Frazzini | Emiliano Frazzini | Lucrezia Carlini | Benilda Frazzini | DiVecchia | Site Home |
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San Pietro
Avellana |
Prospero Frazzini | Cesare Frazzini | Felicito Frazzini | Antonio Frazzini | Crown Hill and Mt. Olivet Cemeteries | Site Home |
![]() Prospero Frazzini and family about 1920 |
26 Sep 2003, Franklin Smith sent me this picture: "This shot shows Nestor and Bert on one horse, Emma in the middle, and my grandmother Teresa ( also my mother's middle name) on the other horse. Lina who was eight years older than Teresa is missing from the shot". Franklin believes the woman on the left might be Emma's mother. Original photo © Franklin Smith, used with permission. |
Frazzini Frank (Frazzini &
Milano), 2138 15th Frazzini Tony, lab Frazzini & Milano, 2138 15th Frazzini & Milano (F Frazzini and F Milano) saloon 2138 14th Milano Frank, (Frazzini and Milano), 2138 15th |
"William Milano is the editor and owner of the Italian
Gazette of Salt
Lake, publishing the only Italian paper in the Intermountain country,
and he has secured for it an extensive circulation in various western
states among Italian-speaking people. He was born in Aguila, Italy, in
1878. His father, Armedeo M. Milano, was a prominent business man of
that city. The son was educated in the graded schools of Aguila and
also attended Oviedo College at Sulmona, from which institution he was
graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At the suggestion of his
parents he then entered upon a mercantile career, but after a few
years, realizing that his natural trend was toward literature and art
rather than commerce, he pursued a course in the Belle Arts Institute
at Aguila, one of the best known art schools of Italy. Mr. Milano came to America in 1906 to accept a position in the Italian-American Bank at Ogden, Utah, with which he was connected until 1910, when he resigned and removed to Denver, Colorado, with the intention of establishing a newspaper there. After a brief period in that state, however, he again came to Utah and in 1912 began the publication of the Italian Gazette at Salt Lake. This paper is of great interest and value to the Italian-speaking people in the Intermountain country and enjoys a wide circulation in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Utah. As editor and publisher Mr. Milano has earned the respect and esteem not only of his fellow countrymen but of people of all nationalities, and his stirring editorials during the World war stamped him as one hundred per cent American. Mr. Milano is also the president and manager of the Milano Slide Company, which practically controls the slide making business of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast country. His ability as an artist is widely acknowledged, and his company has among its patrons all the leading moving picture houses, regular theatres and manufacturing firms in the territory indicated. By special processes invented by Mr. Milano both in photography and printing, he has accomplished such excellent results that the name of the Milano Slide Company has become recognized as a synonym for perfect production." | FRAZZINI, Felice, (is on underpaid mail waiting list, Advertised Letter List) DP 7/5/1895 FRAZZINI, Felix, (rooms 2138 15th ) Denver City Directory FRAZZINI, Frank Prospero, (Italy-Notice of Intent to become a citizen- Arapahoe Cnty Court) 10/15/1895 FRAZZINI, Gimi, (laborer, rooms 2138 15th) Denver City Directory FRAZZINI, Louis, (laborer, resides 2138 15th) Denver City Directory FRAZZINI, Prospero, (P. Frazzini & Co., saloon, 2138 15th) Denver City Directory |
Mon, 18 Aug 2003 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Connections Prospero married Julia in abt 1895 (She is on the 1900 Census with him). They had 2 kids - Lena & another one that died in infancy. |
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Arrived in NY on SS Pesaro, 30 Dec 1919 from Naples.Both shown going to Washington DC. Italian Embassy; both entries stamped "DIPLOMAT".
Giovanni Perilli, age 36, doctor, from San Pietro Avellana; nearest relative in Italy, mother: Perilli, Agata, San Pietro Avellana; place of birth San Pietro Avellana
Lina Frazzini, age 23, notation "wife"; nearest relative in Italy, mother-in-law: Perilli Agata, San Pietro Avellana; place of birth, Denver, Col. (Mark's note : she would have been born about 1897).
Frazzini Prospero, 2130 15th Frazzini Cesare, bartdr, P Frazzini r 2132 15th Frazzini Prospero, saloon, 2130 15th, r 2132 15th |
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
P. Frazzini and Bros |
17 Nov 1902 Denver Times |
Describes the new P. Frazzini
& Bros. store
at 2138-40 Fifteenth Street. Mentions four partners Mr. P. Frazzini,
F. Frazzini, Mr. T. Frazzini and Mr. C. Frazzini. I believe the T.
Frazzini referred to is really Antonio Frazzini. The others are
Prospero, Felicito and Caesare. |
Teresa Frazzini, age 16; Arrived NY on SS Berengaria Oct 17, 1921 from Cherbourg; handwritten notation "Niece". The person above her name is Rudolph Albi, age 47. Both going to 1650 Vine Street, Denver, Col. The manifest page was for US Citizens only.Doing the math, Teresa would have been born about 1905. For more about Dr. Albi, click here.
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of the Bersaglieri Society in Denver, left to right,: Prospero
Frazzini, Salvatore Michele Villano, Frank Mazzo and Michele Taddonio,
c. 1905. CIAPA Archive Courtesy Michael C. and Clair Villano Photo from page 44 of the book Italy in Colorado, Family Histories from Denver and Beyond by Alisa Zahler. You can order a copy of the book at the History Colorado web site. |
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
Romance of Two Worlds in Wedding |
15 Nov 1907 Rocky Mountain News |
"Chevalier Frazzini Wins
Bride in Italy; Last
Saw Her a Babe in Arms". Very nice article describing how Prospero meet Eugenia Milano on one of his buying trips to Italy. "They were married October 11 according to the rites of the Catholic church by Bishop Angelo Baizano of Castel di Sangro, but because Frazzini was unable to furnish documentary proof of the death of this first wife, who died in Denver two years ago, the government of Italy would not permit a civil ceremony. Frazzini arrived in Denver with his bride last Friday and yesterday secured a license for the civil ceremony, which will be performed in a few days." The article includes pictures of Prospero and Eugenia. See the copy of the license below, it was dated 14 Nov 1907 but the wedding didn't take place until 16 Feb 1908. |
Smith sent me this
Certificate, dated 16 Feb 1908. |
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Oct 30, 1907 |
40 |
Non-Immigrant Alien |
Married |
Below is a
zoom in taken from a
high resolution
scan of the above photo. From another photo, we can read some of the words on the side of the building. The sign reads: Cav. Prospero Frazzini & Bros Banchieri & Commercianti ------------------------------ Succursali ------------------------------ Pittsburg, Penn. Ogden, Utah Pocatello, Idaho S. Pietro Avellana, Italy |
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Prospero Frazzini
pres, 2134-40 15th Italian American Bank; P Frazzini pres, C Frazzini, vice-pres, F Frazzini cash, A Frazzini, asst cash, 2134 15th Frazzini & Bros Prospero, 2134-40 15th Frazzini & Bros Mercantile Co P, 2136-40 15th |
Banca Populare Italiana, Cav
Prospero Frazzini,
Pres, 2134 15th Italian American Bank; P Frazzini pres, C Frazzini, vice-pres, F Frazzini cash, A Frazzini, asst cash, 2134 15th Frazzini & Bros Mercantile Co, P, 2136 15th |
Nov 20, 1911 | 44 |
US Citizen |
Napoli |
Married |
Banker |
S. Pietro Av. |
Franklin Smith sent me this picture
of Prospero.
Original photo © Franklin Smith, used with permission. He also
me a copy of the 1913 "House Journal of the General Assembly of the
State of Colorado" which lists Prospero "from the Representative
District comprising the City and County of Denver." |
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Springs Gazette - 11/17/1912 "Nineteenth State Legislature will be Two to One Democratic". Prospero Frazzini (D), Denver, Denver. |
Sept 1, 1913 |
45 |
US Citizen |
Denver |
Married |
Frazzini, Cesare, vice-pres
Bank, r 2657 Bryant Frazzini, Daniel, Lab, r 3547 Lipan Frazzini, Felicito, cshr Italian-American Bank, r 2649 W 26th av Frazzini, Frank, printer, r 2138 15th Frazzini, Prospero, pres Italian-American Bank, r 2657 Bryant Frazzini, P& Bros Mercantile Co, 2136 15th Frazzini, Tony, lab, r 1125 W 36th av (Mark's note: this can't be brother, Antonio, since he died in Ogden in 1912) |
Wed, 20 Aug
2003 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Prospero Frazzini Here's what I've got: 1. Emma was born 1/29/1880 in Nebraska & died 6/1969 in Denver. 2. Nestor Phillip Frazzini b. abt 1917 m. Mabel Irene Martin (b. 1915 in Louisiana) on 6/20/1936 in Denver- Marriage record on file -#6953 3. Nestor was a driver for Flowers, Inc. in 1941 4. Bertholdo was born 5/23/1919 & died 10/18/1990 according to the social security death index. 5. I know of no children of Nestor or Bertholdo. 6. Bertholdo's social security card was issued in Denver. 7. There is a Nestor who was issued a Social Security number in Oregon, and his last known residence was Walnut Creek, CA. He was b. 7/18/1916 & d. 11/8/1990. Do you think this might be the same Nestor? 8. I think the 1st 2 kids were by Prospero & Julia, & the 2nd two were by Emma. I don't know if there were any kids by Eugenia. 9. Marriage Dates: Prospero m. Julia abt 1895; m. Eugenia 2/16/1908 in Denver; m. Emma (third wife) ? |
Mon, 22 Sep
2003 00:11:05 -0400 From: Steve Frazzini <sfraz ![]() Subject: Re: Emma Nestor Frazzini My grandmother, Emma, was a strong-willed German woman (born Emma Nestor). I never heard her referred to by any other name than Emma. After Prospero died, she distanced herself from the Frazzini's and the Catholic Church and raised my dad and his older brother, Nestor, in a household where German was spoken so frequently that my dad could still understand bits and pieces of German when I was growing up. When we still lived in Denver, I remember meeting various of her German brothers and other relatives, most of whom hailed, I believe, from Omaha. |
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 19:00:06 -0400 From: Steve Frazzini <sfraz ![]() Subject: My father, Bert, and paternal grandmother, Emma The new information on the web site corresponds to my knowledge about my grandfather and grandmother, Prospero and Emma. Their older son, Nestor, married Mabel; but they were divorced sometime after I went away to college in 1965. Mabel and he had two children, Don and Joan. After the divorce from Mabel, my uncle married Dorothy (whose last name I don't know), and they lived together in Walnut Creek until Uncle Nestor died in late 1990. I think she may still be alive. My father, Bert, married my mother, Anna MacDonald Banner, during World War II. After the war, they lived in the Denver area until 1956, when my dad was transferred by his employer to the San Francisco Bay Area. They lived there until 1964, when another business transfer took them to Fresno, where both lived until they died, Dad a month before Nestor in 1990 and Mom earlier this year. I have one sibling, a younger sister named Susan. My father was never known as Bertholdo except to the army and air force, but instead always as Bert. Steve Frazzini |
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26 Sep 2003, Franklin Smith sent me this picture: "This shot shows Nestor and Bert on one horse, Emma in the middle, and my grandmother Teresa ( also my mother's middle name) on the other horse. Lina who was eight years older than Teresa is missing from the shot". Franklin believes the woman on the left might be Emma's mother, Bertha Wilhelm Nestor (1854-1955, yes 101y) who died in Denver. Original photo © Franklin Smith, used with permission. |
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Here is a photo sent to me by Jolene Frazzini. Jolene does not know who it is, but Franklin thinks it is Emma Nestor Frazzini. |
Oct, 15, 1914 | 46 |
US Citizen |
Denver |
Married |
Dec 6, 1919 |
53 |
US Citizen | Denver |
Married |
Frazzini & Bro Merc Co,
2136 15th Frazzini D, shoemgr, 2330 15th Shane Furnace & Metal Appliance Co, Emile J Riethmann press, Geo H Shane vice-pres, P Frazzini treas, Wm A Shane sec, T Canino mgr, office and factory W Warren Ave cor S Delaware, tel South 1748 |
Shane Furnace & Metal
Appliance Co, Emile J
Riethmann press, Geo H Shane vice-pres, P Frazzini treas, Wm
Shane sec, T Canino mgr, office and factory W Warren Ave cor S
Delaware, tel South 1748 |
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
Probe Starts into Accounts at Institution - Police Throw Out Dragnet as Bank Head Disappears | 30 Jan 1925 Rocky Mountain News |
"A dragnet was thrown out
by police last
night for Prospero Frazzini, president of the Italian-American Bank,
which closed its doors yesterday morning with insufficient cash ....
when it was learned that the bank president had disappeared from his
home the night before. " Prospero had invested heavily in the International Fuel Company which had just gone bankrupt. The International Fuel Company was run by George and Charles Zarlengo. |
Denver Banker Sought as Lost Calls on District Attorney - Closed Bank Head Visits District Attorney | 31 Jan 1925 Rocky Mountain News |
"Fear of Violence from
Depositors Caused Him
to Seek Safety, Says Frazzini" |
Two Bankers Held as $50,000
Shortage is Found by
Probe |
1 Feb 1925 Rocky Mountain News |
"An apparent shortage
of at least
$50,760.51 exists in the accounts of the Italian-American Bank, which
closed its doors last Thursday. ... Frazzini was arrested a few minutes
after the information against him was filed at noon. He made no attempt
to raise a bound of $10,000 on which he might obtain his freedom ..." |
Further Shortages Revealed
in Probe of
Defunct Bank |
6 Feb 1925 Rocky Mountain News |
"Eighteen Notes Discovered
Believed by
Officials to be Fictitious" |
Banker's Fortune Lost, Says Receiver | 8 Feb 1925 Rocky Mountain News | "Frazzini Sunk $287,000 in Fuel Company, Probe of Account Shows." |
Frazzini is Sentenced to
Pen - Pleads
Guilty to Larceny of Bank's Funds |
11 Feb 1925 Denver Post |
"Prospero Frazzini,
president of the defunct
Italian-American Bank, pleaded guilty in the westside court Wednesday
a charge of embezzlement and grand larceny of bank funds and was
sentenced to from five to seven years in the penitentiary." "Before entering the courtroom to make his plea and receive sentence, Frazzini, accompanied by his wife and his counsel, L. J. Stark, said "Whatever I have done that was wrong was done with the hope of saving the bank. I'm ready to take my medicine. I don't wish to to put the state to any expense by fighting the case"." ""What do you say to the charge - guilty or not guilty?", the clerk asked. "Guilty." Frazzini replied, adding "but without malicious intent"." "The courtroom was crowded with depositors of the defunct bank and with friends of Frazzini. Frazzini was accompanied by his wife, who sobbed while her husband took the witness stand to tell the dramatic story of the rise from day laborer to bank president, and his crash from bank president to felon." "In passing sentence, Judge Sackmann scored Frazzini severely. "Your conduct thruout the whole case has been most despicable", he said, "You betrayed the confidence of your friends, brought disgrace on yourself and shame on your good wife and children." "... Attorney Stark broke in saying: "He invested in a small way in the International Fuel Corporation. Later he advanced more money to protect his first investments. Ultimately he put every penny he owned into it in a effort to save the bank. He mortgaged his own home and put the money into the company to save the bank. His brothers mortgaged their homes."" ""All I did that was wrong I did in an effort to save the bank," Frazzini said. "I admit I advanced large sums to the International Fuel Corporation but I was only throwing good money after bad. The money I put in later was all an attempt to get back what the bank had originally put in"." ""I came to the United States forty years ago. I started out here as a day laborer. I have two children by my first wife and two by my present wife."" |
Denver Banker Sentenced to Prison |
11 Feb 1925 Denver Express |
Same information as previous
article. "He was married twice and had two children by each wife." |
Frazzini Case Summed Up By
Attorneys and
$217,476 Shortages are Itemized. |
11 Feb 1925 Denver Post |
This article itemized the source of
each piece
of the shortages. |
Frazzini Title of Chevalier May be
Revoked by
Italy Because of Denver Fraud |
11 Feb 1925 Denver Post | "The title of "chevalier"
conferred by the
Italian government on Prospero Frazzini, president of the defunct
Italian-American Bank, for distinguished services to the Red Cross
during the World war, may be revoked as result his pleading guilty to
embezzlement charge... according to Louis Cavallaro, secretary of the
Italian consulate in Denver." The title was "Cavalliere Officiale to the Italian Crown" "Frazzini made frequent visits to Italy. On his return from one of these visits, he announced a branch of the 'Banca Popolare Italiana' of Denver had been established at San Pietro Avellana, his birthplace, and that thereafter the bank would do an international business." |
Record of Others in Frazzini Bank
is Being Probed |
12 Feb 1925 Denver Post |
"More Claims Filed."
"Depositors for Fake
Institution in Italy Continue to Present Books" |
Frazzini is Suspected of Hiding
Bank Loot in
Italy |
13 Feb 1925 |
"Denver Authorities Are
Joined by Consular
Agents in Investigation of Whether Convicted President Transferred
Stolen Wealth to Europe" No money was ever found. |
Colorado State Penitentiary
Index - F Name Number Frazzini, Frank Adams -- 39201 Frazzini, Prospero -- 12857 Frazzinni, Sylvester -- 24866 |
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
Frazzini, Convict Banker, Dies of
Broken Spirit
in Prison |
29 May 1926 Rocky Mountain News |
"Former Head of Italian
Bank Had Served 15
Months of Five to Seven-Year Term" "The prediction of Prospero Frazzini ... that he would not live to see the end of his five to seven-year prison term imposed on Feb 11, 1925, ... was fulfilled yesterday when the former leader of the Italian colony here died in the state penitentiary at Cañon City." "Despite the fact that he had been made a trusty in the penitentiary and had been given every consideration, his broken spirit was not equal to the task of driving his ailing body further." "Death came suddenly at 8:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon." "The body was at the penitentiary last night awaiting word from his wife and two brothers in Denver. His two children, a young boy and a small girl also reside here." Note: Steve Frazzini set us straight here. The two children were both boys, Nestor (named after Emma's maiden name) and Bertholdo (or Bert), Steve's father. |
Former Denver Banker Dies in
Colorado Prison -
Prospero Frazzini found Dead in His Cell. |
Denver Post (about 28 May 1926) |
"Prospero Frazzini, former
president of the
defunct Italian-American bank.... was found dead in bed in the state
penitentiary, Friday afternoon." "Death was due to natural causes. Penitentiary officials said Frazzini simply "wore out." His heart had gradually been growing weaker and for the last three months he had been bedfast. At 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, a nurse talked for a few minutes with him. Returning fifteen minutes later, the nurse found him dead." "Remorse killed Frazzini, his friends said, altho it is known that he was in failing health at the time of his arrest. He was forced to go to a hospital immediately after he was taken into custody." |
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Bank building today. It is numbered
2128 15th Street. Photo by Don Karch. |
2462 25th StreetLived in Ogden, UT. He was never married.
Frazzini, Cesare 39y
Degna, wife 35y
Giuseppie, son 7y
Maria, daughter 5y
Concetta, daughter, 3y
Elodia, daughter, 1y
Antonio, brother, 41y
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
A. Frazzini Dies After Operation |
25 Feb 1912 Denver Post |
"Antonio Frazzini, vice
president of the
Italian-American Bank and partner of the P. Frazzini Brothers
company, died at Ogden Utah,
Friday, as
a result of an operation for
appendicitis." The death date was actually 21 Feb 1912, Thursday. |
Married on 9/Nov/1859:
Head of the family Nicolangelo Frazzini ( 11/Dec/1829)
father Sebastiano, mother Cesara D'Aleiandro
Wife Francesca Carlini (25/Sept/1833)
Son Felicito (18/Jul/1864)
Son Prospero Pio (21/jun/1866)
Son Antonio Benedetto (17/Jun/1869)
Sabatino Frazzini (Prospero's father) died 5 Aug 1831 at age 45.
Sabatino parents were Pasquale Frazzini and Beata Fantone. Pasquale Frazzini died 28 July 1837 at age 72, he was the son of Giuseppe Frazzini and Constanza Mariani. Beata Fantone died 10 April 1838 at age 68. She was the daughter of Donato Fantone and Rosa Colaianni.I had found three children for Giuseppe Frazzini and Constanza Mariani
Dear Mark, Thanks for visiting my website You noted you had found Frazzini in my 1895 database. For starters there is considerable information on the Frazzini family in Colorado. To answer your question on Prospero: He and his brothers where here as early as 1887 there is much on him and family. The best way to give you info is via the newspapers. Frazzini, Prospero, "President of New Station Society" Denver Times - 1/26/1901 Pg 5 C3 Frazzini, Prospero, "President of St. Anthony of Padova" Denver Times - 11/17/1901 Pg 24 C 7 Frazzini Brothers Wholesale & Retail Liquors (Includes photo of Prospero) Denver Times 11/17/1902, Pg 10 C6 Sec 2 Very flattering article on the family business includes brothers: P. Frazzini, F. Frazzini, T. Frazzini and C. Frazzini. Correspondents for the Bank of Naples and handle Italian exchanges. (Goes on to describe the various saloon, grocery and banking.) Mr. Prospero is "a wide awake progressive business man and public spirited and enterprising citizen. He is upright and honorable in all his dealings and is highly esteemed in our city. P. Frazzini and his brother C. Frazzini, also represent Zang's Brewery at Ogden, Ut". (Note: Zang surname and brewery are well known in this area.) Frazzini, Antonio, Death 2/25/1912 Pg 11, Sec I Frazzini, Prospero, "Italian American Bank President Disappears" Rocky Mountain News 1/20/1925 Pg 1 Frazzini, Prospero, "Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement - Sentenced" Denver Post, 2/11/1925, Pg 1 Frazzini, Prospero, "Dies In Prison" Rocky Mountain News 5/29/1926 Pg 1 C 7 Frazzini, Degna A., (Mrs.), "Wife of Italian Consul Dies" Denver Post, 12/22/1931 Pg 18 Frazzini, Felicito, "Pioneer Merchant Dies" Denver Post 12/13/1937, Pg 7 Rocky Mountain News 12/14/1937 (Born: San Pedro, Italy 1863, lived here 57 years. Engaged with three brothers in importing business. Father in law of Anthony F. Zarlengo, Deputy District Attorney. Survived by: Jennie, Mrs. Edith Austin and Mrs. Zarlengo, Nicolas and Fred Frazzini all of Denver, stepson, Louis Francisco of Monterey Calif., burial in family plot, Crown Hill. Frazzini, Cassio, 1908-1984 There are extensive listing for him, as he was the fire chief since 1947 and appears there was some civil service litigation thru most of 1970.(He sued for $400,000) (Mark's note: Cassio Frazzini, son of Antonio Frazzini and Angela diLorenzo) Frazzini, Cassio, "Wife Seeks Separation Denver Post 9/23/1970 Pg 50 Denver City Directory - 1905 Frazzini, Felix (P. Frazzini & Bros), resides 2138 15th Frazzini, Prospero, (P. Frazzini & Bros), resides 2138 15th Colorado Divorces - I'll just give you the name and dates as there are alot. I list the plaintiff first then Defendant, then date: The cards include the docket number and the court and any children: Ruth Christiene, from Cassio, A 5772, Dist Div 2, date unreadable, married at Littleton CO, maiden name Ruth C. Peterson Julia Erma from Albert Phillip, at La Plata Cnty, child Aldin Mason, age 10 mo. Feb 6, 1937 Paul from Rose, at Pueblo Cnty, 5/14/1932, children Dayton, Edw., ages unknown. (Mark's note: Ippolito Frazzini from Rocca Pia, L'Aquila) Felicito, from Dorinda, marr. Naples, Italy, 9/10/1887, divorce Denver, child Francesco, age 10, 4/20/1899. Docket # 029098. Date: 04/20/1899 Josephine, from Damiano, marr. San Pietro, Avellana, Italy, 1/12/03, divorce Denver, children, Leandro, 16, Albino, 15, Michael, 10, Raymond, 9, Carmela, 7, Rose 3, Docket #064835. Date 6/16/1924 (Mark's note: Josephine is Giuseppa Columba Morelli, grandmother of Ron Frazzini. Here is a photo of Leandro (Mirando Leopoldo Giuseppe Frazzini.)) The divorce film is hard to read and has to be viewed and transcribed on machine. (Mark's note: used to be available on-line at: but now its gone.) Frazzini Marriages: Prospero, to Eugenia Milano, at Denver 2/16/1908 Raymond, to Clara Barbacovi, at Golden, 11/5/1934 Pasqual, age 26 to Domenica Daniela, at Fremont County Cañon City 12/23/1901 Pasquale, to Cristina Di Sounza, at Trinidad, Colo., 8/29/1904 (Mark's note: Cristina diLorenzo, daughter of Sylvester diLorenzo and Sabina Carlini.) Paul age 24, to Rose Cappozzola, age 16, at Pueblo, Colo., 6/10/1916 (Mark's note: Ippolito Frazzini from Rocca Pia, L'Aquila - one of the VERY few Frazzini not from SPA.) Mike, age 21 to Naley Piccoli, at Cortez, Colo, 4/3/1904 Nestor Phillip, to Mable Irene Martin, at Denver 6/20/1936 Nicholas, age 21 to Gwendolyn Griffin, age 20, at Littleton, Colo., 5/3/1927 (Mark's note: these are Jerri Frazzini Bottomly's parents) John, to Rose Gerramona, at Welby, Adams Co, 10/3/?? (typed over) (Mark's note: Giovanni Frazzini and Rose Garramone 10/6/1933)) John, to Vibla Heck, at Denver, 10/3/1933 Joseph, to Carma Lee Rizzuto, at Denver, 3/24/1928 Frank Amico, to Murva Charhonnel, at Brighton, Colo., 4/9/1934 Frank, to Julia Rollins, at Denver 11/18/1895 (Mark's note: this is Prospero) Frederick, to Anna Gabardi, at Englewood, Co., 12/19/1917 (Mark's note: this is Felicito's adopted son) Faire, to Murie Lake, both 23, at Pueblo, Colo., 10/25/1924 Felicito, to Carolina Dandrea, at Denver 2/10/1902 Chris, age 21, to Florence Troup, at Aurora, Colo., 3/14/1926 Earl, to Hazel Mae Mouat, at Golden, Colo., 12/31/1936 (Mark's note: Earl Frazzini, son of Antonio Frazzini and Angela diLorenzo) Antonio, to Maria Di Croce, at Denver, 4/24/1922 Cassio, age 23, to Ruth Peterson, age 19, at Littleton, Colo. 8/30/1931 (Mark's note: Cassio Frazzini, son of Antonio Frazzini and Angela diLorenzo) Cesarino, to Degna Chioffa, at Denver, 3/23/1902 Frazzini, to Clara Barbacovi, at Denver 1/1/1935 It does appear the Prospero made a mistake that he owned up to. I have the article on his death. When the bank closed in 1925, a shortage of more than $200,000 was discovered. He went into the hospital at this time but never regained his strength of spirit. He pleaded guilty to the charges and on Feb 11, 1925 was sentenced to five to seven years by Judge Charles C. Sackman in West Side Criminal Court. In Nov of 1915, the King of Italy decorated him with the rank of Cavalliere Officiale, to the Italian Crown, the highest honor in the power of the government to bestow upon an Italian who remained outside the nation. At that time he was the only person holding the honor. There is most likely considerably more info, including the articles on the trial, but it does appear the family moved out of Denver in the early 1905 plus years. I did not see any bio's listed for them but there could be more. I suspect your Frazzini searchers have alot of this info, but I happened into this era on some research and picked up these few things while in there. What surprises me is that I didn't see all the brothers in the marriages, unless they are early enough to be in the "Arapahoe County Marriages", these are the ones I found in the Colorado State Marriages and Divorces. Appears some of the brothers married in Italy. You should be able to get info on Propero's prison record and mostly likely his trial transcript via the news article which would have the info in the time range. I didn't have a chance to look up the article on his quilty plea. I appears he made a mistake and the article does not indicate he was a criminal. It was respectful, in that his spirit was broken and he believed he would not live to complete his prison term, and he didn't. The one article has a nice photo of him. I live near Crown Hill, I might wander up there just to see how large the plot is. Hope this is a fun e-mail for you. Regards, Rita denelai ![]() |
Hello Mark. Thanks
putting together
this web site. I am not a relative of Prospero, but have an
interest because my wife, Joanne, and I live in Prospero's house at
2936 Grove Street in Denver. We are
interested in having the house designated a historic property, and are
in the process of researching and documenting the history for the
committee. Here is some information you might find
interesting: Prospero was married twice, and had two children from each marriage. In 1918, Prospero built a beautiful brick arts and crafts style bungalow for his wife and young family at 2936 Grove. 1920 Census records show: Wife - Emma Frazzini, age 39, born in Nebraska. Child - Nester P. Frazzini, Age 3 (Mark's note : 3 years, 6 months) Child - Bertholdo, Age 1 (we think - hard to read). (Mark's note : 7 months) Shortly after Prospero's incarceration, the house was sold. We would be very interested to know what happened to Emma and the two boys after that. I'm sure things were very difficult for them. Another thing you might be interested in. A photo of Prospero and Brother's bank at 2138 15th street (also apparently where your grandfather stayed on his arrival to Denver). This photo was taken by the famous western photographer Charles McClure in 1908, and is on exhibit at the Denver Public Library Western History Photo Archives. The title of the photo is "Moffat Road Terminals, Denver" (Call # MCC-1104) I can tell you this photo is amazing. You can not make out the detail on-line, but the photo has great detail of life in 1908. The "Banchieri e Commerciant" is the building just to the left of the passing street car. The sign is clearly readable in the photo. We purchased a copy of this photo (16x20) and it seems as good as the original. We have this photo displayed in the house to tie in the history. (Mark's note: you can see the photo below) I hope this is of interest to you. If we find anything else, I will pass it along. Best wishes, Bradley Terry |
Hello Mark. Yes, we have many of the newspaper articles. We are missing a few you have listed on your site, but now that we have the date, we can easily get them from the library. I think the story of Prospero is extremely interesting, his rise from laborer to pillar of the Italian community in Denver and his fall to felon. What comes across in the early newspaper articles after the bank closure is the feeling it must be an honest mistake - as sense of disbelief that Prospero could do wrong because of all the good he did for others. Then, the tide turns as evidence of fraud and forgeries comes to light. I am still wondering about Prospero's motives. Nonetheless, I am convinced he was a good person, and I don't think he ever intended to harm anyone. Anyway, after Prospero was incarcerated, the house was sold to an Irish family. The youngest two daughters, who never married, lived in the house until they died. The nephew, who sold the house, told us the family often searched the house for "hidden loot." Of course, they never found any, but seemed to have fun looking. The great thing is the two sisters never did anything to change the house. No remodeling or updating. It still has the original fixtures including sinks, bath, toilet, etc. All things that Prospero used. Sometimes I visualize him around the house. Anyway, we are in the process of restoring the house to as near original condition as we can. I would be happy to send you some before and after pics for you web site. I will be out of town for a week, but will get back to you. Also, if you are ever in Denver, please feel free to come over and visit the "Frazzini House." Bradley |
Bradley sent me this photo of the
house. The
house was featured in a column in the 5 Sep 2003 North Denver News. It
was accompanied by a very nice article describing Prospero's story. |
![]() Prospero's former home 2936 Grove Street, Denver |
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:39:26 -0700 From: Franklin Smith <photojournalist ![]() Subject: Prospero Hello Mark. I am Franklin Smith, and I am Prospero's great grandson. Here's a little history. My mother and her two sisters barely knew they're mother Teresa Frazzini because she was divorced from my grandfather when they were small children, and didn't come to California with them. They're grandmother Julia Frazzini (Prospero’s first wife) died in 1905 at the age of 29 the same year Teresa was born. Lina (Teresa's sister) was 8 at that time, and later ended up marrying a famous Italian military doctor (said to be Mussolini’s personal physician). They lived in Italy, and had at least two children; one son was killed by the Nazis trying to escape Italy during ww2. I went to Denver many years back, and spent some time doing genealogical research, and compiled a lot of data. I also have my grandmother’s photo book. I met Mary Frazzini (90+years old) when I was there, and spent some time with her. I was led to believe that the rest Frazzini’s didn’t want to see me. I liked Mary, she was a very spirited person, and I regret not having returned the next year to continue our relationship. The rather bizarre story of Prospero obviously doesn't make sense, and it appears that some people hope it will die with them. My family and I have suffered from this because not knowing the underlying facts only creates a bigger stigma than the truth no matter how bad it might be. The facts are: 1. Prospero couldn't have done everything by himself, the charges were dropped against his brothers, he was the scapegoat, he received 5 to 7 years, and if I'm not mistaken could have been out in 3 for good behavior. 2. What could possibly be the reasoning for paying the (out of work) miners after the mines were failing or closing, unless he truly believed they would be reopened. 3. Prospero was an experienced merchant, banker, and politician, which means he wasn’t a fool. 4. He surrendered himself, pleads guilty, and died in prison after 1-1/2 years. (knowing that he would) This doesn't sound like a thief. 5. He was a popular international celebrity who had enough backing to have ended up being Governor. Would anybody steal money that they didn't use, and harm so many people? His honor and integrity recognized by so many (even the king of Italy) all thrown away for what? To willingly die in prison. The price of fame is sometimes the envy and hatred of others. I have heard that back in those days the Ku Klux Klan was a very powerful force operating out of Denver, and they hated Italians as much as blacks back then. An Italian Governor would be unthinkable to them. In Politics nothing is sacred with opponents seeking anyway to destroy each other. There are many possibilities of what really happened. When the mines closed. Mary Frazzini said her father Cesare ordered the mines closed giving yet another possibility of what happened. Was it an inner family battle between three brothers in a classic sibling rivalry? Prospero helped a lot of Italians enter the US, that your grandfather was a Frazzini is hardly a coincidence. The genealogy in Italy is something I wish to pursue, but that will take time and money. Many Italians entering the US had their names misspelled or changed. Prospero was first known in the US as Frank Frazzini. My grandmother's first name Teresa has been misspelled with an H half the time. Genealogy is not a perfect science. The underlying events may never be told, but I will continue to look for it for the rest of my life. Possibly your distant cousin! Franklin |
I am Prospero Frazzini's
My father,
Bert, was Prospero's younger son through his wife, Emma Nestor. Both my
dad and his older brother, named Nestor after his mother's birth name,
died in 1990. There are four of us in this generation - my sister,
Susan, and two cousins, Don and Karen, who were Nestor's children.Today
I happened to come across your materials on the Frazzini family on the
internet. Some of what was on the site, such as that my grandfather
died of a "broken heart" in prison, are what I was told over the years,
but much on the web site I had never heard before. The prison mug shot
was fascinating - definitely my grandfather, from pictures we have of
him. One curiosity - one newspaper article you quoted talked about him
having a son and young daughter. My father, the younger son, would have
gotten a kick out of that. After my grandfather's death, my father and brother were raised in Denver by their mother, Emma, who was of German ancestry. She broke off ties with the Catholic Church and Italian side of the family after her husband's death and raised her two sons in a German household. She supported herself and her two sons by selling insurance policies. Dad and Nestor stayed in Denver until the late 1950s, when first my father and then Nestor moved their families to northern California. Don, Karen, and Sue still live on the west coast, but I came east to go to college in the 1960's and never moved back. My grandmother stayed in Denver until sometime in the 1960s. After she became unable to live on her own, she came to live with us in Calif, but she wanted to return to Denver, which she did, and she lived there in a nursing home until her death. I would love to get copies of the newspaper articles and other materials about my grandfather and his family in Denver. Where does Prospero fit into your family history? As far as I know, none of his descendants through Emma have ever done what you did for the family tree. I, at least, have basically been cut off from any relations on my paternal grandfather's side. I don't think any of my generation have been back to Italy. Somewhere in your materials a earlier wife of Prospero is mentioned. Do you know anything about her? |
My connection to the
Frazzinis is
through my
grandfather Rudolph Mapelli’s older brother, Guiseppe
Mapelli. Joseph acquired a college education, and came to
in about 1897. He married his wife Silvia Chioffa in Italy in
1905, after getting his US citizenship. Silvia’s sister (Degna “Rose” Chioffa) was Cesare Frazzini’s wife. Cesare was Prospero’s brother. Jerri told me that Degna and Cesare were first cousins. Do any of you know how Degna Chioffa fits into the family tree, other than as Cesare’s wife? Several of you have asked me to tell the stories of how the first Frazzini saloon and bank were started. The following information comes from my grandfather, Rudolph’s, account of their early days in America, and his son, my uncle’s recollections: Note: Please keep in mind that these are family stories. Someone else may have a different recollection of what happened. If so, or if someone has something to add, I would enjoy hearing those recollections, as well. When he first came to America, Joseph resided in a shack with the Frazzinis - Prospero, Cesare, Felicito, and Antonio who were all bachelors at the time. Most of the Italian immigrants made their own accommodations, such as cooking out in the open, and sleeping under the stars. Those who had sheds or shacks were the capitalists of the day. The Zang family (who were in the beer business) lived across the street from the beer plant in a palatial home. Through family stories, there are two versions of how the Frazzinis got started in the saloon business. One version is that the Frazzinis had a dog that gave birth to a litter of puppies and they took one to the Zang family. The Zangs reciprocated with a half-barrel of beer. The Frazzinis took it back to “camp” (the term use in those days for the Italian clan residence) and decided to sell it by the drink; and thus a saloon was created. In another version of the story, a barrel of beer fell off of a truck. The Frazzinis picked up the barrel, took it back to the camp, put up a couple of planks, and sold it by the drink; and thus a saloon was created. In 1902 my Grandfather and another brother (Herman) came to America and also stayed at the Frazzini camp. By this time the camp had more than one shack, though I don’t know how many. Joseph and his brothers lived in one of the shacks. Joseph was working steady with the Frazzinis. He was clean-up man, bartender, advisor, and back pocket banker for all the Italian clans. Joseph put the money in a safe that the Frazzinis had at the saloon. Joseph was recognized by the elite Italians; trusted and capable of getting donations for many of the clans in many a crisis. He was unselfish and compassionate for anyone in need or in trouble. In time, he would be knighted by King Victor of Italy and the Pope and titled “Cavaliere” for his humanitarian efforts and deeds. As things went, the Frazzinis grew and finally they built a brick structure 2 stories high. The brothers lived upstairs. Then another adjoining building was built, and later another. The Denver Stockyards was across the street and that contributed to their good fortune. In time, Joseph created a small office in the Frazzini building and became Peppino the banker. He did all the bookkeeping from the book in his back pocket. The Italians didn’t have collateral, and this was a simple deal for them. It was easy to get credit. Later he acquired a state charter and Prospero opened the Italian American bank. Although it was listed as an Italian-American Bank, it was generally known as “Peppino” the banker. The bank was very successful and eventually moved from lower 15th St. to the southwest corner of 15th & Larimer. In about 1920 Joseph “severed relations with the institution.” I don’t know what led to him severing relations with the institution. Was it just time to move on, or did something happen? He got a job as Secretary of the Western Union Macaroni Manufacturing Company, and three years later he started a grocery business, which he presided over until his death. The banks back then were not regulated like they are today. When things went bad, people panicked. There would be a run on the bank, and it would go under. Lots of banks went under. And there had to be a fall guy. In this case, Prospero took the brunt of it. |
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