Carmine Acquafondata
The Story of
Carmine Acquafondata
When we were in Ely, NV in June of 2005, we visited the East
Railroad Depot Museum. Sean, the museum curator told us the
story about
Carmine Acquafondata
and his son Mike Fondi.
Carmine is not related to me but his story is so
interesting that I am going to repeat it as well as I can here. Lorry
Labate helped clear up some of the details.
Graphical Family Tree
(1.2+Mb JPG File) (Family names Fondata, Fondie, and Fondi)
For more on other Acquafondata families, click
this page, you will see the name Lorry Labate. Lorry was one of the
first "lost" cousins that I found after beginning my genealogy
research. He helped me identify many photos and connected me with many
more cousins from Ely. Lorry died on 4 Apr 2008 of a heart attack at
his home in Carson City, NV. Everyone from SPA will miss him. |
Carmine Agostino Acquafondata was born 28 Aug 1878 in San Pietro
Avellana, Italy.
Carmine came to the US in 1898. He entered via Ellis Island on 9 March
at the age of 20 years. His occupation was shoemaker and he was going
to Ogden, UT.
He appears in the 1900 census from Tacomo, Elko, NV. He was 21y. He was
living with his father, Sabatino. Their name was listed as
Fondata. Felice Frazzini, 53y, was living with them.
Carmine married Francesca Carlini who came to the US in 1910. It was an
arranged marriage. They
originally lived in Ogden, UT. Their first four children were born
there. They are Amico Sabatino "Mike", Antonio Paolo "Anthony",
Costanza Maria "Constance", and Carmela Lucia "Carmen",
In an email, Vicky (Dreitzler) Udy, granddaughter of Carmine
wrote: my mother,
Elena Margherita "Helen" (Carmine's fifth child),
"was born in Cobre,
Nevada in 1920. At
this time the family lived in Cobre and Grandpa Carmine ran some sort
of a boarding house to help the people that worked on the
railroad. I don't know just exactly how accurate this
Carmine's sixth child, Violetta Maria "Viola", was born in
1922 in
Lovelock, NV.
Carmine and his family moved to Ely in 1921 to work for the
Northern Railway as a laborer. You
can see him listed in the 1923 NNRY pay ledger on the Ely, NV page.

About 1912 Carmine Acquafondata and Francesca Carlini.
Must be Ogden, UT.
Photo from Lorry
Labate. Francesca's son with her second husband, Loreto Labate.
They had
six children. Here is Carmine and sons, Mike (born in 1913) and Tony
(born in 1915)..

About 1916 Carmine Acquafondata and sons Mike and Tony.
Must have been taken in Ogden, UT.
Photo from Lorry
I show this original text that I had on this page. I got this
information verbally from several people when I was first creating this
page about 2005:
Carmine died on 15 Aug 1924 at the age of 45 from a
fracture after being hit on the head by a claw from a crane while
working on the NNRY. You can see his tombstone
on the Ely
Cemetery web page. At that
time, there
were no OSHA or disability laws. The railroad owed no obligation to his
wife or children. But they did pay the family a couple of hundred
dollars and hired Carmine's oldest son,
Mike, who was 11 years old at the time (born in 1913). Mike started
work the next day in the lowest position in the railroad office - a
telegraph runner.
The railroad engineers would all be sleeping in the other building
awaiting their orders for that day. Mike was in charge of waking
them up early in the dark hours of the morning with their daily
orders. Many of the engineers would not like being awakened
their orders of the day, and would take it out on poor Mike.
(Throughout Mike's railroad career, he would remember this as his worst
Though Mike was forced to quit school, the teachers made it possible
for him to continue his schooling at night. He was given
his assignments at night and he turned them in to the teachers. He
graduated from high school a
few years later. |
In August 2007, I visited the East Ely Railroad Depot Museum and was
able to review a lot of the records of the NNRY. In the records from
1924, I
found the complete
account of the accident which killed Carmine. In the
1924 records there was a separate envelope which contained all the
records. Here is a more correct story:
Carmine died on 15 Aug 1924 at the age of 45 after
being crushed between the boiler and the deck of Clamshell No. 2 while
working on the NNRY. You can see his tombstone
on the Ely
Cemetery web page.
At that
time, there
were no OSHA or disability laws but the railroad generally followed the
procedures of the Nevada Industrial Commision regarding disability
payments. Carmine's wife sued and
the Railroad settled, agreeing to pay funeral expenses of $504.25 and
to pay
Francesca the amount of $65 per month for seven and one-half years
(Carmine was making $0.39 per hour, working 9 hour days or $3.51 per
day). The final settlement was worth about $6,500 over seven years.
Quite a sum of money in those days.
In 1931, Carmine's son Mike (he would have been 18 years old) started
working in the lowest position in the railroad office - a
telegraph runner (in the payroll records, he was listed as a
The railroad engineers would all be sleeping in the other building
awaiting their orders for that day. Mike was in charge of waking
them up early in the dark hours of the morning with their daily
orders. Many of the engineers would not like being awakened
their orders of the day, and would take it out on poor Mike.
(Throughout Mike's railroad career, he would remember this as his worst
In the records for 1931, I found documents relating to the end
the payments to Carmine's widow, Francesca, and documents
showing when
Mike was hired
by the NNRY. Francesca Carlini, his mother, had to sign a Minor's
Release for her son.
After Mike graduated from high school, he went to work full time for
NNRY. He started out as a bookkeeper and worked up to be the
Chief Financial Officer. You can see his name on the 1936 pay ledger
that I summarized on the Ely,
NV page. He worked for the NNRY for 47 years. |

ca 1935-40 Mike Fondi
Photo from the album of Filiberto diIullo, sent to me
by Dennis Diullo
Mike's son, also named Mike, is a former Judge (now practicing law) in
Carson City,
NV. You can see Carmine and Mike's tombstones on the Ely Cemetery web page.
Also Mike
Fondi and Tony
Fondi on find-a-grave.
After Carmine's death, Francesca Carlini married again (in 1936), to
Labate, Sr and had one more
child, Lorry Labate, Jr. I met Lorry during a June 2005 trip to Carson
City. Read about that trip on the Ely,
NV web
page. You can see Loreto and Francesca's tombstones
on the Ely
Cemetery web page.
More research
about Carmine Acquafondata
Details on the Acquafondata
Graphical Family Tree.
I'm interested in the Acquafondata line because Leonara
Acquafondata is
my 3rd great grandmother. I believe that she may be related to
Carmine's ancestors. Leonara was born about 1790 to Giuseppe
and Annamaria diGiacomo.
NOTE: A lot of this is
conjecture but I believe it to be correct.
1. There is a newspaper
archive site ( that has scans of
from Reno. These newspapers covered all of northern Nevada. I've found
lot of articles about my branch of the Carlini family that lived in
Ely, NV. I've searched page by page in the Reno newspapers for a week
after Carmine's death on 15 Aug 1924 and I have not found a word about
his death.
2. In the Ellis Island Record, Carmine Agostino Acquafondata, 20 years
old, entered the US on 9 March 1898. He was going to Ogden, UT, to his
father Sabatino. This record was badly transcribed into the index. It
was indexed as "Aegusopucluto,Carmine
Agostino di Sabatini"
3. I spent some time searching the microfilmed records at the FHC
and here is what I found:
- In the SPA microfilms: I looked at 28 Aug 1882, the date on
Carmine's tombstone for his birth. There are no entries for that date
in the birth records. I then started searching before and after that
date. I searched for 10 years before and 10 years after. I found a
Carmine Agostino Acquafondata born on 28 Aug 1878 to Sabatino
Acquafondata and Costanza Carlino. So this most likely is him
especially since the month/day is the same and it is confirmed by the
age (20 years) the Ellis Island record from 1898.
- In the SPA microfilms: I continued looking for
around 1878. I found four sisters of this Carmine:
Domenica 28 Dec 1872
(I also found her in the Ellis Island
9 Aug 1868
(I also found her in the Ellis Island
Emiddia 1 Jun
Domenica 5 Aug 1883
- In the SPA microfilms, the father of Carmine:
born 6 Aug 1842
f: Paolantonio
m: Lucia Colaizzi
note: Found on Ellis Island
record from 1905.
- In the SPA microfilms, the parents of Sabatino:
Paolantonio Acquafondata
born 23 Feb 1813
Sabatino, 21y
m: Rosa
Quaranta, 23y
Lucia Colaizzi
born ~1819
- In the SPA microfilm: brother of Paolantonio (Carmine's
Giuseppe Acquafondata
born 21 May 1819
Sabatino, 28y
m: Rosa Quaranta,
note: Giuseppe married Letizia Frazzini and had four sons. Each of
these sons had 5-6 children. I found dozens of people descendant from
Giuseppe and Letizia. Many came to the US. Mostly to
Pittsburgh, but some
to Chicago, Ogden
and Minnesota. Details on the
Graphical Family Tree.
- In the SPA microfilms: Carmine's Aunt (the sister of
Maria Rebecca
born 3 Mar 1841
m: Lucia
- In the SPA microfilms: Carmine's mother:
Costanza Carlino
born 18 Sep 1847
m: Angela
della Croce
Found on Ellis Island
record, 31 Mar 1909 going to Chicago, IL. She
is in my GED file (but not related to me).
- In the SPA microfilms. the marriage of Sabatino
marriage 14 May 1864
Sabatino Acqufondata, 22y
m: Lucia
Costanza Carlino, 17y
m: Angela
della Croce
- Grandparents of Sabatino:
Sabatino Acquafondata
born ~1791
died 10 Sep 1819
Rosa Quaranta
born ~1794
- Great Grandparents of Sabatino:
Antonio Acquafondata
Concetta Angelone
- In the 1900 US Census - Carmine and his father, Sabatino:
Elko, NV, Tacoma
Sam Fondata, 55y, born 1844, immigrated
1883, RR
Section Laborer
Carmine Fondata, son, 21y, born 1878,
1898, RR Section Laborer
- In the Ellis Island Record for the family of Sabatino
Acquafondata: 1905,
going to Chicago, to son-in-law Vincenzo Iannacchione (who married
Lucia Acquafondata, Sabatino's daughter).
Costanza Acquafondata: 1909, 61y, going
to Chicago,
refers to 4
children there.
Maria Rosa Acquafondata: 1903, 34y,
widow, going to
traveling with daughter Liberata diSanza, 12y.
Lucia Acquafondata: 1899, 27y, traveling
husband, Vincenzo Iannacchione.
Vincenzo Iannacchione: 1899, 32y, traveled with
Lucia Acquafondata.
- In the Data Banks records, the father of Carmine:
Sabatino : 1883
arrived in New York (This date matches the information in the 1900
Census record from Elko.)
- In the Ellis Island records, there are about a dozen other
Acquafondata's from SPA. They are all cousins of Carmine.
- Guess: there were two other Acquafondata families having
children in the early 1800's: Benedetto
(~1790) and Vincenzo (~1779). From what I can tell,
there was only one Acquafondata family line so I think these men
were brothers of Sabatino (~1791). I could not find
death record to
verify their parents. Sabatino did have two sisters, Florenza
(~1785-1817) and Domenica (~1795-1868 who married a Colarosa).
- Giovanni ( ~1786-1839), Alba Maria (~1792-1874) and Leonara
(~1790-1860) Acquafondata were siblings. Their parents were Giuseppe
and Anna
Maria Giacomo (diGiacomo). Leonara is my 3GGM. You
can find
her family on my family tree.
They are
related to Carmine, that I can find.
- In the SPA microfilms, during the period around 1860 to
there were only five Acquafondata families having children. They were
Carmine's parents (Sabatino and Costanza Carlino) and the four
brothers; Felice, Amico, Carmine and Pasquale (sons of Giuseppe
Letizia Frazzino). The families of the four brothers ended up
in St. Louis County, MN and
in Pittsburgh, PA.
Details on the Acquafondata
Graphical Family Tree. Here is a
story about Emiddio Acquafondata, son of Amico.
- Observations:
- Carmine's daughter, Constance, was named after her
grandmother, Costanza Carlino.
- Carmine's son, Mike's middle name, Sabatino, was from his
grandfather and great-great-grandfather, both named Sabatino
- Carmine's daughter, Carmela's middle name, Lucia, was
her great grandmother Lucia Colaizzi.
- Carmine's son, Tony's name, Antonio Paolo, was from his
grandfather, Paolantonio Acquafondata.
- Carmine's father, Sabatino, was named for his
- Carmine's father, Sabatino, came to the US via Ellis Island
1905 (but this must have been his second or third trip to the
- Carmine's aunt, Lucia Acquafondata (who married Vincenzo
Iannacchione) came to the US in 1899 with her husband.
- Carmine's aunt Maria Rosa Acquafondata (widowed from a
came to the US (Chicago) with her daughter Liberata (12y) in 1903.
In the census and SSDI searches, I used these names: Acquafondata,
Fondata, Fondi, Fondy, Fundy and Fondie.
This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio
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Frazzini HOME
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