Frazzini | Emiliano Frazzini | Lucrezia Carlini | Benilda Frazzini | DiVecchia | Site Home |
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San Pietro
Avellana |
Wed, 03 Jan 2007 18:23:17 -0800 (PST) From: Blanche Crichfield <blanchemarie35 ![]() Subject: Re: so glad to hear from you! Dear Mark, I hope that you had a Happy New Year. My aunt, Mary Arcangelli, in Raton, would remember Oreste and could maybe answer some of your questions. She knows alot about our family history. One thing I can tell you about Oreste, my sister remembers clearly, from as early as she can remember. While visiting the family in Raton over the years, and being very close to Aunt Florence, she remembers that everyone always spoke highly and with praise about the character of Oreste. Everyone (family, friends, and acquaintances) said how kind he was, how honest he was and how helpful he was to any one and everyone. He was the best cobbler that Dawson and Raton ever knew. Everyone said what a sad day it was when he passed away and how much he would be missed. My sister and I will check with Aunt Carmen (Silver's mother) and see if she has any pictures, or knows more about Oreste. My sister just remembered, that Aunt Mary knew Aunt Florence's first husband (Oreste) very well. She would probably be your best bet for knowledge about him and Dawson as well. Aunt Mary may also have knowledge of your uncle Teridano. I think I forgot to say that yes, I do know Silver and Sally quite well. Uncle Louie was one of my favorite uncles. I just found an email from my cousin Fritz. How cool. I remember his father Statch from visits to Raton when I was very little. I did not know my Aunt Florence well, since she passed on when I was only 9, but I remember hearing Dad's family speak highly of her first husband Oreste. Take care, Blanche |
There were two large diCianno families in Ely.
Pio and Filomena never came to the US as far as I
1. Umberto P. (Pete) diCianno 1893-1968, buried in Ely,
worked for NNRY
Married Michelina Concetta
diCianno 1894-1953, buried in Ely, children: Gerry
(Girlando), Fae (Fedina)
2. Rachela Giovannina diCianno 1880-1961, buried in Ely
Known as "Jennie", married Pasquale
Iannacchione who was known as Frank Rossolo, buried in Ely
3. Amico diCianno, 1899-1976, buried in Ely. Here is an
obituary for Amico
diCianno in 1976.
Married Carolina Mezzanotte, buried in
4. Primiano Sabatino diCianno 1882 (came to the US but I
don't know if he stayed) [5]
5. Felice Antonio diCianno 1886 (came to the US but
I don't know if he stayed) [4]
Other children who did not come to the US, as far as I know:
5. Maddalena Maria diCianno 1889
6. Domenico Antonio diCianno 1894-1897
7. Eufrasia diCianno 1897-1897
8. Domenica Eufrasia diCianno 1878
Pasquale came to the US but I don't know if he stayed.
never came to the US as far as I know.
1. Oreste diCianno 1892-1956, buried in Raton, NM
Married unknown
Married Flora
"Florence" diLorenzo,1908-1982, in 1926 (don't know were she
is buried)
2. Amedeo diCianno 1906-1985, buried in Ely
Married Carmela Mendozzi, 1910-2005,
buried in Ely, daughter Teresa, buried in Ely.
There are several
letters on the SPA group written by Carmela posted by Rayna
3. Michelina Concetta diCianno, 1894-1953, buried in Ely
(see obituary below)
Married Umberto diCianno, 1893-1968,
buried in Ely , children Gerry
(Girlando), Fae (Fedina)
Other children who did not come to the US - as far as I
4. Verino diCianno 1912-1976, buried in Italy
Married Carina Carlini, my 1C2R. There
is a photo of their daughter Enrichetta on my Carlini page.
5. Amico diCianno 1900-1976, buried in Italy
6. Amedeo Domenico diCianno 1897 (he must have died young
since another son was named Amedeo in 1906)
7. Armando diCianno, 1910-1945, buried in Italy
Married Elvira ??, daughters, Silvia
and Valeria, son John. Elvira, Silvia and Valeria came to US in 1956.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:46:29 +0000 From: blaricci ![]() Subject: Re: Amedeo Dicianno Mark, As far as I know, most of the Dicianno's in Ely are related to each other. The Italian community started during the Depression, I'm told, when a few immigrants found jobs with the railroad. The word spread to Youngstown, where Amedeo and his new wife, Carmela nee Mendozzi were living. I think it was Amedeo's brother, maybe brother-in-law, who told him about the job opening in Ely. Amedo's son Romolo became the postmaster of East Ely. Our family went to visit Uncle Ameddie and Aunt Carmel in 1960. My mother, sister, and I returned in 1997. My uncle died in the early 1980's. You may not have letters, but your website is fantastic. I'm doing a presentation on preserving family history in March and will list your site as a resource. With your permission, I'd also like to use a few of the photos in the Power Point talk that will be part of the workshop. yours, Ben Lariccia |
Tue, 29 May 2007 11:00:25 +0000 From: blaricci ![]() Subject: FW: Oreste Mark, Here's more detailed info from Amico. Ben -------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- From: Amico Di Cianno <diciam ![]() To: blaricci ![]() Subject: Oreste Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 06:03:17 +0000 > Buongiorno Ben > > la sorella di Oreste si chiamava Michelina ed ebbe due figli: Fedina e Girlando. > Zio Oreste invece si sposò due volte; dalla prima moglie non ebbe figli. Dalla seconda ..... ancora non lo so. > Appena riuscirò ad avere qualche altra informazione te la comunicherò. > Ti saluto > Amico |
Mon, 28 May 2007 16:14:32 -0400 From: Michael Hamilton <mhamilton4 ![]() Subject: Re: Oreste diCianno Hi Mark, Nice to hear from you again. You are probably correct about the Silvia - Libra conflict. I reviewed my original records from SPA and I agree that it most likely is Silvia. As for the name of Oreste's father. The only record that I have shows that it was Pasquale. I have not searched the SPA records for Oreste nor his family. My only source for his connection to the Di Sanze family was a family record give to me by one of the Di Sanze decendants. His father's name is listed as Pasquale on his Ellis Island record. Hope this helps. Regards, Mike Hamilton |
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:54:28 -0400 From: Jay DeCianno <decianno ![]() Subject: Family Tree Dear Mark, Great work on this website. I found it when I did a search on my last name DiCianno (the proper spelling) and found a photo of a tombstone in Ely. After further research on my end I have found that my great-grandmother was Diomira Frazzini. I was looking through your trees and was wodering if you may have come across this name. My ancestors are also from San Pietro and we grew up in Beaver Falls. Grazie. Ciao, Jay Mark, My great-grandmother's, on my father's side, name was Diomira Frazzini and she was married to Carlo DiCianno. Their names are on the marriage act of my grandparents. They did not come to the US. My grandfather, Salvatore DiCianno married Armandina DiMatteo on March 15, 1922 in San Pietro Avellana. My grandmother was 21 and my grandfather was 34. From the little that I have found out so far, it appears that my grandfather's family is from the Puglia region. I have been communicating, via email, with an Amico DiCianno whose family is from San Pietro Avellana. We're working on our links. Grazie, Jay |
Tue, 08 Feb 2005 16:48:01 -0500 (EST) From: Mhusbj ![]() Subject: San Pietro Avellana Dear Mark, I was very impressed by your visit to San Pietro Avellana. Mark, my grandparents were born and raised in SPA. My grandmother's name was Maria Pasqua diTella. My grandfather was Carmine diCianno. They were married in SPA on October 20, 1902. They came to the US in 1903. We do not know anything about my grandfathers family. Grandma's father was Christafor diTella and her mother was Florence Colavecchio. Grandpa was born on April 14, 1869 and grandma was born on March 27, 1880. My grandparents were in Segundo, CO, Trinidad, CO, Pueblo CO, Pike View, CO, and Dawson, NM (1914-1916), Wellington, CO, and then Denver after grandpa quit the coal mines. Any information you can give me I would appreciate very much thank you, Betty Huston |
From: "Ben" <immigrationfromcapracotta![]() Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 22:50:21 -0000 Subject: [SanPietroAvellana] Carmela DiCianno interview available on Internet For those of you who knew my aunt Carmela Mendozzi DiCianno, you can listen to a recorded interview with her taken about ten years ago. Born in Capracotta in 1910, she immigrated to Youngstown, Ohio, ten years later with her mother Maria Loreta DiTanna Mendozzi. Carmela married Amedeo DiCianno who had arrived in Youngstown from San Pietro Avellana via Uruguay and Mexico. If you think of illegal immigrants as only speaking Spanish, Carmela's account of her future husband's travails will enlighten you. In this interview, she remembers her experiences growing up, getting married, and starting a family in Youngstown. You can access the two-part interview at the link from Youngstown State University's Steel Valley Voices Archive: Italian Heritage Collection. Just click on the blue numerals in the Audio Interviews. |
![]() ![]() Date: 10 Dec 2014 10:02:09 -0800 Subject: [SanPietroAvellana] Amedeo Di Cianno Carmela Mendozzi Di Cianno, born in Capracotta in 1910, was my mother's sister. Amedeo Di Cianno, of San Pietro A., married Carmela in Youngstown, a few years after his arrival in the US via Mexico and Uruguay. Recently, Carmela's granddaughter in Nevada published a collection of stories by and about her grandparents. You can find them here in English, Italian, and Spanish: Carmi ‘s Story of Nonna Carmela Mendozzi Di Cianno: |
![]() Elaine Arcangeli Wade and Oreste diCianno Dawson, NM |
Year | Name | Age | Year of Birth | Location | Year Immigrated |
Notes |
1930 | M.P. diCianno | 37y | 1893 | East Ely, NV | 1920 | I believe this is Umberto diCianno. I've seen references to him being called U.P. diCianno. 22y at first marriage - 1915. Section Forman. [40] Worked for the NNRY. On the records of railroad, he was U. Pete diCianno. |
1910 | Tony diCianno | 37y | 1873 | Toano, NV | 1905 | [3] Married 15y |
1910 | Pasquale diCianno | 17y | 1893 | Toano, NV | 1910 | |
1930 | Oreste diCianno | 37y | 1893 | Dawson, NM | 1915 | [12] Shoemaker, 33y at first marriage -1925 |
1930 | Florence diCianno | 22y | 1908 | Dawson, NM | wife of Oreste diCianno. Born in MN. 18y at first marriage (would have been 1925). | |
1910 | Jennie Rossolo (Rachela Giovannina diCianno) | 30y | 1890 | Toano, NV | 1910 | Married 7y. Living with husband, Frank Rossolo, 43y, and daughter Elvira, 6y. (Frank Rossolo was Pasquale Iannacchione. Later they lived in Ely and he worked for the NNRY.) |
Year of Arrival | Name | Age | Year of Birth | Going to/Location | Relative in Italy | Notes |
1907 | Pasquale diCianno | 37 | 1869 | Baden, PA | father Pio | [1] |
1910 | Umberto diCianno | 1893 | [40] Buried in Ely Cemetery - 1968 | |||
1920 | Umberto diCianno | sister (Rachela) Giovanna diCianno, East Ely, NV | wife Michelina diCianno | [40] | ||
1905 | Romaldo diCianno | 1877 | [2] | |||
1897 | Ronaldo diCianno | 19y | 1877 | [2] No manifest image available. Travelled with: Vincenzo diCianno, 47y Domenico Carlino, 45y Domenico Tonti, 22y Marcellino Ricci, 37y Asterina Frazzini, 28y {#2767) Ortencio Santo Gatti, 23y |
1895 | Pasquale diCianno | 26y | 1869 | New York | -- | [1] |
1895 | Candido diCianno | 32y | 1863 | New York | -- | [10] |
1900 | Filomena Onorato | 38y | 1862 | Youngstown, OH | husband Candido diCianno | [10a] Wife of Candido diCianno. Travelled with three
children: Cristanziano diCianno (16y), Aristella diCianno (12y) and Clotilde diCianno (10y). |
1923 | Amico diCianno | 24y | 1899 | brother-in-law Sabatino Mezzanotte | wife Carolina (Mezzanotte) | [11] |
1910 | Giovanna diCianno | 29y | 1880 | Ogden, UT | husband Pasquale Rosollo (Iannacchione) | Husband Pasquale Rossolo (Iannacchione), Travelled with daughter Elvira Rossolo, 5y. (#2389) |
1903 | Cristina diCianno | 29y | 1874 | husband Florindo Salvatore, Portland, OR | No SPA microfilm | |
1908 | Maria diCianno | 21y | 1887 | Father Giovanni, Baden, PA | No SPA microfilm | |
1911 | Oreste diCianno | 18y | 1893 | Carmine diSanza, Ogden, UT | father, Pasquale [1] | [12] No SPA microfilm |
1911 | Antonio diCianno | 39y | 1871 | Carmine diSanza, Ogden, UT | wife, Grandizia della Croce | [3] Index only in the microfilm. #16. Name given as
Antonio Cristinziano diCianno. (#2663) |
1913 | Romualdo diCianno | 35y | 1877 | brother-in-law Deo Carlini, Ely, NV | wife, Concetta Carlini | (#6660) |
1901 | Pasquale | 32y | 1869 | Pittsburgh, PA | [1] | |
1900 | Orazio diCianno | 29y | 1870 | Pittsburgh, PA | [14] | |
1898 | Antonio diCianno | 27y | 1871 | Pittsburgh, PA | [3] Index only in the microfilm. #16. Name given as
Antonio Cristinziano diCianno. (#2663) |
1900 | Pietro diCianno | 28y | 1871 | Pittsburgh, PA | brother Domenico | [15] Index only in the microfilm. #60 On the manifest he is listed as "d'Amico" or "son of Amico". |
1899 | Angela diCianno | 21y | 1878 | husband Giovanni Morelli, Rochester, PA | (#2558) | |
1906 | Primiano diCianno [5] | 24y | 1882 | 200 25th St. Ogden, Utah |
brother-in-law, Iannacchione | Indexed as "diGianno" |
1906 | Felice diCianno [4] | 18y | 1886 | 200 25th St. Ogden, Utah |
brother-in-law, Iannacchione | Indexed as "diGianno" |
Carmela J. Mendozzi - Janesville Gazette, The
(Feb/10/2005), Janesville, WI Carmela J. Mendozzi DiCianno, 94, of Ely, NV passed away Friday, January 21, 2005 at home. She was born March 19, 1910 in Capracotta, Italy to John & Maria Mendozzi. She came to America when she was 10 years old. Her family settled in Youngstown, OH. She married Amedeo DiCianno in April 1928. They moved to Ely in 1934, where Amedeo worked for Nevada Northern Railway. She was preceded in death by her husband, Amedeo, a brother, Joe Mendozzi & her daughter-in-law, Billie DiCianno. She is survived by her 3 children: Richard DiCianno & wife Beverly of Reno, NV; Romolo DiCianno of Ely, NV; and Marie Carrick & husband, Don of Ely, NV. 10 grandchildren: Debbie DiCianno of Reno, Carmi Gundersen of Sparks, Currie DiCianno of Sparks, Marcie Iannacchione of Sparks, Mark DiCianno of Reno, Michael Carrick of New Jersey, Rick Carrick of Elko, Sheila Imsdahl of Reno, Tim Carrick of Arizona & John DiCianno of Ely; 14 great grandchildren; sisters, Frances LaRiccia & Norma Popio; and brother, Mario Mendozzi. A Rosary will be held Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 7pm at Sacred Heart Church in Ely. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10am. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Box 151026, Ely, NV 89315 or The Helping Hands Hospice, c/o Beverly Cornutt, 1580 Murry St, Ely, NV 89301. |
Here is an obituary for Amico diCianno in 1976. This is not the Amico who is brother to Oreste and Michelina but rather he is the son of Pio diCianno and Filomena Colaianni and wife of Carolina Mezzanotte. |
Here is a diCianno family tree sent to me by Jay diCianno. |
Here is a family tree of another branch of the diCianno family. This was sent to me by Betty Huston. |
father: Giuseppe Sabatino diCianno [30] mother: Maria Amalia Frazzino [31] child: Pasquale Ludovico diCianno 1869 [1] |
father: Antonio diCianno 1871 [3] mother: Serafina Frazzini 1872? (possibly #1848) child: Vincenzo Giuseppe diCianno 1894 |
father: Carlo diCianno 1854 [20] mother: Diomira Frazzini 1860 child: Salvatore Antonio diCianno 1888 [40] Jay diCianno is descendant from this family. WWI Draft Registration, Beaver Falls, PA. wife Amilia diCianno |
father: Salvatore diCianno 1867 [43] grandfather: Pietro diCianno (#4958) grandmother: Brigida Frazzino (#4957) mother: Teresa diMartino child: Emiddia Giuseppa diCianno 1895 child: Costantino diCianno 1896 |
father: Floriano diCianno 1883-1866 grandfather: Angelo diCianno [c] mother: Eufrasia Mariani 1826 grandfather: Pasquale Mariani child: Pasquale diCianno 1866 |
father: Candido diCianno 1862 [10] grandfather: Giuseppe Sabatino diCianno [30] grandmother: Maria Amalia Frazzino [31] mother: Filomena Onorato [10a] child: Maria Aristella diCianno 1886 child: Clotilde Elisabetta diCianno 1890 child: Cristinziano Vincenzo diCianno 1884 |
father: Pietro diCianno 1843 (#4958) grandfather: Angelo diCianno [c] mother: Brigida Frazzino 1843 (#4957) grandfather: Paolo Frazzino (#4213) grandmother: Maria Giancola child: Maria Carolina diCianno 1877-1879 child: Sabatino Domenico 1886-1962 Lived in New Galilee, PA WWI Draft Registration, wife Marie diCianno. child: Maria Carmina 1873 child: Orazio Liberato 1870 child: Floriano Salvatore1867 |
father: unknown mother: Maria diCianno 1841 (#4954) grandfather: Nicola diCianno grandmother: Benigna diLorenzo child: Carmine diCianno 1869 (#4344) Here is his family tree. Betty Huston is descendant from this line. child: Maria diCianno 1872 child: Amico diCianno 1884 [41] child: Amico diCianno 1879 [42] |
father: Valentino diCianno 1833 (#6671) grandfather: Raffaele diCianno (#6668) mother: Rosaria diFlorio grandfather: Domenico diFlorio child:Romualdo Raffaele diCianno1877 (#6660) Married Concetta Rosa Carlini in 1904 WWI Draft Registration, East Ely, White Pine, NV child: Filomena Carmina diCianno 1882 child: Anna Maria diCianno 1873 |
father: Amico diCianno (#4951) mother: Maria Ciccarelli (#4952) child: Angela Maria diCianno 1878 (#2258) Married Giovanni Battista Morelli 1872 child: Albina Lucia diCiano 1880-1882 (#4953) |
father: Vincenzo diCianno 1849 grandfather: Sabatino diCianno mother: Lucia diTella grandfather: Angelo diTella child: Giovanna Ernesta diCianno 1876 (#2761) Married Ernesto Angelo Acquafondata in 1902 child: Arduino Michele diCianno 1879 child: Emiddio Michele diCianno 1873 |
father: Eugenio diCianno 1828 grandfather: Amico diCianno [41] mother: Lucia Palumbo 1833 grandfather: Domenico Palumbo child: Maria Antonio diCianno 1878 |
father: Domenico diCianno mother: Concetta Frazzino child: Bettina Elisabetta diCianno 1876 Married Carmine Ricci in 1876 |
father: unknown mother: Maria diCianno 1831 grandfather: Amico diCianno [41] child: Vincenzo Antonio diCianno 1868 |
father: Onorato diCianno 1843 grandfather: Giovanni diCianno [d] mother: Domenica Sozio 1846 grandfather: Carlo Sozio child: Antonia Domenica diCianno 1873 child: Vincenza Chiara diCianno 1867-1868 |
father: Francesco diCianno 1842 grandfather: Giovanni diCianno [d] mother: Rosa Colaianni 1846 grandfather: Michelangelo Colaianni child: Anna Antonia diCianno 1869 |
father: Sabatino diCianno 1821 (#3977) grandfather: Sabatino diCianno mother: Carolina Jacovetti 1830 (#3978) grandfather: Antonio Jacovetti child: Emiddio diCianno 1870 child: Maria Loquilda diCianno 1867-1871 |
father: Giuseppe diCianno 1825 [30] grandfather: Antonio diCianno1795 mother: Amalia Frazzino 1835 [31] grandfather: Filippangelo Frazzino grandmother: Gelsumina Frazzino child: Candido diCianno 1862 [10] child: Cristinziano Vencenzo diCianno 1867 child: Ludovico Pasquale diCianno 1869 [1] |
father: Domenicantonio diCianno 1828 grandfather: Raffaele diCianno (#6668) mother: Concetta Frazzino 1835 (#2763) grandfather: Goisue Frazzino (#1226) child: Emiddia Antonia diCianno 1868 |
father: unknown mother: Domenica diCianno 1824 grandfather: Antonio diCianno [42] child: Maria Filomena diCianno 1866 |
father: Pasquale diCianno 1821 grandfather: Benedetto diCianno mother: Angela Colarosa 1832 grandfather: Amico Colarosa child: Emiddia Serafina diCianno 1866 (possibly #1520) |
In 1871, there were four diCianno children born. In the microfilm, only the index survives. Anna Vincenza Raffaela diCianno 1871 Antonio Cristinziano diCianno 1871 [3] Pietro diCianno 1871 [15] Elisabetta Adelina diCianno 1871-1871 |
These photos are from a May 2005 visit to Ely. For a full report of our visit to the Ely Cemetery, look at this page.
![]() Umberto diCianno and Michelina diCianno |
![]() Amedeo diCianno and Carmela Mendozzi |
![]() Girlando "Gerry" diCianno |
![]() Romolo diCianno and Billie Mandeville |
These photos are from a May 2005 visit to Raton. Click for a full report of my 28 Apr 2004 visit to Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Raton.
![]() Oreste diCianno. Son of Pasquale diCianno [1] and Silvia Loreta diSanza (from the 1926 marriage record at St. John the Baptist Church in Dawson, NM. He married Florena (Florence) diLorenzo, daughter of Giuseppe diLorenzo and Loreta della Croce. Florence remaried after Oreste's death. She died in Tucson, AZ and may be buried there. |
![]() 1953 Newspaper article |
From a family tree on and
submitted by Mike Hamilton: Entries: 1540 Updated: 2004-11-28 03:56:24 UTC (Sun) Contact: Michael Hamilton 1 DICIANNO 2 Amedeo DI CIANNO + Caramel MENDOZZI 3 Richard DI CIANNO + Beverly ? 4 Mark DI CIANNO 4 Sheila DI CIANNO 4 Marcy DI CIANNO 4 Debbie DI CIANNO 3 Romolo DI CIANNO + BILLIE 4 Carrie DI CIANNO 4 Currie DI CIANNO 4 John DI CIANNO 3 Marie DI CIANNO + Don CARRICK 4 Michael CARRICK 4 Ricky CARRICK 4 Tim CARRICK 2 Orest DI CIANNO + FLORENCE 2 Armando DI CIANNO + ELVIRA 3 Sylvia DI CIANNO + Lydio SALVI 4 Joanne SALVI 4 Louise SALVI 4 Ed SALVI 3 John DI CIANNO 4 Vera DI CIANNO 4 Armaando DI CIANNO 3 Valaria DI CIANNO + Richard DI PETRO 4 Angelo DI PETRO 4 Patrick DI PETRO 2 Amico DI CIANNO + ASSUNTA 3 Tony DI CIANNO 3 Theresa DI CIANNO 3 Ami DI CIANNO + PHILAMENA 4 Carol DI CIANNO + Alex ELIAS 5 Kristen ELIAS 5 Michael ELIAS 5 Nichola ELIAS 4 Anna Marie DI CIANNO + DAN 4 Elio DI CIANNO + OLGA 5 Mario DI CIANNO + SUE 6 Christopher DI CIANNO 6 Michael DI CIANNO 6 Robert DI CIANNO 5 Joe DI CIANNO + Silvia Loretta DI SANZA b: 28 JUL 1870 |
+ Angelaccio, Mariantonia b. ABT 1850 Italy - d. AFT 1928 - Marriage: ABT 1875
+ Mendozzi, Giangregorio b. 22 Apr 1885 Capracotta, Isernia, Italy - d. 7 Aug 1970 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH - Marriage: 1908 Capracotta, Isernia, Italy + DiCianno, Amedeo Youngstown, Mahoning, OH + Blackham, Beverly + Iannacchione, Carl + Imsdahl, Shane + Mandeville, Billie + Gundersen, Sam + . . ., Barbara + Carrick, Donald + Lariccia, Benjamin b. Youngstown, Mahoning, OH - Marriage: Youngstown, Mahoning, OH + Cook, Michael - + Castor, Joseph - + Popio, Joseph + Petro, Michael R. Marriage: Girard, Trumbull, OH + DiMario, Jane |
![]() Amedeo DiCianno & Orlando DiSanze |
![]() Amico DiCianno |
![]() Assunta and Amico DiCianno |
![]() Ugo DiCianno ![]() in Italy said that this was Ugo DiCianno (not Amico as originally identified. |
![]() Michelina Concetta DiCianno, Fedina & Girlando |
![]() Michelina Concetta DiCianno, Fedina & Girlando |
![]() Silvia Loreta (DiSanza) DiCianno and son, Armando (I'm not sure of the name Armando - sister Michelina's obituary above does not list a brother with that name.) |
![]() Wedding of Amedeo
DiCianno and Carmella Mendozzi
Caption info from Mike Hamilton: Amedio DiCianno Wedding
& Cousins DiSanzeStanding: Orlando DiSanze, ?, ?, Amedio DiCianno, ?, ?, ? Seated: ?, ?, Carmella Mendozzi, Antoinette DiSanze, ?, Dora DiSanze? In Mar 2008, Ben Laricca sent me the same photo and added: Here
is the wedding photo of Carmela Mendozzi (Capracotta) and Amedeo
DiCianno (San Pietro A.), 1927 or 28.
The youngest girl is my mother, Frances Mendozzi Lariccia. Aside from her and the newly weds, I can't identify any others. Are there folks from San Pietro in the photo? Ben |
![]() Amedeo &
Carmela DiCianno
Amedeo was a pall bearer when my great uncle Felice Carlini died in
1944 in Ely, NV. Amedio worked for the Nevada Northern Railway and his name appears often on my Ely, NV and East Ely Railroad Depot Museum pages. |
From: <tpzaccardi![]() Date: 16 Dec 2008 04:45:01 -0000 I am researching my husband's family. His great Grandmother, Michelina Concetta DiCianno and great grandfather, Umberto Pete DiCiano came to Ely, Nevada from San Pietro Avellana Italy. |
It shows that she remarried after Oreste's death in 1956. Here are some details from that tree:
# ID: I546046446 # Name: Florence DILORENZO # Given Name: Florence # Surname: DiLorenzo # Sex: F # Birth: 8 Jan 1908 in Hebbing, MN # Death: : Jun 1982 in Tucson, Az Marriage 1 Joseph SEPICH b: 05 Sep 1927 in Dillon, NM * Married: Sept 1960 in in Carlsbad, NM |
# ID: I545676237 # Name: Joseph SEPICH # Given Name: Joseph # Surname: Sepich # Sex: M # Birth: 05 Sep 1927 in Dillon, NM # Death: 22 Oct 2002 (V) in 85629 (Sahuarita, Pima, AZ) # Event: 525-38-8614 Social Security Number # Event: 2 wives Florence DiLorenzo and Elzbieta Solarz Number of Marriages # Note: Joe served in the US Army, worked in the coal mines at Brilliant, NM and Reliance Wyo., Sawmills in South Fork Colorado, Potash mines in Carlsbad NM, and the Duval copper mines in Arizona. Father: Vinko (AKA Vincent) SEPICH (AKA SEPIC) b: 22 Feb 1891 in Sroki, St. Matteo Croatia Austria (in or near Rijeka Mother: Victorija LUCIC b: 12 Dec 1893 in Rijeka, Croatia, Austria (Yugoslavia) Marriage 1 Florence DILORENZO b: 8 Jan 1908 in Hebbing, MN * Married: Sept 1960 in in Carlsbad, NM Marriage 2 Living SOLARZ (Nevada Marriage Index shows Joe Sepich's second marriage was on 26 Sep 1990 in Clark, County, NV) |
The tree was posted by Shawna Shields "Sepich, Ercolani, Scroggins and Thompson Family Tree" . The email address associated with the posting is no good any more.
Vinko Sepich appeared in records from St. John the Baptist Church in Dawson, NM.
I then found a couple of SSDI entries:
Social Security Death Index
Name: Florence Sepich
SSN: 525-64-5053
Last Residence: 85629
Sahuarita, Pima, Arizona, United States of America
Born: 8 Jan 1908
Last Benefit: 85629 Sahuarita,
Pima, Arizona, United States of America
Died: Aug 1982
State (Year) SSN issued: New Mexico
(Before 1951 )
Social Security Death Index
Name: Joseph Sepich
SSN: 525-38-8614
Last Residence: 85629
Sahuarita, Pima, Arizona, United States of America
Born: 5 Sep 1927
Died: 22 Oct 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: New Mexico
(Before 1951 )
You can read a little about her early years in Minnesota on this page.
From: Penny Frates <mayfrates![]() To: <markd ![]() Subject: Ely Photos Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:30:20 -0700 Hi Mark, I just noticed your website. I am related to the Di Cianno's. Could you post the photo of Girlando Di Cianno? Are you related? Penny |
From: markd![]() To: mayfrates ![]() Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:14:08 -0800 Subject: Re: Ely Photos Penny, Thanks for your email. I do have two photos of Girlando diCianno on the diCianno web page. Is there another one that I referenced? I'll be happy to send you the photos if you can remind me which they are. (I have so many photos I can't keep track of them...) Also, consider joining our SPA group on Yahoo at: Join the group and post a message there about your parents, grandparents, etc. You might find more cousins! ciao. Mark |
From: Penny Frates <mayfrates![]() To: Mark DiVecchio <markd ![]() Subject: RE: Ely Photos Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:46:52 -0700 Hi Mark, I had not even seen the Di Cianno page - I just found your Ely page when I googled my grandmother. I just checked it out and it's great! To fill in another piece of the puzzle (if you haven't already) my grandparents were/are Girlando and Josephine DiCianno, so my great grandmother is Michelina DiCianno (Grandma Micki). My mom, Chris, may have sent you an email as well. I don't remember Micki, she died before I was born. Amadeo and Carmela were my great aunt and uncle. Josephine's side is DeLorenzo - I saw a similiar name on the website (different spelling) her parents were Christy and Philomena DeLorenzo. My mom will know most of the Italians in Ely, we were a tight knit group and all of us are related! Your website is great, I am going to join the yahoo group and tell my mom to do the same. Thanks again! Penny |
From: <cmccabe![]() To: <markd ![]() Subject: your website Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:39:08 -0500 Hi, my daughter sent me your website, and you have hit on some very near and dear memories of my life. I am sure we are related somewhere along the line. I know, or knew most of the headstones you took pictures of. In addition, my dad is Girlando DiCianno, my mom is Josephine, and she is still alive at the age of 85 but is in a nursing home in Ely. My maternal grandmother is Filomena Delorenzo, married to Christy Delorenzo and he died in Youngstown, Ohio, where he was buried. My paternal grandparents are Umberto and Micheliana DiCianno. I am first generation Italian here in the USA. You have definitely caught my interest. if you want to chat more, you have my email address. Here is some information about the missing headstones: 1. DiCianno, Agnes L. This is my step grandmother, her husband was Umberto DiCianno. This was a 2nd marriage for them both and my grandfather Umberto is buried in Ely with his wife Michelina, and Agnes is buried I believe in Reno. Her name prior to the marriage to my grandfather was Lusetti. 3. DiCianno, Ann DiCianno I do not know "Ann" though my maiden name is DiCianno, so I need to think about this one for a bit to see if I recognize her. With sincere regards, Christine DiCianno-McDonald Charlotte, NC |
From: Mark DiVecchio [markd![]() Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 12:27 AM To: cmccabe ![]() ![]() Subject: diCianno Genealogy Dear Christine and Penny, Thanks for your email and information. I've learned a lot about the diCianno family and their time in Dawson and Ely. When I started my genealogy research several years ago, I focused on my immediate family. As I moved forward, I realized that everyone from SPA is related to everyone else. That sure makes a lot of work for me! My direct interest in the diCianno family was Oreste. My great granduncle, Teridano diTella, lived in Dawson and is buried in Raton. His family never came to the US. He had four children. I visited several of his grandchildren in Italy a few years ago. When I was first contacted by Teridano's grandson, Giuliano Colajanni, we knew almost nothing about Teridano's life here. Over the years we searched for information. When Teridano died, the executor of his will was Oreste diCianno. I talk about that on Teridano's web page at: So I was hoping that I could find out more about Teridano if I found out more about Oreste. That let me to the research that I did on your family and to this web page that you saw: Many people have helped me out along the way. Mike Hamilton <mhamilton4 ![]() From you, I would be interested in anything that you would like to share about the diCianno's. I'd especially like to hear if you know anything about Oreste, his first wife, Flora (Florence) diLorenzo or his second wife (whose name I'm not sure of). I'd also like to add some photos of your diCianno ancestors to the web site. Some comments: spelling changed all over. You can generally ignore spellings. DeLorenzo = diLorenzo = Lorenzo. In Italy the spelling was diLorenzo so that is the one I tend to use. The Christy DeLorenzo that died in Youngstown, do you know his first name in Italian? ciao, Mark |
From: <cmccabe![]() To: "'Mark DiVecchio'" <markd ![]() Subject: RE: diCianno Genealogy Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:55:07 -0500 Hi Mark! Thanks for all of the info! Wow, it was so special to see pics of my dad and aunt when they were little tykes. For some reason, many of the pics of my parents childhood did not make it to us, their children... I only have pics of ELY on, and my dad moved there when he was in high school. :-) As far as Christy Delorenzo, that is the only name I remember as he died before I was born. He was married to my grandmother Filomena Delorenzo. In addition, my mom Josephine DiCianno (married to Girlando) was Josephine DeLorenzo, daughter of Christy and Filomena, and sister of Lena and Anthony, who are both deceased. My mom is the oldest child of that family. Christy Delorenzo also had a sister named Christina, one of the many Chris/Christina's in the family that I was named after! :-) My grandmother spoke of Christina often in a most loving way, telling me how much she loved that I was named after her. I will talk to my cousins and other family members to see if I can find anything more around Delorenzo in case that leads us to your Flora. I look forward to continue reading your website, sharing with you whatever I can, and maybe one day meeting you. I was in Italy this past summer for a couple of weeks and plan on moving to southern France (Provence) within the next 12 months. By getting that close, one of my first adventures will be to Italy to SPA, if I do not get there any sooner than that. How fun this all is! Thank you again for all of the information you are sharing with us! I have two 'DiCianno' cousins in Reno also doing some genealogy (children of Richard DiCianno & grandchildren of Amedeo and Carmela DiCianno). I will ask my brother or sister (they both live in Reno) to get with the cousins to see what they have found. Thanks again! -Chris |
Christine, Do you know Filomena DeLorenzo's maiden name or the names of her parents? Was her family from SPA? Mark |
On 27 Feb 2008, Christine DiCianno-McDonald <cmccabe![]() My brother is thinking her last name was something close to "DiPietro". I recall the same but have sent a note to my older sister to confirm. |
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