Acquafondata Family
This Page last updated on
This page started on 3 Jul 2012. It will be under
construction for a while.
The Acquafondata family was a large family from San Pietro
They immigrated to the US and ended up all over the country. Some name
varations that I've found include Fondata, Fondi, Fondie, and Fondy.
They are all, of course, our cousins, one way or another.
Acquafondata Graphical Family Tree
a graphical representation of the Acquafondata family tree as I know
it. This is a LARGE
file meant to be viewed on screen or printed. When
printed, the printing is small but still readable. Check the Graphical
Trees page for
hints about printing these files.
Graphical Family Tree (2.0+Mb JPG
Here is a page
links to all
the San Pietro Avellana Graphical Trees.
East Ely Branch
Carmine Acquafondata and his family lived in East Ely, NV. He has his
own page on this site, Click
Pittsburgh Branch
Amico Angelo Acquafondata (1855) and Maria Cristina Colaianni immgrated
first to Aurora, St. Louis, MN. Several of their children ended up in
Pittsburgh, PA.
Amico's nephew, Aminta Allessandro Acquafondata and wife, Maria Scorza,
also lived in Pittsburgh.
This is what started me on this page. Google has, on-line, many
newspapers from Western PA in their Newspaper Archives. When I have
nothing better to do (which is
most of the time), I just randomly grab an issue and look at it. In
this case, I was looking at the 4 Jan 1900 issue of the Pittsburgh (PA)
Press. A headline caught my eye: "Italians
Charged with Murder".
The names were familiar - Amico Acquafondata (known as Nick Fondi) and
Alessandro Acquafondati (known as Sam Fondi) and Emilio Florio. Here
are the articles, the first from 4 Jan 1900 and second from 6 Jan 1900:
Being that I just stumbled on these articles, its not likely
will be able to find out what happened after the conviction. Doing a
search on the Google Newspaper archive site does not generate any more
These names are familiar. "Florio" might be a shorten version
diFlorio. There were many marriages between diFlorio's and
Acquafondata's. The last paragraph of the second article talks about a
wife and child of Alessandro. I know that Alessandro married Maria
Scorza in Pittsburgh on 28 Nov 1897 and by the time of this trial, they
had one child, Vincent, born (most likely) in 1899. I can't figure out
who the Amico Acquafondata is. Anyone have more information?
I found Alessandro in the 1900 census taken on 8 Jun. He was an inmate
at the Western (PA) Penitentiary.
I found a 1904 Petition for Naturalization for Alessandro in
Pittsburgh, PA. If this is really him, he did not serve much time for
the manslaughter conviction. He also registered for the WWI draft and
appears in the 1920 and 1930 census from Pittsburgh.
Alessandro's cousin,
Emiddio Acquafondata married Severina Iannacchione. I was contacted by
their grandson, Tom Fondy. Tom created a memorial site to his two
grand-aunts who died in 1911 and 1912 and are buried in Pittsburgh.
Tom wrote in Oct of 2006:
am especially proud of the verses about Maria Sophia and Violanda
because they bring these simple unknown little immigrant girls back to
life after 90 years. I have been to the hillside in Calvary Cemetery in
Pittsburgh that is mentioned in the poem. You can see photos of that
hillside in another poem on my web site called "Baby of a
Single Day". |
The web page is at
Here are photos of Emiddio and Severina, sent to me by Tom.
Other Acquafondata families:
Olimbia Acquafondata (~1735-1822) married Nicola Colajanni.
Her parents were Giovanni and Caterina Palumbo. I've not searched the
Colajanni line for children.
Giuseppe Acquafondata (~1756-1819) married Rosa Vincenza
Morelli. I can't find info about his parents and I found no children.
Benedetto Acquafondata (~1790) married Antonia Ciotoli
(~1789). They
had three children, Sabatino Gaetano (1808-1812), Gaetano
Sabatino (1814-1817) and Maria Giuseppe (1817-1817). Note that two of
their children died during the famine/plague of 1817, the oldest child
had died earlier. I could not find
any more children.
Vincenzo Acquafondata (~1779) married Benedetta diTella and
two children, Domenico Antonio (1809) and Carmine Maria Angela (1811).
I have not found out any more information about the children.
I spent some time searching the microfilmed records at the FHC
and here is what I found:
- Guess: there were two other Acquafondata families having
children in the early 1800's: Benedetto
(~1790) and Vincenzo (~1779). From what I can tell,
there was only one Acquafondata family line so I think these men
were brothers of Sabatino (~1791). I could not find
death record to
verify their parents. Sabatino did have two sisters, Florenza
(~1785-1817) and Domenica (~1795-1868 who married a Colarosa).
- Giovanni ( ~1786-1839), Alba Maria (~1792-1874) and Leonara
(~1790-1860) Acquafondata were siblings. Their parents were Giuseppe
and Anna
Maria Giacomo (diGiacomo). Leonara is my 3GGM. You
can find
her family on my family tree.
- In the SPA microfilms, during the period around 1860 to
there were only five Acquafondata families having children. They
were Carmine
Acquafondata's parents (Sabatino Acquafondata and Costanza
Carlino) and the four
brothers; Felice, Amico, Carmine and Pasquale (sons of Giuseppe
Acquafondata and
Letizia Frazzino). The families of the four brothers ended up
in St. Louis County, MN and
in Pittsburgh, PA.
Details on the Acquafondata
Graphical Family Tree.
This site prepared and
maintained by Mark DiVecchio
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