This page shows a few
technical videos and some other pieces of
(potentially) useful information about the
Train Control (RTC) program.
As I mentioned in the posts on the
I am releasing these
programs and documentation under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC
LICENSE Version 3 and GNU Free Documentation
Version 1.3. These licenses permit anyone to use the program and the
documentation to produce follow on programs as long as those programs
remain covered by the GNU licenses.
The Free
Software Foundation
web page talks about what "free software" means.
For more information, look on the Open Source Initiative
web site which includes a description of what Open
Source means
and their certification
of the GPL version 3.
Here is the copyright
for those two licenses:
Remote Train Control Program for Windows
© Copyright 2015 by Mark DiVecchio
Remote Train Control is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Remote Train Control is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with Remote Train Control. If not, see <>.
This is part of the Remote Train Control Manual.
© Copyright 2015 by Mark DiVecchio
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. You
should have received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License along
with Remote Train Control. If not, see <>.
You can also access
these videos on my
Video 1 - Recorded 2 Sep 2015.
I wrote a simple TIU emulator once I
understood more of how
the TIU worked. Based on an Arduino Uno with an
Keypad Shield.
Image loading....
TIU Emulator
The CRC calculator used in this program is based on
written by Paul Reynolds
with modification by me to generate both
forward and reverse CRC and to handle the longer messages from the TIU
to the PC.
The Top Line of the display always shows the same fields depending on
what type of command was received:
Received (Engine Command)
- Engine
- Command
Sequence Number (hex)
TIU/Remote (hex)
High byte (hex)
- CRC Low
byte (hex)
Received (LashUp Command)
- "L"
- Command
- Operand
- 1st
Engine in LashUp
- 2nd
Engine in LashUp
Sequence Number (hex)
Received "U" (Create LashUp Command)
- "L"
- "U"
- 1st
Engine in LashUp
- 2nd
Engine in LashUp
Sequence Number (hex)
The SELECT button sets what is displayed on the bottom line. Each press
of the Select button bumps its value. Here is what is displayed
(default is the "Speed" display):
Response Packet
- CRC (2 bytes) (hex)
- TIU/Remote (hex)
- Byte Count for response
data in this
packet if > 0 (hex)
- 1st Byte of Response (hex)
(if present)
- 2nd Byte of Response (hex)
(if present)
- NOTE: 3rd thru final bytes
of response not
- "E"/"L" for Engine or Lashup
- Engine #/"102" LashUp #
- "S"
- Last Engine Speed
- Whistle 1=on/0=off
- Bell 1=on/0=off
- Acceleration Rate
- Deceleration Rate
Rev Level/Chuff
- "E"/"L" for Engine or Lashup
- Engine #/"102" LashUp #
- "R"
- Diesel Rev Level / Steam
Chuff Rate
- Mode
CRC Evaluation1
- "CRC"
- Received CRC (hex)
- "OK" if correct, "Error"
if incorrect
Second line displays error messages:
"Duplicate Seq #" The sequence number of
this packet
is the same as the last packet. This packet was discarded.
"Wrong TIU #"
The TIU number in
the packet does not match the Emulator's TIU number which is
coded as TIU #1. This packet was discarded.
1: The LED on the Arduino toggles each time a command is received
2: Engine Number is DCS Engine Number which is 1 higher than the
engine number shown by the Remote and by RTC.
3: TIU number goes from 0 to 4 which indicates TIU 1 to 5. The Emulator
is hard coded to respond as TIU #1.
I have Arduino 1.6.5r2 installed but this sketch will probably compile
with earlier (or later) versions.
Install the Arduino IDE. When I wrote this, 1.6.5-r2 was the lastest
version. Get it here:
In your Arduino Sketch folder, create a folder named "TIU" and put
these two files in it:
You can get the TIU Emulator program here <Download ZIP File>.
Compliation requires the library "LiquidCrystal" which should have been
installed when you install the Arduino IDE.
Compiling requires this library be installed:
Cheap source for Arduino and LCD display:
Alternative source:
There are two different LCD displays around that work the same but have
different pins that connect to the Arduino. Here is a snippet of code
in the program that lets you pick which one you
Select the pins used on the LCD panel
This is for the LCD panel sold by MPJA
lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);
This is for the standard LCD panel
lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
Video 2 - Recorded
2 Sep 2015. Here is
an Arduino based Fast Clock. Based on an Arduino Uno and 4 digit
Image loading....
Fast Clock Master
I have Arduino 1.6.5r2 installed but this sketch will
probably compile with earlier versions.
Install the Arduino IDE. When I wrote this, 1.6.5-r2 was the lastest
version. Get it here:
Requires the libraries - TimerOne and TM1637.
Cheap source for Arduino:
The display is based on the TM 1637. You can find these all over eBay.
Connect GND on the TM1637 to ground
Connect VCC on the TM1637 to VCC (5v)
Connect LCD on the TM1637 to D9.
Connect CLK on the TM1637 to D8.
The pushbutton is a SPST connected between D4 and ground.
The Pot (variable resistor) is almost anything you have around 10K -
100K. Connected between 5V and ground with the wiper connected to pin
The LED (optional) lights each time the pushbutton is pushed. Its
connected to D2 in place of the 'beep' speaker.
A speaker (8 ohm through a 100 ohm resistor) can be connect up two ways
and is optional either way:
Speaker on pin D2 through 100 ohm
resistor, other end to VCC will beep on each key press
Speaker on pin D3 through 100 ohm
resistor, other
end to VCC will tick once per second.The tick consists of 5
of a 1000 Hz sine wave just like WWV. Kind of annoying.
The LED (optional) lights each time the pushbutton is pushed. Its
connected to D2 in place of the 'beep' speaker.
You can get the Fast Clock Master program here .
Requires the DigitalTube TM1637 library which you can download from
this page :
- On power-on, the Arduino resets and displays the fast
clock multiplier.
- Turn the pot to pick your multiplier. You can choose
1x up to 12x.
- Press the pushbutton.
- The starting hour is displayed. The hour is in
12-hour format. You can choose from 1 to 12 by turning the pot.
- Press the pushbutton.
- The starting minute is displayed. You can choose from
00 to 59 by turning the pot.
- Press the pushbutton.
- The complete starting time is displayed in HH:MM
- Press the pushbutton to start the fast clock.
- While the fast clock is running, a press on the
pushbutton will
pause the clock. Pressing the pushbutton again will resume the clock.
- If you paused the clock, the time and multiplier is
stored in
EEPROM. The next time you power-on the Arduino, it will resume the
clock at this time if you don't press the pushbutton for 20
Video 3
I enhanced the fast clock with two versions - a master unit and a slave
unit. These units are based on the Arduino ProMini.
Video recorded 8
Feb 2016.
Image loading....
Fast Clock Master with two Slave
I have Arduino 1.6.5r2 installed but this sketch will probably compile
with earlier versions.
Install the Arduino IDE. When I wrote this, 1.6.5-r2 was the lastest
version. Get it here:
Both the Fast Clock Master and Slave require the libraries TimerOne and
You can get the Fast Clock Master program
You can get the Fast Clock Slave program
Requires the DigitalTube TM1637 library which you can download from
this page :
Look at the section above which describes how the Fast Clock Master
works. The slave units just show the same time as the Master.
When I built this, I used the ProMini since its a nice small form
factor. I used a 12V DC wall power supply connected to the RAW pin and
GND on the ProMini. Other pins connect up as I described in the full
Arduino R3 version
The slave units receive RAW power and GND over the cable. The time
signal is connected from TXD on the Master to RXD on the first Slave.
Then from TXD on the first slave to RXD on the second slave and so on.
The number of slave units you connect up is only limited by the current
available from the wall power supply.
RS-232 TXD and RXD (0-5V TTL) signalling was not meant to travel more
than a few feet. I'm stretching it here as I've tested this with 20
feet of cable between units. Seems to work OK.
Video 4 - Touch
Screen Operation
Mike Hewitt told me that he used a touch screen
successfully with his
TrainBrain based train control program. I've been meaning to give it a
try and finally bought an ASUS VT207N monitor with touch screen for my
Windows 7 computer (I found out that the monitor touch screen driver
does not support Windows XP).
Here is a video recorded 16 Nov 2015:
Image loading....
RTC Operation using a Touch Screen
Touch screens are designed to work with all Windows programs. I didn't
have to make any changes to the RTC program. The touch screen basically
emulates a mouse.
I did come across a problem that is apparently in every touch screen
for Windows. Touch screens are supposed to emulate a mouse, that is,
when you touch the screen the driver is supposed to send a mouse down
event to the program at the point where you touched. It does not do
this correctly when you touch and hold on the screen. Windows requires
a two button mouse but your finger is only one button. Touch screen
drivers get around this by "faking" a right mouse button event - when
you press and hold for a few seconds, the driver sends a right mouse
down event to the program.
This means that if you press and hold the whistle/horn button on the
RTC operations screen, nothing happens for a few seconds and then a
right mouse down event is generated. Because of this, the whistle/horn
button does not work the same way as it does with a real mouse.
I have found a workaround - if you roll your finger slightly as you
touch the whistle/horn button, the driver sends the correct mouse
events to my
RTC Video 5
Startup All and Shutdown All Buttons
I added a feature of dubious value to the v3.2 version of the RTC
program just because I
could. Two new buttons allow you to startup all active engines and
shutdown all running engines with one button press. If you had 50 or 99
engines on your layout, this could be pretty impressive. These
buttons have to be enabled on the Setup screen or they are
invisible (with v3.3 of the RTC program, you can access these functions
by right-clicking on the Emergency Stop button). Watch this
video recorded 16 Nov 2015:
Image loading....
Startup All and Shutdown All
Engines (get your earplugs!)
Video 6 - Two
Train Unattended Operation
Back in the 1950's, if you wanted to run two trains on one track
(unattended), you could do that with a couple sections of track with an
insulated rail and a few fiber track pins. All you had to do is lock
the E-Units in forward.
MTH's speed control is pretty good so its possible to set two engines
to the same speed and they will (for the most part) never run into each
other. But even if they are only a mile per hour off from each other,
one will eventually run into the back of the other.
And can you have the trains stop at a station to load or unload cargo
or passengers and then leave the station only to be followed by another
train making the same stop? Then to have these two trains stopping and
starting, chasing each other around.
MTH has never given us a way to do that but I've developed a version
using an Arduino/Infiduino, a TI CC1101 radio, and a
GP2Y0A21YK infrared (IR) detector.
I learned about the GP2Y0A21YK from an article by Robert Walker in the
December 2015 issue of Classic Toy Trains. He didn't use an Arduino in
his project but libraries are available so this detector easily
connects to an Arduino.
The code in the Arduino consists of
radio communication using the TI CC1101,
to read the interpret the output of the IR detector and
to generate commands to be sent to the TIU to control the engines.
As you watch this video, remember that all train movements are being
controlled by the Arduino code. Recorded 17 Dec 2015.
Image loading....
P&LE #1556 and #1561
Chasing each other around my Layout
You can get my TwoEngineE (ElecHouse CC1101 version) program here
download ZIP
Compile and run this by following the instructions for the RTCModemE
program on my
The program is set to use TIU 1 and Engines 8 & 9.
You might
need to change these for your layout. LED on D5, pushbutton switch on
D4 and IR detector on A0. ElecHouse CC1101 connected per the
page. Press the pushbutton to start the program. Once its running, you
can push the button to shutdown the engines.
The positioning of the IR sensor is not really critical but needs to be
fairly close to the track and at an height where the beam hits the car
body (not the trucks). I've purposely kept the sensitivity low so that
the beam would not detect trains on adjacent tracks.
Here is a simple Arduino test sketch (TrainDetector) I wrote that uses
the IR detector to turn on an LED <
ZIP file>.
IR detector on A0. This routine samples the detector every 300ms. The
program considers a train is present if 2 out of 4 detections register.
Results reported via the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.
I'm going to start looking into using RFID tags to identify engine
Technical Video
7 - Emulating a TIU connected to an
Recorded 10 Mar 2016
This piece of software emulates a radio connected TIU talking to an
engine. The program can receive commands from a real Remote or from
the RTC program over a radio. The program responds to the Remote/RTC
like a TIU/engine would. My emulation is not 100% but look at the video
see that it can do. Use the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor to watch the
program run as it receives commands and returns responses.
Here is the Arduino based hardware for this program. An Infiduino
connected to a ElecHouse CC1101. I used a Screw Shield but its not
really necessary as you can connect the CC1101 directly to the
Infiduino. I also put a capacitor across the VCC/GND lines. I don't
know if this is really necessary. Interconnections are detailed on the
Radio Support page.
I call the program RTCEngineE. Watch this video:
Image loading....
TIU/Engine Emulator responding to
a real Remote and to the RTC program
You can get my RTCEngineE (Infiduino/ElecHouse CC1101 version) program
download ZIP
file>. You also need to install my ElecHouse CC1101
libary as described on the
Radio Support page. Remember that you need an Arduino which
can run on 3.3V (like the Infiduino) when you use the ElecHouse CC1101 radio.
Video 8
- Combining RTC, CTI TrainBrain and a Remote
Tom sent me a video of his use of a handheld remote, my
program, my
Radio, and a
program written by Mike Hewett using the
system. Tom was able to combine all three systems on his
layout to control his trains.
Image loading....
Video by Tom Niemi
Wiring for Good DCS Signal Distribution
Here is my power and DCS signal distribution wiring on my layout. With
this scheme, I get Track Signals of 9 & 10 all around my layout.

I use 3 of the 4 outputs from the TIU. Each of the three power about
1/3 of
my layout.
Someday, I'm going to rewire my layout and use all 4 outputs.
The torriods around the red side of the power cables are used to
monitor the current draw of each circuit.
I used the DCS setup screen (of the Remote or of my RTC program) to
change Variable Output 1 into a Fixed
Instead of the "Magic Light Bulb", I use "Engineered Filters" on each
The filters are described on this web page:
The parts are:
1 - Metallized Polyester Film
- 0.1uF 100 volts 5%
Mouser #:
Mfr. #:
1- Metal Film Resistor -
221ohms 1%
Mouser #:
Mfr. #:
CMF60221R00FHEK |

The layout is broken into about 30 blocks each consisting of about
10-15 pieces of Lionel postwar track.
That makes each block 8'-12' long.
I use a plastic insulating pin on the middle rail to electrically
isolate the track block.
Each output of the TIU goes to a terminal strip.
At the terminal strip, separate circuits go off to each
isolated block of track. |

Here is another of the terminal strips. |

The wires from the terminal strips to to the track.
I solder the wires to the underside of the each rail.
I try to connect the wires as close as posible to the center of
the block of track. |

At one end of each block of track, I solder another filter
the outside and middle rails.
So in total, I have 3 filters at the TIU and then 30 filters at
the end of each block of track. |
At each terminal
block, I attach
a bidirectional TVS(Transient Voltage Suppressor) diode. I used the
diode recommended in posts on the OGR Forum.
I quote from this
post by RTR12:
"TVS Conventional -
Digi-Key Part Number 1.5KE36CALFCT-ND -
1.5KE36CA - 36 volt, bi-directional - Sized for a
PWZW when the whistle button is depressed. This peaks over 33
volts if the compensation winding is considered. (Part number
recommended by many, explanation by Dale
H) (Digi-Key part numbers from GRJ)
TVS Command Control -
Digi-Key Part Number 1.5KE33CALFCT-ND -
1.5KE33CA - 33 volt, bi-directional - Sized for the modern 18
bricks. The 18 volts peaks a bit over 25 volts. (HiRailers Unlimited & Independent
HiRailers Group, explanation by Dale H) (Digi-Key
part numbers derived from GRJ's above for 33 volt version)
For the TVS, the
1.5KE36CA is most recommended here on the forum and also the most
widely used as it seems it would be suitable for either the modern
bricks or the transformers with whistle buttons."

Here is a simple drawing that shows the connection to
one block of track. |
One problem I've seen with sectional track is poor connection of the
middle rail from one piece of track to another. This will affect your
track signal and stop you from getting those 10's. As you assemble your
track, throughly clean each rail pin
and the
inside of
the connecting rail.
Screen recording
performed with