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Aliquippa and Southern Railroad

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This page started on 23 Dec 2009. It will be under construction for a while.

My grandfather, Camillo DiVecchio, worked for the A&S. Here are some photos of A&S operations and equipment.

The A&S was a wholly owned subsidiary of Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation.

My model train layout is based on the Aliquippa & Southern and the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad.

Ghost Rails X by Wayne A. Cole

The VERY best book that I have seen on the rails of the Aliquippa & Southern Railroad and J&L operations in Aliquippa. This is a monumental work.

I quote the summary of book on the bookmasters.com web page:

If you are interested in steel mills history in America Volume 10 has it all: the construction era of Jones and Laughlin steel along the Ohio River to its demise in 1985 and the complete history of the Aliquippa and Southern Railroad that built the plant and kept the 8 mile long mill and 92 miles of track operating for three quarters of a century.  The A&S would outlive its owner by another quarter of a century.  It is operating today as the Aliquippa and Ohio River Railroad.  The 336 page glossy hardback has well over 700 photos/32 pages of color from beginning to end and what remains today.

You can buy it here.

This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

email :  markd@silogic.com
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