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Prospero Frazzini & Bros (Banca Popolare Italiana)Nos. 2136-38-40 15th Street, Denver, ColoradoThe commercial banking firm, Prospero Frazzini & Bros., is one of the best known in the United States of America and also one of the bigger Italian institutions that operates in the west.The title, for so to say, of this institution is "Banca Popolare Italiana" has a capital of over 1,000,000 lire; to which is attached an agency of all the shipping companies and railways, and a notary office. The principle function of the Banca Popolare Italiana is the transmission of the savings of the emigrants (to Italy) and any other financial transaction. The foundation of the Institute boasts 15 good years of life that goes back to 1892. The officers of said bank are: President - Prospero FRAZZINI. Vice-Pres. - Caesar FRAZZINI. Cashier - Felicito FRAZZINI. Ass. Cashier. - Antonino FRAZZINI. The head of the whole firm, the soul and life of the Institution, is Mr. Prospero Frazzini, a man of activity and energy and expert of "times and of things." They boast: a) A main office in Denver, Colorado, at No. 2136-2138-2140 15th Street in a beautiful building of exclusive ownership, from the spacious and elegant places and that it rises in front of the new station of the Denver, N. W. & Pacific R.R. b) A branch in Ogden, Utah at No. 200-260 25th Street. c) A branch in Pocatello, Idaho at No. 138-40 South 1st Avenue. "Prospero Frazzini & Bros, " practices a notable commerce of imported groceries and the country; it houses a large stock of wines and liqueurs. It directly imports from Italy every specialty of the country; preserves, macaronies, cheeses and wines of the South, to the Olive Oil and the Sparkling Wines of the Central and Northern areas. The firm enjoys the trust of thousands of fellow countrymen and sees day by day an increase the number of its clientele. |
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![]() 1906 Italian
American Directory Company
Below is a
zoom in taken from a
high resolution
scan of the above photo. From another photo, we can read some of the words on the side of the building. The sign reads: Cav. Prospero Frazzini & Bros Banchieri & Commercianti ________________ Succursali ________________ Pittsburg, Penn. Ogden, Utah Pocatello, Idaho S. Pietro Avellana, Italy |
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![]() Photo from Ann Turk, granddaughter of Carlo and Elivra diIullo. Received Sep 2014. Ann indentifed her grandfather, Carlo on the left and her mother, Jeanette, right next to him with what appears to be a ribbon in her hair. Who are all of the kids? Carlo had four children that I know of, Jeanette, Daniel, Eugene, and Mario Carlo who who I've found sometimes listed as just Carl. Ann told me that she was told by her mother and grandmother that her uncles are not in the photo. Based on the age of her mother, Ann thought the photo was from 1910 or 1911. I'm pretty sure that the man in the middle is Prospero Frazzini and the man on the right is (most likely) Cesare Frazzini. In 1911 or so, Cesare would have had 5 children under the age of 10 and Prospero would have had one child about 6 years old. The woman in the back must be one of the wives. Prospero's 2nd wife, Jennie, died in 1908 and he did not remarry until 1914 so its probably not any of his wives. It could be Cesare's wife Degna (who had the 5 children). |
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Here is a PDF (850KB) of an article from the 26 Nov 1917 issue of the Rocky Mountain News which describes the robbery. Bradley Terry got this copy from microfilms. The photo does not show up very well. |
These men from SPA were mentioned in the article: -- Oreste Cinea -
uncle of Rayna Valentine, in family
tree data base.
-- Carlo diIullo - grandfather of John diIullo, in family tree data base -- Amico diGiacomo - probably brother of Gaetana diGiacomo who married a Jacovetta. Great grand uncle of Franklin E. Smith. -- Prospero Frazzini -- Cesare Frazzini These men were not from SPA: -- Herman
Mapelli 2551 West Twenty Sixth Street, a cousin of the
Frazzini Brothers, Name in Italian was "Armando" - brother of Giuseppe
-- Giuseppe Mapelli - assistant cashier, married to Maria Cioffi, sister of Degna Cioffi who married Cesare Frazzini. -- Dr. R Albi - See his own web page. -- Nick Caruso from
Price, UT.
-- Jerry Ditallo - appears in 1910 census and WWI Draft Reg. He was born in New York. Forman of the Walker Manufacturing Company which was next door to the bank on 15th Street.. |
Could the robbers have been the Carlini Brothers? |
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Italian American Bank and
Frazzini & Brothers Merchantile, Fifteenth Street, Denver
circa 1920. CIAPA Archive Courtesy Debbie (Spaulding) Fugate and Sandra (Morganti) Spaulding Copyright © by History Colorado (Colorado Historical Society) and used with permission. Photo from page 157 of the book Italy in Colorado, Family Histories from Denver and Beyond by Alisa Zahler. In this photo, the left hand one-third of the building had been added on - compare to 1905 photo above. You can order a copy of the book at the History Colorado web site. |
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The Italian American Bank, left
to right: Cesare Frazzini, unidentified man, Felix Frazzini and
Prospero Frazzini
circa 1920. CIAPA Archive Courtesy Debbie (Spaulding) Fugate and Sandra (Morganti) Spaulding Copyright © by History Colorado (Colorado Historical Society) and used with permission. Photo from page 157 of the book Italy in Colorado, Family Histories from Denver and Beyond by Alisa Zahler. You can order a copy of the book at the History Colorado web site. ![]() |
![]() Title: Victory Theater promotional parade Call Number: X-24765 Summary: View of a parade on 15th (Fifteenth) Street in Denver, Colorado; shows trucks, a brass band, women in bathing suits, brick businesses, and signs: "The White Desert, Greatest Snow Picture Ever Made, Victory Theater Now Showing" and "The Walker Mfg. Co." Date [1925] Creator Rocky Mountain Photo Company. |
![]() 29 Sep 1933
Note that Dr. Albi was the attending doctor. |
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Bank building. It is numbered
2128 15th Street. Photo by Don Karch. |
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wrote: None of those buildings have been around for decades. The corner of Center St and South 1st is now a plaza with single- story interconnected buildings and walkways and landscaping. It's owned by the largest law firm in town, Racine, Olson, etc etc. The complex takes up the east half of the block to the alley and south to the intersecting Lewis Street. (Clark, of course is the street on the other side of Center which is not visible in either photo.) The rest of the streets in the Pocatello Original Townsite are named for explorers/pioneers. . Lots more info than you needed! We couldn't read anything that said Italian American Bank, either, but the big MONEY TO LEND is pretty convincing, since, under our addressing protocol 138-40 would be slightly north of mid block and that's exactly where that little building lies. Notice the ROOMING HOUSE sign? No actual name--as if the name of a place were secondary to advertising what it was. |
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