But right now I am going to write Angie and tell her about the mystery of "who was Cornelius's father?" Remember, my Dad told me that Corny had a different father, but that he used the name Baker because all the rest of the family were Bakers. It has been a mystery all these years who WAS his father? Even Ruthann wanted to know. |
Hello, Angie, I thought I had better tell you about the mystery surrounding Cornelius. My father, Charles, told me that Cornelius had a different father than the rest of them, but that he used the name Baker, because all the rest of the family were Bakers. He even put down " Felix "as his father. Years later his youngest daughter, Ruthann, who was his and Fay's "late in life" child, showed up in my half-sister's life and wanted to know if anyone really knew what the whole story was. Corny's full name was Cornelius Vanderbilt Baker. We joked that maybe the real Cornelius Vanderbilt was his father, since the Vanderbilt mansion isn't all that far from Gastonia. Silly idea. I can't even imagine the other possibility......you say he looks like Lester George? Nah. The mystery deepens. Gee, this is fun. Bette |
Sally's DNA Matches as of December 2019 | |||||
Ancestry DNA Name | Predicted Relationship | Shared DNA cM | What we know | Shared DNA Matches | Information from their Family Tree |
Robert H.Clarno Jr | Brother | 2,560 | This is Sally's brother. | ||
Laura Sue Welch | 1st Cousin | 1,672 | This is Sally's niece, daughter of her brother, Rob. | ||
J.S. | 2nd-3rd Cousin | 248 | We don't know who this person is. | Shared matches with others with Clarno-Plimel(Plymale) in their trees, Sally's father's side. | |
ramona785061 | 3rd-4th Cousin | 188 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis. | Father: Stanley Davis 1932-2010 |
H.D. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 169 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis/Deter | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
dlinda1939 | 3rd-4th Cousin | 163 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis/Deter | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
Patricia Turner | 3rd-4th Cousin | 156 | We don't know who this person is. | I cannot see any recognizable surnames in the available trees. Shared matches with Ann Jewell, Patricia Turner and Joe Turner. | |
gwen_severance | 3rd-4th Cousin | 151 | We don't know who this person is. | Shared matches with others with Clarno-Plimel(Plymale) in their trees, Sally's father's side. | |
Edward Brabham | 3rd-4th Cousin | 141 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis/Deter | Anna Eliza Davis 1903-1970 |
L.F. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 122 | We don't know who this person is. | Ann Jewell, Antoinette Altemus | |
R.S. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 102 | Robert Sorensen, a cousin on the Franzenbach line (Sally's maternal great-grandmother). Sally has met Bob and his son, Todd. | Franzenbach (Rhonda Broatch & Engstroma26) | |
Antoinette Altemus | 3rd-4th Cousin | 92 | We don't know who this person is. | Ann Jewell, L.F. | |
Duane Bailey | 3rd-4th Cousin | 91 | We don't know who this person is. | Clarno-Plimel (Plymale) | |
Sandra Howard | 4th-6th Cousin | 85 | We don't know who this person is. | Martin-Spindle (Sally's maternal grandmother's side) | |
Ann Jewell | 4th-6th Cousin | 79 | We don't know who this person is. | Antoninette Altemus, L.F, Patrica Turner | |
E.C. | 4th-6th Cousin | 77 | We don't know who this person is. | Patricia Bailey |
Sally's DNA Matches as of December 2019 (continued) | |||||
Ancestry DNA Name | Predicted Relationship | Shared DNA cM | What we know | Shared DNA Matches | Information from their Family Tree |
Kathern Zimmerman | 4th-6th Cousin | 68 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Patricia Bailey | 4th-6th Cousin | 60 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Brandon Davis | 4th-6th Cousin | 55 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Alyssa Davis | 4th-6th Cousin | 55 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
L.D. | 4th-6th Cousin | 53 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
Jesse Stimson | 4th-6th Cousin | 44 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | Levi Davis & Rebecca Shriver |
Jennifer Lopiccolo | 4th-6th Cousin | 43 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
SusanDougherty76 | 4th-6th Cousin | 42 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis/Ziegler. #4 match on GEDMatch | |
Michael Clarno | 4th-6th Cousin | 37 | Probably a descendant of John Hunter Clarno (1790-1858) and Jane Plimel | Clarno-Plimel | |
Engstroma26 | 4th-6th Cousin | 36 | A descendant of Caspar Franzenbach (1834-1896) and Susanna Schmidt (1836-?) | Franzenbach | |
K.O. (Kalila Ozaki) | 4th-6th Cousin | 34 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | Fred J. Davis Jr. married Alice Rosecrans |
Eugene Ross Deter | 4th-6th Cousin | 25 | We don't know who this person is. | Deter | |
Stephen Peterson | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | We don't know who this person is. | Deter | Lillian Mae Deter |
Janna_gliatto | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | We don't know who this person is. | Deter/Ziegler | |
tschakohl | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
yrkpope | 4th-6th Cousin | 20 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Beth Hafenrichter | 5th-8th Cousin | 15 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
BriceMartin55 | 5th-8th Cousin | 12 | We don't know who this person is. | Deter/Ziegler |
Thanks Mark for your research. I really couldn't find the Clarno name in my matches.But I must have missed it. I found a lady by the last name of Welsh,but of a different first name. I am actually a cattle rancher who's family started back in 1852 & is still on the original homestead cattle ranch.My son actually has David Eckfort Deter's original historic rifle. It came across the plains three times. He was a wagon master. We don't own but lease his original property. And we lease the Davis Ranch property as well. Originally owned by Henry & Henrietta Davis. I do remember the Brabham name in their family line. Met him in the late 60's several times. |
Hello Sally As I read your message on Ancestry this morning, I am interested in the Davis/Deter DNA. Given the date of your mother's birth, the only possible biological fathers would be my grandfather, Fred J Davis, his brother Isaac, and Isaac's son Orlo. There are other descendants running around Siskiyou Co, CA. My father and uncle were too young to be her father...11 and 13. Fred lived in Westwood, CA at the time of your mother's birth and the others were in Siskiyou Co, CA. It seems that someone was in the woodpile. My date of birth is XX-XX-1939 I hope this helps...Of course the Davis/DNA is all over the place back east too. I suggest that location is important. Linda |
The Deters go back to Germany and then to Pennsylvania in the early 1700's.
There are some Mennonites there. The Davis' are hard to trace. I have them back
to Frederick, Maryland in the mid 1700's. My grandfather (Fred) always told me that they were French Huguenots who had
migrated to Wales..thus the Davis name...and then to America. There are other
families involved in the Davis/Deter line....Shriver, Zeigler, and others. The
Deter line is German from Bavaria and the Rhineland. I am glad to help. Linda |
Linda, You and Sally and I traded a few emails several months ago about the possibility that Sally's grandfather was not Charles Lee Baker as was always thought but might be a Davis. The coronavirus and COVID-19 has been distracting for a few months but Sally and I are ready to get back to thinking about what could have gone on back in the 1920's when her mother, Bette Baker, was born in Portland, OR. It was DNA that started all of this research. As I mentioned in an earlier email, I have been searching Sally's DNA matches to try to find Baker cousins. But nothing showed up. When ancestry.com came up with the "ThruLines" web page, they pointed to Bette's connection to several people in your Davis family tree. If you have time and could share what you know, maybe we can understand what occurred. My first question to you is to ask about the other DNA matches that ancestry.com shows. Do you know any of these people from the DNA matches?
Jennifer Lopiccolo H.D. managed by Jennifer Lopiccolo Edward Brabham Michael Mattos Courtney Lorraine-Berg L.D. I hope we can figure something out. What is an odd feeling, though, is that I've spent years researching the Baker family which came from North Carolina, before that the PA German area and before that, of course, Germany. Many of the people who we thought of as cousins are not related any more (but Sally still thinks of them as cousins). Mark DiVecchio husband of Sally |
Hello Mark Yes I know some of these people. Ramona is my niece. H.D. is my first cousin Henry Davis. Jennifer Lopiccolo is his daughter. Edward Brabham is a more distant cousin. His mother is my grandfather's sister. We share the same great Grandfather, Henry Levi Davis of Siskiyou Co CA. L.D. could be me. I do not know Michael Mattos or Courtney Lorraine-Berg.The Davis family came from Frederick Maryland, via Ohio to CA. Henry L. Davis' wife, Henrietta Dieter...her family (her mother Susannah Ziegler) were from Pennsylvania, via Ohio, to CA. They were German, and immigrated to PA in the early 18th century. Happy hunting, Linda Davis |
Linda, I was able to get in touch with Edward Brabham. Edward is the grandson of Isaac Shriver Davis (Fred Jay Davis Sr's brother). I asked him if he has any thoughts about my wife's DNA match to the Davis family. So far nothing productive. Mark |
Mark It would seem thus that your wife's ancestor would have to be both Davis and Deter progeny. That narrows it down according to age match. I don't know how many grandsons Isaac Davis had. His wife was Henrietta Deter. He had one son, Orlo Davis. Then there is Isaac's brother Fred, and his two sons, Stanley (my father) and Fred Jr. Maybe Edward will help you. Linda |
Yes, I agree that there is a connection to the Deter progeny.
The ancestry.com DNA shows a match to a person named Eugene Ross Deter
who is descendant from Henrietta Deter's brother, Abraham Ziegler Deter
and four people, Brice Martin, Janna Gliatto, Gabriele Eimert and
Stephen Peterson, all descendant from another brother of Henrietta,
George Washington Deter. Seemingly, cousins everywhere. Mark |
It looks like you are closing in on the woodpile
inhabitant. Abraham, George, or even David Deter are
likely. I do know of Brice Martin as he appears "related
to". The others I do not know. Some of the Deters went to
Oregon from Siskiyou. Thus people like Edward Brabham. Good Luck. Linda |
Another thought - Betty Davis Carrier is Orlo's daughter
and lives in Siskiyou Co.on the original 1854 Davis ranch. She
knows all the of relatives in that area. It is possible that she
could help. Linda |
Linda, On ancestry.com, they rate the DNA matches using a number called centiMorgans (or cM). I don't exactly know what that number represents but the higher it is, the closer the two people are related. For example, Sally matches her brother with about 2500 cM. That is a really high number as we would expect of siblings. As we go to first cousins, then second cousins and so on, the number goes down. Then half-cousins make the number go down more. Sally matches 17 people (that I've found) from the Davis/Deter family. The very highest, is Ramona, the second is H.D. and the third is you. Of all of Sally's DNA matches, Ramona is the 4th highest, H.D. is fifth and you are the sixth highest. Here are the cM values: H.D. (Henry Fred Davis per Linda) 169cM Jennifer Lopiccolo 43cM Linda Davis 163cM Ramona Davis 188cM Brandon Davis 55cM Alyssa Davis 55cM L.D. (?) 53cM Edward Brabham 141cM Kalila Ozaki 34 cM The matches on the Deter side are between 10 and 50 cM. A number like your match of 163 cM is consistent with a relationship of half 1st cousin 1x removed or half 2nd cousin. The person "L.D." is still a mystery to me. Mark |
Mark Alyssa Davis is my first cousin Henry Davis' daughter. Brandon Davis is my first cousin Paul Davis' son. Kalila Ozaki is the daughter of my first cousin Bonnie Davis Ozaki.... Bonnie is sibling to Henry and Paul Davis. Others I do not know. Linda |
Mark, For 1920 - My father and his brother would be too young (12-13). Orlo was older, maybe 16. That leaves Fred Sr. and his brother Isaac. In 1920, Isaac was a rancher in Siskiyou Co. Fred Sr, my grandfather, was a physician in Westwood, CA. They did travel during those years. It is possible that there is a connection through the nursing school. I think that would make Betty a half sibling of my father and Fred Jr. If I am thinking straight, that would make Sally a half first cousin to me and Henry, and a half second cousin to Ramona. Linda |
Mark I was thinking that perhaps Orlo Davis was older than I thought in 1920. He might have gone to school in Oregon. One way to check is to contact his daughter, Betty Davis Carrier, who still live on the old Siskeyou ranch. She is also into genealogy. At least that is the latest I have for her. She is in her late 80's now. Linda |
Dear Sally I just received your interesting letter concerning your mother’s parentage. It would be somewhat unlikely that my father Orlo could have been her father, but then who knows what happened those years. Orlo was born in Feb. 25, 1900 so he would have been 20 in 1920. He lived in Little Shasta Valley California, near Yreka at that time. He had relatives living in Oregon, and probably did travel there once in a while. He was ranching with his father and had a serious accident that year. He had “blood poisoning” and spent some time with Uncle Fred in Westwood, California being treated and recovering from the septic incidence at Uncle Fred’s Lake Almanor cabin, in Lassen County California. Could your mother have been in California that year? It is a mystery. The picture above was his graduation picture from 1918. Orlo married my mother Charlotte Oesterich in Corvallis, Oregon on June 11, 1929 and I was born in 1932, their only child, although Mom had a miscarriage in 1939 and Linda’s father Stanley treated her at that time. This picture is of Aunt Dora, Stanley Fred Jr and Fred in 1916. Linda’s father Stanley looks more like Aunt Dora who was a Spencer. Anyhow I am rambling. Guess it is for you to figure out. I’m afraid that I am not much help. Betty Davis Carrier P.S. We had a couple named Clarno living in my parents house some years back. His mother was from Oregon. Also we have a son Mark. |
Betty, Thank you so much for responding so soon! It is SO interesting! We are looking back 100 years to try to figure out who my grandmother was with on that one day! We only have the DNA numbers as a "witness." Thank you for sending the photos. It is hard to imagine that it was your father if he was sick that year. Interesting about you meeting a "Clarno" couple. There aren't many Clarno's around! We'll keep in touch if we find out anything else, and we hope you will too! Thank you again! Sally |
I really have doubts about my Dad, Orlo being the person
you are looking for. He was a very retiring man, a very hard
worker and never one to be a “ladies man” . But who
knows, Quiet men can run deep. Anyhow take care, Betty |
Linda, Sally and I have contacted Betty Carrier and she has been very helpful. We contacted her by letter and also by email at the email address you gave us. She told us that her father, Orlo, had been badly injuried in 1920 and spent time recovering at "Uncle Fred´s Lake Almanor cabin". He was living near Yreka at the time. Betty thought, that because of this, it was not likely that Orlo was Sally's grandfather. She sent us two photos which I'm forwarding to you in a separate email. Mark |
Mark It is beginning to make sense that my grandfather, Fred J Davis Sr, could be Sally's grandfather. He was a physician in Westwood. He did have relatives in Oregon...and they did visit so I have heard. That would make Sally's mother a half sister to my father...and thus a half first cousin to me, Henry, Paul and Bonnie. Linda |
Linda, One of the DNA results that I don't understand is that you, Henry and Edward Brabham all have about the DNA match value. That is surprising in that if your grandfather, Fred, were Sally's grandfather then you and Henry should have a much higher match value than Edward. And if Orlo were Sally's grandfather then Edward should have a much higher match value than you and Henry. (Edward would be Orlo's nephew) So this makes me ask the question, what about children of other siblings to Fred and Isaac? Do you think there is any chance that those branches could be involved? Mark |
Mark There was another male sibling of Isaac and Fred. He was Henry Levi Jr and he died in 1908. Isaac was 47 in the 1920 census. Orlo was 19. I will look into the other female siblings...there are 4. Maybe they had sons. I will try to remember their married names. They were Hattie, Nettie, Mary Jane, and Emma. Linda |
Mark Henry Levi Davis Jr was married, died at age 33. I can find no record of children from that Marriage. The other sister sibling to Fred and Isaac is Emma. I am still trying to find their marriages and children. Linda |
Linda, Thank you for your efforts. I am also still thinking through the data. Have you seen this document: https://archive.org/download/deterfamilyhisto00dete/deterfamilyhisto00dete.pdf It is the Deter Family History but has a lot of Davis listings - including you! Mark |
Progress - Hattie
Davis Williams (sib of Fred and Isaac) had 5 sons. Floyd, 1887;
Ernest, 1890; Lyman, 1893; Allen, 1894;
Glen, 1906. Any of these except for Glen could be your man.
They lived in Little Shasta Valley. Linda |
Mark After further digging.... female sibs of Isaac and Fred..... Mary Jane married William Davis, no children; Nettie died in infancy; Emma married Clarence Kennedy and had a son Rowe Davis Kennedy who was an architect and builder in Portland. He was born in 1892. He seems like a good candidate. The other possibilities are Hattie's sons. I already sent you their names and date of birth. Getting closer? Linda |
Linda, This is very interesting. I did some digging on Rowe Kennedy. Rowe was born in Siskiyou County, CA on 29 Oct 1892. In his adult life, he stated that he was born in Yreka, CA. ![]() 1900 census shows him with parents living in Tule Lake, OR. 1910 census shows him with parents living in Cottage Grove, OR. He went to Oregon Agricultural College where he received a BS in Mechanical Engineering in 1916. His sister, Ruth, followed him to O.A.C. a few years later and graduated in 1921. ![]() 1911 09 19 Cottage Grove Leader, Cottage Grove, OR ![]() 1911 12 29 Cottage Grove Leader, Cottage Grove, OR ![]() 19 Mar 1915 The Weekly Gazette-Times ![]() 1916 The Orange Yearbook for the Oregon Agricultural College In the 1918-1919 University Catalogue from O.A.C., he is listed as receiving both his BS and Master degrees at the same time. His entry is anotated "In War Service". His address is listed as 202 S 36th Street in Philadelphia. His home is listed as Corvallis, OR. Rowe's WWI Draft Registration document dated 30 May 1917 (registered for the draft at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia) gives his home address as 522 S. 15th Street, Corvallis, Benton, OR. Born on 29 Oct 1892 at Rose Lawn, CA. 24 years old. Occupation: student of Architecture with notation "would like to graduate this year". Description: tall, medium build, brown eyes, dark brown hair. Rowe graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1918 with a BS in Architecture and a Master in Architecture. He was a member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. Rowe's BIRLS Death record shows that he enlisted on 14 Jan 1918 and he was released on 5 Jul 1918. ![]() ![]() 1919 08 21 Kennedys Go East to visit Rowe, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR He appears in the 1920 census in Bethlehem, PA working as a draftsman for Bethlehem Steel Ship Building Works. The 1920 census was taken in January. His parents appear in the 1920 census living in Corvallis, OR. By August 1920, he was back in Corvallis and was named in this 9 Aug Corvallis Gazette-Times article: ![]() ![]() 1920 08 09 - O.A.C. Grad Returns to Home Scenes, Rowe Davis Kennedy, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR Then the family immediately left for a trip to visit the Davis family in Montague, CA ![]() ![]() 1920 08 09 - Off on Auto Trip, Rowe Davis Kennedy, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR There is a photo below of the Kennedy and Williams families that might have been taken on this trip. ![]() 1921 10 02 Oregon Journal ![]() ![]() 1921 09 28 Rowe Kennedy accepted position of architect at W.H. Toby in Portland, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
In 1923 he married Bessie Bush in Portland, Oregon. 1930 and 1940 census shows him and Bessie living in Portland, no children. Over and over in the archives, I saw that Rowe was musically talented. At O.A.C, he was in the band. As it turned out, his possible daughter, Bette, and his granddaughters, my wife, Sally, and sister-in-law, Sue, played the piano and sang their whole lives. Sally still plays and she was a music major for a time at San Diego State University. Sue is active in musical theater. ![]() 1915 10 24 - The Sunday Oregonian, Portland OR ![]() 1933 05 07 Oregonian, Portland, OR My work with the DNA matches seems to point to the marriage of Emma Davis and Clarence Kennedy as a common point in the DNA trail that connects the Davis and Kennedy family trees. Mark |
Rowe Kennedy could
have come home during those college days, and after
graduation....before working in PA. (Mark's note: See the clipping above 9 Aug 1920) My source agrees that his
parents lived in Corvallis. He and Bess had no children. I still
think he is a good candidate. Then there are the Williams boys: Allen, Lyman, Ernest and Floyd. Linda |
Linda, This is Sally, Mark's wife, and related to you in some way! Mark has been forwarding me all of your correspondences. I want to thank you so much for all the digging and help that you are providing! It would be so fun to solve this mystery! I know that your help has been invaluable! Thank you! Sally |
![]() ![]() 3 Feb 1923
Corvallis Gazette-Times "Miss Bessie Bush plighted her troth with Rowe D. Kennedy"" |
![]() 5 Oct 1929 Corvallis Gazette-Times |
Betty, We have been talking with Linda Davis about different possiblities. Linda suggested we look at Rowe Davis Kennedy, the son of Emma Davis and Clarence Kennedy. Do you know of him? He was born in 1892 and married Bessie Bush in 1923 in Portland, OR. Do you know if a photograph is available? We have not been able to find out if he had any children. Do you know? He would have been 1st cousin to your father. Mark |
Mark As I told Linda the word was that Uncle Clarence, Rowe’s father had a STD infection and both of the children were sterile. At least neither one had children. Rowe would have been about the right age and after college he was an architect and builder in Portland. Who knows. Betty |
Hi Betty, Since we are home-bound these days, we have a lot of time to look into the mystery of my grandfather. Everything you have contributed has all been so interesting! Mark and I were wondering if you would be up to submitting your DNA to Ancestry.com? Mark and I would initiate and pay for the kit to be sent to your house. Your part would be to fill up the little tube with spit and return it to Ancestry.com. Mark has been looking at the DNA numbers we have from others in the Deter/Davis family, and he really doesn't think that Orlo is our man. We could 100% confirm that with your DNA, and your numbers would only be helpful in adding to the whole "picture" of the Deter/Davis clan and how it relates to my family. We're leaning toward Rowe now...but any piece of information helps right now! Thank you Betty for all your help! Sally & Mark |
Sally I have been thinking about the DNA test and will do it. I will send for the kit and let you know the results when they come back. My sons were here for the weekend, so happy to see them, it has been two months. Take care. Betty |
Betty, How special to see your sons! I miss my kids and grandkids and I just don't know when I will feel safe to see them! (I had cancer with radiation 2 years ago. I'm doing fine, but it leaves me feeling more vulnerable with the COVID-19.) My oldest granddaughter is getting married in Utah in August. I can't imagine missing it, but I can't imagine feeling safe going either. I think I will just take one day at a time, and try hard not to worry about what to do now. :-) Thank you for doing the DNA test! It will be one more piece of information that we can use, and others will be able to use in the future. That is very generous of you, Betty! I hope it will be interesting for you too! We're related somehow for sure, even if just distant cousins! This exploration has been fun!Both of us look forward to our continued correspondence with you! Sally (& Mark) |
Dear Linda and Betty, We feel that we have uncovered the mystery of who is my grandfather. (Though, Mark, being the good researcher he is, still will not unequivocably say "yes".) But my two sisters and I are 99.99% if not 100% sure! Of course, it was through the help we received from both of you that got us looking in the right places. Our grandfather is Rowe Davis Kennedy. It was challenging for Mark to follow the DNA since neither Rowe nor his sister Ruth had children. So he went up two generations from Rowe to Rowe's grandfather on his father's side, Gideon Kennedy. Then he looked for DNA matches from people descended from that line. He found MANY matches to me and my brother! (Too many to be a coincidence!) We already knew of all the matches on Rowe's mother's side with Davis/Deter, and now we have many matches on the Kennedy side! I spent yesterday looking online for photos of Rowe. I found his junior and senior yearbooks from college online that included a couple of photos. (And a few stories!) We also found photos of Rowe's sister, Ruth. They look like my mom! And I can see my brother and me and my sisters in them! (Linda and Betty, when you both sent photos of your grandfather and father, I thought "we don't look like them." But this time I said, "We look like them!") So it looks like you are both second cousins to each other, and you are second cousins to my mom, which makes you second cousins once removed to me. If you know of any way that we could get more pictures of Rowe, either as a child, or as an adult, we would love to pursue that! Online, they show many buildings that he designed over his career as an architect, but no photos of the architect! I am attaching one of the photos we found in his junior yearbook. Betty, look how they allude to the fact that he is a "ladies man." Ha! With full appreciation for you both, (Please stay in touch!) Sally & Mark |
![]() 1914 Orange Yearbook, Oregon Agricultural College |
![]() 1914 Orange Yearbook, Oregon Agricultural College |
Hi Betty! I loved seeing all the photos you sent of Rowe! Do you have any of Ruth? Do you have any of Rowe and Ruth's parents? Even their grandparents (Henry & Henrietta Davis)? It sounds like you are well organized with your photos scanned and stored on your old computer. Good idea! Thank you, thank you! Sally |
Sally The first picture is Uncle Clarence and Aunt Emma on their wedding day. The second picture is from the late teens or early 20's with Aunt Emma to the right of the post, Aunt Hattie Williams, Clarence Ruth and Rowe Betty |
![]() 1891 Clarence Kennedy and Emma Davis on their wedding day Sally's greatgrandparents Sent to me by Betty Carrier 16 Jun 2020 |
![]() Late 1910's or early 1920's Davis, Kennedy, Williams Family Aunt Emma to the right of the post, Aunt Hattie Davis Williams, Clarence Bolton Kennedy, Ruth Kennedy and Rowe Davis Kennedy Sent to me by Betty Carrier 16 Jun 2020 (Mark's note: This may be the 9 Aug 1920 trip to Montague reported in the newspaper clipping above.) |
![]() 1950 ca Emma Davis
Found on-line at ancestry.com attached to the family tree ("BlonskiFord Family Tree") of Marilee Ford.
Emma died in 1953 and is buried at Corvallis, OR. (Note added by Sally: Those lips on Emma are THE SAME as my mom, Bette's lips!) |
Mark and Sally I just now read through your research on Davis/Kennedy file. I will relate some of what I remember of the Kennedy Family. When I was young we made an annual trip to Washington State to visit my mother's father. We would stay overnight with Aunt Emma in Corvallis. Uncle Clarence died in 1932 before I would remember him. We all loved Aunt Emma, she was a delightful person always interested in other people. She befriended the local Native American Ladies and collected many of their baskets. Also in her home was a harp, it fascinated me as I wished I could play the harp, but alas my musical talent was nil. I believe Uncle Clarence played it. Also living in Corvallis was Ruth Tartar, who married Dr. Nicholas Tartar. They too were a warm friendly family. My contact with Rowe was mainly at family reunions here on the ranch. I really didn’t know him that well, but we always looked forward to seeing him and Bess at these doings. I do remember going to their home in Portland during the 1950’s while I was attending college. I was an art major at San Jose State College in California. Their home was very modern and had wonderful views of Portland to the east. I am quite sure it was built in the late 1940’s or early 50’s with much glass and spare walls. Probably about 10 or 12 years ago, while in Portland our son took us on a tour of that part of Portland, we found the address, but unfortunately someone had done a very poor remodeling job, it did not resemble the original home in the least. Your journey to discover your Grandfather has been an interesting story and I’m sure you have enjoyed the outcome. Take Care, Betty |
![]() 1908 Rowe Davis Kennedy Photo sent to me by Bette Carrier 30 May 2020 |
![]() 1910 ca Rowe Davis Kennedy Photo sent to me by Bette Carrier 30 May 2020 |
![]() Bessie Florence Bush (Rowe's wife) unknown date Found 28 May 2020 Originally posted by "eiallen" 20 Jan 2014 on ancestry.com - Carlock/Bush/Greene Family Tree https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/20469158/person/28081723654/facts https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/collection/1030/tree/20469158/person/28081723654/media |
![]() Ruth Henrietta Kennedy Tartar Rowe's sister unknown date Received 26 May 2020 |
![]() 1933 Rowe and Bess Kennedy Photo sent to me by Bette Carrier 30 May 2020 |
Hi Suzanne, We have now discovered who my mother's father is! We are all ever so thrilled! His name is Rowe Davis Kennedy. He lived from 1892-1975. He was an architect in Portland, OR. You can type his name into Google and see many buildings that he designed. We've been working with 2 women (both in their 80's) who now both turn out to be my mom's 2nd cousins. It just wasn't adding up with the "doctor", Dr. Fred J. Davis, and the other younger man (Orlo). We asked the cousins if there could possibly be another cousin in the right age range. They pointed us to Rowe. Rowe's mother was from the Davis family, his father a Kennedy. Rowe had one sister, and neither his sister nor he had any children, so there were no direct heirs for comparing DNA. We already knew I was related on his mother's side (Davis), and now we needed proof that I was related on his father's side (Kennedy). Mark had to go UP the family tree (instead of the usual down), to Rowe's grandfather Kennedy, and then follow that back down to see if there were any matches to me. By that time the centiMorgan numbers were really low, but Mark found over 7 matches with high enough centiMorgans, pretty much confirming my relationship to that side of the family too. The cousins sent pictures and we found many online, and I could tell immediately that he was my mom's dad! I'm attaching a photo from his junior year in college at what is now Oregon State University. (Looks like he had a reputation with the women even back then. :-) Wish we could know the story of how he and my grandmother got together... Love, Sally |
I am investigating the possibility that Rowe Kennedy is my wife's
grandfather. My wife's mother was born in Portland in 1921. Do you have
any information that would help me piece together Rowe's life? Thanks, Mark DiVecchio (husband of Sally) |
Mark, I'm always glad to meet a relative, or an almost-relative. I'm supposing you saw that I have Rowe Kennedy on my tree. Actually, to find a more direct connection, we'd have to go to Rowe's father - he may have been a cousin to my great grandmother. So the connection is rather distant and I have no information on Rowe myself. In the 1950 and 60's, my grandmother (in the Kennedy line) did lots of genealogy research, but then it was all by mail. I don't know how she did it. My mother inherited all her papers, and I used that information as a basis for my tree. ... I just got out the Kennedy file and in it found a couple pages of notes that say they originally came from Clarence Kennedy - I'm supposing Rowe's father. It lists birth and wedding dates for Rowe and Bess and that Rowe was an architect in Portland. .... Actually, now I find a letter written by Bess to my grandparents. No listing for children has so far been given, but I guess I need to do a more thorough search of the papers. As I think about it, from the way you worded the message to me, I'm guessing that your mother-in-law does not know for sure who her parents are, or at least her grandfather. The next few days are busy for me, but hopefully by next week I can look through the papers to see if their is any more information you might want. Has your mother-in-law considered a dna test - or at least your wife? That would help give you direction. I've used dna to help solve a couple of mystery connections. Darryl Parks |
Darryl, I'll try to answer your questions and add some comments. Rowe graduated from Cottage Grove High School in 1911. He went to Oregon Argicultural College (that became Oregon State) and graduated in 1915. He then attended the University of Pennsylvania where got a degree in archtecture in 1918. He worked for a while in PA and he appears in the Jan 1920 census enumeration in Bethlehem, PA. (In my research, I learned that parade scene from the movie, Animal House, was filmed in Cottage Grove - another piece of useless information.) A newspaper article puts him in Portland in October of 1921 where he got a job at an architecture firm. He married Bessie on 1 Feb 1923 in Portland. Sally's mom was born in Jun of 1921 so would have been concieved about Sept of 1920. In our research, we also considered other Davis men. There were two that were about the right age but we could not place them in Portland about 1920. They lived in Northern CA. We are in touch with descendants of both of those men. More to come. Mark |
Mark, You're giving me a problem that I'm not really wanting right now. Not wanting it, but lovin' it!! :) I enjoyed reading your email, but before I start on that, here's what I was prepared to write you before I turned on the computer this morning. Last night while watching TV I picked up my grandmother's two folders on the Kennedy family. I found several letters written to her from fairly close relatives of Rowe and Bess - they are mentioned in the letters. Then I found several letters written by Bess herself. These letters were written in the 1960's - maybe the last was in 1970. Rowe was in his 70's I guess, so most of the letters were about retirement activities and health. Nothing from the past, except one mention of going to a class reunion - high school class of 1911. So I gathered that if Rowe graduated high school in 1911, and married in 1923, he had a number of single years - plenty of time for something unplanned to happen. No hint anywhere of that 'something' happening. From my grandmother's letter writing and research, she constructed her own genealogy charts with notes. Where Rowe is listed, there is no mention of a child, and if my grandmother would have been told that, I'm sure she would have noted it. So - it appears as if the written part of 'our' research is leading to nothing. So ... to pick up with your email. You're right, my great grandmother was Ada Kennedy Pope. But don't try to find me on my tree - I'm hidden. Over 10 years ago a cousin suggested I get on ancestry.com. My mother had the papers and family pictures, I had the time, and my cousin had the money. So she paid for the tree and I did the work. Therefore her father, my uncle, is the 'home person' on the tree. You mention several Pope names - I don't recognize any of those names, so I'm guessing they are a different Pope family. Darryl |
Darryl, I've been through all of the trees on ancestry that had Rowe. Your Pope Family tree is the most complete. Your grandmother did a great job. I can see where Charles C. Pope married Ada Belle Kennedy in your tree. That must be where the family lines connected. From what I could deduce, Clarence Kennedy and Ada Belle Kennedy were 1st cousins. My wife Sally Ann Clarno and her brother, Robert H Clarno, Jr, did their DNA. They both match you at 20cM amd 29cM respectively. They match a few other Pope's (Gail, Chester, Jacqueline, Paul, Lucy, Brandon) also. Even though 29cM is a small number, I've read that it is still over 99% certainty that a relationship exists. My mother-in-law, Bette, is dead. She died before DNA for genealogy was a "thing". Yes, you are right, my mother-in-law always thought that her father was Charles Baker, the man she knew as her father. Charles divorced Bette's mother just a few years after Bette was born. When Sally and Rob did their DNA, I spent a couple of years searching for Baker cousins for them. Not finding any, I started to think that DNA analysis was way over-sold! Then, last year, when a bunch of Sally's 1st cousins did their DNA - they did not match either. Bette's father was NOT Charles Baker. That really hit me over the head. Looking more closely at the matches Sally had, I could see a pattern of matches to the Davis family. I'm in contact with some of them and we worked together looking at possibilities. Emma Davis who married Clarence Kennedy and had a son, Rowe Davis Kennedy, right now, looks like the best possibility. Neither Rowe nor his sister, Ruth Henrietta Kennedy Tartar, had children. Rowe was the right age, would have been single when Bette was conceived in 1920 and he had just graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (Masters in Architecture) and he moved to Portland, OR in that time frame - where he lived the rest of his life. He married Bessie Bush in 1923. So Sally has a lot of matches to Davis, Kennedy, Babcock and Worden. So many that Rowe has to be her grandfather. Since Rowe and Henrietta had no children, that family line has ended. Of course, not really ended if Bette was Rowe's daughter. When you have time, it would be great to see what you have about Rowe. Mark |
Mark, I finally sat down and pulled the Kennedy folders back out and looked through both of them to separate Rowe and Bess's letters to my grandmother. Two other people also wrote letters referring to Rowe and Bess, I think they were Rowe's uncle and a cousin who also lived in the Portland area. I read all of those letters and most of the references say that they will be forwarding to Rowe all the family news. In other words, nothing worthy of copying. Those letters were also written between 1958 and 1970. From Rowe and Bess there were four letters, each about 5 pages long. There is also a newspaper clipping. I've scanned the first letter and attached it - it's identified by date and letters for each page. Darryl |
Mark, I was so busy yesterday scanning to see if it would work that I neglected to read the letter to see what it was about. So now I'm looking at it and will try to explain who some of the names are - just in case you care and are wondering the connections of people. If you haven't looked at the Kennedy line much, Rowe's grandfather was Hugh Kennedy Jr - actually, there is a long line of Hugh Kennedy's. Hugh Jr had 11 children. Gideon Kennedy was the youngest of the 11. Gideon Kennedy also had 11 children. Yesterday's letter was addressed to Ruth and Carroll. Carroll was the youngest of Gideon's children. Carroll was born in 1891. His eldest cousin was born in 1838, I believe. With two generations of 11 children, you can imagine that their ages spanned many years. Anyhow, Carroll was Gideon's youngest child, Clarence was Gideon's eldest child. Rowe was Clarence's son, and Rowe was actually a year younger than Carroll. Carroll would be Rowe's uncle. But Carroll and his wife Ruth lived in Kelso, Washington and from the letters, that must not be too far from Portland, Oregon. Evidently, Carroll and Rowe kept in close contact. The first letter must have been written for Carroll and then Carroll forwarded it on to my grandparents - which some letters indicated that was happening. Rowe's sister is also a Ruth and this Ruth married Nick Tartar. Laura is mentioned in the first letter, she could be an older sister to Carroll. "RD" in the first letter must be Rowe Davis, since his wife Bess is writing the letter. The second letter is scanned and it is attached. Rowe's 2nd cousin is my grandfather, Hugh Kennedy Pope. My grandmother was Jeannette - she was the one doing the family research and she apparently was quite a letter writer. Nina is mentioned in Carroll's letters. I think she is a niece to Carroll and also lived in Kelso, Washington. Hopefully I'll get another letter scanned tomorrow. Darryl |
Mark, Here's the third letter. I didn't see any extra names in this letter. I'm just giving a very brief read-through, not really watching what's being said. I thought one of the letters said something about Rowe attending a class reunion. When I've copied the 4th letter, if that is not in one of them, I'll have to look around. Let me know. I wasn't aware of the music tendencies in the Kennedy family. That talent must not have reached us!! Although, my siblings and I enjoy music, that's not a particular trait among us cousins. But isn't it interesting when you can trace family characteristics like that? More prevalent in our family is math skills. Mom would tell us how her mother's father was so good in math. Among us cousins we have an engineer, two architects, and a couple of math teachers. In aptitude tests, I scored far higher in math than other subjects. It's interesting, and fun to think about. I'll try sending this and maybe scan the last letter .... Darryl |
Mark, Good, by the time I could scan the last letter, the third one had been sent. So here's the last letter. I do have one more thing to scan though - a newspaper article. In this letter, Laura Tendall is mentioned. I finally found her in the tree. Carroll and Clarence had a sister, Jane or Jennie. I think she lived in Illinois - near the Kennedy home. Jane had a daughter Laura, so this would be Rowe's 1st cousin. I think she was a couple years older than Rowe. In the Kennedy folders, there were a number of letters, etc from Laura Tendall, but since they were all Illinois related, I didn't review them in much detail. I don't think there was anything particularly Rowe related. Just so you'll know, this letter was written in Oct, 1970. The following spring my grandfather passed away. A year later my grandmother passed away. So it's not surprising that this was the last letter Darryl |
![]() |
Mark, Evidently Bess must have sent my grandparents this clipping from the high school reunion that should have been mentioned in one of the letters. I tried to enhance the picture a little, then I tried to extract Rowe's picture from it. Not such a good job. Maybe you know how to do better. Of course, there's only so much you can do with a 50 year old newspaper picture. :) I think this pretty well completes what I have found on Rowe. If you can think of anything else that I might have missed, let me know. Darryl |
Darryl, This is your actual cousin writing, Mark's wife, Sally. I wanted to personally thank you for all the letters and information that you have sent about my newly discovered grandfather, Rowe Davis Kennedy. It was interesting to read the letters and hear about him in his later years. Thank you for sending the photo (in the newspaper article), as we had photos of him when he was young, but had not seen a photo as he aged. He was still a handsome man even in his later years! BTW, math is one of my strong traits also. I spent my working career as a CPA. Did I get that from the Kennedy's? :-) Thank you for all your efforts in digging up information about Rowe, for communicating so well, and for forwarding information to us as you found it. Mark is thrilled on the genealogy-side (he likes putting pieces of puzzles together), and me, from the personal-side, finding out about the grandfather that I missed having in my life. You and your communications have been so appreciated! Keep well and safe and perhaps we will meet one day! Sally |
Darryl, I don't remember if I ever asked you this. Are you in touch with any descendants of Gideon Kennedy? Two people showed up in Sally's DNA matches, a Beth Hafenrichter and T. Shakohl. Thanks, Mark |
Mark, I'm having a terrible time trying to download even basic information to my computer. My niece had complained about this problem to Verizon and they said the tower is so overloaded between schools and at-home employees, that the towers just can't handle it. So I don't know if that's the problem, or something's wrong with my computer. Anyhow, I was trying to find definite names, but my computer just isn't coming up with the information. I don't think I'm in contact with any other Gideon descendants. I've been in contact with two other Kennedy descendants - one I know is NOT Gideon and I don't think the other is. I've written to a third one, but not much response there. I recognize the Hafenrichter name, but only through research - I'm not sure if Beth has matched with me or not, and I don't think T. Shakohl has. But since I can't get that info to show up, I don't know for sure. Sorry I'm not much help tonight. Tomorrow morning I leave with my brother and sister-in-law to go to our nephew's wedding in north Georgia. We'll be back either Sunday or Monday. So if you email, I'll respond when I get home - if my computer is working. I'm glad you're continuing to find information on Rowe and Bess. Darryl |
Dear Sally, My brother, John, passed your letter on to me as I try to do our family history. Sadly I probably don't have any answers for you. I do remember Rowe and Bessie. Bessie was always kind and thoughtful. In their later years they built a very nice house in SW neighborhood of Portland. I believe that Dad and Rowe met in Portland because of their college fraternity membership (Delta Sigma Phi). I searched Ancestry-library edition and found that Rowe was at the U of Penn. and received a BS in M.E(?) in 1918. Dad was from the U of Michigan. Unfortunately the partnership failed in the 50's probably due to a difference in personality and age? I have no pictures and should I find any I will send them on. So my searching finds Rowe's family in northern CA , then Klamath Falls, Cottage Grove (1910), Corvallis and finally Portland. There was a sister, Ruth, in the 1910 census but I couldn't trace her later in life. That census also listed both Clarence and Emma as from Illinois (clue). Rowe married Bessie in Portland and they had no children. Our Davis family is from New Jersey (Hunderton Co.). They moved on to Indiana (Rush Co.) I don't think there is a connection but one never knows. This you probably know - Rowe was born 29 Oct, 1892 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co., CA and died 17 May 1975 in Portland (I will try to look for an obituary when I can get out). Take care and be optimistic, Susan (Annand Keller) |
![]() Rowe died on 17 May 1975 in Portland. |
![]() Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon |
Mark and Sally I just now read through your research on Davis/Kennedy file. I will relate some of what I remember of the Kennedy Family. When I was young we made an annual trip to Washington State to visit my mothers father. We would stay overnight with Aunt Emma in Corvallis. Uncle Clarence died in 1932 before I would remember him. We all loved Aunt Emma, she was a delightful person always interested in other people. She befriended the local Native American Ladies and collected many of their baskets. Also in her home was a harp, it fascinated me as I wished I could play the harp, but alas my musical talent was nil. I believe Uncle Clarence played it. Also living in Corvallis was Ruth Tartar, who married Dr. Nicholas Tartar. They too were a warm friendly family. My contact with Rowe was mainly at family reunions here on the ranch. I really didn’t know him that well, but we always looked forward to seeing him and Bess at these doings. I do remember going to their home in Portland during the 1950’s while I was attending college. I was an art major at San Jose State College in California. Their home was very modern and had wonderful views of Portland to the east. I am quite sure it was built in the late 1940’s or early 50’s with much glass and spare walls. Probably about 10 or 12 years ago, while in Portland our son took us on a tour of that part of Portland, we found the address, but unfortunately someone had done a very poor remodeling job, it did not resemble the original home in the least. Your journey to discover your Grandfather has been an interesting story and I’m sure your have enjoyed the outcome. Take Care Betty |
Betty, Thank you for your remembrances of the Kennedys! I could just picture them all! I would have loved to have met them all! Your Aunt Emma would have been my great grandmother; Ruth Tartar would have been my great aunt! I had mentioned to Mark one time that we should try to get Rowe's address of where he lived in his final years in Portland and to try to find it the next time we were up there. (My sister and her family live outside of Portland.) But now you say that the home looks nothing like it did when he lived there so there would probably be no point. Betty, you have shared your life history with me, but I somehow forgot about you being an art major! What kind of art did you do? Do you have pictures of any of your work? I would love to see your work! You tell me that you have no musical talent, and I tell you that I have no art talent! That makes me appreciate those that do even more! I would have loved to have seen and even haved learned to play that harp! So my great grandfather played a harp! Again, thanks for sharing your memories with us Betty!! They mean a lot to us! Much fondness, Sally |
![]() Worchester Block, Portland, OR |
![]() 1963 05 04 - article in the Oregonian |
Questionnaire for Architects' Roster and Register of Architects Qualified for Federal Public Works |
![]() 19 Mar 1955 Corvallis Gazette-Times |
![]() 3 Apr 1957 The World Coos Bay, OR |
Sally's DNA Matches as of August 2020 | |||||
Ancestry DNA Name | Predicted Relationship | Shared DNA cM | What we know | Shared DNA Matches | Information from their Family Tree |
Robert H.Clarno Jr | Brother | 2,560 | This is Sally's brother. | ||
Laura Sue Welch | 1st Cousin | 1,672 | This is Sally's niece, daughter of her brother, Rob. | ||
J.S. | 2nd-3rd Cousin | 248 | This is Joyce Sirles. | Shared matches with others with Clarno-Plimel (Plymale) in their trees, Sally's father's side. | Her mother is Maude Alice Clarno, a first cousin of Sally's father, Robert Clarno. |
ramona785061 | 3rd-4th Cousin | 188 | Ramona Madeline Davis, the daughter of Stanley Spencer Davis Jr. and Judith Estelle Sproul. | Davis. | Father: Stanley Davis 1932-2010 |
H.D. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 169 | Henry Fred Davis, the son of Dr. Fred Jay Davis and Alice Bernice Rosecrans. | Davis/Deter | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
dlinda1939 | 3rd-4th Cousin | 163 | Linda Davis, the daughter of Dr. Stanley Spencer Davis and Martha Madeline Kerwin. | Davis/Deter | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
Patricia Turner | 3rd-4th Cousin | 156 | We don't know who this person is. | I cannot see any recognizable surnames in the available trees. Shared matches with Ann Jewell, Patricia Turner and Joe Turner. | |
gwen_severance | 3rd-4th Cousin | 151 | We don't know who this person is. | Shared matches with others with Clarno-Plimel(Plymale) in their trees, Sally's father's side. | |
Edward Brabham | 3rd-4th Cousin | 141 | Edward Brabham is the son of George Brabham and Anna Eliza Davis and grandson of Isaac Shriver Davis, who parents were Henry Levi Davis, Sr and Henrietta Deter. | Davis/Deter | Anna Eliza Davis 1903-1970 |
L.F. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 122 | We don't know who this person is. | This person does not share DNA with Davis or Kennedy. Share matches with Ann Jewell and Antoinette Altemus. | |
R.S. | 3rd-4th Cousin | 102 | Robert Sorensen, a cousin on the Franzenbach line (Sally's maternal great-grandmother). Sally has met Bob and his son, Todd. | Franzenbach (Rhonda Broatch & Engstroma26) | |
Antoinette Altemus | 3rd-4th Cousin | 92 | We don't know who this person is. | This person does not share DNA with Davis or Kennedy. Shares with Ann Jewell and L.F. | |
Duane Bailey | 3rd-4th Cousin | 91 | We don't know who this person is. | Clarno-Plimel (Plymale) | |
Sandra Howard | 4th-6th Cousin | 85 | We don't know who this person is. | Martin-Spindle (Sally's maternal grandmother's side) | |
Ann Jewell | 4th-6th Cousin | 79 | We don't know who this person is. | This person does not share DNA with Davis or Kennedy. Shares with Antoninette Altemus, L.F and Patrica Turner | |
E.C. | 4th-6th Cousin | 77 | We don't know who this person is. | Shares with Patricia Bailey who shares with Davis. |
Sally's DNA Matches as of August 2020 (continued) | |||||
Ancestry DNA Name | Predicted Relationship | Shared DNA cM | What we know | Shared DNA Matches | Information from their Family Tree |
Kathern Zimmerman | 4th-6th Cousin | 68 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Patricia Bailey | 4th-6th Cousin | 60 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | |
Brandon Davis | 4th-6th Cousin | 55 | Brandon Davis, the son of Paul Alan Davis and grandson of Dr. Fred Jay Davis. | Davis | |
Alyssa Davis | 4th-6th Cousin | 55 | Alyssa Davis, the daughter of Henry Fred Davis and Joan Lee Devor. The sister of Jennifer Marie Davis Lopiccolo. | Davis | |
L.D. | 4th-6th Cousin | 53 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
Jesse Stimson | 4th-6th Cousin | 44 | Jesse Stimson, the great-great-grandson of Jesse Francis Davis who was the brother of Henry Levi Davis. | Davis | Levi Davis & Rebecca Shriver |
Jennifer Lopiccolo | 4th-6th Cousin | 43 | Jennifer Marie Davis Lopiccolo, the daughter of Henry Fred Davis and Joan Lee Devor. | Davis | Dr. Fred Jay Davis 1883-1965 |
SusanDougherty76 | 4th-6th Cousin | 42 | We don't know who this person is. | Davis/Ziegler. #4 match on GEDMatch | |
Michael Clarno | 4th-6th Cousin | 37 | Probably a descendant of John Hunter Clarno (1790-1858) and Jane Plimel | Clarno-Plimel | |
Engstroma26 | 4th-6th Cousin | 36 | A descendant of Caspar Franzenbach (1834-1896) and Susanna Schmidt (1836-?) | Franzenbach | |
K.O. (Kalila Ozaki) | 4th-6th Cousin | 34 | Kalila Ozaki, the daughter of Bonnie Alice Davis. |
Davis | Fred J. Davis Jr. married Alice Rosecrans |
Eugene Ross Deter | 4th-6th Cousin | 25 | Eugene Ross Deter, the great granson of Abraham Ziegler Deter who was the brother of Henrietta Deter. | Deter | |
Stephen Peterson | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | Steven Peterson, the son of Marjorie Balis Dexter and the great-great-grandson of George Washington Deter, the brother of Henrietta Deter. | Deter | Lillian Mae Deter |
Janna_gliatto | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | Daughter of Brice P. Martin (1910-2003) who is descendant from Haight. GGD of Lillian Mae Deter. | Deter/Ziegler | |
tschakohl | 4th-6th Cousin | 21 | I haven't found an actual name yet but this person is the great-great-grandson/daughter of Gideon Kennedy and Laura Ann Johnson, Gideon was the father of Clarence Kennedy. I believe the family name is Schakohl. | Davis | |
yrkpope | 4th-6th Cousin | 20 | Darryl Parks, the great-grandson of Elihu "Hugh" Kennedy Jr. and the brother of Gideon Kennedy the father of Clarence Bolton Kennedy. Their parents were Elihu "Hugh" Kennedy Sr. and Ruth Babcock. Darryl is the person whose emails I show above. He sent me the 4 letters written by Bessie Bush Kennedy. | Davis | |
Beth Hafenrichter | 5th-8th Cousin | 15 | Beth Hafenrichter, the great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Kennedy and Laura Ann Johnson, Gideon was the father of Clarence Kennedy. | Davis | |
BriceMartin55 | 5th-8th Cousin | 12 | Brice Martin, the grandson of Lillian Mae Deter, whose father, George Washington Deter was the brother of Henrietta Deter. | Deter/Ziegler |
Most of you know that today, the 3rd of June, 2021, is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bette Baker (Kennedy) Clarno. I took us 100 years to fully understand who her father really was. I have more evidence now that Bette's father was Rowe Davis Kennedy not Charles Lee Baker. Previously, I presented DNA evidence that (in my view) showed that Bette was NOT a Baker and much more probably connected with the Davis and Kennedy families from the Portland area. Now I have found a newspaper clipping from 9 Aug 1920 that places Rowe back in Corvallis, OR after attending and graduating from the University of Pennsylvania (My alma mater!) and working in Bethlehem, PA for several years. That date is just about 100 years and 9 months ago. Mark |
![]() ![]() 1919 01 08 Mrs. Kennedy returns from vist to mother in Montague, CA, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
Emma's mother, Henrietta Deter Davis, died in 1922
![]() ![]() 1919 07 09 Kennedys Have Guests, Davis and Tebbe from Yreka, CA, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
Mrs. Jessie Francis Davis is Emma's aunt. Sally has DNA matches with several people with the Tebbe surname who are descendant from Emma's aunt and uncle. |
![]() ![]() 1919 07 31 Californians Arrive, Weekly Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
Dr. Fred Jay Davis is Emma's brother. Fred was one of the people who we originally thought might have been Bette's grandfather. Henry Levi Davis is another of Emma's brothers. Mrs. Spencer is Martha Madeline Kerwin, wife of Dr. Staney Spencer Davis, son of Fred Jay Davis. Stanley and Fred Jr are sons of Dr. Fred Jay Davis and Dora Frances Spencer. |
![]() ![]() 1919 10 02 Guests of Corvallis Relatives, Mr. I.S. Davis and daughter Henrietta, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
Isaac Shriver Davis is Emma's brother. His wife was Aldee Margaret Coonrod. |
![]() ![]() 1920 09 23 - Guests at Kennedy Home, Miss Henrietta Davis of Montague, Weekly Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR
![]() ![]() 1930 09 11 - Orlo and Charlotte Davis visiting Kennedy and Tarter families, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR |
![]() ![]() 1939 07 05 - Vistors Return Home - Mr. and Mrs. George Brabham from Westwood, CA, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR |
![]() ![]() 1940 09 27 - Stop with Relatives - Drs Fred and Stanley Davis and wives visit Corvallis, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR |
![]() 1933 05 18 - C.B. Kennedy is called by Death, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR |
![]() ![]() 1953 04 30 Emma Kennedy Dies Here This Morning, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Benton, OR |
Hi Aunt Sally, I have attached that picture of Rowe that I told you about as well as the other Clarno ones that I posted on Facebook. I used the photo where Rowe is blocked by some tree branches, because I thought it was a shame that it was such a good picture of him besides the branches. I also did a little work on one of the others that didn't need that much help, but made it a little clearer. Please tell Mark that I read everything about the adventure you guys had with discovering everything about our link to Rowe and that his work and efforts are very appreciated! Jim |
![]() Rowe Kennedy about 1920 (remastered) |
![]() Rowe Kennedy 1939 (remastered) |
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