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This amazing story began with a note from a fellow researcher about That is a subscription web site that has scans of old newspapers from all over the county. The researcher told me of a search for "Frazzini" that turned up a bunch of hits. I took out a subscription and did a search. I started going though the hits. There were many articles about the family of Prospero Frazzini and his brothers in Denver.
In my transcriptions of these articles, I've corrected the spellings of Italian names from the incorrect version in the newspaper articles. I only show a few of the articles in whole because of the size of the files. If anyone would like complete articles, contact me.
1910 28 Nov - Mysterious Foe Blindfolds, Gags and Kills Mrs.Cellanto, Denver Post, Denver, CO (her full name: Giuseppa Dorinda Labate Frazzini Labate Cellanto from three marriages) |
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1910 29 Nov - Band of Cutthroats Blamed for Murders, Denver Post, CO The only result of the investigation into the murder of Mrs. Dorinda Cellanto, whose body was found Sunday in a ditch on a ranch six miles north of Denver, is a growing feeling, divined rather than ascertained that an organized band of murderers is responsible for the crime. Shortly after noon today, Chief of Police Armstrong issued orders to all patrolmen to arrest and bring before him Clemente Cellanto, husband of the woman whose body was found Sunday in a ravine about a mile beyond Globeville, in Adams county. The chief did not announce that any charge would be preferred against the husband, but directed his arrest and detention on the ground of "investigation". Cellanto has not yet been found, but it is believed he is in the Italian colony on the North Side. In the morgue at Brighton this morning, Clemente Cellanto, of 1402 West 38th Ave identified the corpse found Sunday at Newton Bowles' ranch, six miles north of Denver, as that of his wife, Dorinda Cellanto. An inquest will be held by Coroner E.G. Jones the latter part of the week, probably Friday. Mrs. Cellanto was murdered. Her throat was cut after she had been bound, blindfolded and gagged. |
1910 30 Nov - Fear Lurks Close to All Who Could Solve Cellanto Murder, Denver Post, CO In the office of Chief Armstrong yesterday accusation followed accusation. The chief had arrested Mrs. Angelina Garramone, from whose home Mrs. Cellanto disappeared two weeks ago and who was the last person who was seen with Mrs. Mary LaGuardia, the old woman who vanished from sight three months ago. With her, he arrested Salvatore Giaccolo, who is alleged to have been a sort of secretary to the Garramone woman in her estate dealings, and Clemente Cellanto, husband of the murdered woman. "I warned you one month ago that if you did not give me the money you owed me I should tell what you know of the disappearance of Mrs. LaGuardia," cried Salvatore to Mrs. Garramone. "What did you mean by that?" asked Chief Armstrong. "I mean that she lied to me about it and lied to police. I mean she never came home the night Mrs. LaGuardia disappeared. I mean she knows where Mrs. LaGuardia now is." |
1910 6 Dec - Coroner's Inquest in Cellanto Case set for Thursday, Denver Post, CO An inquest into the murder of Mrs. Dorinda Cellanto will be held at Brighton on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Coroner E.G Jones. The funeral will probably take place Friday afternoon. |
1910 9 Dec - Jury unable to name the slayer of Mrs. Cellanto, The Denver Post "We the jury find from the evidence in the case that Mrs. Dorinda Labate Cellanto came to her death by a blow inflicted above the right eye, throat cut and other wounds inflicted by a person or persons unknown to this jury." No arrangements have been made for the burial of Mrs. Cellanto. If Cellanto can raise the money to pay the undertaking charges, he will have the body removed to Denver, where it will be buried. Cellanto is trying to raise funds among his Italian friends in Denver today. |
I could not find any more information about where Dorinda was buried.
1900 Domenico Labate and Dorinta Labate Frazzini, son William, Wells, Elko, NV Domenick 35y, born Jan 1865
Dora, 35y, born Feb 1865, 1 child - 1 living, born in Italy but immigration year is not listed. William, son, 5m, born Dec 1899 |
1900 Luigi and Angelina Garramone and 4 sons, Denver, Arapahoe, CO Luigi, 32y, born Nov 1867, immigrated 1886
Angelina, 23y, born July 1876, 5 children - 4 living, born in Colorado (I don't think so!) Esland, 8y, born March 1893 (This is Orlando) All children born in Colorado. Pinibell, 6y, born Sep 1893 (this is a really odd name and I've seen many spellings of it.) Amadeo, 3y, born Jan 1897 Eugene, 1y, born 1899 |
1905 8 Jun - She Defied the Judge, The Denver Post, CO Italian Woman Objects to Interpreter and Makes a Scene ----- "Datta man he noa treata me righta. He againa me. I noa leta him talka to me. Oha, helpa! Helpa! Me bea killta! Me bea killta!" With a shriek that went through the corridors of the court house, Mrs. Dorinda Labate, applicant for a divorce in the county court, refused to obey Judge Henry V. Johnson's order to "stand up and be sworn" because of her objections to the selection of Henry Sphigetta as interpreter. The Labate suit possesses numerous peculiarities. It is composed of a series of charges and counter-charges. Mrs. Labate asks for a legal separation on the ground of desertion. Her husband comes back with a demand, asserting that strange men have been in the habit of making his home their home. |
1905 17 Jun - No Alimony for Her, The Denver Post, CO Judge Henry V. Johnson in the county court today refused the application of Mrs. Dorinda Labate for permanent alimony from Dominick Labate. The family troubles of the Labates have been occupying considerable time in the county courts recently. |
1905 27 Nov - Clemente Cellanto - Maria Mauro (Dorinda Labate Frazzini Labate), marriage, Denver, CO State of Colorado, Division of Vital Statistics, Marriage Record Report #37166
Clemente Cellanto and Maria Mauro Married in Denver, CO on 27 Nov 1905 by Justice of the Peace Benjamin F. Harrington. |
1907 9 Jan - Says wife drinks and calls children names, The Denver Post, CO "Of course she drinks" asserted Domenick Labate violently, on the witness stand. Domenick Labate is a railway foreman of the Southern Pacific road, and has asked the court to allow him the care of his two children, William, aged 7, and Joseph, aged 6. For two years, he has $12 a month to keep them in St. Vincent's orphan asylum. He claims that his former wife, now Mrs. Maria Dorinda Frazzini-Labate-Cellanto is unfit to have charge of the boys. After his divorce, he married again and provided a home for this second wife in Ogden, Utah. Here both he and his last wife are anxious to remove the children from St. Vincent's. Mrs. Labate No.2 told the court she would love the children and treat them right. The case was continued until further evidence could be procured. Mrs. Maria Dorinda Frazzini-Labate-Cellanto lives at 3433 Junstina Street. Multiplication of marriages accounts for her numerous names. |
1908 23 Jul - Real Estate Transfer Luigi Garramone to Angelina Garramone, The Denver Post, CO Property transfer from Luigi Garramone to Angelina Garramone, $1. |
1909 17 Jun - Real Estate Transfer Maria L. Garramone to Giovanni and Caterina Comminielo, $800. Here is Angelina doing a property transfer using a different name. |
1909 30 Jul - Real Estate Transfer Angela Garramone
to Dorinda Labate and Clemente Cellanto, The Denver Post, CO Property transfer from Angelina Garramone to Dorinda Labate and Clemente Cellanto, $1,800. |
1909 26 Sep - Protecting Victims of Get Rich Quick Schemes, The Denver Post, CO Foreign Consuls Must Perform Various Stunts ----- Protecting Victims of Get Rich Quick Schemes ----- Angelina Garramone, one of the fairest flowers of sunny Italy, whose eyes flash and whose lips coo and whose laugh is steadily a flow, has developed a genius that is Chadwick crossed with Lowe. She would find an Italian family living in the lower or undesirable portion of the city in a little home which they had paid for. She would ascertain at what they valued the property; and then tell them that she would pay them a price which was a few hundred dollars in excess of the value and then build them a home on Capitol Hill. The persons would jump at the offer.... But alas, when time brought about a knowledge of the transaction, they had so much confidence in Mrs. Garramone that they did not even require an abstract of title. That is where they lost. They usually found that a mortgage had already been lodged against the new home for all that it would bear.... |
1909 14 Oct - Real Estate Transfer Angela Garramone to Dorinda Labate
and Clemente Cellanto, The Denver Post, CO Property transfer from Angelina Garramone to Dorinda Labate and Clemente Cellanto, $1. |
1910 Nickolas and Gladys Forgione, 6 children, Manhattan, Jefferson, CO |
1910 Luigi and Angelina Garramone and 5 children, Denver, CO Louis, 43y
Angelina 35y, 6 children - 6 living, immigrated 1885. Lendo 17y Penobel 16y Charles 4y Clyde 2y Tony 7m |
1910 24 Apr - Rented Pianos Then Sold Them, The Denver Post, CO Mrs. Angelina Garramone who has duped, with her "real estate" transactions, practically very Italian property owner in the lower section of the city, has entered into a new line of business, which promises not quite so great a degree of success for her. She now deals in pianos. Within the last month or more, she has rented three pianos, each one from a different firm, and after paying the rent for the space of a few weeks on the three instruments, sold them. One she disposed of to the Ward Auction company, and upon the discovery of the fraud which the woman had practiced the company caused her to be brought before Justice Gavin, where her case was set for hearing Monday morning. The Italian woman conducts her operations under four names, her own, Angelina Garramone, Angelina Sericia, Marie Brown and Rose Wortley. |
1910 11 Dec - Mrs. Garramone to be Tried next week for Forgery, The Denver Post Angelina Garramone will hold the boards at the criminal court next week. She goes to trial charged with forgery and kindred offenses, all of which grew out of her desire to sustain her Chadwickian reputation in the Italian colony in North Denver. |
1911 5 Aug - Dismembered Corpse Found on Ranch is of American Woman, Denver Post, CO Theory Body was that of Mrs Laguardia Displayed by Size of Shoe No tangible clew to the identity of the woman whose dismembered corpse was found Friday on the Johnson ranch, twelve miles north of Denver, in Jefferson county, has been secured, but the police have started a systematic investigation of the women reported missing in Denver during the past two years, and it is expected when the work is completed the identity of the body will have been fixed if the woman was a resident of the city, as the police and authorities of Jefferson county are inclined to believe. The first impression, that the corpse was that of an Italian woman, has been partly dispelled by the finding of a Bible quotation, printed in English, which was discovered with a portion of the body when Coroner H. S. Burton of Arvada, and his assistants again went over the ground where the bones were gathered up. |
1911 7 Aug - Body of Slain Woman is Identified as that of Mrs. LaGuardia, Denver Post, CO Her niece recognizes clothing, the stockings and even the skull. Holding her baby in one arm and the bleached skull of her dead aunt in the other hand, Mrs. Annie Dimotta this morning positively identified the remains of a woman found last Friday on the J. N. Johnson ranch, in Jefferson county, as those of Mrs. Maria Laguardia, who disappeared from Denver on Sept. 3, 1910. The baby reached out and patted the skull playfully. Sidebar:
1911 10 Aug - Garramone Slew Woman, The Weekly News, Denver, CO "Oh my God, will they never leave me alone? I didn't do it, I didn't do it" sobbed Mrs Angelina Garramone in the reception room in the woman's quarters in the penitentiary here tonight, when told that she had been charged with the murder of Marie LaGuardia. Luigi Garramone and Finabello Garramone, according to the Italians, were always in Mrs. Garramone's schemes. They are suspected of having knowledge of the crime. |
1911 12 Aug - Four Murder Farm Cases are Recalled, The Denver Post, CO [photos of Finabelle Garramone, Clement Cellante and Luigi Garramone] A merciless, cunning rogue, the Italians describe Mrs. Garramone, whom all feared and many followed. A dozen persons in Little Italy this morning repeat the same expressions. So they discuss Angelina Garramone, the plague of the settlement, mother of seven and one of the most remarkable women known in the state. "Black Hand? No," they say; "only Angelina Garramone's black hand and black heart." Angelina Sassosa was the only daughter of E. Sassosa [Mark's note: probably Losasso], a properous farmer living on the outskirts of Denver. When he died, Angelina was sole heir, coming into possession of $20,000 or more. With this capital, she began her fantastic career as a real estate dealer. Where she spent her money is a mystery that none in the colony ventures to explain. She made thousands. Note one incident of mercy that she had ever shown to a person who stood in her way can be recalled by the Italians in the colony. She had but one thought, herself, and to further her purposes became a fortune teller, it is said, to gain the confidences of several superstitious members of the colony who feared her. One of these was Mary Laguardia. |
1911 12 Aug - Mrs. Garramone named as Mrs. Laguardia's Slayer, The Denver Post, CO Mrs. Concetta Forgione and her daughter, Stella, 18 yeas old, confessed at Golden last night that they stood by while Mrs. Angelina Garramone cut the throat of Mrs. Marie Laguardia and robbed her of $320. Mrs Forgione said she held Mrs. Garramone's 4-year-old baby in her arms while Mrs. Garramone committed the murder. The blood from the wound, Mrs. Forgione said, covered Mrs. Garramone's hands and she sucked it from her fingers with her lips.The killing was done with a butcher knife, according to Mrs. Forgione and her daughter, and of the money taken from the murdered woman Mrs. Forgione said she received $160. The murder occurred between 7 and 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning, August 13, 1910, after Mrs. Forgione, her daughter Stella and Mrs Garramone had spent the night with Mrs. Laguardia in the open air near the tracks of the Intermountain railroad east of Golden. |
From the 12 Aug 1911 The Denver Post
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1911 12 Aug - Murdered on the Mountainside, Watertown Daily Times, NY In a confession alleged by the police to have been secured yesterday from Mrs. Concetta Forgione, an Italian woman of Denver, is told the story of the murder of Mrs. Maria La Guardia, a well to do member of Denver's Italian colony, whose dismembered body, washed from the mountainside, where it had lain for nearly a year, was found a week ago in a lonely mountain arroyo near here. |
1911 12 Aug - News Paper Article (uncredited) Golden, CO, Aug 12 - Police of Golden and Denver are hunting for corroborative evidence to prove the truth of the ghastly confession of murder made last night by Concetta Forgione involving the "Cassie Chadwick of Little Italy," Mrs. Angelina Garramone. |
1911 Nicolo Forgione - Concetta Sabatena, marriage, Denver, CO [ I've learned that they had been living together for 18 years and raised a family before they got married.] |
1911 13 Aug - To Burn LaGuardia's Body was Intention of Mrs. Garramone, The Denver Post, CO Nothing in the stories of the murders in the Rue Morgue of Paris by Poe, exceeds in horror the story of the murder of Mrs. Marie Laguardia as it was repeated yesterday by Mrs. Concetta Forgione at the Jefferson county jail at Golden. |
1911 14 Aug - Confessed Accomplices Fear Mrs. Garramone's Mystic Power, Denver Post, CO Mrs. Concetta Forgione and her daughter, Stella, charged with being accessories to the murder of Mrs. Maria Laguardia, believe they are in danger of being stricken to death in their cells by a supernatural power. They believe that Mrs. Angelina Garramone, whom they accuse of having murdered Mrs. Maria Laguardia, has communed with the spirits of another world and that she has the ability to invoke the aid of evil spirits in punishing her enemies. |
1911 22 Aug - Cellanto Murder Mystery is Fast being Unraveled, Denver Post, CO Sheriff Herman J. Schloo of Adams county has turned over to Chief of Police Armstrong evidence which he has secured tending to connect Mrs. Angelina Garramone and Clemente Cellante with the murder of the latter's wife, Mrs Dorinta Labate Cellante. Cellante, Luigi Garramone and Finabello Garramone, released Saturday from the custody of the Jefferson county authorities, who had been holding them on the charge of being accessories to the murder of Mrs. Maria Laguadia, will be rearrested and questioned by Chief Armstrong. The body of Mrs. Cellante was found on the Bowles ranch, near Globeville Nov 27 of last year. The throat of the woman had been cut either with a sharp butcher knife or a razor and was nearly severed from the head. At that time, it was supposed that the murder had been committed in the vicinity of the spot where the body was found, but later developments have caused the police to believe that Mrs. Cellante was murdered in the Garramone home at 1230 West Thirty-eighth Ave. |
1911 7 Nov - Mrs. Garramone's Trial on Murder Charge set for Nov 21, The Denver Post, CO Mrs. Angelina Garramone will be tried for the murder of Mrs. Maria Laguadia, Nov 21 unless her attorney, Edward L.Clover, succeeds in securing a postponement of the hearing or having the trial deferred until after her penitentiary sentence of from five to eight years for forgery. |
1911 22 Dec - Black Cat startles Mrs. Garramone; Mrs. Cellanto's Murder Laid to Her, The Denver Post, CO When Mrs. Maria Angelina Garramone walked through the corridor of the court house this morning under the guard of Deputy Warden James K. Dye of the penitentiary, a black cat ran in front of her. "My God!" she exclaimed, and appeared to take this as a bad omen. Whether the fact of the back cat crossing her path has anything to do with it or not, Fate appears to have reserved a large share of trouble for the little Italian woman. Whether convicted or acquitted of the charge of killing Maria Laguardia, she will have to go back to Cañon City. |
1911 23 Dec - Garramone Jury Out, Colorado Springs Gazette, CO The case of Mrs. Angelina Garramone, charged with the murder of Mrs. Maria Laguardia, near here, August 10 1910, went to the jury at 7 o'clock tonight. An hour later the jury reported there was no chance of an agreement tonight and was locked up. The court's instructions were either for a verdict in the first degree or acquittal. |
1911 23 Dec - Pen for Life Fate of Mrs. Garramone, Denver Post, CO Guilty of murder in the first degree and fixing punishment at imprisonment for life, was the verdict returned by the jury in the case of Mrs. Angelina Garramone of Denver for the killing of Mrs. Maria Laguardia, whose throat she cut for the purpose of robbery, in the district court here this morning. The jury reached a verdict after taking two ballots -- one last night and the other this morning. |
1911 24 Dec - Life! Doom Haunts Mrs. Garramone, Denver Post, CO "Life! Life!" Angelina Garramone laughed bitterly. "They give me life -- but they let Patterson go and she commit murder." "Don't you think they treated me fine!", she asked, and her mouth drew down sarcastically at the corners. "Bah! Don't talk to me about justice in this world. Only in heaven is there such a thing called justice, and sometimes we wonder if it is there also." |
1912 13 Jan - Mrs. Garramone is given life term, new trial denied, Denver Post, CO To paraphrase one Mr. Shakespeare, late of Avon, What's in a face? Ask Gertrude Patterson and she will say "Life." For the law -- that magic word which rolls upon the professional tongue with all the mouthy majesty with which an actor pronounces "Rome" -- the law moved implacably yesterday in the district court at Golden and an ignorant foreign woman was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering Maria Laguardia for money. |
1911-12 Angelina Garramone 8304 Mug Shot by xkat2009![]() The Murder: An article by Julie Johnson: |
1912 19 Oct - Clemente Cellanto - Giosfin Musalina, marriage, Denver, CO [her name was Josephine] |
1912 9 Nov - Garramone Crime committed by Man, Attorney Argues, Denver Post, CO On the ground that evidence important to the defense of Mrs. Angelina Garramone in her trial for the murder of Mrs. Maria Laguardia was hidden by the sheriff of Jefferson county, Attorney Edward L. Clover will file a motion for a new hearing in the supreme court. The newly discovered evidence is a man's coat in which part of the bones of Mrs. Laguardia were found wrapped. The coat was hidden by the sheriff and Mrs. Garramone's attorney did not learn of its existence until long after the trial which was held a year ago. |
1913 13 Sep - Italian May Clear Murder Mystery, Denver Post, CO Marco Cellante, who shot Giacinto Decioci during a quarrel at the home of Mrs. Angelina Garramone on Nov. 6 1910 and who recently was captured at Pocatello, Idaho, arrived in Denver last night in custody of Deputy Sheriff Pollard. He will be tried on a charge of assault to kill. The police hope to obtain information from Cellante that will enable them to clear up the mystery surrounding the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Marie Labate Cellanti, whose mutilated body was found on a ranch in Adams county several weeks after the shooting in which he was involved. |
1913 1 Nov - Husband of Murderess gets Divorce, Denver Post, CO [photos of Angelina Garramone and Luigi Garramone] Divorces granted: Luigio Garramone from Angelina Garramone; in prison for felony. |
1918 Clemente Cellanto, WWI Draft Reg, Denver, CO |
1918 William Labate, WWI Draft Reg, Ely and Lane City, NV [son of Dorinda Labate and her second husband, Domenico Labate] |
1920 18 Aug - Plea of Mrs. Garramone for Pardon brings Storm of Protest from Italians, The Denver Post, CO News that Mrs. Angelina Garramone, the "Cassie Chadwick of Little Italy," has applied for a pardon from the state prison has aroused a storm of protest among the Italian residents of Denver. |
1920 25 Sep - Angelina Garramone is Refused Freedom by Board of Pardons, Denver Post, CO Angelina Garramone, who in August 1910, cut the throat of aged Mrs. Maria Laguardia of Denver in a ravine near Golden, must continue to serve the life sentence imposed for what the evidence proved was cold, calculated, premeditated murder. This was the decision of the state board of pardons Friday afternoon at a session more that usually dramatic in the cases acted upon at the state penitentiary, over long distance telephone last night. |
1920 Luigi Garramone and 5 children, Denver, Denver, CO |
1920 Clemente and Josephine Cellanto, Denver, Denver, CO |
1920 Angelina Garramone, Colorado State Penitentiary, Cañon, Fremont, CO |
1920 William Labate, Nevada Utah Hospital for Mental Diseases, Sparks, Washoe, NV [the oldest child of Domeinco Labate and Dorinda Labate.] |
1922 29 May - Board Secretly Frees Denver Murderess, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO Mrs. Angelina Garramone, convicted Dec 23, 1911 of the brutal killing of Mrs. Maria Laguardia, a Denver Italian woman, near Golden, Aug 20, 1910 was discharged secretly about a month ago from the state prison at Cañon City on a life parole, granted by the state board of pardons, according to a statement made by Thomas J.Tynan, warden of the penitentiary. Notification of the action of the board of pardons in the Garramone case was never given to the public tho it transpired some six months ago at a meeting held in Cañon City, according to information given out at Cañon Cit by F. E. Crawford, an attache at the prison, yesterday. "Mrs Garramone expressed a fear that she would be assaulted by the Italian 'blackhand' of Denver if she news of her release became public." Mr. Crawford explained. "The case has been kept particualarly quiet on that account." Immediately upon her release Mrs. Garramone was spirited out of the state and is now in Youngstown, Ohio, according to a letter received by friends of the woman last week. |
1922 30 May - Butler Denounces Paroles Granted by Pardon Board, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO "There must be another motive behind this wholesale pardoning of criminals than just mercy." Judge Samuel W. Johnson, who as former district attorney of the First judicial district, prosecuted Frank H. Mulligan, one of the two convicts who tasted of gubernatorial clemency Friday, declared yesterday. |
1922 4 Jun - Shoup Sets More Criminals Free,
Irregularities are discovered in release of Mrs. Garramone, Rock
Mountain News, Denver, CO Two more paroles by Gov. Oliver H. Shoup and discovery of irregularities in the paroling of Mrs. Angelina Garramone last month were the developments yesterday in the chief executive's recent unparalleled releases from the state penitentiary. The releases by gubernatorial order yesterday brought the total of paroles for the last two months to twelve -- eight murderers and four robbers. "Regarding Angelina Garramone, the board feels that the recommendation of the board to the governor should stand, that the sentence be commuted from a term of twenty-six years to life imprisonment, which will permit of their release on parole, April 1926, which is ten years from the date she was discharged from the forgery charge." |
1930 Angelina Garramone, 60y, widowed, living with son, Mike, Denver, Denver, CO I don't think this is Angelina, the murderess. This Angelina is 60 years old and widowed. She immigrated in 1902. She is living with her son, Mike, 31 years old (wife Elvira). She is living next door to possibly another son, Rocco, 42 years old (wife Lizzie). I have not found any other evidence that there were two Angelina Garramone's. But this Angelina's year of immigration does not match Angelina's year of immigration of 1885 as found in the 1910 census. Also the 1910 census does not list either son - Mike or Rocco. |
1930 Nick and Amelia Forgione, Denver, Denver, CO |
1893 1 Mar - Concetta Sabatini Forgione 'Most Inhuman', Aspen Weekly Times, Aspen, Pitkin, CO A most inhuman and awful crime occurred in Highlands, a suburb of Denver, today, where the 6-year-old daughter of Mrs. Concetta Sabatina was found by neighbors hanging by the neck from a bedpost in the Sabatina house. The persons finding the victim were horrified upon releasing the child to discover that her body was a perfect mass of burns an her neck badly cut by the rope. The child regained consciousness after being cut down, and told a story, the equal of which was scarcely ever been heard. |
1893 5 Mar - A Fiendish Crime - Concetta Sabatina, Dallas Morning News, TX A most inhuman and awful crime occurred in Highlands, suburb of Denver, to-day where the 6-year-old daughter of Mrs. Concetta Sabatina was discovered in a dying condition by the neighbors. The child was a mass of burns, but was able to tell that her mother had used hot flatirons on her and inserted burning sticks into her body, afterward hanging her to the bed-post, where she was found by the neighbors. She cannot recover. Mrs. Concetta and her 10-year-old nob, who is charged as an accessory, are in jail. No motive is known for the crime. |
1893 5 Mar - A Fiend Incarnate, Concetta Sabatini, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO A case of most brutal and almost unheard-of inhuman treatment of a child was brought to light in Highlands yesterday. The victim is little 6-year-old Annie Sabatina, and she has been abused so badly that her life is in great danger. The mother has been charged with the crime although she strenuously denies it, and her little 8-year-old son admits that he is the perpetrator of the torture. |
1893 7 Mar - Phenomenal Fiends - Sympathetic Women of all Classes Flock to see Concetta Sabatina, The Daily News, Denver,CO The largest crowd that ever filled Judge Landon's court room was the one that assembled yesterday to witness the trial of Concetta Sabatina and her 8-year-old son Nicholas for their unparalleled and atrocious treatment of the little baby girl, Antonia. People came from all parts of the city and suburbs, some coming from Littleton, to get a glimpse of the inhuman mother and her fiendish offspring. Judge Landon sentenced the woman to three months on the charge of assault and battery, three months for cruelty to children, the sentences to be cumulative and bound her over the district court in the sum of $1,000 for assault to kill. The boy was sentenced to the reform school for three years. The little victim is at the county hospital and in such a critical condition that she could not be brought to court yesterday. |
1893 15 Mar - Complimentary Benefit for Anna Sabatina, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO |
Angelina was killer who smiled with a knife, Rocky Mountain News 9 Mar 1947.URL |
A Taste of “Notorious Jefferson County” « Angelina Garramone.URL |
Giuseppa Dorinda Labate Cellanto (1864 - 1910) - Find A Grave Memorial |
Maria Laguardia (1845 - 1910) - Find A Grave Memorial.URL |
Oct 2011 Article in the West Word, the newsletter of the Old Colorado City Historical Society, by Juliet Johnson and Don Ellis |
In a message dated 3/17/2012 10:35:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, markd ![]() I've been doing genealogy research on people from my mother's home town of San Pietro Avellana. The searching has led me to Denver and the 1910 murder of Dorinda Labate Cellante possibly by the same person who murdered Maria LaGuardia. I've found many Denver Post articles about Cellante's murder and the connection to Angelina Garramone. No one was ever convicted (that I can find) for Cellante's murder. I did find that Garramone was released from prison in 1922 after serving about 11 years. The connection to my mother's hometown is that Dorinda Labate was born in that town. She first married Felicito Frazzini in 1886 and then Domenicantonio Labate in 1899 and then Clemente Cellante in 1905. Felicito Frazzini was the brother of Prospero Frazzini who owned a bank and grocery in Denver. My mother's maiden name was Frazzini and I'm related to that family. I have scans of a lot of the newspaper articles. ciao. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:33:46 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Hi Mark, Dorinda Labate Cellante's name is familiar from a newspaper mention or two.. in one of the articles (I think are on my family website), the reporter names 3 or 4 names of 'disappeared' women in the Denver area, including Dorinda, who Angelina Garramone was suspected of disappearing. A woman who writes about Colorado history, Carol Turner, wrote a book entitled Notorious Jefferson County a couple years ago that includes a chapter on my evidently nefarious great-grandmother Concetta and her daughter Stella, who was my grandmother.. here is that chapter: . You might want to contact Carol because she really knows a lot about that era. Interestingly, my grandmother Stella left Colorado when Garramone was released from prison.. The reason for their move, I'd been told, was because my grandfather, a chef at a luxury hotel in Denver, got the chance to open his own restaurant in Amarillo, so the family moved there. My grandmother Stella was "Ethyl Smith" in Denver, at least that was the name on my mother's birth certificate, and in Texas she was Ethyl Jones, Jones being my grandfather Francis's real last name. Grandma was ashamed of being Italian so family and friends assumed she'd changed her name to Ethyl because she didn't want to be identified as Italian -- which was kind of a joke among friends in Amarillo because she was obviously Italian/Sicilian in looks and accent, but now that I know her history, it seems likely that the name change also had to do with hiding out from Angelina Garramone. Great-Grandmother Concetta stayed in Denver, as all my great-aunts did, however they all went by 'anglicized' names too.. Unfortunately my grandmother Stella was estranged from her Denver family so I never got to know them or anything about their history until I was in my 50s.. by then only my dear Great Aunt Antonia (Nettie) and Great Aunt Catherine were still on earth, and from Aunt Nettie I learned a little of my Grandmother Stella's unsavory past. She married my grandfather at age 20 and although she was always very eccentric, their lives were straight and lawful. Aunt Nettie told me where the family was from in Italy and Sicily but I didn't write anything down and didn't pay much attention to details, which of course I now very much regret. I have no clue what the hometowns were. Let me know how your research goes. ~Francesca |
Francesca, Thanks for your reply. This has been a really interesting story. I've spent a lot of time on which has Denver newspapers. On, I've found Angelina Garramone in the 1900, 1910 and 1920 census. In 1920, she was an inmate at Cañon City. There are several family trees on ancestry that have Angelina as well. Her maiden name was Losasso and she was born in Potenza. None of those family trees give any clue as to what happened to Angelina after she was released on parole in 1922. I looked at the Jefferson County book's web site. By the way, the middle photo on the cover is Angelina. There is a family tree on which shows Concetta Sabentena (1863-1940). It shows she was born in Naples but I've often seen Naples used when the person was from a small town nearby. It shows her father Antonio Sabetena born 1816 in Atina, Frosinone, Italy and died 1892 in Colorado Springs, CO. The record does not shows the name of her Forgione husband, though it lists another husband, Michele Cabiannca. Some searching on Ellis Island, shows a family name of Sabatini/Sabatino from Atina. No Antonio or Concetta, though. More mysteries. ciao. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 20:36:33 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Hi Mark, that 'Notorious Jefferson County' book chapter link is actually on my family website, -- under the book cover image . I mentioned that the middle photo is Angelina Garramone, you must not have noticed that. I assume you clicked on the cover to read the chapter about my great-grandmother Concetta and her daughter, my grandmother Stella Forgione? My great-grandfather Nicola Forgione evidently was in a knife fight with Concetta's first husband Michael.. there is a mention in that chapter. There are newspaper articles with info on the 'Murder on Table Mountain' and other unsavory facts about Concetta in a section of the family website, . It's a hodge-podge, eventually I'll neaten up and organize the articles and clippings in chronological order. Unfortunately the census takers and others who filled out forms in those days were very casual about spelling, so Concetta Sabatini (maiden name) and her first husband's name are misspelled several different ways in newspaper accounts.. I think the correct spelling of his name was Michael Capabianco, and their two children's names are also misspelled, Ina/Inez and a younger baby named 'Concuhe', but an older boy is mentioned in 3 or 4 newspaper articles so maybe 'Concuhe' was the older boy. Michael Capabianco left Denver with his two children and went to New York, I think. A cousin of mine named Madelyn Sides did a lot of genealogy research a few years ago -- before computers so she had to spend a lot of time in libraries and wherever else such info is/was kept -- and in creating her records. which are the 'Tracing Your Roots' forms on the genealogy pages (on my family website), she also got a lot of spellings wrong. She wrote 'Naples?' as the birthplace of Concetta and that might be where the info is from -- my niece Juliet Johnson has been busy on that site making family trees and she used Madelyn's info. Thank you for your information, it sheds a little more light on the mystery. Arduous task, ancestry research, I don't have the proper frame of mind nor that kind of patience, so I applaud you for your efforts and results. I love creating the website, I have that kind of patience, but find no enjoyment in research. My niece Juliet is the one whose searches led to Carol Turner and the 'Notorious Jefferson County' book. Keep me posted on your new finds.... ~Francesca |
Fran, Sorry about my confusion on the photo, my head has been spinning over the past week after I found the Dorinda Labate murder articles and those connected with Angelina Garramone and Concetta Forgione. I'm not sure if it was on your web site but I saw the the 1893 article about Concetta. The article and later ones, talked about her daughter Annie and son, Nicholas. I guess it was right about this time that she and Capabianco divorced and he must have left with those two kids. Did you see that she ended up with 6 months in jail? I saw what I think is your uploaded family tree to from 2001. There are also two trees uploaded by xkat2009 and xkat20091. Is that Julia? In any case, can you send me Julia's email address or send her my address.? A very interesting story, all in all. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 13:03:07 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Hi Mark, where did you see the 1893 article about Concetta that referred to her two children as Annie and Nicholas? I don't recall seeing anything that said that was the childrens' names, and don't feel like wading through all the articles on the family website. Let me know, if you can recall, where I can find that article. This one is the only 1893 article I found in a quick look on my family website. Yes, Concetta got six months in the jail but probably didn't serve all of it... my grandmother Stella was born in 1892 or 1893, she was never sure which, so that event added to the dramatic year experienced by great-grandmother Concetta. I asked my mother Ruth (Jones-Johnson-Iannamico) a couple years ago, when Juliet and I were just learning about Concetta's and Stella's misdeeds, if she knew these terrible things about her grandma Concetta, and my mother said "There was family lore and I vaguely remember rumors, but my mother (Stella) was estranged from the family when we moved to Texas (when Ruth was 9 or 10) and she never spoke of her family. My grandmother was always sweet to me when I was a child in Denver, and on the 3 or 4 occasions I saw her later in life." Also, Concetta visited my family in Amarillo with her daughters Antonia/Nettie and Rose, along with their husbands, and if my great-aunts Nettie and Rose liked her enough to take her along on travels, evidently Concetta was a much nicer mother to them than to my grandmother Stella, who, my mother said, always had 'bad blood' between them. As far as I know, Concetta never saw her two oldest children, Inez/Ina/Annie or 'Concuhe'/Nicholas. However, my cousin Madelyn was in touch with Inez in their adult lives, but unfortunately Madelyn passed away about 10 years ago and the little she mentioned about Inez, I don't remember. Since my niece Juliet uses a couple of email addys, I've 'blind-copied' her on this in case she doesn't want anyone to have the email address I'm using.... Juliet, you can read this email from bottom up to see what it's about, and how Mark came to email me in the first place, and you'll probably want to reply to him. If you do, I'd like to be included on future correspondence between the two of you about the Forgione's and I'm interested in your family research also, Mark, since our families' paths cross, kind of, but also just because it's interesting. ~Fran |
Fran, I've attached some articles from the 1893 Denver area newspapers. I have a subscription to which has these newspapers scanned. One or several of these mentions the names of the children. I'm going to read over your letter more and comment. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:56:50 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Mark, wow. Those articles you sent are more informative and detailed than any I've ever seen, thank you so much. Reading them made me feel very sad, I cried for my great-aunt Inez (that was what my cousin Madelyn called her) although I never met her or even heard about her until I was middle-aged. I'm wondering if 'Annie' was how 'Ina' sounded to the non-Italians, because for sure great-grandmother Concetta would not have named a child such an anglicized name as Annie. And I'm sure the little girl's name wasn't Antonia, because it's doubtful Concetta would've named her daughter born in 1902 the same, Antonia (her mother and sisters called her Antonetta which became Nettie). I'll always wonder what became of Inez, I think she actually grew into a normal adult with an okay life. Her older brother Concuhe/Nicolas, I don't even want to consider how he turned out... if he was that 'fiendish' at 8 (or 10), God only knows what he was like at 18 or 28. I never heard a word about him, knew nothing at all of his existence until cousin Madelyn's research brought forth nearly all those sibling's birth certificates. ~Francesca |
Fran, I'm glad that I could help you find out more about your family. The scanning and indexing of these old newspapers is really a treasure to those of us doing family research. I think, though, there is a lot of wrong information in them that we have to wade through. I think you are right that the Annie and Nicolas are Inez and Conchue. In my research, I've never come across the name Conchue or even anything remotely like that. One of the 1893 articles talks about a babe-in-arms that must be Stella. Its interesting to note that daughter Mary was born about 1895 and Julia/Irene about 1897 (per the ages given in the 1910 census). So as you said, its probable that Concetta did not spend the entire 6 months in prison. Either you said or I read somewhere that Concetta's first husband took the two oldest children (and I imagine the two that he fathered) to New York. Checking through the genealogy web sites leads me to believe the common Italian spelling of his surname would be Capobianco. I tried searching for them in NY but could not find anything. Looking at the web site, two children are listed as coming to the US in 1887, Ina (2 years old) and Conchue (3 months old). This doesn't fit in with the ages of the two children listed in the 1893 newspaper articles. That web site also says that Ina married Leo Marcus. Looks like this was from your cousin's Madelyn's research. I don't know if its her but I found an Ina Marcus in 1910 in Denver and in 1930 in New York. There is also a Social Security Death Index for an Ina Marcus 2 Apr 1888 to Jul 1967 (died in NY). Always more questions than answers. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:11:39 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Hi Mark, yes that had to be my grandmother Stella that Concetta was holding in her arms, which solves the mystery of what year Stella was born... her birthday of March 1 would've made her a year old, as the newspaper article says, in March 1893, so she was born in 1892 and was a year older than my grandfather Francis Jones rather than him being a month (February 1893) older than she was. I also tried to find reference to a Concuhe Capobianco or any name even vaguely close in any language, and google does turn up some odd stuff with concuhe such as "Qiang is Americant concuhe girl n Pan ESese sceniness wiare not die" ... just found that reference which seems to be a bit of various languages. It must've been a nickname, but my cousin Madelyn, although intelligent, was not well-educated and she was careless about spelling. I've cautioned Juliet (whom I've copied on this and other emails to you) about being careful to get the names correctly spelled on or wherever else she's built trees and posted family info. Btw, Juliet's computering is sporadic, I've not heard from her yet in response to your emails or my answers to your emails, but we'll hear from her sooner or later. Re your "... two children are listed as coming to the US in 1887, Ina (2 years old) and Conchue (3 months old). This doesn't fit in with the ages of the two children listed in the 1893 newspaper articles", those 'Tracing Your Roots' forms were filled out by cousin Madelyn and she evidently transposed the names.... if Concuhe was 2 in 1887, he'd have fit the age of 8 in the 1893, and Ina's age, if 3 months in 1887, would've fit the newspaper account of having been 6 in 1893. Mark, is there a way you can send those 1893 newspaper pages in a .bmp or .jpg format? I tried to convert the .pdf's into some format that my web program Frontpage allows, but there doesn't seem to be any way. I don't like .pdf's for that reason, they can't be copied with the usual Windows right-clickcopy/paste and they can't be converted to anything that I've been able to figure out. I'd really like to include those newspaper pages on a newly named and expanded section of my ancestors misdeeds, since merely "Murder" isn't enough now that the torture and child abuse info has been better detailed. Guess I'll rename the Bad Family Folks section to "Skeletons in our Closet" or something like that. Yes I agree that the correct spelling of Concetta's first husband was Michael Capobianco.... my mother told me a few times that her grandmother Concetta was adopted and not Italian by blood, that her maiden name had been Whitehead..... my mother's family stories were sometimes embellished, to put it politely.. and when I saw cousin Madelyn's 'Tracing Your Roots" pages in the early 80s, I realized that Concetta's maiden name was not 'Whitehead', that was the translation of her first husband Michael's name. Cousin Madelyn's research indicated that Concetta's maiden name was Sabatini or Sabatina and she was indeed Italian by birth and blood. ~F |
Fran, Yes, Whitehead - that's it for sure. Do you know if the information about their arrival in the US was transcribed from an 1887 ship manifest? I've tried searching on Castle Garden and on but I can't find a record of their arrival. If we could find that, we could confirm the children's names and ages. I only have the newspapers in pdf format. Its very time consuming to convert. I am going to do that someday soon as I want to put up a page about the murder of Dorinda Labate Frazzini Labate Cellante (whew!) - my distantcousin. When I convert them, I will send you a copy. Mark |
From: Franarchy![]() Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:05:25 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Murder Thanks Mark, and if I manage to convert them, I'll send to you. My Frontpage nearly did it but halfway through adding the converter, I was told to insert the FP disk, which I couldn't find.. I may've taken it to my mother's the last time I was there (she passed away December 2010) because I have all software right here at hand except for FP and my latest version of Photoshop... I had planned to stay awhile at my mother's when I went up there and remember planning to take those two computer programs with me, but as sad fate would have it, Mom died the day after I arrived. Fortunate though that I was there, and also because she was nearly 98, it was possibly less wrenching than if she'd been younger. "Dorinda Labate Frazzini Labate Cellante" --- sounds like a funny song yearning to be written! Cousin Madelyn did check ship manifests that documented Ellis Island arrivals but as I recall, she didn't have luck finding Concetta and Michael Capobianco or Concetta and Nicola Forgione... there'd been a family rumor that Concetta and Nicola fled Italy for the U.S. with Concetta's two children by Michael, but after reading Madelyn's information about the knife 'duel' between Michael and Nicola in Denver, that old story doesn't hold up. Btw it's interesting that there are no further records or other information on Angelina Garramone after her prison release... it was easy just to change one's name back then, and create a new life I guess. BTW, Concetta got six months in prison for the torture and injuring of her little girl Ina. And if there was time off for good behavior (grossly ironic in her case) back in those days as there is now, she probably she didn't have to serve more than 3 months. ~Fran |
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 00:09:07 -0700 Subject: concetta and stella forgione From: Juliet Johnson <xxxkat2002 ![]() Hello there, I just now found your page. My name is Juliet Johnson, I am Stella Forgiones great grand daughter and Francesca Redwines niece. I was wondering about the pdf files you were going to convert and send to Fran? I can read pdf files, I was wondering if you could send them to me? This is a link to an article about Concetta. Thank you! Julie Johnson |
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