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Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:45:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Justine Petracci <medsrme ![]() Subject: ciao!! Mark, Hope this letter finds you well. I recently posted a reply on italyworldclub's website to inform you of my grandparent's birthdays. I'm not sure if we're relatives or not, it's just neat to hear from someone who's family is from the SAME little village. Have a great week Justine Petracci |
Justine, Thanks. I saw that. I looked in my microfilm index and there is an Anna Luisa born in 1896. When I get back from my visit to my parents, I will check the actual record and see if I can find ages of her parents. That could lead back another generation or two. Mark |
To: Justine Petracci <medsrme![]() Subject: Frazzini Genealogy Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 18:18:29 -0700 Justine, We traded emails in 2003 about the Frazzini's in Youngstown. I've found some more info about your family, but we are still not related. Mark |
Hi Mark! It's so great to hear from you again. I saw your pics from SPA. How beautiful. Congrats on the marriage. Almost one year now. I'm getting married this August! :) I cannot believe that we're not related. How do you think this could be? Keep me posted. Justine Petracci |
Justine, Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I've been going back over my notes and I found your emails from a while back. I've spent a lot of time in the Morman Church Family History Center here in San Diego and I've been taking a lot of notes on each Frazzini that I've found. I looked for your grandmother, Anna Frazzini born on 2 Jun 1896 and I've been able to trace her back 4 more generations into the 1700's. Anna father: Domenico born 1866, mother Filippina Frazzini born 1875 grandfather: Davide born 1838, grandmother: Berardina diIullo born 1839 great GF: Caramuele born 1815, G GM: Luisa diCianno born 1815 2G GF: Luca, 2G GM Anna d'Alicandri Even back that far, we are not related. If you don't have the details on these ancestors, I'll be happy to send it to you. I've also found some uncles and aunts. Mark |
Mark, What great information you've collected! I do not have that information. I would love to share it with my mother. It means the world to me that you've taken the time to do all of this research. I love following any new updates that you have to share. Although we don't seem to be related, it is just great that our paths have crossed. What are the chances that our families would be from the same small town with the same last name and not be related? Oh, another intriguing bit of info is that my grandfather, Antonio Gentile who married Anna Frazzini worked on the railroads in Ely, Nevada. I'll keep you posted with any new info that I come accross. Justine |
From: Mark DiVecchio To: Justine Petracci Subject: Re: Frazzini Genealogy Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:41:25 -0700 Justine (with CC: to Ron, Gene, and Wendy), I've found that I save a lot of time by writing down each Frazzini that I find as I search the records for "my" ancentors. This has helped a lot because I don't have to go back over the records again. So my notes contain all the Frazzini's back to 1809. I can ususally go through the records and find other Frazzini's whenever I get an email from someone. This information is from the microfilmed birth records from SPA. A note about the family name: generally before about 1860, the name was spelled Frazzino. After about 1860 it was Frazzini. But before and after I've seen the name spelled both ways - so this was a gradual change but I don't know why it occured. [my codes: f: father,
??: means some data is missing from my notes.]m: mother, gf: grandfather, gm: grandmother, G gf: great grandfather, GG gm: great great grandmother, XXy: age in years, XXm: age in months, notation: a handwritten notation which accompanied the record, (sp?): handwriting hard to read so I tried my best, I've put all of this on my Frazzini Graphical Tree Part 4: So this makes you relatives with Ron Frazzini, John D. Frazzini, and Wendy Frazzini McFarland, all of whom we have been in contact with. Also descendent from him is Antonio Matteo Frazzini, the father of Cassio Frazzini, the one time fire chief of Denver, but we haven't found any of his descendents yet. Gene, could you forward this to John D. Frazzini or any of his cousins that might be interested. Justine, since I just found out that my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, spent some time in Youngstown, I'm on the lookout for other photos or information about his time there. Newly found 1917 photo at: |
Mark/Rob, Hello from South Carolina. Thanks for CCing me on those emails, Mark. I will help to fill in the gaps however I can. Luckily, I'm getting married on Friday and my mother is in town so we can ask her questions. Labate is definitely a name that my family knows. paesanos. I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio (northeast OH) about 45 minutes from Steubenville. My grandfather was Antonio Gentile married to Anna Frazzini Gentile. I'll ask my mother what she knows and we'll go from there. Please excuse me if any of my replies are tardy.....big day 8/5/05.... Keep in touch. Justine |
Congratulations!!!!! Mark |
![]() Back of photo of Lucia Frazzini "My mother's sister, Lucia" - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() 1942 Lucia Frazzini Sister to Anna, Marietta, Berardina, Filiberta? Lucia married Domenico diIullo. |
![]() Lucia Frazzini married Domenico Di Iullo had two children Peppino and Filomena |
![]() Lucia is Justine's grand Aunt. |
![]() 1943 Filiberto Frazzini and Santina Petrilla |
![]() Question - who is Filiberto? |
![]() 1946 Elmiro Petrilla and Linda Carratelli Linda is the daughter of Marietta Frazzini Carratelli. |
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![]() 1947 The Gentile Family. They lived at 343 Euclid Ave, Youngstown, Ohio Antonio (59), Anna (49), Elfio (27), Elda (15), Eva (13), Carl (10), Dina (6) Question - who is standing on the porch? |
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![]() 1950 Antonio Gentile and Anna Luisa Frazzini "Dad, Mom" - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() 1958 Dina Marie Gentile (Petracci) |
![]() Antonio Gentile and Anna Luisa Frazzini |
![]() Anna Frazzini Gentile, Mary Saulino, Concetta "Mom, Mary & Concetta" - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() Anna Frazzini Gentile "Mother" - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() Anna Petrilla, Pittsburgh, PA (date unknown) Daughter of Linda and Elmiro Petrilla. Linda and Elmiro also had a son, Chris or Crescenzo. Linda Petrilla was the daughter of Marietta Frazzini Carratelli |
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![]() Domenico Di Iullo husband of Lucia Frazzini.jpg |
![]() Question - Who are Orente, Filiberto and Alberto? Filiberto might be Filiberto Frazzini shown in wedding photo above. Alberto might be Alberto Carratelli shown in wedding photo below. "Our Mom's Brothers-in-law" - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() Mark's poor translation: To the family of Anna and Antonio Gentile and family. Greetings from your aunt and uncle, Giulia and Francesco Settefrati. Goodby and best wishes. |
![]() Giulia and Francesco Settefrati Marks' note: Giulia is Giulia Teresa Frazzini, daughter of Giacinto Frazzini and Speranza della Croce. From what I have in my GED file, Giulia was the sister of Anna's mother Filippina. |
![]() Marietta Frazzini Carratelli with grandson |
![]() Mark's poor translation: "This child is the first son of Alberto." |
![]() Marietta Frazzini Carratelli with her grandchildren, Giuseppe and Maria. |
![]() ... here are the children of Alberto. |
![]() Mary Carratelli, daughter of Marietta Frazzini Carratelli. |
![]() Unknown |
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![]() Alberto and Rosina Carratelli, Alberto is the son of Marietta Frazzini Carratelli. |
![]() SPA After the War |
![]() "Uncle Domenic sent this - Its a picture of Kindergarten". - Dina Marie Gentile Petracci |
![]() SPA Elementary School |
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 15:11:36 -0800 (PST) From: Justine Lawson Subject: Questions about trip to SPA Hi Mark, I hope you and Sally are doing well. My husband and I are planning a trip to Italy this May/June. We are planning on going to SPA and have a few questions for you.How long did you stay in SPA and where did you stay? We are hoping that you can share any tips and insight regarding Molise/So. Italy/ Campobasso. Thanks!!!! Have a great weekend! Rain all day here in Little Italy.Ciao! Justine |
Mark, Here is a link to some photos of our trip to SPA. I wasn't able to tag the photos so I'll provide info on their names. We met Irma Tonti Colaianni. Her mother was Berardina Frazzini. Irma Tonti married Ugo Colaianni. She is the lady in the blue sweater. We are making cookies together. They own a store in SPA where they make bread and cookies and sells various items. In one photo, we are at her house. Her mother in law is sitting in a chair and her son, Antonio Colaianni and Chris (my husband) are sitting on the couch. Irma and Ugo's daughter, Cinzia, wasn't present. Also present in the photos is Ugo's sister, Gemma Colaianni. Next, we met up with Antonio Carratelli and his wife, Giuseppina and his daughter Sabrina (they have another daughter, Rosina who wasn't presnent) and the grandmother, Rosina. Also present is Giuseppe Carratelli (Antonio's brother). Irma's mother and Antonio and Giuseppe's mother were sisters who were also sisters with my grandmother, Anna Frazzini. Giuseppe proudly showed us a carving into a rock that he did. It is located on a bluff overlooking the town. In one photo you see Sabrina holding a baby. That is her cousin. She is with her Aunt and grandmother (Giuseppina's sister and mother) along with her father. We visited the museum and the little church in the woods. Enjoy! |
From: "JAMES J TANIN" <jj.tanin![]() Subject: San Pietro Avellana Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 23:15:57 -0400 I found your History of San Piero Avellana while "surfing" the internet late one evening. I am very excited to have found your site. I have always been interested in the history of SPA. My father, Domenico Pisicitani, came from SPA. His father, my grandfather, Orlando Pisciani brought him to America in 1905. I still have a cousin and aunt in SPA My aunt Giacinta Piscitani and her son, my cousin, Ugo Colaianni, have a store and bakery (Alimentari Forno) on the main street in SPA. I visited there in 1994 but unfortuniately I have not kept in touch with them. I have included some photos. The first shows the front of the store, the second phot shows me in the blue shirt with my cousin Ugo in front of the bakery oven. In the third photo is a photo of the family and some friends, Ugo standing his wife Irma in the blue dress and my aunt Giacinta on the extreme right. In the fourth picture is is my aunt and Irma. In the last entry of your article, Ugo and Irma were mntioned. When I read the names on your lists, I remember many of them. Many of these people settled in the Youngstown, Ohio area. I am a little disappointed not to see my Father's/Grand father's name on any of the lists. I hope to hear from you and will send along other information and photos when I look thru my collection. James Tanin (Piscitani) Andover, MA. |
![]() 1994 The first shows the front of the store. |
![]() 1994 The second phot shows me in the blue shirt with my cousin Ugo in front of the bakery oven. |
![]() 1994In the third photo is a photo of the family and some friends, Ugo standing his wife Irma in the blue dress and my aunt Giacinta on the extreme right. |
![]() 1994 In the fourth picture is is my aunt and Irma. In the last entry of your article, Ugo and Irma were mentioned. |
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James, Thanks for your email. First, I've copied Justine Petracci Lawson on this email. She was in SPA last year and met many of your cousins. Your grandfather, Orlando Piscitani, and my grandfather were both naturalized in Trinidad, CO in October of 1904. Maybe a dozen or more men from SPA were naturalized over the course of a few days there. I've attached two files from my data base showing what I know of the Piscitani family. I believe the data in my data base is correct but I'm always interested in corrections and updates. I'd be particularly interested if you know if Orlando moved back to SPA and the circumstances if he did. When I was searching at the Colorado Archives in Denver, I found a letter about him stating that he lost his citizenship. I have a lot of documents about Orlando that I can email you if you are interested. ciao. Mark |
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 23:19:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Justine Lawson <medsrme ![]() Subject: Re: (Fwd) San Pietro Avellana Ciao Mark, WOW! I am so glad that Mr. Tanin stumbled across your website. Here's one photo (see two attachments of front and back) that I didn't share with you b/c I believed it to be from my grandfather, Antonio Gentile's side. It is of Amadeo and Maria Piscitani. I wonder if Mr. Tanin knows those names? My mother wrote on the back of the photo that they are Lena Piscitani's parents. This is amazing and a bit confusing! Keep me posted.Grazie mille! Justine [Mark's note: read below - they are actually Amadeo and Maria Tonti.] |
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Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:46:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Justine Lawson <medsrme ![]() Subject: Re: San Pietro Avellana Ciao Mark, I have just been in touch with Cinzia Colaianni. She is the daughter of Ugo and Irma Colaianni and grandaughter of Giacinta Piscitani. She stated that her grandparents, Giuseppe and Berardina (Frazzini) Tonti had six children. The oldest two were Giovanni and Emilio plus her mother, Irma. I still have to get the other 3 names. I sent her the photo of her that Mr. Tanin took in 1994. Sooner or later nearly everyone in SPA will know how they are related thanks to your efforts! Grazie mille! Justine |
From: "James Tanin" Subject: RE: San Pietro Avellana Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 20:09:15 -0400 Mark, I hope you don't mind if I ask you a lot of questions about my relations in SPA. Now I have a lot of time since retiring in December and have become very interested in learning more my fathers's people. In the attached document, the mother of Ugo Colaianni is not listed Ugo's mother (Giacinta Piscitani) is my father's sister. |
From: "James Tanin" Subject: RE: (Fwd) Re: (Fwd) San Pietro Avellana Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:07:31 -0400 Mark, I showed the picture, that Justine sent, to my mother. She vaguely remembers them. She says they are Lena Tonti's parents. Lena married my father's brother Felice. Felice and Lena lived in Youngstown Ohio when they came from italy. Attached is a photo for Justine. This is a photo of my Grandfather Orlando Piscitani and my Grandmother Everina Colavecchia. Standing on the left side is my uncle Louie who married Joanne Tonti. Louie and Joanne are still alive and living in Youngstown, Ohio. On the right side is my uncle Felice who married Lena Tonti. They lived in Youngstown also and have passed away but I don't remember when. I left Youngstown in 1972 and have lost track of the people there. I'm not sure of the identity of the young boy and girl in the photo. My grandmother had another boy, Mario who died when he was 14 yrs old. The girl could be my aunt Giacinta. Giacinta is Ugo Colaianni's mother. My mother just told me thet my grandfather Orlando was not from SPA but from Castel di Sangro a town near SPA. I looked in the Italian telephone directory and there is a Domenico Piscitani still living in Castel di Sangro. This is in the Provence of Abruzzi and I think it will require a separate ancestry search. I hope this is of interest to you and Justine Grazie Millie. Jim |
![]() 1950 ca Orlando Piscitani and Everina Colavecchia |
Jim, Thanks for the photo. I've forwarded the email to Justine. Do you know where and when the photo was taken? I'm confused now. Does your mother's comment mean that the photo that Justine sent was of Amadeo Tonti, father of Lena Tonti, rather than Amadeo Piscitani? ciao Mark |
From: "James Tanin" Subject: RE: (Fwd) Re: (Fwd) San Pietro Avellana Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 20:41:53 -0400 Ciao Mark, The photo was taken in the early 1950's. I'm trying to find out a better date of the photo. The photo was taken in SPA. The comments on the back of Justine's photo were confusing to me also. I believe that you are correct, Lena's Father would be Tonti I didn't know his first name. My father didn't have a brother Amadeo that he ever mentioned. Grazie Millie Jim |
Jim, Do you know if Orlando moved back to Italy? Did he die in the US? What about Everina? Did she ever come to the US? ciao. Mark |
From: "James Tanin" Subject: RE: (Fwd) Re: (Fwd) San Pietro Avellana Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 20:44:20 -0400 Mark, My mother told me that Everina did come to the US And lived in Colorado when she was here. She did not like it here and when she got sick she and the children went back to SPA. Orlando also went back shortly thereafter. Orlando came back in 1923 and brought my father Domenico (14 yrs old) with him. Orlando went back to SPA and left my father in or around the Youngstown Ohio area. Orlando died in SPA, I don't know the date. |
Jim, That fits in with the letter that I found in a file at the Colorado State Archives. The letter, which was attached to Orlando's naturalization papers, stated that his citizenship was being revoked. The letter did not state explicitly why but returning to Italy was a common reason I found for others. That letter is dated 17 Jun 1955. ciao. Mark |
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 16:52:50 -0800 (PST) From: Julie Kochanowski <luje35 ![]() Subject: Tracing family heritage I found your website Dear: Mr. DiVecchio While tracing my ancestory I stumbled upon your geneology web site that you developed,. My grandfather was Violante D'Achille(San Pietro Avellana, Campobasso, Italy) and my grandmother was Rose Anthony D'Achille (Beaver Falls, PA). My father is Guliano D'Achille (Beaver Falls, PA) and my mother was Dorothy Davis D'Achille. I am not sure where the ancestory begins, I found your website to be very interesting with family heritage. Feel free to contact me at this email address. Julie A. (D'Achille) Kochanowski |
Julie, I knew your family. But I was just a child and I don't remember many details. Violante and Rose lived in half of a duplex on 11st in Beaver Falls. My grandmother, Lucrezia Carlini Frazzini, my mother, Benilda, and uncle, Paul, lived in the other half. Did you see the photo of Rose and son Larry on my Unknowns page? (They were unknowns until I got some help identifying them.) I have a couple of more things that I'll send in the next email. ciao. Mark |
Dear: Mr. DiVecchio, I am so excited that you sent the information on my grandparents. I did speak with my father and he stated that he remembers your family well. My grandparents did move from Beaver Falls and bought a home on Wise's Grove Rd. in New Brighton. I have my grandparents wedding photo that I will send to you. I need to speak to my father to make sure the identification is correct of the people in the wedding party. Attached is the last photo of my mother and father together, it was taken on Oct 31, 2009 on my parents 50th wedding anniversary. My father loves photography and has many slides and film of the Italian family and friends from Beaver Falls. I will need to go through them with him and see if he has any old photographs of your family. I did come across photos of Maxine and Paul Frazzini...Maxine is a good friend of my Aunt Rose and Uncle Larry. I knew about your Uncle Paul's passing. Paul and Maxine lived in Patterson Twp. where I grew up. They were always together at family outings with my Uncle Larry and Rose. I will speak to my dad about my grandmother's birthplace...I don't know much about her side of the family. I knew that her mother lived in Beaver Falls until a ripe old age of 101. With much appreciation and thanks, Julie |
![]() 1930 Wedding picture of my grandparents Violante and Rose D'Achille Best man~Richard Pullinger(American name) Not sure of his Italian name (Guliano's godfather) Maid of honor~Lena DiMuzio (Guliano's godmother) Dear Mark
Attached is a wedding picture of my grandparents Violante and Rose
There is not much information on my grandmother Rose. My father stated that
his mother was born in Beaver Falls and her father died at a young age, my
father never got to meet his grandfather. My Aunt Rose stated that my
grandmother never had her birth certificate and had to find some other
documentation to prove who she was. This information is all new to me about the
birth certificate. She could of been born in NY then transience to Beaver Falls
with her parents?
Rose's mother was Anna Anthony (Beaver Falls)
Rose's siblings:
Joe Anthony
Nick Anthony
Mary(Anthony)Gratteri, she divorced and never remarried
I hope this information helps you,
![]() Guliano D'Achille-confirmation St. Mary's Catholic Church Beaver Falls, PA |
![]() Guliano D'Achille-graduate of Beaver Falls High School 1950 |
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 16:47:57 -0800 (PST) From: Julie Kochanowski Subject: Stories Mark, I was chatting with my dad on the phone last night and he was reminiscing about 11th St. and the people. Your grandmother Frazzini was a midwife of the 11th St families, she used to buy salami cord from Joe DeMaria's grocery store to tie off the umbilical cords of the babies. My great-grandfather Charles Anthony was killed in a accident in the boiler room by a exploding boiler while working at Armstrong Cork Works on 26th St. In the early 30's my grandfather went to Argentina for work because of the economic depression. He came to US as an illegal immigrant and was deported back to Italy when my dad was between 2-3 years old. During the time of my grandfather's deporation my Noni worked in an all-women pants factory making pants for the WWII GI's. In '34 my grandfather came back to the US as a legal immigrant and brought his mother with him. Michela did not like living in America and missed her life and family, she returned to live out her life in Italy. My grandfather worked at Moltrup Steel until his retirement. My dad said that he had more relatives that lived on College Hill in Beaver Falls and he was related to the owners of the Bianacchi(sp?) Drycleaners and relatives that owned a music store on 7th Ave. I will try to get more information on these people. I have no names, but we were related to a movie star and an artist in Italy. I hope to have more stories for you soon. Julie |
![]() 2009 Giuliano and Dorothy d'Achille Attached is the last photo of my mother and father together, it was taken on Oct 31, 2009 on my parents 50th wedding anniversary. |
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