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Historical News and Anecdotes from San Pietro Avellana - Chapter 3

Destruction and Rebuilding of S. Pietro Avellana

This Chapter is still being translated. The portion that is complete was done by Franklin Smith.

The injuries were still open from the last illness when a terrible disaster completed the destruction of the land of San Pietro. We are talking about the earthquake of December 5, 1456.

The report of this disaster is revealed from a book that is stored in the archive of the capitol di Isernia called "Memorie Storiche del Molise".

In the year of God 1456 in the night of S Barbara, in the month of December at 11 o'clock, there was a terrible earthquake. It was stronger than any that we can remember. Since the start of the world the kingdom of Sicily has never heard of something similar. The earthquake was violent especially in the towns of Molise and Benevento. It destroyed all cities and towns everywhere. There was a death toll that night was 400,000 people (it says 40 million,"Quadraginta milia"). There was also buried and injured under the stone.

Saint Antonio Archbishop of Florence says that in the Kingdom of Naples 40 thousand died.  Giovanni Francesco Brisciano raised the number to 60 thousand, and the Pope Pio II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini) reduced it to 30 thousand.


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