Genealogy Data Page 8 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Renato diTella (I561) [Male] b. 22 Mar 1906 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
email from Giuliano Colajanni, 25 Nov 2003
email from Giuliano Colajanni, Oct 2006
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Vinicio diTella (I562) [Male] b. 17 May 1911 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 8 Apr 1969
Dates for Vinicio are from Alfonso d'Sanza.
email from Giuliano Colajanni, Oct 2006
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Goffredo diTella (I563) [Male] b. 21 Aug 1916 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 17 Jul 1988 San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Italy
Dates from tombstone in SPA Cimitero, includes photo.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosalba (I564) [Female]
email from herself, Rosalba Clapiz, Mar 2014.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Fabrizio Colajanni (I565) [Male] b. 1974
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Adriano Colajanni (I566) [Male] b. 1981
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sabatino Frazzino (I567) [Male] b. ABT 1786 - d. 5 Mar 1831 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
From LDS microfilm as researched by shows date as 5 Aug 1831
Film 1329602 1831 Morti #6
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Cesaria d'Alicandri (I568) [Female] b. 2 Jun 1791 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 23 Jan 1870 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Morti 1870 #9 78y 6m
1852 SPA Status Animarum listed as widow.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nicolangelo Frazzino (I569) [Male] b. 11 Dec 1829 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1852 SPA Status Animarum
1869 SPA Status Animarum
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Grazia Francesca Carlino (I570) [Female] b. 25 Sep 1833 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1833 #51
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Maria GIACOMO "Iacopo" Carlino (I571) [Male] b. 30 Apr 1806
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Film 1448221 Matri 1857 #1 of daughter Francesca Aurora
1869 SPA Status Animarum - listed as father of Concetta Carlino - name was spelled Iacopo.
1869 SPA Status Animarum - listed with 4 children, no wife.
Change: 15 Nov 2010
Camilla DEGNA Fantone (I572) [Female] b. 27 May 1809 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 28 Jul 1852 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1852 #36, 43y
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Film 1448221 Matri 1857 #1 of daughter Francesca Aurora
Film 1448219 Matri 1831 #1
Change: 15 Nov 2010
Pasquale Frazzino (I573) [Male] b. 6 May 1767 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 28 Jul 1837 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1766 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa baptism record.
1769 SPA Status Animarum shows DOB as 6 May 1767
Film 1329602 Morti 1855 #4 of son Ippolito
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Film 1329602 Morti 1837 #23, 62y
Died at age 72
1837 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa death record, 72y.
Change: 17 Jan 2020
Beata Fantone (I574) [Female] b. ABT 1770 - d. 10 Apr 1838 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1329602 Morti 1855 #4 of son Ippolito
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Age 68 at death
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Frazzino (I575) [Male] b. 21 Mar 1728 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Apr 1786 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1729 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa baptism record. Surname spelled Ferrazino. I can't read the date.
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Chart from Lorry Labate which he received from the Archivo di Stato di Isernia.
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Film 1448221 Matri 1862 #13 of great great grandson Benedetto Frazzini,
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Costanza Mariani (I576) [Female] b. 20 Apr 1745 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 31 Mar 1811 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1769 SPA Status Animarum
Chart from Lorry Labate which he received from the Archivo di Stato di Isernia.
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Film 1448221 Matri 1862 #13 of great great grandson Benedetto Frazzini,
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Donato Fantone (I577) [Male]
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rosa Colajanni (I578) [Female]
From LDS microfilm as researched by
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Francesca AURORA Carlino (I579) [Female] b. 6 Nov 1831 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338775 Nati 1831 #50
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Change: 15 Nov 2010
Concetta Filomena Carlino (I580) [Female] b. 7 Feb 1846 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1846 #6
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum - via San Rocco
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Teolinda ELISABETTA Carlino (I581) [Female] b. 19 Jun 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 12 Jan 1880 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1338776 Nati 1850 #33.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
Film 1448676 Morti 1880 #1 29y.
1869 SPA Status Animarum.
1874 SPA transcribed banns records #60, #67 & #71.
1875 SPA transcribed marriage record #1. 25y.
1878 SPA transcribed birth record #13 of daughter, Maria Cristina.
Change: 16 Oct 2012
Giustino diNardo (I582) [Male]
Lives in Australia
Change: 15 Aug 2017
Fiorindo "Fiore" Pantalone (I583) [Male] b. ABT 1871
Immigration: : 12 Apr 1905
1894 SEaM digital marriage record #5, 27y, f:Raffaele, m: Clarice diPietrantonio.
Info from Tony DiNardo, Jan 2005 ( Fiorindo was Tony's GF).: "My mother's dad was Fiorinto (or Fiorindo), and had a house near the then-piazza near the church, with a large oven on the first floor to bake bread for the village, I was told.
email from Tony diNardo, Jan 2005: "Grandparents on Pantalone side: Fiorindo Pantalone and wife Anna Gioconda D'Amico. They had 5 children: Daughter Maria Camilla who married Rocco DiNardo (my father). Son Pietro who married Antonietta Pallone. Daughter Mariuccia who married Camillo DiNardo. Daughter Annina who married Nicola DiNardo. Daughter Antonietta who married Antonio Timperio. These children ended up in: the first two in America, Mariuccia in Australia; Annina in Argentina. And Antonietta stayed in Sant' Eufemia. In all, they had 21 children (if my data is correct)."
Ellis Island 12 Apr 1905, 34y, Going to brother-in-law Giovanni Timperio (?), Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. Prevously in USA 1902-1904.
1928 Nov 30 NY arrival, wife in SEaM - Anna Giaconda. Going to son Pietro at 23 Waverly Ave in Watertown, MA. Previously in the US from 1913 to 1919.
Change: 24 Mar 2017
Michele Pantalone (I584) [Male] b. ABT 1871 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Immigration: : 14 Mar 1910
1910 Mar 14 Ellis Island, 39y, going to Boston, MA. Wife Giaconda diGiovine. Going to brother Fiore. Previously in US 1903-1907. Travelled with Alfonso Pantalone and Vitantonio Pantalone. Came over on the same boat as my grandfather, Camillo DiVecchia.
Info from Enzo Pantalone
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Pantalone (I585) [Female]
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giaconda diGiovine (I586) [Female]
From Enzo Pantalone. Lucy Pantalone Ricchio remembers her name as Carolina.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Domenico Pantalone (I587) [Male] b. 6 Feb 1902 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 7 Jan 1976 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone.
Dates from cemetery in Sant'Eufemia. Buried in same crypt as son Luca.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna diPietrantonio (I588) [Female] b. 26 Jul 1902 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 6 Aug 1988 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Luca Pantalone (I589) [Male] b. 2 Mar 1930 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy - d. 22 Mar 1976 Coldstream, Victoria, Australia
info from Enzo Pantalone.
Dates from cemetery in Sant'Eufemia. He is named on same crypt as father Domenico. I have been told, though, that he is not buried there but is buried in Australia.
Actual DOB from Enzo's research in the birth records.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Palmino "Nino" Pantalone (I590) [Male] b. 1944 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone. Lives in Sant'Eufemia
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Donato Pantalone (I591) [Male] b. 21 Apr 1927 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mario Pantalone (I592) [Male] b. 1924 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone
email from Enzo Pantalone, Jan 2012: "Mio Zio e Mario Pantalone e suo moglia era Vincenza D'Amico (adesso e morte). Mario abito a Doncaster in Australia. Chia due figlio in Australia e una figlia che abito a Sant'Eufemia a Maiella. Il Fratello e Nino Pantalone che abita ancora a Sant'Eufemia."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Enzo Pantalone (I593) [Male] b. 1958 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
From Enzo Pantalone. Moved to Australia at 4y.
For more details of Enzo's family line, look at his GEDCOM file.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Luke Michael Pantalone (I594) [Male] b. 1988 Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
info from Enzo Pantalone.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Florideo "Fiore" diNardo (I595) [Male] b. 2 Feb 1850 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Info from Aldo DiVecchio, Sep 2003: "My maternal grandmother's parents are Fiore DiNardo and Felicia Maddalena Pantalone". DOB
1906 SEaM digital marriage record #23 of son, Angelo. Listed as Fiore.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Alba Celeste diNardo (I596) [Female] b. 9 Mar 1876 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 11 Jun 1955 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
Info from Aldo DiVecchio, Sep 2003, his maternal grandmother.
Info from great grandson, Tony Gibellini, Mar 2007. DOB DOD.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Roberto diPietrantonio (I597) [Male] b. 20 Jun 1864 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1864 #31
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Teodoro diPietrantonio (I598) [Male] b. 4 Jun 1862 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1862 #21
Also from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Concetta diPietrantonio (I599) [Female]
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carmine diGiovine (I600) [Male]
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Mariani (I601) [Male] b. ABT 1769 - d. 23 Jul 1844 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1824 SPA transcribed marriage record #3
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA
Info via email from Wilberta Illig, May 2007
Change: 2 Dec 2008
Concetta diCianno (I602) [Female] b. 1808 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Oct 1850 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1808 SPA transcribed birth record
1824 SPA transcribed marriage record #3
1850 SPA transcribed death record #45.
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA
Change: 15 Jun 2019
Giovanni Battista Mariani (I603) [Male] b. 1825
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA. Also from Alfonso, "Gianbattista was Notary in SPA".
Change: 24 Nov 2004
Clorinda Eugenia Mariani (I604) [Female] b. 26 Feb 1830 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA.
1830 SPA transcribed birth record #11.
Change: 11 Feb 2019
Berardino Antonio Mariani (I605) [Male] b. 8 Apr 1832 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Nov 1865
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA.
1832 SPA transcribed birth record #24.
Change: 11 Feb 2019
Gennaro Antonio Mariani (I606) [Male] b. 1834 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA.
1869 SPA Status Animarum (1834) f: Giuseppe m:Concetta diGiacomo.
Change: 11 Feb 2019
Sofia Antonia Mariani (I607) [Female] b. 1837 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Per information found by Alfonso diSanza in ecclesiastical records in SPA
Change: 14 Dec 2003
Angelo Nicola Pantalone (I608) [Male] b. 1794 - d. 26 Jul 1843 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Matri 1857 of son Raffaele
Film 1353700 Matri 1852 #5 of daughter Carmela
Film 1177444 Morti 1843 #76, 50y, reported by Nipoti, Giustino diPietrantonio 22y and Filippo Mancini 22y.
Film 1177435 Matri 1833 #53 of daughter Maria Lusia
Film 1177418 Matri 1812 #8 shows death 26 Jul 1843 at 59y.
Change: 20 May 2019
Felicia Maddalena Timperio (I609) [Female] b. ABT 1794
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
has middle name with initial "M".
Film 1353701 Matri 1857 of son Raffaele gives middle name of Maddalena
Film 1353700 Matri 1852 #5 of daughter Carmela
Film 1177435 Matri 1833 #53 of daughter Maria Lusia
Film 1177418 Matri 1812 #8
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pietro Pantalone (I610) [Male] b. 1763
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Archivo di Stato di Pescara
Film 1177418 Matri 1812 #8 of daughter Felicia Maddalena
Film 1177427 Matri 1824 #24 of son Nobile
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giovanna Finadamo (I611) [Female] b. ABT 1764
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Archivo di Stato di Pescara
Film 1177418 Matri 1812 #8 of daughter Felicia Maddalena
Film 1177427 Matri 1824 #24 of son Nobile
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angela Pantalone (I612) [Female] b. 1796
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mathilda LIDIA Valentina DeIulio (I613) [Female] b. 15 Feb 1936 Roccacaramanico, Pescara, Itlay - d. 5 Jul 2002 Lilydale, Victoria, Australia
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carlantonio Pantalone (I614) [Male] b. 1803
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Film 1353700 Matri 1856 #1
Film 1353700 Matri 1856 #11 of daughter Anna Giuseppe
Film 1353699 Matri 1848 #7 of daughter Marianna
Film 1177438 Nati 1837 #127 of son Vincenzo
Film 1177433 Nati 1832 #128 of daughter Anna Giuseppe, 30y
Film 1353698 Morti 1844 #13 of nipote, Pasquale Pantalone.
1872 SEaM digital birth record #43 of granddaughter, Maria Giovanna Pantalone.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Martino Pantalone (I615) [Male] b. 1737
Occupation: bracciale: 1753
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
1753 Catasto Onciario of uncle Geremia.
Change: 30 Jul 2021
Anna diVentura (I616) [Female]
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mattia Pantalone (I617) [Male] b. 1778
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Film 1353701 Morti 1859 #30 of son Pietro
Film 1177434 Matri 1833 #35 of son Michelangelo
Film 1177442 Morti 1841 #186 of son Michele Pantalone
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Berardino Pantalone (I618) [Male] b. ABT 1693
Occupation: bracciale: 1753
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
1753 Catasto Onciario record of brother Geremia.
Change: 30 Jul 2021
Anna Maria Mancini (I619) [Female]
Occupation: moglie: 1753
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
Jul 2003. She had the surname listed as Manchino.
1753 Catasto Onciario of uncle Geremia.
Change: 30 Jul 2021
Angelantonio Pantalone (I620) [Male] b. 1740
Occupation: figlio: 1753
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
1753 Catasto Onciario of uncle Geremia.
Change: 30 Jul 2021
Francesco Pantalone (I621) [Male] b. 1665
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
1753 listed in the catasto proprio (land register) of Caramanico as fu with son, Geremia. Found at the Archivio di Stato di Napoli. Referenced in the book "Sant'Eufemia a Maiella - Le origini, la storia e le tradizioni" by Allessandro Pollice, Dino Timperio and Lucio Di Cosmo.
Change: 9 Apr 2019
Geremia Pantalone (I622) [Male] b. ABT 1695
Occupation: bracciale: 1753
Information in email from Kristi Niedzwiecki
1753 listed in the catasto proprio (land register) of Caramanico as bracciale. Found at the Archivio di Stato di Napoli. Referenced in the book "Sant'Eufemia a Maiella - Le origini, la storia e le tradizioni" by Allessandro Pollice, Dino Timperio and Lucio Di Cosmo. His family had 9 members.
1753 Catasto Onciario, 58y, bracciale. Listed as Geremia di Francesco Pantalone.
1753 Catasto Onciario listed what appears to be brothers and sister but their ages do not seem right. Here is what is listed:
Geremia di Francesco Pantalone bracciale d'anni 58
Angelica Moglie d'anni 62
Lionardantonio Fratello Bracciale d'anni 39
Gabriele Fratello Bifolco d'anni 32
Aloisia Antonia Sorella d'anni 27
Berardino altro Fratello Bracciale d'anni 56
Anna Maria Mancino Moglie d'anni 40
Martino Figlio Bracciale d'anni 16
Angelantonio Figlio d'anni 13
Change: 30 Jul 2021
Carlo diPietrantonio (I623) [Male] b. ABT 1796 - d. 8 Dec 1845 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353699 Morti 1845 #48 49y
Film 1353701 Matri 1857 of daughter Colorice
Film 1353699 Matri 1849 #5 of daughter Maria Nunziata
Film 1353699 Morti 1845 #3 of wife Anna
Change: 30 Jul 2014
Anna Quintilia diGiovine (I624) [Female] b. ABT 1814 - d. 11 Feb 1845 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Matri 1857 of daughter Colorice
Film 1353699 Matri 1849 #5 of daughter Maria Nunziata
Middle name is something like Quintila or Quintilia. Very hard to read and not a name that I recognize.
Film 1353699 Morti 1845 #3
Film 1177443 Nati 1842 #174 of son Alfonso, she was 28y.
Change: 30 Jul 2014
Vitantonio Pantalone (I625) [Male] b. 3 Oct 1858 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 3 Jun 1862 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353702 Nati 1858 #56
Film 1353701 Morti 1862 #29, 3y at death
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Incoronata diGiovine (I626) [Female] b. ABT 1868 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1863 #14 of husband Giovanni Antonio DiVecchia.
1889 SEaM digital marriage record #2, 21y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Anna Concetta Timperio (I627) [Female] b. 24 Apr 1862 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1862
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Vincenza diVecchia (I628) [Female] b. 28 Apr 1861 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 20 Mar 1862 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1861
Film 1353701 Morti 1862
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Teodoro Timperio (I629) [Male] b. 11 Mar 1859 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353701 Nati 1859
1886 SEaM digital birth record #3 of daughter, Alba Celesta Timperio., 27y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Florindo Timperio (I630) [Male] b. 3 Apr 1856 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Immigration: : 5 Apr 1897
Film 1353700 Nati 1856 #22
1892 SEaM marriage digital record #6 36y.
1892 SEaM digital birth record #47 of son Salvatore. 36y.
Ellis Island 5 Apr 1897, 40y, going to New York,m travelled with many other people from SEaM.
1911 26 Dec EI arrival of son Salvatore listed father, Fiorinto in SEaM. (note: the 1903 SEaM death index has a Fiorinto Timperio #28. Probably not this person.)
1934 OH death record of son, Salvatore. Father listed as Fiornito.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Francesco Paolo Pantalone (I631) [Male] b. 6 Jul 1823 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
Film 1177425 Nati 1823 #127
Film 1353699 Matri 1848 #10
Change: 20 May 2019
Carmina Nicola Fattore (I632) [Female] b. 15 Mar 1828 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico), Chieti, Italy
1828 Villa Sant'Eufemia (Caramanico) digital birth record #56.
Film 1353699 Matri 1848 #10, 20y.
Change: 20 May 2019
Giovanna Caterina Timperio (I633) [Female] b. ABT 1806 - d. 11 Feb 1854 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Matri 1856 #11 of daughter Anna Giuseppe
Film 1353699 Matri 1848 #7 of daughter Marianna
Film 1177438 Nati 1837 #127 of son Vincenzo
Film 1353700 Morti 1854 #1, 50y
Film 1177433 Nati 1832 #128 of daughter Anna Giuseppe, 41y (must be 21y)
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Luigia del Tondo (I634) [Female] b. ABT 1810
Film 1353700 Matri 1856 #1
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Carmine Timperio (I635) [Male] b. 29 Jan 1851 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Nati 1851 #2
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Angelo NICOLA Pantalone (I636) [Male] b. 17 Jan 1852 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy
Film 1353700 Nati 1852 #2. This is the record that was the missing link between Frank "The Strongman" Pantalone and the main Pantalone line. This gave the clue that Francesco Paolo was the missing son of Angelo Nicola who married Felica Maddalena Timperio.
From Loretta Stegner (" Angelo came over to USA several times. I am guessing about the early 1900's. I am guessing again his birthdate to be about 1852. He married Francesa Parone(exact spelling on Marianos birthcerficate). They had 4 sons, Frank, John, Mariano, Concezio and daughters Rosa and Justina. Frank apparently was quite famous as a strongman and there is a musuem in Sant Eufemia I think in his honor."
1911 Mar 3 Ellis Island, 50y, "Deported", wife in SEaM, Francesca, going to cousin Alfonso Pantalone, Watertown, MA
1914 2 Nov, Boston, 52y, Lines crossed out. Name indexed as "Angela" but listed as "Male". Occupation listed as "Servant". Going to son Francesco Pantalone in Reo, Co. Travelled with Francesca Parone, 15y, and Paolo Pantalone, 15y. Previously in US 1912-1913.
From a posting by Loretta Stegner on rootweb Pantalone message board:
"I have been traceing the Angelo Nicola Pantalone family and have found connections via the census and message boards, ships passenger lists. I am most grateful to Pauline Pantalone in Utah for her info. Decendants of Angelo are: Conce, Mario, Frank, John, Rose, Justine. And their decendants are: Mickey, Angelo, Caroline, several John's, Elmer, Pauline, Dorothy, Shirley and many more. This branch came over about 1911 and the sons of Angelo were sent over one at a time."
Change: 28 Oct 2018
Francesca Paola Parone (I637) [Female] b. ABT 1859 Roccacaramanico, Chieti, Italy - d. 24 Nov 1943 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Pescara, Italy
Immigration: : 20 Dec 1919
Last name from Loretta Stegner ( She got it from Mariano's birth certificate.
1901 SEaM digital birth record #42 of daughter Annina, lists middle name as Paola.
20 Dec 1919 Ellis Island, 60y, previously in US from 1913-1916, going to sons Concezio and Mariano Pantatone, Bingham, UT.
1920 Census, Bingham, Salt Lake, UT, 61y
email from Fiore diPietro, Mar 2009: "My mum can recall Frank's mother Francesca Pallone quite well especially before and during WW2 which was around the time of her death. Mum claims Frank had another sister my grandmother which is not shown on your site, her name was Carmela Pantalone. Francesca, who was originally from Rocacarmico, made cheese and had a large bread oven in her house where she baked bread for the locals three times a day in summer and much less in the winter months when heavy snow set in."
The "Brief History of Sant'Eufemia a Maiella" spelled her name Barone. Recalling the German occupation in 1943, it said: "On the morning of the 25th November (with the approval of the Germans), all of the sick were transported to the hospital in Popoli in the Community of Ofena (L'Aquila) except for Francesca Barone who died of fear on the evening of the 24th November and Angelantonia Di Giovine who at the sight of Germans in her house pretended to be dead."
Change: 29 Oct 2018
Francesco Paolo "Frank The Strongman" Pantalone (I638) [Male] b. 7 Mar 1889 Sant'Eufemia, a Maiella, Pescara, Italy - d. 20 Nov 1952 Joliet, Will, IL
Immigration: : 1896
Naturalization: : 13 Jul 1937
Occupation: family tree of Luciano Marcon.
1889 SEaM digital birth record #18. Francescopaolo. f: Angelonicola 37y, m: Francesca Parone.
1886 came to the US per Strongest of All web page. "'Uomo di Ferro" - this web page is no longer online.
Frank is mentioned on this web page: which is no longer online.
1911-1914 came to the US per Strongest of All web page.
1911-1914 Frank's first wife died.
1914-1915 return to Italy to fight in WWI. He was awarded 7 decorations and was wounded.
1919 married Concetta Volpe
1920 daughter Leonia was born.
1924 12 Apr EI arrival, 35y, occupation : Athlete. wife in Chieti, Concetta Volpe. Previously in the US (CO) from 1903-1915. Going to friend Gemma ?? in New York. Arrived for 6 month stay. Born SEaM. Typical naturalization notation 11/16/36. Note "Prev arr. o/s Republic 2/20/05" but hard to read.
1927 Nov 25 mention in an article in the Kenosha News, Kenosa, WS. "This modern Hercules derived his sobriquet "the man of iron" from Gabriele D'Annunzio, Italy's famous poet-soldier." D'Annunzio exclaimed "That man is made of iron - why he is a vertable Samson."
1933, 1938, 1942, 1947 Joliet City Directories
U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)
Name: Frank Pantalone
Naturalization Age: 48
Record Type: Naturalization
Birth Date: 7 Mar 1889
Birth Place: Italy
Naturalization Date: 13 Jul 1937
Court District: Illinois
1940 census, Joliet, Will, IL 50y, lodger, married. Laborer at contractor. Lodger at the home of Frances Arnold and his daughter.
1942 WWII Draft Reg, 53y, 7 Mar 1889, works for Illinois State Penitentary in Joliet.
1944 Jul 24 obituary in the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, UT of brother, Concezio Pantalone.
1952 Nov 28 article in the Bingham Bulletin, Bingham Canyon, UT: "Mr. and Mrs. John Pantalone and son Elmer left last Thursday night for Chicago, Ill., to attend funeral services of Mr. Pantalone's brother, Frank Pantalone." "
Frank Pantalone (b. 1893, d. November 20, 1952)
Frank Pantalone (son of Angelo Nicolo Pantalone and Francesca Parone) was born 1893 in Italy, and died November 20, 1952 in Joilet, IL, Will County.He married Conchetta.
Notes for Frank Pantalone:
Frank was known as a strongman and performed in the Joliet area, as well as in movies.
There are documents from Kristi and Mike, which contain newspaper stories.
A website is being designed by Kristi.
Burial: Unknown, Elmhurst Cemetery.
Religion: Catholic.
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Frank P Pantalone
Birth Date: 7 Mar 1889
Death Date: 20 Nov 1952
Claim Date: 8 Dec 1952
SSN: 327017442
Notes: 05 Aug 1977: Name listed as FRANK P PANTALONE
Archived from using the Wayback Machine. The rest of these notes are from that archived page created by Kristi (diPietrantonio) Petro Niedzwiecki:
Bio information from the web site (no longer online) produced by Kristi (diPietrantonio) Petro Niedzwiecki, Kristi is Frank's 2C2R.
After months and months of on and off research I have come up with a brief bio of our strongman. There are pieces missing. Please contact me if you have more information. Anyway here is what we do know...
In a small village at the base of Mount Maiella, Abruzzo, Italy, the townspeople gather in the street in amazement at what had just occurred. A mule lie injured in the middle of the street. "What happened here?" one said. "This animal just came flying out of that barn!" said another. Many could not believe their eyes. "Who could lift a mule let alone move a mule?" Just then a Twelve year-old boy stood in the doorway of the barn...
Born: Francesco Paolo Pantalone March 7, 1889 to Francesca and Angelo Nicola Pantalone in Sant'Eufemia, Abruzzo, Italy. His parents knew he was special right away for he was born with hair on his chest in the shape of a cross.
He made his first journey to the United States in 1896 at age 7. At the age of 12 he discovered his strength while shoeing a mule. The mule kicked him, so Frank seized it by its legs and threw the mule out into the street.
He returned to the States for a longer stay sometime between 1911-1914. He lived in Colorado with family and was married. His first wife died. He did some bare-knuckle boxing in which he won 36 out of 37 fights. But he was the type of fighter that could not be controlled by a manager. As WWI approached Frank and his brothers made a pact to return to Italy and fight for the Italian Armed Forces. He kept his promise and returned sometime between 1914-1915. He was awarded 7 decorations. While in the hospital from a military wound he fell in love with the sister of a medical official. Her name was Concetta Volpe and they married in 1920. In 1921 they had a daughter and named her Leonia.
In 1924 Frank decided to move to the U.S. once again. He would never see Italy again let alone his daughter and wife. I believe it was during this time Frank traveled the country exercising his amazing feats and eventually landed in Hollywood. Here he became property of the movie studios and was not allowed to perform again professionally until 1941. However, he did do charity shows. I do not know if any of the movies he was in made it to the screen and if they did I do not know the names or under what studio from which they were released. He never capitalized on his strength and I think this was due to the restrictions of the Hollywood studios and their contracts.
Eventually he settled in Joliet. I believe he was a prison guard at the old Stateville at one point. I do know that in the later part of his life he belonged to the I.H.C.B. &.C.L.U. of America Local Union no.75 affiliated with the A.F.of L. He worked as a Labor Foreman for Connors Construction building the Caterpiller Plant in Joliet. At the time of his death he was employed by the Rust Engineering Co.
Frank died of heart-failure on November 20, 1952. He leaves behind one daughter, 3 grandsons, and 6 great-grandchildren, many nieces and nephews, friends (paesani) and many fond memories. His legacy will never be forgotten.
Feats of Strength
Beside throwing a mule out into the street, there are many other feats that add to the legacy of this strongman.
One that specifically deserves attention was mentioned in a Joliet Herald News article, dated February 26, 1939....
"...The rock which Frank Pantalone picked out for use Monday night is three feet long, 18 inches wide and 15 inches thick. It weighs 1000 pounds!...With his shoulders on another rock, and his feet on the floor, he will arch his body, have the stone placed on his stomach, and then will have it broken by a man wielding a 25-pound sledge."
Another article written in 1987 by Herald News Columnist, John Whiteside, quotes Sandy Brandolino, who swung the sledge hammer in a 1949 benefit banquet...
"I smashed that rock on his chest and he never flinched a muscle."
The Sunday Visitor
"He'd come over on Sundays and sit in the back yard with my dad and drink beer", says my dad, Elmo Petro. Not only was he my grandma's cousin, but he was good friends with my grandpa, Carmine, who they called "Big Nick". My dad went on to say, "I remember him sitting there, his big barrel-chest and huge hands. He would crack apples in half with his fingers for us. He'd put bottle caps in between all of his fingers and would bend them."
My dad also tells a story of friendly rivalry between Frank and Carmine. My grandpa was a pretty strong guy as well. He could lift about 800lbs. One day, at a tavern, where all the Italians liked to hang-out, Frank broke the bar in-half with his fist. Why? Because someone saw "Big Nick" walking by and commented on how strong he was. Hey paesan, no one was as strong as Frank!
More Bar Stories
When I first heard these "tavern stories" I thought they were all the same story but just remembered differently. Turns out they were all separate occasions. One of these stories is remembered by Leo DiPietro. As told to his daughter Carla DelPapa, "Frank was in a saloon in Colorado where they sold whiskey by the gallons. He was with a friend he hadn't seen for awhile. They became a bit rowdy, so the bartender asked them to settle down. Frank then got up and with one fist hit the marble bar and broke it in half."
At another bar on the corner of Cass and Chicago streets in Joliet, a policemen tried to break up some rowdiness and pulled out his billy club. The club was taken and returned to him in pieces. "Frank hit the club on his wrist and broke it", says Earl D'Amico.
A milder occasion happened at Bucciarelli's Tavern in Joliet. Sandy Brandolino tells of a time when his father, Frank, and some other friends were playing cards at the tavern as they always did. "They made a bet with Frank that he couldn't rip a Chicago telephone book in half." Guess who won the bet.
Need a Lift?
If you were traveling with Frank and your car got a flat tire. No need to worry about leaving the jack at home. Earl D'Amico remembers a story told by his his father Antonio, Frank's good friend. On their way to Chicago with two lady friends the car got a flat. Frank and Antonio got out of the car to fix it. The ladies were about to get out but Frank told them to stay in the car. With the two ladies in the back seat, Frank lifted the car while Antonio changed the tire.
So he could lift a car, so can today's strongmen. But have you seen them lift 30 men? In his charity shows, one of his popular acts included a 24-foot I-beam, and 30 men, 15 to his one side and 15 to his other. The men would hang from the I-beam placed across his back and Frank would lift them off the floor.
..."Many people have seen Frank lift 28 men, so allowing for an average of 125 pounds (a VERY conservative figure), this meant he lifted at least 3500 pounds. This, despite the fact he had no muscles like those seen on movie strongman Arnold Schwarzenegger..." ---Lou Gualdoni.
Kids: A Welcomed Audience
"He would tell stories", says Earl D'Amico. Earl recalls sitting on his lap while Frank told him the story of the three guys coming after him. As he told the story he placed 3 quarters between his fingers. When he reached the part of the story where he knocked out the men, he banged his fist against the table 3 times, opened his fist and dropped three bent quarters out of his had. "If they weren't bent all the way in half, he'd finish the job with his teeth."
Don Callas, Frank's great-nephew told his son Mike, a story of when he was a small child. "He remembers Frank and his brothers singing Italian songs together at my grandmother's house", says Mike. "Frank played the piano using only the black keys, as his fingers were to big to the play the white keys without hitting two at a time."
Change: 7 Jul 2022
Concezio "Conce" Pantalone (I639) [Male] b. 10 May 1879 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 15 Jul 1944 Pioche, Lincoln, NV
1902 Boston arrival 7 Feb 1902, going to brother Pietro Pantalone, Boston, MA
1910 census, Telluride, CO, 30y, arrived in the US 1902.
1918 WWI Draft Reg, Bingham, UT
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Conce Pantalone
Race: White
Birth Date: 10 May 1879
Street address: Box 12
Residence Place: Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Physical Build: Medium
Height: Tall
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Gray
Relative: Mike Pantalone
Ellis Island 20 Dec 1919 for his fiance Raffaela Carapellotti, 24y, going to fiance Concezio Pantalone, Bingham, UT (but she is not listed in 1920 census with him)
1920 Census, Bingham, Salt Lake, UT, 41y
email from Deon Pantaone Houts, Aug 2003: "I think it is kinda funny -- you go to Yellowstone Park in Wyoming... and my part of the family is from Wyoming.... a couple hours south of the Park. My grandfather, Conce Pantalone, worked in the coal mines there.... He put his 3 children (Anita, Violet, and Angelo) in an orphanage in Salt Lake City, Utah while he worked, and would go get them on the days he had off. He is buried in the Evanston, WY cemetery, along with Angelo (my father), and my younger sister, Debra - with space in the same plot for Karen, Roger, and myself. (Karen and Roger are my sister and brother)."
1944 NV DC. 65y, 2m, 5d. born SEaM, informant, John Pantalone, Bingham, UT. Heart attack while at work at the Ely Valley Mine in Pioche. Buried in Evanston, WY.
1944 obitary, Odgen Standard Examiner, Ogden, Weber, UT.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Conce Pantalone
Birth Date: 1879
Death Date: 1944
Cemetery: Evanston City Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming, United States of America
Has Bio?: Y
1944 Jul 24 obituary in the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, UT.
"Conce Pantalone, Evanston, WY -- Funeral services for Conce Pantalone, 65, former resident of Cumberland, were conducted Friday at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene by Rev. Edward Cassidy. Burial was in the Evanston Catholic cemetery. He is survived by a son, Angelo Pantalone, Bingham, UT; 2 daughters, Mrs. Nick Callas, Evanston, and Mrs. David Haddenham, Kemmerer; 3 brothers, John Pantalone, Bingham; Mike Pantalone, Stockton, CA, and Frank Pantalone, Joliet, IL; a sister in Watertown, MA and 6 grandchildren."
Change: 12 Jul 2022
Mariano "Mario" Pantalone (I640) [Male] b. 8 Feb 1882 Sant'Eufemia a Maiella, Chieti, Italy - d. 6 Feb 1971 Sacramento, CA
Immigration: : ABT 1899
From Loretta Stegner ( posting in Pantalone Forum on
"Seeking info Mario & Leona Pantalone, both from Italy, possibly area of Chianti. Mario came over then Leona about 1917-20, they settled Utah, Bingham Canyon area, then to Calif. Mario had brothers one John and possible one named Conce. Please email with any information"
WWI Draft Reg for Concenzio Pantalone lists "Mike" as contact person.
1920 Census, Bingham, Salt Lake, UT
1930 Census, Murray, Salt Lake, UT, 48y
1944 Jul 24 obituary in the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, UT of brother, Concezio Pantalone.
Death Index : PANTALONE MARIO 02/08/1882 M SACRAMENTO 02/06/1971 719-18-7134 88 yrs
email from granddaughter, Carla Pantalone, Mar 2011: "Mariano Pantalone was my grand father, John Louie Pantalone my father."
Change: 2 Oct 2021
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