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Hosea was born in 1845 in Simpson County, KY (around Franklin) and was a veteran of the Civil War.
Information on Camp Nelson. Jeff McDanald wrote a short article about Hosea in the Camp Nelson Dispatch Winter 2004-2005 edition.To all whom it may Concern:
Know ye, that Hosey A. Peden a Private of Captain Samuel M. Crandell, Company G, 13th Regiment of Kentucky Cav VOLUNTEERS who was enrolled on the Twentieth day of August one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Two to serve one year or during the war, is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the United States, this Tenth day of January, 1865 at Camp Nelson Kentucky by reason of Expiration of his term of Service.
Said Hosey A. Peden was born in Simpson County in the State of Kentucky, is eighteen years of age, five feet six inches high, fair complexion, Blue eyes, light hair and by occupation when enrolled, a Farmer.
Given at Camp Nelson, Ky this tenth day of January 1865.<signed> Samuel M. Crandell
Capt Co G 13th Ky Cav
Hosea's family portrait 1890. Hosey, Molly and daughter Stella.
Written on the back of the photo:
H.A.PedenThis is a large, almost 10" by 10" photo. Printed on front of photo:
Mary A. Peden
Georgie Stella Peden age 8 yrs
I certainly was witness to the marriage of Mr. Hosea Peden and Miss Mary Bryant on Nov 16, 1873 at my father' house. I was nothing but a girl at the time. Ella Huffines was my name and I got married and my name is Ella Williams.They were married by Ella's father Elisha Huffines, Methodist Minister.
Hosea's Pocket Photo Album
This album has 16 photos.
Hosea Ausbrooks Peden's Pocket Photo Album
(click on the image to see the contents)
Hosea's Stuff:
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I don't know what these are about | Hosey was member of the Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Army of the Republic 13 stars. Three are under the cannon. From: "The GAR membership badge has been manufactured in various configurations. The first badge was made by the Grand Army Badge Company from 1866-67. The second badge, with the "Medal of Honor" style, was first manufactured by Mr. Demerest. When the GAR National officers discovered that Mr. Demerest was not using captured Confederate cannon metal, he was promptly fired. The U.S. Mint briefly made the badges, trying various methods to use the poor quality Confederate cannon metal. Note that the eagle top piece is "borrowed" from the Civil War Medal of Honor die. When the U.S. Mint was making the badge, they were using the actual MOH die. Finally, Mr. J.K. Davison perfected the process of using cannon metal and became the membership badge manufacturer until the last badges were made in the late 1940's." See: Hosea's membership badge is the "Davison" style, dating
from 1880. Back: |
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Hosey was a member of the Woodmen of the World. See the information below about his burial. After Hosea died, WOW provided a grave marker. See below. Checkout | Hosey was a member of the Union Veterans’ Union. Founded 1886. |
These are all various things from Hosea. The Notes
Ring from Burdock |
![]() Watch Chains and Charm |
![]() Sunglasses |
![]() Tobacco |
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![]() Quail Call |
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![]() Last medicine? |
![]() Quail Net Tool |
![]() WOW Pin
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Hosea Ausbrooks Peden |
Angeline Bryant Peden
From a letter postmarked 3 Oct. 1903. Envelope return address "H.A. Peden, Contractor and Builder, El Dorado Springs, Mo", addressed to Miss Stella Peden, 706 South Main Street, Clinton, Mo.:
Dear StellaThis letter was accompanied by a letter written by Mollie:
Your ma has tryed to write you twice and has said something both times. I am feeling much better this morning. I did eat one bite of food the first since Tuesday morning. I put in about one hour Tuesday asuffering and three Monday morning. It come on at <?> in the pm and at 4 <?>. Stella maybe you can reed this but dont think me crazy. I just can't spell good. You have never saw me weaker and of <?>. I am weak in the memory just the same. I could get lots of work if I was well but we have plenty to take you through the school if it only takes 4 months. We have sixty-five dollars in the bank now. Stella dont go to stewing over this and if anything come up that we think is necessary we will phone you but I dont think there is any danger but we will get along very well now. I have sat up almost all the time this morning and I don't feel any worse.
My Dear StellaLetter from Hosea's brother, Ben. Postmarked from Lehigh Indian Terr, 20 Oct 1903, but the letter itself is dated 27 Oct, 1903. Written on the envelope "Last letter papa read from brother". Addressed to Mr. H. A. Peden, El Dorado Springs, Mo., Cedar Co.
We received your kind letter Monday. Was so glad to hear from you and also to hear you was getting along so well. Will be glad when you get through. Well Papa has not saw those fellows he has had neuralgia near his heart so bad he has bin confined at home. It makes him very weak. I am getting along very well. I am getting around the house some but am weak too. Mrs. J. and Mrs. Aldridg was hear Sunday eve......
Saturday morning
Well this finds us a little better. I feel stronger and your Pa says he feels stronger than yesterday but Stella, we have had a hard time. This week we had to have the doctor the pain is <?> now. He gave an emetic and his tummie got so weak he can't eat anything much but is gradually coming back and strength also. Mrs. Powell has bin the good Samaritan, she stays at night and cooks for us all the time. Clinton and wife has bin good and the other neighbors has come some.
Stella, we only have $65 in the bank but your Pa thinks we will come out all right. I would be so glad if we could only get well but it takes times. I am getting about some but I have to be very careful. Bowlinger <Dr. Bollinger> didn't seem to think I needed anything but sulphite of soda and lots of it. I think if I don't get any back set, I will be up right away and your Pa seems to be doing nicely.
I will close as I havent much to write. Be a good girl to all and write soon,
Yours lovingly, Mama
Lehigh Ind. Ter"Lehigh, Ind. Ter" is now Lehigh, Coal County, Oklahoma. Part of the Choctaw Nation. Nell and Fay were Ben's daughters. El Reno, Oklahoma Territory, now El Reno, OK. Ben was a jeweler.
Oct 27, 1903
Mr. H.A. Peden
Eldorado Springs
Dear Brother.
I did not intend that your letter should remain unanswered so long. Was real glad to hear from you and glad that Stella is preparing herself for a business that should make her independent. I have been wanting Nell to take up the study of stenography for a year past but she did not decide to do so till your letter came. She commenced the work two weeks ago and her teacher says she gets along fine. Her teacher lives here and being a close friend of the family he charges her nothing. Fay has been in El Reno O.T. since May retouching for a photographer but is home now for a two week visit. She like El Reno very much.
I am making a living and no more. I hope to be able to get me a home some time. The sale of vacant lots at auction is to commence 5th of next month. I suppose some of them will go cheap. The terms on lots will be 1/4 down and 1/4 in 1, 2 and 3 years. I am going to try to get me a home of some sort and stop house rent.
We are very sorry you did not get to visit us. Hope you will do so in the near future. My weight is where I weighed last - about two months ago was 94 1/2. Suppose I will weigh about a hundred now. Am feeling better than I have for a year or more. Had lots of trouble with my stomach, but it makes me no bother now. My worst trouble is with my eyes. Would like a change of business on that account but don't know what else I can do to make a living.
A year ago I bought 1/2 doz hens and have a net profit of $2.00 per hen. I have 23 hens now and I think I will increase to 100 next year. Expect to add belgian hares and poland Sinsa pigs if I can get a little more room.
Write as often as you can. I haven't time to write more. Love to all of you.
Your brother,
B.R. Peden
From the Notes:
Hosea A. Peden was born in Franklin, Ky, Mar 15, 1845(M.E. Church S is the Methodist Episcopal Church South)
was converted and united with M.E. Church S about 6 yrs before his death age 58 years 7 mo and 12 days.
Died Oct 27 1903. Services at M.E. Church by Rev Shook
90 Palms, 15 chap of 1st Cor.
Text 1st Jno. 2nd & 1st verses
Songs, Near
Asleep in Jesus
In the Sweet Bye and Bye
God Be with You
In the Notes there is one fragment of something written, apparently about Hosea's death. Here is the note:
good". Stopped at about 10 min to 2 & he died at 10 after 2. Last words "That man - I need him".Hosea's Obituary, most likely from the El Dorado Springs (MO) Sun, I just have the obit clipping, it is not dated.
Death of H. A. PedenH.A. Peden an old and well known citizen of this place, died at his home in the south part of the city Tuesday morning after an illness of about three weeks, of dropsy of the heart.
Mr. Peden was 58 years of age and was one of El Dorado's pioneer citizens having moved here when the town was first started. He was a deacon of the M.E. Church, south, of this place and was honored and respected by all who knew him.
Funeral services were conducted from the M.E. Church, south, by the pastor, Rev. J. Shook, after which his remains were interred in the city cemetery, according to the rites and ceremonies of the Woodmen of the World, of which order he was an honored member. He leaves a wife and a daughter to mourn his death.
James Hall, a tombstone man of Lamar, and father of Chas Hall arrived last week and is engaged in erecting a fine monument to the grave of Mr. Peden, who died last winter. The monument is being erected under the auspices of the W.O.W. of which order he was a member.
Read at the unveiling by Mr. Hackler: Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?
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