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San Pietro Avellana

Ships Arriving from San Pietro Avellana

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Its interesting to look at some of the pioneer families from San Pietro Avellana who came to the United States before Ellis Island opened in 1892. These people were truly the vanguard of a large immigration that lasted into the 1920's and that included, possibly, 50% of the people of SPA.

For New York immigration records outside of the Ellis Island era (1892-1924), my source was and the Castle Garden web site. For New York arrivals, I found this information on the Ellis Island web site in the document "History of Castle Garden and Ellis Island":

        Immigrant Arrivals in the PORT of NEW YORK

    Before August 1855                                           Wharfs of Manhattan

    August         1, 1855   to   April         18,1890    Castle Garden
    April          19, 1890   to   December 31,1891    Barge Office
    January        1, 1892   to   June          13,1897    Ellis Island
    June           14, 1897   to   December 16,1900    Barge Office
    December  17, 1900   to                         1924    Ellis Island

The wooden buildings on ELLIS ISLAND burned to the ground on 13 June 1897. The old BARGE OFFICE was reopened and used as the processing center for immigrants through the PORT of NEW YORK for the next 3 ½ years. Ellis Island reopened on 17th December 1900.

On July 1, 1924 a new law went into effect which stated that immigrants were to be inspected at US consular offices in the immigrant's home country before coming to the US
(Mark's note: this removed the need for a US based inspection point ). Ellis Island continued to be used as an alien detention center until November 1954.
( From

On this page, I will list the ships that I can find. Most of this data is on I will then try to make a separate page for each ship detailing the names of the people who arrived.
Arrival Date
Ship Name
Click on this column to view the passengers
Depature City/Country Arrival City
1848 Jun 1 Burgundy La Havre, France New York
23 Apr 1860 Australasian Liverpool, England Portland and Falmouth, ME 
4 Oct 1869 Main Bremen, Germany New York
29 Nov 1881 Chateau Leoville Bordeaux, France New York
15 Feb 1882 Ferdinand de Lesseps Naples, Italy New York
15 Apr 1882 SS Washington Palermo, Italy New York
18 Apr 1882 Chateau Lafite Bordeaux, France New York
19 Apr 1883 Chateau Lafite Bordeaux, Fance New York
3 May 1883 Archimede Palermo, Italy New York
10 May 1883 Grecian Monarch London, England New York
11 Jun 1883 Burgundia Naples and Palermo, Italy New York
7 Sep 1886 Polcevera Naples, Italy New York
15 Apr 1887
Naples, Italy New York
3 Jun 1887 Chateau Lafite unknown New York
17 Oct 1887 Trinacria Naples, Italy New York
4 Apr 1888
Comorin Naples, Italy New York
19 May 1888
Nubia Naples and Trieste, Italy New York
2 May 1889 Alesia Naples, Italy New York
17 Mar 1890 Italia Naples, Italy New York
7 May 1890 Australia Naples, Italy New York
7 May 1890  Alesia Naples, Italy New York
16 Apr 1890  India Naples, Italy New York
17 Nov 1890  Neustria Naples, Italy New York
12 Mar 1891 Victoria Naples, Italy and Gibraltar New York
13 Apr 1891
Columbia Naples, Italy New York
29 Apr 1891 Letimbro Naples, Italy New York
3 Jun 1891
Alsatia Fiume, Naples, and Palermo, Italy and Gibraltar New York

These two were from after Ellis Island opened:

2 May 1892 Britannia Naples, Italy and Marseilles, France New York
25 Jun 1892 Plata Naples, Italy New York

I originally found these manifests on but now you might be able to find them for free on

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