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Main arriving at the Port of New York, 4 Oct 1869

The manifest for the 5 Oct 1869 arrival shows the Main sailed from Bremen, Germany.

I tried to find this person in the SPA birth records. I'm still looking.

From the Ship's Manifest From the SPA Birth Records
Name Age Sex Occupation Destination Country to which they belong Est Birth Year Name Date of Birth Father Mother Notes
Frazzini, Joseph 53y Male <can't read> US Switzerland (he traveled with many Germans) 1816         On this manifest, this person is listed just above another person whose occupation is listed as Clergy and was from Germany.
Possibly the same person who arrived on the Burgundy in 1848. That person was born in 1824 per the age on his arrival manifest.
Possibly the same person who is listed in the 1850 census from Amherst, NY, age 35y which would indicate birth in 1815.
There are no Frazzini in the 1870 or 1880 US census.

About the MAIN 1868

From The Ships List :

The first MAIN was a 3,087 gross ton ship, built by Caird & Co, Greenock in 1868 for Norddeutscher Lloyd [North German Lloyd] of Bremen. Her details were - length 332ft x beam 40ft, clipper stem, one funnel, two masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed of 13 knots. There was passenger accommodation for 70-1st, 100-2nd and 600-3rd class. Launched on 22/8/1868, she sailed from Bremen on her maiden voyage to Southampton and New York on 28/11/1868. In 1878 her engines were compounded by the builders and on 6/3/1890 she commenced her last Bremen - New York voyage. On 6/3/1890 she started her final Bremen - Baltimore crossing and the following year was sold to British owners. She was destroyed by fire at Fayal, Azores on 23/3/1892. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2, p.546

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