2008 Eastbound Panama Canal Cruise

At sea on Dec 12 and Huatulco on Dec 13

Back to Dec 11 Manzanillo

From Sally's trip log:

12 Dec 08  This was a day at sea. We got to sleep in, relax and enjoy the amenities on the ship. We went and listened to the 'history guy' continuing his lecture on the history of Cortez and the Aztecs. I watched the movie "Forrest Gump" while Mark attended "Clowning 101". I went to the live show that evening called "Unforgettable." I really enjoy these singers.

13 Dec 08   We docked in Huatulco, Mexico. It is nice to be able to just walk off the ship without having to take a tender. Mark and I went on a "Bird Watching Eco-Tour." We were taken to a beautiful national park. We, maybe, didn't care so much about seeing the birds, but we did see a "huge" Iguana type animal. The day was hot and humid, but we were walking under a canopy of trees most of the time, so it wasn't bad. The farthest point of the walk overlooked the ocean. The beaches of Mexico are beautiful. One thing we noticed about Huatulco was the cleanliness. After the tour we went out to the town to go shopping for Christmas presents for Diane and Patricia. (We found some beautiful bracelets made by the man who sold them to us.)

After we docked in Huatulco, I took a photo of the side of our ship. You can see the lifeboats. The two larger ones were used as tenders.

Huatulco pier.

Lots of condos on the hillsides.

This is a bird sanctuary

The tour leader, Anna, pointed out a lot of birds.
Sally and I don't know much about birds but we really enjoyed the hike and seeing the area.

Really big cactus

There is large iguana in the tree. Right about the middle of the photo. Very hard to see.

Photo by John
John and his wife went on a different tour which featured the iguana. He took this photo but I'm sure that the iguana that we could barely see, looked just like this one.

Bird watcher Sally

The hike ended up at a cliff over looking the sea.

Below us was another tour on small boats.

Lots of stuff for sale at the harbor.

Sally had to get her feet wet.

Pilot boat along side our ship. At every port, we had to take aboard a local pilot to guide us into and out of the harbor.

Pilot departing as we leave Huatulco


Large clock in the Atrium

Photo by John
Much better photo than mine.

This map aboard the ship showed our progress in green.

Queen's Lounge where all the entertainment and the 'history guy's' talks took place.

These were everywhere. The cruise ship companies are paranoid about viruses that spread like wild fire.

One of the on board computers. I had my own notebook computer and was able to connect wirelessly to their network. We signed up for Internet access at $0.40 per minute.

Photo by John
This was a special "unprofessional" show put on by the Filipino crew.

Towel Animal

 Go to Dec 14 Puerto Chiapas

This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

email :  markd@silogic.com

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