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From Alfonso diSanza d'Alena: And here is the text of 'Status Animarum' record about Frazzini's family write by archpriest Giovanni Frazzini in 1852 (it's taken from the book 'I documenti storici e la vita di San Pietro Avellana' di Pasquale Settefrati, Edition EDIGRAFITAL 2002): "L'origine più lontana e remota di questa nobile distintissima e benemerita famiglia è meridionale. Li ha sempre fiorito degnamente, primeggiando per fasto, per le alte cariche nelle armi e nella scienze. Lo stemma si è prelevato nell'Achivio Curale anno LV n° 489. Gli antenati furono assai benemeriti verso la patria e verso la religione. Alla prima diedero molti uomini di valore delle armi, ed alcuni statisti onesti e di molti meriti. Alla religione dei martiri per la fede cristiana e qualche Prelato di molta dottrina e d'ingegno superiore. Furono attaccatissimi al partito Guelfo ed alla Real Casa d'Angiò che ne era a capo. Trassero nobili natali e lasciarono di loro chiara fama, consultando la preziosa opera del Ginanni per i significati araldi risulta avvalorato quanto si è detto per lo che i fregi in d'oro fra il labello rosso rappresentano un'onoreficenza che la casa d'Angiò dava ai suoi migliori sudditi, i più fedeli, ai più meritevoli. L'aquila poi denota la nobiltà dei natali e la fama chiarissima. (Blasone ecclesiastico Via Cola di Rienzo 149 Roma)". A rough translation by a computer program (please help me clean up this translation if you can): "The most distant and remote origin of this noble separate and benemerita family is southern. You/he/she has worthily bloomed always them, excelling for propitious, for the tall positions in the weapons and in the sciences. The coat of arms is withdrawn in the Achivio Curale of her year LV n° 489. The ancestors were a great deal benemeriti toward the country and toward the religion. To the first one they gave many men of value of the weapons and some honest statesmen and of many worths. To the martyrs' religion for the Christian faith and some Prelate of a lot of doctrine and superior talent. They were attached to the party Guelfo ed alla Real Casa d'Angiò that it was to head of it. They drew noble native and they left of them clear fame, consulting the precious work of the Ginanni for the meanings heralds it results confirmed how much you/he/she is said for him that the friezes in of gold among the red labello they represent a decoration that the house of Angiò gave to its best subjects, the more believers, to the most deserving. Then the eagle denotes the nobility of the native and the clear fame. (Coat of arms ecclesiastical Via Cola di Rienzo 149 Roma) ". ![]() "The furthest and most remote origin of this noble, distinct and meritorious family is merdional (Southern Italian). It has always blossomed with dignity, rewarded with pomp, for the highest responsibilities in arms and science. The crest was found in the archives of the curia (the diocese) in the year 55 n.489. The ancestors were very meritorious towards their native land and towards religion. From the beginning they gave many men of valor to the army and several honest and meritorious statesmen, and to religion, martyrs for their Christian faith and Prelates of much talent and doctrine. They were very allied/close to the Guelfo Party and to the head of the Royal Casa d'Angiò. They drew those of noble birth who left a very clear fame, consulting the precious works of Ginanni for the significant crests which were much valued for their fregi in gold as for their labello rossi, which represent honors that the Casa d'Angiò bestowed on it's best subjects, the most faithful, the most worthy. The eagle denotes the nobility of their birth and the clearest reputation." |
Some notes: 1. The Guelfi Party was one of two political parties during the time of Dante Alighieri (circa XIV century). The other party was the Ghibellini. The Guelfi party was in favor of the Pope and the Ghibellini party was in favor of the emperor. More here. 2. Royal Casa d'Angiò - I can't find out much about this. It seems to related to something in Napoli. |
The priest, Giovanni Frazzini, was my 2nd Great Granduncle. He was born in 1824 and died in 1903. He was succeeded by my great granduncle, Sabatino Frazzino.
Here are the cover pages:
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The book. |
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Giuliano asked me to go through these pages and index the people listed in them. That is going to take a lot of time but I don't want to hold up access to these documents by other researchers. The difficulty is that the document is written in Latin (including given names) and it is written in a Italian hand.
I have received help from Shirley Sinclaire, Wilberta diVincenzo and
Alfonso diSanza d'Alena in order to index these images. They have
completed the work. Here
is an Excel spreadsheet with the index and here
is a web page
that I created from the spreadsheet (about a 4 Mb file). I was going to
do the Frazzino part of this but I didn't have time so Shirley stepped
in and did it.
IMGP3575 Frazzino.jpg - Page 1 of the text about the Frazzino Family
IMGP3576 Frazzino.jpg - Page 2 of the text about the Frazzino Family
everyone, I don't know if this one would be easier for everyone or not (it did for me)... I combined the titles into one line, and also put all the Capo information (Head of Household) together in one section and colored it blue, all the wife of capo together and colored it pink, the children in green, and the siblings of the capo in yellow. My notes were in the gray column. I also marked it schede famigliari(2) so you could tell the difference. (I can take off the colors when finished if no one else uses it.) You don't have to use this form... you can also use it and take the color off if it confuses you, it was just easier for me rather than scrolling down the columns/rows to find info I needed to enter under the info. If you see that I have made a mistake, please let me know, I will correct it. Disregard the orange highlights, it is a note to me to investigate further against my information on the spelling of the name, etc. Talk to everyone later...Shirley |
C or
Cf could be the Capo Famiglia. In the same page we can have two Cf:
wife and husband. Alfonso |
cousin Marco and dear Shirley Probably "C. Ch." is for latin "Cum Chrisma", as italian "Con Cresima, as english "With Confirmation" The same form is also in the S.A. 1869 Ciao Giuliano |
to all Big work Shirley, the basic spreadsheets structure is organized in order to provide a program for statistic study of family group of SPA people, as person number for family, family for streets,concentration of surname for streets and so. Ciao Mark,Shirley, Wilberta,Alfonso |
Shirley About the streets location of Alena (D') family (column D), "CASINENTI" as latin "CASINENSIBUS" . The building of D'Alena family was a original property of Monastero di Montecassino up to 1849 year of transfer to D'Alena with payment of annual price. Than probably in the 1852 the SPA's priest considers "IN ADIBUS a RR. PP. CASINENSIBUS CENSITIS" as building propertis of "casinensibus" churh. In any case, the spa's area was named "SUODO" Ciao Giuliano |
Shirley No,if there is no location of a street don't consider the previous sheet, after we can verify if is the same family. About "C Ch" probably is a personal priest info of "confirmation" . I asked to Storical Archive in Rome and there is not a criteria to define it.At moment, if you agreed, we can to neglect this. |
Shirley About "SODO", is better to write "SUODO". The origin is dialect,probably "ground" as state property ground. This info by town council. Ciao Giuliano |
Mark, Have you caught this? In the 1852 Status Animarum, Image 3360 doesn't have a family name written at the top of the page. It appears to be Alicandri since the previous image 3359 is Alicandri, BUT it is really Angelone. I had added all the names as d'Alicandri to my database, then when I started working on Angelone I finally caught it. Had two of everyone each under each surname, so had to do a lot of deleting, detaching and correcting. - Wilberta |
Dear Shirley Your work and your sheets are correct,very fine,only I will verify were possible, the column referring to family living in the same home (column "C") as same number same home. Mark is OK this for you? Giuliano |
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