Genealogy Data Page 52 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Maria CARMINA Tristano (I4081) [Female] b. ABT 1889
Name from record search by Cris Swetye.
1819 SPA transcribed birth record #64 of daughter Lugia, 30y.
1842 SPA transcribed marriage record #4 of daughter, Angela.
1868 SPA transcribed marriage record of daughter Maria Carmina (third marriage).
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pasquale Amico Colajanni (I4082) [Male] b. 2 Sep 1823 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 29 Jun 1825 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Name and dates from record search by Cris Swetye.
1823 SPA transcribed birth record #18.
1825 SPA transcribed death record, 2y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Nunzia Mariani (I4083) [Female] b. 29 Mar 1820 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Jul 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1820 SPA transcribed birth record #35.
Name and dates from record search by Cris Swetye.
Change: 30 Sep 2009
Fiorangelo Antonio Colajanni (I4084) [Male] b. 22 Apr 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Name and DOB from record search by Cris Swetye.
Change: 31 May 2006
Berardino Santo Colajanni (I4085) [Male] b. 13 Mar 1849 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Name and DOB from record search by Cris Swetye.
Change: 23 May 2006
Berardino Colajanni (I4086) [Male] b. 30 Mar 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 12 Oct 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Name and DOB from record search by Cris Swetye. May be a female.
Change: 4 May 2007
Maria Domenica Colajanni (I4087) [Female] b. 6 Feb 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 22 Feb 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Name and DOB from record search by Cris Swetye shows DOB as 6 Feb 1854.
From transcribed microfilm records - shows date of death at 22 Oct 1853
Change: 4 May 2007
Pasquale Mariani (I4088) [Male] b. ABT 1786
Name from record search by Cris Swetye.
1810 SPA transcribed marrige record #11, 24y.
1841 SPA transcribed marriage record of daugher Maria Grandisia
Change: 7 Nov 2014
Maria diLorenzo (I4089) [Female] b. ABT 1790
Name from record search by Cris Swetye.
1810 SPA transcribed marrige record #11, 20y.
1841 SPA transcribed marriage record of daugher Maria Grandisia
Change: 7 Nov 2014
Jim Grayson (I4090) [Male]
Info from Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Val Valentine (I4091) [Male]
Info from sister, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gaetano "Guy" Valente Roppo (I4092) [Male] b. ABT 1888 Aiello, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy
Immigration: : 21 Sep 1907
Info from granddaughter, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
Ellis Island, 19y, 21 Sep 1907, father Nicola, going to SLC
WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Name: Valente, Guy
Birth Date: 23 Mar 1889
Birth Place: Aiello Italy
City/County: Bannock
State: ID
Ethnicity: W
WWI Draft Registration, 23 Mary 1889, 28y, born in Aiello, Italy. Boilermaker for the Oregon Short Line RR in Pocatello, ID. Married, support "father, mother, brother, sister, wife, 2 children". Signed "Guy Valente". Comment written by registrar: "Father able bodied farmer, 57 years of age".
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 40y. Listed as "G.R.", immigrated 1921, naturalized. with wife and 5 children.
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Bill Valentine (I4093) [Male] b. ABT 1924 ID
Info from niece, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 6y.
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Warren Valentine (I4094) [Male] b. 25 May 1921 ID - d. 14 Jun 1992
Info from niece, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 9y.
Social Security Death Index Record
Name: Warren R. Valentine
SSN: 519-10-9407
Born: 25 May 1921
Died: 14 Jun 1992
State (Year) SSN issued: Idaho (Before 1951 )
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Frances Valentine (I4095) [Female] b. ABT 1923 ID
Info from niece, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 7y.
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Rosina (I4096) [Female] b. ABT 1894 Italy
Info from granddaughter, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 36y. First married at 18. Immigrated 1921.
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Nicola "Nick" Valentine (I4097) [Male] b. ABT 1915 Italy
Info from niece, Rayna Valentine, May 2006.
1930 census, Pocatello, Bannock, ID, 15y. Immigrated 1921.
Change: 17 Oct 2010
Rose Angeline Stabile (I4098) [Female]
U.S. Public Records Index of husband Dominic J Labate
Name Est. Age Birth Year
Rose A Labate 85 1921
2004 obituary of husband, Domenic Labate.
Change: 13 Dec 2017
Cecelia "Ersilia" Frazzini (I4099) [Female] b. 23 Sep 1902 Hollidays Cove, Hancock, WV - d. 5 Feb 1926 Ellwood City, Lawrence, PA
Info from Robin Labate Fassbinder.
Birth record found on
1910 census, Jefferson, OH, 5y, born WV. with parents and siblings.
1920 census, Butler, Hancock, WV, 16y, living with Antonio Labate and family, born WV.
1926 PA DC, 23y, 4m 12d reported by Peter Capone.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Richard M. Labate (I4100) [Male] b. 27 Jan 1926 - d. 4 Aug 2002 Utah, UT
Info from daughter, Robin Labate Fassbinder.
1930 census, Ellwood City, PA, 4y, born PA, living with father, Michael, and uncle, Tony Labate.
Obituary 29 Jun 1964 New Castle News of aunt Nancy V., he lived in Gardena, CA.
SSDI 2002, 76y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Musillo (I4101) [Female] b. ABT 1781
1838 SPA transcribed marriage record #12 of son Alesandro Lorenzo.
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of son Giovanni, 38y in 1819.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son Giovanni.
Change: 7 Feb 2019
Eleuterio Ricci (I4102) [Male] b. ABT 1773 Civitanova, Campobosso, Italy - d. 17 Dec 1830 Civitanova, Campobosso, Italy
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of daughter Chiara, 53y in 1826, death record from Civitanova.
The town, Civitanova, now called Civitanova del Sannio, is now in the province of Isernia.
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009.
Film 1448220 Matri 1850 #14 of son Telesforo Ricci.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Chiara.
email from Annie Janke, Oct 2012: "I have been looking for death certificates for Maria Lucia Salvatore and her husband Eleuterio Ricci."
Change: 23 Oct 2012
Maria LUCIA Salvatore (I4103) [Female] b. ABT 1788 - d. 28 Mar 1829 Civitanova, Campobosso, Italy
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of daughter Chiara, 38y in 1826 from Chiara's birth record, date of death from death record from Civitanova. Most likely born in San Pietro Avellana.
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009.
Film 1448220 Matri 1850 #14 of son Telesforo Ricci.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son Giovanni.
email from Annie Janke, Oct 2012: "I have been looking for death certificates for Maria Lucia Salvatore and her husband Eleuterio Ricci."
Change: 10 Mar 2010
Paolo Salvatore (I4104) [Male]
Film 1448218 Matri 1814 of son Giacomo.
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of granddaughter Chiara,death record from Civitanova.
Change: 13 Feb 2007
Anna Chiara Spinoza (I4105) [Female]
Film 1448218 Matri 1814 of son Giacomo.
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of granddaughter Chiara,death record from Civitanova.
Film 1448218 Matri 1813 of daughter Maria Amalia.
Change: 13 Feb 2007
Giovanni Ricci (I4106) [Male]
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of grandson Giovanni, death record from Civitanova of son Eleuterio.
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009.
Change: 5 Jul 2013
Zogolinda Valerio (I4107) [Female]
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #11 of grandson Giovanni, death record from Civitanova of son Eleuterio. I read the name as Zogolinda.
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009. Concetta clearly lists the name as Zogolinda but I don't know the source of her information - might be this record.
email from Amanda Groneman, Jul 2013 asking about the spelling of the given name. After considering her email, there is some question in my mind about the spelling of this name. It might really be Rosalinda.
Change: 5 Jul 2013
Lucia Veneranda diGiacomo (I4108) [Female] b. 15 Jan 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1846 #3
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Maria Giuseppa diGiacomo (I4109) [Female] b. 23 Oct 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1847 #69
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Nicolantonio diGiacomo (I4110) [Male] b. 25 Jun 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1850 #31
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 10 Mar 2010
Sabatino DAMIANO diGiacomo (I4111) [Male] b. 24 Dec 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 2 May 1895
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #67
1852 SPA transcribed birth record #35, lists name as Sabatino Damiano.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, listed as Damiano.
1448676 Matri 1891 #35, 38y.
1911 EI arrival of son, Giovanni, Damiano was in SPA.
Cathy Madonna Youngblood wrote in Oct of 2006: About the 2 May 1895 Ellis Island record of diGiacomo, Domenico, age 44, married, going to NY. "After looking at your tree again, I think Domenico diGiacomo might be Sabatino Domenico, b. 1852, brother of Pietro Antonio diGiacomo, who was b. 1865, and d. 1937 in SLC." I'm not sure this is correct.
Change: 25 Sep 2014
Degna Domenica diGiacomo (I4112) [Female] b. 8 Jul 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1855 #43
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 10 Mar 2010
Ezechiele Sabatino diGiacomo (I4113) [Male] b. 10 Apr 1858 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1858 #27, I orginally read this name as Gabriele.
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009 shows the name as Ezechiele.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, listed as Ezechiele.
Change: 10 Mar 2010
Angela Maria diGiacomo (I4114) [Female] b. 7 Nov 1860 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1860 #69
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 10 Mar 2010
Pietro Antonio diGiacomo (I4115) [Male] b. 3 Sep 1863 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 31 Jul 1864 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1863 #72 - Must have died young since the next child was also named Pietro Antonio.
1864 SPA transcribed death record #26.
Change: 8 Jan 2011
Giacinta Ciconelli (I4116) [Female] b. ABT 1827
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #6, 17y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alessandro Ricci (I4117) [Male] b. ABT 1822 Civitanova, Campobosso, Italy
Film 1448220 Matri 1844 #10, 22y
Film 1448675 Nati 1868 #59 of grandson Amico Felice.
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #7 of daughter Filomena
See Ogden, UT web page.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giulia Musillo (I4118) [Female]
1769 SPA Status Animarum, 1st wife., deceased
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Jan 2009.
Change: 19 Apr 2010
Fidalba Carolina Morelli (I4119) [Female] b. 5 Nov 1861 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1861 SPA transcribed birth records
1861 SPA digital birth records #75, f:Amico m: Maria Musillo.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 022.
Change: 23 Mar 2023
Maria Incoronata Carlino (I4120) [Female] b. 16 Jul 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #41
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Rosa Maria Giancola (I4121) [Female] b. 6 Oct 1820 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1820 SPA Transcribed birth record #25. mother - Rosaria della Croce.
SPA 1849 transcribed birth record #33 of son Domenicantonio, 30y.
Film 1338776 Nati 1852 #46 of son Angelo, 28y
1869 SPA Status Animarum, married to Carmelo diTella (1824).
Film 1448676 Morti 1886 #7 of husband Carmine diTella
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Francesca diSanza (I4122) [Female] b. ABT 1860
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #6, 20y
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Sabatino Antonio diSanza (I4123) [Male]
1858 SPA transcribed marriage record #7.
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #6 of daughter Francesca
Change: 23 May 2009
Maria CONCETTA Settefrati (I4124) [Female] b. 4 Jun 1840
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1858 SPA transcribed marriage record #2.
1867 possible SPA transcribed birth records #2, of son, Luigi Antonio
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Terra Vecchia, Rif 356.
Change: 12 Jun 2016
Eleuterio Ricci (I4125) [Male] b. 1845 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009.
Change: 9 Feb 2009
Magnifica Domenica diGiacomo (I4126) [Female] b. 28 Apr 1833 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1833 SPA transcribed birth records.
1852 Status Animarum gives DOB as 3 Mar 1833.
Film 1448676 Matri 1880 #7 of daughter Filomena
File ricci.xls as received from Concetta diCianno, Jan 2009.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
William F. Carney (I4127) [Male]
Occupation: Isaly Dairy Co, Youngstown, OH
Info from Rayna Colaianni Valentine, Jun 2006.
Info from himself, Bill Carney, May 2009.
1969 engagement announcement in the Beaver County Times.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Andrew C. Berry (I4128) [Male] b. 19 Sep 1942 Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA - d. 7 Jul 2002 Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA
Info from Rayna Colaianni Valentine, Jun 2006
2002 obituary in the Beaver County Times, 59y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Andy Sariochek (I4129) [Male]
Info from Rayna Colaianni Valentine, Jun 2006
Possible DNA match to "Regina Sariochek" 22 cM.
Change: 5 Sep 2020
Don Pettigrew (I4130) [Male]
Info from Rayna Colaianni Valentine, Jun 2006
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ralph J. Pisani (I4131) [Male]
Info from Rayna Colaianni Valentine, Jun 2006
1969 engagement announcement in the Beaver Country Times.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Robin Labate (I4132) [Female]
Info from herself, Robin Labate Fassbinder.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Michael Donald Labate (I4133) [Male] b. 29 Jun 1931 Ellwood City, Lawrence, PA - d. 22 Nov 1996 Ellwood City, Lawrence, PA
Info from Lisa Labate Shuster, Jun 2006
Social Security Death Index
Name: Michael D. Labate
SSN: 204-22-7324
Last Residence: 16117 Ellwood City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 29 Jun 1931
Died: 22 Nov 1996
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951 )
Change: 24 Jul 2007
Lisa Labate (I4134) [Female]
Info from Lisa Labate Shuster, Jun 2006
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Bernardo Catullo (I4135) [Male]
Film 1329602 Morti 1812 #34 of daughter Angiola.
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Donata diIullo (I4136) [Female]
Film 1329602 Morti 1812 #34 of daughter Angiola.
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Giuseppe diSanza (I4137) [Male] b. ABT 1716
1749 SPA Status Animarum, 33y.
Film 1329602 Morti 1812 #9 of son Donato
Change: 12 Feb 2013
Caterina Frazzino (I4138) [Female] b. ABT 1722
1749 SPA Status Animarum, 27y. No children listed.
Film 1329602 Morti 1812 #9 of son Donato
Change: 12 Feb 2013
Antonio Frazzino (I4139) [Male] b. ABT 1808 - d. 10 Jan 1809 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1809 #4
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lucia Carlino (I4140) [Female] b. ABT 1809 - d. 19 Nov 1810 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1810 #26
Change: 2 Jun 2006
Francesco Carlino (I4141) [Male] d. BEF 1769
1769 SPA Status Animarum, dead
Film 1329602 Morti 1815 #14 of daughter Concetta.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Benegna diLorenzo (I4142) [Female] b. 25 Mar 1722 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1769 SPA Status Animarum, widow
Film 1329602 Morti 1815 #14 of daughter Concetta.
She is both my 5GGM and 6GGM.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Costanzo Carlino (I4143) [Male] b. 12 May 1751 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 2 Oct 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1448218 Matri 1810 #11 of son Civilio, 49y
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #244, 66y
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #223 of daughter Benegna
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Costanza Colaianni (I4144) [Female] b. ABT 1764
Film 1448218 Matri 1810 #11 of son Civilio, 46y
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #223 of daughter Benegna
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Benegna Carlino (I4145) [Female] b. ABT 1792 - d. 22 Sep 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448218 Matri 1813
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #223, 25y
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giacomo Salvatore (I4146) [Male] b. ABT 1791 - d. 16 Aug 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448218 Matri 1814
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #136
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angelantonio L'Abbate (I4147) [Male] b. ABT 1816 - d. 3 Oct 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #247, 1y. His mother died earlier in the year.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Domenica d'Alicandri (I4148) [Female]
Film 1329602 Morti 1822 #25 of son Giuseppe
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe "Joseph" diTella (I4149) [Male] d. ABT 1898 Freedom, Beaver, PA
Info from Cris Swetye, Jun 2006
email from Cris Swetye, Jul 2010: Joseph died of diphtheria in Freedom, PA. Probably about 1898.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Tilde Baldini (I4150) [Female]
Info from Rayna Valentine, Jun 2006.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Emma Cacciavillani (I4151) [Female]
Info from Rayna Valentine, Jun 2006
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Andrea Colitti (I4152) [Male]
Info from Rayna Valentine, Jun 2006: Andrea died before 3 years old.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Antonio Colitti (I4153) [Male]
Info from Rayna Valentine, Jun 2006:
"Antonio had meningitis or something equally awful and ended up living to adulthood, unable to speak or do anything so that Aunt Lucia lived with them and took care of him. "
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Amico Colaianni (I4154) [Male]
Info from Rayna Valentine, Jun 2006.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Herbert DeSanzo (I4155) [Male] b. May 1896 Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA
1900 Census, Rochester, Beaver, PA, 4y.
1910 census, Big Beaver, Beaver, PA, 13y, listed as Bert.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Clara M. Hartzell (I4156) [Female] b. ABT 1909 PA
1982 obituary in the Daily Times of father, Andrew Hartzell.
1930 census, Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA, 21y, First married at 17y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Frank Carmen Torilli (I4157) [Male] b. Jun 1884 Italy - d. 15 Apr 1974 New Brighton, Beaver, PA
1900 Census, Rochester, Beaver, PA
1920 census, Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA, 34y, listed as Frank Trill, married. Wife, children, nephew, Charles, and stepfather, Frank.
1930 census, Homewood, Beaver, PA, 44y, wife and 6 children. First married at 22y.
1957 obituary in the Beaver Valley Times of step-brother Bert Ray.
1974 obituary in the Beaver County Times, 82y.
1988 obituary in the Beaver County Times of wife, Anna.
email from Sally Burge, Sep 2010: "Uncle Bill DeSanzo was apparently the half or step brother of Frank (Casey) Trill (married to Aunt Annie) who had 2 daughters (Mary and Irene) and 5 (Frank, Orrie, Phillip, Patrick and ?) sons and also raised my dad since his mother died when he was only about 4 or 5."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Elaine F. deSanzo (I4158) [Female] b. 17 Nov 1919 Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA - d. 31 Jan 2008 Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA
Occupation: Postmaster: 1966
1920 Census, Homewood, Beaver, PA, 2m
1930 Census, Homewood, Beaver, PA, 10y
1968 obituary in the Beaver County Times of mother, Elvira.
Info from a wooden plaque located on the outside of the Racine (Homewood) Post Office. It explains the history of the town and the Post Office and that Elaine Buzzelli has been postmaster starting in 1964. Plague was dedicated in Apr 2002.
Elaine F. (DeSanzo) Buzzelli, 88, a lifelong resident of Homewood, passed away Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 in The Medical Center, Beaver.
Born Nov. 17, 1919, in Homewood, she was the daughter of the late William and Elvira Carlini DeSanzo. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Rudolph Buzzelli, in 1981, and an infant son.
She is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Loree Clark of Big Beaver and Carole and Dr. Jay L. Funkhouser of New Brighton: four grandchildren, Autumn Clark of Crested Butte, Colo.; Liza Brady and her husband, David of Cleveland, Ohio; Lorraine Funkhouser of Redlands, Calif. and Jay L. Funkhouser II and his wife, Alisa, of New Brighton; five adored great-grandchildren, Maggie and Charlie Brady, Devin Mammone, Jay L. III, and Leigha Funkhouser; a sister, Stella Leonardo and her husband. Carmen of Rush, N.Y.; two brothers, Raymond DeSanzo and his wife. Ann of Homewood, and Alfred DeSanzo and his wife, Lillian, also of Homewood.
During her 88 vibrant years, Elaine traveled the U.S. extensively from the beaches of the Hawaiian Islands to the southwestern Rocky Mountains of Colorado from the shores of New England to the beaches of the Carolinas. Yet, she was happiest in her beloved hometown of Homewood, where her contributions were many. She was a founding member of the Homewood Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, secretary-treasurer of the Homewood Heritage Foundation, tax collector in Homewood since 1966, and secretary-treasurer of the Homewood Borough Council also since 1966.
Until only recently, she volunteered at the Homewood Fireman's weekly Bingo fundraiser. She was also a member of St. Philomena Catholic Church. However, she is probably best remembered by her community as the beloved Postmaster, a position she held for over 44 years. An avid reader and steadfastly Democrat, Elaine read many books on American history, biographies, and politics. Although she will be remembered more for her loving nature as Big E, a nickname given to her by her great-grandson, Jaybird... testing new recipes in the kitchen, playing with her cats and dogs, trying her luck at the slot machines at Mountaineer, beating her friends at cards and scrabble, and dazzling neighbors with her green thumb. Nothing embodied her free spirit as much as her passionate love of the music of Jimmy Buffet. Most appropriately were the lyrics from one of her favorite songs, Growing older, but not up, "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead"
The family would like to thank special family and friends: Alan and Sandy DeSanzo, Mary Alice Jones, Kristine Usselman, Joe Leonardo, Mary Kay. Evans, and Mary and Joe Buzzelli for all of their love and support. They would also like to thank the doctors and critical care nurses at The Medical Center, and the Rev. Donald MacNeil for their compassionate care and kindness during a most difficult time.
Friends will be received today and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the HILL & KUNSELMAN FUNERAL HOME,, 3801 Fourth Ave., College Hill, Beaver Falls, where prayers will be recited on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. followed by a Mass of Christian burial at 11 a.m. with Father Steven M. Palsa as celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Mary Cemetery, Chippewa Township.
Throughout her long life, Elaine passionately loved and cared for many animals. Memorial donations may be made, if desired, to the Beaver County Humane Society, Route 18, Monaca, Pa. 15061.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Raymond G. DeSanzo (I4159) [Male] b. ABT 1923 Homewood Junction, Beaver, PA - d. 23 Aug 2009 Racine (Homewood Junction), Beaver, PA
1930 Census, Homewood, Beaver, PA, 7y
1968 obituary in the Beaver County Times of mother, Elvira.
2008 Obituary of sister, Elaine diSanzo Buzzelli
Published: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:16 AM EDT
Raymond G. DeSanzo, 86, of Beaver Falls, formerly of Racine, died Sunday, August 23, 2009, at Heritage Valley Beaver.
Born December 28, 1922, in Homewood, PA, a son of the late William and Alvira Carline DeSanzo, he was a member of St. Philomena Church, Beaver Falls. A U.S. Army veteran of World War II, he was a flight engineer and mechanic for Eastern Airlines and was also a mechanic for USAir.
Surviving are his wife of 62 years, Anna L. Postlewaite DeSanzo; his children, Raymond W. and Denise DeSanzo, South Beaver Township; Katherine and Gale Mussey, Franklin Township, and Robert A. and Russell G. DeSanzo, both of Homewood; a brother and sister-in-law, Alfred and Lillian DeSanzo, Homewood; a sister, Stella Leonardo, in Hawaii; nine grandchildren, Theresa Master, Maureen Putt, Kelly Stock, Nick and Eric DeSanzo, Lauren Kearney, Joseph and Kimberly Mussey, and Bobby DeSanzo; six great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Theresa DeSanzo, and a sister and two brothers-in-law, Elaine and Rudy Buzzeli and Carmen Leonardo.
Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. in the LUTTON CHIPPEWA FUNERAL HOME, 117 Blackhawk Road,, where prayers will be offered Thursday at 9:20 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. in St. Philomena Church, with Father James Farnan as celebrant.
Interment will follow in Grandview Cemetery, Big Beaver. The Veterans Honor Guard will meet at the cemetery at 10:45 a.m. to present full military honors.
He will be sadly missed by all who loved him. We will especially miss his jokes and many stories about the war and all the events in his life.
email from Wendy Frazzini McFarland, Apr 2010: "I was doing a bit of research on DeSanzo. My son's Seneca Valley HS baseball coach is a young man by the name of Nick DeSanzo. He said his grandfather was Raymond DeSanzo from the Koppel - Homewood area, who died in 2009. With a bit more research I found him on your site. So far I have traced him back to people with "red dot's". Braggio Giustino Frazzino {I1203}, Carmina Carlino {I4544} and others. If I understand your information, the red-dot people are your blood ancestors. Sooooo, my son's baseball coach is a blood relative! (far down the line) Just thought you might want to know!"
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carmen Leonardo (I4160) [Male] d. DECEASED
Info from herself, Stella deSanzo Leonardo, May 2006
2008 Obituary of sister-in-law, Elaine diSanzo Buzzelli
2009 obit of brother-in-law, Raymond DeSanzo.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
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