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DiVecchia Graphical Trees

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About these files: The only way that I could get enough information on one piece of paper to be able to see family connections was to make these trees. They are comprised of information that I found in the Sant'Eufemia microfilms and that I received from other researchers. Whenever I saw a connection between the trees, I put a note in. There may be many other connections that I never noticed.

The first tree is my direct ancestors. This information is also in my family tree data base (GEDCOM). The remaining trees were initially families who were not directly related to me. Over the years that has changed as I learned more and connected more families to my family. Remember, if we go back far enough, everyone from Sant'Eufemia a Maiella is related.

These trees are sized so that they can viewed on screen or printed on one sheet of paper each. The printing comes out small but it is still pretty readable. To print the tree, download to your computer and load it into your favorite graphics program - like Photoshop. Select print and setup these options (or something similar for your program):
On my very fast computer, it takes about 15 minutes to print each page due the size of the input file. The files use some color codings so a color printer will produce the best results. In the table below, I've tried to list the names of all the people who have contacted me over the years and who are descendent from the people on that tree. If I've missed you, let me know and I will fix it.
Link to Graphical Tree Ancestors of:
Graphical Family Tree (Part 1) My direct Ancestors

Mark DiVecchio
Kristi Pietro (diPietrantonio) Niedzwiecki
Lucy Pantalone Ricchio
John Timperio
Mack Giovanni (diGiovine)
Gia Roccatani
Graphical Family Tree (Part 2) Other DiVecchia Branches some not related (yet!)

Gene DiVecchio
Johnine Ornelas
Aldo DiVecchio
Gino DiVecchio
Nancy DiVecchia
Tim Simmons
Shirley DiVecchia Simmons
Tony Gibellini
Gino DiVecchio
Graphical Family Tree (Part 3) Other DiVecchia Branches some not related (yet!)

Sandra DelVecchio Shafer
Marsha DiVecchio Blackard
David DiPietro
Margherita DiVecchia (Australia)
Graphical Family Tree - Pantalone Family Branches

Monika Battistone
Leonia Pantalone
Ray Stimac
Enzo Pantalone
Antonio "Tony" Pantalone
Dominico diGiovine
Anthony diNardo
Pauline Pantalone
Claudia Moore
Brent Porfilio
Mike Callas
Deon Pantalone Houts
Paola Kipp
Martina Fuggetta (GD of Leonia)
Graphical Family Tree - Timperio Family Branches

John Timperio
Aunt Millie Timperio Sampson
Jack DeJovin (diGiovine)
Graphical Family Tree - Old Forge, PA

Sandra DelVecchio Shafer
Virginia Fuller (Belveg)
Giovanni diVecchia (Aruba)
Jesmine diVecchia (Aruba)
Guillermito "Mito" Arends
Thomas DiVecchia
Graphical Family Tree - diNardo Family Branches

Lou Stempkowski
Jessica diNardo
Désirée Callouette
Dave Letteri
Mary Ann Fricano

This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio

email :  markd@silogic.com
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