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San Pietro Avellana

1749 San Pietro Avellana Status Animarum  COMING SOON

Status Animarum di anno 1749 - Joannes Salvatore Archipresbyter 

This Page last updated on 01/26/2011 20:51:49.

In 1749, the priest of the church SS. Pietro e Paolo, Giovanni Salvatore, created a Status Animarum. It was a census-like document that listed all the families in SPA along with birth dates or ages. The title above, in Latin, is from the first page of the SA.

My cousin, Giuliano Colajanni, found a copy of this document at the Archive in Naples. We have created this web page to document the families listed. Giuliano wrote:

I send you S.A 1749. This 1749 S.A. was written by Archpriete Giovanni Salvatore and the family group are divided.  I think that this is the integral oldest document about the SPA's people. (But I am looking, looking)

With these files, we have the exact husband - wife - child relationships. Unlike the 1769 SA, this SA clearly shows the people in each family.

The SA comprises 31 pages. There are three more SA available for research 1769, 1852 and 1869.

The transcription into the spreadsheet was done with loads of help from Shirley Sinclaire, Cathy Youngblood, Cris Swetye and Wilberta diVincenzo. Of all the SA that we have transcribed this one was the hardest one to read. Lines that we were still unsure about, we highlighted in YELLOW. We crossed out some lines but did not delete them so that we could trace what we did.

Shirley Sinclare commented on Tue, 25 Jan 2011:

I am down to the last 4 or 5 pages and will have them done this week.  Interestingly finding a lot of names on the 1769 animarum that do not appear very common later on.  Some come from different towns, yet the name thins out.  Must be from the plague, moving, etc.  Cafullo, Rotolo, Riccio, etc.  Almost as common as Frazzino and Colajanni.  Also some differences in ages between the two (1749/1769), only by a year or two.  Had to very careful in making sure I had the right person. 

At least I now know my Giovanni Nicola's parents names... that was interesting.  Carlo.  I haven't seen that name carried down the line, maybe they had another name and just used that one to carry on (like Giovanni Nicola)  You can also see the trends in the family names and which were the favorites that also seemed to die out.  Loreta, etc.  To double check the info on some cases, I referred to the death spreadsheet.  Not many of these folks had large families at the time either, or the children died young, as I know some families had, in comparing to the death records that I referred to for a couple of people.

Some of my observations about this SA.

1. Pauolo seems to be the spelling used for what see later as Paolo. I did not try to use just one form for this name but left them as they were.

2. Frezza is probabaly corect and that name was seen in SPA later.

3. Items which I was still not confortable that we were reading correctly, I left with a "?" but showing alternatives. I'm going to review these items some more.

4. We see Tecla a few times here as a given name. We saw it also inthe 1769 SA.  Interesting that we don't see it in the 1800's. or 1900's.

5. Alfonso had told us that "tra" (which looks like "fra") is short for Terra or land. It refers to a town name.

6. "Ceccano della Stato Papale" - is correct in line 11. Alfonso told me about the different adminstrative parts of Italy before unification.

Since the transcription was so difficult, you should look at the original page to double check. Ask me to email you the Film Image that you want to check, then be sure to send me any corrections.

Last Update:  TBD

Click here for the HTML version of the transcription (800 KB).

Click here download an Excel spreadsheet of the transcription.

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