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Andrew J. and Rebecca Owings Peden

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Photo of Andrew and his wife Rebecca.

This is a photo of a photo.

Andrew's signature

29 Nov 1873
H. A. Peden
Andrew Peden

Signatures on a note.

Andrew's 73rd Birthday Poem

Written a few months before his death in 1885:
Seventy Third Birthday

I live to see one more Birthday
though soon I'll pass from here away.
Millions have died since I was born
Some by rude hands from fortunes want.

I would adore the three in one
for the grate  gift of Christ the son,
to live, bleed, die and rise again,
to save poor man from sin and pain.

Seventy three years passed o'er my head.
While better men than I are dead;
Lord what a sinful wretch am I.
Scarce fit to live. Scarce fit to die.

My nature seems one mass of sin.
and thus from life's first dawn has sin.
I scarce can think one goodly thought -
My mind from sin to sin is gaught.

Then what's my hope beyond the grave
or where the power my soul to save
my hope is Christ or else I've none
no grace in Christ. I am undone.

Lord grant me this my last request -
when death shall sieze upon my breath.
Oh fill my soul with Jesus' love
and crown me thine in heaven above.

 Andrew Peden


Andrew's Wallet

Andrew Peden's Wallet and an Eight Dollar Contenental Currency Bill.
Scan from a slide taken by Billie Churchill Clark

According to the Notes "Wallet carried during Civil War and till his death". Written inside on the leather:

Andrew Peden May the 4th 1841


Doris Ellis, a descendent of Catherine Vianne "Kate" Peden sent me this:
I found this information while browsing Southwest Missouri Newspaper Abstracts.
This is from "The Chieftain" out of Lawrence Co. MO, 19 Nov. 1885:  "Died at residence of son B. R. PEDEN in Mt. Vernon [Lawrence Co. MO], Mr Andrew PEDEN, age 73, born Virginia, moved to Allen Co. KY as a young man, raised his family there. Married Miss Rebecca Owings of Simpson Co., KY. Moved to Hickory Co.  MO 4 years ago and was visiting son when he died."

From Stella's Notes : "Piece of cotton dress carded and spun by Grandma Peden just before Civil War." Grandma Peden is Hosea's mother, Rebecka Owings Peden.

This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

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