Teridano Emidio diTella Genealogy
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The third time that my grandfather, Emiliano
Frazzini, came to the US
in 1912, he went to the home of his uncle Teridano diTella in Dawson,
NM. Teridano first arrived in the US about 1901, living in Trinidad,
CO. He moved to Dawson, New Mexico about 1906 where he lived until his
death in 1944. He is buried at the Mt.
Calvary Cemetery
in Raton, NM.
Here is a simple map
showing how close together are Dawson NM, Raton, NM and Trinidad, CO.
5 Sep 2004
- I added photos that I scanned at the home of Teridano's grandson,
Giuliano Colajanni on my trip to Italy in 2004.
7 Sep 2006 - I added some newspaper clippings from the Dawson News
Teridano diTella is Emiliano's wife, Lucrezia Carlini's,
uncle (her
mother, Doristella
brother). No one in my family even remembered him,
let alone knew he had come to the US. On this page, I will document
what I can find out about Teridano and
his time in in the US.
I've tried to
arrange this page in cronological order.
1877 Birth in San Pietro Avellana
From San Pietro Avellana birth records (as microfilmed by the LDS
Film 1448675 Nati 1877 #8
Teridano Emidio diTella
5 March 1877
father: Eliseo
mother: Lucrezia Frazzini
1897-1900 Italian Military Service
Teridano's grandson, Giuliano, received documentation from
Campobasso about Teridano's time in the military. He sent me a copy.
From that record, he entered service in the Italian Army on 3 Dec 1897
and served until 16 Sep 1900. The record covers the period up until 31
Dec 1918. He was a "caporale maggiore" in the 5th Artillery
Regiment (5o Reggto
Artiglieria). Possibly stationed in Torino (Turin) since that is where
the photo was taken.
He was not present for military instruction because he was not in Italy
: 10 Oct 1902, 15 Jun 1906, 15 Jun 1910
He received permission to leave the country on: 14 Nov
1900, 1 Mar 1906.
His first World War service was from 11 May 1915 up to 31
December 1918.

Photo from his military service in the Italian army - About 1899.
There was some discussion on the ancestry.com Italian Miliary board. I
got an email from Steve who pointed me to this message which contained
a photo that someone thought looked like Teridano.
The discussion is here :
1900 Arrival
Teridano, 23y, first arrived in the US, via Ellis Island, on 20 Dec
1900 on the Furst Bismark sailing from Naples. Occupation: carpenter.
He was going to the home of his brother
in East Glastonbury,
CT. Wilberta Illig found this manifest for me in Nov 2006. On Ellis
Island, he was indexed as "Feredaus DiCella". On ancestry.com, he was
indexed as "
Leredans Di
In his Italian military record, it shows that he was given permission
to leave Italy for the United States on 14 Nov 1900.
1904 Returned to SPA
In 1904, Teridano returned to SPA to marry Esterina Angelica diSanza.
They were married on 15 Jan 1905. Their first child, Renato, was born
Mar 1906.

Shipping Trunk used by Teridano
Photo by great grandson, Fabrizio Colajanni
As determined by grandson, Giuliano Colajanni, the printing on the
trunk (3 initials) was originally "T D T" for Teridano di Tella.
After Teridano's death, the trunk was most likely used by his son
Renato when he went to school. Thus the initials were changed to "R D
You can still see that the first initial was a "T".
Its likely that after Teridano's death, his belongings were returned to
SPA in this trunk.
1906 Ellis Island
From Ellis Island: 25
May 1906,
29 yrs (his year
of birth would be 1877 which matches the SPA Nati records),
married, occupation - Carpenter, going to cousin - Rainero diGiacomo,
Brooklyn NY, previously in US from 1901-1904 in Hartford, CT. Place of
residence was listed as "Campobasso". The ship was the Republic.
Traveled with:
Colaizzi, 35y
Carlo diIullo, 40y (but name was crossed
There was another record of arrival on the same date which was crossed
out. First name was
spelled "Terivano". It was 25
1906. Previously in US from 1901 to 1904
in Hartford, CT, married, going to
cousin Rainero
diGiacomo, Brooklyn, NY. Traveled with:
Antonio diSanza (going to uncle, Pietro
Frazzini in New
Cumberland, WV) (name was NOT crossed out)
Colaizzi (going to firend, Rainero
diGiacomo, Brooklyn, NY as well) (but name was crossed out)
Carlo diIullo
(going to cousin, Filippo Carlini, Dawson NM) (but name was crossed
Raffaele Colaizzi, Carlo diIullo as well as Teridano were crossed out.
they just listed twice in the manifest?
In his Italian military record, it shows that he was given
permission to leave Italy for New York on 1 Mar 1906.

Teridano - about 1905 - Maybe a passport photo?
Even though, this arrival manifest says that he was going to Hartford,
CT, the 1910 census (see below) and his 1911 arrival (see below) says
he lived in Dawson from 1906 to 1910.
1907 Arrival of Teridano's brother, Cipriano diTella
Another great-granduncle of mine, Tommaso Cipriano
brother, went to Teridano's home in Dawson, NM when he arrived in the
US (From Ellis Island: 7 May 1907, 34y, married, mason, going to
brother Teridano diTella, previously in the US from 1897 to
1906. Cipriano did not stay in the US but at some time moved
to live in
SPA. Read more on his web page, click on the link.
Census - Dawson
Teridano Ditella found in Census Microfilm Records:
Idaho, New Mexico, Utah,
Wyoming, 1910. Census taken 25 Apr.
went to the
FHC and found the 1910 census info (LDS microfilm # 1374926, Vol 3,
Colfax 1-189):
13th Census, New Mexico, Colfax
Precinct #13 Dawson, Enumeration
District 46,
Supervisor District 181,
Index #143 for Colfax County |
di Tella, Teridano
Head of Household, Male, White, 33 years, Married 5 years, Italy
Southern, Immigrated 1900, Speaks English, Carpenter in the town
Teridano and 4
others shared the house they
lived in:
- Antonio Morgano, 29 years, married 8 years,
immigrated 1901, speaks English,
Section Laborer, works for the Railroad
- Emico di Croce, 30 years, married 8 years,
immigrated 1908, speaks only
Mason helper, works for Coke Ovens
- Tarquinio Colarosa, 22 years, single, immigrated
1907, speaks only
Motorman, works for Coke Ovens
- Domenico Palumbo, 27 years, single, immigrated
1903, speaks English,
Miner, works
for Coal Mine
1910 Returned to SPA
In 1910, Teridano returned to SPA. Their second child, Vinicio, was
on 17 May 1911.
1911 Ellis Island Arrival
diVincenzo Illig found this record. It is amazing that she found it
since it was poorly indexed.
Name De Bella, Teridano
Ethnicity Italy, Italian S.
Place of Residence S. Pietro Avel, Italy
Date of Arrival March 29, 1911
Age on Arrival 33y
Gender M
Marital Status M
Ship of Travel Cedric
Port of Departure Naples, Campania, Italy
This record is hard to find. The manifest does not come up when you
search for De Bella. The ship record is:
Series Roll
Volume Year
Month Day Frame
3 T715 1648
3633 1911 March
29 76 Cedric
You have to search for the missing manifest. I found it at frames 379
and 378. He was 33 years old, occupation - Carpenter, wife in SPA -
Esterina. Going to Dawson, New Mexico. Going to friend - Antonio
previously in Dawson from 1906 to 1910.
Travelled with:
Luigi Frazzini, 37y, wife in
SPA - Flora, going to Dawson, NM, to brother-in-law - Amico Gatti
Antonio diSanza, 35y, wife in SPA -
Laura, going to
Oswood (?), PA, to brother Carlantonio
Felice Carlini, 26y, Tailor, wife in SPA
Elisabetta, going to Youngstown, OH, to brother-in-law - Giovanni Rossi
Pietro Paolo Musilli, 18y, Farm Laborer,
father in
SPA - Giovanni. going to Dawson, NM, to friend - Giuliano d'Achille
This may be when Teridano first moved to Dawson.
1912 Arrival of my granduncle Felice Carlini
My granduncle Felice
Amato Carlini (my
grandmother's brother who settled in Ely, NV) also went to Teridano's
home in Dawson, NM when he arrived in the US (From Ellis
15 Feb 1912, 17 yrs, single, to: Uncle
Teridano diTella, Dawson NM, father Giuseppe).
1914 Returned to SPA
In 1914, Teridano returned to SPA, apparently for 6 years. Their
daughter, Licia, was born 14 Dec 1914 and their fourth child, Goffredo,
born on 21 Aug 1916. According to his grandson, Giuliano,
Teridano was in SPA during the first World War.
1914 Italian Army Mobilization
From Teridano's military records, he registered for WWI Italian
military service on 11 Mar 1914.
1918 Release from Italian Army
From Teridano's military record, he was released from WWI military
service on 31 Dec 1918. From the record, it does not appear that he
actually served in the military. This does confirm that he spent the
time of WWI in Italy.
1920 Census - January
Teridano is not listed in the index for the 1920
census. The Census was taken in January and from the following Boston
arrival info, he returned to the US in March. I checked New
Mexico, California and Nevada for both him and his brother, Cipriano -
could not find either one.
1920 Boston Arrival
2 Mar 1920
Teridano diTella
Ship Canopic, saling from Napoli 17 Feb 1920
42 years
occupation: Joiner
stamped with "Entry for Permanent" verifed 16 Jun 1928
wife in S. Pietro: Ester
previously in the US: 1906-1914
going to brother Cipriano,
414 S Street, Sacramento, CA
(Mark's note: Cipriano diTella filled out a WWI Draft Registration card
in Sacramento in 1917)
travelled with:
Ernesto diFlorio
Letizia diSanza
Rosa Rossi
Giudo diIullo
Santa Acquafondata
Lesina Settifrati
Assunta Vizzosa
Maddalena Colaianni
All of these other people were going to Ely, NV. |
This entry was to start his application for citizenship. The
requirement was that you had to live
in the US for 5 years before you could become a citizen.
1920 Ely, NV
I found that Teridano lived in East Ely, NV for a short time
in 1920.
In Aug 2007, I spent 5 days in Ely, NV doing genealogy
research at
the East Ely Railroad Depot Museum . That museum has the
from the Nevada Northern Railway Company. Many sampietresi
on that railroad. They have records of workers from 1906 until 1983.
My search went to a box of records which contained job applications
from 1915-1920. In those records I found the job
of Teridano. The application has the date 1 Apr 1920. Then I looked at
the payroll records for 1920. I found that Teridano worked during this
time for the NNRY in the "Motive Power & Car Department":
April 15 1920 Laborer - worked 14 days - pay $3.96
per day
April 30 1920 Laborer - worked 15 days - pay $4.21
per day
May 15 1920 Laborer - worked 15
days - pay $4.21 per day
May 31 1920 Laborer - worked 16
days - pay $4.21 per day
June 15 1920 Laborer - worked 15 days -
pay $4.21 per day
June 30 1920 Laborer - worked 3 days and
5 hours - pay $4.21 per day
That is the last entry. Teridano must have quit the job. Maybe he did
not like the work on the railroad. His last pay was for $15.25. The
records do not show a paycheck number so I assume that payment was
never made to Teridano.
I found this Ellis Island Record which indicates that Teridano did not
leave Ely when left the NNRY job:
This is Rinaldo deAmicis,
son of
Severina diTella and Antonio
deAmicis. He married Gina Maria Carmina Carlino. My cousin, Alfonso
diSanza, helped me get the spelling of the last name
correct, he confirmed the identity with his mother Laura
diTella. Gina was my mother's baptism Godmother.
Rinaldo came to US at least twice.
found this
Ellis Island record:
De Amicis, Rinaldo
Italian Italy South
S. Pietro, Avellana
October 04, 1920
Naples, Campania, Italy
Previously in the US from 1912 to
1914, in NV.
Occupation: carpenter.Going to the home of his uncle, Teridano diTella,
Box 199, East Ely, NV. Wife in SPA, Gina Carlini. Travelled with Luigi
So here in October 1920, Teridano must have still been in East Ely.
1920's Moved to Dawson
Sometime in the early 1920's, Teridano moved to back to Dawson.
1926 US Citizenship Papers
Teridano's Naturalization papers are dated 4 Sep 1926.
Taken at District Court of Colfax County, Raton, New Mexico. Teridano
listed as living in Dawson and was 49 years old. Lists 4 children all
living in San Pietro Avellana:
- Renato, age 20 (would have been born about 1906)
- Vinicio, age 15 (would have been born about 1911)
- Licia, age 10 (would have been born about 1916, this is
Giuliano's mother)
- Goffredo, age 9 (would have been born about 1917)
The name of Teridano's wife is not listed on the document. According to
a note: "Under
act of September 22, 1922, husband's naturalization does
not make wife a citizen".
In "Coal Town - The Life and
Times of Dawson, New Mexico", by Toby Smith, Toby
tells the
story of school teacher George Louis Fenlon. Fenlon not only reformed
the school system in Dawson but also setup night classes for adults.
There is a good chance that Teridano took one of these classes:
Next, he [Fenlon] set up night
classes in
English and American citizenship for adults. By 1924, sixty had
graduated from the "Naturalization" course.
From "Coal
Town - The Life and
Times of Dawson, New Mexico", pg 77, ©Toby
Smith. |
The citizenship
ceremony took place on 4 Sep 1926 in Raton. Here is
the article from the Dawson News
A notation on the 1920 arrival manifest shows this date stamped with
"Entry for Permanent" verifed 16 Jun 1928. He was already a citizen by
now so this might have something to do with getting a Passport.
1929 - Trip to
Here is the Dawson News 16 May 1929
I believe John Moruzzi was from Udine so the reporter got the
information almost correct - Teridano was from San Pietro Avellana.
Teridano expected to return with
his wife, Esterina, and four children. But that did not happen.
Dawson News 30
May 1929

1929 Photo taken in
Italy. Teridano is third from left. His
wife Esterina
is next to him.
His grandson, Giuliano believes this is the last trip
that Teridano made to Italy.
The first person at left is Teridano's son
Vinicio (Air Force colonel).
We don't know who any of the other
people are.
Here is another photo identified by Giuliano as taken in Fiuggi in 1929.

Third from left, is Vinicio diTella, Teridano's son.
Giuliano does not know any of the other people in this photo.
1929 Arrival via
New York
John ("Gio Batta" on the manifest) Moruzzi, Santa Rugo Moruzzi and
Teridano returned from Italy, leaving Naples on the Roma on 24 Aug 1929
and arrived at New York on 2 Sep 1929. Teridano was 52y, a US Citizen,
going to Box 1112, Dawson, NM. Passport number 950 issued at
Washington, DC 10 Apr 1929. John and Santa were going to the same
address and their passports were issued on the same date.
12 Sep 1929
Dawson news. Teridano was back in Dawson but without his
19 Sep 1929 Dawson News -
Celebrates 7th Annual Community Day. You had to
weigh at least 190 pounds to enter this race.
1930 Census - Dawson
was sent
this info from the 1930 census (Series: T626 Roll:
1393 Page: 142) 13th Precinct, East Part:
1930 census, Dawson, Colfax Co., NM
(boarding in the home of John Mouizzi, 1910 Number Five Hill)
Di Tella, Terry, 54y, married, married first at 27y, born in Italy,
born in Italy; immigrated in 1900, naturalized;
laborer in the coal mine
Moruzzi, John, 52y, laborer-coal mine, emigrated in 1902, naturalized,
married at age 23y
Santa, wife, 48y, emigrated in 1911, naturalized, married at age 20y
Margaret, daughter, 24y, born in Italy, emigrated in 1911, naturalized
Martin, son, 20y, born in Italy, emigrated in 1911, naturalized
Delfus, son, 17y, born in CO
Eligio, son, 15y, born in CO
Terry's age of 54, would match with the birth date of 1877
for our
Teridano. He lived next door to Oreste
and Florence diCianno.
I was able to
contact the daughter of Mary diLorenzo Arcangeli, the sister of
Florence. Elaine Arcangeli Wade wrote to me:
September 24 2007
Dear Mark
My mother, Mary, and I can't find any pictures of Terry. I found one of
Oreste and myself in
Dawson. We believe my Aunt Florence had pictures,
but since she passed away many years ago, we have no idea where they
would be. Her second husband, Joe Sepich, also passed away. Therefore,
what pictures she had are gone.
Terry made Florence and Mary a cedar chest. Florence gave her cedar
chest to me and Mary has the one Terry made her. They are beautiful and
have no nails. They are put together with pegs and joints.
This is all the information that I have. Hope this will be a little
Sincerely, Elaine.
One of two Cedar Chests made
by Teridano diTella. They were given to sisters, Florence and Mary
This one was the one given to Florence - now owned by neice, Elaine
Arcangeli Wade. |
John and Santa
Moruzzi - Friends of Teridano
Moruzzi - In
searching the microfilmed records from St John the Baptist Church in
Dawson, I found both John and Santa listed as godparents and
confirmation sponsors (twice for children of Domenico Palumbo) from
1928 to 1932. The
name in those records appears to be spelled Muruzzi or Moruzzi. I
checked Ellis Island and Moruzzi appears to be a good name. The family
name is not from San Pietro Avellana. I found two records for Giovanni
but neither are this John. Santa's last name was shown one time as
Rugo. There are lots of Rugo's from Tramonti di Sotto, Udine, Italy.
I did find a Santa Moruzzi and two children who came over on 15 May
1911. This was a "detained aliens" list, reason "husband". From the
1930 census, we know our
Santa had two children in Italy and all three of them immigrated
in 1911. Does not list a Dawson destination. Then I found the actual
manifest which lists Santa (30y), Margherita (6y) and Erminio (2y).
Ages match pretty well. From Tramonti, Italy. Going to husband, "Gio.
Battista Moruzzi" in Brooklyn NY.
I found a Giov. Batt. Moruzzi, 27y, who entered on May 6,
to New York, previously in US from 1902 to 1905. Married. Travelled
with Vittorio Moruzzi., 24y (I would guess a brother).
Another Giov Batt who entered on March 2, 1910. A sculptor, 32y,
naturalized. Lists wife "Santi" living in Tramonti. Going to
Stockbridge, Mass.
The 1920 Census shows the parents and five children living in Pueblo
Colorado. Name spelled as Moruzzi. Series:
T625 Roll:
169 Page: 279. (oldest son Pasquale 17y, came
over 25 Oct 1919 via Ellis Island).
From: Roselawn
Cemetery, Pueblo, CO :
Moruzzi, Giovanni
B. 58y, buried 16 Mar 1936
Moruzzi, Santa 97y, died 8 Jan 1978, buried 11
Jan 1978
From: The NMDI (New
Mexico Death
Index) Project
Last First MI Date(MM DD YY) County Age (YYM) MORUZZI JOHN B 03 13 36 COLFAX 586
have received a copy of his death certificate. It indicates that he
died in Dawson of a cerebral hemorrage. It says he was born in Campone,
Italy but I can't seem to find such a town. He lived in house #1910 in
Dawson at the time of his death and was buried in Pueblo, CO. He had
been in the US for 34 years and in Colfax County for 13 years.
Informant was
Mrs Clyde Green (daughter) from Pueblo, CO.
this is them.
I am starting a search for living Moruzzi in Pueblo, CO. They may know
something about Teridano's life in Dawson or about the 1929 trip to
Italy. I wrote some letters and received this email:
Sun, 12 Nov 2006 19:06:38 -0700
Della Skul <dellaskul msn.com>
Hello Mark, my
name is Della Santa Moruzzi Skul. I am the
granddaughter of John B. Moruzzi. My brother John gave me a copy of the
info that he received and I don't know if he has contacted you or
not. We don't have a lot of information about our grandfather,
unfortunately my dad's side of the family were very tight
lipped. I found some info about him on the internet at Ellis
Island, so armed with that when I went to Europe last year I tried to
find out something but had little success due to the fact that I had
very little time in Italy. We do plan to make another trip next year
and hopefully I can find something. We know that they came from the
area around Udina, also they were in Cromanto di Lotto and
Tramonti. I have had no luck in finding anything in those
areas. I
did find a mention of his name in Austria. I also knew that
spoke Friulian. That country was taken over by Italy. In any case if
you can get me something to look for when I go next year I will try to
find some info for you.
Again, I am
sorry that we know so little about our grandparents or your
uncle Terry. As far as I know none of the people in this picture (Mark's
note: the Fiuggi photo) are my
grandparents. We have lost almost all of our older generation so there
it is.
Take care and
good luck with your search.
Della added a little later:
Mrs. Clyde
Green was the
only daughter of Santa and John. My aunt of course. She lived
before my parents came to Pueblo. Her name was Margarite and
passed away when she was 90. My family moved here when I was 14 months
old but I don't know how long they were here before us. I know that the
10 acres of land that they had was bought right after my grandfather
came to America, or at least that is what we have assumed all these
years. John (grandpa) is buried in Roselawn Cemetery here in
Della sent me this photo of John and Santa.
Sun, 06 May 2007 20:37:02 -0400
Robert Rugo <bobrugo mac.com>
dellaskul msn.com
Re. John
Moruzzi, you wrote on your website:
"I have received a copy of his death certificate. It indicates
that he died in Dawson of a cerebral hemorrage. It says he was
born in Campone, Italy but I can't seem to find such a town."
Campone is a
(village/hamlet) in the Comune (town/smallest unit of
of Tramonti di Sotto. This is now in the Provincia di
but that province was only created in the 1960s I believe.
the period of immigration it was the Provincia di Udine. There
also a city of Udine, but when the people from Tramonti di
referred to Udine, they were usually referring to the
Google Earth knows how to find Campone, it is along a road running
east from the main river valley.
Rugo is a
common name in
Tramonti di Sotto dating back into the 1400s. Moruzzi is also
found there back to about 1600. In the late 1700s, Rugo was
second most common name and Moruzzi the third most common name
Tramonti di Sotto. There was a custom of using modifying
sopranome, to identify branches of a family, often referring
to a
prominent member of a particular branch of the family or a
geographic location where that branch lived. One of
the modifying
names for Moruzzi refers to Campone.
Just below that
you have a note from Della: "We know that they came from
the area around Udina, also they were in Cromanto di Lotto and
Tramonti". I believe
that those are all
referring to the same place. At Ellis Island I was able to
catalogue about 30 ways of misspelling Tramonti, one of which
the Cromanto di Lotto that Della mentioned, so not a separate
place. What with translating the Friulan language into regular
Italian or French at the point of embarkation and then
people with
no great knowledge trying to read the handwriting from 100
years ago to produce the text version of the Ellis Island
manifests, there are a lot of errors. There is also a Comune
Tramonti in a different part of Italy, which is different from
two comuni in the Meduna River valley, Tramonti di Sotto and
Tramonti di Sopra, were often referred to as "Tramonti" for
The new website
for Tramonti di Sotto is http://www.comune.tramonti-di-sotto.pn.it/ unfortunately the
new site does not list all the frazione as the old one did.
Bob Rugo
Rugo, Bidoli,
Ferroli and Varnerin families from
Tramonti di
Sotto, Pordenone, Friuli, Italia ca. 1400 - 2007 to
Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1885 - 2007 |
Thanks for your email. It sure clears up a lot about the town name and
Are you related to Della or Santa Rugo? I couldn't tell from the web
site - I didn't see a Santa listed.
I'm sure that even if you haven't found a relationship yet, you most
likely are related somehow.
Your web site is very nice. About the generation of John Moruzzi and
Santa Rugo, I've seen that when Italians married, it was usually to
someone from their hometown.
May I use your email on the web page? I will include hotlinks to your
web site and to the Tramonti site.
mark |
Mon, 07 May 2007 09:18:02 -0400
Robert Rugo
Re: Moruzzi
Feel free to
use the links or email.
I don't know of
a connection
to Santa Rugo. The Val Tramontina was a very small and
isolated location and young people often sought permission
the church to marry cousins since there were so few people
available for marriage. I would expect that everyone was
if you could push the family ties back far enough. I realize
that there are no Moruzzi in my family information which is a
little odd given the small size and interconnectedness of
the population.
Your comment
about marriages
seems very correct. The fact that people spoke local dialects
have had something to do with it. I have not yet updated the
public part of my website, but recently I tied together my
and what I showed as unrelated families from Tramonti through
marriages in Boston between people from the village around
Bob Rugo |
<bobrugo mac.com>
Subject: Dawson, New Mexico - Tramonti di
Sotto, Italy
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:55:14 -0500
We corresponded back in 2007 about John Moruzzi and his wife Santa Rugo
of Tramonti di Sotto, Italy and Dawson, New Mexico. You included some
of the correspondence on your site.
I went back to your site today because I have been working with someone
in Italy who has undertaken an ambitious project to chronicle most of
the families from Tramonti; his mother-in-law will be 100 years old in
December and still owns her house there although they now live in
Milan. He is at about 8,000 people. I was hoping to add your
information about the Dawson people to his files, but have not yet
found a connection to his information.
If you would like to update, some pictures of Tramonti can now be found
And genealogy for about 1,500 people from Tramonti can be found at:
https://www.facebook.com/BobRugo |
An Older Teridano
Teridano -
possibly around 1935
Teridano -
possibly around 1940
1940 census, Dawson, NM
1940 census, 63y, boarding at the home of Orazio Primivieri.
Married (but really widowed), Naturalized, 5th grade education, born in
Italy, Carpenter at the coal mine.
1944 Dawson, New
I ordered film
0016763, St. John the Baptist RC Church, Dawson, NM. The film is
cataloged to only cover up to 1943 but, in fact, it covered up to 1950.
found this out by going page by page through the deaths. I found
Teridano in the deaths from 1944, page 34, line 4. His
name was spelled wrong. Here are the details:
diTella 67 years old at
death, mother and father not listed.
Died 14 Feb 1944, widower of Esterina
Buried 17 Feb 1944, Calvary Cemetery, Raton, NM
note: "Found in a coma. Never regained consciousness.
Extreme Unction".
Signed by Rev. Paul E. Hally
I have managed to
get a copy of Teridano's Death Certificate. He died in Dawson after
being in the hospital for 11 hours. He died on 14 Feb 1944 at 9 PM. His
SSAN was 525-03-1655. He was 66 years, 11 months, 11 days old.
Occupation was carpenter for the coal company. Cause of death was
apoplexy due to arterio solerosis. The death was reported by Oreste
diCianno. He was buried on 17 Feb 1944 in Raton. The
certificate does
not list the names of his parents most likely because no one in Dawson
who they were. Note: John Moruzzi, who Teridano rented a room from in
1930, died in 1936. John and Teridano must have been close friends. I
suspect that, at some point, John and Santa moved to Pueblo and
Teridano became closer friends with Oreste diCianno.
1944 Raton, New Mexico
is photo given to me by Giuliano. It apears to be dated 1968 and shows
Teridano's original tombstone and grave site. Giuliano thought that
Teridano might have been originally buried in Dawson and then moved to
Raton. He thought this photo might really be Dawson. But on Teridano's
death certificate, it shows the disposition of his body after his death
in Dawson in 1944 as "Removal" to Raton.
Here is Teridano's tombstone as it appears today. We don't know how or
why it was changed.
Di Tella
, Teridano 1877-1944.
I got this photo from Giuliano : Raton, NM, Mt. Calvary
Catholic Cemetery. From the microfilm records from Dawson, we
now know that he died on 14 Feb 1944
in Dawson, NM.
For more photos of the Mt. Calvary Cemetery, here is a report of
a trip I
took to Raton in 2004.
had a Last Will and Testament which was probated in the Probate Court
of Colfax County in Raton. Oreste
DiCianno was the Executor of his
estate (In the 1930 census, Oreste lived next door to Teridano.). Here
is the newspaper notice from the 28 Mar
1944 issue of The Raton Range:
1944 Last Will
and Testament
After finding the Probate number of Teridano's Will, I got a
copy of it from the
County Court House in Raton. There are no great surprises in it but
there are a few pieces of information that show a little more about
his life in Dawson.
1. The Will lists the four children of Treidano in Italy - Rinato,
Vinicio, Licia and Goffredo. His property was to be split equally
among the four of them. His wife Esterina had died in 1937.
2. The Will was orginally written in August of 1943. It was signed on
25 Jan 1944 (Teridano died on 14 Feb 1944).
3. His personal effects at the time of his death:
8 pairs
of shoes
2 pair of slippers
1 wool jacket
9 suits of underwear
3 suits of clothes
5 pair of pants
1 bath robe
8 work shirts
1 cap
1 hat
6 suits pajamas
7 dress shirts
9 pair hose |
2 towels
2 leather jackets
1 overcoat
1 light sweater
2 wood nut bowles
1 pipe rack
1 trunk
2 suit cases
1 gold watch
1 miscellaneous lot toilet articles, pens, pencils, neckties, pictures,
letters, etc
1 miscellaneous lot carpenter tools
1 miscellaneous lot food supplies
1 framed picture of man in uniform |
4. At the time of his death, he was renting a room from Orazio
Primaveri. I've found that family in the 1930 census with the wife
running a boarding house. The house, in 1930, was located on Number 4
Hill so that is probably were Teridano died. Orazio billed the estate
$12.50, for room and board for the partial month of Feburary.
I learned at the
2008 Dawson Reunion from Erma Yob Schulte that the boarding house run
by the Primaveri's was call "The V".
5. The priest who performed the funeral mass was Rev. Paul E. Hally
from St. John the Baptist Church in Dawson.
6. The Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company was paid $304.47 for funeral
7. The Final Decree was signed on 4 Mar 1946 at which time his estate
was distributed to his beneficiaries. (It surprises me that it took 2
years to complete the Probate.)
8. Witnesses to the signing of the Will were Joe diLisio and Joe
Falletti. diLisio was the owner of a restaurant in Raton. Falletti
worked at that restaurant.
2006 Dawson
At the
2006 Dawson
Reunion, I found three people who remembered Teridano. Look
for their pictures in the reunion trip report. Here are their stories.
Erma Yob Schulte and Mary Yob Dahl
These sisters knew Teridano in the 1940's. Their family was Yob and
that family was from Austria. They said that their parents
and Teridano were close friends. Erma recognized the photo of the older
Teridano. She said that he had a beautiful Italian accent. They were
fairly sure that Teridano lived nearby to them in the town (that is,
not in one of the camps near the mines). They also knew the Moruzzi
Ed Dahl
Ed lived in Dawson from 1923 until 1950. Ed remembered that Teridano
was a carpenter and worked in the Carpentry shop. Ed also thought that
Teridano was the boss at the carpentry shop at one time. Teridano made
furniture including beautiful cedar chests. He thought that Teridano
lived near the carpentry shop at the bottom of Number 4 Hill.
Teridano also worked building frames of houses.
I also met two descendents of Florindo Fraini and Rosa Iannacchione.
They are Toni Muñoz Lenhart and Lita Muñoz
Hinojosa. Toni
and Lita both live in California. You can find out more about that
family on the
Dawson web page.
Teridano's wife Esterina
He married Esterina Angelica diSanza on 15 Feb 1905. They had four
children, Renato, Vinicio, Licia, and Goffredo.
diSanza - unknown year
diSanza - unknown year
My Cousin Giuliano Colajanni
Early in my genealogical
research, I was sent an email received by another researcher from a man
in Italy who is
descendant from Teridano. Here is the first email I was sent:
giuliano.colajanni fastwebnet.it
To: auntbee juno.com
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 14:42:18 +0200
My name is Colajanni Giuliano and I live in Rome, Italy.
By GenForum I know that you have information about persons
in DAWSON,COLFAX county, New Mexico.
I am interested in finding information about my grandfather DI TELLA
TERIDANO, probably died at DAWSON at first months of 1944.
If you can help me? please E-Mail me at gicolaj tin.it
Thanking you in advance |
That email was orginally sent in 2000. I got the copy from Wilberta
Illig in Oct 2003. I quickly sent an email to Giuliano, hoping that his
email address was still good:
markd silogic.com
giuliano.colajanni fastwebnet.it
diTella Genealogy
Copies to:
<alfonsodisanzadalena yahoo.it>
Date sent:
Thu, 30 Oct 2003
22:21:02 -0800
I got your email address from a lady who you sent an email several
years ago. There were two email addresses so I am sending to both.
Teridano diTella was the brother of my great-grandmother Doristella.
Please look at my web site that describes my grandfather Emiliano
Frazzini who went to Teridano's home in Dawson, New Mexico in the year
I am hoping that your email address is still good and that you will
reply to your cousin.
I am sending a copy of this to Alfonso diSanza who is descended from Tommaso Cipriano
diTella, Teridano's brother.
Mark DiVecchio
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 13:41:34 +0100
giuliano.colajanni fastwebnet.it
Re: Teridano diTella
markd silogic.com
Dear cousin Mark
I am excite your E-mail.
My mother Licia Di Tella 89 age living, is the Teridano's
Later, after office, i will write you for a long time .
Giuliano ( 54 age)
PS come te la cavi con la lingua italiana ? |
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:24:45 +0100
giuliano.colajanni fastwebnet.it
Re: Teridano diTella
markd silogic.com
Compliments, your work is eccezionally. Yesterday evening up to 02 in
the night I looked with attention your web pages.
Surely you are our reference point. I am doing a search about my
grandfather's live Teridano in USA for many years,
At moment I know as follows:
a) A trip by ship Republic with date of arrival 25 May 1906 ( Ellis
Island archives )
b) American Naturalization Certificate n° 2148097 - volume 5 -
387 issued at Dawson city Colfax County NM at 04 September
c) By the assistance of Carol Watkins Campbell living in
NM, I found Teridano's grave .We have located the following listed at
Raton NM library for the Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery : Di
, Teridano 1877-1944 JE6
d) I have now the pictures of Cemetery entrance, Grandfather's head
stone, Di Lorenzo family headstones ( four : two on each side of
grandfather's stone). Just a thought. The headstones appears relatively
new. Could he have been first buried at Dawson, then moved to Raton?
e) I writed to the N. M. Vital Records and Heath Statistics
asking a copy of death certificate of Teridano, but on the
NM Record Files there are not searching through 1940 to 1949. I
think that the correct name to search is Terry not Teridano
Other preliminary info.
Teridano married Di Sanza Esterina Angelica on 15/FEB/1905. She lived
in San Pietro Avellana Via Largo della Chiesa
To be descendant from: Renato, Vinicio, Goffredo, and my mother Licia.
Esterina Angelica and sons never went in the USA. Grandfather Teridano
only one time came in Italy during 1929. Goffredo is the last son and
was born in 1917.
Now, I don't know nothing through 1906 to 1929 and after to 1944.
Mark I know Alfonso Di Sanza , in San Pietro Avellana our home are near.
About my life I am a Technical engineer and work in a petrochemical
engineering company in Rome.
My wife Rosalba works at Unilever Company; we have two
Fabrizio(29) and Adriano (22)
I will send pictures
Giuliano ( now it's raining in Rome Caput Mundi)
Photo sent to
me by Giuliano. His
grandmother, Ester Angelica diSanza, wife of Teridano.
Born 29 Jul
1879, Died 14 Sep 1937.
My wife and I visited with
Giuliano, his wife, Rosalba, and mother, Licia, during a 2004
trip to Italy and they visted us during their trip
to the US for the 2008
Dawson Reunion. |
Now over the years Giuliano and I have communicated very often. My
wife and I visited them in Roma and San Pietro in 2004.
Vinicio diTella
I received a photo of Vinicio diTella from Alfonso diSanza.
Vinicio diTella
Colonel in
the Italian Air Force.
17 May 1911- 8 Apr 1969
Vinicio was shot down in Libya during WWII and was a prisoner for some
years, |
Licia diTella
I met Licia in the summer of 2004 in San Pietro. She was about 90 years
old and still alert. She was born about 1914-1915.
1924, age 10
1931, age 17
Goffredo diTella
This photo is from his tombstone in the San Pietro Avellana cemetery.
Other possibly related
http://www.heritagequestonline.com search "diTella"
(Colorado) city directory, 1930 : containing an alphabetical directory
of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders,
occupants of office buildings and business places, including a complete
street and avenue guide, and much information of a miscellaneous
character, also a buyers' guide and a complete classified business
Colorado Springs, Colo.: R.L. Polk Directory Co., c1930, 610
DiTella Jas (Marie) steelwkr h2328 E Evans av
http://www.heritagequestonline.com search "di
R.L. Polk
Directory Co.'s Pueblo city directory, 1923 : containing a complete
alphabetical list of business firms, corporations and private citizens,
a miscellaneous directory of city and county officers, churches, clubs,
colleges and schools, labor organizations and secret and benevolent
societies, etc. : also a complete classified business directory, "The
buyer's guide."
Colorado Springs, Colo.: R.L. Polk Directory Co., c1923, 541
(Dimila) steelwkr h 2328 E Evans av
1930 Census, Pueblo, CO
James DiTella, 66y (b 1864), steelworker, married at 24y
Mary, 61y, married at 18y
This site prepared and maintained by Mark DiVecchio
email : markd@silogic.com
DiVecchio HOME
Frazzini HOME
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