Genealogy Data Page 78 (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Mark Camillo DiVecchio
Edola Settefrati (I6161) [Female] b. 14 Jul 1934 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 16 Nov 1981 IGI record
Change: 7 Jul 2009
Rosa Mastroianni (I6162) [Female] b. 25 Sep 1854 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1854 SPA transcribed birth record #62.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria Della Neve.
1876 SPA digital marriage record #4, 21y.
1882 SPA digital birth record #27 of son, Ernesto.
Change: 2 Feb 2023
Giuseppe Pellegrino Gentile (I6163) [Male] b. ABT 1788
1811 SPA transcribed marriage record #5. Listed as Giuseppe Pellegrino.
1841 SPA transcribed marriage record #6 of son, Antonio.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via La Torre of son Antonio. Listed as Giuseppe.
Film 1448676 Matri 1881 #4 of son Angelo Antonio
Change: 19 Mar 2014
Caterina diLudovico (I6164) [Female] b. ABT 1785
1811 SPA transcribed marriage record #5. 26y.
1841 SPA transcribed marriage record #6 of son, Antonio.
Film 1448676 Matri 1881 #4 of son Angelo Antonio
Change: 19 Mar 2014
Yost (I6165) [Male]
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria DOMENICA Gentile (I6166) [Female] b. 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 17 Feb 1898
1857 not listed in SPA transcribed birth records.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via La Torre. Twins?
1886 SPA transcribed birth record #58 of son Antonio.
1898 17 Feb EI arrival, 40y, with children. Going to husband, Carmine fu Antonio, in Rock Springs, WY.
Change: 12 Mar 2014
Maria Settefrati (I6167) [Female]
1852 SPA Status Animarum, via Trinita of daughter Giuseppa Anna Colaizzi, addition in different handwritting.
Change: 28 Sep 2008
Peter J. "Pete" Gonzales (I6168) [Male] b. 28 Jul 1937 Dawson, Colfax, NM - d. 21 Oct 2009 Raton, Colfax, NM
2005 obituary of mother, Violet Fraini Gonzales.
Met at the 2008 Dawson Reunion
email from nephew John Garcia, Oct 2009: "My uncle Pete passed a couple a weeks ago in Raton of stomach cancer."
email from niece, Elaine Barnum Gonzales, Sep 2009.
2009 Obituary sent to me by niece, Elaine Gonzales, Oct 2009.
email from daughter, Jennifer Gonzales, Sep 2015
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lisa Hinojosa-Smith (I6169) [Female]
email from Lisa Hinojosa-Smith, sep 2008
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Smith (I6170) [Male]
email from Lisa Hinojosa-Smith, sep 2008
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pat Gonzales (I6171) [Male]
2005 obituary of mother, Violet Fraini Gonzales.
email from Nick and Elaine Gonzales, Sep 2008
email from nephew, John Garcia, Oct 2009.
2009 Obituary of brother, Pete Gonzales, sent to me by his niece, Elaine Gonzales, Oct 2009.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lenore Gonzales (I6172) [Female]
2005 obituary of mother, Violet Fraini Gonzales.
email from nephew, John Garcia, Oct 2009.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Irene Gonzales (I6173) [Female]
2005 obituary of mother, Violet Fraini Gonzales.
email from nephew, John Garcia, Oct 2009.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Emiddio Adamo Colaizzi (I6174) [Male] b. 3 Jul 1857 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 14 May 1901
1857 SPA transcribed birth record
Film 1448676 Nati 1898 #32 of daughter Antoinetta
1901 14 May EI arrival, 10y, travelled with son, Giuseppe. Travelled with Sabatino and Giovanni Mariani and with G. Settefrati 22y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Oreste Gentile (I6175) [Male]
Immigration: : 12 Oct 1955
1955 New York arrival Manifest
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ippolito Camine or Filippangelo Colaizzo (I6176) [Male] b. 13 Aug 1818 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1818 SPA transcribed birth records
1852 SPA Status Animarum shows given name as Filippangelo, DOB 13 Aug 1818.
1857 SPA transcribed birth record of son Emiddio
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve
1869 Status Animarum Margherita married to Ippolito Colaizzo (1818)
Change: 10 Jan 2009
Maria LETIZIA Margherita Ricci (I6177) [Female] b. 28 Aug 1817 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1817 SPA transcribed birth record
1838 SPA transcribed marriage record.
1857 SPA transcribed birth record of son Emiddio
1869 SPA Status Animarum: Letizia married to Renato (Donato Santo?) Settefrati (1811)
Change: 8 Jan 2009
Bonaventure ANTONIO Colaizzo (I6178) [Male] b. 2 Sep 1844 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy IGI record shows birth as 1860. Listed with second wife Rosa Settefrati.
I cannot find a birth record in the SPA transcribed birth records around 1860.
1886 SPA transcribed birth record #48 of daughter Domenica Concetta (with second wife), 42y (b: 1844).
1844 SPA transcribed birth record #59 for Bonaventure Antonio Colaizzi. This must be him. I will continue to list this as a POSSIBLE connection only.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, living with mother, brother and wife Rebecca Carlino (p: Giovanni and Antonia della Croce).
1874 SPA transcribed banns record #43, 48, 49.
Film 1448676 Pubbs (Matri are missing) 1894 #3 of daughter Virginia, 48y
1961 31 07 - obituary of son, Vincenzo Colaizzi, in the Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UT
Change: 17 Oct 2024
Beniamino Colaizzo (I6179) [Male] b. 8 Feb 1839 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1838 SPA transcribed birth record #7, f: Giovanni, m: Vacciaro.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo
Change: 30 Apr 2018
Giuseppe Colaizzo (I6180) [Male]
1818 SPA transcribed birth record of son, Ippolito
1852 SPA Status Animarum of son Filippangelo.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve of son Ippolito Colaizzi.
Change: 19 Apr 2011
Angiola diTella (I6181) [Female] b. 27 Sep 1796 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1818 SPA transcribed birth record of son, Ippolito
1852 SPA Status Animarum of son Filippangelo shows DOB.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve of son Ippolito Colaizzi.
Change: 10 Jan 2009
Sabatino Ricci (I6182) [Male] b. 27 Dec 1782
Family tree of Bob Ricci, Dec 2008, filename: Michele Ricci 6GPC.pdf
1817 SPA transcribed birth record of daughter Margerita.
1838 SPA transcribed marriage record #7 of son Angiolo Berardino.
1852 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Margerita.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son, Felice Ricci.
Change: 19 Dec 2013
Nunzia Frazzino (I6183) [Female] b. 15 Aug 1781
1817 SPA transcribed birth record of daughter Margerita.
1852 SPA Status Animarum of daughter Margerita.
1838 SPA transcribed marriage record #7 of son Angiolo Berardino.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son, Felice Ricci.
Family tree of Bob Ricci, Dec 2008, filename: Michele Ricci 6GPC.pdf
Change: 12 Jun 2016
Dora Frazzini (I6184) [Female] b. 1923 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 6 Sep 1962 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH
1947 18 Dec NY arrival, 23y, with mother and brother, going to father, Filiberto Frazzini in Youngstown, OH.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
Name: Dora Busico
Birth Date: 1923
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence City: Youngstown
Residence County: Mahoning
Residence state: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 6 Sep 1962
Hospital of Death: St Elizabeth Hospital
City of Death: Youngstown
County of Death: Mahoning
Certificate: 68025
Age at Death: 39
Certifier: Physician
Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: Married
2011 obituary of brother, Antonio. She was dead. Listed as Dora Busico.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Valentina Siri (I6185) [Female]
Met at home of Nino Carlini, Sep 2008
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Olimpia Colajanni (I6186) [Female] b. 1848
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo
Change: 12 Sep 2008
Sabatino Mariani (I6187) [Male] b. 1837
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 051.
Change: 27 Sep 2011
Giovanni Antonio Colaizzo (I6188) [Male]
1837 SPA transcribed marriage record.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son Antonio.
1868 SPA transcribed marriage record #10 of daughter Maddalena.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, Rif 125 of daughter Maddalena married to Giuseppe Colajanni living with his father, Geremia.
Change: 19 Apr 2011
Beatrice Anna Rosa Vacciano (I6189) [Female] b. 8 Mar 1815 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1815 SPA transcribed birth record #9, 8 Mar, f: Domenico, m:Virgilia diLorenzo.
1837 SPA transcribed marriage record.
1868 SPA transcribed marriage record #10 of daughter Maddalena.
1869 SPA Status Animarum of son Beniamino
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, Rif 125 of daughter Maddalena married to Giuseppe Colajanni living with his father, Geremia.
Change: 30 Apr 2018
Deodata Ricci (I6190) [Female] b. 1835
1869 SPA Status Animarum, Rif 051.
Change: 27 Sep 2011
Domenico Vacciano (I6191) [Male]
1846 SPA transcribed marriage record #12 of daughter Angela.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, ref 338 of daughter Angela
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo of grandson Beniamino Colaizzi.
Change: 27 Jan 2010
Virgilia diLorenzo (I6192) [Female]
1846 SPA transcribed marriage record #12 of daughter Angela.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo of grandson Beniamino Colaizzi.
Change: 27 Jan 2010
Giovanni Colaizzi (I6193) [Male] b. 1868
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo.
Change: 12 Sep 2008
Maria Carmina Colaizzi (I6194) [Female] b. 27 Aug 1845 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve.
Change: 10 Jan 2009
Berardina Colaizzo (I6195) [Female] b. 3 Aug 1849 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve.
Change: 19 Apr 2011
Maria ROSA Colaizzi (I6196) [Female] b. 6 Mar 1851 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve.
Change: 10 Jan 2009
Angela Maria Colaizzi (I6197) [Female] b. 15 Oct 1862 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1862 SPA digital birth record #57. f:Ippolito, m: Margherita Ricci.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve.
1889 SPA digital birth record #63 of daughter, Rosa Margherita.
Change: 27 Jun 2020
Giuseppe Domiziano Colaizzi (I6198) [Male] b. 1866
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Santa Maria della Neve.
Change: 12 Sep 2008
Antonio Gentile (I6199) [Male]
Immigration: : 12 Oct 1955
1955 New York arrival Manifest
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Antonietta Gentile (I6200) [Female]
Immigration: : 12 Oct 1955
1955 New York arrival Manifest
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Jerry Joseph "Joe" Gonzales (I6201) [Male] b. 1941 - d. 1942 Dawson, Colfax, NM
email from Nick and Elaine Gonzales, Sep 2008
From the Dawson Cemetery Survey Map: Gonzales, Jerry Joseph Catholic Plot 5 Block 2 Grave 74
email from nephew, John Garcia, Oct 2009.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Francesco Gentile (I6202) [Male] b. ABT 1869 Castel del Giudice, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 14 Apr 1901
Info from Virgilio Gentile, Sep 2008
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "my maternal grandparents are Silvestro Cetra and Cristina Gentile di Francesco Gentile and Maria Falcione."
Film 1448676 Matri 1893, from Castel di Giudice, 24y
Film 1448676 Nati 1894 #56 of daughter Cristina.
Film 1448676 Nati 1897 #3 of daughter Maria Elisabetta.
1901 Ellis Island arrival manifest, 14 Apr, 32y, from SPA, going to Pittsburgh, PA. Can't read person's name. Never before in the US.
1905 Ellis Island arrival manifest, 2 Mar, 35y, from Castel del Giudice, going to Pittsburgh, PA, previous in US from 1900 to 1904. Going to cousin, Francesco Lasasesetta(?).
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
Name: Mr. Francesco Gentile
Arrival Date: 2 Mar 1905
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1870
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Naples, Italy
Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: Latin
Ship Name: Konig Albert
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Line: 29
Microfilm Serial: T715
Microfilm Roll: T715_540
Page Number: 9
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Maria Domenica Sabba Falcione (I6203) [Female] b. ABT 1864 Castel del Giudice, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Virgilio Gentile, Sep 2008
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "my maternal grandparents are Silvestro Cetra and Cristina Gentile di Francesco Gentile and Maria Falcione."
Film 1448676 Matri 1893, 29y
Film 1448676 Nati 1894 #56 of daughter Cristina.
Film 1448676 Nati 1897 #3 of daughter Maria Elisabetta.
Change: 21 Oct 2017
Elisabetta Maria Gentile (I6204) [Female] b. 3 Jul 1897 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Virgilio Gentile, Sep 2008
Film 1448676 Nati 1897 #3.
Change: 17 Sep 2008
Cristina Gentile (I6205) [Female] b. 25 Aug 1894 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. Nov 1973
Immigration: : BEF 1954
Info from Virgilio Gentile, Sep 2008
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "my maternal grandparents are Silvestro Cetra and Cristina Gentile di Francesco Gentile and Maria Falcione."
email from granddaughter, Elisa diCroce More', Nov 2012: "The biggest stumbling block to information on that side of the family is the fact that when I came to Pittsburgh [1963], my grandfather had died, and my grandmother, Cristina Gentile had suffered a series of strokes that severely limited her mobility and her memory. Add the fact that she was illiterate (as the story went, her parents did not approve of girls being educated to keep them from writing to future young boys), so our family history was limited to word of mouth."
Film 1448676 Nati 1894 #56
1954 Pittsburgh City Directory: "Cetra Silvestro (Christine) lab h4720 Juniper".
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Giuseppe Gentile (I6206) [Male]
Film 1448676 Matri 1893 of son Francesco
Change: 14 Sep 2008
Elisabetta Perilla (I6207) [Female]
Film 1448676 Matri 1893 of son Francesco.
Surname on record hard to read, might be Penella.
Change: 14 Sep 2008
Antonio Falcione (I6208) [Male]
Film 1448676 Matri 1893 of daughter Maria.
This family may have been from Castel del Giudice.
Change: 17 Sep 2008
Nicandra diCiò (I6209) [Female]
Film 1448676 Matri 1893 of daughter Maria, not sure about the surname.
This family may have been from Castel del Giudice.
Change: 13 Nov 2012
Vito Frazzino (I6210) [Male] b. ABT 1693 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. BEF 1769
1749 SPA Status Animarum, d'anni 56, widow of Maddalena diFlorio.
1729 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa baptism record of son Giuseppe.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maddalena diFlorio (I6211) [Female] d. BEF 1749
1749 SPA Status Animarum, deceased
1729 SS Pietro e Paolo Chiesa baptism record of son Giuseppe.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Lusia Musilli (I6212) [Female] b. 18 Oct 1884 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1884 SPA transcribed birth record #73.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Mariano DOMENICO Musilli (I6213) [Male] b. 29 Apr 1854 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1851 SPA transcribed birth record, # 22 - twin
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, RIF 149, b:1854.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Albanice Musilli (I6214) [Female] b. 8 Apr 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1886 SPA transcribed birth record, #35.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Teresa Maria Musilli (I6215) [Female] b. 4 Mar 1888 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1888 SPA transcribed birth record #27.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pasquale AMICO Giacomo Musillo (I6216) [Male] b. 11 Feb 1820 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1820 SPA transcribed birth record #33. Listed as Pasquale Amico Giacomo.
1846 SPA transcribed marriage record #8, 26y.
1851 SPA transcribed birth record, # 21 of son Giovanni.
1852 SPA Status Animarum, DOB 11 Feb 1820, listed as Amico. Wife and two children, Amico and Sabatino
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, not listed, must be dead. Possible 1869 SPA transcribed death record #44, age and parents not transcribed.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Josephine (I6217) [Female] b. 1 Jul 1926 - d. 14 Dec 2004 Walsenburg, Huerfano, CO
Social Security Death Index
Name: Josephine Musilli
SSN: 524-24-6378
Last Residence: 81089 Walsenburg, Huerfano, Colorado, United States of America
Born: 1 Jul 1926
Died: 14 Dec 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (Before 1951 )
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Rosalba Musilli (I6218) [Female] b. 27 Mar 1864 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1864 SPA Transcribed birth record #20. Listed as Maria Rosalba
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Suodo, RIF 149, b:1864.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Roxie Ann Fraini (I6219) [Female] b. ABT 1936 NM
email from Lisa Hinojosa-Smith, Sep 2008.
1940 census, Dawson, Colfax, NM, 4y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Myrna Joyce Fraini (I6220) [Female] b. 2 Feb 1939 Dawson, Colfax, NM - d. 25 May 2002
email from Lisa Hinojosa-Smith, Sep 2008.
1940 census, Dawson, Colfax, NM, 1y.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Myrna Bishop
SSN: 521-50-6339
BORN: 2 Feb 1939
Died: 25 May 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (1955)
Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Myrna Joyce Fraini
[Myrna Joyce Bishop]
[Myrna Bishop]
SSN: 521506339
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 2 Feb 1939
Birth Place: Dawson Colfa, New Mexico
Death Date: 25 May 2002
Father: Joe K Fraini
Mother: Myra J Welch
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: Mar 1956: Name listed as MYRNA JOYCE FRAINI; Sep 1960: Name listed as MYRNA JOYCE BISHOP; 25 Jun 2002: Name listed as MYRNA BISHOP
Change: 5 Oct 2016
Giuseppe Colaizzi (I6221) [Male] b. 1 Jul 1890 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Immigration: : 14 May 1901
Film 1448676 Nati 1890 #27, reconstructed.
1901 14 May EI arrival, 10y, travelled with father, Emidio. Travelled with Sabatino and Giovanni Mariani and with G. Settefrati 22y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Nicola Gilberti Colaizzi (I6222) [Male] b. 28 Jul 1886 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Film 1448676 Nati 1886 #54
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Eloisa Mannella (I6223) [Female] b. ABT 1807 Ateleta, L'Aquila, Italy
1827 Ateleta digital marriage record #1. 20y.
1868 SPA transcribed Banns records, #61,63 & 65 of daughter Filomena. Listed as Maria Marinella but Mannella is a common name in Ateleta and that is what is shown on son Giuseppe's 1854 marriage record.
Change: 11 Oct 2017
Dorothy Jeanne Sullivan (I6224) [Female] b. 30 Jul 1920 Shamrock, OK - d. 6 Mar 2007 Walnut Creek, CA
Frazzini, Dorothy Jeanne
Dorothy Jeanne Frazzini July 30, 1920 - March 6, 2007 Resident of
Walnut Creek On March 6, 2007, Dorothy passed away peacefully at her
home surrounded by her family and friends. Dorothy was born in
Shamrock, OK., on July 30, 1920, she was preceded in death by her
loving husband Nestor (Fuzzy) Frazzini. She is survived by her
brother, Robert Sullivan of Seminole, OK. Dorothy is also survived by
her loving children; Jeanne Roberts of Walnut Creek, Joel Roberts of
Morrison, CO., and William Roberts of Minden, NV. Dorothy is also
survived by her loving stepchildren, Don Frazzini of San Mateo, Joan
Frazzini of Chico, CA., Chris Alderman of Santa Barbara, CA; and
grandchildren, Cory Roberts, Tasha Pittser, Brittney Roberts; &
great-grandchildren, Jack and Ava Pittser. She was a loving mother,
grandmother, and great-grandmother, and will be deeply missed!
Dorothy loved all animals, especially her dogs and cats. A special
thanks goes to Martina Moser and Rebecca Cantrell for all the loving
care they provided over the years. Thanks also goes to the caring
people at Hospice of Contra Costa who made our mother's last weeks
more peaceful. Her ashes will be scattered at sea in San Francisco
Bay by the Neptune Society in a private family service so she can
join her beloved husband Fuzzy. Please send donations in lieu of
flowers to Contra Costa Hospice. FOR ALL WHO LOVED DOROTHY, RAISE
Published in the Contra Costa Times on 3/8/2007.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Modesta Morelli (I6225) [Female] b. 1783 - d. 1855
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
1852 SPA Status Animarum.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, listed in the records for her four sons.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Berardino Antonio Colajanni (I6226) [Male] b. 1828 - d. 1882
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 316/95.
1883 SPA transcribed marriage record of daughter, Ernestina, deceased.
report from Shirley Sinclaire: "Descendants of Giovanni Nicola Colaianni.pdf".
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pietro Sabatino Colajanni (I6227) [Male] b. 27 Jun 1823 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 1891 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 315/95.
report from Shirley Sinclaire: "Descendants of Giovanni Nicola Colaianni.pdf".
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria G Colajanni (I6228) [Female] b. 1808 - d. 1810
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Ninfa R diGiacomo (I6229) [Female] b. 1834 - d. 1891
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 315/95.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Maria Domenica Colaianni (I6230) [Female] b. 1865
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004, Shirley's GGM.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 315/95.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sabatino Colaianni (I6231) [Male] b. 5 Jun 1858 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 5 Apr 1874 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy
1858 SPA transcribed birth record #45.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 315/95.
1874 SPA transcribed death record #17, 16y.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Domenicantonio Colaianni (I6232) [Male] b. 1863
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
1869 SPA Status Animarum, via Fucine, RIG 316/95.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Serafina Colaianni (I6233) [Female] b. 1893 - d. 1893
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Pietro Berardino "Peter" Colianni (I6234) [Male] b. 27 Dec 1892 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 15 Oct 1951 Minneapolis, MN
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
1911 9 Feb EI arrival, 17y, going to cousin, Giuseppe Colajanni, in Livingston, MT. Father in SPA - Domenico. Travelled with Gennaro Colajanni and two Colavecchio also going to Livingston.
1915 Application for Marriage License, Hennipen Co, MN
WWI Draft Reg, 24y, 27 Dec 1892, wife and child. Works for Joe Colianni, "Soo Line" RR Co, Mpls.
1920 census, Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, 26y, imm 1910, alien, with wife and two children.
1930 census, Minneapolis, MN, 36y, first married at 21y, immigrated 1914
report from Shirley Sinclaire: "Descendants of Giovanni Nicola Colaianni.pdf".
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Serafina S Colaianni (I6235) [Female] b. 1897 - d. 1898
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sabatino S Colaianni (I6236) [Male] b. 31 Jul 1899 San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy - d. 4 Jul 1918
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004.
WWI List of Italian Dead from Shirley Sinclaire: " We have always wondered about a photo I have and if it was grandfathers brother (Sabatino), who is his only living sibling (two sisters died bf age 1), and since I could not find him anywhere else, I (sadly) found him on this site, which brings closure to his possible lineage (which it states the correct birthdate) and he died from wounds in combat in 1918 which would have made him 18-19 yrs old. It was sad to finally find him this way, yet now I can add this page to the back of his photo. I believe the out of order naming pattern to his family is due to my grandfather naming his son (my uncle born in 1918) after his brother. I can finally make an identification for the family. We felt it was his brother (due to my aunt and she was not sure), but I hesitated until the new verification."
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Giuseppa "Josephine" Truncali (I6237) [Female] b. 1893 Caltabellotta, Agrigento, Sicilia - d. 1968
Info from granddaughter, Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
1915 Application for Marriage License, Hennipen Co, MN
1920 census, Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, 26y, with husband and two children, imm 1914.
1930 census, Minneapolis, MN, 35y, listed as Josephine, first married at 21y, immigrated 1914
2014 Posting by Shirley Colaianni Truncali-Sinclaire, " I have always called myself a Sicilian-Italian, or just Sicilian. My grandmother was from Caltabellotta, Agrigento, Sicilia; grandfather was from San Pietro Avellana, Molise, Italia. I have been to Caltabellotta many times since reconnecting in 2001 with family disconnected from the 40’s/50’s. I felt as if finally home, the missing piece of my persona was found. The language familiar, the food delightful, and great pride for the history of the town and all of Sicilia."
Change: 11 Feb 2025
Mary Colianni (I6238) [Female] b. 1916 MN - d. 1992
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
1920 census, Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, 1y, with parents. Born MN.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Sam S. Colianni (I6239) [Male] b. 1918 MN - d. 1994
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
1920 census, Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, 1y, born MN.
Change: 3 Oct 2016
Rose Colianni (I6240) [Female] b. 1923
Info from Shirley Sinclaire, Oct 2004
Change: 3 Oct 2016
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