Genealogy Data Page 31 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Giovanni Bozzi (I2401) [Male] b. Jun 1949
Info from Albina Frazzini Bozzi.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rita Laura Bozzi (I2402) [Female] b. Dec 1950
Info from Albina Frazzini Bozzi.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Vincenzo Putaturo (I2403) [Male]
DOD from Albina Frazzini Bozzi, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nello Putaturo (I2404) [Male]
DOD from Albina Frazzini Bozzi, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Dolores Lay (I2405) [Female]
Obit of grandmother, Aurora della Croce diSanza 1942
Change: 9 Apr 2005
Elena Margherita "Helen" Acquafondata (I2406) [Female] b. 26 Oct 1920 Cobre, NV - d. 1 Feb 1994 McGill, NV
Reno Evening Gazette - 4/5/1939 - Marriage Announcement.
From White Pine Cemetery Site: Beland, Helen Aquafondata Dreitzler - 26 Oct 1920 in Cobre, NV - 1 Feb 1994 in McGill, NV. Daughter of Carmine and Francesca Carlini Aquafondata. Sister of Tony Fondi, Connie Lewis, Vi Gledhill and Carmen Merrill. Children: Nina Spradlin and Vicki Udy. Member of the BPOE Does.
Graduated from White Pine High School in 1938.
1930 Census, Ely, NV
Email from Jolene Gardner, May 2005
Info from daughter Vicky Dreitzler, Jul 2005: "When my mother was born they misprinted her birth certificate to read Allen Aquafondata"
Change: 22 Jul 2005
Pietrangelo Iannacchione (I2407) [Male] b. ABT 1782
1811 SPA transcribed death record #59 of son Raffaele, 27y.
1820 SPA transcribed birth record of daughter Barbara Lucia, 38y
1831 SPA transcribed marriage record of daughter Marianna.
Film 1448221 Matri #8 of daughter Domenica.
1869 SPA Status Animarum - listed as parent of Lucia Iannacchione
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via San Rocco of daughter Cleose Iannacchione.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Domenica.
Change: 24 Sep 2011
Grazia Settefrati (I2408) [Female] b. ABT 1786
1811 SPA transcribed death record #59 of son Raffaele, 24y.
1820 SPA transcribed birth record of daughter Barbara Lucia, 34y
1831 SPA transcribed marriage record of daughter Marianna.
Film 1448221 Matri #8 of daughter Domenica
1869 SPA Status Animarum - listed as parent of Lucia Iannacchione
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via San Rocco of daughter Cleose Iannacchione.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Domenica.
Change: 24 Sep 2011
Maria FILIPPA Carlino (I2409) [Female] b. 21 Jun 1859 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1859 #58.
2019 Feb email from Mike Scozzari. Telling about his cousin: "Also, worth noting is that this cousin’s grandfather is Gabrielle Americo Labate. He was born in the US, but his mother, Filippina, was born in SPA. My theory is that Filippina’s husband (whose name we don’t know) is the son of the older Alfonso Donato and father of the younger Alfonso Donato and Gabrielle Americo Labate."
1889 SPA transcribed birth record #44 of son Gabriele Americo Ascenzo Labate.
Change: 28 Feb 2019
Maria Vencenza Carlino (I2410) [Female] b. 13 Aug 1856 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1856 #54
Change: 14 Apr 2005
Vincenzo Carlino (I2411) [Male] b. 2 Feb 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Jul 1883 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1855 #4, gf: Saverio
Film 1448676 Morti 1883 #29, 26y
Change: 12 May 2006
Domenico Antonio Carlino (I2412) [Male] b. 8 Feb 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 14 Apr 1897
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #8
1897 14 Apr EI arrival on the Scindia, (45y 1852) going to New York, total of 6 men and 1 woman from SPA.
1900 Census, Pittsburgh, PA, 52y, Feb 1848, married 20 years, immigrated 1896.
email from Daniel Carlins, Feb 2009: Refering to the 1900 census entry of Agostino Carlini - "His brother, Dominic, was also living with them at the time. He (Agostino) returned to Italy later but I am not sure when."
Change: 23 Dec 2013
Maria Rebbecca Carlino (I2413) [Female] b. 31 Dec 1849 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Jan 1874 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1849 #66
1869 SPA Status Animarum, shows name as Rebecca.
Film 1448676 Morti 1874 #4 reconstructed
Film 1448676 Pubbs (Matri are missing) 1894 #3 of daughter Virginia
Film 1448676 Reconstructed Matri 1894 of daughter Virginia, mother's name of Virginia shown as Barbara
Change: 12 Sep 2008
Costanza Carlino (I2414) [Female] b. 18 Sep 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 31 Mar 1909
Film 1338776 Nati 1847 #60
Ellis Isand 31 Mar 1909, 61y, going to Chicago Ill, husband Sabatino Acquafondata and 4 children. Travelled with Domenico and Giuseppe diLorenzo (among others) who were going to Pueblo, CO.
Change: 17 May 2005
Giuseppa Carlino (I2415) [Female] b. 19 May 1862 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1862 #20
DNA Match, Ancestry tree of S.P.
Change: 11 Nov 2016
Maria Filomena Carlino (I2416) [Female] b. 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1865 #6
Change: 14 Apr 2005
Cristinziano SABATINO Labate (I2417) [Male] b. 11 Jun 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 2 May 1889
Film 1338776 Nati 1853 #41.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 265.
1886 SPA transcribed birth record #57 of daughter, Celestina.
1889 SPA transcribed birth record #44 of son Gabriele Americo Ascenzo Labate.
New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957
Name: Sabatino Labate
Arrival Date: 2 May 1889
Birth Date: abt 1853
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Italian
Place of Origin: Italy
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Alesia
Traveled with Ludovico Labate, Domenico Ricci, Raimondo Gatti, Vencenzo ?, Domenico Labate, Domenico diSanto, Daniel Colajanni.
New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957
Name: Sabatinoe Labate
[Sabatino Labate]
Arrival Date: 19 May 1899
Birth Date: abt 1854
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Italian
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Trojan Prince
Traveled with Oreste Labate, his son Nicola, Carmine Romeo Labate, Cladio Giuseppe Colaianni and carmine Antonio Iacovetti.
Change: 28 Feb 2019
Nicolangelo Labate (I2418) [Male] b. 9 Mar 1829 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 Jun 1899 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1829 #11
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #1 of son Sabatino
Film 1338776 Nati 1853 #41 of son Cristinziano
Film 1448675 Nati 1869 #73 of son Nicola, 40y
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 265.
Film 1448676 Morti 1899 #14
1935 PA DC of daughter, Cristina.
Change: 7 Nov 2014
Maria DOMENICA Iacovetta (I2419) [Female] b. ABT 1832
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #1 of son Sabatino
Film 1338776 Nati 1853 #41 of son Cristinziano
Film 1448675 Nati 1869 #73 of son Nicola, 37y
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 265.
1935 PA DC of daughter, Cristina.
Change: 7 Nov 2014
Gabriele AMERICO Ascenzo Labate (I2420) [Male] b. 17 Jul 1889 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 11 Nov 1943 Akron, Summit, OH
Immigration: : 3 Jun 1906
Occupation: B.F. Goodrich
Naturalization: : 1934
2019 Feb email from Mike Scozzari, writing about his cousin: "worth noting is that this cousin’s grandfather is Gabrielle Americo Labate. He was born in the US, but his mother, Filippina, was born in SPA." <-- Americo was not born in the US. I believe that this person is Gabriele Americo Ascenzo Labate who was actually born in SPA.
Film 1448676 Nati 1889 #44. f:Sabatino, m: Filippa Carlini.
1906 EI Arrival, 17y, Going to Pittsburgh, PA. travelled with Filippo Moreli, Matteo Adriano, and Francesco Colaianni.
New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957
Name: Americo Labate
Arrival Date: 3 Jun 1906
Birth Date: abt 1889
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Italian (South) (Italian)
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Hohenzollern
Ellis Island 21 oct 1923, 34y, going to sister, Antonetta Labate, Pittsburgh, PA.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 41y. 29 at first marriage. Imm 1923. Stonebutter.
Ohio, County Naturalization Records, 1800-1977
Name: Gabriele Americo Labate
Age: 45
Birth Date: 1889
Birth Place: Italy
Naturalization Date: 1934
Naturalization Place: , Summit, Ohio, United States
FHL Film Number: 1644103
email from granddaughter, Cathleen Sterling, Mar 2010.
U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Name: America Gabriel Labate
Gender: Male
Race: White
Residence Age: 53
Birth Date: 17 Jul 1889
Birth Place: San Pietro, Italy
Residence Date: 1942
Residence Place: Akron, Ohio
1943 11 Nov OH DC 54y 3m 24d. Worked for BF Goodrich. Lived in Akron for 22 years.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Name: Americo Labate
Death Date: 11 Nov 1943
Death Place: Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
Change: 2 Mar 2019
Celestina Labate (I2421) [Female] b. 15 May 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1886 #45. f: Sabatino 33y - scarpelino, m: Filippa Carlini.
Change: 28 Feb 2019
Ugo "Hugo" Labate (I2422) [Male] b. ABT 1921 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Friend of Nino Carlini.
Ellis Island 21 oct 1923, 2y, going to aunt, Antonetta Labate, Pittsburgh, PA.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 8y, with parents. Listed as Hugo. Born Italy.
Change: 16 Dec 2017
Filomena Conti (I2423) [Female] b. 1 Nov 1891 CO - d. 23 Jul 1994 Akron, Summit, OH
Mark's note: her surname might be Conti and her mother's maiden name might be Scarpatti.
Ellis Island 21 oct 1923, 32y, going to sister-in-law, Antonetta Labate, Pittsburgh, PA.
Town name from Nino Carlini. Carovilli, Campobasso, Italy - but 1930 census says born in CO.
email from granddaughter, Cathleen Sterling, Mar 2010.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 39y, first married at 27y. Born CO. Her two oldest chldren were born in Italy.
Summit County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 1840-1980
Name: Philomena Conti
Gender: Female
Spouse: Americo LaBate
Child: Frederick LaBate <-- his 1949 marriage record.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Filomena Labate
SSN: 283-48-2853
Last Residence:
44310 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
BORN: 1 Nov 1891
Died: 23 Jul 1994
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1965)
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Name: Filomena A Labate
[Filomena A Conti]
Birth Date: 1 Nov 1891
Birth Place: Colorado, United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: 23 Jul 1994
Death Time: 10:30 AM
Hospital of Death: St Thomas Hospital Medical Center
Death Place: Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
Certificate: 057998
Age at Death: 102
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: 283-48-2853
Father's Surname: Conti
Mother's Maiden Name: Scarpitti
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: 8
Industry of Decedent: Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: Housewife/Homemaker
Census Tract: 5021
Primary Registration District: 7701
Change: 16 Dec 2017
Ettore "Arthur S." Labate (I2424) [Male] b. ABT 1920 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Ellis Island 21 Oct 1923, 3y, going to aunt, Antonetta Labate, Pittsburgh, PA.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 10y, with parents. Born Italy.
Summit County, Ohio, Marriage Records, 1840-1980
Name: Filomena Conti
Gender: Female
Spouse: Americo Labate
Child: Arthur S Labate <-- his 1947 marriage record
1946 Akron, Summit, OH marriage license. 26y. Born "Provence of Abbruzzi, Italy". Student
Change: 16 Dec 2017
Federico "Frederick " Labate (I2425) [Male] b. 29 Feb 1924 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA - d. 14 Apr 2017 Akron, Summit, OH
Info from Nino Carlini. Federico (Fred) was a lumberjack and was killed by a falling tree in either WA or OR.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 6y, with parents. Born PA.
Frederick LaBate
Akron, Ohio
Feb 29, 1924 - Apr 14, 2017 (Age 93)
Frederick (Fred) LaBate passed away peacefully at his home at the age of 93.
Fred was born on Feb. 29, 1924 in Pittsburgh, Pa. to Americo and Philomena LaBate.
He spent his entire life living on North Hill and was always proud of that and of his Italian heritage. He was a lifetime member of the Carovillese Club.
He graduated from North H.S. in 1942, served in the U.S. Army during World War II, achieving the rank of SSgt, returning to Akron and continuing his career at THE B. F. Goodrich.
He married his beautiful wife, Lenora, in 1949 and had three children.
He retired from THE Goodrich in 1974, with over 30 years of service.
He spent the rest of his life "succeeding", enjoying his family, his friends and the simple beauty of life.
He dedicated his life to always making sure his family was first, his friends second and himself last.
Over the years, he always loved being outside, be it fishing in Canada, day trips to Holmes County to enjoy his many Amish friends, tending his garden, puttering around the yard, or just sitting on his back deck and enjoying a nice glass of wine.
He truly loved being with his brother, Bob, who just preceded him in death in Nov, 2016.
They loved joking and teasing each other, and any other family member who happened to wander into their conversations.
Fred was a kind, gentle caring man who, even as his health declined, made sure that every one who came to his home left with something.
Fred was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Lenora; siblings, Arthur, Hugo, Robert and Viola.
He is survived by his children, David (Penny), Susie Daly, Sandy (Jennifer) Bender; his grandchildren, Christopher (Amanda) LaBate, Maia Daly, Kari (Chad) Mraz, Kelly (Sean) Prescott; his five great-grandchildren; and his sister, Margaret Goodney.
The family appreciates the many years of friendship, help and caring that his next door neighbor, Rick (Mary) Knotek, offered Dad and the assistance that Beth Collins offered him in the last few months of his life.
The family would like to thank Dr Atul Goswami MD, Dr Ray Acus MD, Dr Zou Yassine MD , Dr Pat Flanagan MD and all their staffs for the kind and caring way you treated our dad.
Special thanks to Cathleen, Amy, Carla, and each and every member of the Crossroads Hospice family. Without your help and strength, Dad would never have fulfilled his wish to pass away in his home.
Memorial Calling Hours will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday at Hennessy Funeral Home (corner of York and Main) 552 N. Main St., Akron. A Memorial Mass will be held at a later date at Blessed Trinity Church. Burial will be at Holy Cross Cemetery.
Published in Akron Beacon Journal on Apr. 16, 2017
Change: 16 Dec 2017
Roberto "Robert" Labate (I2426) [Male] b. 2 Dec 1928 Akron, Summit, OH - d. 19 Nov 2016 Akron, Summit, OH
Info from Nino Carlini. Roberto is Nino's 2nd cousin on the Scarpati side from Carovilli.
email from daughter, Cathleen Sterling, Mar 2010.
1930 census, Akron, Summit, OH, 1y 2m, with parents.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Robert Labate
Birth Date: 2 Dec 1928
Birth Place: Akron, Summit County, Ohio, United States of America
Death Date: 19 Nov 2016
Death Place: Akron, Summit County, Ohio, United States of America
Cemetery: Holy Cross Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Akron, Summit County, Ohio, United States of America
Has Bio?: Y
Robert Labate, 87, passed away November 19, 2016 peacefully at home with his wife at his side.
He was born December 2, 1928 to Americo Labate and Filomina Conte in Akron, Ohio where he had lived his entire life. Bob graduated from North High School in 1947. He enlisted in the Navy 1947 to 1952 and proudly served as a Dental Tech, stationed in San Diego, California, then Annapolis, Md.
In 1952, he married his high school sweetheart, Jean Niewiadomski at St. Sebastian Church, officiated by Monsignor Hilary Zwisler.
He attended Kent State University, interrupted by a family crisis at which time he managed his in-law's business, The Maple Valley Tavern.
Bob and Jean founded and designed the Amber Pub Restaurant in 1968. He enjoyed serving people, had a passion sharing meals and being a perfect, congenial host. For Bob, "Generosity knew no boundaries." Bob was an active member at St. Sebastian Church; avid fisherman in Canada; exercised at the YMCA; Winnebago traveling the East Coast from Canada to Florida with his wife and daughters. Bob was very proud of his daughters and especially his three grandsons, and he loved his family dinners.
Bob was preceded in death by his father and mother; brothers, Arthur and Hugo; and sister, Viola.
He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Jean; daughters, Jeannine Labate, Col. Cathleen Labate, Brigette Sullivan (Joe), Barbara Leahy (Tim), Margaret Naylor (Lou); grandchildren, Devin, Daniel and Andrew Leahy; brother, Fred; sister, Margaret Goodney; and many nieces and nephews.
Calling hours are from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, November 25, 2016 at Ciriello & Carr Funeral Home, 39 S. Miller Rd., Fairlawn. Mass of Christian Burial will be Saturday, November 26, 2016 at St. Sebastian Catholic Church, 476 Mull Ave., Akron at 11 a.m. PLEASE MEET AT CHURCH. Inurnment at Holy Cross Cemetery with military honors. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to: St. Sebastian Church Foundation or AGMC VNS Hospice, 3358 Ridgewood Rd., Akron, Oh 44333. Cremation has taken place.
Published in Akron Beacon Journal
from Nov. 20 to Nov. 25, 2016
Change: 16 Dec 2017
Marianna diSanza (I2427) [Female] b. ABT 1785 - d. 1826
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via San Rocco of son Michelangelo, listed as Mariangela.
Family tree of Lucia Assunta Morelli pdf file received from Federico Cisternas, Oct 2018.
Change: 1 Nov 2018
Maria ELISABETTA Frazzino (I2428) [Female] b. 21 Jun 1808 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 3 Mar 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Film 1448676 Morti 1865 #7
DOB from Chris Costantino.
Middle name might be Isodora.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Addaria Frazzino (I2429) [Female] b. 25 Jul 1826 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1826 #50
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria GIUSEPPA Frazzino (I2430) [Female] b. 17 Mar 1821 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Apr 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1821 #16
Film 1329602 Morti 1850 #17, 30y
1869 SPA Status Animarum, listed as Antonio's second wife - dead
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Corcifissa Frazzino (I2431) [Female] b. 23 Jan 1824 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1824 #4
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Genova DILETTA Frazzino (I2432) [Female] b. 6 May 1819 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1819 #33
1869 SPA Status Animarum - via Santa Maria Della Neve
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Michelangelo Nicolo Antonio Frazzino (I2433) [Male] b. 4 Dec 1816 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1816 #40
Film 1338776 Nati 1854 #19 of son Filippo Carmine, 37y
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via San Rocco
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Angelo Mariani (I2434) [Male] b. 28 Oct 1808 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
DOB from Chris Costantino.
Film 1448675 Nati 1872 #34 of grandson Giovanni Bonaventura Carlino.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giovanni Cosmo Mariani (I2435) [Male] b. 24 Jun 1842 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT 1876
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Film 1338776 Nati 1842 #39
Dates from Wilberta Illig, Jul 2005
Date of death from Chris Costantino.
1869 SPA Status Animarum - via Suodo
1902 3 Mar EI arrival of son, Emilio. Possible. Emilio was going to father, Giovanni, in Ogden, UT. Travelled with cousin Pasquale Mariani and with Felice Mariani.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Antonio Silvestro "Tony" Mariani (I2436) [Male] b. 31 Dec 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood.
1847 SPA transcribed birth record #78.
1869 SPA Status Animarum - via Suodo
1900 census, Kelton, Box Elder, UT, 52y, b: Dec 1847, immigrated 1882, married for 25 years.
Info from Cathy Youngblood, Apr 2008: "Here is the FGS for Antonio Silvestro Mariani. Of course it does bring some questions to mind about the daughters and especially Lucia and Angela. Lucia was born in March of 1882. If one assumes that the death certificate of Angela's husband records her age correctly, she was also born in 1882. Were they twins? I just can't seem to figure out the 9 months difference and have it work out with the month of Ruggerio's death in August vs. the month of Lucia's birth in March. I could be being obtuse though."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gorizia Carlini (I2437) [Female] b. ABT 1900 - d. 1903
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria LUCIA "Lucy" Mariani (I2438) [Female] b. 10 Mar 1882 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 18 Jan 1972 Denver, Denver, CO
Immigration: : 29 Mar 1910
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005: this is her great grandmother.
1910 21 Mar EI arrival, 28y, with sons Giovanni and Beniamino, going to husband, Antonio, in New Castle, CO.
1910 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO.
Info from Cathy Youngblood, Apr 2008
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 36y, imm 1909, Nat 1916.
1930 census, Columbine, Weld, CO, 46y, listed as Lucy, first married at 18y, imm 1910.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Elisabetta Mariani (I2439) [Female] b. 12 Jul 1877 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Jan 1971 San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Italy
Film 1448676 Matri 1896 #2, 18y
Info from Cathy Youngblood, Apr 2008: DOB and DOD
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Antonio Rosario "Tony" Carlini (I2440) [Male] b. 7 Oct 1878 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Jan 1966 Denver, CO
Immigration: : 2 May 1895
Film 1448675 Nati 1878 #91
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1895 2 May EI arrival, 16y, going to NY, travelled with brother Tommaso and with Domenico diGiacomo.
1901 16 Jul EI arrival, 23y, possible, bad manifest reference on EI web site. Traveled with Tiberio diCianno (45y), Domenico Carlino (36y USC), Emiddio Colajanni (38y) and son Antonio Colajanni (11y). Found the manifest on - prevoiusly in the US from 1895 to 1898. going to nobody
1909 22 Jun EI arrival, 30y, possible, bad manifest reference on EI web site. Traveled alone. Found the manifest on - wife in SPA, Maria, going to friend in New York. Previously in the US from 1902 to 1904.
1910 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 31y, living at the house of his brother, Donatantonio.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 41y, imm 1894, Nat 1916.
1930 census, Columbine, Weld, CO, 50y, first married at 22y, imm 1909. Shot firer in a Coal Mine.
email from great-grandson, Gregory Carleno, Jan 2011.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Tony Carleno
SSN: 521-22-0458
Born: 7 Oct 1878
Died: Jan 1966
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (Before 1951)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Igina "Jean Virginia" Carleno (I2441) [Female] b. 15 Feb 1911 New Castle, Garfield, CO - d. 9 Dec 1989 Ventura, CA
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 8y.
1930 census, Columbine, Weld, CO, 19y.
California Death Index, 1940-1997
Name: Jean Virginia Madonna [Jean Virginia Carleno]
Social Security #: 521321889
Sex: Female
Birth Date: 15 Feb 1911
Birthplace: Colorado
Death Date: 9 Dec 1989
Death Place: Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: Mariani
Father's Surname: Carleno
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Quirino Madonna (I2442) [Male] b. 1906 - d. 1985
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Robert Quirino Madonna (I2443) [Male] b. 1933 - d. 1982
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nancy Woestemeyer (I2444) [Female]
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Cathy Madonna (I2445) [Female] b. 1955
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Viola Carlini (I2446) [Female] b. 1903
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
In his life story, John Mariani stated that he wanted to marry Viola but his father objected.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Eduardo Carlini (I2447) [Male] b. 30 Dec 1898 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 24 Nov 1966 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1898 #79
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005. She sent me a scan of his funeral card.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Giovanna Quaranta (I2448) [Female] b. 10 Sep 1840 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1896
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood.
1840 SPA transcribed birth record #59.
Change: 21 Mar 2010
Donatangelo Antonio "Donato Danio" Carlini (I2449) [Male] b. 21 Dec 1864 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 22 May 1910 New Castle, Garfield, CO
Immigration: : 15 Apr 1882
Naturalization: : 11 Apr 1898
Film 1338776 Nati 1864 #84
Film 1448676 Nati 1899 #45 of daughter Iola
1904 16 Apr: Donato Danio Carlino - Passport Application taken in Rome, Italy when he was bringing over his wife and two daughters. Immigration to the US 24 Mar 1881 on the Washington. Naturalized at Glenwood Springs, CO on 11 Apr 1898. Gives date of birth as 22 Dec 1964. Lives in Glenwood Springs, CO.
My guess is that this is the "Donato Danio Carlino" who was a witness to the naturalization of my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, in Trinidad, CO on 17 Oct 1904. I believe the "Danio", which is not an Italian name or an Americanization, was a nickname.
I just did a check of Ellis Island and there are two records for him, 1899 and 1904. His first name is written Donatangelo each time BUT for the 1904 entry, the name Antonio is written above the "angelo" part of the name. By 1899, he was a US citizen and had been in the US from 1881 to 1898.
Ellis Island manifest, 4 May 1904, 19y, with wife and two children, all four were US citizens. Going to home of Felice Colavecchio, Pueblo, CO. Traveled with Nicolantonio Colavecchio and Gennaro diMartino (though Gennaro's line is crossed out so he probably did not sail).
I guess that squares things. He was born Donatangelo but here in the US, he was known as Donato Antonio.
Family info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood.
1900 census, Pitkin, CO, 36y, married.
1910 census, West New Castle, CO, 46y, married for 11 years, imm 1881, Naturalized. His brother, Antonio (with wife and children) are living with him.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Cristina Antonia Carlini (I2450) [Female] b. 13 Jun 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448675 Nati 1868 #35
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood.
Change: 5 Jul 2011
Domenico Filippo "Phillip" Carlini (I2451) [Male] b. 19 Oct 1869 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1948
Film 1448675 Nati 1869 #82
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1900 Census, Pitkin, CO
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Domenico Quaranta (I2452) [Male]
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1830 SPA transcribed birth record #45 of daughter, Anna Antonia.
Change: 21 Mar 2010
Cristina diCianno (I2453) [Female] d. 1843
1830 SPA transcribed birth record #45 of daughter, Anna Antonia.
Change: 21 Mar 2010
Nicola diCianno (I2454) [Male]
Change: 18 Apr 2005
Rosa Colaianni (I2455) [Female]
Change: 18 Apr 2005
Giovannino "John" E. Carleno (I2456) [Male] b. 19 Dec 1901 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. May 1973 Durango, La Plata, CO
Immigration: : 21 Mar 1910
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1910 21 Mar EI arrival, 8y, with mother Lucia, going to father, Antonio, in New Castle, CO.
1910 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 18y, imm 1909, Nat 1916.
Social Security Death Index
Name: John Carleno
SSN: 450-10-3299
Last Residence: 81301 Durango, La Plata, Colorado, United States of America
Born: 19 Dec 1901
Died: May 1973
State (Year) SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Beniamino "Benjamin" Carleno (I2457) [Male] b. 2 Sep 1904 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Jul 1967 Denver, Denver, CO
Immigration: : 29 Mar 1910
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1910 21 Mar EI arrival, 5y, with mother Lucia, going to father, Antonio, in New Castle, CO.
1910 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 15y, imm 1909, Nat 1916.
email from grandson, Gregory Carleno, Jan 2011.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Benjamin Carleno
SSN: 523-07-1472
Last Residence: 80218 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of America
Born: 2 Sep 1904
Died: Jul 1967
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (Before 1951)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Baby Boy Carleno (I2458) [Male] b. 1916 New Castle, Garfield, CO - d. 1917 New Castle, Garfield, CO
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Emma Carleno (I2459) [Female] b. 1914 - d. 1984
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 5y.
1930 census, Columbine, Weld, CO, 16y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Stella Carleno (I2460) [Female] b. 1918 - d. 1974
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1920 census, New Castle, Garfield, CO, 1y 11m.
1930 census, Columbine, Weld, CO, 12y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tommaso Carlini (I2461) [Male] b. 22 Dec 1872 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT 1940 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 2 May 1895
Film 1448675 Nati 1872 #85
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Jul 2005: "I believe that the Tommaso Carlini who Henry and Emilio Mariani went to in SLC was possibly the older brother of my g-g'pa, Antonio and also of the "fascinating" Donato Carlini. Any clues???".
She sent me three Ellis Island entries that reference him:
--Arrived 2 May 1895, 20y, going to NY, travelled with brother Antonio and with Domenico diGiacomo.
--Arrived 2 March 1913, Port of Departure: Naples, Ship: Franconia, Cunard Line, 1911-1916
--Concetta Maria Carlino, 18y, female, single, going to brother-in-law Antonio (DiLudovico?). Occupation: household, father Tomaso Carlino in Pueblo, CO.
--Emilio Mariani, male, 28y, married (this is Henry's brother), in US previously 1902, going to SLC, cousin Tommaso Carlini, in SLC, occupation: laborer, wife Nicola Rossi(?) in SPA, SLC was final destination.
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
Name: Tommaso Carlino but the line was crossed out
Estimated birth year: abt 1871
Arrival: 14 Oct 1903
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Port of Departure: Naples
Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: Italian
Ship Name: Germania
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Line: 27
Microfilm Serial: 15
Microfilm Roll: T715_404
Page Number: 18
Wilberta found this record indexed "Filamena Capito". She was going to
she was going to her 'future husband and cousin Tommaso Carlino in SLC.
Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943
Name: Filamena Capito
Arrival Date: 11 Nov 1909
Age: 30 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1879
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Italian (South)
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Ship Name: Lazio
Port of Arrival: Boston, Massachusetts
Friend's Name: Carlus Ermaso (Tommaso Carlino)
Last Residence: Camps
Microfilm Roll Number: 141
email from Cathy Youngblood, Mar 2009: "It looks as though Tommaso was on the same ship as my g-grandmother & her sons (Lucia Mariani Carlino) in 1910. And that he made his first crossing with my g-grandfather in 1895 (from memory - might be off by a year or two)."
Change: 5 Jul 2011
Beniamino Antonio Carlino (I2462) [Male] b. 12 May 1828 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Dec 1899 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1828, #31
Film 1448676 Morti 1899 #49, 71y
Change: 16 Jan 2011
Leonardo Carlini (I2463) [Male] b. 1909 - d. 1997
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Manfredo Carlini (I2464) [Male] b. 1912 - d. 1934
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Onelia Carlini (I2465) [Female] b. 1920
Immigration: : 26 Apr 1956
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1956 Apr 26 New York Arrival, from Naples on the Saaturnia.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Settefrati (I2466) [Male]
Immigration: : 26 Apr 1956
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1956 Apr 26 New York Arrival, from Naples on the Saaturnia. Travelled with wife and children. On Italian passport.
Same person as 7885?
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Felice Pace (I2467) [Male]
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Giovannia Carlini (I2468) [Female] b. 1 Dec 1896 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 21 Dec 1896 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1896 #77
Morti 1448676 Morti 1896 #48
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Leonzio Palmerino Nestor Carlini (I2469) [Male] b. 21 Mar 1899 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT Dec 1978 Pittsburgh, PA
Immigration: : 12 Nov 1923
Occupation: stonecutter: 1936
Film 1448676 Nati 1899 #12
SSDI Dec 1978 Pittsbugh, PA
Boston Passenger Manifest 12 Nov 1923
1926 SPA Reunion photo. Identifed by Louis N. Ricci.
1936 photograph of him working on the Westinghouse Bridge in Pittsburgh, PA sent to me by Dan Carlins, Dec 2009. Photo appears in the book "Bloomfield - Images of America": "In 1936, Leonzio Carlni, stonecutter for Campbell-Horgan Monument Company, is shown chiseling a Frank Vittor design onto the Westinghouse Bridge. Carlini and his wife Teresa, from San Pietro Avellana, Italy, resided on Cedarville Street with daughters, Frances, Roseanna, and Norma. Frances Carlini Gasbarro continues to reside there."
1940 census, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA, 41y.
Photo in album of Norma Carlini Caracciolo sent to me by Bob Ricci, Dec 2011.
Change: 14 Dec 2017
Guglielmo Ettore "William" Carlino (I2470) [Male] b. 19 Jul 1882 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 19 Apr 1944 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Immigration: : 23 Feb 1900
Naturalization: : 26 Feb 1917
Film 1448675 Nati 1882 #80
Ellis Island 23 Feb 1900, 17y, going to bro Alessandro (?), New York City.
Godfather of mother of Wilberta Illig.
1910 census, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA, 28y, with wife, no children, stonecutter. Born Italy.
1914 Declaration of Intention, Pool Room Proprietor. Born SPA.
1916 Petition for Naturalization, two childern. 4705 Lorigan St, Pittsburgh, PA.
1917 Oath of Allegiance, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA.
1920 census, Pittsburgh Allegheny, PA, 37y, imm 1905, Naturalized 1916. Indexed as William Carlo.
1930 census, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA, 48y. born Italy. First married at 28y. Imm 1900, Naturalized. Listed as married but no wife listed. Stone-cutter.
1934 Pittsburgh City Directory, PA: "Carlini Wm (Adeline) sec-treas Carlini Bros Inc h4727 Liberty av"
1934 Pittsburgh City Directory, PA: "Carlini Bros Randolfo F Carlini pres Leonzio Carlini v-pres Wm Carlini sec-treas monuments 701 Hazelwood av"
WWII Draft Registration, 59y, DOB 19 Jul 1882 Italy. Tuberculosis Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, wife Mathilda. 316 Bouquet St, Pittsburgh, PA.
1944 PA DC, 61y 10m 0d. Stonecutter. Reported by Yolanda Carlini. DOB 19 Jul 1882. Usual residence - 422 Oakland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA.
1951 PA DC of daughter, Yolanda.
1959 PA DC of son, Albert.
Change: 19 Dec 2024
Amico Angelo "Nick Fondi" Acquafondata (I2471) [Male] b. 9 Mar 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 16 Apr 1890
Film 1338776 Nati 1855 #13
1869 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1448676 Matri 1874 #15, 19y
1890 16 Apr, NY arrival, 44y, traveled with several other men from SPA. Traveled with son, Sabatino GIOVANNI.
1899 Nov 11 article in the Pittsburgh Daily Post "Charged with Murder - Alexander Acquafondata and Others to Answer for Lynch's Death". Others are Amico Acquafondata (AKA Nick Fondi), Rosario Fazio and Emido Florio.
1900 Jan 5 article in the Pittsburgh Daily Post "Five Lives on Trial -- Highland Station Italians Charged with Murder of Harry Lynch in Criminal Court". Lists Alessandro Acquafondi (AKA Sam Fondi), Amico Acquafondati (AKA Nick Fondi) and Enudio Florio (also two other men not with SPA surnames).
1900 Jan 6 One Against the Eleven - Alessandro Acquafondata and Rosario Fazio found quilty, The Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
1905 6 Jul EI arrival, 50y, previously in the US from 1890 to 1900 in Pittsburgh, PA. Going to son, Giovanni in Sandstone, MN.
Buried in Aurora, MN per Jolene Gledhill.
Change: 6 Oct 2021
Doristella Mariani (I2472) [Female] b. ABT 1878 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT Sep 1882 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Dates from Wilberta Illig, Jul 2005
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Randolfo Carlini (I2473) [Male] b. 10 Feb 1893 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 Aug 1943 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Occupation: Stonecutter
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Info from cousin, Wendy Frazzini MacFarland. Randolpho was brother to Orie Carlini.
Approx birth year from Wilberta Illig.
CARLINS, RANDOLPH (1920 U.S. Census)
Age: 25, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: ITAL
Series: T625 Roll: 1517 Page: 78
SPA birth records are missing for 1891-3
1920 Census, Pittsburgh, PA, 25y,
1930 census, 37y, with wife Mary, and 7 children, Pittsburgh, PA, works at Monument Works.
1942 WWII Draft Registration shows birth as 10 Feb 1893.
1943 PA DC, 50y 5m 27d, DOD 6 Aug 1943, DOB 10 Feb 1893, Stonecutter. f: Francesco, m: Cleonice Rossi. Reported by Mrs. Mary Carlini.
Photo in album of Norma Carlini Caracciolo sent to me by Bob Ricci, Dec 2011.
Change: 28 Dec 2021
Carmine ALOISIO or LUIGI Acquafondata (I2474) [Male] b. 3 Jan 1843 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1843 #1
Film 1448676 Matri 1867 #16. 25y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Emilio Mariani (I2475) [Male] b. 18 Apr 1884 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 14 Nov 1962
Immigration: : 3 Mar 1902
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Obituary of brother Henry Mariani, 16 May 1960, Deseret News, Salt Lake City, UT, sent to me by Wilberta Illig, Jul 2005. Lived in Salt Lake City, UT.
Name and Dates from Wilberta Illig, Jul 2005
Date of death from Chris Costantino.
1902 3 Mar EI arrival, 17y, Possible. Emilio was going to father, Giovanni, in Ogden, UT. Travelled with cousin Pasquale Mariani, Antonio Morgano, Giacinto Moretti and Felice Mariani.
1913 2 Mar EI arrival, 28y, married, on the Franconia, Cunard Line, in US previously 1902-1911, going to SLC, cousin Tommaso Carlini, in SLC, occupation: laborer, wife Rosaria Nicolo in SPA, SLC was final destination. Travelled with Enrico Mariani, Ersensio Settefrati, Rosario Sozio and Carmine Pietro Cinea.
1920 4 Oct EI arrival, 36y, married, wife in SPA Rosina Nicola, going to brother, Enrico Mariani in Salt Lake City, UT. Previously in the US from 1913-14 in UT.
1930 census, Salt Lake City, UT, 46y. First married at 25y, Imm 1924.
This posting by Sherri Arthur on I tried to email her but the email address is no longer valid: " Posted: 31 Mar 2000 12:00PM GMT - Gfather Emilio Mariani(b1884) mar. Rosa Nicolo (b1981) Immigrated USA, Utah. GGfather Giovani Cosmo Mariani (b1842) mar. Maria Giacinta Colaizzi (b 1849). GGGfather Guiseppe Angelo Mariani (b 1808) mar. Maria Elizabetha Frazzini (b 1808). GGGGfather Cosmo Mariani mar.Rosa Colarosa. I know nothing of these family's other children. Would like more information. All families were in San Pietro Avellana, Compabosso, Italy until immigration to USA turn of century. Thank You, Sherri"
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria A Carlino (I2476) [Female] b. Jul 1896 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA - d. 18 Mar 1976 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Info from cousin, Wendy Frazzini MacFarland.
1900 Census, Pittsburgh, PA, 3y
1910 Census, Pittsburgh, PA, 13y.
1920 Census, Pittsburgh, PA, 22y,
1930 census, 32y, with husband Randolpho and 7 children, Pittsburgh, PA
1943 PA DC of husband, Randolfo.
1973 Dec 8 - obituary in the News Record of son, Augustine. DOB 17 Jul 1897
Change: 28 Dec 2021
Enrico "Henry" Mariani (I2477) [Male] b. 6 Mar 1881 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 13 May 1960 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
Immigration: : 2 Mar 1913
Occupation: Boilermake helper, Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
1913 2 Mar EI arrival, 32y , married, on the Franconia, Cunard Line, Place of residence: S. Pietro A. Campobasso. In US previously (1905-1909), SLC, Cousin Tommaso Carlini in SLC, occupation: shoemaker, wife Gabrielle DiLorenzo in SPA, SLC was final destination. Travelled with brother, Emilio, Ersenio Settefrati, Rosario Sozio, and Carmine Peitro Cinea.
Obituary, 16 May 1960, Deseret News, Salt Lake City, UT, sent to me by Wilberta Illig, Jul 2005.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Dorotea diGiacomo (I2478) [Female] b. 1868
Info from Cathy Madonna Youngblood, Apr 2005.
Referenced in 16 Mar 1921, Boston arrival of daughter Marietta: mother in SPA - Dorotea diGiacomo
1868 SPA transcribed birth record #75.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 24 Sep 2011
Mark Swenson (I2479) [Male]
Info from Kristyn Rhode Valdez, Feb 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
James Rhode (I2480) [Male]
email from Kristyn Rhode Valdez, Feb 2007
Change: 9 Feb 2007
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