Frazzini | Emiliano Frazzini | Lucrezia Carlini | Benilda Frazzini | DiVecchia | Site Home |
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About 1900 Maria Antonia Carlini and Carmine Frazzini A composite of two photos. They had five
1903-1904 born and died in Italy
Angelo 1903- 12 Dec 1927, born in Italy, buried in Dawson Another child who died before the1910 census Ledonia 1909-2006 Ermestina 1911-1999 I found entries for LeDora and Ernestina Frazzini in the Baptism records of St. Joseph's Church in Springer, NM. The church in Springer served Dawson until the church in Dawson was built in 1917. Look on this web page and search for "Springer". From the SPA microfilm 1448675 Nati 1879 11 Jul
Maria Antonia Carlino f: Raffaele 30y m: Elisabetta Settifrati Ellis Island : Maria Antonia Carlini 28 yrs arrived 20 Nov 1907 with son Angelo, age 5. Lived with mother-in-law, Giuseppa Morelli in SPA. Going to her husband / his father Carmine Frazzini, 2136 15th St Denver CO (that's Prospero Frazzini's address). Carmine Frazzini and Maria Carlini were godparents to several Fraini children. I had found they were godparents to: Eduardo Fraini,
baptised 2 May 1909 (Springer, NM)
Leonardo Alberto Fraino, baptised 3 Oct 1910 (Springer, NM) Stella Fraino, baptised 28 Feb 1914 (Maria only was godmother, as Carmine was dead, godfather was Augustino Frazzini (Agustino Girolamo "James" Frazzini husband of Esterina Quaranta "Forty").) (Springer, NM) |
![]() 1911 Fraini and Frazzini Families in Dawson ![]() For more about the Fraini Family, click here. |
Lisa Hinojosa <lisahinojosa![]() Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 16:20:24 -0700 This photo was taken in 1911. My mom received it from LeDora Frazzini Smaller. She is the baby in the photo (4 mos old). This is an interesting photo on many levels. On the back of the photo there is handwritten indentification of most of the people. Since the handwriting is by Ledora Frazzini, the relationships mentioned are with respect to her. (for photos of Ledora and her husband, click here). Identified people: "My Brother Angelo" - This is Angelo Frazzini (1903-1927). He was shot and killed by his wife Pearl Mae Dupont. "Stella's Mom - Rosa (Anabelle) Fraini - Lizzie's Mom" - This is Rosa Iannacchione Fraini (1885-1924). Stella is Stella Fraini (1914-1986) and Lizzie must be Elizabeth Fraini (1907-1994) "Uncle Mike Carlini" - This is probably Ledora's uncle - Maurizio Domenico Carlini (1884-1939). He later lived in Ely, NV. Married Teresina Vacciano and had three children. In 1904, my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, travelled with Maurizio during his 1905 trip from Italy. Maurizio was going to his brother, Amico, in Dawson. "Stella's Dad - Florindo Fraini - Lizzie's Dad" - Florindo Frazzini (1878-1948) "Mom - Maria Cinea" - This is Ledora'a mother, Maria Antonia Carlini (1879-1960). After first husband Carmine Frazzini's death in 1912, she married Gennaro "Jim" Cinea (1891-1967). She is the subject of this web page. "Me (LeDora)" - Ledora Frazzini Smaller "My Dad - Pa Frazzini Carmine" - Carmine Frazzini (1881-1912). Killed in a mine accident. He is the subject of this web page. "Neighbors" - Two men and a woman are not identified. |
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About 1906 Carmine Frazzini (Marilou thinks
this one was taken in Dawson) Carmine died of pneumonia 18 Feb 1912 leaving his wife and three children. (July 20, 1881 - Feb. 19, 1912 on his tombstone in the Dawson Cemetery) You can see more about Carmine on this web page showing the database of Daryl Dorcy: Carmine Frazzini . SPA birth records are
missing for 1881. I looked in the records for births with Giuseppa
Morelli as the
mother. And I found many brothers and sisters. Look at the my Graphical
Family Tree (Dawson Part 2 - Carlini, Palumbo, Capone and diTella) for
all the details.
I've been able to
trace Carmine's parents and grandparents. Here is what I know:
father : Angelofiore Frazzini b: 6
Mar1836mother : Giuseppa Morelli b:1841 grandfather : Pompeo Frazzini grandmother : Concetta Marracino grandfather : Emmanuele Morelli 1910 census shows he
immigrated in 1902. There are three Ellis Island arrivals (I'm not sure
if any of these are our Carmine):
1. 20 Sep 1901, a 20 year old Carmine going to a brother, Rocco, in New York. 2. 9 Apr 1906, a 24 year old Carmine going to brother-in-law, Giovanni Colaizzi in Trinidad, CO. 3. 13 Mar 1909, a 25 year old Carmine, father in SPA, Errico, going to Trinidad, CO, cousin Prospero Frazzini |
brothers and sisters: Raffaela Addolorata
8 Feb 1877
Maria Flora 10 Jun 1875 Emanuele Pasquale 16 May 1872 Lucia Filomena 13 Dec 1869 Drusiana Concetta 11 Mar 1868 Maria Concetta 6 Sep 1866 So Carmine was definitely the baby of the family. With the fairly high rate of child mortality, many of the other children may have died. Here is some information about Carmine's father: Angelofiore Frazzini
born 6 Mar 1836 f: Pompeo 31y m: Concetta Marracino 28y Angelofiore's siblings: Vincenzo Antonio
Frazzini 18 Apr 1839
Pacifica Raffaela Frazzini 25 Aug 1833 Married Carlo Gatti 1870 f: Emidio m: Bambina diTella On Maria Antonia Carlini's side, her father, Raffaele's brother: Ottaviano
30 Oct 1842
Maria'a siblings are discussed at length on my Dawson web page Amico 1890-1962
Maurizo Domenico 1884-1939 Carmine Sabatino 1882-1935 Maria's grandfather: Sabatino Carlino
(full name: Benedetto Sabatino Antonio Carlino) 21 Mar 1816
Sabatino Carlino's sisters: Crispina
Clavinia 1812
Costanza Maria 1819 Maria Antonia's parents, Raffaele Carlini and Maria Elisabetta Settefrati, were married on 19 May 1878. |
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Gennaro Cinea Following Carmine's death in 1912, Maria Antonia Carlini remarried about 1913. Gennaro was quite a bit younger than Maria (he was born in 1891). There are two Ellis Island entries, 15 Apr 1913 and 02 May 1913 but they are both crossed out. One of the records lists his father in SPA as Domenico. I could not find any other immigration records. It appears that he came to the US just to get married. World War I Draft Registration shows he was born 11 Jan 1891 in SPA. He worked for Phelps-Dodge in Dawson and had a wife and four children to support. |
Maria and Jim Cinea were
mentioned in this short memoriam from the Dawson News, 13 Dec 1928![]() |
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About 1927 Maria Antonia Carlini
and Gennaro Cinea I could not find 1920 or 1930 census records for them. From the family tree data base of Daryl Dorcy, Gennaro and Maria had two children, Lucille and Nick. California Death
Index, 1940-1997 Record
Name: CINEA, JAMES C Social Security #: 522030121 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 11 Feb 1891 Birthplace: ITALY Death Date: 25 Jan 1967 Death Place: ALAMEDA Mother's Maiden Name: AQUAFUND California Death Index, 1940-1997 Record Name: CINEA, MARY A Social Security #: Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 12 Jul 1879 Birthplace: ITALY Death Date: 29 Jan 1960 Death Place: ALAMEDA Mother's Maiden Name: CARLINI I am fairly certain that Gennaro Cinea was the son of Domenicantonio Cinea and Maria Lucia Acquafondata. You can see that family on my Acquafondata Graphical Family Tree According to the microfilmed records from St. Joseph's Church in Springer, NM: Domenico Cinea born 19 Dec 1917 or 1916 baptised <can't read date, might be 1 Jun 1917> f: Gennaro Cinea m: Maria Carlini godparents: Domenico Sautucci and Maria Nunziata Giotti Gennaro and Maria were godparents to these children (as found in the St. John the Baptist Church records): |
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Ledora Frazzini and William Smaller |
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About 1943 Ledora
Frazzini Smaller Ledora died on 19 Jul 2006, just a few days before I created this web page. |
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1960 Tom
Moschetti Jr Tom is the wife of Marilou, the person who sent me the emails shown below. |
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About 1960 Maria Antonia Carlini
Frazzini , Erna (Ernestina) Frazzini Moschetti, June Moschetti and Larry Maria was the mother of Erna and Ledora. |
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1978 Ledora &
William Smaller 50th Wedding Anniversary William Smaller died about Jan 1980 |
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 From: marilou moschetti <mariloumoschetti ![]() Subject: Re: Frazzini Connection Hello Mark: Thank you so much for your terrific web site on the trip to Italy and Dawson, and congratulations on your marriage. It was so amazing to read the names, because my husband Thomas Moschetti, Jr.'s grandfather was Carmen Frazzini. Several years ago we made the same trip to Dawson, and took the exact pictures. We were stunned to see how deteriorated the tombstone had become, and saddened, too, because what do we do about it? Tom's auntie LeDora Frazzini Smaller is now 94 years old. Tom's mother, Ernestina Frazzini Moschetti passed away in 1999 at age 86. We know the whole story about Angelo, too. Do you? We have stories, pictures of the Dawson area from the picnics they held yearly. They even put out a sort of history of the coal town, which we have. I am going to Italy in October to speak at a medical conference, but I'm only married to Tom, I'm not Italian. I would love to get over to the little town of St. Pietro. You'll have to give me the trip data. (outside of Rome?) You have done your homework thoroughly, and we appreciate it, truly! I'm forwarding this to Tom's email at San Jose State University, where he can enjoy a leisurely look at the information. I'm saving it here permanently at home, and will print pages, too. Carmen Frazzini died of pneumonia at age 33 years old. (not a mining accident). Aunt Dora says Maria Carlini Frazzini was left to cope with Angelo, Ledora, and Erna in Dawson. She took in 8 boarders, who paid a small amount for rent. They slept bunk style in 2 bedrooms at the coal camp. The children were left scraps of food when the men finished eating. Erna was a baby. Maria married James Cinea, and had two more children Nick and Lucile. Both are in their 80's now. We have pictures of Carmen. He immigrated about 1899 the first time, coming through Ellis Island. He returned to Italy to get Maria, when Aldo was 5 years old, and she was pregnant with LeDora. There is of course more, but too lengthy to tell in this email. We think there was a baby conceived in Italy before Aldo, who died. (Maria had a total of 12 babies, but only 5 lived.) We'd love to hear more from you. Cordially, Marilou Moschetti family members came from Taranta, Italy. Earliest arrival 1870's to Cañon City, Colorado. |
Marilou, Thank you for your nice email. I am sorry that I have not been able to reply at length sooner but after 3 weeks in Italy in August, I was recovering my strength. Whew! It was exhausting but a lot of fun. I understand your concern about the condition of the tombstones in the Dawson cemetery. I don't know what can be done. They are really showing their age. You and your husband are in the GED (Genealogy) data base file that I received from Daryl Dorcy. I don't know the whole story about Angelo other than the cryptic "Murdered by wife" in Daryl's data base and that he was a security guard. Can you tell me more? My connection to Dawson is my great-granduncle Teridano diTella. On my trip to Italy, I was able to get my first photos of him from his grandson, Giuliano (who was our host during our time in San Pietro). The photos are on this web page. Is there any chance that this man is any photos that you have from Dawson? I was going to try to make it to the Dawson reunion on the 5th but after coming back from Italy, I just didn't have the energy left. I will try again in 2006 when my cousin, Giuliano, from Italy, may try to join me. If you can get to San Pietro, remember that it is not the town that our ancestors lived in. After the destruction by the Germans, the whole town was rebuilt as a new town. Only the church in town survived the destruction. The Chapel of Saint Amico in the Woods also survived - its about 5 kilometers outside of town. It was sort of disappointing to think that if my mother returned there, she would not recognize most of the town. SPA is about a 3 hour drive south of Rome. Take the A2 autostrada south from Rome, get off at Cassino and then its about an hour up in the mountains. You can get there via train and bus but I don't know how difficult that would be. My wife Sally and I do live in San Diego. I've also been in touch with Fred diLorenzo who was born in Dawson. Is there any possibility that you could email a scan of photos of Carmine or any other people from Dawson? I would love to put them on my web site. Mark |
again Mark: Here is what we have on the family name of Frazzini: My mother-in-law Ernestina (Frazzini) Moschetti Born Sept 18, 1911 in Dawson, NM. Died June 8, 1999 in Santa Cruz, CA. Mother: Maria Antoinette Carlini born July 12, 1879 in SPA. Died Jan 29, 1960 Berkeley, CA Her mother: Elisabetta Settefrati born in SPA Her father: Raffaele Carlini, born in SPA died in 1895? We know after her mother, Elisabetta, died, Maria was responsible for caring for her 3 younger brothers, picking potatoes. Her father, Raffaele went to Rome to find work, and never came back. Father: Carmine Frazzini born Feb 12, 1879 in SPA. Died Dawson, NM, Feb. 1912. His mother: Giuseppa Morelli born in SPA His father: Angelo Fiore Frazzini born in SPA Any of those names besides Carmine ring a bell? Sincerely, Marilou Moschetti |
Marilou, Some comments on your email: Carmine's tombstone shows his birth as 20 Jul 1881. The civil records from SPA are missing for 1881 so I can't confirm that birth date. I have seen the birth records for 1879 and they do not show Carmine. They do show Maria Antonia Carlini, his wife - but show birth as 11 July 1879. I've found 6 brothers and sisters of Carmine born to Angelofiore and Giuseppa Morelli. If you don't have them, I can email you the info. Maria's brother, Maurizio Domenico Carlini, came over on the same boat and is listed next to my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, in the Ellis Island records (11 Nov 1905). Maurizio ended up in Ely, Nevada from his WWI Draft Registration. My great-uncle Felice Carlini and his family also ended up in Ely. Do you have any details about Maurizio's life? Another of Maria' brothers, Carmine Sabatino Carlini, married Maria Carmina diTella. I've been trying to find out if she is related to the diTella's in my ancestry. No luck yet. I have not found any details about her in the SPA birth records. I hope some of this information is useful to you. Mark |
you're amazing, and we can't tell you how much we appreciate
your dedication to the Frazzini/Carlini, etc. family
decendents. We talked to LeDorina Josephina Frazzini Smaller, my husbands aunt age 94, today, and she told us that she didn't think her father Carmine Frazzini had any brothers or sisters. LeDora wrote down what her mother told her about the family, and they had no records except the baptism record of her mother, and a copy of the affidavit of marriage, signed by Prospero Frazzini on his bank stationary in Denver. We have made copies, and those are the only records that have turned up from Italy for us. Most of the older Italian women had such a tremendously difficult and hard life, they just didn't want to talk about the past. That seems to be the case for our Frazzini branch. Maria must have been so sad about Carmine's death, she just erased it from her life by not talking about it at all from there after. And certainly not in front of Guarrino Cinea, her 2nd husband. We have thought seriously about making the trip to SPA, but have other time issues that won't make that type of trip possible for a couple of more years. I'm going to Italy in late October to give a talk for the Rehabilitation Medicine group on Aquatic Physical Therapy in Bologna. I probably won't stay longer than 5-6 days after the conference, so won't get down to SPA myself. My biggest issue is language barrier, and my little Spanish just won't cut it. Haven't got a travel partner yet, as my husband will be teaching at San Jose State University and can't get away. We would LOVE to have the information on Carmine's brothers and sisters, and it may make possible to meet cousins we didn't know existed, who may actually be living close by. We hope Ron Frazzini in New Mexico is related. Thank you again, Mark for all you do, and we'll look forward to hearing from you soon. Marilou Moschetti |
Mark: Yes, we knew about Carfang ( a couple of years ago, and have tried to fill in the gaps. I will email them to correct the 1918 birth date for Erna and change it to 1911. She died in 1999. We think the marriage date of Carmen Frazzini and Maria Carlini is at least 1899. Angelo Frazzini was born about 1902, came to the states in 1907 at age 5. LeDora has talked about a baby being born before Angelo, and I'll try to help her get her thinking cap on. She remembers her mother giving birth to 12 babies, which included 2 sets of twins. The sets of twins were born to the step-dad James Cinea and Maria Carlini. According to our records there were 5 live births and the 4 dead twins, that leaves 3 unaccounted births. I'll ask and get back to you. I have so much to learn about getting all this information, and then keeping it straight. Thanks again for all your help, and we are continuing to dig deeper. Marilou |
Again Mark: Here is the information LeDorina Stella Josephine Frazzini gave me (age 94) - Carmine Frazzini and Marie Carlini had Angelo first, then a baby girl - Stella Frazzini - who was born about 1903. She died in Italy before Maria came to the US in 1904. The 3rd child to live was Ernestina Lena Victoria Frazzini my mother-in-law. Carmine and Maria were married in about 1897 in SPA. LeDora said her mother was just 18 years old. Doing the math makes it either 1897 or 1898. Hope that helps fill in the records. Marilou |
Marilou, Thanks for the update. I was down at the Family History Center today and checked for the marriage of Carmine Frazzini and Maria Carlini. Unfortunately, the marriage records end at 1898 and the records are missing for 1897. I did not find them in 1898. I checked 1896, also no luck. Mark |
Mark: We wanted to share these photos with you and also news. Ledora Frazzini Smaller, age 96 1/2 passed away suddenly on July 19, 2006. There will be a private internment on Monday July 24 at the Chapel of St. Joseph's in San Pablo, California. I will get the photo of Carmen Frazzini's grave stone to you now that we have a scanner. The remainder of the family is well, and we hope you are, too. Our best to you...... Marilou and Tom Moschetti |
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