"Meet the cousins" trip - June 2010
       Alyssa and Grandma Sadi (aka Aunt Sally)

Alyssa has MANY cousins that she knows on her dad's Roundy side of the family.  She also has MANY cousins on her grandma's Clarno side of the family. This trip was planned to introduce Alyssa to some of her cousins living in Oregon and Washington.  This was her first time in Oregon and Washington and she ended up visiting with 44 aunts, uncles and cousins!

I hope we'll get all 44 of you in this trip report!

Alyssa and I flew from Salt Lake City, Utah to Portland, Oregon where we were met at the airport by Sue and Chelsi.  Chelsi "practiced" her driving taking us from the airport to Sue's house.

June 21, 2010 - At Sue's house in Beaverton, Oregon.

Alyssa and Grandma Sadi after a long flight from Salt Lake City to Portland..

Alyssa with Chelsi and her boyfriend Alex.

Sue making Alyssa's favorite meal...Orange Chicken!      

The whole family was there!

Alyssa, Sarah, Chelsi, Mindi, Tim, Ron, Sue, Kyle, Alex, Mike and Heidi.
She played games with Sarah and Kyle.      

Ron let her try-out his camera.

June 22, 2010 - Heading to the Oregon coast

Sue took us to tour the Tillamook Cheese Factory      

Watching the cheese production from above.

We met up with Chelsi and Mindi in Cannon Beach and three of us did an hour of horseback riding on the beach.
                                                       We ended the day with Sue treating us out to dinner at a restaurant called Camp 18.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - On to Laurie and Josh's house in Vancouver, Washington

But first we met at Oaks Park Amusement Park...
Courtney, Alyssa, Laurie, Zach, Denise (Zach's girlfriend, an exchange student from Germany), Aubree and Cara.
Cara, Alyssa, Courtney & Aubree - Fun on the rides!    
  Alyssa & Courtney
At Laurie's house...video game challenges!        

Thursday, June 24, 2010 - At Laurie's

                                             Walk along the Columbia River with Courtney, Alyssa, Laurie, Aubree, Cara and Princess.
                     Out to lunch...Chinese food    Cara, Laurie, Josh, Aubree, Courtney and Alyssa.
Practice for a big dance performance (we missed the actual performance the next night).
Can you see Zach and Denise?   Courtney was also in the show.    

Friday, June 25, 2010 - Arrive at Karen and Rick's house in Moses Lake, Washington

New home!  How fun!  Karen & Rick in their new kitchen...and...

                            Ryann, Sydney and Alyssa on a walk in the neighborhood.

Saturday, June, 26, 2010

Fun at the Surf and Slide Water Park in Moses Lake.
                                            Ryann, Sydney and Alyssa.
Warm day...cool water!
Austin at the water park. Later, Austin showed us his "Senior Project," a movie he created about ZOMBIES.      
Liam enjoying an oatmeal cookie at the water park.  
  He later impressed his Aunt Sally with his skill at making words out of letter tiles.

New rock band with Ryann on vocals, Sydney on bass, Taylor on guitar and Alyssa on drums.

Sunday, June 27, 2010 - Arrive at Rob and Jan's house - greeted by 21 relatives!

Wonderful taco feast prepared for all!

Alyssa with her new best buddy, Heather. (Lots of giggling!)
Jim, Xenia, Sabastian, Jaxon & Aften    
Alyssa and Sebastian.
Anna enjoying Grandma's flowers.
Emily and Derek

Jessica.  (Jessica left early the next morning for Young Women's Camp.)

Rolla and Melissa with son, Paul, and cousin, Jaxon
Aunt Sally with Great Grand Nephew Paul.

Monday, June 28, 2010 - Jetskis on the Columbia River

We rented 3 jetskis, each one could seat 3 people.
                    Here is Rob with Alyssa (and Heather in the middle?)
Teresa after braving the jetski.
Allison and Rob 
Rolla was the "E-ticket" ride!
Derek after being dunked!  (By Rolla??) 
Aften "boating" safely onshore.
Jaxon being a little sweety! 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - Driving from Burbank to Portland

 Saying "Good-Bye".
                 Rachael, Isabelle, Daniel, Emily and Anna
Michelle and Emily.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - Back to Sue's and out to dinner at Sweet Tomato.

Sue ("Mana") and Kyle.
Sally and Mindi
Sarah & Alyssa (& Ron).

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - Fly back to Salt Lake City

Kelly & Alyssa...happy reunion of mother and daughter!
We felt so welcome and loved by each a every one of you!  What a wonderful family we have!  Thank you so very much for opening your homes and your hearts to us on this visit.  We love you all!
Photos taken by Sally, Ron, and Teresa


This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

email :  markd@san.rr.com

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