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Letimbro arriving at the Port of New York, 29 Apr 1891

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The manifest for the 29 Apr 1891 arrival shows the Letimbro sailed from Naples, Italy.

I tried to find each of these people in the SPA birth records. I'm still looking.

If you have an account, here is a link to the manifest.

From the Ship's Manifest From the SPA Birth Records
Name Age Occupation Est Birth Year Name Date of Birth Father Mother Notes
Candito Colaianni 33y Workman 1858 Alberto (?) Candido Colajanni
13 Mar 1857
Restituta Colaizzo Not in GEDCOM file.
Pietro Colaianni 55y Workman 1836         Many possibilities
P?? (Pio?) diGiacomo 22y ??
42y ??
Workman 1869 ??
1849 ??
Basilio diGiacomo       Possible  1882 SPA transcribed marriage record #26 to Rosa Elisabetta Musillo.
Francesco Paolo diGiacomo 1882 SPA transcribed marriage record #24 to Maria Cristina Ricci.
Pietro Antonio diGiacomo 9 Nov 1865 Giovanni Chiara Ricci 1895 SPA transcribed marriage record #1 to Esterina Frazzini. Lived in Salt Lake City and Ogden, UT. In my GEDCOM file as RIN 2774.
Pio Maria 7 Apr 1848 Giorgio Bambina Colaianni 1869 SPA Status Animarum.
In my GEDCOM file as RIN 2863. Married Teresa Giuseppa Carlino in 1871.

Possible earlier arrival 1883 aboard the Archimede.
Pietro Apollonio 30y Workman 1861 Not found       Apollonio is a good SPA surname. But maybe not born in SPA.

1888 SPA transcribed marriage record #11 of Pietro Apollonio to Dorotea Settefrati.
Pasquale Colaianni 46y Workman 1845 Pasquale Colajanni 4 Feb 1845  Amico  Giuseppa Falcione  Per Shirley Sinclaire, EI arrival 29 May 1899 and 31 Mar 1904.
Pietro Carlini 61y Shoemaker 1830 Pietro Gennaro Carlino 26 Jan 1830 Pasquale Carolina Colajanni Possible. In GEDCOM file.

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