Genealogy Data Page 61 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Anna Rosa Gargaro (I4801) [Female] b. ABT 1828
Film 1353699 Matri 1845 #5, 19y
Change: 26 Mar 2007
Carmine Antonio diVecchia (I4802) [Male] b. 18 Mar 1846 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 1846
Film 1353699 Nati 1846 #10
Film 1353699 Morti 1846 #9, 2d
Change: 7 Aug 2014
Domenica diVecchia (I4803) [Female] b. 21 Nov 1848 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 4 Jan 1849 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Nati 1848, #31
Film 1353699 Morti 1849 #2, 16m
Change: 23 May 2017
Domenica diVecchia (I4804) [Female] b. 17 Sep 1850 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Nati 1850 #46
Change: 16 May 2017
Raffaele diVecchia (I4805) [Male] b. 31 Jan 1854 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 20 Sep 1854 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Nati 1850 #2
Film 1353700 Morti 1854 #35, 8m
Change: 7 Aug 2014
Delfina diVecchia (I4806) [Female] b. 23 Dec 1855 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 4 Aug 1856 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Nati 1855 #45
Film 1353700 1856 morti #20, 8m.
Change: 12 Sep 2014
Maria BENEDETTA Iannacchione (I4807) [Female] b. 20 Mar 1824 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1824 transcribed SPA birth records
1855 SPA transcribed birth record #42 of son Giuseppe.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mariangela Conzurlo (I4808) [Female] b. ABT 1829
Film 1353701 Nati 1861 #28 of daughter Adriana, 32y
Change: 21 May 2017
Amadeo Gargaro (I4809) [Male] b. ABT 1796
Film 1353699 Morti 1846 #9 of grandson Carmine Antonio. Amadeo was listed as "avo", 50y.
Film 1353700 Matri 1853 #5 of daughter, Anna Grazia.
Change: 31 Oct 2009
Henry (I4810) [Male]
Info from Franklin Smith Mar 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Annette Henry (I4811) [Female]
Info from Franklin Smith Mar 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giorgio Colaianni (I4812) [Male] b. ABT 1930
Info from William Colaianni, Mar 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Michela Maria Carlini (I4813) [Female] b. 8 May 1884 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Bill Colaianni, Mar 2007
Film 1448676 Nati 1884 #34
Tombstone in the SPA cimitero.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mimi' Colaianni (I4814) [Male]
Info from Bill Colaianni, Mar 2007: "I remember Mimi' Colaianni who never returned from the Russian Front."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Vincenzo Colaianni (I4815) [Male]
Info from Bill Colaianni, Mar 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Italo Colaianni (I4816) [Male]
Info from Bill Colaianni, Mar 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lidia Colaianni (I4817) [Female]
Info from Bill Colaianni, Mar 2007
1922 Photograph from SPA of school class, person #1. Identified by the efforts of Concetta diCianno.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Valerio Antonio Carlino (I4818) [Male] b. 21 Sep 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1886 #73
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mario Consalvo Carlino (I4819) [Male] b. 1 Mar 1888 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1888 #26
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosa Amatilde Clelia Carlino (I4820) [Female] b. 14 Dec 1890 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1890 #65
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Aurelia Dodero (I4821) [Female]
Email from Adriana Tonti, Apr 2007
Change: 23 Apr 2008
Adriana Tonti (I4822) [Female]
Email from Adriana Tonti, Apr 2007
Change: 5 Apr 2007
Franco "Frank" diVecchia (I4823) [Male] b. 1909 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Info from granddaughter, Margherita DiVecchia, email Apr 2007.
Photo received from Diana Palmieri Archer, Sep 2009: "a photo of a "Frank Di Vecchio, Vince Gargaro, Tony Palmieri (Angela's cousin) , Roma and Mary (Vera Nardelli) kids". I know that Vince is the man with the piano accordian, I assume Tony is the man with his arm around the child, which leaves Frank to be the one standing at left. Thought you might be interested in that."
Email from Diana Archer, Sep 2009: "Now Frank De Vecchio, first wife died, they had 2 girls and a boy, then Frank married Concetta D'Ettore, who lost her husband, as Frank lost his wife, these two got together, Concetta had two children Sam and Roma, lived in Broken Hill then they moved to Melbourne. I do not know who is still alive. My cousin from Melbourne, Adam, might know more. I may have some old photos, I will check."
Change: 22 Sep 2024
Carmine diVecchia (I4824) [Male] b. 1907 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Info from Margherita DiVecchia, email Apr 2007. In one of her emails, she mentioned his name as brother to Antonio and Frank. No details.
Change: 23 Sep 2024
Jill (I4825) [Female]
Change: 22 Sep 2024
Alberzio Carmine Colaianni (I4826) [Male] b. 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Adele GIUSEPPA Colaianni (I4827) [Female] b. ABT 1875
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007: "My grandparents seem to think that Juisepna Colaianni tried to come to America but made it as far as Australia. They said she wasn't allowed to come to America because she had TB."
Transcribed SPA microfilm record Matri 1893, 18y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alfredo Amico Antonio Colaianni (I4828) [Male] b. 10 Aug 1896 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 31 May 1951 St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Cresson, Cambria, PA
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007: "Alfredo came to America before Flora did and I dont have any records of him coming to America. I only know that he was settled in Blythedale Pennsylvania in 1929. Flora came to America in 1929. She emigrated from San Pietro is what the records say. They changed their last name to Colian between 1930's-1940's. Alfredo and Flora are my great-grandparents. My grandparents seem to think that Juisepna Colaianni tried to come to America but made it as far as Australia. They said she wasn't allowed to come to America because she had TB."
Transcribed SPA microfilm records.
Birth reported by my great-granduncle, Aminto Frazzini, 36y.
1930 census, Elizabeth, Allegheny, PA, listed as Alfred, 37y, first married at 35, imm 1900, naturalized.
WWII Draft Registration, 45y, DOB 14 Aug 1896, 116 Penn Ave, Cresson, Cambria, PA, Contact - Mrs. Flora Colian, same address.
Posting by biff83 on "If Alfredo immigrated about 1900, he could have returned to Italy to marry Flora, then returned to the US which would mean there should be two ship manifests for him, one circa 1900 and one circa 1928. The other possibility is that they were married by proxy."
Posting by vj on "St. Francis Xavier Cemetery
Cresson Township
Cambria County, Pennsylvania
COLIAN, Alfredo 14 Aug 1896 31 May 1951
Stone shared with Flora M. B-2, 10
COLIAN, Eric 1 Aug 1978 SON B-2, 10
COLIAN, Flora M. DELGRANDE 2 Jun 1902 14 Oct 1985
Stone shared with Alfredo B-2, 10"
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Raffaele Colajanni (I4829) [Male] b. 19 Mar 1797 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 27 Oct 1861 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
Transcribed SPA microfilm records.
Film 1448675 Nati 1870 #72 of grandson Dominicantonio Colaianni.
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
1822 SPA transcribed birth record #23 of daughter Maria Berardina.
1825 SPA transcribed birth record #1 of son Teodoro Battista.
1866 SPA transcribed birth record #28 of grandson Domenicantonio Colaianni.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, Rif 127 of son Teodoro.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sabina Carlino (I4830) [Female] b. 18 Aug 1799 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
Transcribed SPA microfilm records.
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
1822 SPA transcribed birth record #23 of daughter Maria Berardina.
1825 SPA transcribed birth record #1 of son Teodoro Battista.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, Rif 127 of son Teodoro.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via San Rocco, Rif 220, of daughter Maria Berardina, incorrectly transcribed as Sabina Colaizzi.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Flora Carratelli (I4831) [Female] b. 1 Jun 1903 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 14 Oct 1985 St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Cresson, Cambria, PA
Immigration: : 29 Jan 1929
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
1929 29 Jan NY arrival, 26y, born SPA. Listed as Flora Carratelli Colaianni. Father in SPA - Pietro, going to husband, Alfredo in Blythedale, PA. Visa issued at Napes 17 Jan 1929.
1930 census, Elizabeth, Allegheny, 28y, imm 1928, first married at 26y.
Posting by mardg25 on "She was born in S. Pietro Italy June 2 1902 and died Oct 14, 1985 in Pennsylvania. Her husband Alfredo was born in Italy Aug 14 1896 and died May 31 1951 in Pennsylvania. Alfredo came to America first but I have no record of him coming here. Flora arrived in Ellis Island Jan 19 1929 on the boat called the Roma and she was heading to Blyethedale Pennsylvania were her husband Alfredo lived. I don't know the birth's or the deaths of Albenzio and Juispena Colaianni or Pietro Carretelli or Maria Tonti."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pietro Sabatino Carratelli (I4832) [Male] b. 21 Jun 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
1857 SPA transcribed birth record #27. (twin).
1880 SPA transcribed birth record #45 of son Domenicantonio.
1888 SPA transcribed birth record #18 of daughter Anna Antonia, 30y.
Film 1448676 Nati 1896 #16 of son Isidoro Giuseppe, 39y.
1910 Referenced in EI arrival of son Carmine.
email from great-grandson, Amico Carratelli, Nov 2010.
1939 SOI application of daughter-in-law, Maria Ricci.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Domenica Tonti (I4833) [Female] b. ABT 1863
1869 SPA Status Animarum, RIF 460/457.
1880 SPA transcribed birth record #45 of son Domenicantonio.
1888 SPA transcribed birth record #18 of daughter Anna Antonia.
Film 1448676 Nati 1896 #16 of son Isidoro Giuseppe.
Email from Mary Jo Colian, Apr 2007.
email from great-grandson, Amico Carratelli, Nov 2010.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carissimo Colaianni (I4834) [Male] b. 10 Jan 1842 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Transcribed SPA microfilm record Matri of daughter Adele Giuseppa.
1867 SPA transcribed marriage record #7, 25y
1868 SPA transcribed birth record of son, Carmelo Antonio, 26y.
1896 SPA transcribed marriage record #1s of son Nunzio Aniceto.
Spelling of his given name is not clear.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Elisabetta Colaianni (I4835) [Female] b. 4 Mar 1848 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Transcribed SPA microfilm record Matri of daughter Adele Giuseppa.
1867 SPA transcribed marriage record #7, 19y
1868 SPA transcribed birth record of son, Carmelo Antonio, 23y.
1896 SPA transcribed marriage record #1s of son Nunzio Aniceto.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Elizabeth Margaret Salvano (I4836) [Female] b. 31 Jan 1901 Wellsville, OH - d. 28 Feb 1982 Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA
1930 Census, Beaver Falls, PA, 29y
1940 census, Beaver Falls, Beaver, PA.
Info from Glorine Carozza, Nov 2007.
Web site of Alfonso diSanza-d'Alena.
1982 obituary in the Beaver County Times.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Michael E. "Mickey" diSanza (I4837) [Male]
2010 obituary of wife, Zora.
Change: 10 Apr 2011
Dino Colaianni (I4838) [Male] b. 22 Apr 1909 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Apr 1978 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
Immigration: : 9 Apr 1925
email from son, Amico Colaianni, Feb 2011.
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA, of father, Amico, DOB, born Italy, living Italy.
1925 9 Apr EI arrival, 16y, with brother Tarquato, going to father, Amico, in Clairton, PA. Aunt in SPA, Maria Colaianni. Detained for proof of father's citizenship.
1930 Census, Aliquippa, PA, 21y born in Italy. Immigrated 1924.
U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947
Name: Dino Colaianni
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 31
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: S Pietro Avellana, Italy
Birth Date: 22 Apr 1909
Residence Place: Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA
Registration Date: 1940
Weight: 174
Complexion: Dark
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 7
Next of Kin: Maria Colaianni
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Dino Colaianni Self (Head)
Maria Colaianni
1958 obituary in the Beaver County Times of father, Amico.
1960 PA DC of mother, Assunta Colaianni. He lived at 1436 Elgin St, Aliquippa, Beaver, PA.
1978 obituary in the Beaver County Times, 69y
Social Security Death Index
Name: Dino Colaianni
SSN: 168-10-7591
Last Residence: 15001 Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 22 Apr 1909
Died: Apr 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951 )
2002 Nov obituary of sister Elisa, Beaver County Times
2007 Mar obituary of wife Elisabetta, Beaver County Times
Change: 6 Apr 2018
Amico Colaianni (I4839) [Male] b. 28 Jan 1881 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 26 Dec 1958 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
Occupation: J&L Steel
Immigration: : 11 Feb 1899
Info from Wilberta Illig, Apr 2007.
1899 11 Feb EI arrival, 18y, single, going to brother-in-law Domenico Morelli, Elko, NV
1905 11 Apr EI arrival, 26y, going to brother-in-law Domenico Colaianni, Patterson, NY
1912 9 Jul Boston arrival, 31y, married, wife Assunta in SPA, going to cousin,- Soreuso (?) Colaizzi in Ogden, UT, previously in the US from 1900-05.
1912 17 Jul, first emplyment at the NNRY in Ely, NV (referenced in his 1915 job application).
1915 15 Jul applied for a job with Nevada Northern RY in Ely, NV.
1922 14 Feb - Declaration of Intention, Hazelwood, Pittsburgh, PA. ref 9 Jul 1910 Boston arrival.
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA. DOB, lists wife - Assunta and four children - Torquato, Dino, Madalina, and Elisa.
1924 17 Sep - Oath of Allegiance.
1930 Census, Aliquippa, PA, 49y, married at 24y, Immigrated 1915. Lived nearby to daughter, Maddaline and husband, James Sambol.
WWI (Ely, NV) and WWII (Aliquippa) Draft Registrations gave birth date as 26/28 Jan 1881 in SPA - the birth records are missing for 1881 so I can't look him up in that year. There is an Amico Colaianni born in 1880 #49. I need to look this up in the microfilms to get the parents names.
WWI Civilian Draft Registrations, Name: Colaianni, Amico, Birth Date: 28 Jan 1881, Birth Place: Wife Lives S.Pietro Avellana Ita, City/County: White Pine, State: NV, Ethnicity: W
1958 obituary in the Beaver County Times, 77y.
Notes from Shirley Sinclare: "Possible EI record on vessel Cretic April 11, 1905 from Napoli. Age 26 married, stonecutter R/R to Uncle Domenico Colaianni at 425 Haigt(sp) St, Patterson, NY - Traveling with Ostilio Rossi 24 married, stonecutter R/R to uncle Domenico Colaianni at 425 Haigt(sp) St, Patterson, NY - Errico Mariani 23 single, laborer R/R to friend Prospero Frazzino at 21-38 15th, Denver, CO - Pietro di Cianno 34 married, farm laborer R/R to uncle Domenico Colaianni at 425 Haigt? St, Patterson, NY.
Amico listed in 1930 census lists born 1880; as Head (49 anni, emigrated 1915, carpenter at steel mill) in rented house at 132 Riverview Ave, Aliquippa, Beaver County, PA; with wife Assunta (42 anni, emigrated 1920), son Dino (21 anni, emigrated 1924, bricklayer at steel mill) and daughter Alice (9 anni); married at 24 and 17 respectively; all can read/write except Assunta; all born in Italy except Alice (Nevada)"
Dates from Tombstone.
email from grandson, Amico Colaianni, Feb 2011: "My grand father was Amico Colaianni and his NNRY application shows that he applied for a job as a Coach Cleaner on July 15,1915. It appears that he worked for them before, in 1912. I always knew that he lived in Ely, NV when he came to this country since My aunt Alice was born there. I also knew that he went back to SPA and brought my grandmother, Assunta to be with him in Ely. I also found his name as being registered for the WWI Draft as being from SPA. What a find! I'm not sure as to when he left Ely to come to the Pittsburgh, Pa. area. I know that he lived in McKeesport, Pa. as a carpenter building the J&L steel mill there and went to Aliquippa, Pa to build the J&L plant there. In 1925, he brought my father, Dino and his brother Torquato and my aunt Madeline to the USA. My Grandfather and Father both worked in J&L after the plant was built. I and my Brother Dean were both born in Aliquippa. My Brother Dean now lives in Youngstown, Ohio and I live in Mooresville, NC."
Change: 8 Feb 2011
Assunta Vizzoca (I4840) [Female] b. 28 Aug 1888 Capracotta, Campobasso, Italy - d. 27 Jan 1960 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
Immigration: : 2 Mar 1920
Info from Wilberta Illig, Apr 2007.
1912, referenced in Ellis Island arrival of husband Amico Colaianni. She remained in SPA.
1920 2 Mar Boston arrival, index only, 30y, going to Ely, NV, never before in the US. Traveled with daughter, Maddalena aboard the Canopic.
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA, of husband, Amico.
1930 Census, Aliquippa, PA, 42. Married at 17y. Immigrated 1920
Probably not born in SPA.
Dates from Tombstone.
1958 obituary in the Beaver Valley Times of husband, Amico.
1960 29 Jan obituary in the Beaver Valley Times.
1960 PA DC, 70y, born Capracotta. DOB 28 Aug 1889. h: Amico Colaianni, f: Carmen, m: Filomena DiNocci. Report by Dino Colaianni, 1436 Elgin St, Aliquippa, PA. Died at Aliquippa Hospital.
Change: 3 Aug 2017
Elisa "Alice" Colaianni (I4841) [Female] b. 15 Dec 1920 Ely, White Pine, NV - d. 16 Nov 2002 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA, of father, Amico, DOB, born Ely, NV, living Clairton, PA
1930 Census, Aliquippa, PA, 9y, born in NV.
1958 obituary in the Beaver County Times of father, Amico.
1978 obituary in the Beaver County Times of brother, Dino.
2007 Mar obituary of sister-in-law Elizabeth Mariani Colaianni.
Her Obituary - sent to me by Wilberta Illig, Apr 2007 from Beaver County Times:
Verdoni, Elisa 'Alice'
11/19/2002 Elisa "Alice" Verdoni, 81, of Aliquippa, passed away Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002.
Born Dec. 15, 1920, in Ely, Nev., a daughter of the late Amico and Assunta Colaianni, she was a member of St. Titus Catholic Church. She retired from the Aliquippa Giant Eagle, where she worked for 33 years, and was a member of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers at St. Titus Catholic Church.
She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Jayne Atkinson, Humble, Texas; two grandchildren, Robert D. Verdoni and his wife, Christy, Aliquippa, and Brian Bogolea, Beaverton, Oregon; a great-grandson, Brandon Robert Verdoni; a very special sister-in-law, Elizabeth Colaianni, formerly of Aliquippa; a niece, Loretta Estok, Aliquippa, and three nephews, Amico Colaianni, Ft. Mill, S.C.; Dean Colaianni, Boardman, Ohio, and James Sambol, Ambridge.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Robert Allen Verdoni, in 1967; two brothers, Dino and Torquato Colaianni, and a sister, Madeline Sambol.
Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the DARROCH MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 2640 Mill St., Aliquippa,, where a service will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. followed by a Mass of Christian burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. Titus Catholic Church.
Entombment will follow in Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery.
The members of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers at St. Titus Church will recite a rosary today at 3 p.m. in the funeral home.
(C)Beaver County Times/Allegheny Times 2003
Change: 7 Feb 2011
Torquato Donato Colaianni (I4842) [Male] b. 15 May 1907 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 9 Jan 1943 Creson, Cambria, PA
Immigration: : 9 Apr 1925
email from nephew, Amico Colaianni, Feb 2011: "In 1925, he (Amico 1881) brought my father, Dino and his brother Torquato and my aunt Madeline to the USA."
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA, of father, Amico, DOB, born Italy, living Italy.
1925 9 Apr EI arrival, 17y, with brother Dino, going to father, Amico, in Clairton, PA. Aunt in SPA, Maria Colaianni. Detained for proof of father's citizenship.
Obituary of sister Elisa, Beaver County Times, Nov 2002.
Dates from Tombstone.
1943 PA DC, Cresson State Sanatorium #2, Cresson Township, Cambria, PA, 35y 7d 24d, single, f: Amico Colaianni, m: Assunta Vizzoca. 1500 Sheffield Road, Aliquippa, Beaver PA. Reported by staff of Sanatorium. DOB 15 Mar 1907 in Italy. Listed as "Torquato Don Colianni".
Change: 15 Jul 2014
Madeline Colaianni (I4843) [Female] b. 13 Nov 1910 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Sep 1980 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
Immigration: : 2 Mar 1920
email from nephew, Amico Colaianni, Feb 2011: "In 1925, he (Amico 1881) brought my father, Dino and his brother Torquato and my aunt Madeline to the USA."
1920 2 Mar Boston arrival, index only, 9y, going to Ely, NV, never before in the US. Traveled with mother, Assunta aboard the Canopic. (on page 1 line 29 of manifest)
1924 30 Apr - Petition for Naturalization, Clairton, PA, of father, Amico, DOB, born Italy, living Clairton, PA.
1930 census, Aliquippa, Beaver, PA, 19y, first married at 17y, imm 1920. Lived nearby to parents.
1958 obituary in the Beaver County Times of father, Amico.
1978 obituary in the Beaver County Times of brother, Dino.
1982 obituary in the Beaver County Times of husband - James.
2002 Nov obituary of sister Elisa, Beaver County Times.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Madeline Sambol
SSN: 194-14-1615
Born: 13 Nov 1910
Last Benefit: 15001 Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Died: Sep 1980
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951)
Change: 7 Feb 2011
Verdoni (I4844) [Male]
Obituary of wife Elisa, Beaver County Times, Nov 2002.
Change: 20 Apr 2007
Buzzelli (I4845) [Male]
Obituary of sister-in-law Elisabetta, Beaver County Times, Mar 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nicholas D. "Nick" Stamat (I4846) [Male] b. Jun 1963
U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2
Name: Nick D Stamat
Birth Date: XX Jun 1963
Address: 23874 Minnequa Dr, Diamond Bar, CA, 91765-1313
Change: 12 Sep 2017
Zoe Stamat (I4847) [Female] b. 2007 Chino, CA
Info from grandmother, Rose.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Grazia Mariola Caroseli (I4848) [Female] b. 1694
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
email from Concetta diCianno, Oct 2010 gives correct surname as Caroseli.
1811 SPA transcribed death record #24 of son Romualdo.
1811 SPA transcribed death record #25 of son Ormando.
1812 SPA transcribed death record #5 of son Donato.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Camilla Tristano (I4849) [Female] b. 18 Jul 1787 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 25 Jan 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
1811 SPA transcribed marriage record, second marriage 24y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alberzio Colajanni (I4850) [Male] b. 6 Apr 1818 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1847 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
1847 SPA transcribed microfilm record of death.
1867 transcribed SPA Matrimoni record of daughter, Elisabetta.
1867 transcribed SPA birth record of grandson, Berardino Fidele
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Francesco Tristano (I4851) [Male] b. ABT 1751 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007 - died after 1811.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosa Crescenza Iasella (I4852) [Female] b. 24 May 1759 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 18 Mar 1799 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria FEDELA Addaria Capone (I4853) [Female] b. 22 Feb 1819 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Jun 1865 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Cris Swetye, Apr 2007, DOB 22 Feb
1819 SPA transcribed birth record #45 shows DOB as 10 Feb
1865 Transcribed SPA Morti record: "tre figli, de quale due di eta' minor"
1867 Transcribed SPA Matrimoni record of daughter, Elisabetta.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carmelo Antonio Colaianni (I4854) [Male] b. Sep 1868 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
From transcribed SPA microfilm birth record, father's father - Benedetto, mother's father - Alberzio.
Possible 1891 25 May New York Arrival. 22y. Travelled with Pasquale diFlorio, Andrea Settefrati, Carmine Morelli. He is listed as Carmine Colaianni (with the surname misspelled as Collaiani).
1900 census, Pocatello, ID, 31y, born Sep 1868. Immigrated 1887. Married 2y. With brothers Severino and Aniceto.
Change: 2 Mar 2019
Maria Berarda diLorenzo (I4855) [Female] b. 1 Oct 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
from transcribed SPA microfilms.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ronald Carl Carozza (I4856) [Male] b. 1967 New Brighton, Beaver, PA
Lives in Seattle. Email from him June 2005.
Web site of Alfonso diSanza-d'Alena.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Domenica Colajanni (I4857) [Female] b. ABT 1853 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1877 SPA transcribed marriage record #18, 24y. Lists mother as Maria Colaianni.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Dean "Dino" Colaianni (I4858) [Male] b. ABT 1939 Aliquippa, Beaver, PA
email from himself, Dean Colaianni, Feb 2011.
email from brother, Amico Colaianni, Feb 2011.
1978 obituary in the Beaver County Times of father, Dino.
U.S. Public Records Index
Name: Dino Colaianni
Birth Date: 13 Aug 1939
Street address: 1436 Elgin St
City: Aliquippa
County: Beaver
State: Pennsylvania
Zip Code: 15001
Phone Number: 724-375-6181
Record Number: 339734186
Household Members:
Name Est. Age Birth Year
Dean A Colaianni 67 1939
Diane A Colaianni 59 1947
Dino Colaianni 67 1939
Elizabeth Colaianni
Maria D Colaianni 27 1980
Change: 19 May 2022
Karen Rodgers (I4859) [Female]
Info from Angie Frazzini, Apr 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ferdinand Frazzini (I4860) [Male]
Info from Angie Frazzini, Apr 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Virginia Palczewski (I4861) [Female]
Info from Angie Frazzini, Apr 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anthony Frazzini (I4862) [Male] b. 1983
Info from Angie Frazzini, Apr 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Gina Teresa Frazzini (I4863) [Female] b. 1986
Info from sister, Angie Frazzini, Apr 2007
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Aurora Colaianni (I4864) [Female] b. 15 Feb 1845 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Sep 1874 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
from transcribed SPA microfilm records, 1845 birth #7 and 1874 death, 29y
Change: 4 Mar 2019
Domenica Benedetta Colajanni (I4865) [Female] b. 30 May 1843 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1843 SPA transcribed birth record #18.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 4 Mar 2019
Rosa Gentile (I4866) [Female] b. 1813
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
from transcribed SPA microfilm records, death of daughter Aurora.
Change: 11 Jan 2011
Maria Florini (I4867) [Female] b. ABT 1730 Roccaraso, L'Aquila, Italy - d. 19 Apr 1804 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
1769 SPA Status Animarum, born in Roccaraso.
1809 SPA transcribed marriage record #2 of daughter, Smeralda.
1852 SPA Status Animarum of son-in-law Carlo Checchia.
Change: 15 Jun 2019
Smitatia Mariani (I4868) [Female] b. ABT 1773 - d. 13 Sep 1837 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
Change: 6 May 2007
Bambina Mariani (I4869) [Female] b. 10 Apr 1785 - d. 22 Jun 1844 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
1816 SPA transcribed birth record #14 of daughter Elena Anna Maria.
1852 SPA Status Animarum of husband Carlo.
Change: 9 Feb 2010
Carlo Checchia (I4870) [Male] b. 13 Aug 1785 Montazzoli, Chieti, Italy - d. 8 Dec 1855 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Occupation: legale
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
1814 SPA transcribed marriage record #1, he was born in Mondazzoli.
1816 SPA transcribed birth record #14 of daughter Elena Anna Maria. In all the birth records of his children, he was listed as "Don" or "S.". Same with his wife. They were shown a high level of respect.
1835 SPA transcribed birth record #52 of Anna Maria Assunta Perilli. He was a witness, 53y, occupation: legale.
1852 SPA transcribed birth record #56 of Domenicantonio Rossi. He was a witness, 66y, legale.
(legale translates as "legal")
1852 SPA Status Animarum
1852 SPA Status Animarum of daughter, Elena.
1855 SPA transcribed death record #20.
Change: 4 Dec 2010
Leonilda Aurora Checchia (I4871) [Female] b. 26 Jun 1819 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
1819 SPA transcribed birth record #41.
1846 SPA transcribed death record #18 of son Nicola.
Change: 10 Feb 2010
Tertutiano Checchia (I4872) [Male] b. 12 May 1827 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 3 Jun 1827 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1827 SPA transcribed birth record #6.
1827 SPA transcribed death record #11. Name might be Terindaino.
Change: 9 Feb 2010
Nestor (I4873) [Male]
Change: 7 May 2007
Bertha Wilhelm (I4874) [Female] b. ABT 1854 - d. 20 Nov 1955 Denver, Denver, CO
From CADI of daughter Emma.
1930 Census, Denver, CO, 76y
1955 20 Nov obituary in the Omaha World Herald, she was 101 years old. Mentions that she lived in Denver and her daughter, Mrs. Emma Frazzini.
Change: 15 Mar 2012
Cristina Maria diLorenzo (I4875) [Female] b. 26 Mar 1889 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Mar 1978 Denver, Denver, CO
Immigration: : 24 Apr 1902
Film 1448676 Nati 1889 #19 (this web site is dead).
Ellis Island, 24 Apr 1902, 12y, travelled with father, Silvestro, mother, Sabina, and brother, Carmine. Also travelled with sister, Angela, and her husband, Antonio Frazzini.
1910 Census, Mesaba, MN, 21y (1889), Cristina, wife, 21y, immigrated 1901, 2 children - 2 living.
1920 census Aurora, St. Louis, MN, 30y, imm 1888, naturalized 1905. With 6 children.
1930 census Denver, CO, 41y, first married at 16y, imm 1902, naturalized. with 9 of their 10 children.
1938 Denver City Directory "Frazzini Christina (wid Pasquale) h3330 Shoshone"
1940 census, Denver, CO.
1951 Obit of sister, Angela diLorenzo Frazzini.
See Dawson NM Graphical Tree Part 1.
1964 Denver City Directory "Frazzini Christina (wid Pasquale) h 1378 Emerson" lists death in Denver, Denver, CO.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Christina Frazzini
SSN: 524-72-7116
Last Residence: 80211 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of America
Born: 29 Mar 1889
Died: Mar 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (1965)
Guestbook entry by great-granddaughter, Dawn Scheurn, Mar 2012: "My great grandmother was Christina DiLorenzo, daughter of Giocondo Silvestro DiLorenzo and Fabiana Immaculata (Sabina) Carlino. She was married to Pasquale Frazzini and they lived in Denver. She died in March, 1978. She had 11 children, one of them Elizabeth who is my grandmother, Viola, Cristoforo, Raymond, Nunzio, Christine, Rose, Angelina, William, Norman, Sylvester. Thank you for all the information on your site. If I can be of any help, please contact me. "
Change: 30 Nov 2016
Giocondo SILVESTRO diLorenzo (I4876) [Male] b. 1 Jan 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 16 Apr 1890
Film 1338776 Nati 1857 #2
Film 1448676 Nati 1889 #19 of daughter Cristina.
1890 16 Apr NY arrival on the India, 33y.
Ellis Island, 24 Apr 1902, 43y, travelled with wife, Sabina, daughter Cristina, and son, Carmine. Also travelled with daughter, Angela, and her husband, Antonio Frazzini. Going to 473 E 151th St in New York, NY. Whole group of related people from from SPA were going to that address.
1910 census, Mesaba, Saint Louis, MN. Lougi Morelli 53y boarding with them.
See Dawson NM Graphical Tree Part 1.
Change: 17 Oct 2017
Fabiana Immaculata "Sabina" Carlino (I4877) [Female] b. 19 Apr 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. ABT 1944
Immigration: : 24 Apr 1902
Film 1338776 Nati 1857 #40
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Capocanale, name given as Fabiana.
Film 1448676 Nati 1889 #19 of daughter Cristina.
Ellis Island, 24 Apr 1902, 44y, travelled with husband, Silvestro, daughter, Cristina, and son, Carmine. Also travelled with daughter, Angela, and her husband, Antonio Frazzini.
1910 census, Mesaba, Saint Louis, MN.
Change: 17 Oct 2017
Pietrangelo Frazzino (I4878) [Male] b. 29 Mar 1777 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 21 Jul 1844 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1844 #15, 67y, no wife listed
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Saverio Frazzino (I4879) [Male] b. 18 Apr 1728 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1749 SPA Status Animarum, d'anni 21
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #303 of son Pietropaolo.
Change: 22 Apr 2010
Preziosa Gatta (I4880) [Female] b. 18 Sep 1727 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1749 SPA Status Animarum, listed as daughter of Nunzio and first wife Gio. Iasella.
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Film 1329602 Morti 1817 #303 of son Pietropaolo.
Change: 22 Apr 2010
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