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Another city that keeps showing up as I trace relatives from San Pietro Avellana is Ogden, UT.

Graphical Family Tree (Ogden UT and Salt Lake City) (2.0+Mb JPG File)

Wilberta Illig told me about a web site that contains many scanned birth and death records from Utah. It is the Utah Hstory Research Center,  Archives and Library . I've searched that site for people who lived in Ogden (including the Salt Lake City area) and added what I could find to his web page.

Frazzini and Bros. Saloon

An interesting note: I've found references in Ellis Island records of people going to these addresses:

        c/o Bank, Prospero Frazzini, 200-260 25th Street Ogden, UT
        200 - 60 - 25th St, Ogden, Utah.
        256 25th St, Ogden, UT

This is very similar to what I found for people going to Denver - many, many people from SPA going to the address of Prospero's Bank and store on 15th Street in Denver, CO.

In Oct of 2005, I took a trip to Ogden to visit 25th Street to see what I could see. I was quite surprised. The building at the 256-260 25th Street address was still there. Here is a photo of the building. If you click on the photo, you will get a large panoramic view of the entire block.

260 25th Street is the storefront with the green façade on the right end of the building. Number 256 is the storefront on left end of the building. On the front of the building was a plaque indicating that the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Date:        Wed, 1 Feb 2012 17:02:44 +0000 (UTC)
Subject:     Use of 25th Street panarama photo

I am a fiber artist from North Logan Utah.

I would like permission to use your photo for an art piece.  I would give the photographer credit for the photo. I have been selected to be the featured artist at the annual Summerfest Faire in Logan, Cache Valley, Utah this June and will be showing a lot of Northern Utah places

I usually do a small piece prior to doing a larger art work on silk. I am giving this one to my son who has a commercial real estate company in Ogden.  I did bring in another background photo with clouds.

Done on silk or cotton. Link to article

Thank you   Lucy Peterson Watkins

Date:        Fri, 04 Nov 2005 11:49:32 -0600
Subject:     Re: Emmigrants from San Pietro

I also noticed that Michael Riche's uncle, Telesforo Ricci, married Mariantonia Frazzino, daughter of Filipangelo Frazzino. Any relation to you? Michael Riche had a hotel called Montana Rooms on 25th street likely on the same block as Prospero Frazzini bank, right in the area of the picture on the website.

My grandfather worked there as a boy during the time of Spanish Flu when a lot of the guests would die there, and he would have to carry them out. We heard a lot of stories about the colorful history of that part of Ogden. The Riche's also had a grocery store right there.

(Mark's note: you can read the entire email below)

Here is what it says:

Union Restaurant and Switch European Lodgings

One of the oldest and least disturbed buildings in the 25th Street Historic District
is this two-story brick vernacular store built in 1888. The simply corbeled cornice and
segmentally arched window bays with stone keys are the only attempts at decoration.

A multitude of ethnic enterprises have occupied the building over the years.
Among its occupants were, the Union Restaurant, the Ying Kee Company, Barsotti
Confectioners, the Frazzini & Bros. Saloon, Mary Martin's Ritz Rooms, and the Sunrise

Businesses operated continuously in this building from 1888 to 1979. It was
restored in 1984.

Here is 200 25th Street. Its the redish corner building. This is the northeast corner of 25th Street and Lincoln Ave. Number 260 is on the corner to the left.

From the Standard Examiner, Ogden, UT  15 Aug 1900 (found by Wilberta Illig at This articles describes the piece of property at the corner of Lincoln and 25th Street (200 25th Street ) and the property they already own at 260 25th Street:

At the end of 25th Street is Union Station - continuing the Italian link in the West to the railroads.

Date:            Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:11:47 +0000 (GMT)
From:            ""
Subject:         Frazzini Genealogy - St. Amico

Thanks for the all the SPA info.!  I especially enjoyed the new photo on your website of 260 25th Street, Ogden Utah. This is also the destination address my grandfather Amico Morelli gave on the 1908 Ellis Island ship records. In addtion to what you found, my mother Mary tells me that Mike &  Bettina (sp?) Richie (who were also from San Pietrio Avellana) had a grocery store on 25 th Street, (around this time?). Latter, they owned a Italian restaraunte called: "Riche's" located on Washington Blvd, in Ogden. My Mother said their children's names were Tom, Edward & Udean (sp?). The Riche's were friends of my ancesters. (I believe you have a picture of Michael Riche's (born May 8 1876?) headstone in your Utah cemetary pictures).

Your amci,
Bob Morrison
Irvine, Ca
In Jun of 2006, Bob sent me this photo:
St Joseph's Church, 24th Street, Ogden, Utah

"This is the only Catholic Church in Ogden, when Sabatino and Grandpa Amico (Mike) Morelli lived here. This is also the church my parents, Richard and Mary Morrison, were married in. And is the church that I was baptised in."

Ogden City Cemetery

 In Jan of 2005, I took a trip to Ogden to visit the cemetery. I had already found references to possible cousins buried there.

I stopped at the cemetery office and found out that there was a web site that listed everyone buried there. The information is taken from the written records of the cemetery. You need Internet Explorer to view the web site correctly (Mozilla and Firefox did not work for me). The web site address is .

I spent time on the web site and at the cemetery, searching for the sampietresi names that I had seen in the microfilmed records from San Pietro Avellana (SPA).

Here is what I found, including photos of tombstomes that were still there. The information in each table is exactly as it is in the Ogden City Cemetery data base on the web. I've noted corrections and additions that I made. Many tombstones were missing. Where I found a tombstone, a photo is included. If I found the person in the SPA microfilms from the LDS Family History Center, I included that information.

Of these people, three are cousins - Faustino Frazzini, Baby Frazzini and Andrea Labate.

Here is the area where I found many sampietrese. Along the curb are Baby Riche, Domenico diPierro, Tom Riche, Gloria Morelli, and Amico diLorenzo. The next row back are Micheal and Elizabeth (diPierro) Riche and Faustino Frazzini. Closeups and details are below. Also buried in this section (Annex 10-17) are Domenico della Croce and Baby diSanza. Their tombstones are missing.


Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
FRAZZINA, FAUSTINA 4/6/1855 ITALY 1/23/1922 ANNEX-10-17-1E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: This is a cousin, Faustino Frazzini. The name in the data base is wrong but it is correct on the tombstone. He is the son of Fiorangelo and Clorice ("Clara") Frazzini.  He is a first cousin to Prospero Frazzini. From the SPA microfilms:

Film 1338776 Nati
8 Apr 1855
Faustino Pio Frazzini
f: Fiorangelo, 30y
   gf: Sabatino
m: Clorice Frazzini, 27y
From 1900 census (this might be him):
FRAZZINI    FRANK         42    M    W    ITAL    UT    WEBER        2-WD OGDEN    1900

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 23 January 1922
Age: 066
County: WEBER

He died as a result of a motorcar accident. His wife was Enrichetta diMichele. Informant on the certificate was Cesare Frazzini.

Tombstone Missing from the Baby Area of the Cemetery.
Most of the tombstones dated before 1950 are gone.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
FRAZZINO, BABY 7/12/1908 OGDEN, UT 7/12/1908 ANNEX-6-5-1E2
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: This is a cousin. This is the child of Tommaso Maria ("Thomas Mario") Frazzini and Adele Gasbarro. The Gasbarro family name is from Castel di Sangro, a town nearby to SPA.

Information on Tommaso Maria Frazzini:
His birth record : LDS microfilm 1448676 Nati 1878 #97. Tommaso is the son of  Pasquale Frazzini and Raffaela Perilli. He is the brother of Ferdinando Frazzini.
Ellis Island record : 8 Mar 1900, 21y. 1900 census, Box Elder Co, UT, 21y, b 1878. 1910 census, 31y, Box Elder Co, UT, wife Adele 33y, Raffaela 4y, Eugenio 7m, 3 children total, 2 still living, married 5 years.
Per Madalyn Frazzini, his granddaughter, he died in 1918 of the Spanish Flu and is buried at Battle Mountain, NV. Lived in Utah and NV.

Sent to me by Gene Frazzini: This page (below) references his 1905 marriage in Utah:

      Groom Last Name: FRAZZINI 
      Groom First Name: Tommaso M. 
      Groom Residence: Kelton, Box Elder, Utah 
      Bride Last Name: HISLOP  (Mark's note: I don't understand this last name)
      Bride First Name: Belle  (Mark's note: Could this be a misunderstanding of Adele?)
      Bride Residence: Ogden, Weber, Utah 
      County of Record: Weber        State: Utah 
      Marriage ID: 360526 
      Comment: Marriage application#2686, dated 8 Jul 1905.

I searched Ellis Island for Adele Gasbarro. She arrived on 8 Jun 1904. Here are the records of the three people travelling together:
Petrarca, Giuseppe      M      32y      M      Italy Italian      Castel di Sangro
notation: son-in-law, going to father-in-law Lorenzo Gasbarro,  c/o Bank, Prospero Frazzini, 200-260 25th Street Ogden, UT

Catullo, Maria         F     44y     M     Italy Italian     Castel di Sangro
notation: mother-in-law, going to husband Lorenzo Gasbarro,  c/o Bank, Prospero Frazzini, 200-260 25th Street Ogden, UT

Gasbarro, Adele     F     17y     S     Italy Italian     Castel di Sangro
notation: daughter
Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 12 July 1908
Age: 000
County: WEBER


Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
ITALY 1/10/1914 2A-2-39-5E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: This is a cousin, he is the son of Biase Labate and Annantonia Frazzini. This cemetery plot was purchased by Dominico Labate on 11 Jan 1914 for $5.

The SS Duca Degli Abruzzi left Naples on Aug 2, 1911 and arrived in NY on Aug 14, 1911.  On line 3 and 4 were two passengers from San Pietro Avellana (these records originally researched by Wilberta Illig):
Line 3 Carlini, Francesca, age 18, female, single, housewife, never in US before, nearest relative in SPA was father Carmine, going to sister Assunta at 200 - 60 - 25th Street, Ogden, Utah.
Line 4 Labate, Andrea, age 57, male, married, peasant, in US from 1900-1906, nearest relative in SPA was "father Co - wife Grazia", going to brother, Domenic at 200 - 60 - 25th St, Ogden, Utah.
There are two entries for Andrea Labate, this one in 1911, one in 1893 and I found a third on a new site (for me): The third is 1888. Ages all work out to Andrea being born in 1854/5. From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1338776 Nati #9
7 Mar 1854
Orazio Andrea Labate
f: Biase,  33y
gf: Gioachino
m: Annantonia Frazzini, 28y
reported by:
Don Giovanni Frazzini, sacredote
Don Giuseppe diSanza, sacradote

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 10 January 1914
Age: 061
County: WEBER

Informant was A. Colaianni of 256 25th Street. Andrea lived in Cobre, NV. Age of 61y in 1914 would put his year of birth at about 1853.

Americanized to Morrelli

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
7/23/1891 SAN PIETRO, ITALY 1/6/1979 J-H-20-1W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Sam Morelli is Sabatino Morelli. The mother's name is Donata Morelli. I learned from the Morrelli web site that Donata never came to the US because of her asthma.
From the SSDI: AMICO MORRELLI  23 Jul 1891    Jan 1979    84404 (Ogden, Weber, UT)  528-09-5625    Utah
A history of Amico's life written by his daughter Mary June Morrelli at the Acker Family web site.
Diletta Morelli and Amico Morelli were siblings. SPA birth records for 1891 are lost so I can't confirm.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MORRELLI, PAULINE  11/28/1896 DENVER, COLORADO 11/30/1985 J-H-20-2W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: From the SSDI:  PAULINE MORRELLI  05 Nov 1896    Nov 1985    84403 (Ogden, Weber, UT) 528-02-0366    Utah

NOTE: More details from: Ancestors of Mary June Morrelli

Amico Giusto Morelli, born July 23, 1891 in San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Molise, Italy; died January 06, 1979 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah.  He was the son of Sabatino Morelli and Donata Sabatino (Mark's note: we now believe her name was Donata Morelli).  He married Pasqua Ehlena Lombardi on June 20, 1920 in Denver, Co.  She was born November 05, 1896 in Denver, Arapahoe County, CO, and died November 30, 1985 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah.  She was the daughter of Caramuele Lombardi and Lucia Carmosino, both from Pagliarone, now Villa San Michele, which is a nearby town to SPA. 

More About Amico Giusto Morelli:
  AKA: Mike Just Morrelli
  Burial: January 10, 1979, Ogden City Cemetery / Ogden, Weber Co., Utah
  Immigration: May 11, 1908, Duca Degli Abruzzi Ship, Naples, Campania, Italy
  Medical Information: asthma
  Occupation: 1908, Tailor
  Social Security Number: 528-09-5625 issued in Utah 84404

More About Pasqua Ehlena Lombardi:
  AKA: Pauline Lena Lombardi
  Burial: December 04, 1985, Ogden City Cemetery / Ogden, Weber Co., Utah
  Cause of Death: heart attack
  Occupation: 1913, cash girl Joslin Dry Gds
  Residence: 1913, r 1435 W 35th av, Denver, Co.
  Social Security Number: 528-02-0366 / Utah

Photo sent to me in Jun of 2006 by Amico and Pauline's grandson, Bob Morrison, in honor of what would have been his grandparent's 86th wedding anniversary. They were married 20 Jun 1920. Bob wrote:

"Although they were married in Denver Colorado, their familles were from villages only 4 miles apart in Italy: (The Morelli's: San Pietro Avellana & Lombardi's: Paglironi / San Michele). I recently got a copy of their Marraige Certificate, from Aunt Lucy & Uncle Michael of Ogden Utah."

Father of Amico Morelli from the SPA microfilms:
Film 1338776 Nati #29
30 Apr 1864
Sabatino Mariano Morelli
f: Giusto,  45y
m: Diletta Frazzini, 45y

Camillia Acker posted this on an message board:
Looking for any information on Donata Sabatino who married Sabatino "Sam" Morelli in Italy in the late 1880's. They had 3 children: Amico "Mike", Dellata and Lucia. Amico was born July 23, 1891 in San Pietro Avellana, Italy.

Sam worked as a handyman in Italy but came to Canada 1891 then to Utah 1892 to work on the railroad until 1898. He returned to Italy and died in 1934 or 1935.

Donata was not able to enter the US because she had asthma. She died in Italy (probably San Pietro Avellana) during WWI.
I have been in contact with Camillia. She runs the Morelli web site that I linked to above. From information below, I believe that Donata's family name is also Morelli.

Grandmother of Amico Morelli from the SPA microfilms
Film 1338775 Nati #33
6 May 1819
Genova Diletta Frazzini
f: Filippo, 45y
m: Maria Anna diSanza, 34y

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MORELLI, DILETTA M. 11/28/1899 SAN PIETRO, ITALY 2/19/1985 J-H-20-4W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: The mother's name is Donata Morelli. More details from: Ancestors of Mary June Morrelli

Diletta M. Morelli, born November 28, 1899 in San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Molise, Italy; died February 19, 1985 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah.  She was the daughter of  Sabatino Morelli and  Donata Sabatino.  She married Emil Morelli in 1927.  He was born September 07, 1894 in San Pietro Avellana, Isernia, Molise, Italy, and died December 31, 1984 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah.  He was the son of Luigi Morelli and Marianna Fantone.

    More About Diletta M. Morelli:
    Burial: February 23, 1985, Ogden City Cemetary, Ogden, Weber Co., Utah
    More About Emil Morelli:
    Burial: January 04, 1985, Ogden City Cemetary, Ogden, Weber Co., Utah

From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448676 Nati #62
7 Sep 1894
Emmanuele Morelli
f: Luigi,  37y
m: Marianna Fantone

Film 1448676 Nati #61
28 Nov 1899
Diletta Maria Morelli
f: Sabatino,  35y
m: Donata Morelli

If you trace the information from the SPA microfilms, you can see that Diletta was named after her grandmother, the mother of  her father, Sabatino. Diletta Morelli and Amico Morelli were siblings. Notice here the birth record of Diletta shows the mother's name as Donata Morelli. In Italy, the woman always keeps her maiden name and that name is the one that always shows up in the records.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery

2/14/1928 ANNEX-10-17-4W2
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: More details from: Ancestors of Mary June Morrelli

Gloria Donota Morrelli, born June 30, 1926 in Ogden, Weber, Utah; died February 14, 1928 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah.  She was the daughter of Amico Giusto Morelli and Pasqua Ehlena Lombardi. Pasqua is the same person as Pauline Morelli buried in J-H-20-2W.

    More About Gloria Donota Morrelli:
    Burial: Ogden City Cemetary, Ogden, Weber Co., Utah
    Cause of Death: pneumonia

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 14 February 1928
Age: 001
County: WEBER

Found by Wilberta Illig during her usual extensive web searching:
Sent to me by Bob Morrison in May of 2013, he wrote:

Here are some new photos of Uncle Sam's Morrelli's, Epinal, France, winter grave cross. They are from the below webpage.

Find A Grave memorial for Sam Morrelli.  Link to memorial:

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 10 November 1941
Age: 064

Father was Michael Morelli, mother was Fortuna Bruno. Born in "Santa Pietro", Italy. I don't know yet how he fits into this family.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
LORENZO, A. 4/20/1883 ITALY 10/24/1903 ANNEX-10-17-1W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: On the tombstone: "In memory of my dear brother, Amico diLorenzo", "Gone but not forgotten".
Likely person from SPA microfilms:
Film 1448675 Nati
19 Apr 1883
Amico Giuseppe diLorenzo
f: Eliseo
m: Filomena Ricci

Possible Ellis Island records of brothers of Amico:
    27 Mar 1912
    Alessandro DiLorenzo 17y carpenter,  father Eliseo, Going to brother Giuseppe, 256 25th St, Ogden, UT
    (See birth record information below)

    31 Mar 1909
    Domenico diLorenzo, 21y, father Eliseo, going to Pueblo, CO
    (born about 1887 - no microfilmed birth records for that year)

    31 Mar 1909
    Giuseppe diLorenzo, 23y, wife Enrica, going to brother-in-law, Ogden, UT.
    (born about 1885 - no microfilmed birth records for that year)

Sisters in the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448675 Nati
23 Jun 1891
Concetta diLorenzo
f: Eliseo
m: Filomena Ricci

Film 1448676 Nati
12 Apr 1897
Angela Flora diLorenzo
f: Eliseo
m: Filomena Ricci

Brother in the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448676 Nati
8 Mar 1895
Alessandro Berardino diLorenzo
f: Eliseo
m: Filomena Ricci

Alex DILORENZO - U.S. Social Security Death Index
Birth: 8 Mar 1895  State Where Number was Issued: Colorado  Death: 21 Apr 1990

  Birth Date: 8 Mar 1895 
  Death Date: 21 Apr 1990 
  Social Security Number:  521-07-9140 
  State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Colorado

Death Residence Localities

  ZIP Code: 80211 

  Localities:  Denver, Denver, Colorado

Brother in 1920 US Census

1920  >  COLORADO   >  DENVER  >  DENVER; 307-DIST
Series: T625  Roll: 159  Page: 194
Surname              GivenName    Age    Sex    Race    Birthplace    State    County    Location            Year
DELORENZO    ALEXANDER    24    M    W    ITAL    CO    DENVER    DENVER; 307-DIST    1920   

wife Frances, 17y, born in Colorado.

Possible father of Amico

Film 1338776 Nati #43
13 Jun 1852
Eliseo Antonio diLorenzo
f: Angelo  36y
m: Diletta diSanza,  33y

Film 1448676 Matri #7
29 Jul 1880
Eliseo Antonio diLorenzo
f: Angelo
m: Diletta diSanza
Maria Filomena Domenica Ricci
f:  Alessandro
m:  Magnifica diGiacomo

Possible zii/zie of Amico

Film 1338776 Nati #20
5 Apr 1845
Sabatino Leopoldo diLorenzo
f: Angelo, 26y
m: Diletta diSanza, 28y

Film 1338776 Nati #11
9 Feb 1847
Angiola Maria diLorenzo
f: Angelo
m: Maria Diletta diSanza

Film 1338776 Nati #45
28 Aug 1849
Maria Bernardina diLorenzo
f: Angelo, 30y
m: Diletta diSanza, 30y

Film 1338776 Nati #43
13 Jun 1852
Eliseo Antonio diLorenzo
f: Angelo, 36y
m: Diletta diSanza, 33y

Film 1338776 Nati #71
27 Oct 1854
Emidio Antonio diLorenzo
f: Angelo
m: Diletta diSanza
Ellis Island 27 Oct 1896, 39y (the index brings up the wrong manifest page)

Possible grandfather of Amico
Film 1338775 Nati
16 Feb 1819
Angiolo Sens..lico diLorenzo
f: Ermenigilo (records of other children with same mother list father's name as Giuseppe)
m: Felicissima Colajanni
Here is an email I received in 2003:

Hello Mark,

I received your letter today regarding a cousin of your mother's father Emiliano Frazzini.  I do not know of any diLorenzo's that came to Minnesota prior to my family arriving here (from Denver) around 1960.  BUT, I was interested to see in your family tree that the Frazzini family was from Campobasso.

My grandfather, Alexander DiLorenzo, came to the US sometime between 1910 - 1920 when he was a teenager, putting him in the same age category as Carmine diLorenzo and your grandfather.  He came from Campobasso to New York he ended up in Denver where most of my aunts, uncles and cousins are now.  I know Alexander came over with some relatives but had little contact when they came to the USA.  Seems like there may be some sort of connection! Alexander died about 15 years ago and his wife Frances (Mauro) died about 8 years ago.

You may have also contacted my brothers Kevin, Brian and Kirk, all in Minnesota.  My mother Carole is also here.  My father Gilbert died in 1986.

For your reference, here is just some of my family tree back in the Denver area, Alexander and Frances' children.
     Raymond DiLorenzo
     Sandra Durand (DiLorenzo)
     Bernice Perry (DiLorenzo) - deceased

Anyway, hope this helps a little!

Craig DiLorenzo (or diLorenzo or di Lorenzo or Di Lorenzo!)

  Birth Date: 7 Mar 1902 
  Death Date: 1 Oct 1995 
  Social Security Number:  522-96-3437 
  State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Colorado

Death Residence Localities

  ZIP Code: 80211 

  Localities:  Denver, Denver, Colorado


Americanized to Riche.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
RICHE, BABY 3/19/1924 OGDEN, UT 3/21/1924 ANNEX-10-17-4W1
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Note: The mother's name is probably Elisabetta diPierro. I've also seen her last name recorded as Pierce.

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 21 March 1924
Age: 000 (2 days)
County: WEBER

Informant was A. J. Morelli. Must be Amico Morelli.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
RICHE, ELIZABETH D. 9/17/1894 ITALY 5/24/1978 ANNEX-10-17-3E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE:  This is Elisabetta diPierro. Cemetery records show plot purchased by Edward A. Riche, 16 Jan 1971. Spouse is Mike Riche. Father's name is probably Domenico diPierro. He is buried here. See below. Mother's name is probably Filomena Fraini. Elizabeth does not appear in the SPA birth records for 1894 and the SPA birth records are missing for 1893. From the SSDI: ELIZABETH RICHE 17 Sep 1893- Jun 1978  84403 (Ogden, Weber, UT) 528-74-5924 Utah.  Edward A. Riche is her son.

From BYU Idaho, Western States Historical Marriage Record Index
Complete Marital Information for Mike RICHE and Elizabeth I. PIERCE:
ID Number   375235
Grooms First Name   Mike
Grooms Last Name   RICHE
Brides First Name   Elizabeth I.
Brides Last Name   PIERCE
County of Record   Davis Co., Utah
Place of Marriage   Farmington
Date of Marriage   1 Sep 1915
Volume   4
Page   394

From the SPA microfilms:

Film 1448676 Pubbs
12 Jul 1888 (not date of marrige, but close)
Domenico Urbino diPierro, 39y
  f: Antonio, 69y
  m: Maria Gatti
Assunta Filomena Fraino, 24y
  f: Saverio
  m: Emilia diGiacomo

Filomena was the sister of  Flora Fraini whose children lived in Dawson.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
RICHE, MICHAEL A. 5/8/1876 ITALY 1/16/1971 ANNEX-10-17-2E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

OGDEN, UT 1/19/1971

NOTE:  Cemetery records show plot purchased by Edward A. Riche, 16 Jan 1971. Wife is Elizabeth diPierro.
From the SSDI: MICHAEL RICHE     08 May 1876    Jan 1971    84403 (Ogden, Weber, UT)    (none specified)    528-64-0556    Utah.
From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448675 Nati #32
8 May 1876
Michele Sabatino Ricci
f: Alessandro
m: Magnifica diGiacomo

Michael and Thomas Riche/Ricci were siblings. Edward A. Riche may have been one of Michael's sons.
I saw this posting on GenForum

Re: Ricci's in Beaver Falls, PA
Posted by: Barbara Roberts Date:  September 23, 2001 at 14:13:26
In Reply to: Ricci's in Beaver Falls, PA by  Eric Stamper
My grandfather Michael Riche (Michele Ricci) also was born in San Pietro, Avalon, Campobasso, Abruzzi, Italy. He was born on May 8, 1877 and came to America in the early 1890's.
His father was Alesondra Ricci and his mother  was Magnifeca De Giocono. I know of 2 other brothers, Tom and Umberto however  there may have been other siblings. It is my understanding that Tom also came to America.
My grandfather came to Ogden, Utah and married Barcella Jones. Their children were Alexander Floyd (my father), Flora (Florence), and Michele John.  He later married Elizabeth Di Pierro and their children were Amico Domenico  (Tom),
Leunora Paolina (Eleanor), Udine and Ed.
Is it possible that our  Ricci's may be cousins. I would appreciate any help or direction that you could  give me.
I sent Barbara an email.

Subject:         Ricci and diPierro in Ogden, UT
Date:            Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:36:54 -0700


Michele Ricci and Elisabetta diPierro are buried in Ogden City Cemetery,  Ogden, UT. There are photos and other information on my web site at:,%20UT.html

Date:       Sun, 28 Aug 2005 19:22:53 -0600
From:            Barbara Roberts
Subject:         Alessandro Ricci, Magnifica DiGiacomo, Michele Ricci

Dear Mark,
I would like to begin by thanking you for all the work you have done and for making it available on your website.  What a joy it was to find so many wonderful references to my family history.  I had planned for some time to write and thank you.  I found your website earlier this year when I was doing some random searching for Ricci and Utah.  It was thrilling to see the pictures at the cemetery and to find so much information.  I realized then that I had been in the site before looking for my Dad's cousin Fred of Ely, Nevada but at the time I missed the Ogden connection.

My Dad, Alexander Floyd Richie (Ricci) was Michele's oldest son by his first marriage to Barcella Jones.  I am his oldest daughter and my birth certificate was issued with the name Ricci although Dad used the Richie name most of his adult life.  His brother Jack (Michele John) changed his name to Ritchie and my grandfather and his younger sons by his marriage to Elizabeth Di Pierro changed to Riche. 

My Dad, his brother Jack and sister Flora have all passed away but his half brothers Tom and Ed are still living.  Uncle Tom is still in Ogden.

My Dad lived with us in his last years.  At that time I was still working and didn't take the time to listen and record his wonderful memories.  He was fortunate to have a great recall of growing up in Utah and all of the friends and family he knew.

I grew up in Susanville, California in a community with many Italian families.  Mark and I bought our house where all of our immediate neighbors were Italian and most had known me since I was a child.  They were all good friends of my Dad and Mother and were thoughtful and caring neighbors.  Most had worked with my Dad in the lumber mill.
I hope to find some time this Fall to put my notes in my history file.  I want to put together a history for my children, grandchildren and the great grands.  Also I want to send my Uncle Tom copies of the wonderful research you have done.

As fate would have it, I'm also researching my grandson's other family line which included Carlo Mazzoni.  I am looking for the tie to Adamo Mazzoni who died in the mine disaster in 1913 who may be Carlo's father.  Carlo's mother, Domenica, remarried Pete Ragni and was living in the Colfax area in 1930.  This genealogy  search is so exciting for me and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. I do so wish that I had started when my folks were living so I would have their memories.

Mark and I live in Caldwell, Idaho and all of our children and grandchildren and great grands are within a 30 mile radius so we are making some great memories.  We just returned from a trip to the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River and in June we spent a month at Henry's Lake.  Mark is an avid fly fisherman and loves those waters.

I feel like I know you through your web site and feel as though your have given us such insight into the families of SPA.

Thank you again for the help you have given so many and for contacting me through GenForum this week.

To:        Barbara Roberts
Subject:        Re: Alessandro Ricci, Magnifica DiGiacomo, Michele Ricci
Date:            Wed, 31 Aug 2005 09:50:09 -0700


Thanks for the email.

A fellow researcher from Pittsburgh had seen your postings on genforum and told me about them. I knew you were someone I had to get in contact with.

My research into my family (mostly Frazzini and Carlini), has spread far and wide so now I try to document any family from San Pietro Avellana (sampietrese) that I come across. I know now that everyone from SPA is related - so someday, I'll connect us all together.

Fred Ricci of Ely was a pallbearer at the funeral of my grand uncle Felix Carlini. I'm in email contact with Silvana Ricci, Fred's daughter - I've copied her on this email.

In my search in Ogden, I found that the cemetery plot of Domenico della Croce was purchased by "Thos Riche".Do you know anything about him?

About the Mazzoni's and Ragni's in Dawson - I would recommend that you check out the Morman Church's  Family History Center in your area. They have the microfilmed records from St. John the Baptist Church which cover the period from about 1917 to 1950. You most likely will find Baptism, Marriage and Death records there.

May I use your email on my web site? I'd like to add it to the Ogden page with your grandfather's tombstone.

To: "Barbara Roberts"
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:30 PM
Subject: Udine Riche


Another question - you mentioned in your posting on Genforum that Michele and Elisabetta had a child named Udine (along with Tom, Ed and Eleanor). In the Ogden cemetery, there is a child of Michele and Elisabetta buried there as "Baby" Riche. Was this Udine?

Date:            Thu, 01 Sep 2005 18:01:12 -0600
From:            Barbara Roberts
Subject:         Re: Udine Riche

Dear Mark,

My uncle Udini was born on May 16, 1922 and died in September 1974 of  cancer.  His widow and children live in Boise, Idaho.

My aunt Eleanore was born on March 3, 1918 and died on November 9, 2000. She was married to Tom Gannuscia.  It would appear that Baby Riche died before being named.  My Dad's cousin Fiore Ricci died in Murray, Utah on March 12, 1984.

Thank you for connecting me to Silvana.  I had lost her address.  It was great to hear from her. You are welcome to use my email on your web site.  This has certainly been an exciting search for me.

Your research has been such a gift to so many.

Date:            Sun, 06 Nov 2005 10:00:00 -0700
From:            Barbara Roberts
Subject:         Emmigrants from San Pietro
Cc:              Michael DePierro,  SILVANA RICCI

Dear Mark,
Your website continues to give so many of us such great pleasure.  Your emails to Michael added yet more information.

In his Nov. 3 email, he wrote of his grandfather Amedio De Pierro, a brother to my grandmother Elizabeth  Some years ago, my cousin Marcia, sent me a copy of a letter written by Amedio and Hazel after the death of my uncle Michele John (Jack).  It is a beautiful memory of 2 boys growing up and I would love to send copies to you and Mike.

Also I have a picture of my grandfather Michael and my Dad taken around 1900 and a picture taken in 1939 in Ogden with Michael, Elizabeth and my uncles.  I'm sure I have more in my mountain of picture boxes.

Again, heartfelt thanks for all of your work. 

Date:            Sat, 06 May 2006 18:23:24 -0600
From:            Barbara Roberts
Subject:         Emailing: Riche's Groceteria, Alex and Jack Riche 1968, Udine,
    Tommy & Eddie Riche, Mike & Elizabeth Riche 1939, Mike & Alexander Riche 1899,
    Mike in the Groceteria

Dear Mark,

Found these pictures in one of my folders and thought I would try to send them to you.  My knowledge is very limited when it comes to scanning and adjusting pictures for the email transmission.

The picture of the groceteria was taken in 1939 (I think) and my Dad, Alexander Floyd is standing beside my uncle Udine.
From Barbara Roberts.

The picture of Dad and his brother Jack was taken in California.
Jack was usually called Johnny and Dad was called Alex by the family in Utah.
From Barbara Roberts.

I couldn't find a date for the picture of my uncles, Udine, Tommy and Eddie.
From Barbara Roberts.

The picture of my grandfather Mike and grandmother Elizabeth was taken in 1939 I think.
From Barbara Roberts.

Grandfather and my Dad, Alex, as a wee child must have been about 1899 as he was born in May of 1898.
From Barbara Roberts.

I don't know when the picture was taken in the store with Mike behind the counter.
From Barbara Roberts.

I continue to be so delighted with all the information that you have put together about the people from SPA.  I made a copy of the Ogden portion to take to my uncle Tom in Ogden.

I hope to have some time this summer to go through my boxes of pictures and put them into some kind of organization but truly doubt if that will happen in my lifetime.

Again, I can't thank you enough for your efforts that are enjoyed by so many.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
RICHIT, THOS. F. 12/19/1864 ITALY 7/21/1914 ANNEX-10-17-2W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Note: Tombstone shows family name as Riche.
From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1338776 Nati #87
30 Dec 1864
Florindo Domenico Ricci
f: Alessandro,  43y
m: Magnifica diGiacomo,  31y
reported by Don Giovanni Frazzini, archpriete

Michael and Thomas Riche/Ricci were siblings. Cemetery records show that Thomas Riche purchased the plot occupied by Domenico della Croce.

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 21 July 1914
Age: 049
County: WEBER

Informant was Mrs. Mary Richie. Mary must be his wife - her address is listed as the same address as his. He was a bartender and died of cirrhosis of the liver.


Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
RICCI, MOSE 2/23/1892 ITALY 1/1/1919 ANNEX-10-12-3E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Mose is an odd Italian name. The birth records for 1892 in SPA are missing so I can't look him up. I did look from 1884 to 1899 for other children by the same parents and I did not find any. It is possible that this Ricci is not from San PietroAvellana. Also diPasquale is not a family name from SPA.

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 1 June 1919
Age: 026
County: WEBER

He was not from SPA but was born in Bitretto.


Looking through the diSanza buried here, I found that Domenico (Tom) diSanza, married into the Malan family. The Malan's were one of the Utah Morman Pioneer families originally from the Piemonte region of Italy, near the city of Turin (Torino). You can read much more about them at these links:   Malan Family Online   Roughdraft: Spring 2000   BELLA SION - Biographies
Genealogy of Hugh and Marian (Yancey) Zorger     Genealogy Data

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DISANZA, DOMINICO (TOM) 4/17/1865 ITALY 11/27/1945 C-1-21-4E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

OGDEN, UT 11/29/1945

NOTE: From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1338776 Nati #23
16 Apr 1865
Domenico Pasquale diSanza
f: Francesco, 43y
m: Raffaela Carlino,  37y

I looked for Francesco's birth record about 1822 but could not find it.

Film 1448676 Morti #29
16 Jul 1877
Francesco diSanza, 55y
f: Domenico
m: Maria Colaianni

From an IGI record at

Thomas Dominic Disanza

17 APR 1865   , , Italy
NOV 1946   Ogden, Weber, Utah

  Father:  Francis Disanza (this would be Francesco)
  Mother:  Caroline (this would be Raffaela)

  Spouse:  Harriett Lydia Malan
 1892  Ogden, Weber, Utah

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 27 November 1945
Age: 080
County: WEBER

He was 80 years, 7 months and 20 days old. He died in the county hospital in Roy but lived in Ogden for 48 years. He was born in "Avalon", more likely San Pietro Avellana, Italy on 17 Apr 1865.

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DISANZA, HARRIET 7/20/1899 OGDEN, UTAH 6/18/1905 C-1-21-4W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


The father is Domenico (Thomas) diSanza, mother is Harriet Lydia Malan.
Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 18 June 1905
Age: 005
County: WEBER

Died of Scarlet Fever. Age 5 years, 10 months, 28 days.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DISANZA, HARRIET LYDIA 7/24/1871 OGDEN, UTAH 9/20/1941 C-1-21-3E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


This is the wife of Domenico (Thomas) diSanza.

From BYU Idaho, Western States Historical Marriage Record Index
Complete Marital Information for Domenico (32) DISANZA and Harriet L. (25) DAVIDSON
ID Number   325957
Grooms First Name   Domenico (32)
Grooms Last Name   DISANZA
Grooms Residence   Ogden
Brides First Name   Harriet L. (25)
Brides Last Name   DAVIDSON
Brides Residence   Ogden
County of Record   Weber Co., Utah
Place of Marriage   Ogden
Date of Marriage   28 Dec 1897
Volume   A
Page   213

Interesting that it lists her name as Davidson. Maybe she was married once before she married Domenico diSanza. Here is a link to another tree with Harriet Lydia and Domenico :  Genealogy of Hugh and Marian (Yancey) Zorger

From an IGI record at

Harriett Lydia Malan

24 JUL 1871   Ogden, Weber, Utah
20 SEP 1941   Ogden, Weber, Utah
   Ogden, Weber, Utah

  Father:  John Danial Malan
  Mother:  Mary Louisa Chatelin

  Spouse:  Thomas Dominic Disanza
 1892  Ogden, Weber, Utah

And this second IGI record at (which confirms that she was indeed married once before) :

Harriett Lydia MALAN (AFN: 46S3-SK)
Sex:  F

Birth:  14 Jul 1871   Ogden, Weber, Utah
Death:  20 Sep 1941   Ogden, Weber, Utah
Burial:  23 Sep 1941

Father:  Jean Daniel (John Daniel) MALAN (AFN: 1KL4-H6)
Mother:  Marie Louise CHATLAIN (AFN: 46S3-H1)

Spouse:  John Henry DAVIDSON (DAVISON) (GODFREY) (AFN: 4G56-ZF)
Marriage:  1888  Ogden, Weber, Utah
Spouse:  Thomas DISANZA (AFN: CKMC-GF)
Marriage:  1892

If you check on Davidson, he died in 1939 so they must have been divorced before Harriett married again. Davidson married two more times.

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DISANZA, MABEL 4/25/1904 OGDEN, UTAH 5/14/1904 C-1-21-4W1
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


The father is Domenico (Thomas) diSanza, mother is Harriet Lydia Malan. She is he sister of Harriet diSanza.

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DISANZI, BABY 11/15/1910 OGDEN, UT 11/15/1910 ANNEX-10-17-5W2
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Mother's name is probably Aurora della Croce. I believe the father is Carmine diSanza based on a family I know to be in Utah in the early 1900's.

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 15 November 1910
Age: 000
County: WEBER

Stillborn, father: "Con" diSanza, mother: Aurora della Croce

From Ellis Island:
January 31, 1910
della Croce, Aurora, F, 30y, Married, going to husband Carmine diSanza, Rocky Mountain Brewery, Ogden, UT
della Croce, Amedeo, M, 5y, Single (Mark's note: really Amedeo diSanza since father was Carmine diSanza)

From Ellis Island:
16 Jan 1911
Raffaele diSanza,  M, 44y, M, going to brother Carmine, Ogden, UT

From the SPA microfilms:
Father of Baby diSanza:
Film 1448675 Nati #69
8 Aug 1878
Carmine diSanza
f: Amico, 35y
m: Maria Domenica Iannacchione

Mother of Baby diSanza:
Film 1448675 Nati #82
22 Oct 1879
Aurora Domenica della Croce
f: Giovanni, 30y
m: Lucia Ricci

Aurora is buried in Pershing, NV along with husband Carmine diSanza, son Amedeo and daughter Angelina:

Lone Mountain Cemetery
Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada (Contributed by Fred Kemmerle []).
Disanza, Amedeo, b. 13 Oct 1904, d. 4 Apr 1967
Disanza, Frances, b. 17 Apr 1912
Di Cianno, Giuseppe, b. 4 Jun 1905, d. 26 Feb 1952, nat. of S. Pietro Avellana, Italy
Di Sanza, Angelina, b. 1 Jan 1918, d. 29 Apr 1927, d/o Mr. & Mrs. C. Di Sanza
Di Sanza, Aurora, b. 22 Oct 1879, d. 9 Jun 1942, nat. of Italy
Di Sanza, Carmine, b. 8 Aug 1878, d. 8 Apr 1959, nat. of Italy
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MALAN, JOHN D. 2/16/1806 PIEDMONT, ITALY 5/9/1886 C-1-21-1E 
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Metal sign on top of tombstone "Faith in Every Footstep", Pioneers, 1847-1997. Father of  Harriet Lydia Malan.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MALAN, MARIE LOUISE 4/4/1830 ITALY 11/27/1915 C-1-21-2E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Mother of  Harriet Lydia Malan.

Didn't have time to look for Tombstone
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MALAN, PAULINE 8/4/1805 ITALY 7/23/1864 A-4-25-5W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


This is the section (C-1-21) where John D. Malan and his family are buried. Only the three tombstones shown above remain. Also buried in this section are Charles David Malan, Domenico (Tom) diSanza, Mabel diSanza and Harriet diSanza.
From the cemetery records, it appears that this section (C-1-21) was purchased by Mary Louise Malan on 1 Jun 1936 for $100.

della Croce

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
ITALY 4/2/1906 ANNEX-10-17-5E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: From Cemetery records "Plot purchased by Thos. Riche" (probably Domenico (Thomas) Riche. He is also buried in the same section (ANNEX-10-17)).
I finally figured out that this record of the cemetery is a mistake. This is a male, Domenico della Croce:

From Utah Death Index, 1905-1951 Record
Name: Domenico Della Croce
Death Date: 2 April, 1906
State file number: 1906000984
Gender: Male
Age: 55
County of Death: Weber

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 2 April 1906
Age: 055
County: WEBER

The informant on the certificate is Cesare "Jesse" Frazzini (brother of Prospero). Age 55y would make him born in 1851. He is certainly from SPA. Possibly:
14 Apr 1852
Domenico Antonio della Croce
f: Carmine
m: Carminella Gatti

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
DEPIERRO, DOMENICO 10/1/1848 ITALY 5/30/1936 ANNEX-10-17-3W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

NOTE: from the tombstone, the last name is diPierro. Spouse's name is Filomena Fraini. Father's name is probably Antonio diPierro. Mother's name is probably Marietta or some variation of Maria. Domenico diPierro and Filomena Fraini were the parents of Elizabeth diPierro Riche who is buried in ANNEX-10-17-3E.
From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1338776 Nati #51
1 Oct 1848
Domenico Urbano diPierro
f: Antonio
m: Maria Gatti,  28y

Film 1448676 Matri
?? Jul 1888
Domenico Urbano diPierro, 39y
f: Antonio, 69y
m: Maria Gatti
Assunta Filomena Fraino, 24y
f: Saverio
m: Emilia diGiacomo

Film 1448676 Nati #65
22 Nov 1889
Camillo Pasquale diPierro
f: Domenico
m: Filomena Fraini

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 30 May 1936
Age: 087
County: WEBER

(found by Wilberta Illig)

In Nov of 2005, I got an email from Michael DePierro. As you can read below, Mike is the great-grandson of Domenico diPierro and Filomena Fraini.


I, by coincidence, found the website with photos of the Ogden, Utah cemetery.,%20UT.html

It was a wonderful surprise to see the photos of the grave markers that I visited every Memorial Day growing up. I am related to many of the people whose grave markers are shown. My grandfather knew many of the others very well. My grandfather is Amedio DePierro, brother of Elizabeth D. Ricci (DePierro). He emigrated from San Pietro Avellana as an eight-year-old with Elizabeth. They were held in Ellis Island for two weeks and nearly sent back to Italy before they got the necessary paper work from Michael Riche, who was close to my grandpa's father, Domenico DePierro. Michael later married Elizabeth and several of their children still live in the Ogden area. Domenico worked for the railroad as did my grandfather, Amedio. They worked at Union Station so it was nice to see that photo as well.

DePierro family tradition has long been to eat on special occasions at Ligori's, a popular Ogden Pizza restaurant. I believe the Morelli's, who are mentioned on your site, owned the restaurant at one time and maybe still do. My grandfather was close to the Morelli family. The immigrants from San Pietro were a very tight-knit group for a long time. My father, Amedio Jr. DePierro now lives in Clearfield, Utah and will be very happy to see your website. He also visited San Pietro Avellana, but that was about forty years ago. You mentioned you found many "sampietrese" in the area of the cemetery where we both have family buried. What does that word mean? Do you know of any contact of the Frazzinis with the Morellis, Riches, or DePierros? I appreciate the work you've done on the site and am interested in learning more about my family history and others who emigrated from San Pietro.

Thank You
Michael DePierro

Thanks for your email. Its always great to hear from someone connected to the sampietrese that I've found.

"sampietrese" are people from San Pietro Avellana. Kind of like Iowans are people from Iowa.

My Frazzini web site started out just being about my family but it really has grown. When I started to see the connection from SPA to the railroads in the western US, I was intrigued. Now I document any sampietrese that I find. Of course, I've attracted a lot of people like you who are descendant from those Italians who sacrificed for their children and grandchildren.

Next time I am in Ogden, I will have lunch at Ligori's. (note: 4421 Harrison Blvd. S, Ogden and 2798 N 400 West, Layton) BTW, if you follow the Morelli link on my web page, you will find a lot about that family. I am still looking for direct evidence that my Frazzini's knew all these others. I'm sure they did - it was a close knit community of Italians. Its just hard to find direct evidence.

If you know of siblings of Amedio? I had found, along with Elisabeth, a Camillo Pasquale diPierro. Do you know where Amedio is buried?

May I use your email on my website? Many people would be interested in reading what you wrote. Do you have any photos of Elisabeth or Mike Riche? I'd be interested in any photos you would be willing to share with the world.

Did you see my Graphical Trees for Ogden, UT and Ely, NV - they show all the family connections that I've dig up so far.


The graphical trees are great! My mom, dad, and I were up really late last night on the phone about this. Turns out that my grandpa was close friends  with Amico "Mike" Morelli and his wife Pauline. Their son, Mike, and his wife, Lucy own two Ligori's Pizza and spaghetti restaurants in Utah. We used to eat there often. If you go to the Layton, Utah Ligori's (15 minutes from Ogden) you are likely to meet Lucy Morelli. She is often the hostess. They also own the Ligori's in South Ogden. From the family trees, it appears you and Morelli's share Giusto Frazzini as a common ancestor. Giusto's son, Filippo was Amico's (Mike's) great grandfather.

It was much later that DePierro's entered the picture but they were good friends with Morelli's who descended from your Frazzini line.

I also noticed that Michael Riche's uncle, Telesforo Ricci, married Mariantonia Frazzino, daughter of Filipangelo Frazzino. Any relation to you? Michael Riche had a hotel called Montana Rooms on 25th street likely on the same block as Prospero Frazzini bank, right in the area of the picture on the website. My grandfather worked there as a boy during the time of Spanish Flu when a lot of the guests would die there, and he would have to carry them out. We  heard a lot of stories about the colorful history of that part of Ogden. The Riche's also had a grocery store right there.

I noticed that Elizabeth and Michael Riche both descended from diGiacomo's, Emilia and Magnifica. This could possibly make them first cousin's once removed. Would like to find more on them. I want to trace these guys back. I'm interested in learning this detective game. How did you find all these people?

As far as pictures go, we'll work on getting some to you of Michael and Elizabeth Riche. My parents believe they have some but can also contact their children living in Ogden. We certainly could get you pictures of Amedio DePierro, who came from SPA. He is buried in Lindquist Cemetery which is located on 44th-46th Washington Blvd in Ogden. My father and likely my grandfather weren't aware of Baby Riche being Mike and Elizabeth's child. We're curious about who that person was.

My dad says Elizabeth and Camillo Pasquale DiPierro were the only siblings of my grandfather. Camillo died in Italy and never came over. We didn't know his middle name was Pasquale. How did you find this? It was interesting b/c one of my grandpa's good friend was named Pasquale. Common Italian name I suppose?

That's fine if you post the email.Once again, we love what you've done with the website.

Mike Depierro

I was looking through my notes and I found that I seen your grandfather's obituary in the The Salt Lake Tribune. At the time I could not place him in my tree since it didn't mention his parents names.

Answers to some of your questions:

My data comes from four main sources:
    1. microfilmed birth/marriage/death records from SPA dating from 1809 to 1899. These are available through the LDS Church's Family History Centers.
    2. Public records on the Internet (, and
    3. emails I get from others
    4. legwork

For research hints, look at this web page:

I do not know how Filipangelo Frazzino is related. He was born in 1801 per the birth record of Mariantonia Frazzino. Since the microfilmed birth records don't cover that early year, I can't trace him back any further.

I found Camillo Pasquale diPierro in the SPA birth microfilms. The data is on my Ogden page.

The next time that I am in Ogden, I will visit your grandfather's grave.

Photos of any of these people would be great. You may have noticed that I received a bunch of photos from Johnny Rauzy who is a Colaizzi descendent.

I get to the SLC area once or twice a year as my wife's daughter and her family live in Syracuse, UT.

Mike, I'm sending a copy of this email to Barbara Roberts and Silvana Ricci, both connected to your family tree.


From Lindquist Cemetery in Salt Lake City:

Amedio DePierro 14 Dec 1905 - 23 Jan 2000
Hazel DePierro 4 Sep 1914 - 5 Mar 2008


In April of 2005, I got an email from the grandson of Oreste and Lucia Colaizzi. Johnny Rauzi sent me some photos and historical information which I've added below. Johnny wrote "There are a number of Italian families that settled into the Ogden Valley. I am a member of the Trentini Club, we have a whole book of family history and pictures.  In the early 90's we hosted the international meeting here in Ogden. Most of the Italians in the valley were farmers and now only a small handful of their children still farm".

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
COLAIZZI, ORESTE 12/30/1893 SAN PIETRO, ITALY 1/4/1971 I-0-20-4W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Note: Vincenzo and Oreste were brothers. WWI draft registration in White Pine County, NV (Ely, NV)
Calaizzi, Oreste 31 Dec 1893 W S. Pietro Avellana Italy        White Pine
SPA birth microfilms are missing for 1893 so I can't look him up.

Ellis Island, "Oreste Colaizzo", 9 Nov 1912, 18y, single, father in SPA, Antonio, going to cousin Amico Colaianni, 260 25th St, Ogden, UT.

1920 Nevada Northern Job Application shows birth date of 31 Dec 1893.

1917 WWI Draft Registration shows birth as 31 Dec 1893. Single. Clam Shell Operator.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
COLAIZZI, LUCIA D. 12/1/1899 CARAMANCIO, IATLY 7/17/1978 I-0-20-5W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Caramanico is nearby to my father's hometown of Sant'Eufemia a Maiella.

Oreste and Lucia Colaizzi
Wedding 4 Jan 1921                                              50th Wedding Aniversary 1971
"Two of my grandparents Lucia & Oreste of when they were first married and then again on their 50th.
The day after their 50th anniversary, my grandfather passed away.
Two of their children, Eva Rauzi and Rose Rey are still alive and live in Ogden.
My mother was born in Ogden, moved to Ely for a few years and then returned back to Ogden.
John Colaizzi, their son, died about 8 years ago (24 Jul 1997)."
Photo and comments sent to me by their grandson, Johnny Rauzi.
Mark's note: Rose died 4 Jun 2010 and Eva died 24 Jun 2013.
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
COLAIZZI, VINCENZO 8/27/1888 ITALY 7/31/1961 J-M-13-1E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Note: Vincenzo and Oreste were brothers. WWI draft registration in White Pine County, NV (Ely, NV)
Colaizzi, Vincenzo  27 Aug 1888 W S. Pietro Avellana Italy        White Pine
From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448676 Nati #57
Vincenzo Amico Colaizzi
27 Aug 1888
f: Antonio
m: Rosa Settefrati

Ellis Island, "Vincenzo Colaizzo", 9 Nov 1912,  24y, married, wife in SPA, Filomena, going to cousin Amico Colaianni, 260 25th St, Ogden, UT

1916 Nevada Northern Job Application confirms birth date, name of wife and shows name of father as Antonio.

1917 WWI Draft Reg shows same birth date. Served 2+ years in the Italian Army. Married. Father, wife and son in Italy.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
COLAIZZI, FILOMENA T. 10/2/1895 SAN PIETRO, ITALY 12/7/1967 J-M-13-2E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

OGDEN, UTAH 12/11/1967

NOTE: From the SPA microfilms:
Film 1448676 Nati #80
Filomena Giacinta Tonti
18 Nov 1895
f: Pietro
m: Maria Giuseppa Ricci

Vincenzo and Filomena Colaizzi
50th Wedding Aniversary
Photo sent to me by their grandnephew, Johnny Rauzi
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
1/17/1913 SANPIETRO AVELLANA, ITALY 3/28/1982 J-L-13-5E
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: son of Vincenzo and Filomena Tonti who are also buired here in J-M-13-1E and J-M-13-2E.

Antonio Colaizzi
Photo sent to me by his nephew, Johnny Rauzi.

The Gasbarro family name is from Castel di Sangro, not far from SPA.

Tombstone Missing
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
GASBARRO, LORENZO 5/11/1907 OGDEN, UT 6/7/1910 ANNEX-6-4-3W2
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


Now I stumbled on something really interesting. I searched Ellis Island for Adele Gasbarro which I had not done before. I found her and her mother Maria Catullo coming to the US in 1904. She arrived on 8 Jun 1904. Here are the records:
Petrarca, Giuseppe      M      32y      M      Italy Italian      Castel di Sangro
notation: son-in-law, going to father-in-law Lorenzo Gasbarro,
c/o Bank, Prospero Frazzini, 200-260 25th Street Ogden, UT

Catullo, Maria         F     44y     M     Italy Italian     Castel di Sangro
notation: mother-in-law, going to husband Lorenzo Gasbarro,
c/o Bank, Prospero Frazzini, 200-260 25th Street Ogden, UT

Gasbarro, Adele     F     17y     S     Italy Italian     Castel di Sangro
notation: daughter
So this Lorenzo is the brother of Adele Gasbarro Frazzini whose unnamed child is also buried here in Ogden. Father is Lorenzo Gasbarro and the mother is Maria Catullo. I learned from Carol Frazzini Elliott (through a posting in my guestbook) that Adele's sister Virgina married Giuseppe Petrarca.


This is not a SPA family name but the death certificate was reported by Mike Riche.

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
ITALY 11/19/1918 2A-2-33-4W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

OGDEN, UT 11/24/1918

NOTE: From tombstone: born 19 May 1883, Guiseppe diPietro

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 19 November 1918
Age: 036
County: WEBER

He was 36y, born in Biazzani, wife : Agnese Carpopassi (?). He lived in Teek (?), UT. He died of pneumonia.


Didn't have time to look for Tombstone
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
SETTERFRATI, LOUISE 5/30/1903 ITALY 1/3/1970 H-2-46-4W
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


NOTE: Maiden name was Gentile so she married a Settefrati.


Didn't have time to look for Tombstone
Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery
MARIANI, BABY 4/19/1925 OGDEN, UT 4/19/1925 H-2-37-4W2
Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date


 Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):

Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 19 April 1925
Age: 000
County: WEBER

You can look at the death certificate. I don't think this family is from SPA.

Here is another Mariani that I found in Salt Lake City.

Death Certificate from the Utah History Research Center,  Archives and Library (Click on Series Number for an image):
Series: 81448
Person Who Died
Death Date: 8 November 1913
Age: 000

He was born in Utah and was 6 months old. The DC lists father as Charles Mariano and mother as Mary E. Carlan (possibly Carlini). So there is a chance this is a SPA family.

I've been able to find more Mariani death certificates and I've matched them up using the street address 865 Pacific Avenue, Salt Lake City. This showed that "Charles" Mariano was Pasquale Mariani and Mary Carlan was Maria Carlini, daughter of Pietro Carlini and Rosa Mariani.

For these names, I did not find any entries in the Ogden City Cemetery data base:

Gatti    Carlini   diDomenicis diCianno   Buzzelli   diTella   Colaianni
Iasella   d'Achille    Zaccagnini    Diullo    Iannacchione

Deceased Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Burial Location in Cemetery

Spouse Father Mother Death Place Burial Date

Mountain View Cemetery

This is another cemetery in Ogden. I've found reference to one person from SPA buried here. She is Asterina Frazzini (also known as Francina Esterina Frazzini) who married Pietro diGiacomo (search on "Frizzini" on the LDS web site). I stopped at the cemetery in Oct 2005 but could not locate the tombstone even with the help of the office staff.

Asterina was Pietro's first wife. She died in 1903 shortly after the birth of her fifth child in five years. She is in my family tree data base - she is my 3rd cousin, 3 times removed.

Today, Mountain View Cemetery is part of the Aultorest Memorial Park.

Utah State Archives

Division of  State Archives for Utah .

This part of this page is still under construction, I've ordered paper copies of these records. I'm not sure who these people are.
District Court (Fourth District - Juab, Millard, Utah & Wasatch Counties) : Declarations of intention record books (Series 85169)

Series: 85169
Volume Number: 2
Date: 2 October 1895

The Data Banks has an entry:  Emido Carlino arrived 30 Sep 1891, 21y, stonecutter.

There is a SPA  microfilmed record that matches the birth year:
Film 1448675 Nati 1871 #34
<detail pages are missing for this year - index only available>
Emido Mariano Carlini

Weber County (Utah). County Clerk : Birth register (Series 5107)

In an email in Jul 2010, Maria Brower told me of the family of Giovanni Antonio diSanza (son of Francesco and Raffaela Carlino) and his wife, Domenica "Mary" Lombardi. This birth is their son, Frank, who died later the same year. The actual record that I found, below, did not contain a name.

Series: 5107
Color: DARK
Birth Date: 2/23/1898
Residence: OGDEN, UTAH

From BYU Idaho, Western States Historical Marriage Record Index

Complete Marital Information for Giaseppe CROCE and Maria MILANO
ID Number   318679
Grooms First Name   Giaseppe
Grooms Last Name   CROCE
Grooms Residence  
Brides First Name   Maria
Brides Last Name   MILANO
Brides Residence  
County of Record   Salt Lake Co., Utah
Place of Marriage   Salt Lake City
Date of Marriage   12 Feb 1902
Volume   L
Page   334


Social Security Death Index Record
Name: Frederick L. Croce
SSN: 553-09-2562
Last Residence: 84109  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States of America
Born: 6 Oct 1905
Died: 5 Feb 1992
State (Year) SSN issued: California (1952 )

Social Security Death Index Record
Name: Gwendolyn H. Croce
SSN: 537-03-8174
Last Residence: 84124  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States of America
Born: 16 Jul 1908
Died: 2 Jan 1994
State (Year) SSN issued: Washington (Before 1951 )


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