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I got this email
Subject: Passport Photo Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 16:00:02 +1100 From: "DiPietro, Fiore" <Fiore.DiPietro ![]() ![]() Hi Mark Hoping this finds you well and good day from Australia. Really love your site. The Passport Photo of Fiore Di Pietrantonio (Trinidad Co) is my grandfather. He was married to Carmela who was Frank (The Strongman) Pantalone sister, Camela doesn't seem to appear anywhere on your site? The Casey Kosterman attached photo is of Fiore, Ernesto and Carmela about 1930? Below is a copy of an email sent to Kristi last year - I have been talking to my mother Annina Di Pietro about the Strongman Frank, my mum can recall Frank's mother Francesca Pallone quite well especially before and during WW2 which was around the time of her death. Mum claims Frank had another sister my Grandmother which is not shown on your site, her name was Carmela Pantalone she married my Grandfather Fiore Di Pietrantonio they had 4 boys, the first child Festino died as a baby and I don't know where? The second was Charlie Petro he lived in the USA and married Annina Zianni (both deceased) they had 2 children Peter F. Petro born 1941(Fiore) & Nancy Petro they may live in the McKees Rocks PA area? The 3rd child was Angelo drowned as a youth in the States in the mid 20's? & the last child was my dad Ernesto Di Pietro (B1919-D1979) lived as a child in the U.S, was in Italy when war broke out and served in the Italian army, spent 6 years as a POW, after war married Annina Dinardo and immigrated to Australia having 3 children George, Fiore (Myself) & Rosemary. Kristi, I'll send you a photo of Frank's sister Carmela shortly and a rough copy of my immediate family tree, if you have any knowledge or contact details for Peter F. Petro, Nancy Petro or any of their children please let me know as we've never had contact. Till later, Fiore Di Pietro |
![]() Fiore diPietrantonio |
![]() Carolina on the left in the dark dress |
![]() 1930 Fiore, Carmela and Ernesto (diPietro) diPietrantonio
Fiore, I found this. Mark ---------------------------------------------------- U.S. Public Records Index about Peter F Petro Name: Peter F Petro Birth Date: Jan 1941 Street address: 499 Locust Ln City: Pittsburgh County: Allegheny State: Pennsylvania Zip Code: 15241 Phone Number: 412-854-1626 Record Number: 272775534 Associated Persons: Name Est. Age Birth Year Peter F Petro 68 1941 U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 Name: Nancy Petro Address: 825 Benwood Ave City: Mc Kees Rocks State: Pennsylvania Zip Code: 15136-2137 Phone Number: 412-331-2463 Residence Years: 1998 1999 2000 U.S. Public Records Index Name: Nancy Petro Street address: 825 Benwood Ave City: Pittsburgh County: Allegheny State: Pennsylvania Zip Code: 15122 Record Number: 104190261 Associated Persons: Name Est. Age Birth Year P R Edwards Nancy Petro |
From: Kristi Niedzwiecki <pietra17![]() To: <fiore.dipietro ![]() Subject: RE: Passport Photo Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 20:25:39 -0600 Hi Mark and Fiore, I have to confess I have not done much with the Pantalone site for some time. Right now I am having difficulty getting into my strongman e-mail because my domain company was taken over by Web.com - so I am working on resolving that issue. If you could ..please go to the site and refresh your browser and then tell me if the site is still running. I remember an obit of Franks mentioned Charlie Petro as his nephew - he was located in Boston. I think he is deceased correct? When I get back into the swing of things I will add your photo as well as the portrait you had retouched - with Frank and Francesca and his siblings. There is alot I want to do with the site -- but just not found the time. In the meantime please contact me at this e-mail. I check it daily. Thanks to both of you! cugina Kristi |
To: cdelpapa![]() ![]() ![]() Subject: Re: DiPietrantonio Sant'Eufemia Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:43:00 -0700 Dear Carla and Ron and Fiore, I'm writing this introduce Fiore to Carla and Ron. As far as I can tell, the three of you are descendants of brothers: Luigi, Fiore, and Filippo diPietrantonio. You may want to compare notes. ciao. Mark |
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 16:03:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Ron Amato <ron ![]() Subject: Decendants of Pietro Dipietrantonio To: Fiore DiPietro <fiore.dipietro ![]() Cc: Carla DelPappa <cdelpapa ![]() Eric Dipietrantonio <edepo34 ![]() Hello Fiore, Mark thank you for the introduction. Fiore, first of all let me illustrate our connection. Your grandfather Fiore and Carla's grandfather Luigi were brothers. My grandmother Teodora was Luigi's oldest child. Luigi was my great grandfather. All four of the Dipietrantonio brothers (Luigi,Fiore,Raffeale,and Filippo) made several trips each between Sant'Euphemia and Colorado. in 1920 Filippo escorted my grandmothers sister to Colorado and within a short time the entire DiPietrantonio family moved to Australia except for Luigi who moved his family to Boston. My Grandmother who was married at the time stayed here in Colorado. Most of the information I have concerning family in Australia originally came from a family tree drawn using information supplied by Vincenzina (DiGovine) Borelli, your grandfathers sister Congetta's family, and your grandfathers brother Filippo's family. I am looking forward to sharing the information that puts life into the names on our family tree. another new cousin Ron Amato |
![]() Boston, MA |
email : markd@silogic.com