawrence remembers his uncle Ferdinando. He does remember him.. My father was 10 years old when he came back to the USA fom Italy. He remembers Ferdinando from his early childhood. Uncle Ferdinando would take him (Lawrence)and his sister Raphaela and brother Eugenio to the plaza in Castelo di Sangro (the town where my father's mother Adele was from) to hear concerts. Mark also had questions about Adele's family name. Adele's family name was Gasbarro. Adele and Tomasso were married in Utah. Raphaella and Eugenio were born in Utah in 1906 and 1909. Tomasso was working for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He was the foreman. The railroad progressed into Nevada, which is where Lawrence was born. Tomasso died in 1918 of the Spanish influenza when my father Lawrence was only 5 years old. My father's maternal grandparents, Maria and Lorenzo Gasbarro, were living with them in the USA. After Tomasso passed away, the family moved back to Castelo di Sangro, Italy for almost 3 years. Then they decided to move back to the USA. They settled in Illinois because Adele's sister Virginia and husband, Joseph Petrarca, lived there."
Change: 29 Sep 2022
Beata Domenica Frazzino (I283) [Female] b. 3 Mar 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 7 Jul 1851 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1850 #6
Film 1329602 Morti 1851 #23
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Amanzio Adriano Carlino (I284) [Male] b. 1 Nov 1851 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 14 Dec 1851 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1851 #75
Film 1329602 Morti 1851 #39
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carolina Santa Carlini (I285) [Female] b. 5 Nov 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT Jan 1926 Peublo, Peublo, CO
Immigration: : 4 Jun 1909
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #20
Film 1448676 Matri 1873 #18 (reconstructed) First Marriage
1909 Jun 4 - Ellis Island arrival, 56y, going to betrothed, Pietro Greco, Pueblo, CO. Nearest relative in SPA was son, Francesco (from first marriage).
1909 CO Marriage Record Report, Carolina was listed as 33y.
Per the obituary below, she had lived in Pueblo for 18 years when she died in 1926. This says she arrived in 1908. Pretty close to the 1909 EI entry.
Found in US Census, 1910 and 1920, Pueblo CO with husband Pietro Greco. No children.
Burial information from Roselawn Cemetery in Pueblo. Died at age 60y per the record. That age may be wrong since she was born in 1852. Buried 31 Jan 1926, plot 55 1 3 15.
SAT. JAN 30, 1926
Mrs. Caroline Greco, aged 7(3)? years, a resident of this city for the past eighteen years, died Friday morning at the family home, 728 West Fourth Street, following an illness of one week. She is survived by her husband, Peter Greco; one son, Frank DiIullo, both of Pueblo, and a brother, Alfred Carlino, of East Ely, Nev. The funeral announcement will be made later. George F. McCarthy Service.
FEB. 1, 1926
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Greco will take place Monday morning at 9:30 from the George F. McCarthy funeral home and from Mt. Carmel Church at 10 o'clock. Interment, Roselawn.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Filomena Frazzini (I286) [Female] b. 27 Mar 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 8 May 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #26
Film 13329602 Morti 1852 #30
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Eugenia Salvatore (I287) [Female] b. 8 Jan 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 18 Jan 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #59
Film 1329602 Morti 1852 #6
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Emiliano Pietro Paulo Frazzini (I288) [Male] b. 28 Jun 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 24 Apr 1856 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1853 #36
Film 13329602 Morti 1856 #29, 3y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Bernardina Carlino (I289) [Female] b. 26 Oct 1854 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1854 #69
Film 1448676 Nati 1886 #101 of son Anselmo Ercole
Film 1448676 Nati 1884 #59 of daughter Rosa Maria
Film 1448675 Nati 1879 #51 of daughter Eleonora Maria
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Cristina Carlino (I290) [Female] b. 8 Jul 1854 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1854 #29
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Filomena Florinda Carlino (I291) [Female] b. 23 Nov 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1855 #56
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gennaro Maria Mariani (I292) [Male] b. 1 Dec 1740 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 28 Feb 1794 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Occupation: Doctor: 1769
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
1769 SPA Status Animarum
1809 SPA transcribed marriage record #2 of daughter, Smeralda.
1852 SPA Status Animarum of son-in-law Carlo Checchia.
Change: 15 Jun 2019
Angela Maria Carlino (I293) [Female] b. 1 Jun 1858 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 20 Aug 1862 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1858 #41
1862 SPA transcribed death record
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Colomba Berenice Salvatore (I294) [Female] b. 7 Jul 1859 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1859 #62
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Antonio Cipriano diTella (I295) [Male] b. 8 Aug 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 17 Dec 1866 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1865 #59
Film 1448676 Morti 1866 #92 16m
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Enrichetta Salvatore (I296) [Female] b. 6 Aug 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1866 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1865 #58
1866 SPA transcribed death record #95
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alfredo Carlino (I297) [Male] b. 21 Feb 1863 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 1910
Film 1338776 Nati 1863 #14
1886 SPA transcribed Marriage records
Ellis Island, 1910, 45y going to nephew, Amico Colaizzi, in Ogden UT, wife in SPA: Santa Ciotolif. Previously in the US but does not give years.
Ellis Island, 1916, 52y, wife in SPA: Maria, going to cousin, Cipriano diTella, Ely, NV (originally listed as Newark, NJ but that is crossed out.). Previously in the US from 1909 to 1916.
1920 Census, East Ely, NV. 56y, laborer on the railroad. Lived next door to Frank Rossolo (Pasquale Iannacchione). Immigrated either 1882 or 1893. Rented a house with four men including Parregio Colaianni, 42y.
Ellis Island, 1924, 61y, wife in SPA; Santa, going to son-in-law, Amico Iannacchione, Ely, NV. Prevoiusly in the US from 1916 to 1924.
Referenced in the obit of his sister Carolina: THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN - SAT. JAN 30, 1926
Mrs. Caroline Greco, aged 7(3)? years, a resident of this city for the past eighteen years, died Friday morning at the family home, 728 West Fourth Street, following an illness of one week. She is survived by her husband, Peter Greco; one son, Frank DiIullo, both of Pueblo, and a brother, Alfred Carlino, of East Ely, Nev. The funeral announcement will be made later. George F. McCarthy Service.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giustino diVecchia (I298) [Male] b. ABT 1798 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy - d. 3 Oct 1865 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Nati 1845 #12 of son Michelangelo
Age from Film 1353699 Nati 1848 #32 of son Nicola
Film 1353702 Morti 1865 #23, Age 67y
Family tree of John Munson
Change: 17 Apr 2018
Maria Vincenza Timperio (I299) [Female] b. ABT 1805 - d. 1 Feb 1849 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Age from Film 1353699 Nati 1848 #32 of son Nicola.
Better age from Marti 1819 #66, 14y.
Archivio di Stato di Pescara had her death record. Reported by Carmine Antonio Timperio, 31y, fratello germano della defunta, and Carloantonio Pantalone, 48y, vicino di abitazione della defunta. She died at age 43. "Filatrice" Spinner.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Michelangelo diVecchia (I300) [Male] b. 23 Mar 1844 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 10 Apr 1844 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353698 Nati 1845 #13, reported by Gemma Felicia DiVecchia, 50y
Film 1353698 Morti 1845 #5
Notation on the Nati Record: "Addi 20 aprile 1888 in S. Eufemia celetrate matrimonio DiVecchia Michelangelo e Mancini Agnese di cetto Comune. Chieti. 28 dicembre 1888 " This notation must belong to the third Michelangelo as this one died.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Nunziata diVecchia (I301) [Female] b. 10 May 1841 Villa Sant'Eufemia, Caramanico, Italy - d. 20 Feb 1845 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara
Film 1353699 Morti 1845 #9. Very hard to read record. Age at death appears to be 4 years.
Film 1177442 Nati 1841 #74
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gervasio Felice Amato Carlino (I302) [Male] b. 4 Jan 1813 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1813 #2
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angela Maria Teresa Carlino (I303) [Female] b. 9 May 1816 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Sep 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1816 #19
Film 1329602 Morti 1817
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angiola Maria Teresa Carlino (I304) [Female] b. 1 Mar 1819 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1819 #16
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Maddalena Carlino (I305) [Female] b. 12 Apr 1822 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 17 Apr 1822 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1822 #17
Film 1329602 Morti 1822 #8
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Maria Carlino (I306) [Female] b. 3 Aug 1824 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 9 Jun 1832 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1824 #50
Film 1329602 1832 Morti #13
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gervinia Eusiaquio diTella (I307) [Female] b. 6 Nov 1813 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Aug 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
First name and middle name spelling may not be correct
Film 1338775 Nati 1813 #50
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #161 (Note: there were 308 death records in 1817, 16 in 1818)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pasquale Amico diTella (I308) [Male] b. 3 Jan 1816 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 3 Jan 1816 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1816 #2
Film 1329602 Morti 1816, 10d
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Serafino Buonaventura diTella (I309) [Male] b. 20 Jun 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 2 Nov 1842 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1817 #22
Film 1329602 Morti 1842 #33
Change: 16 May 2024
Fiora Dea diTella (I310) [Female] b. 18 Feb 1828 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 29 Aug 1829 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1828 #8
1929 SPA transcribed death record #22.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Valentino PERSIO diTella (I311) [Male] b. 20 May 1831 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 16 Jul 1831 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1831
Film 1329602 Morti 1831 #16, 2 months.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Nicassio diTella (I312) [Male] b. 1 Jun 1832 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 17 Apr 1840 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1832 #28
Film 1329602 Morti 1840 #23, 8y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ippolito Frazzino (I313) [Male] b. 6 Nov 1792 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 31 Jan 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1816 #12 of son Felice Amato. On this record, the sindaco wrote the first name as Leopatio but when it was signed, it was signed Ippolito Frazzino.
1852 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1329602 Morti 1855 #4, 62y, 3 boys, 2 girls
Film 1448676 Morti 1879 #47 of wife Maria
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Lucia Giuseppa diFlorio (I314) [Female] b. 8 Oct 1791 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 26 Jul 1870 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1791 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa - baptism record
Film 1338775 Nati 1816 #12 of son Felice Amato
1852 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1448676 Morti 1879 #47 79y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nicola diVecchia (I315) [Male] b. 4 Sep 1848 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Nati 1848 #32
Searched records in Sant'Eufemia during 2004 visit.
Birth record 1890 #7 of son Raffaele DiVecchia.
His grandson, Mario DiVecchio, remembered that his grandfather died when Mario was 7y. Mario does not remember his grandmother's name. Mario remembered that his grandfather had several sons and no daughter. He believes that the sons (other than Raffaele) stayed in Italy.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Filippo Mancini (I316) [Male] b. 13 Mar 1822 Villa Sant'Eufemia, Caramanico, Italy
Film 1177424 Nati 1822 #42
Film 1353699 Matri 1850 #1
Film 1353700 1854 Nati #24 of daughter Filomena.
1888 SEaM digital marriage record #10 of daughter Filomena.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Raffaela diNardo (I317) [Female] b. 13 Jun 1819 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy - d. 27 Apr 1849 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti
Filippo's second marriage in 1850 lists him as widow of Maria diNardo.
Film 1353699 Matri 1850#5
Film 1353699 Morti 1849, 32y, references husband Filippo Mancini
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tommaso diVecchia (I318) [Male] b. ABT 1771 - d. 5 Jul 1842 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Matri 1850 #5 of son Giustino to Rosa Maria Pallone - "figlio del fu Tommaso DiVecchia e della fu Rosa Mancini.
Age 48 at marriage of son Giustino Matri 1819 #66
Film 1177443 Morti 1842 #65, 70y. Lists wife as Rosantonia Zianni.
Film 1177419 Matri 1814 #17 of daughter Lucia Maddalena.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosantonia Mancini (I319) [Female] b. ABT 1774 - d. 2 Nov 1850 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti
Age from birth of grandson Michelangelo, Film 1353699 Nati 1845 #13. She was deceased by 1850 as referenced in son Giustino's second marriage. Puts birth in 1786.
Another age 45y at marraige of son Giustino, Matri 1819 #66 would put birth in 1774.
Film 1353699 Morti 1850#32, 66y puts birth in 1784 but I think that is wrong.
Archivio di Stato di Pescara also puts her birth year as 1784.
Film 1177419 Matri 1814 #17 of daughter Lucia Maddalena.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosa Maria Pallone (I320) [Female] b. 18 Jul 1822 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy - d. 15 Apr 1862 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 and 1353700, Matri 1850
Film 1353700 Morti 1862 #12, 40y, reported by Domenicantonio DiVecchia, 30y. This was 4 days after the birth of her son, Felice. Felice died 6 days later.
Birth date from Archivio di Statio di Pescara.
Change: 30 Jul 2014
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