Mark and Sally's Wedding  20 July 2004
Sally and I have known each other for 10 years and have been engaged for the past four years.We were married at a small ceremony in our house in San Diego, California on the exact 10 year aniversary of when we met on a Sierra Club hike. In attendance were Sally's mom, her sisters, her brother, her children and their spouses and her grandchildren. Mark's cousins, Rose and Fred, came down from Alta Loma.
Sally's hand in marriage was given away by her son, Kevin.
Officiating at the ceremony was Mary, Sally's twin sister. Mary runs a successful law practice here in San Diego. Mary was appointed by us to be "Deputy Marriage Commissioner for a Day" which gave her the legal power to marry us.
All the decorations were done by Sally's daughter, Kelly.
Here is a shot of the audience. Sally's mom is in the middle in blue.
We recited our vows to each other.
The best part of the ceremony.
After the ceremony, Mark looked much relieved.
We did the cake thing.

After the ceremony in San Diego, we flew to Aliquippa for a reception for all of Mark's relatives there. That was a bigger affair held at the local golf course clubhouse in Aliquippa. It took place on the 24th of July.

Here we are at the reception. Mark didn't have to memorize any vows for this get-together (Whew!).
We did the cake thing for the second time! The mother and sister of the groom supplied the cake and cookies.
Here is the groom's family: sister Patricia DiVecchio, mother Benilda Frazzini DiVecchio, groom, bride, father Pasquale DiVecchio, sister Diane DiVecchio.
The DiVecchio side was represented by Mark's cousins Rita Politano Domitrovich and Lucia Pantalone Ricchio. They are daughters of my dad's sisters. Another cousin, Nancy DiVecchia Sapariti and her husband were also there.

The Frazzini side made up most of the attendees. we can't show photos of all of them but they included Maxine Frazzini, the wife of Mark's mother's late brother, Paul Frazzini, their children and grandchildren and Mark's mother's cousin, Carlo Iasella, his wife, their children and grandchildren. Also in attendence were many of Mark's mother's friends and neighbors from Beaver Falls and Aliquippa.
Here is Mark's aunt Maxine Frazzini and two of  her grandchildren, Paul and Nicole.
Benilda's cousin Carlo Iasella and his wife Norma Jean Buzzelli.

We will be getting more photos soon and we will post more family shots from the San Diego cememory.

Sally and I stayed in PA for a few days and then returned to San Diego. We are getting ready for a trip to Italy to visit San Pietro Avellana and Sant'Eufemia a Maiella the hometowns of Mark's parents. The trip will also includes stops in Roma, Firenza and Venezia. Trip report will follow sometime in September.

This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

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