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Engine and Car Operation Hints and Tricks

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Here are some hints about improving operation of some MTH engines and cars. Most of these hints were originally posted in the "MTH Tips-n-Tricks" section of the OGR Forum.

MTH GP7 Outside Rail Power Pickup Improvement with Photos

I have two MTH GP7 diesels (20-20246-1) lettered for my railroad of choice, the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie. My layout uses postwar style tubular track and RossPlate switches.

These diesels regularly stall when going over the RossPlate switches. They hit a particular spot, and stop dead. (Partial spoiler alert – the problem was NOT the switches.)

Over other parts of the layout, the engines run fine. I originally thought the problem was with the engines so I spent time checking the motors and looking for bad solder joints or some mounting problem.

I finally realized that one truck was actually lifting slightly and loosing contact with the outer rail causing loss of power to the engine. But how could that be? This engine has two two-axle trucks for a grand total of 8 wheels that contact the outer rails.

Or do they?

... Continued in attached PDF file

MTH O Gauge Diesel - wheel came off axle

On one of my newer MTH diesels, was changing a traction tire and the wheel just came off the axle in my hand. Nothing broken but there is no grab between the axle and the wheel. I can slide the wheel right on and off. I would guess that it has always been like this.

What is the best method to reattach the wheel?


That happened to my MTH SW1 two years ago.  The axle had been knurled at the factory, but apparently not good enough.  I clamped needle nose vice grips on the axle and rotated them away from the engine. Rotated the axle 90 degrees and repeated. I pressed the wheel back on the axle using a C clamp.  I placed dimes in the wheel recesses to keep the C clamp from marring the wheel surface and to prevent pressing the wheel too far on the axle. I don’t run the SW1 every day, but I haven’t had a problem since.

 Loctite 380 BlackMax was recommended to me at the time, but since my makeshift knurling process worked, I didn’t use adhesive.  If you do go with adhesive, make sure to check the wheel gauge before letting the adhesive dry.

Thanks for all of the hints. I was able to reattach the wheel to the axle. Here is a photo of the wheel and axle. There was some knurling on the axle but not enough to grab.

I got some Loctite (the removable kind, in case I messed up). I used a large pair of channel locks to rough up the axle.

A close up of the axle after applying the pliers and a few drops of Loctite.

Here is the wheel reattached. It's on solid.

gunrunnerjohn wrote: If it comes off again,use the Red thread locker, after all, you don't want it coming off!

wrote:  If it ever comes off again use a retaining compound instead of a thread locker. I’m pretty sure retaining compounds will fill a .020 gap.

Modifications to MTH PS3 Tender Red/Black power wire Positioning for Better Track Signal Values

I have a 30-1660-1 P&LE (NYC) 0-6-0 USRA Steam Switcher #9060 with PS3.

This engine was always a bulky runner. Often getting out of range errors and ignoring commands from the Remote/TIU. When on my layout, it got Track Signal of OUT OF RANGE-1-2-3 in many spots. Its been like this since I bought it. I decided to see if I could do anything about its poor performance.


After a bit of debugging, I discovered that power wire positioning inside the tender can make a big difference in Track Signal. In the attached PDF file, I show what I did to fix this problem.

Diesels that Stall Because of Track Unevenness

I have several MTH PS2 diesels lettered for my railroad of choice, the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie. My layout uses postwar style tubular track.

I have two spots where my diesels regularly stall. They hit these spots, and stop dead. The motor with the tach strip continues to spin, the wheels spin, the other motor stops and the engine does not move.

Over other parts of the layout, the engines run fine. I originally thought the problem was with the engines so I spent time checking the motors and looking for bad solder joints or some mounting problem.

I finally realized that the motorized truck was actually riding up somehow and lifting the wheels up enough that they lost traction. I’ve now seen that this is a problem on many of my diesels.

In the attached PDF file, I show what I did to fix this problem.


MTH Engine Gear Ratios

As part of my RTC program, I've been trying to understand how the odometer in the engine works.

Part of the answer must somehow include the gear ratio between the motor and the wheel. I took a diesel, marked the tach cylinder and the wheel position. Then I twirled the tach wheel until I got an integral number of tach revolutions and wheel revolutions. I got 42 tach revolutions for 4 wheel revolutions which gives a gear ratio of 10.5 to 1.

My question is for the next step, trying to understand the number of tach pulses to distance traveled. The tach strip in this engine has 24 black bars. Then I need to know the circumference of the wheel.

The diesel has the typical wheel that uses 22mm traction tires. But when I measure the solid wheel without the tire, I get about 22.6 mm. It's a little tough to measure the wheel with the tire since the measurement depends on how well the tire is installed. I measured a few times and I could say that it might average around 22.6 mm.

Does anyone have any information as to whether or not I am using the right values for the wheel or the gear ratio?

I got some responses to this as can be read on the OGR Forum topic. I did some follow up research.

I opened up my 30-1660-1  P&LE (NYC) 0-6-0 USRA Steam Switcher  #9060 PS3 and twirled the tach wheel. I counted 18 revolutions for one rev of the driving wheel. The blind drivers and non-traction tire wheels are 27mm. Again the traction tire increased that a little bit to 27.2 mm. Tach tape has 24 stripes.

My goal along these lines is to figure out how to decode the data returned by the engine that represents the trip odometer (DTO) and odometer (DOD).

Step 1: a fixed distance

I used RR-Track when I designed my layout. RR-Track has the ability to add up the length of a selected route. I picked my longest circular route and RR-Track told me that it was 1.5884 Smiles. Ellison fans will know that this was his term for a scale mile. In O gauge, it's 110 feet or 1320 inches.

Starting with the diesel's wheel diameter at 22.6 mm, 24 stripes on the tach strip and a 10.5 gear ratio, math and geometry tell us that we have 472.225 revolutions of the driving wheel to cover 1 Smile. That also works out to 119000.8 tach stripes per Smile.

My plan was to use that 1.5884 Smile distance as a standard length to try to understand the DTO and DOD commands.

Step 2: Collect the data

For several years, I've been studying the commands and responses between the remote and the engine. I learned a long time ago how to build a radio snooper to decode the commands and responses. Both the DTO and DOD commands elicit two responses from the engine, the first is a 16 bit number, the second is a 32 bit number. These numbers are read out from the RAM memory in the engine. The first number is always the same for any particular engine and is the same for both the DTO and DOD responses from that engine. The second number increases as the engine runs and does not change when the engine is stopped. The values returned for the DTO and DOD commands are very different but both increase as the engine runs.

My working assumption is that the 16 bit number somehow incorporates the gear ratio and wheel diameter. For the diesel that I'm working with, the value is 21637. In a lot of my documentation, I call this the Scale Factor.

Then the 32 bit number represents the trip odometer (for DTO) and the odometer (for DOD). The remote takes these two values and displays the Smiles on the display.

Step 3 : expectations

Scaling factor 16 bit value - I would expect this to be a number that multiplies or divides the number to be scaled.

Like:   actual value = initial value * scaling factor

or:      actual value = initial value / scaling factor

In his reply above, Ted S, thinks this is not a 16 bit value but rather two 8 bit values. He might be right.

DTO and DOD 32 bit value - This has to be derived from the tach strip. In its simplest form, I would expect it to be a count of tach pulses. I would expect the DTO value to be a lower value with a lot of decimal places. A representation that could measure short distances accurately. I would expect the DOD value to be a higher number with few decimal places. A representation that could measure long distances. Think about the number of digits on the odometer and trip odometer in your car.

So if the DTO and DOD values were just a count of tach pulses, we could expect that the scaling factor embodies the gear ratio and wheel diameter to convert the raw values into linear distance.

Step 4: results

Now, running my engine over the measured 1.5884 Smile loop, I got the scale factor, DTO and DOD values from the engine. I used the remote to get these same values displayed as Smiles.

It took some experimenting and hints from Eric Linz, but I came up with these two equations:

DTO in Smiles =  raw_value / (11 * scaling_factor)

DOD in Smiles = (46.5 * raw_value) / scaling_factor

The constant factors in the equation were not exactly pulled out of thin air but I can't explain their values. I got those values by working backwards using the remote to tell me what DTO/DOD value I should see.

Step 5: tests

Over my fixed loop, the DTO and DOD values using the equations agree to within about 0.25% with the actual length of the loop. I tested this with one diesel engine and one steam engine that had different gear ratios and different wheel diameters. Both equations agree with the remote down to a few decimal places (but don't produce the exact same results as the remote).

I don't yet understand how to take a gear ratio and wheel diameter to produce the scaling factor value.

That's all I have been able to figure out about DTO and DOD.

gunrunnerjohn posted:

The sensor clearly has to be using something like the uP counter input function, you could never individually capture all the pulses otherwise.  If the motor is spinning at 8,000 RPM (some do, I checked), and you have 24 stripes, you'd have 3200 stripes/second to sense, or one about every 300 microseconds.  You might be able to service interrupts at that pace, but it would be consuming a significant part of the bandwidth. 

I figure that for a typical diesel, there would be 119,000 pulses per Smile. At 120 Smph, that would be 238,000 pulses per minute or 3966 pulses per second - one every 252 microseconds or so.  On a lower geared steam engine the pulse rate would be even higher.

So, as you noted, its likely this is a hardware counter.  But the DOD and DTO raw values are read out by reading 4 bytes of RAM each. If these are hardware counters, they could be memory mapped. I don't know what is available in whatever uP is used.

I have 16 engines and I've looked at the bytes at RAM 0x08 and 0x09 to try to see some pattern.

All diesels have Scale Factor values like 0x54 0xAB, 0x54 0x85 and 0x55 0x45. These all have about 22.6mm wheels.

The 4 steam engines have these values for Scale Factor and measured (as best as I can) wheel diameter:

0-8-0     0x5D 0x64    27.55mm wheel

2-8-0     0x62 0x55     32.74mm wheel

Berk      0x50 0x23     36.27mm wheel

0-6-0     0x7B 0x90     27.11mm wheel

Maybe there are some hints in these numbers.

Ted S posted:

Mark, I'm not sure that 0x09 has anything to do with the speed or odometer function.  The byte at 0x08 does a pretty good job by itself of describing the effective gear ratio and by extension, motor revolutions per inch, stripe count per inch, stripe count per second at a given speed, etc.

Your sample data only confirms what I already knew.  All diesels are geared the same at 10.5:1 and typically have the same size wheels. 

The formula for the approximate gear ratio is: Driving Wheel size in mm * the value of 0x08h as an 8-bit integer * 0.00552. 

I'm not sure why some diesels have 0x54 and others 0x55.  But the difference is only 1 in 84, or about 1.1 percent which is within tolerances for double-heading.   I also can't explain why the formula doesn't work out to the exact value in every case.

Ted, I'm going to spend some time considering your point about the byte at 0x08. I can modify RTC to use only that byte in the DTO and DOD calculations. I'll post my results.

The one strong point against it (at least to me) is that when the remote reads up the scale factor, it always reads up two bytes. Reading bytes out of RAM is fairly expensive in terms of bandwidth over the track. In every command that I've looked at, the remote never reads up any extra bytes. If it could work with just the byte at 0x08, it would not have read up the byte at 0x09.

Ted, I appreciate all of your comments. Makes me think further.

I ran a bunch of comparisons today between my equations and the remote. I am using the scale factor as a 16 bit number. My equations are:

DTO = ((RawValue) / ((ScaleFactor) * (11)))

DOD = (((46.5) * (RawValue)) / (ScaleFactor))

To come up with these equations, I first guessed that the raw value had to be divided by the scale factor. Then there needed to be a constant to get the correct value. I used a comparison with the value generated by the remote, worked backwards and found the constants needed. It amazes me how well these constants work in the equations as shown in the comparisons below. I can't explain the significance of these constants.

I'm still looking at the scale factor and how it could be derived from the gear ratio and driving wheel diameter

11 Sep 2019

Engine RTC Remote
1 646.41 646.4 U28B
4 297.30 297.3 SW1200
4 298.16 298.2
5 162.29 162.3 2-8-0 H9
5 163.41 163.4
6 159.58 159.6 Berkshire
11 290.29 290.3 0-6-0
11 290.55 290.6
13 100.52 100.5 GP7
14 38.73 38.7 GP38-2
14 40.92 40.9

11 Sep 2019

Engine RTC Remote
1 0.25967 0.3 U28B
4 0.88183 0.9 SW1200
4 1.73594 1.7
5 1.11786 1.1 2-8-0 H9
6 0.40387 0.4 Berkshire
6 1.09274 1.1
11 0.25700 0.3 0-6-0
11 0.51748 0.5
13 1.55870 1.6 GP7
13 2.08773 2.1
14 2.19460 2.2 GP38-2

stan2004 posted:

Perhaps another way to look at it is to observe that 46.5 x 11 = 511.5.  That is suspiciously close to "exactly" 512.000 - in other words is a 9-bit binary shift which is arguably what you'd expect a presumably fixed-point microcontroller processor to do to represent two levels of resolution or scaling of the same underlying value.

Stan, you may be on to something here. The 46.5 number I use was derived by working backwards. With a little more 'tuning', it really could be 46.545454 and then 46.545454 * 11 = 512.

stan2004 posted:

X is the same raw_value (tach stripe count).  Different slopes and different offsets but with a fixed-ratio (512) between m1 and m2. 

Stan, I can easily test this part.

I took the DTO and DOD raw values, ran the engine for about 1.5 Smiles and took the raw values again:

  Start End Difference
DTO 0 392296 392296
DOD 27117 27883 766

The DTO difference is (almost) exactly 512 times the DOD difference. Its off by just a little which could be the result of how the engine accumulates the tach counts.

So you have added another piece of the puzzle.

I did some calculations using the measured gear ratio, measured diameter of the driving wheel and the observed number of stripes on the tach strip.  I was able to determine the number of tach stripes per Smile. For a typical diesel, this was 119000 stripes per Smile (it is different for each gear ratio and wheel diameter).

I ran the engine for as close to 1 Smile on my layout as I could (1 Smile is 110 feet). I read up the raw DTO value and raw DOD value at the beginning and end of that run.

For DTO, the raw value delta over 1 Smile is 237012, for DOD, the raw value delta over 1 Smile is 462.

Looking at these numbers shows that 237012 is about 2 * 119000 and 462 is about 119000 / 256. I confirmed this general pattern with two other engines with different gear ratios and wheel diameters.

This tells me that for the DTO, each tach stripe generates two raw tach counts, possibly a count for the white to black edge and a count for the black to white edge.

The DOD raw value is just the DTO raw value divided by 512 (8 fewer significant bits, yes 8, not 9).

Ted S posted:

Your sample data only confirms what I already knew.  All diesels are geared the same at 10.5:1 and typically have the same size wheels.  With my understanding, and never having had any of your locos apart, I predict the gear ratios of your steamers as follows:  0-8-0 is 14:1, 2-8-0 is 18:1, Berk is 16:1 (I'm guessing yours is Premier- I have one), 0-6-0 is 18:1. 

You are exactly right!

I have developed an equation which I think will let you calculate the gear ratio from the Scale Factor Value, the measured wheel diameter and the number of stripes per rev of the tach wheel (usually 24). The measured wheel diameter is the real variable in this equation. Its hard to measure with the traction tire in place. But its the traction tire that really determines how far the engine goes in one rev of the driving wheel.

Here are the values that I get which need to be rounded:

0-6-0   18.41 (I actually twirled the tach wheel and counted 18:1 on this engine)

2-8-0   17.86 (you predicted 18:1)

Berkshire  15.98 (you predicted 16:1)

0-8-0   14.14 (you predicted 14:1)

The equation can also be solved for the Scaling Factor given the gear ratio, the wheel diameter, and the number of stripes per revolution of the tach wheel.

I've updated my ADPCM program to let you calculate and update the scale factor value in your engine. Given the wheel diameter, gear ratio, and number of stripes, it calculates the value and writes it to a sound file. Then you can download the sound file into the engine.

It needs to be tested. If any one has an actual situation where the scale factor calculation can be confirmed, I will make the new version of ADPCM available to them.

Right click on the main ADPCM screen and select "Edit the Scale Factor". This window will display.
The first field is the scale factor from the sound file.
At the bottom is the chuff factor also from the sound file (for Steam Engines only).

Press the [Decode] button and the scale factor is converted to decimal and displayed.

To calculate a new scale factor, enter the wheel diameter, gear ratio and number of stripes on the tach wheel.
Press the [Calculate] button and the new scale factor will be calculated and displayed.

Here, I've entered a wheel diameter and gear ratio. Then pressed the 3 [Calculate] buttons.
The first caused the scale factor to update.
The second caused the speed factor to update.
The third caused the chuff factor to update.
Once you are happy with the new values, press [DoIt] to write the scale factor and chuff factor to the sound file.

Equation for calculating the Scale Factor (pseudo C++ code):

    // This equation calculates the scale factor - parameters:
    // 5280 feet per mile
    // 12 inches per foot
    // 48 O Scale
    // 25.4 mm per inch
    // M_PI is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
    // Number of stripes on the tach strip, usually 24
    // Gear Ratio, eg  10.50 or 18.00
    // Wheel Diameter in mm, eg 22.60
    // K and TS are just temporary variables
    // ScaleFactor is the calcuated Scale Factor
    K = (12 * 5280/48);    // 1320 inches/Smile
    // multiplier of 2 seems to be because both the leading edge and the trailing edge of each stripe generates a count
    TS = 2 * ((K)/((Wheel Diameter / 25.4) * M_PI)) * NumberofStripes * Gear Ratio;
    // The meaning of the divisor of 11 is not known. Test runs over measured distance show that it is exactly needed to generate correct distance reporting by the engine.
    // Calculate Scale Factor
    ScaleFactor = TS / 11;

Equation for calculating the Speed Factor (pseudo C++ code):

    // This equation calculates the scale factor, SF - parameters:
    // 5280 feet per mile
    // 12 inches per foot
    // 48 O Scale
    // 25.4 mm per inch
    // M_PI is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
    // Number of stripes on the tach strip, usually 24
    // Gear Ratio, eg  10.50 or 18.00
    // Wheel Diameter in mm, eg 22.60
    // SpeedFactor is the calculated Speed Factor
    K = (12 * 5280/48);    // 1320 inches/Smile
    // multiplier of 2 seems to be because both the leading edge and the trailing edge of each stripe generates a count
    TS = 2 * ((K)/((Wheel Diameter / 25.4) * M_PI)) * Number of stripes * Gear Ratio;
    // the meaning of the divisor of 11 is not known. Test runs over measured distance show that it is exactly needed to generate correct distance reporting by the engine.
    // Calculate Scale Factor
    ScaleFactor = TS / 11;
    // Calculate Speed Factor
    // Constant was calculated by Gear Ratio Spreadsheet
    // 31.9288 ms/tick_of_DCH
    Speed Factor = (4973087 * 31.9288) / (ScaleFactor * 11);

   Equation to calculate the Chuff Factor (pseudo C++ code):

// Calculate the Chuff Factor ( The number of DTO counts for one rev of driving wheel) from the gear ratio and # of stripes
    Chuff Factor = Number of Stripes * Gear Ratio * 2 / 4;    // equation based on 4 chuffs per revolution of driving wheel


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