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ESP8266 Sketches : RTCAdapter RTCWTIU

WiFi Support for RTC

This Page last updated on .

I started developement of this web page in January 2022. It will be under construction for a while.

On this page, I describe the work that I've been doing to implement the use of WiFi to connect to my layout. I started on the coding around September of 2021 for my RFID Detection system. Major updates in December of 2024 to support the new WTIU.

RTC still supports CC1101E radio control over USB so even if you don't have a WIU or WTIU, you can still try out the other new features.

Even though I did the RFID programming first, I'll be talking about the WTIU connection first since it is more useful to most people.

I’ve spent time examining how the MTH App works with the WTIU and I found areas where RTC works differently. I think it is important that RTC and the App both handle the TIU the same way. I’ve also found things in the App that don’t work (esoteric modes like All Engine Operation when the TIU are in Super TIU mode). Of course, the user interface is different since RTC is designed to run on a Windows based computer not on a tiny smartphone screen.

Throughout this document, when I say WTIU, that includes the older WIU/TIU combination. I continue to confuse myself with this .....

1978 May - Model Railroader


You can download v5.0 of RTC  from here.

This web page mostly refers to WiFi mode using the WTIU because that is where the major changes for v5.0 lie. For uses of serial RS-232 mode with a CC1101 radio, the operation should be unchanged with the exception of the need to select active TIU and the limit of 97 engines.

You have to setup the WIU/TIU or WTIU following MTH's instructions. That includes connecting it to your home router over WiFi. Once you do that, RTC should find them automagically.

I also have a support program that helps to confirm that the WiFi is correctly connected up. You can find out about it further down this page or you can click here.

The Next Step - Connecting directly from RTC program to the WIU/WTIU

When I started my work on RTC, I used a wired interface to connect the PC to the TIU. Later, I learned how to use a CC1101 radio to connect directly. The radio was connected to the PC using a USB cable. Now the ultimate(?) implementation - I can get rid of the USB cable and Radio by using WiFi to connect to the TIU (the WIU or WTIU).

Though connecting to the TIU via WiFi is nice, the real advantage is having a dozen or more RFID tag detectors around my layout and not having to have them wired together in series and then wired to my computer. If you look on my RFID tag detectors page, you can see the "ole" RS232 wired connection scheme.

This is based on the work that I did for the Remote Train Control (RTC) program and OOK Radio Support.

WiFi support is available in RTC 5.0.0 and later.

Running Setup in the RTC Program

Though the changes to the RTC Program to support WiFi were spread throughout almost every module in the program, for you, the user, the Setup window is where you tell the RTC Program to use WiFi.

You need the WIU connected to a TIU or the new WTIU (a combination of the WIU and TIU). Of course, you need a Windows 10/11 based computer with the version 5.0.0 or later version of RTC installed. And most of all, you need a WiFi network- that means a WiFi Router.

First, install the WIU/WTIU following MTH's instructions for "Home" network. You should know your WiFi Router's SSID and password. If you don't know those, MTH gives you an installation method using the "WPS" button on the WIU. Look at their instructions. I've not yet tried the "MTH" network mode for the WIU but there is no reason that it should not work.

You should know the IP address of your computer. If you don't know this, run the program "ipconfig" from a Command Prompt. Look for "IPv4 Address" and note it. For example:  might be your computer IP address for many home router networks. Usually RTC can figure out the correct IP address to use so this not even necessary.

Power on your router and power on the WIU/TIU or the WTIU. The WTIU is fairly slow to boot up so give it a few minutes to boot and connect up to the router. Once the blue WiFi LED on the WIU and WTIU begins to blink, you should be ready to go.

After you start the program, press the [Setup │▼] button. You will see this window.  To enable the RTC WiFi interface, click on the WTIU WiFi [X] Enable check box. RTC will attempt to find all of the WTIU on  your network. 

If it works, you will see all of the WTIU in the list box along with their IP addresses and Ports.

If that doesn't happen, continue on, otherwise continue with Active TIU selection in the next section.
If no WTIU appear, check that the smartphone app can access the WTIU. If the app can access the WTIU, click on the Host IP Address tab.
Click on the downarrow "v" on the dropdown box. RTC will have already tried to find the correct Host IP address. 
If your computer only has one Host IP address, RTC will select it automatically. If there are several, choose the Host IP connected to the network that your WTIU is on. If no Host IP addresses appear, presss the [Scan] button.

In this example, my computer is connected to one network. RTC will pick that one automatically.

Once you select a Host IP address, RTC will remember your selection.
In the dropdown, the correct Host IP address has been chosen.
Then click on the TIU/WTIU Ports tab. Here we are going to pick the WTIU to use.

First you need to enable the WTIU WiFi if it is not already enabled. Check on the WTIU WiFi [X]Enable checkbox.

If you don't see any WTIU listed, press the [Scan] button.
All of the available WTIU will show up in the list box.

The WTIU identifies itself as "mthdcs-XXXX" where the "XXXX" is a four digit hex number. The ".local" just indicates that it is my local WiFi network.

If all of your WTIU don't appear, press the [Scan] button again. (For you techy types, this is side effect of the mDNS Ethernet protocol used to find the WTIU's. Even with the cell phone App, all WTIU's may not be found without repeatedly scanning for them.)

You don't have to select anything here. In the next section, you will set the active TIU.

When you are done, press [Hide & Save].

The “Select Active TIU” menu from the Setup window

For both Radio COM mode and WTIU WiFi mode, you must tell RTC which TIU numbers are to be used. Press the [Setup │▼] button then press the [Select Active TIU] button. Turn on the TIU numbers to be used by RTC. At least one TIU must be selected.

You can also access this menu from the dropdown arrow on the [Setup │▼] button.

   <--- Showing TIU 4 selected as the active TIU.

In WTIU WiFi mode, the program will display an error message if all of the selected TIU are not found.

In Radio COM mode, this check is not done.

Starting RTC

Click on [Connect] and RTC will connect to your WTIU. If RTC can’t find all of the WTIU you have selected, press [Disconnect] fix the problem and try again.

In WiFi mode, RTC will report an error if a selected WTIU is not found when you press the [Connect] button.

You need at least 1 WTIU but RTC can handle up to 5. You may see these messages as RTC scans for WTIU and RFID train detectors:

Press the [Read │▼] button. RTC will interrogate every WTIU in the “Active TIU” list and gather information about each engine found. These engines are marked active. Engines that have been previously found but are now missing, are marked inactive (option selected by “[x] Keep Engines on Read”). An inactive engine is noted with an italic font.

Here are some screen examples:

At the main RTC window, you should see the red WiFi indicator and the red WTIU indicator. This means you are not connected via WiFi yet.

The TIU spinner is not used at this point but you should select the Active TIU you are using so you get the correct color indication.

Press the [Connect] button.
Now the WiFi and WTIU indicators both turn green followed by the TIU and AIU spinners turning green. This indicates that RTC is connected and ready to go.

Press the [Read │▼] button to fill the Engine List with all of the engines on your layout, then select an engine and press the [Startup] button.

You can learn about the RTC program on this web page:

Videos to show you how to get started are here:

Download the program from here (but V5.0.0 may not be there yet). Email me if you want to beta test it.

What good is the TIU Spinner now that the [Read │▼] button associates the engine with its TIU number automatically?

The TIU Spinner is the box under the [Setup │▼] button on the RTC main window. You can set a TIU number from 1 to 5.

Since each engine has its TIU number assigned by the [Read │▼] command, the value in the TIU spinner is only used for a few operations.

1. If the TIU number in the Spinner corresponds to the TIU that you are connected to, the spinner, along with the AIU spinner, will light up green.

TIU number 4 shows green as it is the active TIU and is connected --->

2. The TIU spinner (along with the AIU spinner) is used when you open a AIU Control window. AIU window shown below was opened by pressing the [AIU Control │▼] button on the main window above.

3. The TIU spinner is used by some of the debugging and testing commands when the main RTC window is opened up in Debug mode.

Other Changes

Change #1 Handling of Engine Database

In the older versions, RTC could handle 100 engines for each TIU (for a total of 500 engines). The WTIU cannot do this – it handles a total of 97 engines for the entire layout. (Note that the number is 97, not 98, 99, or 100 due to the format of the layout interrogation command – which might be an error in the original TIU software.)

RTC versions v1 to v4 had 5 “EngineDataX.ini” files – now there is one “EngineData.ini” file which holds the information for the 97 engines along with a new piece of information, the TIU number they are associated with. Other than the addition of the TIU number, the format of this file is the same as the older version.

With these changes the [Read │▼] button on the main RTC windows becomes very important. Now, every engine carries along the TIU number where the [Read │▼] button last discovered it. This value defaults to zero so if you try to control an engine before it is discovered, RTC will display an error message. Since the TIU number associated with an Engine is important, the TIU number is displayed along with the engine name in the Engine List and in the Popout Engine List. The TIU number associated with the head engine of a lashup is displayed along with the lashup name in the Lashup List and in the Popout Lashup List.

You should press the [Read │▼] button each time that you startup RTC especially if you are using more than one TIU. That is because of the possibility that an engine could be on a track controlled by a different TIU than previously. The [Read │▼] button is not so important after the first press if you are using only one TIU.

Once connected, the TIU Spinner shows green and the [Read │▼] button can be pushed.
When the read is complete, the engine list is filled with all found engines on all active TIU.

The Lashup List will show the TIU associated with the head engine of the lashup.
All engines in a lashup must be on the same TIU (unless running in Super TIU mode).

Change #2 All Engine Operation

When you start All Engine Operation, only active engines participate.

In WTIU WiFi mode, RTC effectively sets all TIU into Super TIU mode so all engines on the layout will respond. In Radio COM mode, All Engine Operation works with one TIU only as selected by the TIU Spinner.

Change #3 AIU operation

On an AIU window, if you turn on the “ALL” switch and press an action button, that button will affect all Accessories or all Switches on all AIU on all TIU. This mimics the operation of the App.

The older versions of RTC would affect only the accessories and switches on the TIU displayed. I previously changed it from that to affect only accessories and switches on the one AIU displayed. With help from one of the beta testers, I’ve changed RTC to function more like the App.

The “ALL” switch is reset to off after the action is complete to prevent double action.

You can use the [Make It So] button to set all accessories and all switches on this AIU to the State shown on the grid.

Change #4 Super TIU Mode Menu

You can now access this menu from the dropdown arrow on the [Setup │▼] button as well as the button on the Setup Window.

You must be connected to the WTIU's to change the settings on this window.

Change #5 Watchdog Signal Support

What is the Watchdog Signal?

MTH Engines can run in both conventional and command modes. Conventional mode is like engines of the past. Using a transformer with a big knob to control the speed. The engines can also run in command mode where all control is from the TIU or WTIU.

Engines know which mode to enter because when the TIU or WTIU is powered on, it sends a signal called a watchdog signal over the track. When the engines see this signal, they enter command mode. If they don't see that signal when they first receive power, they come up in conventional mode.

This is fine when you power up your WTIUs along with your entire layout. All of your engines will come up in comman mode. The problem comes up when you have power going to sidings through a switch and you have the switch off when you power on the WTIU. Then if you flip that switch later to apply power to the siding, there is no watchdog signal and the engines come up in conventional mode.

There are three ways to generate a Watchdog signal:

I. Generating a watchdog signal manually from the RTC menus using a separate power switch for the siding

First, connect the power to a siding through a switch on your control panel.

There is a new window called a Watchdog window. You can bring up this menu two ways:

    1. Right click on the TIU Spinner and select "Show Watchdog Button" for the selected TIU.

    2. Right click on an engine in the Engine List and select "Show Watchdog Button" for the TIU associated with the selected engine.

A new window, the "Watchdog Signal' window will display.

When you then click on the "Send Watchdog" button, several things will happen in sequence:

    1. The program will wait 3 seconds to give you time to get your finger on the power switch for the siding.

    2. The program will beep.

    3. A soon as you hear the beep, flip the power switch.

RTC will send a watchdog signal over the WTIU to let any newly powered engines come up in command mode. The active and inactive engine counts will be updated as returned by the Counts() function.

The watchdog button will only activate engines that have previously been added to the Engine List by the [Read │▼] button.

II. Generating a watchdog signal from AIU Controls window letting the RTC program control power to the siding

First, connect the power to a siding through an accessory channel on an AIU.

On the AIU Controls window, name the channel that controls the siding:

Here, I've wired up TIU1 AIU1 Channel 8 to control the siding. Power is off.

To generate an Watchdog signal, move the Watchdog toggle switch to the "On" position. Then select channel 8 and press the "Selected Accessory" [On] button. (Note that the watchdog is not generated and the toggle is reset if you press the [Off] or [Activate] button.)

Channel 8 is activated and the siding receives power. Within 1 second or so, the Watchdog signal is sent over the tracks. Your cursor will spin for the short time that this taakes. Any newly powered up engines sitting on the siding, see the Watchdog signal and power up in command mode so they will sit quietly wating for a [Startup] command.

The "Watchdog" toggle switch automatically resets to "Off". If you select other sidings, you must turn the "Watchdog"  to the "On" position for each one.

III. Generating a watchdog signal programmatically using the RTC Control Language to control power to the siding

First, connect the power to a siding through an accessory channel on an AIU.

Here is an example script, Watchdog.lua, that shows how to generate a Watchdog signal:

Here is a listing of the Watchdog.lua script file

Remote Train Control Program for Windows

© Copyright 2025 by Mark DiVecchio

This file is part of Remote Train Control.

Remote Train Control is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Remote Train Control is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Remote Train Control. If not, see <>.

Home Page :
-- Semicolons are not required in Lua code
title = "Watchdog"

When using this module, all variables (including functions!) must be declared through
a regular assignment (even assigning nil will do) in a strict scope before being used
anywhere or assigned to inside a nested scope.
local _ENV = require 'std.strict' (_G) -- strict.lua will detect undeclared global variables
local _;

local MyEngineNo, MyTIUNo;
title = "Watchdog Test"
local iChan, iAIU;
iChan = 8;
iAIU = 1;
-- Note that there is no loop() function in this sketch
-- All actions are initiated by the buttons
function setup(Engine, TIU)
MyEngineNo = Engine;
print(string.format("setup(): Debug level %d", Debug()));

print("setup : TIU " .. MyTIUNo .. " Engine " .. MyEngineNo .. " Debug " .. Debug());
assert((MyTIUNo >= 1 and MyTIUNo <= 5),"TIU Number out of range");
print("setup : AIU " .. iAIU .. " Channel " .. iChan);

return true; -- false=setup failed, true=setup succeeded

function cleanup()
-- this function is called once when the user presses the [STOP] button or the Stop() function is called
print("cleanup : TIU " .. MyTIUNo .. " Engine " .. MyEngineNo .. " Debug " .. Debug());
local iResult = OffButton();
return iResult; -- false=cleanup failed, true=cleanup succeeded
function OnButton()
print("Track Power On : " .. GetAccName(iChan, iAIU, MyTIUNo));
-- energize track
if (Siding(ON, iChan, iAIU, MyTIUNo) == nil) then
print("Siding Power On failed");
return false;
return true;
Function01Name, Function01Label = OnButton, "Track Power On";

function OffButton()
print("Track Power Off : " .. GetAccName(iChan, iAIU, MyTIUNo));
-- deenergize track
if (Siding(OFF, iChan, iAIU, MyTIUNo) == nil) then
print ("Siding Power Off failed");
return false;
return true;
Function02Name, Function02Label = OffButton, "Track Power Off";
function WatchdogButton()
print("Watchdog : TIU #" .. MyTIUNo);
-- Send Watchdog signal
if (Watchdog(MyTIUNo) == nil) then
print("Watchdog failed");
return false;
return true;
Function03Name, Function03Label = WatchdogButton, "Watchdog";

Look at the function "OnButton()". This function is the brains of the script. It calls the new "Siding()" function. This function does several things:

    1. The acccessory channel given by the parameters iChan, iAIU and MyTIUNo, is turned "ON". This applies power to the siding.

    2. The engines power on.

    3. RTC then sends a watchdog signal over the TIU

    4. The engines come up in command mode and can be used by RTC just as any other engine.

    5. The active and inactive engine counts will be updated as returned by the Counts() function.

Look at the secondary function "WatchdogButton(). It calles the new "Watchdog()" function. It does one thing:

    1. Causes RTC to send a watchdog signal over the TIU.

The watchdog button will only activate engines that have previously been added to the Engine List by the [Read │▼] button.


Here is a utility program that might help you confirm that your WIU or WTIU setup is correct. You can download this program from this DropBox link:

Just start it and you should see a list of the found WIU/WTIU in the upper right list box.

If you want to rescan your network again, press the [Scan WIU] button.

Press the [Connect] button to create a WiFi connection the WIU that you select from the list.

Press [Handshake] and this program will show you the TIU number and number of AIU connected to this WIU/WTIU. You might see something like this:

WIU/WTIU TCP Sending Local Port = 64629
Session Connected
H5 Response : H5 70973C94 okay
H6 Response : H66499F4B2 okay
x Response : x33
-> TIU/WTIU #4 with 3 AIU(s)

The [Find Engines] button will ask the TIU about the engines connected to it. Along with some technical information, you will see all of the engines
that are associated with that TIU.

P&LE U28B #2808 :   Reading Engines   - TIU #4 : Engine # 1 of 18 Engine(s) Total
A&S 0-8-0 #211 :   Reading Engines   - TIU #4 : Engine # 2 of 18 Engine(s) Total

The [Send String] button will send whatever string you type in the box to the TIU.

Checking the "Debug Mode" checkbox will display a lot of technical information that may not be useful.

WiFi based RFID Detectors (You can skip the rest of this page if you don't use the RFID Detectors)

The other major WiFi change was moving my RFID detectors from RS-232 based wired connections to WiFi based connections.

These detectors functionally operate the same as the wired version. You can look at this page for operational details.

 The ESP8266

Mike Hewett always seems to be acknowledged on my web pages and he deserves it. Mike learned about the ESP8266 based NodeMCU board and started to use it in his projects. After I saw his success and how easy it was to use, I started to rewrite my RTCNFCIRQ program to use that device.

The ESP8266 is a small powerful computer connected to a WiFi Radio. They are available from many sources on the Internet. Watch out for knock-offs.

My Ideas

I figured that could replace the wired serial connections for my RFID tag detectors (which send tag information to the RTC program). Read about the current wired solution here:

Here is a photo of an ESP8266. I've been using the version with the CH340 USB chip. These are around $5 each as of Feb of 2024.

Ported the RTCNFCIRQ sketch to the ESP8266 - RTCNFCWiFi

The current version of the RTCNFCIRQ sketch runs on a Seeeduino/Infiduino. This porting effort moved the sketch to run on an ESP8266 and the sketch is now called RTCNFCWiFi.

These detectors functionally operate the same as the wired version. You can look at this page for operational details.

Here are a few photos of an ESP8266 wired to a PN532 RFID detector. The black antenna is placed under the track (it was originally red but I painted it black, like the Rolling Stones). This only requires connection to power. The assembly here is not critical. I've used up to 12 inches of wire between the ESP8266 and PN532. The 6 inch coax cable between the PN532 and the antenna should not be extended. I tried longer cables but the performance suffered greatly.

Again I have to thank Mike Hewett for reminding me of wirewrap.

My original test bed connections were done with what is call "Dupont" wires. These are nothing more than wires with push on connectors on each end. Nice and easy to use but prone to coming loose. Good for prototyping. Mike showed me some of his work using wirewrap. When I started in the computer design business in 1970, wirewrap was still common and acceptable even for production work.

Look here : National Advanced Systems.

Mike used a hand wirewrap tool but I had a couple of very old Gardner-Denver wirewrap guns. I dug them out and replaced the long dead rechargable battery with 2 D cells and I was off. I used the small green proto board from as a base.

Sadly, these PN532 RFID detectors have doubled in price since pre-COVID times. After having tested many different detectors these are still the best functioning detectors when placed under 3-rail track.

ESP8266                                     $5.00
Tag Reader from Elechouse        $34.50 (as of Feb 2024)  If you buy 10, they are $29.00 each.

The ESP8266 has enough pins to control two tag readers. I have 13 tag readers on my layout controled by 8 ESP8266.

Signal Name ESP8266
Elechouse PN532 RFID Module #0
Elechouse PN532 RFID Module #1
S Clock D5 SCL SCL
IRQ #0 D2 IRQ --
SS #0 D0 SS --
IRQ #1 D3 -- IRQ
SS #1 D1 -- SS

Powering the Tag Detectors

The ESP8266 can be powered by 4.5 - 20 VDC applied between the VIN pin and ground. The ESP8266 will regulate that down to 3.3 VDC for itself and for the PN532. You can use any method you want to get the voltage to the VIN pin. I used an AC to DC converter getting power from the closest 3-rail track. I have also used a dedicated power supply.

RTCNFCWiFi source code and pre-compiled binary

I'll try to keep this zip file up to date but if you are going to seriously work with it, email me to be sure you have the latest version.

RTCNFCWiFi            V4.5 - This is an ESP8266 NodeMCU based sketch using WiFi to connect RFID tag detectors to the RTC program.

Right now, this sketch is one ZIP file. You can download it here.

The ZIP file has a precompiled *.bin file which can be downloaded into the ESP8266.You must use a USB connection to load this sketch into the ESP8266 the first time, after that, you can use the Over The Air (OTA) connection - note that you don't have to use the OTA connection, you can use the USB connection all the time.

Getting it into the ESP8266 is fairly easy- here is how to do the first time which requires a USB connection:

    1. Connect the ESP8266 to your PC using a USB cable.
    2. Drivers for the ESP8266 should automatically load
    3. Note the COMx port that the ESP8266 connects as or use Device Manager to locate the port number..
    4. Extract the above ZIP file into a folder (just create a new folder somewhere).
    5. Open a command window at the folder where you put the files
    6. Using notepad, edit the file USB.bat. Change the serial port number (from "COM3") to the serial port number where the ESP8266 connected.
    7. Run the USB.bat file or manually type in the following command after changing the serial port number:
        .\esptool.exe  --baud 115200 --port COM3  write_flash --flash_mode qio 0x00000 RTCNFCWiFi.ino.nodemcu.bin
To use the OTA method (after the first time using USB)

    1. Extract the above ZIP file into a folder (you can use the same one you created above)..
    2. Open a command window at the folder where you put the files
    3. Using notepad, edit the file OTA8.bat. Change the IP address to the IP address of your ESP8266. You can get the IP address from RTC after you use the device for the first time (Look in the Setup window..
    4. Run the OTA8.bat file or manually type in the following command after changing the IP address:
        .\python3\3.7.2-post1\python3 -I .\ -i --auth=esp8266 -f .\RTCNFCWiFi.ino.nodemcu.bin 
If  you try to compile this yourself, I used the Arduino IDE portable version 1.8.16. You will have to download that version of the IDE, install it and then install the ESP8266 library. After that, download and manually install the following additional libraries:

    Needed for all sketches (From the Arduino IDE, use the Sketch->Include Library->Manage Libraries, find the library and hit [Install]):
ESP_DoubleReset_Detector v1.3.2 by Khoi Hoang
ESP8266TimerInterrupt v1.6.0 by Khoi Hoang

After that, download and manually install the following additional libraries into the IDE portable library folder (on my computer : C:\arduino-1.8.16\portable\sketchbook\libraries):
    Needed for all sketches:
        RTC_NFC by Mark DiVecchio.    Download library from here.

    Needed for RTCNFCWiFi
PN532_SPI by Adafruit Industries and Seeed Studio, modified by Mark DiVecchio
PN532_modified by Adafruit Industries and Seeed Studio, modified by Mark DiVecchio
NDEF by Adafruit Industries and Seeed Studio
    Original at
    Download modified library from here.

RTC RFID Tag Detection Configuration

When you first load the ESP8266 with the program, it must connect up to the WiFi router (so we need the SSID of the router and the password) and you must tell it what detector number it is and how many tag readers are connect to it.

This is done by connecting to the ESP8266 from your phone. Tap on your WiFi icon and follow along:

After you download the RTCNFCWiFi program into the ESP8266, it will start an Access Point. If you look on your phone, you will see the new WiFi AP listed as RTCRFID. Tounch on that AP to connect to it.

The phone should connect up and you should see the RTCRFID AP "connected without internet".

Then startup a web browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Enter this IP address into the Address Bar: . Press GO. You should see this screen which lists all of the accessible routers in the area. Here is were we enter the information that the RTCNFCWiFi program needs to communicate with your computer via the WiFi Router.

The SSID of your router
The WiFi password of your router
The detector number of this device
The number of tag readers connected to this device.

Then click on [Setup RFID WiFi].
You should see this screen indicating that the device is rebooting and will connect up the WiFi Router.

You have to do this with all of the RFID tag detectors on your layout. Be sure that the detector numbers are unique. Then the detectors are ready for use by RTC.

WiFi based RFID Detectors on my Layout

I have 8 Detectors with 13 Tag Readers on my layout. I've hidden the 8 Detectors inside of buildings - mostly Plasticville but one 3D printed shed. The readers are mounted under my 3-rail tubular track using black double sided foam tape.

In some of these photos, you can see LED's lit up. The tag reader itself has a red power led and the ESP8266 has a blue led under control of the sketch running. My RTCRFIDWiFi sketch blinks the blue led on each tag detection. You can see these LED through the windows.

All of these ESP8266 NodeMCU devices have Over-the-Air (OTA) programming enabled. With OTA, I can update the sketch running in the device over WiFi directly from the computer running the Arduino IDE. I described how to do that a little furthur back on this web page. Sure better than my previous wired scheme where I had to walk around my layout with my notebook computer and a USB cable, plugging into each ESP8266 one at a time to reload a sketch.

Detector 1 with 1 Tag Reader Attached
(I had to make little signs so I could remember which detector was which.)
Plasticville Log Cabin

Detector 2 with 2 Tag Readers Attached
Plasticville Hobo Shack

Detector 3 with 1 Tag Reader Attached
3D printed Servo Shed - a "Make" on Thingiverse: 

Detector 4 with 2 Tag Readers Attached
Plasticville Manufacturing Company

Detector 5 with 2 Tag Readers Attached
Plasticville Signal Tower

Detector 6 with 2 Tag Readers attached is inside a tunnel so a photo of it would be all black!

Detector 9 with 1 Tag Reader Attached
Plasticville Cape Cod House

Detector 10 with 2 Tag Readers Attached
Plasticville Grocery Store

Updated Programs

Tag Programmer        This is the program to run on your PC used to program tags. Requires an ESP8266 and PN532 programmed with the latest RTCNFCWiFi sketch. I've updated this program to use these WiFi connected Tag Detectors. If you need this program now, email me. I'll have it posted here soon.

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