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Other San Pietro Avellana Families (Part 1)

This Page last updated on .

Here are photos and stories that I 've received of other SPA families. Probably related!! To look at Part 2 of this page, click here. For Part 3, click here.

Michele Mariani

Date:    Tue, 5 Feb 2008 15:42:07 EST
Subject:    Mariani, Di Florio family?

I found your site online while looking up some family information. You have  a huge amount of information and I'm actually trying to determine how my  family fits into this if at all. I've run across a few references to the last  name but can't seem to pinpoint it. My last name now is Mariano but I received a  birth certificate from the Commune Di  S. Pietro Avellana showing that my  Great-grandfather, Anselmo, was born with the last name Mariani in 1884 to Amico and Elisabetta (maiden name Di Florio). Amico then moved to the US with Anselmo  and two other boys. I'm slowly working towards obtaining dual-citizenship  and any info would be appreciated. I've enclosed a photo of my  Great-grandfather, Anselmo Mariani (Mariano) who seems to look like some of the  other people you have pictures of on your site. Any help or suggestions would be  greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Michael Mariano
Delray Beach, FL

diGiacomo in Latrobe, PA

From:            "auggie82958" <>
Date:            Fri, 30 May 2008 21:33:23 -0000
Subject:        Information on Carmino Di Giacomo


My name is Beckie Johnson my g-grandfather was born in SPA. I am looking for anyone who might have some information on him & his family, his name was Carmino Ernesto Di Giacomo DOB January 15, 1885. My cousin and I have done some research and we think his mothers name was Joaninna Colijano. We know he came to the the US when he was around 11 or 12 alone on a work sponsorship and settled in Denver, Colorado. I have found that his fathers name was either Florindo or Florangelo. We also beleive that his Father and sister were also in the US and died in La Trobe, PA. We would greatly appreciate any information anyne can give us.


I've been doing some research on your great-grandfrather's parents.

You mentioned that you thought his mother was Joaninna Colijano. I looked at a transcription of the SPA marriage records with help from Shirley and I found this family:

Florindo diGiacomo  (born 1 Dec 1842)
Giovanna Colajanni  (born 20 Nov 1850)
Married 30 Dec 1871.

The birth records for 1885 (when Carmino was born) are lost so I can't just look for his birth. So we have to make the connection a different way.

I think, though, because of the information you had and the marriage record from 1871, that these are your GGGP (great-great-grandparents).

I'll do some more checking.


I looked at the 1869 Status Animarum and there was more on the family (the Animarum was a census like document).

Look at this web page :

and search for Florindo diGiacomo's family. It lists his parents and siblings.


You mentioned that Carmino had a sister who also lived in Latrobe. Was that Nicolina who married Nicola Frazzini (3rd cousin to my mother's grandfather)?

Date:    Tue, 3 Jun 2008 10:19:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject:   Re: Information on Carmino Di Giacomo

We think it is possible, do you have information on Nicolina's siblings and parents?

I have the 1920 Boston Manifest of her arrival (where she is listed as Maria Nicola) and the 1930 census with her family from Latrobe.

Her birth year from those two sources indicates 1888 or 1887. I have not found her in the 1888 birth records and the the 1887 records are lost.

So most likely, she was born in 1887. Lacking the birth record, I have no definitive source for her parent's names. And without parent's names, I can't be sure about siblings.

If she were born in 1887 that would fit into a family with Carmino born in 1885. And all these diGiacomo's showing up in Latrobe tells me that there must be some connection.

In the 1930 census, Nicola Frazzini and Nicolina diGiacomo are listed with 6 daughters, Lucia, Maria, Theresa, Angeline, Josephine and Rosie. Born from 1905 to 1928. Maria's granddaughter Jennifer Malone has been in touch with me.

Do you know any more about her?


  We have been told that Carmino's sister had one blue eye and one brown eye and died in La Trobe, PA around 1939 or 1940. Carmino also had another sister that stayed in SPA with their mother.

Thanks again for your help,

I don't know if you have this scan. Its the 1891 Columbia arrival in New York. On board was "F. diGiacomo", 49y. I can't be absolutely sure but this most likely was Florindo's arrival.

Dear Beckie,

I'm pretty sure that the Ernesto diGiacomo arriving in 1896 is your great-grandfather. You had said that his name was Carmine Ernesto and its not uncommon for people from SPA to use their middle names. The age works out for birth in 1885, you had mentioned that he came over at about the age of 11/12, and that he went to Denver.

So this Ernesto fits all those criteria. I'm sure it your GGF.
The records at Ellis Island only cover the time when Ellis Island was open - about 1892 to 1926 (approximate). Before 1892, New York arrivals were at Castle Garden and after about 1926, arrivals were just to normal ship docks. web site has many of the arrival records before 1892 and after 1926. That is were I found the 1891 arrival of the Columbia. For other early arrivals from SPA, look at:

Attached is the WWI Draft Registration filled out by Carmine in 1918.  Also attached is a photo of the Columbia.

Dear Jennifer,

I have received an email from a woman, Beckie Johnson, who is descendant from a diGiacomo family who lived in Latrobe.

We were tracing your family and got back to Maria Nicola "Nicolina" diGiacomo who married Nicola Frazzini in Latrobe.

Beckie's line goes back to Carmine Ernesto diGiacomo and his father, Florindo. Beckie has traced those men to Latrobe.

You and I determined that Nicolina was probably born in 1887 and the birth records are missing for that year. That stopped us dead in our tracks. Now with this new diGiacomo information and with all these people in Latrobe, its possible that Nicolina was the daughter of Florindo and brother of Carmine.

Beckie wrote: " We have been told that Carmino's sister had one blue eye and one brown eye and died in La Trobe, PA around 1939 or 1940. Carmino also had another sister that stayed in SPA with their mother."

Beckie has a photo of Nicolina which she is going to send me. Do you have any photos of Nicolina? You might be cousins!

Date:    Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:53:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject:    Re: Nicolina diGiacomo in Latrobe

Dear Mark,
  Jennifer and I have been in touch thru e-mail and on the phone, we have found thanks to your help that we are cousins, and that Carmino & Nicolina were in fact brother & sister.
  I want to thank you so much for your help, I think we just have a few missing pieces left to find, such as the other sister that stayed behind in SPA with their Mother.
  Thanks again,
Date:    Mon, 16 Jun 2008 17:49:48 -0400
From:    "Jennifer Malone" <>
Subject:    Re: Nicolina diGiacomo in Latrobe

You Rock!  Thank You so much!  Lately work has been so busy, I barely have time to eat.  Can't seem to get to any of this stuff...

More on this family in my Family Tree Data Base.

Guglielmo Colaianni  (William 'Vivi' Colianni)

email from "William D. Colianni" <>

Taken in 1940-41 in front of S. Amico Church in the woods.

From right to left first row-

1 Renzo Di Giacomo
2 Guglielmo (William-Vivi’) Colaianni
3 Dino Di Sanza
4 Antonio Mezzanotte
5 unknown

second row – 

6 Ugo Di Sanza
7 Domenico Musilli
8 Giorgio Colaianni.

The one in front unknown.

Valentino diCianno and Ester Frazzini in Italy

In Nov 2008, Concetta diCianno emailed me a lot of information about her family. As it turned out, she is 2nd cousin to my mother (this is, their grandfathers were brothers). Her mother and father appear in the circa 1922 school photo that I have on my mother's web page. Concetta's mother was Ester Frazzini and her father was Valentino diCianno. Both were born in 1912 as was my mother, Benilda Frazzini. Concetta writes only in Italian and I write only in English so I use a computer program to do the translation. So please be forgiving of the translations, sometimes the wording or grammar does not translate well.

Dear Mark diVecchio 

I am Concetta diCianno of San Pietro Avelllana. 

             I have consulted the the site silogic regarding the family Frazzini and I have discovered making the searches on my family Frazzini-diCianno that we are related.

My grandfather Frazzini Enrico Gugliemo born in 1855 is the brother of Frazzino Ippolito Vincenzo. 

The son of Frazzino Ippolito Vincenzo: Emiliano Domenicantonio Frazzini is cousin of my mother, Ester Frazzini. - (daughter of Domenicantonio Frazzini: Benilda married with diVecchio Pasquale who are your parents if I am not wrong) 
The children of Frazzini Enrico Gugliemo are: 
     Frazzini Margherita Maria Amita 1898 
     Frazzini Concetta 1900 - 1978 
     Frazzini Maria 
     Frazzini Giovanni died in 1945 
     Frazzini Ester 1912 - 1966 married in 1935 to diCianno Valentino 
     Frazzini Alberto   

Besides my mother Ester Frazzini is the daughter of Frazzino Enrico Gulielmo and Colaianni Girolama Cristina born in SPA in 1871. 

Colaianni Girolama is the daughter of Colaianni Francesco Saverio and Colaianni Maria Amata

I have succeeded in finding the family  of Colaianni Francesco Saverio but not yet the family of Colaianni Maria Amata. 

I am also looking for the family of diCianno Romualdo, my grandfather who went to America around 1905 and 1920, I know that he was in Ely Nevada in 1913 (Ellis Island arrival) with his brother-in-law, Deo Carlini so I have found writing in a document, I don't know if this name is the abbreviation of some other name, I don't know if you can tell again me something on this.

I don't know if you can also give me news of diCianno Tiberio who worked in the General Office in the railroads of Ely Nevada from 1907, 
kindest regards concetta diCianno
I am diCianno Concetta who comes to bother you.

I have seen that you have information the site silogic on my family, I would like to ask if it is possibile to insert these dates: 

of Frazzini enrico and Girolama Colaianni were born: 
    Frazzini Maria Margherita Amita
    Frazzini Concetta 1900.-1978 
    Frazzini Maria1907-1949 
    Frazzini Giovanni 
    Frazzini Alberto 1909-1913 
    ^ Frazzini Ester 1912-1966 married Valentine diCianno 1912-1990 
    Frazzini Alberto 1915 -1978 married Frabotta Elvira of Forli di Sannio 1919-1999 

    children: diCianno Michelina 1936-2003 lived in Campobasso
        married d'Addario Vincenzo born in Limosano 1933
        Children: d'Addario Antonio 
        d'Addario Valentine 
    diCianno Romualdo 1941 alive to campobasso, wife Quaranta Germana 1942
        Children: diCianno Ester 
        diCianno Alessandra 
    diCianno Giuseppe 1943 currently to S Pietro Avellana 
    di Cianno Anna 1947 lives in Castel di Sangro, married Carlini Antonio 
        Children: Carlini Sergio
        Carlini Ester
        Carlini Gianluca
        Carlini Carla
        Carlini Daniele 
    * diCianno Concetta 1949 husband with Carlini Paolo 1949 live in both Campobasso and San Pietro 
    diCianno Marisa 1951 married Orlando Alberto – they live in Castel di Sangro 
        Children: Orlando Nicole
        Orlando Alfonso 
    diCianno Gabriella 1954 Husband Quaranta Renatos 1943 live in Isernia 
        Children: Quaranta Annaritas
        Quaranta Lauras 
    diCianno Rita 1955 husband diMartino Ferdinando 1955 live in St. Pietro Avellana 
        Children: diMartino Maria Letizia
        diMartino Eugenio 
Frazzini Alberto-Frabotta Elvira 
    Children: Frazzini Enrico 1948 
    Frazzini Maria        
    Frazzini Antonio 1954 wife Carlino Edvige lives in St. Pietro Avell. 
        Children: Frazzini Alberto
        Frazzini Valentino 
    Frazzini Giovanni 1960 wife Quaranta Pieras live to Chieti 
        Children:  Frazzini Fabrizio
        Frazzini Luca 
Regarding the Family diCianno: 
diCianno Raffaele 1806 child of diCianno Giuseppe and Rosa Mariani 

Children of diCianno Raffaele and della Croce Anna: 
    diCianno Gemma 1825 
    diCianno Domenico Antonio 1828
        Children: diCianno Tiberio 1856
        diCianno Camillo 1858 
        diCianno Rosalba 1864
        diCianno Elisabetta(o Bettina) 1876         
    diCianno Valentino 1833 

diCianno Romualdo 1877 wife Carlini Concetta Rosa 
    Children: diCianno Valentino 1912-1990-Frazzini Ester 
    diCianno Sabatino 1923-2008 married Ricci Concetta 1923 from 1956 Ely Nevada then in Chicago 
        diCianno Nunziatina 1946 husband diCianno Nicola, Pizzone 1940 
        diCianno Carlo 1948 wife Cither Rosamaria 
            Children diCianno Carla 1982
            diCianno Gina born in Chicago and they live in Pittsburgh 
        diCianno Bettina 1951 husband Orsi John Chicago 
            Children: Orsi Sandra 1980 Chicago married Magnelli Massimo/Chicago 
            Orsi Lisa 1982 Chicago 
diCianno Elisabetta 1876 father diCianno Domenicantonio, husband: Ricci Carmine Antonio 1867 
    Children: Ricci Fiore 1904 lived in Utah
        Children: Ricci Jan
        Ricci Linda 
    Ricci Magnifica 1911 
    Ricci Concetta 1923 husband diCianno Sabatino 1923-2008 from 1956 Ely Nevada then in Chicago 
I have found a diCianno Romualdo been born in 1799 once married to Nunzia Morelli and once to Urbina Verlingieri, do you know anything about them??  
I thank you for your availability.  Saluti Concetta diCianno 
Valentino diCianno
age 21, about 1933
cara concetta,

Ho la conoscenza del diCianno Rita. Mia moglie, Sally, ed io erano in SPA  nel 2004.  
Mio cugino, Giuliano Colajanni e moglie, Rosalba, presentò  noi a molte persone. Di conseguenza, noi soddisfacemmo il diMartino Ferdindando  e Rita.

I have met Rita diCianno. My wife, Sally, and I were in SPA in 2004.

My cousin, Giuliano Colajanni and wife, Rosalba, introduced us to many people. Consequently, we met Ferdindando diMartino and Rita.

cara concetta,

Regarding Romualdo diCianno (born 1799).

-- He had two wives:
   Erminia Vitulio (three chidlren)
   Urbina Verlinghiere married 4 April 1858 (no children)

Regarding Nunzia Morelli (born 1827)

-- Nunzia Morelli (father Andrea, mother: Maria Colajanni)
   married Simplicio diCianno (father: Benedetto, mother: Gaetana Carlino) 1847


Ruggerio Morelli and his grandson, Ruggerio Morelli

From:    "Cathy Youngblood" <>
Subject:    Roger Morelli
Date:    Mon, 9 Mar 2009 09:32:32 -0700


Franco Frazzini told me that Ruggerio and Angela (Mariani) Morelli's grandson, also Ruggerio Morelli, has died within the last couple of years in Italy. Frank got this news from cousin Onelia (Carlini) Settefrati of Chicago. Ruggerio Morelli, the younger, was the son of Augusto Morelli, who is pictured in the military group photo you have on your site.

Here are a couple of snapshots of Roger/Ruggerio I have from my g-grandmother's collection . My own grandmother referred to him, of course, as Roger but I don't think she ever met him. She knew he had been in the US and specifically Cleveland at one time. I had looked for him living in the US but found nothing since he apparently went back to Italy.

Your information helps me to more closely date the photos. I think the one dated in the 1950's is probably on the shore of Lake Erie and most likely in the late 1950's or early 1960's. He looks to be at least 20. Looking at the boy in the other photo, I would think he is about 9 or 10, so most likely taken just after WWII and looks like SPA to me but could be they were displaced and it was some other town.


1945 ca Ruggerio Morelli in Italy (SPA?)

1960 Roger Morelli in USA
Social Security Death Index
Name: Roger Morelli
SSN: 280-36-3879
Last Residence: 700  (U.S. Consulate)
Born: 8 Jul 1938
Died: 6 Sep 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1958)

U.S. Naturalization Records Indexes, 1794-1995
Name: Roger Morelli [Ruggiero Morelli]
Age: 25
Birth Date: 8 Jul 1938
Issue Date: 5 Apr 1963
State:     Ohio
Locality, Court: Cleveland, District Court
Title: Index Cards to Naturalization Petitions for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, Cleveland, 1855-1967
Description: Merkli-Movsesian
Series: M1893

I got this email in Oct of 2010:

From:    "Augusto Morelli" <>
Subject:    sito di genealogia
Date:    Thu, 28 Oct 2010 07:50:02 +0200

Ciao Mark,

perdonami se ti scrivo in italiano, ma è meglio.

Mi chiamo Augusto Morelli nato a Chieti il 11/1973 e sono il figlio di Ruggiero (Roger) Morelli nato a San Pietro Avellana il 08/07/1938 e morto a Teramo il 06/09/2008.

Volevo aggiornarti con qualche notizia.

Mio padre ha 2 sorelle: Angela Morelli e Anna Morelli entrambe nate a San Pietro Avellana e non una sola come dici tu nel sito.

Mio padre ha avuto 2 figli Augusto Morelli (Chieti) e Vittorio Morelli (Chieti).

Ora non posso continuare a scrivere per motivi di tempo, ma ti prometto che ti darò altre notizie.

Grazie per il tuo sito.
Have a Nice Day.
Augusto Morelli
(I used a computer program to translate his email and to compose a reply:


Grazie per il tuo e-mail. 

Io non leggo o scrivo italiano così io uso un programma di computer per aiutarmi con la traduzione. Per favore scusami se il mio e-mail è difficile capire. 

Io sono lieto di parlare ai miei cugini in Italia. 

Gradirei imparare più sulla tua famiglia e tutte le altre famiglie di San Pietro Avellana. 

Visiti San Pietro? Conosci Giuliano Colajanni? Giuliano ha aiutato io con informazioni. 
Thank you for your email. 

I do not read or write Italian so I use a computer program to help me with the translation. Please excuse me if my email is difficult to understand. 

I am pleased to hear from my cousins in Italy. 

I would like to learn more about your family and all other families from San Pietro Avellana. 

Do you visit San Pietro? Do you know Giuliano Colajanni? Giuliano has helped me with information.
Hi Mark,

Nice to meet you. I send you some my father's photo and my family's photo in Pescara (year 2004).

My father lived in Pescara from 1974 untill he died in Teramo September the 6 2008.
I am the first son of Ruggiero Morelli and Lucia Di Toro Mammarella.
I am one brother his name is Vittorio Morelli. He is a Policeman (Guardia di Finanza) and he is a special unit for the "anti-terrorismo".

I was in San Pietro Avellana on October 31 and I met Concetta Di Cianno.
Concetta spoke of you to me. I was happy to know you.
I hope next time I will write good English. I don't study very well English.
I know Giuliano Colajanni and I know his son Fabrizio very well.
I am very happy to meet you.
A presto, ciao.

19 GIUGNO 2004  - Matrimonio - Augusto e Lorena

19 GIUGNO 2004 - Mio padre Ruggiero

19 GIUGNO 2004 - Mia mamma Lucia e Io

I sent a copy to Cathy Youngblood who is a close relative to Augosto.

Cathy wrote in Nov 2010: "I am attaching a few photos that came to me from my g-grandmother, Lucia (Mariani) Carleno, via my grandmother, Jean (Carleno) Madonna."

Edvige (Morelli) Frezza and Angela Morelli, her niece-San Pietro Avellana

Morelli, Angela (Mariani) & her daughter, Edvige (Morelli) Frezza
From: Cathy Youngblood <>
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: sito di genealogia
To: Augusto Morelli <>

Hello Augusto,

Mark DiVecchio has copied me with your emails because you and I are 3rd cousins. I am so sorry I do not write in Italian. I know some words but not enough and I might say something "stupido".

My name - Cathy Madonna married to Frank Youngblood
My father - Robert Madonna
My grandmother - Jean Carlino married to Quirino Madonna
My great-grandmother - Lucia Mariani married to Antonio R. Carlini

You are - Augusto Morelli
Your father - Ruggerio Morelli
Your grandfather - Augusto Morelli
Your great-grandmother - Angela Mariani married to Ruggerio Morelli

Your great-grandmother, Angela, and my great-grandmother, Lucia, were sisters.

I am happy to know about you. My grandmother, Jean, spoke about your father's aunt, Edvige (Morelli) Frezza, who lived in Cleveland. I have a few photos of your father and one of his sisters that my great-grandmother gave to me. I think your father came to visit Edvige in the US many years ago but I am not sure of that.

My grandmother spoke of her Aunts sometimes. She visited San Pietro Avellana in the 1960's and met Zia Elisabetta (Mariani) Carlini and Zia Erminia (Mariani) Cetra. Do you know about them? I have photos of both of them.

My great-grandmother, Lucia, passed away in 1972 and there was little communication with relatives from S.P.A. after that time. But I hope we can have some communication.

My husband is Frank Youngblood. We have two children, Benjamin (age 20) and Laura (age 17). We live in Gilbert, Arizona, USA. It is close to Phoenix, Arizona. But we were all born in and near Denver, Colorado where my great-grandparents lived.

For a short time, I emailed with Anna Rita DiFlorio. She is a great-granddaughter of Zia Elisabetta (Mariani) Carlini. Do you know her? My cousin, Harry Carleno, and his son, Greg, visited S.P.A. a few years ago and also visited with Vittorio Pace in Rome. Do you know Vittorio? He is the son of Viola Carlini who married Felice Pace.

Mark DiVecchio has done such a great job of reconnecting so many families. I hope Mark and I hear from you again. Best wishes to you and your family.

Cathy (Madonna) Youngblood

Agostino Carlini and Palmira Frazzini

From Daniel Carlins, Feb 2009
7 Jun 1941 Photo of Augustino Carlino and Palmira Frazzini taken, it appears, at their
home at 416 Pearl St. in the Bloomfield section of Pittsburgh..
From Dan: "As a young man, my great grandfather lost his leg in a construction accident working on the City County building or the Courthouse where a large stone fell on him.  My father used to carry his leg on occassion over his shoulder since it came with a strap too. My great grandfather missed 6 weeks of work and then went back to work.  No workers comp, disability or SSI back then or even rehab as we know it today."

Agostino Carlini
Sent to me by Dan Carlins, Aug 2013
 It accompanied a letter from Agostino's son, John:
"Mar 5 1971, Dear Brother Jack: So far everything is going good after the operation. I also am sending you a copy of our father's picture which hung in the living room at 416 Pearl St. Hoping you like it. Say hello to everybody.  Brother John"
"Jack" was Anthony John Carlins, born 16 Dec 1900, Dan's grandfather.
"John" was John Anthony Carlino, born26 Mar 1895, Dan's granduncle.

From Daniel Carlins, Feb 2009:
Joseph Carlino and wife, Annie
Wedding photo taken from the invitation sent by their children for their 50th wedding anniversary
I asked Dan if he knew how the name change to Carlins happened. He replied: "This is the story as best as I can relate it.  Apparently when my grandfather and his older siblings went to school, they would register and sign their name,  When they wrote Carlino they would make the  letter "O" from over the top and loop it and it looked like an "S". When it was discovered later they corrected it for the younger siblings and the older siblings changed their names back to Carlino all except for my grandfather who left it. Some say it was because of the area of the city where he lived but I think it may have been because he was trying to get a job at the Nabisco bakery where he worked for as long as I can remember and was the Union Secretary. He probably thought it would be easier on him if he left it alone. They were different times. Two of my first cousins have legally changed their names back to Carlino. I do not know why they did it but I do not think I ever would.  Maybe I am like mygrandfather and it is just too much trouble. "

Palumbo or Capone Family in Dawson

I received this photo from Gene Cinea in July of 2009. He wrote: "I have a photo, taken in 1934, which I believe are the Palumbo sisters (Emily, Laura, and Sara) in Dawson NM.  Their mother, Maria Capone Palumbo, was my grandmother's (Teresa Capone Cinea) sister. Can anyone confirm the identities of these sisters?"
From:    "Gene Cinea" <>
To:    "'monty stratton'" <>
Subject:    RE: Photo of Laura ?
Date:    Thu, 30 Jul 2009 12:15:01 -0600


Would you also ask Laura to identify the Palumbos in the attached photos and if she can give us some info about the fishing trip where it appears my grandmother (her aunt Teresa) and my grandfather (Sam) and my father (Vincent) were visiting them in Dawson?

Thanks,  Gene
about 1934
Sam Cinea, unknown girl and Teresa Capone Cinea
Dawson(?) about 1934

From:    "monty stratton" <>
Subject:    Picture  ID
Date:    Sat, 8 Aug 2009 14:22:52 -0700

Hi Mark, A couple weeks ago we received the pictures of the girls holding a string of fish.

Laura looked at the them and I tried to visualize what the girls would have looked like in the mid thirties.  We had decided that they were of Laura and two of her sisters.   Laura's sister, Sara, says we are wrong.   I talked to Sara on the phone this morning and she feels very strongly that they are Capone sisters: the short one on left of the picture is Margaret, the tall one in the middle is Jenny, and the one on the right in the picture is Annie.

Sara also said she doesn't  think the picture was taken in Dawson because of the house structure being different from Dawson homes.

So that's where we stand on picture IDs.  I'll get back to Gene also.    Monty
From:    "Gene Cinea" <>
To:    "'monty stratton'" <>
Subject:    RE: Picture  ID
Date:    Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:21:14 -0600


I will give Sara a call and chat with her.

Sara is probably right.  I did not realize that Urbino Capone, who was Sara's uncle, had three girls.  I will talk to my mother and see what she remembers.  My mother married into the family and these photos are probably before her time.

The first photo I have attached has "Palumbo" written on the back.  So it probably is one of the Palumbo sisters. The other two attached photos are taken at the same place as the "Palumbo" photo (note the small building in the background of the boy and girl photo) but probably not at the same time. Maybe, we have Palumbos in one set of photos and Capones in the other set (fish photos).


Gene Cinea sent me some photos of who he thought were the Palumbo sisters in Dawson.

I sent those photos to two of the sisters (Laura and Sara) but now they think the sisters might be the Capone sisters, one of which is your mother.

What do you think?

From: Marco Milazzo []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Picture ID

Mark and Gene,

Neither of the pictures show any of the Capone sisters.  The looks just aren't right, but also, as soon as my wife saw the pictures, she commented on the girl's dresses -- homemade, all from the same cloth.  "These girls had a mother," was her comment -- and as you may know, my maternal grandmother was killed in Dawson when my mother was about five.

My grandfather, Urbino never remarried. My mother said it was because he thought a stepmother wouldn't treat the girls well, but I also have to wonder if there were many "applicants" for the job.  A widower with three young kids probably doesn't attract a lot of prospects.

The same girl is in the middle of both pictures, so both shots were taken the same day. One looks original, and one a copy.  I agree that the pictures were probably not taken in Dawson.

I'll try to forward some of my family pictures today.

Marco Milazzo

From:    "Gene Cinea" <>
To:    "'monty stratton'" <>
Subject:    RE: Picture  ID
Date:    Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:21:14 -0600


The two attached photos are taken at the same place as the "Palumbo" photo (note the small building in the background of the boy and girl photo) but probably not at the same time. Maybe, we have Palumbos in one set of photos and Capones in the other set (fish photos).

From:    "Gene Cinea" <>
To:    "'monty stratton'" <>
Subject:    RE: Picture  ID
Date:    Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:21:14 -0600


The photo I have attached has "Palumbo" written on the back.  So it probably is one of the Palumbo sisters. Maybe, we have Palumbos in one set of photos and Capones in the other set (fish photos).

Ciccotelli and Settefrati in Pittsburgh, PA

From:    ian mchenry <>
Subject:    SPA
Date:    Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:14:58 +0000


what a brilliant web page.

my mother comes from san pietro. she went to england in  the 50's. her sister went to america. i have various aunts, uncles and cousins still in the village but their names don't come up on the page.

the family name is Ciccotelli

thanks, ian

Thanks for your email.

Do you know names of grandparents? or great grandparents? Maybe we can find the family connection and I can add it to the web page.

hi Mark.

yeah. in fact in the [SPA Militia] photo, from your site, my grandfather, Giuseppe Ciccotelli is bottom row, 1st on the left (as you look at the photograph).
(Mark's note: Giuseppe Ciccotelli is number 16 in the SPA militia photo on this web page.)

My mother is Fillapina Ciccotelli, she has a sister dina and a brother, michaeli. both still in san peitro

It would be great to find out about my mum's other sister, Rosa who was the first to go to England (my mum joined her there later) and then she went on to America, where she died of influenza. I know mum would love to know more about her and her family there.

On one of my mum's trips to san pietro she picked up a colour postcard of the main square and an old man standing in it. how turned out to be her dad, Giuseppe.

I'm copying my dad in on this e-mail becuase he knows a lot more than me.


Thanks for the info and about your grandfather, Giuseppe.

Do you know more about your family history? I ask because I searched the copies of records that I have from 1809-1899 and I cannot find anyone with that family name.

Did the family come from another town and marry someone from SPA? What is your grandmother's name? Do you know any dates?

I will do some research and see if I can find out anything about your grandmother's sister, Rosa. Do you know anything about her?

Consider joining our SPA group on Yahoo, see link below. You can post a note about your grandfather and maybe someone in the group will have more information.

Hi Mark,  hope you're ok.

my mum just called, briefly. seems my dad never asked for the information. don't know why. regarding Rosa. it seems she married an American in the UK and went to Pittsburgh in 1954 dying there in 1956.

do you know? i've realised that i never asked his name. i'll get back to you. she is going to look for the postcard of nonno in the main square

bye for now

hi mark,

i spoke to my mum. she was a bit confused about the surname of the man Rosa married but then said it was Sette Fratelli.

she said he came from a large family but i couldn't quite get if Sette Fratelli was the family name or the fact that he was a seventh son.

does this help at all? she has not been able to find the postcard so far.

where abouts are you in america ? calcutta is hot!! i'am hopefully moving to Delhi at the end of this month and will probably have to use internet cafes until i can set up another broadband connection

hope this finds you well, look forward to your reply.


I live in San Diego. Here, when the temperature gets above 75F, we complain....

Well the hint from your mother was right on. Settefrati is a fairly common surname from San Pietro. So it is highly likely that the name is correct.

I did some searching using that name and I found Rosa Settefrati arriving on the Queen Mary from Southhampton on  8 Jul 1954. She was going to Pittsburgh, PA.

This must he her. Does your mom remember her birth date? I'll do some more checking.


what can i say? it's one in the morning in Kolkata. i'll ring mum tomorrow and confirm.

This is amazing to see!!! she was my mum's older sister and my mum was born in 1935. i'm gob-smacked (speachless)

I  posted this on the SPA group:

From: Mark DiVecchio
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 1:33 PM
Subject: [SanPietroAvellana] Rosa Ciccotelli Settefrati

I received an email from Ian McHenry. His family is Ciccotelli. His mother was born in SPA and he still has relatives who live there. His mother lives in the UK. He asked me for help finding anything about his aunt Rosa who was also born in SPA, moved to the UK and then married a Settefrati there and immigrated to the US.

I was able to find a New York ship manifest from 1954 which showed a Rosa Settefrati going to 422 Cedarville, Pittsburgh, PA. (That address is in the middle of the Bloomfield section of Pittsburgh.)

Ian's mother remembered that Rosa did move the US about 1950 and died shortly thereafter of influenza. That is all that she knows.

Does anyone know of this family in Pittsburgh? Or maybe where Rosa is buried?


And got these responses:

Mark, the 1930 Polk Directory shows a Rose Setteferti (mispelling?) as a resident at 422 Cedarville St. She is listed along with a Salvan (Student). They are both listed under Anthony (Louisa)  at the same address. Anthony is listed as a laborer. The 1930 listing is on page 183.

In the 1927 Polk City Directory on page 1832, Anthony is listed at the same address along with a Sebastian D who is shown as a draftsman for the Dept of Public Works.

In the 1928 Polk Directory there is a Michael listed at the same address with Anthony & Sebastian. Page 1764.

I n the 1929 directory on page 1999 Rose shows up again along with Anthony, Michael and Sebastian.

The 1923 directory shows Anthony Settefrate, another variation.

Carmen DiGiacomo - Pittsburgh
I was not able to find any information on Rosa Settefrati, however, the website lists five Settefrati's buried in Pennsylvania.

Holy Cross Cemetery (Yeadon, Delaware County, PA) lists Michele (1897-1957), Serafina (1866-1957), Albert (1932-1953) and Michelina (1892-1964).

Allegheny Cemetery (Pittsburg, PA) lists Michael A Settefrati (1905 - 1994).

Perhaps someone with access to these people's obituaries could find information on Rosa.
Gene Frazzini


Thanks, good hint. I believe that the Michael buried in Pittsburgh is the brother of Salvatore Settefrati who married Rosa Ciccotelli. They may all be buried in the same cemetery.

I have another researcher digging up addresses of Settefrati in Pittsburgh and I will write some letters.

Date:    Sun, 24 May 2009 14:27:29 +0100
Subject:    Rosa Settefrati
From:    Duncan McHenry <>

Hi, Mark,
I'm Ian's dad.
Pina THINKS her sister Rosa's birth date was 17 June 1929 - not sure of the 17th, but definitely 1929.
Thanks for all your digging.

More searching turned up the attached New York arrival manifest from 1953 of Salvatore Settefrati - going to the same address in Pittsburgh that Rosa went to. Sailing from Southhampton on the Queen Elizabeth. I found this by just plain luck as I was looking at the manifests.

Must be her husband who returned to the US a year before his wife, Rosa.

Date:    Tue, 26 May 2009 20:47:11 -0700 (PDT)
From:    daniel carlins <>
Subject:    Re: Ian McHenry


I found something very interesting. Rosa Settefrati's last address was 422 Cedarville St, Pittsburgh, PA 15224.  This is 2 blocks from my great grandfathers home on Pearl St in the Bloomfield section of Pittsburgh. While looking for Settefrati relatives, I found one on 417 Edmond St in Bloomfield which is 2 blocks from Cedarville St. His name was Michael Settefrati.

I looked in the real estate records and found something even more amazing and a rare coincidence. Neither home was owned by a Settefrati so apparently they just boarded or rented rooms. The Cedarville home was bought on 10/3/2000 and the Edmond St home was bought on 4/30/1980 by the same person, Francesco DeLuca.  Both homes changed ownership on 3/20/2006 for $1, which means relative to me, by the same person, Angelo and Rosetta Pugliano. After prowling the city phone directories I found the following person:
                     Angelo and Rose Pugliano Jr                     4422 McKenzie Dr.                     Monroeville, PA 15146-1040

I am having trouble finding living Settefrati's in the phone directory in Pittsburgh. I will keep looking. Wish me luck. I have found that my relatives have a pack mentality, they never spread very far in Pittsburgh until my generation. I will keep looking and pass more along later. Angelo and Rose may have some valuable information or even lived with Settefrati's or been their landlords.

Dan Carlins

Thanks for the info.

I have been able to find the family at that address in the 1920 and 1930 census. It appears that Micheal was a brother. I found his death record in 1994.

I should also mention that the Social Security Death Index lists Michael Settefrati's last residence as Coraopolis.

I did not find any death record for Salvatore.

Salvatore and Michele had a sister who was in the 1930 census. Her name is Rose. She was born in 1907 so that is a long shot for Rose Pugliano but maybe a daughter.

I think you are right, everyone is connected here.


I know that you are moving about now and I hope the move is going well.

I just wanted to let you know that I've found the Settefrati family in Pittsburgh in the 1920 and 1930 census and in some City Directories. This was done with the help of three fellow researches who live in the Pittsburgh area. We are now trying to find Settefrati who still live in there.

I did find a 1994 death record of Salvatore's brother, Micheal. He was buried in Pittsburgh. I've not found a record of Salvatore's death - or Rosa's.

When you get your email back, I can send you scans of the census sheets.

Sometime, also, I'd like to learn about the Ciccotelli family in SPA. It appears that the surname did not appear in SPA until after 1900. So maybe Giuseppe or his parents moved to SPA from somewhere else??? Do you the names of his parents or his wife?


when i spoke to mum she did say that nono was not from san peitro but she couldn't remember where he came from. perhaps dad can get it out of her.

my broadband goes off in a few hours, i guess. i'll be using internet cafes until i can set up another one.


More thinking about the Ciccotelli surname made me come to a conclusion.

Since its likely that the Ciccotelli name in SPA came from another town, there were very few Ciccotelli in SPA therefore all of them are most likely part of the same family.

That leads to conjecture that any Ciccotelli that I can trace back to SPA are related to Giuseppe (siblings, parents or children).

So I checked on the Ellis Island web site and I found one such person. It was a Vincenza Ciccotelli from SPA immigrating into the US on 19 Nov 1914, references mother in SPA, Rosa.

Vincenza was 21 years old and was born in SPA (she would have been born about 1893). She was going to her "uncles", Antonio and Luisa, at 452 Sapphire Alley in Pittsburgh, PA. There is a notation on the manifest typical of a record search made during the process of becoming a US citizen - the notation is dated 30 Jun 1937.

(The SPA birth records for 1893 and 1892 are missing from  the archives so I can't confirm her birth in SPA.)

We have seen this address before -- in the 1910 census as where the Settefrati family lived!!

So it all goes around in a circle - Antonio and Luisa are the Settefrati's.

In the manifest when Antonio and Luisa are called "uncles", that is probably a translation from "zii" which is plural and which is used to refer to several people, some uncles ("zio") and some aunts ("zia").

Also, in Italy, cousins of your parents are usually called uncle or aunt by the children.

So the Ciccotelli and Settefrati families were connected somehow long before Rosa and Salvatore married in the 1950's.

More as I find it.


I've written a letter to the Pugliano's and to three addresses that I found for Settefrati in Pittsburgh. We shall see what comes of it.

grazie e ciao.

I hope your mom is doing ok. Give her my regards as a 'paesano' - Italian for "countryman" - used to refer to someone from the same hometown or region.

I sent three letters to Settefrati in the Pittsburgh area about a month ago and I have not heard anything. One of the letters was returned as undeliverable.


Domenico Morelli and Carmina Santa Settefrati in Latrobe, PA

Date:    Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:19:01 -0800 (PST)
From:    Karen J Morelli <>
Subject:    San Pietro Avellana Ancestory

Good Evening Mark
I have just "come on board" in researching the geneology of my husband's family and have been fascinated with the amount of information and knowledge you have regarding San Pietro.
Several things I want to have a set of postcard photos on line.  I was thrilled to see the very first postcard to be identical to a photograph I have of the Cappella di S Amico.  It has a gate on the left side of the photo and a large group of residents between the gate and a building on the right.  You mentioned the little girl in the white dress.  My photo has a nickel-sized blemish on it and your postcard reveals the missing area.
Also, I was talking to my husband's Aunt Dorinda (Morelli) who lives in Latrobe and she was telling me about her father, Domenico Morelli and Nicola (Nicholas to his friends) Farazinni traveling together between America and San Pietro about 7 times before they settled in Latrobe.  Aunt Dorinda remembers his 6 daughters very well as the Farazinni's and Morelli's stayed very good family friends. 
As I try to get started in this venture of tracking down the Domenico Morelli and Carmina Settefrati family ancestory, I will check with your site and references.  You have a lot to offer.  There are several trunks in the Morelli attic which may, or may not, hold a treasure trove of information.  I can't wait to get into them!
Thanks and any direction you can assist me with would be greatly appreciated!!
Karen J Morelli

I've been in touch with descendants of Nicola Frazzini who lived in Latrobe. His wife was Nicolina diGiacomo. I've copied Jennifer
Malone on this email.

I can't find Domenico Morelli or Carmina Settefrati in my data base so I don't think that I've ever done any research on your husband's family.

More later,
ciao. Mark

I did some quick searching on and I've found:

1930 census from Latrobe
WWII Draft Registration

There were many men named Domenico Morelli so I have to be careful about who is who. The WWII Draft Reg is very likely him as the person listed lived in Latrobe. The birth date is 14 Mar 1880. 1930 census is with out a doubt him as it lists his wife as Carmina and your husband should be able to identify all the children.

Given that, I've attached a 1902 Boston manifest that shows a 1902 arrival of a 22 year old Domenico Morelli. He listed on line 2.

What is so interesting about this manifest is that my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, is listed on line 3! I've never been able to read his destination city and there is some handwritting possibly changing the destination.

Amazing connection.

Attached is the Boston 1920 arrival of your husband's grandmother.

Here is some information from the SPA microfilmed records. This information is based on a transcription done by another SPA researcher and is not complete. There is some good information here but we will need to view the actual microfilm to fill in the blanks.

birth  14 Mar 1879
Domenico Berardino Morelli
  f: not transcribed
  m: not transcribed
notation: married Carmina Santa Settefrati, 22  Feb 1901 (year is hard to read)

birth  18 mar 1889
Carmina Santa Settefratti
  f: Luciano
  m: Elisabetta Colaianni, daughter of Pietro

Do you know the names of Domenico's parents?

Karen wrote:

Carmena Settefratti is the grandmother who married Domenico Morelli.  Rinaldo (Raymond) and Latizia (lines 12 & 13) are their son and daughter born in San Petrio.  Born to Carmena and Domenico after settling in Latrobe, Pennsylvania was: Anthony (deceased at age 18), George (deceased as child),  Dorinda (Dorothy) still living, Mary (deceased 2008) and my husband's father Oliver who died August 2009.   Latizia married a Blasiole and I have her wedding picture, which I will scan tomorrow and send to you.  There are no names of the people in the wedding picture, but since Domenico (her father) was very good friends with Frazinnis, I'm guessing there may be a Frazinni or two in the photo.    As for the line 3 of the manifest, I am guessing that Domenico Morelli and your grandfather were the ones that traveled together between America and Italy.  I'm just starting this research, and I still have tons of papers and photos to go through, so I will keep you informed of what I locate.     So much to do!  I'll get back with the photos tomorrow.  
Thanks and very appreciatively,

Karen J Morelli
On 13 Jan 2010 at 17:04, Karen J Morelli wrote:

> Aunt Dorinda said Domenico's parents names were Domenico and Dorinda.  She does not know
> her grandmother's maiden name.  She also does not know her mother's parents' names.
> Dorinda said that when her mom, Carmena, came over she didn't talk much about San Pietro
> other than she would never go back because America was paradise.  Carmena worked at a
> farm while her mother took care of the 2 children, Latizia and Rinaldo. 


That is a good hint. I was able to find a family of Domenico Morelli and Dorinta/Dorinda/Adorinda Settefratti who were married in 1866. They had a child in 1869 that I found.

In Italy, it is illegal (really!) to name a son after the father. There is only one case where it can be done and that is if the father dies before the son is born. That is exactly what happened here. I found a death record for Domenico Morelli in 1878 - had to have been after the baby was concieved. Then when the baby was born in 1879, he was named after his father.

I've found that many people who lived in San Pietro and came here did not like to talk about the old country.

Karen wrote:

Here is the Latizia Morelli wedding in Latrobe Pennsylvania during the early 1920's. Rinaldo Morelli is the boy on the left, Latizia is the bride and Domenico Morelli is the father of both and at the far right.  The groom (?) is a Blasiole or Blazio...spelling is still iffy. I do not know, yet, who the other people are, but I am sure there is a Frazinni in the bunch.  I will check with some folks living in the Italian neighborhood of Latrobe for more information on identification.

I just found out that Latizia was not her child, but Domenico's to a previous marriage  

I checked on and there are a lot of Blasiole in Greensburg and Jeannette. So that is probably a good surname.

I found the census sheet for a Luigi and Letizia Blasiole in East Bethlehem, Washington County. It is indexed as Blaside but I'd bet that is wrong and this is them.

As for the photo, these people look scared! In the old photos almost no one smiled. The girl in the front on the right is smiling - good.

Frazzini's had big noses. My mother's father had a big nose. My father's father did not. Fortunately, I inherited the paternal (DiVecchio) nose.

The man in the back row, second from the right, could be a Frazzini. He looks a little like my grandfather. I don't know for sure.


In March of 2010, Karen sent me scans of two photographs that her husband's aunt, Dorinda, had. Look on the Other SPA photos web page.

Family of Vincenzo Berardino Iannacchione and Maria Vincenza Mariani

In Jan of 2010, I received this series of emails from Ken Unico:

My father was born Daniel Iannacchione in Pittsburgh, PA in 1927.  He  changed his name to Unico in 1952. My grandfather was Amico Iannacchione who was born in St. Pietro Avellano in 1890.  (He is not the Amico Iannacchione located in Ely, NV in the  1930 Census (He was listed as "Mack Unico" in Pgh, PA-  a name given to him  by his sargent in WWI.)

I have attached a file of my research.  Almost all of the names  included in this file re-located to the Pgh. area.  If you  notice,  many of the names are the same as the ones that relocated to Ely,  NV.  (Iannacchione,  Mariani, Gatti, Acquafundata, DiLorenzo, etc.)

My dad visited St. Pietro Avellano over 25 years ago and was given a  tour of the town by Amalia Gatti (a distant relative.)   He visited  the local  church and became acquainted with the local priest (who stayed at my  parents home a couple times on visits to the US.)

My wife's name is DiCroce, a prominent name from St. Pietro that relocated from Pgh.   However, her father  was named Alex and came to  Pgh. from Rochester NY.  His family immigrated to the US from a different  part of Italy.  The listing after my father-in-law's name in the  Pgh. phone book was Amico Iannacchione, who did indeed come from St. Pietro  Avellano.

Hope to hear from you.
Ken Unico

OK, I don't know where to start.

I looked through my data and then I found your family tree on

I'll just give you my comments in no particular order.

1. I'm in touch with a grandson of Severina Iannacchione and Sabatino Emiddio Acquafondata. His name is Tom Fondy.

2. I see the connectin to Filomeno diMartino. What a  co-incidence. I've been writing to his descendents in Western PA for several years with no response. I think a grandson lives in Beaver County. I would really, really like to find out more about the man who survived the mine explosion in Dawson but nobody will talk to me.

2a) I'm glad that I was able to connect Olivetta and Severina into your family.

3. Much of my data comes from a transcription of the SPA birth/marriage/death records done by two other researchers. The transcription is not complete but helps me tie people together.

4. Many women in SPA were known as Maria Domenica, Maria Vincenza, Maria Rosa and so on, Many of them used their middle names. That is most likely what Maria Vincenza did. I did find the first name in the microfilmed birth records.

5. SPA wasn't actually bombed. Rather, the retreating Germans planted explosives in the homes and blew them up. This was done to a lot of towns across what we know as the Gustav and Winter Lines. The battle of Monte Cassino was fought along this defensive line. I have a web page with photos of the explosions.

6.  That said, the records were not lost (at least due to this). Towns in Italy always made copies which were sent to the provincal capital. So almost all the records from 1809 on still exist. A few years, though, are missing. The missing birth record years include 1885, 1887, 1891-3. (We have the conquering Napolean to thank for forcing the Italians to start keeping civil records in 1809.)

7. I was able to link back from Vincenzo Iannachione and his wife Maria Vincenza Mariani. Your hints from your grandfather helped. I'll send you a print out as soon as I get it into my data base.

8. I had never heard the name Unico before.

9. I saw the 1930 census page that you link to from your tree. I'm amazed that you were able to find that. I also saw the photos of Amico and Brigida.

The Vincenzo Iannacchione who was born in 1858 was one of the earliest arrivals from SPA in the US. He came over on the Ferdinand de Lesseps in 1882.

Costanzo Iannacchione, mother, Vincenza Mariani and grandmother, Concetta Colarosa.
Costanzo was born in 1881 so this photo must date from about 1882.
Sent to me by Vincenza's great-grandson - Ken Unico (Iannacchione)
If you look at the second line of the attached file that I sent you  in the earlier e-mail, you will see the name Vincensa Mariani. My grandfather Amico Iannachhione, told me before his death in 1975, that this was the maiden-name of his mother, and that her parent's names were  Michaelangelo Mariani and Concetta Colarosa.

In looking over your information,  I noticed that Vincensa Mariani is listed as Maria Vincensa Mariani.  Did you get this info from records in  St. Pietro Avellano?

My grand-father (Amico) married Brigida Tarquini who came to the US from Anversa in Aquila. I wrote to the provincial courthhouse there  in 1973 and some over-zealous clerk sent me all the information tracing the family back to the late 1700's.

When I wrote to the provincial courthouse of St. Pietro Avellano that same year, I was informed the the records were all lost when the courthouse was bombed during WWII. I still have that letter somewhere.

Such is the luck of the draw.

Ken Unico
Date:    Sat, 16 Jan 2010 09:01:17 EST
Subject:    Olive DiMartini's brothers
From:  Ken Unico

Don't know if you will find this interesting, but the "attached picture", is of four of Olive DiMartini's brothers.
(I'm not positive, but I believe that the boy on the left is Vincent G. Iannacchione, son of Antonio.)
From left to right are Vince?, Sylvestor Iannacchione, along  with brothers, Giose (Joe), Amico (Mack) and Antonio (Tony)  It was  taken in 1927.   I have e-mailed the photo to one of Vince's sons in  hopes that he recognizes the unidentified boy.
This is the only picture that I have of any of my grand-father's family,  but my dad and I are going to visit a deceased cousin's wife who has quite a few  pictures (she just doesn't know who the people are in them).  Perhaps we'll  get lucky and find one of Flim and Olive.
I was very interested on the information posted about  Filomino  "Flim" DiMartini.   My dad knew "Uncle Flim", but confessed that he  never knew  what  his real name was. Flim was married to  Olivetta, the sister of my grandfather, Amico Iannacchione.


Ken's grandfather, Amico or Mack Iannacchione, was the brother Olivetta Iannacchione who married Filomeno diMartino.

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