diSanza d'Alena sent me this Coat of Arms. He
wrote: "I've some
about Frazzini's family. Do you remember what wrote archpriest
Frazzini in 1852? He
told about
Frazzini's coat of arms composed by
eagle and the Anjou's chief. I've found out this coat of arms about the
Collegio Araldico di Roma in the book that Earl Edgardo Mattei wrote in
1875." |
had originally
sent me a hand drawn version of the Coat of
Arms. Subsequently, Franklin Smith sent me a photo of a coat of arms
that he photographed. This coat of arms was in the possession of Mary
E. Frazzini, the daughter of Cesare
Frazzini and Degna Cioffi. Mary,
the niece of Prospero
Frazzini, was a banker in Denver, CO. |
More on this Frazzini
Coat-of-Arms web page. |
Search my
Genealogy Web Pages
Family Tree Data Base
This Page last updated on
This site documents the
ancestry of the Frazzini family from San Pietro
Avellana, Italy.
If you go back to the early 1800's our family name was spelled
Frazzino, by 1900, it was spelled Frazzini. At
Ellis Island, virtually every Frazzini was from San Pietro Avellana
For my GEDCOM Family Tree Data Base with name index - click
Site Map
Other family names you will find here include (only a partial list):
in Chicago
More Buzzelli
/ Palumbo / diLorenzo / Frazzini / Capone
from Dawson, NM diMartino
from Dawson, NM d'Achille
Other SPA Families Part1
PA Chicago, IL
NM Ely,
UT Raton,
MN Pocatello, ID
Spring, WY Hoytdale,
CO Pittsburgh, PA
Important Recent Updates:
(Older updates, click here)
25 Jun 2010 - My grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini,
was naturalized in Trinidad, CO on 17 Oct 1904. This new web page about Trinidad
will collect the information that I found starting at the Colorado
State Archives in Denver, CO.
25 Jun 2010 - I visited Crown
Hill and Mt. Olivet Cemeteries in Denver,CO today and started
a new web page with my photos.
5 Oct 2010 - Lisa Hinojosa sent me a set of photos taken in
Dawson of the Fraini, Frazzini and Carlini families. Look on the Fraini web
21 Oct 2010 - I've collected
emails and other information about the Frazzini Coat-of-Arms.
30 Dec 2010 - I've added some
photos from the album of Dorothy diIullo Carrick to my Unknowns web page.
20 Jan 2011 - Our
cousin, Giuliano Colajanni, found the 1749
SPA Status Animarum. Giuliano found it in the archives in
Napoli. Now we have four SA - 1749, 1769, 1852 and 1869.
15 Mar 2011 - I've added photos
and other information about the Colaianni family
who lived in Wooster, OH.
25 May 2012 - A really interesting story about the murder of Dorintina Labate
in Denver, CO.
1 Jul 2012 - I added a new page about the Acquafondata family and
the manslaughter trial of Alessandro Acquafondata in Pittsburgh.
13 Aug 2012 - With the help of Concetta diCianno, I am now in
touch with Daniela Badiali, the granddaughter of Dott. Giovanni Perilli.
30 Jul 2013 - Still here and still updating the site. Join
the San Pietro Yahoo! group for more interaction. Most of the
additions are to the GED tree data base - click
3 Mar 2014 - I've collected up what I learned about the Gatti
and Frazzini families in Rock
Springs, WY.
7 Jul 2016 - Just to say that I'm still here. Not a lot of changes to
these web pages but I keep helping cousins find their ancestors when I
get emails.
Frazzini Graphical Family Trees
a graphical representation of the Frazzini family tree as I know it.
These are LARGE
files meant to be viewed on screen or printed. When
printed, the printing is small but still readable. Check the Graphical
Trees page for
hints about printing these files.
(Part 1) My direct Ancestors
(3.4+Mb JPG
Family Tree (Part 2) Other Frazzini Branches (some related)
(1.8+Mb JPG
Family Tree (Part 3) Other Frazzini Branches (some related)
(1.0+Mb JPG
Family Tree (Part 4) Other Frazzini Branches (some related)
(1.0+Mb JPG
Family Tree (Part 5) Other Frazzini Branches (some related)
(2.0+Mb JPG
Family Tree
(3.2+Mb JPG
File) Lorry Labate is from
another large family from San Pietro Avellana. Here is his family tree.
Robin Labate Fassbinder is part of another
Labate branch of the tree.
Here is a page
links to all
the Graphical Trees.
The Prospero (Denver) branch of the
Frazzini tree has been moved to his
web page. You can get the
Graphical Family Tree of that branch
received this Historical
News and Anecdotes from San Pietro Avellana
from Lorry Labate.
We are attempting to translate it.
of area around San Pietro Avellana.
While the site is being created you can email me :,
, sign the
guestbook, or join our Yahoo! Group:
My grandfather,
Emiliano Frazzini
My mother,
Benilda (Betty) Frazzini
1963 That's me, Mark
Camillo DiVecchio
DiVecchio's in 1977. I'm standing, then
left to right, my father, Patsy, my mother, Betty, and my two sisters
Diane and Patricia. Taken at my parents home in Aliquippa, PA |
My wife, Sally Clarno DiVecchio, taken just
before our hike to the bottom of the Grand
Canyon. |
Who am I?
My name is Mark Camillo DiVecchio. My mother's maiden name is Frazzini.
I was born in Providence Hospital in
Beaver Falls, PA in 1948. Grew up and attended school in
Aliquippa, PA,
graduating in 1966. Attended Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
graduating from there in 1970. Worked as a computer design engineer for
Burroughs, National Semiconductor, my own company (Silogic Systems)
and AMCC until
sort of retiring in January 2003. I am wed to Sally
Ann (Clarno) DiVecchio.
I started this web site to gather all the family information I have and
that I can collect. The site, is "me" centric, that is, I refer to
uncles, grandparents, etc with respect to me. My apologies in advance
for doing that.
I've been doing genealogy research since 2002 and its been great fun.
I started, I told people that I was "finding dead ancestors." Now I
tell them that what really happened was that I was "finding live
I started out focusing on the families of my parents. In the case of
SPA, that was Frazzini and Carlini. Over the years that research as
spread out to the entire town - that is because I realized that in a
small town like SPA, everyone is related one way or another (often in
many ways!).
As a retired engineer, I find the research itself is like putting
together a puzzle. I've spent hundreds of hours at the local Family
History Center pouring over the rolls of microfilmed
birth/marriage/death records from Italy. They are a treasure trove of
information. The US census and immigration information on
is great as is the Ellis Island web site.
Why do I do this? Well, I think it is best summed up by another SPA
researcher, Cris Swetye. When asked about it, Cris said: "I
do this because I love it. I love connecting the families, I love the
hunt and I love the mystery. I know it may sound hokey, but whenever I
find a new document for another relative it's like saying a little
prayer for them."
General Information
I entered all the genealogical information in the Personal Ancestral
File v 5.0 (PAF5) downloaded from the LDS site
The photos you will see on the
main pages are thumbnails. They have
been reduced in size and resolution so that they can be quickly
downloaded. I actually scanned the photos at 1200 dpi, the best my
scanner can do.
My original goal was to put all
the high resolution scans of the
photos up on this web site for anyone to download but I quickly
my Disk Quota at my ISP. BUT if you are relative of mine or anyone I
mention here or in the GED file, I will be happy to send you this web
site as well as scans of all the photos on a CD. Send me your
relationship and name/address. Send it to
Mark DiVecchio
1949 Via Ladera
Fallbrook, CA 92028-8055
or email :
My Sources
The main source of information for this web site are my parents
Pasquale "Patsy"
DiVecchio and Benilda "Betty" Frazzini DiVecchio and other relatives.
Dozens of newly found cousins around the world supplied names and dates
and places.
I found a little information on
the web, at the LDS
web site,
The most valuable source of
information about the 1800's was
ordered through the LDS Church and their Family History
Centers for San
Pietro Avellana. I've referenced
the film number, year and index number in
the notes
attached to the family
tree. Napoleon Bonaparte mandated that
civilian vital records be kept in Italy beginning in 1809 (Thanks!).
I tried to mark each piece of
information with the source, but I was
probably not 100% successful.
Family Tree
Here is a small portion of my Frazzini family tree. Just to give you
an idea of where the main characters fit in. All the details are in the
GED file and in the GED4WEB Family
Above is a portion of the
graphic version of the family tree. Click Graphical
Family Tree for
full size version. It is small type to fit on a 8.5"x11" piece of
when printed. When viewed with a graphics viewer, you can zoom in to
Family History
My grandfather, Emiliano
first came to the US in 1902, going initially to New Castle, PA and
then possibly going to Denver, CO (to the home
of Prospero
Frazzini). He was
naturalized at the District Court of the
of Las Animas in Trinidad CO on 17 Oct 1904. I know very little about
his life in Colorado. My mother, born in Italy in 1912 always remembers
that he worked in the mines though she does not know where. He married
Carlini in 1911. Between
1901 and 1926, he made several trips
to Italy. I've found two records at Ellis Island, in 1905 and 1912. On
the 1905 return, he went to the home of a cousin, Carmine
diLorenzo, in Aurora, MN. On
the 1912 return, he went to the home of his wife's uncle Teridano
diTella in Dawson,
He brought
his wife and their daughter, my
mother, to the US in 1926 and then settled in Western Pennsylvania.
Their first stop was at the home of Luigi Iasella
in Pittsburgh. Luigi had married Lucrezia's sister, Elvira. After that,
Emiliano and his family moved to New Galilee, PA and then to their long
term home in Beaver Falls. Emiliano's son, Paul,
was born in the US in
1928. Paul's wife still lives in Beaver Falls and their children all
near Washington, DC.
My mother married my father, Patsy DiVecchio,
in 1947.
They moved to Aliquippa,
PA, living
with his parents for 2 years while
building their home (to this day), also in Aliquippa.
I was born at
Providence Hospital in Beaver Falls, PA (where
my mother's family lived), grew up in Aliquippa and now live near San
Diego, CA.
My mother, Betty, died on 18 Oct 2007, my father, Patsy,
died on 9 April 2009.
Future Tasks
My next task will be the
DiVecchio family tree. You can link to it
here - DiVecchio
Family Tree.
Unanswered Questions
I've found Carlini and
Carlino interchanged a lot. Carlino tends
to be used earlier but there is no distinct break point.
- I've also seen Frazzino,
Frassini and Frasini. Frazzino seems to
be used a lot before about 1850.
- I've located many
other branches of the Frazzini family in
the United States and one in Argentina. You know who you are. There are
probably more.
- I've seen diTella and just
plain Tella. Tella seems to be used in
the 1830's and 1840's.
The family name was Frazzino up until about 1850 when it slowly changed
Frazzini over the next 50 years. I searched the Ellis Island web site
for Frazzino and found
11 people from the towns of Locana and Bagheria. My guess is that a
branch of Frazzino's moved from SPA before 1850 to these towns
and kept the 'o' at the end of their names. At some point, I want to
see if I can verify this. It might require getting the microfilmed
from those two towns.
Family Names - Italian Spellings verses Americanized Spellings
I get conflicted when I try to keep names straight on my web site.
The conflict is between the Italian spelling (sometimes several
spellings) and the Americanized
spellings of names.
There are sometimes many different Americanized spellings of names.
Sometimes when I find a record, the name is spelled differently just
because of the way it was transcribed from a written record. When
people visit my web site to search, I try to keep things as canonical
as possible to make the searching easier.
This is especially necessary when the same person can be found with the
older Italian spelling in older records and then a newer Americanized
spelling in newer records.
Also, if someone from Italy is searching for the family, they would use
the Italian spelling.
diSanza was one of cases where this occurred a lot. The Italian
spelling is diSanza, sometimes even "Sanza (d')" was used in the
records from the early 1800's. Here in the US, it became DiSanza,
DeSanza, DeSanzo and even DeSano. (Read
this: They
Changed Our Name at Ellis Island, by Donna
So what I try to do is use mostly the Italian spelling.
I will make sure that I add a note to each page so people know the
Americanized spelling and how that person was known in the US.
The Locations
San Pietro Avellana, Campobosso, Italy (SPA)
Pietro Avellana (SPA)
Isernia, Molise, Italia
Pietro Avellana Surnames
Falls, PA
Pietro Avellana, Province of Isernia, Molise
of Chiesa di Sant'Amico (patron saint) in San Pietro Avellana
Site Map
So here are the sub-pages. They don't contain many dates or places of
birth/death, etc. Look in the Family
for that detail.
Emiliano Frazzini
- my
(Carlini) Frazzini - my
- my
- This page lists my known great grandparents and what I know
about them.
Benilda (Betty)
- my
and Betty
(Frazzini) DiVecchio -
My father and mother.
DiVecchio -
That's me.
Prospero Pio
The most interesting Frazzini that I've found in my research. Prospero
helped out many compare from San Pietro Avellana who first went to his
home in Denver, CO. 25 Mar 2004 - Added information from Denver City
Directories. 23 Apr 2004 - Finally - I discovered my relationship to
- My Grandmother's brothers and
- My Grandmother's sister,
Elvira Carlini,
married into the Iasella family.
Aunts and
- My
parent's brothers and sisters.
Great-Great Aunts and Uncles
- My great and
great-great (and
great-great-great) Frazzini zii.
- My
grandfather's cousin, killed during the running of the Mille
Miglia automobile race in 1930. Also
information about his brother, Tommaso Mario
Teridano diTella
- My grandfather's
uncle. My grandfather went to his home in Dawson, NM
in 1912.
Cipriano diTella
- My
great-grandmother's brother, he was known as Cipriano. 29 Mar 2004 -
Alfonso diSanza sent me some
photos of his grandfather.
Watermill -
photos and information about a Watermill owned by my great granduncle, Tommaso Cipriano
diTella .
diTella -
Teridano's and Tommaso's sister and my great grandmother.
- These people might have some
connection to our family. Some of these people are now identified.
Carlini - Pasquale
Carlini was close friend of the family and a cousin. I visited his
daughter in 2005.
Italy Photos -
Photos from San Pietro Avellana that my grandmother Lucrezia Carlini
had in her photo album. Some people are identified and some are not
Coat-of-Arms - I've collected emails and other
information about the Frazzini Coat-of-Arms.
Photos from SPA - Here
are some other photos from SPA. I scaned these when I visited the
Other SPA Families
- On this page, I'll collect some of the other old photos that I've
received from sampietresi - Part 1.
Other SPA
Families (Part 2) - On this page, I'll collect some
of the other old photos that I've
received from sampietresi - Part 2.
Other SPA
Families (Part 3) - On this page, I'll collect some
of the other old photos that I've
received from sampietresi - Part 3.
- When my
grandfather came to the US in 1905 he went to the home of his cousin,
Carmine diLorenzo in Aurora, MN.
Dawson, New Mexico
- Dawson, New
where my grandfather spent some time about 1912 and where my
great-granduncle Teridano
diTella lived for most of his adult life.
Pietro Avellana. - Ron
Frazzini sent me some photos which are on this page along with other
information about SPA.
Sabatino Frazzini
- My great granduncle and head priest in SPA from 1903 to 1921. He
baptized my mother, Benilda Frazzini in 1912.
Giovanni Frazzini
- My great-great granduncle and head priest in SPA from 1862 to 1903.
1943 Destruction
of San Pietro Avellana - Here
photos of San Pietro
during and after its destructions by retreating German forces in 1943.
Photos Before/After the Destruction of San Pietro Avellana -
Here are 1943 photos published in the
newspapers which show SPA
before and after the German destruction.
Pietro Avellana Stories - This page will have
stories about the
people from SPA
Passport Applications - Photos of people from SPA that were
in their passport applications.
Status Animarum - A census like enumeration of the
residents of SPA in 1869. Taken by my great-great granduncle, the
priest, Don Giovanni Frazzini.
Status Animarum - A census like enumeration of the
residents of SPA in 1852.
Status Animarum - A census like enumeration of the
residents of SPA in 1769.
Status Animarum - A census like enumeration of the
residents of SPA in 1749.
St. Amico - Saint
the patron saint
of SPA
San Pietro Avellana cimitero
- Photos
from the cemetery in SPA. Taken in Aug 2004.
San Pietro Avellana Picnic in Koppel PA - Here is a
photograph taken
at Second Annual SPA Picnic in 1926 (still looking for a photo from
SPA Picnics - Besides the two big picnics in 1925 and 1926,
there were smaller versions.
Nevada - Some of my
mother's cousins (mostly Carlini's) ended
up in Ely, NV.
Ely Depot Railroad Museum - This museum houses all the paper
records of the Nevada Northern Railway from its inception in 1906 until
it closed in 1893.
County, PA - Where I
grew up.
Cristofaro diSanza
- "Chris" diSanza came to the
US and tried to make it in Hollywood.
City Cemetery in Ogden, UT - Yet
more relatives who lived and died in Ogden, UT.
Pocatello, ID -
I'm just starting to learn about Pocatello and the Italians there.
Prospero had a branch of the Italian-American Bank there.
(Tony) Frazzini - A
cousin who lived in Mesabe, MN and then Denver, CO.
Mirando (Lee)
- My
grandmother had a photo of Mirando in her album. We didn't know who he
was. He was identified by Ron Frazzini but we still don't know why my
grandmother had the photo.
Frazzini and Nicholas Frazzini.
- 8 Jul 2004 Jerri
Frazzini Bottomly sent me some photos of her grandfather (Prospero's
brother) and her father.
Frazzini Families - Photos and information about
Frazzini families other than mine.
Perilli - A cousin who was a
Doctor in San Pietro Avellana.
and Italians in Colorado - a book by D. Giovanni Perilli.
Family History
- 29 Mar 2004 - My cousin
Alfonso diSanza d'Alena sent me a history of his family. Jan
- Alfonso now has
his own family web site : Italian
: English
by Google.
- Some
photos sent to me by Shirley Sinclare.
- Some photos sent to me by Cris Swetye.
- Some
photos sent to me by Cathy Madonna Youngblood.
Fraini Family
- The Fraini Family lived in
Dawson and there was a branch in Boston, MA.
News and Anecdotes from San Pietro Avellana
- A
history written in Italian, which I received from Lorry
Labate. We are attempting to translate it.
York (pre Ellis Island) and
Boston Passenger Lists - Gene
Frazzini first pointed me to these
records for possible relatives who arrived in Philadelphia, New York
and Boston.
Giuseppe Buzzelli
- Giuseppe was
my grandfather's 1st cousin. He married my mother's aunt Rosa Frazzini.
lived in Castel di Sangro and Cleveland.
Buzzelli from Castel di Sangro
- I'm going to gather much of the Buzzelli family info that I received
and put it on this page.
Pete and Sam
Carlino -
When we first found these Carlini brothers, we thought they might have
been from
SPA. Turns out that they are probably not, but their story makes
interesting reading anyway.
of Ambrozio diSanza (1822) and Maria Gatti (1819)
- I'm
related to this family only by marriage. Many of them ended up in
Western Pennsylvania, mostly Homewood, PA. Most of the info on this
page is from Dave DeSanzo.
Saint Teresa Cemetery in Hoytdale, PA - An old
cemetery near Koppel
and Homewood. Several early SPA immigrants who lived in this area are
Angelo Frazzini
- Angelo lived in Dawson and
is buried there.
2006 Dawson Reunion
- Some photos and other items
from our trip to the 2006 reunion.
Oreste diCianno and other
diCianno Families - Oreste diCianno was the
executor of the Last Will of my great granduncle Teridano diTella
when he died in Dawson
in 1944. This page tells about him and other diCianno families.
Filomeno diMartino
- One of the two survivors of
the 1923 Dawson mine explosion.
Ships with
People from SPA
- I've put about a dozen ships that arrived from Italy
1860 and 1891 here. This is the time before Ellis Island opened.
Feb 1882 - Ferdinand de Lesseps. - This
may be first large
scale arrival of immigrants from SPA to the USA.
18 Apr
1882 Chateau Lafite. - Another large scale arrival
of early
immigrants from SPA.
Italian Emmigration
- My cousin Giuliano Colajanni
presented this talk in SPA
during August 2006. He sent it to me and I tried to translate it into
English. I've not done a very good job and it's not complete.
Tree as created by GED4WEB (GED
- If you want to search for your
ancestors, here are a few hints.
My Links - Links to Italian
and other genealogy web sites.
updates to
this site:
25 Dec 2003 - Buon Natale - Here
are a set of photos that I recently found, all most likely from San
Pietro Avellana. Many unidentified. Frazzini
Italy Photos.
15 May 2004 - Sally and I just got back from a long road trip to Dawson
and Raton.
Here are views of the Dawson
Cemetery and the Mt.
Calvary Cemetery in Raton.
2 Aug 2004 - Sally and I were married on 20 July 2004 in a family
ceremony in
our home. Click
here for a few photos.
28 Aug 2004 - Sally and I just got back from three weeks in Italy
including a week in San Pietro Avellana. I'll be updating web pages
with new information. Here is the trip report. Click
29 Aug 2004 - Here
are a set of
postcards that I got on my 2004 trip to San Pietro.
29 Aug 2004- Here
photos of San Pietro
during and after its destructions by retreating German forces in 1943.
29 Aug 2004 - Here
are some other
photos that I
scanned at the Museum in San Pietro.
15 Oct 2004 - When I was in Aliquippa in July, I got some additional
photos of my relatives. You can see them on the updated Carlini
and Ely,
web pages.
21 Nov 2004 - My cousin Giuliano Colaianni and Attilio diSanza have
made a new web site for the Museo
delle Civiltà e del Costume d'epoca.
Here is also the Comune
di San PietroAvellana web site.
17 Jan 2005 - After a trip to the Ogden
City Cemetery in Ogden, UT, here
is a report on what I found.
20 Jan 2005 - Added a new photo to the page about my great grand-uncle,
Sabatino Frazzini.
5 Apr 2005 - Dennis Diullo sent me a photograph of my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini,
that I had NEVER
seen before.
27 May 2005 - Sally and I spent a few days in Ely, NV. The trip report
is on my Ely,
NV page. A report from the Ely Cemetery
is on its own
new page and there is a new page for Carmine
12 Jun 2005 - Sally and I just returned from a few days in Reno and
Carson City, NV where we met cousins Gene Diullo and Clara Carlini.
Details are
on my Ely,
NV page.
2 Sep 2005 - Philadelphia,
York (pre Ellis Island) and
Boston Passenger Lists - Relatives who arrived in
Philadelphia, New
and Boston.
14 Sep 2005 - I added a page for Giuseppe
Buzzelli and his family who lived in Cleveland.
22 Sep 2005 - I realized that I never put up very many photos of the
cemetery in SPA. Here are
some of my
ancestors who are buried there.
20 Jan 2006 - I visited with Louise Carlini Brian. Louise is the
daughter of Pasquale "Pat" Carlini. Pasquale was with my mother's
family when they came over to the US in 1926. Louise let me scan some
old photos and I've put them on Pasquale
Carlini's web page.
30 Jan 2006 - I just discovered that St.
Amico, the patron saint of
appeared in Louisiana to Antonio Mosca and Maria Michelina diTella.
There is a Chapel built there as well.
1 Feb 2006 - A new page, with photos from Dave DeSanzo, which tells
about the descendents
of Ambrozio diSanza (1822) and Maria Gatti (1819)
13 Feb 2006 - I'm learning more about the Italians in
the Pocatello, ID.
10 Apr 2006 - Cathy Youngblood
sent some photos and family history of
her branch of the SPA tree. I've taken those photos and some history
and made a web page. Carlino-Mariani
Web Page.
tree for her family can be found on the Frazzini
Part 3.
23 Apr 2006 - Rayna Valentine sent me some photos of the Italians in
Pocatello, ID. I added them to my Pocatello
Web Page.
7 May 2006 - I just received some photos from Barbara Ricci Roberts of
her family who lived in Ogden,
14 May 2006 - Rayna Valentine sent me some photos of the
Colaianni's in
22 May 2006 - Dave DeSanzo received some photos from his cousin. They
might be Frazzini's but most are unidentified. Click
2 Jun 2006 - Cris Swetye
sent me some info and photos about her family.
has both diTella and Colaianni in her ancestry.
10 Jun 2006 - I'm starting to receive photos of other Frazzini
families. As I do, I'll be posting them here: Other Frazzini
25 Jul 2006 - The daughter of Tom and Marilou
Moschette sent me some photos of her great-grandparents, Carmine
Frazzini and Maria Antonia Carlini, who lived in Dawson.
6 Sep 2006 - Sally and I just returned from the 2006 Dawson Reunion.
Here are the pages that I've updated with new information:
Dawson Cemetery
- new tombstone photos - Angelo Frazzini and Emma diLorenzo
Calvary Cemetery - new information about Carmine Carlini
7 Sep 2006 - I gathered much of the information I had about Angelo Frazzini and
put it on one web page. Angelo is the son of Carmine Frazzini and Maria
Antonia Carlini.
7 Sep 2006 - Added newspaper clippings from the Dawson News to the Teridano
diTella web page.
9 Sep 2006 - Sally and I just returned from the 2006 Dawson Reunion.
Photos and other info on this new web page.
26 Sep 2006 - A man from SPA, Filomeno
diMartino, was one of the two survivors of the 1923 mine
explosion in Dawson. Here is some information about him.
6 Oct 2006 - 1926
San Pietro Avellana Picnic in Koppel PA - I just
started work on this page and it under construction.
7 Oct 2006 - The
Saint Teresa Cemetery in Hoytdale, PA (Near Koppel and
24 Oct 2006 - Cris Swetye originally sent me a spreadsheet showing the
sampietriesi on the 15
Feb 1882 arrival of the Ferdinand de Lesseps. On this new
page, I've taken what she sent and did a little more research.
24 Oct 2006 - My cousin Giuliano Colajanni presented a talk on Italian Emmigration
in SPA last August. He sent it to me and I tried to translate it into
3 Nov 2006 - Here is information about the 18 Apr 1882
arrival of the Chateau Lafite. Many SPA names here.
11 Nov 2006 - My cousin, Giuliano, has sent me information from the 1869
Status Animarum from SPA.
13 Nov 2006 - Bob Morrison sent me more information about S. Amico. I created a new
15 Jan 2007 - I started a new web page which will have Stories about
People from SPA.
18 Jan 2007 - I moved Cristofaro
diSanza's photo from the unknown photos page to his own page
since I found out a lot more about him.
6 Feb 2007 - Alfonso
diSanza d'Alena sent some photos and information about a Watermill owned by
his great grandfather, Tommaso
Cipriano diTella (my great granduncle).
15 Feb 2007 - I received a couple of photos from descendants of Giuseppe Buzzelli and Florina Mariani.
12 May 2007 - I've created a Yahoo!
Group for San Pietro Avellana
researchers. It is free to join. Visit the group by clicking here: SPA
13 May 2007 - I've rebuilt my web pages for ships arriving with People from San
Pietro Avellana. This page will cover the
period 1891 and earlier (before Ellis Island opened)
7 Jun 2007 - Oreste
diCianno was the executor of the Last Will of my great
granduncle Teridano
diTella when he died in Dawson
in 1944. He is buried in Mt.
Calvary Cemetery in Raton. This page shows what I've been
able to find out about Oreste.
9 Sep 2007 - My cousin Giuliano Colajanni was able to find two photos
that I've been looking for. They are 1943 photos published in the
newspapers which show SPA
before and after the German destruction.
11 Sep 2007 - I just returned from a week in Ely, NV doing research at
the East Ely Railroad Depot Museum. Here is a link to a
new web page with the data that I found.
27 Sep 2007 - Mike Hamilton sent me some photos of the diCianno family.
I've added them to my diCianno
web page.
27 Sep 2007 - Elaine Arcangeli Wade sent me a photo of Oreste diCianno and
she sent me a photo of a wooden cedar chest made by my great granduncle Teridano diTella.
18 Oct 2007 - My mother died today at the age of 95 years. Read about
her life on her web page.
7 Feb 2008 - I've started a new page of Other SPA Families.
8 Feb 2008 - My cousin has sent me complete information from
the 1869
Status Animarum from SPA and I've added it to my web page.
Grazie, Giuliano!
16 May 2008 - I've gathered
information about the Fraini
family on this page. They lived in Dawson. They had closely related
cousins in
Boston, MA and East Glastonbury, CT.
22 Aug 2008 - 1926
San Pietro Avellana Picnic in Koppel PA - Newly restored
version of the photo!. Thanks to Susan Morelli Wolf and Barbara Eason
3 Sep 2008 - The 2008 Dawson
Reunion is now history and I will be updating my Dawson and Dawson Cemetery
web pages. Here is a trip
21 Sep 2008 - I
found another early ship from Italy to the US carrying sampietresi -
it's the Archimede
which arrived on 3 May 1883.
8 Oct 2008 - More informatin
from Giuliano, here is the 1852 Status
Animarum from SPA.
17 Oct 2008 - From the US
Passport Applications, I've found a bunch of photos of people
from San Pietro Avellana (SPA).
4 Nov 2008 - Robert Morrison
has completed the translation of a book containing the "Vita di Santo
Amico". Click here.
19 Mar 2009 - I've collected my
information specific to Prospero
Frazzini's Italian-American
Bank and its predecessor the "Banca
Popolare Italiana" into one web page. Much of the information
and photos are from Franklin Smith.
9 Apr 2009 - My father died today at the age of 91 years. Read
about his life on his web
8 Nov 2009 - I
just found evidence that my great-great granduncle Don Giovanni
arciprete Frazzini may have come to the US in 1848. I've started a new page for him.
4 Feb 2010 - With the help of our cousin, Concetta diCianno,
we know a little more Dr.
Giovanni Perilli.
Includes now a photo of his tombstone in Roma.
5 Mar 2010 - Karen Morelli sent me scans of two photos from
which were used in postcards. They date from the early 1900's. Click
19 Apr 2010 - Our cousin, Giuliano Colajanni,
found the 1769
SPA Status Animarum. Giuliano found it in the archives in
Napoli. It will add one hundred years to what we know about our
ancestral lines.
22 Jun 2010 - I vistied the Mountain
View Cemetery in Rock Springs, WY today. More
photos of tombstones.
This site prepared and
maintained by Mark DiVecchio
email :
Join our San Pietro Avellana email mailing list here :
If you can help with the expenses to develop this web site: