Frazzini | Emiliano Frazzini | Lucrezia Carlini | Benilda Frazzini | DiVecchia | Site Home |
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![]() Written by Mr. Eugenio Jannone, Avv.
(Avvocato is a Lawyer)
Reale Stabilimento POLIGRAFICA F. SALVATI Foligno 1932 - X |
Dedication: To the scacred memory of my
Parents. |
Capitolo 1: Ipotesi sulla origine
di S. Pietro Avellana
on the origin of S. Pietro Avellana)
Translated by Lorry Labate. |
Capitolo 2: Fondazione del
Monastero e del Castello di S.
Pietro Avellana - Vicende storiche dal 1026 al 1456 (Founding of the
Monastery and the Castle of S. Pietro Avellana - Historical Events from
1026 to 1456)
Translated by Lorry Labate. |
Capitolo 3 Distruzione e
riedificazione di S. Pietro Avellana
and Rebuilding of S. Pietro Avellana) Portion of this chapter
translated by Franklin Smith. |
Capitolo 4 Di vari giudizi sostenuti dall'Universita di S.
Pietro Avellana - Notizie sugli ordinamenti amministrativi
opinions supported by the University on S. Pietro
Avellana - Routine News) Images Only |
Capitolo 5: Avvenimenti dal 1530 al 1860 -
Abolizione della feudalita - Rinascita di S. Pietro Avellana (Events
from 1530 to 1860 - Abolition of the Feudal States -
Rebirth of S. Pietro Avellana) Images Only |
Capitolo 6: Vicende
dal 1860 al 1914 (Events
1860 to 1914)
Translated by Lorry Labate. |
Capitolo 7: S. Pietro Avellana dal 1915 al 1931
Pietro Avellana from 1915 to 1931) Images
Only |
Capitolo 8: Usi e costumi di S. Pietro Avellana
and customs of S. Pietro Avellana) Images
Only |
Capitolo 9: Notizie varie (Various Other News) |
In Feburary of 2005, I received these emails from the son of Eugenio Jannone:
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:17:47 +0100
From: aldo <>
Subject: Historical News and Anecdotes from San Pietro Avellana
Hi Mark,
I saw your internet pages about Historical News and Anecdotes from San Pietro Avellana and I was a bit suprised to find it online, because I am the son of Eugenio Jannone and was a little strange viewing this book published on line by an American. Viewing the rest of the site I understood that your origin are from San Pietro and if you are interested I have another book about popular San Pietro's tales (also written by my father) and a late rewritten version (I own only a one copy) of the book you alredy own. If you want, I can send you a original copy of the first book and a fotocopied version of the second.
Greetings from Italy
Aldo Iannone
Thank you for your email. I am excited to hear from you, the son of Eugenio Iannone. The book that your father wrote is the only history of San Pietro that I have ever seen. We are working to translate it into English so we can make it available to all the Italian decendents who live outside of Italy. Do you know if it has ever been translated into English?
I appreciate your offer for the book and for the copy of the other book. I will be happy to send you some money to pay for the costs
of copying and postage.
I have many questions that I would like to ask you about SPA and about some of the photos that I have seen. Would it be alright to send you questions which you can answer as you find time?
It is my pleasure to meet you.
Mark DiVecchio
hi mark,
this morning i sent the books i told you in my previous email. It's a pleasure for me know that people originating from San Pietro are still interested to their land. Concerning about your intention to ask me question about San Pietro feel free to ask what you want.. i'll be glad to answer if i know or still remember answers because i'm not living in San Pietro but in a town near it and i know only things my father told me. If it's possible i prefer to write in italian (or french) (if you know it) because i do not understand english and at present my son is translating my emails. If it's not possbile don't worry about it.. he will continue do it.
I saw in your site it's reported the Di Sanza - D'Alena genialogy.. it could be a nice thing inform you that my mother was last named Di Sanza.
ps. don't worry about costs, it was a pleasure.
greetings from italy
aldo iannone
We can converse in Italian. I have a computer program which helps me with the translation. The translations are good. This email is translated using that computer program.
Can you understand what I write with the computer translation? I will also send the English. Your son may translate some sections if necessary. In my writing, SPA = San Pietro Avellana.
My address is correct. Thank you for sending the books.
I have many questions for you.
I have a photograph which I call the "SPA Militia":
Your father is standing next to the school teacher Giacomo Scocchera.
Scocchera was the school teacher for my mother, Benilda Frazzini, when she was a child in SPA about the year 1920.
I have two copies of that photo, one I scanned at the Museo in SPA and the other I received from Franklin Smith, here in the USA. Franklin is the great grandson of Prospero Frazzini (born in SPA).
Can you tell me about that photograph? When was it taken? Is it military?
I received an email from Amico Mariani, his father is in the photo - Adamo Mariani.
I have seen other references to Gennaro Jannone in the history book. Is he your grandfather?
My cousin Giuliano Colajanni lives in Roma but has a house in SPA. His mother, Licia diTella, was born there and still lives there. Giuliano is working on the Museo web site with Attilio diSanza.
I hope someday to be able to help the Museo in SPA to have some signs in English for the visitors.
Many thanks,
------------------------Computer Translated-------------------------------
Noi possiamo conversare in italiano. Ho un computer programma che mi aiuta con la traduzione. Il traduzioni sono buone. Questo e-mail è tradotto usando quel programma di computer.
Puoi capire quello che io scrivo con la traduzione di computer? Io spedirò anche gli inglesi. Tuo figlio può tradurre delle sezioni se necessario.
Nella mia scrittura, SPA = San Pietro Avellana.
Il mio indirizzo ha ragione. Grazie per spedire i libri.
Ho molte domande per te.
Ho una fotografia che io chiamo la "SPA Militia" - "SPA Milizia":
Tuo padre sta stando in piedi seguente alla scuola insegnante Giacomo Scocchera.
Scocchera era l'insegnante di scuola per mia madre, Benilda Frazzini, quando lei era un bambino in SPA circa l'anno 1920.
Ho due copie di quella fotografia, uno che io ho analizzato al Museo in SPA e l'altro io ricevetti da Franklin Smith, qui negli Stati Uniti. Franklin è il grande nipote di Prospero Frazzini (nato in SPA).
Puoi dirmi su quella fotografia? Quando era esso preso? È militare?
Io ricevetti un e-mail da Amico Mariani, suo padre è nella fotografia - Adamo Mariani.
Io visto le altre referenze a Gennaro Jannone nel libro di storia. È tuo nonno?
Il mio cugino Giuliano Colajanni vive in Roma ma ha una casa in SPA. Sua madre, Licia diTella nacque là ed ancora vive là. Giuliano sta lavorando sul sito web di Museo con Attilio diSanza.
Io spero un giorno o l'altro di essere capace aiutare il Museo in SPA per avere dei segnali in inglesi per i visitatori.
Molti ringraziano,
mi fa piacere che possiamo corrispondere in italiano per mezzo del tuo programma che fa una traduzione che si può capire. Mi chiedi di Gennaro Jannone, era fratello di mio padre ed ha fatto il medico in SPA da circa il 1910 fino alla metà degli anni cinquanta, quando si è trasferito a Roma, tornando, però, ogni estate a SPA fino all'anno della sua morte nel 1972.
Prima di lui suo padre è stato medico in SPA e prima di suo padre Giuseppe suo nonno Michelangelo. I miei antenati sono stati medici in SPA dal 1792 anno in cui si sono trasferiti in quel paese. Conosco molto bene tuo cugino Giuliano e suo fratello Mauro con cui ho studiato il primo anno di università nel 1961; conosco bene anche Attilio Di Sanza ed i suoi fratelli, con lui siamo parenti per via di mia madre che faceva di conome Di Sanza.
Io torno spesso in SPA anche se dopo la guerra non abbiamo ricostruto la casa dei miei avi il cui terreno si trova appena prima della casa di Giuliano in SPA.
La foto di cui mi chiedi deve essere stata scattata fra il 1931 e il 1933.
Mi chiedi se mio padre era militare, era ufficiale superiore della Milizia ed è stato giudice del Tribunale per la sicurezza nazionale. Dopo la guerra ha fatto l'avvocato.La versione fotocopiata del libro su SPA
è stata scritta da lui quando già era molto anziano (aveva più di 80 anni) ed è stata pubblicata dalla Provincia di Isernia.
------------------------Computer Translated-------------------------------
I'm happy that we can correspond in Italian with the help of the translation program you mentioned. You asked me about Gennaro Jannone, he was the brother of my father and was a doctor in SPA from around 1910 to the mid 1950's when he moved to Roma, but returned to SPA every year until his death in 1972.
Before him, his father, Giuseppe, was a doctor in SPA and before that, his grandfather, Michelangelo. My ancestors were doctors in SPA since 1792 when then moved into the town. I know very well, Giuliano and his brother Mauro who I studied with in the university in 1961. I also know Attilio diSanza and this brothers because they are relatives of my mother whose family name was diSanza.
I often return to SPA even after the war but we did not rebuild our ancestral house. Their land was nearby to Giuilano's house in SPA.
The photo you asked about was taken about 1931 to 1933.
You asked about my father and the military. He was an officer in the Militia and he was also a judge of the Tribunal of National Security. After the war he was a lawyer.
The photocopied book about SPA that I sent was written by him when he was very old (over 80 years) and was published by the Province of Isernia.
Good morning from San Diego.
How were the last weeks in Italy? We watched the news on the death and funeral of Pope John-Paul II. Did you attend the funeral? The crowds were very large.
I received the two books. Thank you very much. I showed them to my cousin, Giovanni "Nino" Carlini. (born in Carovilli but his father was born in SPA. He is known in SPA as "Giu-Uannin ru Mulnar").
He was surprised to see books about SPA. He is now reading the books. When he is finished, he will explain to me the meaning of each chapter. I am studying Italian, so someday, I hope I can read the books.
When I visited the SPA cemetery, I saw the tomb of your uncle Gennaro Jannone.
Did you know the schoolteacher, Giacomo Scocchera? I have two photos of him.
Photo N.1, with your father, which you said was taken about 1931-1933. Photo N.2, with my mother, Benilda Frazzini. In Photo N.2, my mother (born in 1912), looks like she is about 10 years old. So Photo N.2 was taken about 1922-1923. My mother came to the US in 1926. But, to me, Giacomo Scocchera looks the same in both N.1 and N.2 photos. So, maybe, these two photos were taken at the same time?
What do you think?
What year was your father born? How old is he in the photo N.1?
------------------------Computer Translated-------------------------------
Buona mattina da San Diego.
Come erano le ultime settimane in Italia? Noi guardammo il notizie sulla morte e funerale di Papa John-Paul II. Frequentasti il funerale? Le folle erano molte grande.
Io ricevetti i due libri. Grazie mille. Io li mostrai a mio cugino, Giovanni "Nino" Carlini.(nato in Carovilli ma suo padre nacque in SPA. Lui è conosciuto in SPA come ru di "Giu-Uannin Mulnar").
Lui fu sorpreso per vedere libri su SPA. Lui è ora leggendo i libri. Quando lui è finito, lui spiegherà a me il significato di ognuno capitolo. Io sto studiando italiano, così un giorno o l'altro che io spero che io posso leggere i libri.
Quando io visitai il cimitero di SPA, io vidi la tomba del tuo zio Gennaro Jannone.
Conoscesti l'insegnante, Giacomo Scocchera? Io ho due fotografie di lui.
Fotografia N.1, con tuo padre che tu dicesti fu preso approssimativamente 1931-1933. Fotografia N.2, con mia madre Benilda Frazzini. In Fotografia N.2, mia madre (nato nel 1912), guarda come lei è 10 anni vecchia verso. Quindi Fotografia che N.2 è stato preso approssimativamente 1922-1923. Mia madre venne a Stati Uniti nel 1926. Ma, a me, Giacomo Scocchera sembra lo stesso in le fotografie N.1 e di N.2. Quindi, forse, queste due fotografie furono prese al stesso tempo?
Cosa pensi?
Che anno tuo padre nacque? Come vecchio è lui nella fotografia N.1?
15 Apr 2005
ho aperto questa mattina la posta ed ho trovato la tua mail. Mi fa piacere che tu abbia ricevuto i libri, che vedo hanno impiegato molto tempo per arrivare.
Io non ho conosciuto Giacomo Scocchera perche sono nato nel 1942, ma ti posso confermare che la foto della Milizia risale al periodo che ti ho detto.
Mio padre era nato nel 1891 e, quindi all'epoca della foto aveva intorno ai 40 anni.
Nella mia mail precedente ho dimenticato di dirti che Gennaro Jannone a cui si fa riferimento nel libro non e lo zio di cui ti ho parlato ma il mio bisnonno (il nonno di mio padre) che era anche lui medico in SPA.
Non sono stato ai funerali del Papa perche era quasi impossibile arrivare a Roma per il traffico.
Qui negli ultimi giorni e quasi tornato l'inverno, ma, ormai, siamo in avanti con la stagione ed il bel tempo non tardare.
Ti saluto
------------------------Computer Translated-------------------------------
I opened the mail this morning and I have found your e-mail. I'm glad that you have received the books, and I see they took quite a while to arrive.
I did not know Giacomo Scoccherà because I was born in 1942, but I can confirm that the photo of the Militia does date from the period that I have told you.
My father was born in 1891 and, therefore, the epoch of the photo you have is around the 40 years.
In my preceding e-mail I had forgotten to tell you that the Gennaro Jannone to which he makes reference in the book is not my uncle of whom I have spoken to you, but my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) who was also a physician in SPA.
I did not go to the funeral of the Pope because it was almost impossible to go to Rome for the traffic.
Here in the last few days, winter almost returned, but, by now, we are moving along with the season and the beautiful weather will not be delayed.
Another set of email from the granddaughter of Iannone:
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:22:57 +0100
From: Paola Iannone <>
Subject: about S Pietro Avellana
Dear Mark,
I was doing some web search for work and I was amazed to find out that you are translating my grandfather's book about the history of S Pietro Avellana. I am Eugenio Iannone's niece and I see you have been talking to my uncle, Aldo Iannone. I am the daughter of his brother Augusto.
Unfortunately I am not able to add anything to the story of S Pietro Avellana. I was born in Rome and there I lived with my family until I moved to the UK 16 years ago, but if you want I could give a hand with the translation as I can master English and Italian pretty well by now!
It is very interesting for me too see that people are still interested in the history of such a small place!
Let me know how you are getting on,
Best wishes
Dr Paola Iannone
School of Education and Lifelong Learning
University of East Anglia
Phone: [uk] 01603 591007
======================================Cara Paola.
Thanks for the email.
Until about two years ago, I did not know about your grandfather's book. A cousin who lives in Nevada, Lorry Labate, told me of the copy that he had. He started to translate parts of it. He sent me the book and I scanned it. He was born in the US but his parents were born in Italy and spoke Italian at home. So he speaks both languages.
My parents were born in Italy but came to the US as children. By the time I was born, English was all that was spoken.
Lorry tells me the book is written in a style, common to books, which uses a lot of words that are not used in normal communication. He said that he had a lot of trouble with some of the words and there were some that he was never able to translate.
I had hoped to help by scanning the document and then running each page through an OCR program (that knows Italian). And then running it through a translation program into English. Then clean it up manually.
My progress has been very slow.
You can see from the web page that four of the chapters have been translated.Chapters 5 and 7 would be the next ones to be done as they might be of the most interest.
I never turn down offers of help in doing the translation. I would be happy to send you a CD containing the complete scanned book (I have returned the original
to Lorry).
I did send a few emails to your Uncle Aldo. For his first emails, he had his son translate his words into English. After that, I used my computer program to translate both ways. That is usually good enough to get the idea across but the translation has very poor grammar.
Aldo told me about his father, Eugenio, and his uncle, Gennaro.
He also sent me two other small books about SPA but they, too, were in Italian. (I am taking Italian classes but its going to be a long time before I can do any translation.)
Since I started my web page about SPA, I have found many people on-line whose ancestors are from that town. It is fun.
MarkCaro Mark,
yes, this is fun! I have never read my grandfather's book, but looking at the translations you put on the web I realize that I am in fact familiar with the writing style he had, probably because he lived with my parents, my brother and myself until I was 15, and I remember very well his way of speaking and writing.
If you don't mind sending me the CD with the book I can try and see what I can make of the translation of the chapters missing. It might be a little slow, I am quite overworked at the moment, but I would like to try.
You could send it to my work address below, it might be easier, and I will let you know when it gets here.
In the meantime, I will keep looking at your web site!
Take care
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