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![]() circa 1880 Photo from the Museo in SPA. Sent to me Dec 2009 by Giuliano Colaianni |
![]() Photo postcard addressed to my grandfather Emilo Frazzini, Beaver Falls, PA. In the book "Il Mio Paese Racconta", Mario Colianni notes that Sabatino was the priest from 1903 to 1921. He wrote the book, "Vita di Santo Amico" (Life of Saint Amico), in 1887. |
![]() In 1906 Sabatino officiated over the opening of the Cappella di S. Amico in SPA. Here is the inscription over the door. Ron Frazzini sent me this translation: "To God (almighty or omnipotent) in honor of the miraculous St. Amico, monk and hermit, who revealed much in this woods to the devoted at the dawn of the twentieth century. They built this chapel, solemnly blessed by the arch priest Sabatino Frazzini on October 1, 1906, to the grand servant of God, Amico, who always was our friend and protector." |
![]() Cappella di S. Amico in San Pietro Avellana. Note the inscription over the door. |
![]() Baptism record 1912 #60 for my mother, Benilda Albina Victoria Frazzini, from Chiesa SS Pietro e
in San Pietro Avellana.
Priest for my mother's baptism was Sabatino Frazzini, her granduncle (brother of her grandfather Ippolito Frazzini). |
To: Maruizio Frazzini Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:44 AM Subject: Priest Sabatino Frazzini My mother sent me this photo. She thinks it is Priest Sabatino Frazzini. On the back, it is addressed to my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini in Beaver Falls, Pennslvania. There is no year on the photo. What do you think? Mark ------------ Mia madre mi spedì questa fotografia. Lei pensa che è Prete Sabatino Frazzini. Sulla schiena, è indirizzato a mio nonno, Emiliano Frazzini in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Non c'è anno sulla fotografia. Cosa pensi? Marco |
Date sent:
Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:06:25 +0200 From: maurizio frazzini Subject: R: Priest Sabatino Frazzini > ti confermo che si tratta senza alcun dubbio dello zio arciprete Don Sabatino fratello del Bis Nonno Pasquale che ha inaugurato nel 1906 la cappella nel bosco dedicata a S.Amico protettore e patrono di S.Pietro Avellana. Rough computer translation: I confirm without any doubt that this is uncle pastor Don Sabatino brother of Great Grandfather Pasquale that inaugurated in 1906 the chapel in the woods devoted to S.Amico, protector and patron of S.Pietro Avellana. |
![]() I received this photo from Franklin Smith in Jan 2005. It is © Copyright by Franklin Smith. Used with permission. He sent me this email: Hi Everyone.Dating of the photo: The Chapel of Sant'Amico was dedicated in 1906. This arch is the "fontana" or water fountain next to the chapel. Sabatino (if this is really who it is) died in 1921. Can anyone help identify who these people are? Click here for index drawing. Pasquale and Sabatino Frazzini were brothers. |
9:28 AM 2/22/2005 from Maurizio Frazzini mi dispiace di non aver risposto prima, ma non apro la mail ogni giorno, comunque ritengo che la persona seduta sulla sedia sia il mio bis nonno (grand grand father Pasquale che aveva sposato Nonna Raffaella Perilli), ed era al tempo stesso il fratello dell' arciprete Don Sabatino che nel 1906 ha costruito la Cappella di S.Amico ciao a presto I am sorry not to have answered before, but I don't open the mail every day, however I believe that the person sitting on the chair is my great grandfather (great grandfather Pasquale who married Grandmother Raffaella Perilli), and who was at the same time pastor Don Sabatino's brother who in 1906, built the Chapel of S.Amico bye, talk to you soon |
From: TahoeCSMI![]() Date sent: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 15:33:35 -0500 Subject: Interesting Photo I found Dear Mark, I was going through some family photos and came across the attached. I scanned it in high resolution (highest I could go) so it would be easier to examine. I scanned both front and back. You may already have this but thought I would send it just in case. Tell me your thoughts on the photo. Sincerely, Dennis Diullo |
![]() Click on the photo to see the original high resolution scan (2+ MB). There are some similar photos on these pages: |
![]() Notation on the back of the photo |
Dennis, Good to hear from you. All here is well. We like the rain this year and you probably had a lot of snow. The photo is great. I have seen photos similar to this one but they were photos transferred to postcards. Your photo is the best quality that I've seen so far. It is clearly a photo of the Sant'Amico procession most likely on Sant'Amico's day, Nov 3rd. I'm still guessing about the year. The statue being carried now resides in the Chapel of Sant'Amico across the valley from SPA. The main priest in the center front is probably the ranking priest of the SS Peter and Paul Church in SPA. I have a list of priest's names and the years they served so we may figure out who he is. He is holding some kind of a bust of a head. My first guess would be that he is Sabatino Frazzini ( a great-granduncle of mine) who served from 1903 to 1921. There is a photo taken at the Chapel of Sant'Amico where Sabatino Frazzini is seated with a newspaper in his lap. The man in the suit, also in the front center (to the priest's right) is most likely the mayor of SPA. Again I have a list of names by year. With your permission, I will add it to my web page and send an email out to the SPA group of researchers and see if anyone can add to this. Thanks again for scanning it. A real historical photo of SPA. All of these people are our cousins. Probably half of them died in the US. ciao. Mark |
I compared the photo you
mentioned on the web site with mine and that sure is Sabatino Frazzini.
My Dad was ten when he came to America which would have been 1922.
I will have to look through the photo carefully to see if I can
find my Grandmother. Please feel free to post it on the web site. About the snow, if I don't see another flake of snow it will be fine with me. It is over ten feet deep at my house. Take care cousin. Dennis Diullo |
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