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Columbia arriving at the Port of New York, 13 Apr 1891

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The manifest for the 13 Apr 1892 arrival shows the Columbia sailed from Naples, Italy.

On this manifest, it is hard to read the first name initial. I tried to find each of these people in the SPA birth records. I'm still looking but its difficult because many names could match a one-letter first initial.

If you have an account, here is a link to the manifest.

From the Ship's Manifest From the SPA Birth Records
Name Age Sex Occupation Est Birth Year Name Date of Birth Father Mother Notes
Colaianni, D 20y Male Laborer 1871          
diTella, L 44y Female Laborer 1847          
Frazzini, E 48y Male Laborer 1843 Ermingildo Cristinziano "James" Frazzini 12 Oct 1842 Filippangelo Gelsumina Frazzini Previous arrival 14 Feb 1882 on the Ferdinand di Lesseps. Lived in Butler, WV and Jefferson, OH.
Lombardi, A 21y Male Laborer 1870          
Morelli, S. 26y Male Laborer 1865          
Frazzini, P 21y Male Laborer 1879          
Mariani, A 40y Male Laborer 1851          
Sozio, S 47y Male Laborer 1835          
Colaizzi, C 24y Male Laborer 1867 possible:
Luigi Colaizzi
1867 Domenico Concetta Settefrati Luigi or Lewis appears in the 1920 census from Koppel, PA where he said he immigrated in 1890. I'm not sure if this is Luigi. Luigi also arrived on the Archimede on 3 May 1883.
Frazzini, E (On Castle Garden, the first initial is shown as "T.") 31y Male Laborer 1860 possible:
Innocenzo Ludovico Frazzini
28 Feb 1860  Francesco Antonio Generosa Morelli  1898 Sep 22 Declaration of Intention, Beaver County, PA, Immigrated in 1891.
1902 3 Mar EI arrival, 42y, going to Pittsburgh, PA.
Labate, D 28y Male Laborer 1863 possible:
Domenicantonio Labate
29 Nov 1862 Biagio Annantonia Frazzini Might be husband of Assunta Maria Carlini. Lived in Ely, NV.

See also the 10 May 1883 arrival of the Grecian Monarch.
diGiacomo, F 48y Male Laborer 1843 Florindo diGiacomo 1 Dec 1842 Domenico Aurora diGiacomo Florindo's great granddaughter reported that her family memory is that he came to the US and died in Latrobe, PA.
Settefrati, ?? 27y Male Laborer 1864          
diMartino, ?? 21y Male Laborer 1870          
Tempesti, G 24y Male Laborer 1867 Giosue Tempesta 1867 Francesco Mariantonia Fantone  
Colajanni, C 42y Male Laborer 1849          

About the Columbia

From The Ships List or :

The "Columbia" of 1891 was a Hamburg America Line ship, built in dry dock in 1889 by Laird Bros, Birkenhead. Her details were 7,241 gross tons, length 463.5ft x beam 55.6ft, three funnels, three masts, twin screw and a speed of 18 knots. There was accommodation for 400-1st, 120-2nd and 580-3rd class passengers. Floated on 27/2/1889, she left Hamburg on 18/7/1889 on her maiden voyage to Southampton and New York. On 19/12/1893 she commenced her first voyage from Genoa to Naples and New York and made several further winter voyages on this route. Her last Hamburg - Southampton - New York sailing commenced on 14/10/1897 and in 1898 she was sold to the Spanish government for use as a troopship and auxiliary for the Spanish - American War and renamed "Rapido". In 1899 she was repurchased by Hamburg America Line, went back to her original name of "Columbia" and on 31/8/1899, commenced sailing between Hamburg, Southampton, Cherbourg and New York. Her last sailing on this route started on 9/10/1902 and on 3/4/1904 she made a single sailing from Naples to Genoa and New York. In 1904 she was sold to the Russian Volunteer Fleet, renamed "Terek" and used as a troop transport in the Russo - Japanese War. Scrapped in 1907. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.396] [Merchant Fleets in Profile by Duncan Haws, vol.4, Hamburg America Line] [Posted to The ShipsList by Ted Finch - 25 November 1997]

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