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(in the index as Felicilio Frazzina - thanks to Wilberta for finding this)
Microfilm Series T624, Roll 114, pages 69 and 70
2138 15th Street
Frazzini, Felicito, head, age 45, married 2x, 8 years, born Italy, proprietor-retail grocery,rents;
Frazzini, Carolina, wife, age 30, married 2x, 8 years, had six children, five living, born Italy;
Frazzini, Nicola, son, age 5?, born Colorado;
Frazzini, Lucia, daughter, age 4, born Colorado; <-- Lucia was actually 1½ years older than Nicola.
Frazzini, Ida, daughter, age 1, born Colorado; <-- Edith.
Frazzini, Louis, stepson, age 15, born Colorado; <-- Louis from Carolina's first marriage.
Frazzini, Kesley?, stepson, age 13, born Colorado; <-- must be Frederick "Fritz" from Carolina's first marriage.
Name | Frazzini, Felicito |
Ethnicity | American citizen |
Place of Residence |
Date of Arrival |
August 30, 1911 |
Age on Arrival |
57y |
Gender | M |
Marital Status |
Ship of Travel |
Duca D Aosta |
Port of Departure |
Naples, Campania, Italy |
A U.S. citizen , Going to Denver.
Traveling with
6 year old daughter Lucia. |
2649 W 26th Avenue
Frazzini, Felix 55y emigrated 1881, naturalized 1904, occupation: Cahsier at Bank
Carolina, wife 40y emigrated 1888, naturalized 1904
Lucy, daugher, 16y, born in CO
Nicholas, son, 14y, born in CO
Edith, daughter, 10y, born in CO
Jennie, daughter, 9y, born in CO
Francisco, Lewis, stepson 23y, born in CO, occupation: Machinist's Helper at Railroad <-- Louis from Carolina's first marriage.
2649 W 26th Avenue
Frazzini, Felix, 65y, age at first marriage 18y, immigrated 1881, owns home $6000, works as tailor in tailor shop.
Carolina, wife, 51y, age at first marriage 15y, immigrated 1888
Edith M., daughter, 20y
Jane M., daughter, 19y <-- Jennie / Eugenia
Headline |
Date &
Newspaper |
Summary ("quotes"
are from the
article, other comments are mine) |
Felicito Frazzini, Pioneer Denver
Merchant Dies |
13 Dec 1937 Denver Post |
"Felicito Frazzini, 74,
pioneer Denver
businessman and father-in-law of Anthony F. Zarlengo, deputy district
attorney, died Sunday night at the Denver General hospital of a heart
attack." "Mr. Frazzini was born in Italy in 1863 and came to Denver as a youth. He had lived here continuously for fifty-seven years. With three of his brothers he was engaged in the importing business and later in the old Italian-American bank, which was situated on lower Fifteenth street." "Besides his wife (Carolina), he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Zarlengo, Miss Jennie Frazzini and Mrs. Edith Austin; two sons, Nicholas and Fred Frazzini of Denver, and a stepson, Louis Francisco of Monterey, Calif." "Interment will be in the family plot in Crown Hill cemetery." |
Frazzini Funeral Set for Tomorrow |
14 Dec 1937 Rocky Mountain News |
"Mr Frazzini died late
Sunday night at Denver
General Hospital as the result of a heart attack a week ago on a street
car as he was en route home." "Born at San Pedro, Italy, in 1863..." really San Pietro Avellana in 1864 |
![]() |
Felicito Frazzini - photo sent to
me by his
granddaughter, Geraldine Frazzini Bottomly. |
![]() Felicito's House 26th and Clay Streets in Denver Photo by Bradley Terry, used with permission. |
On 5 May 2005 at 21:07, Jerri Frazzini Bottomly wrote: Subject: Re: Felicito's House To: Bradley Terry Bradley: I can't thank you enough. You can't know the emotion that rose in me as I looked at my grandparents' home. How many times did I ascend and descend those stairs to the front of the house, and how many times did I wander through my grandmother's garden in the back of the house, admiring her beautiful flowers. And how many times did I sit in front of the beautifully tiled fireplace reading a book of my Aunt Jenny's, who lived there with Grandma until she died. I loved to wander into Aunt Jenny's room which was filled with the acrid but pleasant smells of incense. I could wander among the small statues of the saints, and peruse her bookshelves where I found (unknown to my parents) the first book I ever read that had a passage about sexual intercourse! How many times on a warm summer evening did we all sit out on that great porch, swinging back and forth on the swings, or climbing around on the buttresses. Ah, yes, I was sorry to see the back changed, because I would have loved to have seen the gate leading to the back yard where my brother and I happily swung year after year until we became teenagers and above that sort of thing. I can see my grandfather out there by the gate with his dog (I wish I could remember the name of the dog), his corpulent body and shock of white hair beckoning us to come in, so he could lead us into the basement, where he kept his stash of Hershey bars in a cool receptacle in the wall (I found out later there was money there too). We were always treated to a Hershey bar and a few coins with which we could buy candy the next day. What a joy Grandpa was. I want my grandsons, Roger and Kevin, to see this picture. Thank you again, and again, and again. Jerri P.S. I don't remember much about the upstairs, except that they began renting it out when I was a young woman. I was not happy about that. It seemed to change the house. The kitchen was a wonderful place that always smelled of pasta and sauce. Grandma canned her own tomato sauce and the jars were lined row by row in the basement. She cut her own pasta with a sharp knife from the dough she made. And we would eat it in the great dining room with the huge grandfather clock at the end. Such memories you have triggered. I may never be the same! |
Mrs. Carolina Frazzini Rosary for Mrs. Carolina Frazzini will be at 8 p.m. Monday in the Olinger Chapel, Boulder st. Requiem high mass will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday at St. Dominic's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Crown Hill. Mrs. Frazzini, who lived at 2649 W. 26th ave., was born July 15, 1878, in Italy. She died Saturday in the Columbine Nursing Home. She was 82. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Lucille Zarlengo, Mrs. Edith Austin and Miss Jennie Frazzini; three sons, Lewis Francisco, Fred Frazzini and Nicholas Frazzini, all of Denver; and 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. |
![]() Divided back postcard which would date this between 1907-1915. Written on back: "Nicholas Frazzini". Based on his birth about 1904, this photo might be from around 1912-1914. |
![]() Written on back: "Edith Frazzini Austin with Jerri and Nick Frazzini. In front of home at 26th & Clay, Denver." |
![]() Written on back: Left to Right: Gwen Frazzini Geraldine Frazzini Bottomly Edith Frazzini (Felicito's and Carolina's daughter) Carolina Frazzini Felicito Frazzini |
![]() Written on back: Left to Right: Jerri Frazzini (Bottomly) Ada Griffin Gwen Griffin (Frazzini) Carolina Frazzini Felicito Frazzini. |
![]() Written on back: Nick & Gwen with Carolina and Felicito, Jerri is there too. |
![]() Nicholas Frazzini, son of Felicito Frazzini, father of Jerri Frazzini Bottomly. |
![]() Back of Photo of Nicholas Frazzini. Written on back: When the golden sun is setting, And your mind from care is free, When over a thousand things your thinking, Will you sometimes think of me? "Nick" |
![]() ![]() of Jerri Frazzini Bottomly. |
![]() Written on back: Felicito holding Jerri. The others are my cousins but I am not clear which ones. |
![]() Written on back: Nick Frazzini and Felicito holding Jerri. At side gate of home at 26th & Clay. |
![]() Carolina Diandrea Frazzini, Wife of Felicito Frazzini The date on the front looks like 1940. |
![]() Written on back: Connie Frazzini Frederick's daughter Felicito's granddaughter (high school picture, circa early 1940's) |
![]() Jerri Frazzini Bottomly's note: This is the only picture I have of my dad's brothers and sisters. I didn't even know I had it! It was with my mom & dad's 50th Anniversary photos. Left to Right: Frederick Frazzini Lucy (Lucia) Frazzini Zarlengo Nicholas Frazzini (my dad) Edith Frazzini Austin Louis Francisco (or Francesco) (Felicito's Stepson) The only one missing is Jenny. |
![]() Written on back: Lew Frazzini 1994 Nicholas' son - Jerri's brother |
Lewis Frazzini, 78, passed away on February 10, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada . Lewis was born on May 7, 1933 to parents Nicholas and Gwendolyn Frazzini and was a life-long resident of the communities of North Denver and Greenwood Village in Denver, Colorado. He was the owner of Modern Meat Packing Company in Denver for many years. He was also a US Army veteran, having served at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri during the Korean conflict. He was preceded in death by his parents; his first wife, Bernadine; his daughter, Sherri Bogart; a granddaughter, Heather Smith; and a grandson, Christopher Lewis Bankston. He is survived by his wife, Sharyn Keyser; his daughters, Brenda Snowden and Jolene Frazzini; and a granddaughter, Nicole Snowden, all of Denver. He is also survived by a sister, Geraldine Bottomly, of Seattle, Washington. Lewis was the consummate businessman, and built successfully upon the business his father, Nick Frazzini, started during the 1940s. His company was often a donor of meat to a number of charitable institutions throughout the Denver metropolitan area. “Lew,” as he was known by his friends, never knew a stranger, and was an inveterate conversationalist, engaging passersby and others in talking about the affairs of the day and other topics. He had a fun-loving personality and often caused a group to convulse in laughter from something he said or did. He will be missed by family and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent in his memory to St. Judes Childrens Hospital, 502 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee, 38105. A memorial service will be held at the Olinger Funeral Home on a date yet to be determined. (Written by and sent to me by Lew's sister, Jerri Frazzini Bottomly.) |
Frazzini and
Carolina deAndrea Frazzini 2
Jun 2001 I am looking for information on on where my grandparents were born in Italy, and who their parents were. I would guess that Felicito was born between 1850 and 1870 or so. He came to America when he was a young man, and settled in Denver, Colorado. He and his brothers Prospero and Ceasaro started a bank in Little Italy and it prospered until Prospero was found guilty of misusing funds, and was sent to prison where he later died. My grandfather continued to live in Denver, and he married Carolina Francisco (formerly Carolina DeAndrea) whose first husband ? Francisco had died. Carolina had come over here at age 15, having been promised in marriage to ? Francisco. She had two boys with Francisco, named Fred (Fritz) and Louis (Louie). With Felicito Frazzini she had Lucy, Anthony (who died in childhood), Nicholas, Jenny and Edith. She may have had another child who died, as well, because I think she had eight children in all. Nicholas Frazzini was my father. He was born on August 22, 1904, and he was a very successful businessman, who owned his own wholesale meat company for many years. Modern Packing Company was its most recent name, and it is still owned by my brother, Lewis Frazzini. My parents and I lived at 26th and Wyandott while I was an infant. Later we moved to 4004 Meade, where my brother lived with us after his birth. About 1942 we moved to 4447 Newton Street. All of these are in North Denver. My brother and I attended Alcott Grade School, Skinner Junior High, and North High School. I graduated in 1947. If anyone out there has any knowledge of when the Frazzini brothers came to America, or when, or how, I would be very grateful. My grandparents and parents never talked about our heritage--probably because they did not want to talk about Prospero and the fact that he was imprisoned. Thank you for any help you can give me. Geraldine Frazzini Bottomly (Gerry) |
From: Jfbottomly![]() Subject: Re: Frazzini Ancestors Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 20:28:57 EST I went into your web site, Mark. Yes indeed, I did write that posting, and had several answers to it. One of the answerers sent me some copies of articles in the Denver Post about Prospero. It was sad what happened to him, as he was trying to help people of Italian descent by giving them unsecured loans. He got into big trouble as you know, and died of a "broken heart" in prison. I don't know if you know he was given a high honor by the King of Italy. He was highly respected, and must have had a great personality. I have never heard of your grandfather Emiliano. I will try to look in some of my folder which I copied from the internet to see if he is mentioned at all. I will be back later. And I will keep in touch this time! Jerri |
![]() Jerri/Gerry or Geraldine (take your pick) [Jerri sent me this 1977 photo of
her father
Nicholas Frazzini and her
mother Gwendolyn Griffin.]
From: Jfbottomly![]() Subject: Re: Prospero's Award Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 22:57:52 -0400 (EDT) The high honor he received from the King of Italy was equivalent to receiving the rank of knighthood in England! He was awarded the title of "chevalier", which was awarded for distinguished service to the government, or to one who has distinguished himself in some particular line of endeavor, such as the arts, music or a profession, or in business. It carries with it a diploma from the Italian government and a medal. Prospero was given the award for his service to the Italian Red Cross during the war. (WWI, I guess) He was named a delegate to represent the Italian Red Cross in the western part of the US and made large donations himself and collected a large additional amount from the Italian residents of his section. It may be that the title was revoked after he was convicted--not sure. The articles I have are very poor copies that someone sent me quite awhile ago. I hope they come out okay for you. Some of them are okay, though. ![]() She was a crabby old gal, and disapproved of me and my brother because we were only HALF Italian and not Roman Catholic (I was--and am--a Baptist and my brother has no declared faith). But I loved to go to her house, especially if she would cook her Italian dishes for us. She made her own spaghetti noodles, and sauce of course, and her Italian pizzelles at Christmas were to die for. It took her a long time to get used to the fact that Dad and Mom had married secretly and that Dad had given up his wish to be a priest in order to marry a little English girl named Gwen Griffin who belonged to The Church of God. Inter-marriages between religions were a frowned upon by the Catholics, you remember. I have always felt bad about Great Uncle Prospero, especially when I read that he died of a broken heart in prison. I think, in spite of his crime, he had a good heart. He wanted to lend money, even when he couldn't secure the loans. Your friend, Jerri [Here is a 2002 photo of Jerri]
Jerri Frazzini Bottomly sent me a series of newspaper clippings about the Frazzini family in Denver (The second article in the list was sent to me by Franklin Smith). You can read them on this Page.
Jerri passed away in December of 2012. Gene Frazzini sent me the short obituary in the Seattel Times:Geraldine (Jerri) Frazzini Bottomly obituary from the "Seattle Times". Born July 11, 1929, in Denver, CO. Died December 10, 2012, in Seattle, WA. Services will be held at Seattle First Baptist Church on Sunday, December 23 at 1:00 p.m. |
![]() Geraldine (Jerri) Frazzini BottomlyJerri was born in Denver to Nick and Gwen Frazzini where she spent a happy childhood with her parents, her brother and an extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. She was special to all of them, and let them know in many ways that they were special to her. Jerri graduated from Ottawa University of Kansas, where she majored in English and drama.A career-oriented woman with many talents, Jerri balanced parenting and home life with her professional career. After teaching in elementary schools in Baltimore and suburban Denver, she worked in the central administrative offices of the Jefferson County Schools (Colorado) and then the Seattle Public Schools where she served as the executive secretary to many superintendents. She became the first Ombudsman for the Seattle Public Schools, a position she held until she retired. Jerri was a prominent member of the National Association of Educational Secretaries, and also sang in church choirs, taught Sunday School and volunteered at both Seattle First Baptist Church and Virginia Mason Hospital. She loved her career, and she loved her volunteer work. All the organizations she worked with benefitted from her considerable organizational skills, her dedication, and her warm and welcoming manner. Jerri made everyone around her feel good. Jerri is survived by her husband Forbes Bottomly, daughter Kathy Bong, and grandsons Kevin and Roger Bong. Her parents and brother preceded her in death. Services will be held at Seattle First Baptist Church on Sunday, December 23 at 1:00 p.m. Jerri inspired the many people she met in her life, and they returned her love. She will be greatly missed. |
From Gene Frazzini: Jerri was the first person I contacted when I began working on my line of the Frazzini family genealogy. We never found a common thread but, as she told me many times, we are all "cousins". Jerri's many contributions and links to our San Pietro Avellana family can be found on Mark DiVecchio's "Frazzini Genealogy" website. She will be greatly missed. |
Jerri and I traded hundreds of emails and
many phone calls over the past 10 years. On my first trip to Denver,
she gave me a lot of pointers and names of people and places to see.
She will be remembered by sampietresi all over the world. She is my 4th cousin, once removed. Here is a photo of Jerri on her 75th birthday in 2004 Mark DiVecchio ![]() |
was one of the first people I had the privilege to meet in this search
too. She grew up in the same neighborhood on Denver's Northside that I
did and went to the same high school. She was there quite a few years
before me but we shared common memories. She helped me to understand
quite a bit about the Northside that I did not remember as we swapped
so many stories. I will miss her. Godspeed Jerri! Thank you for all the wonderful insights you gave to our group. Cathy (Madonna) Youngblood |
too communicated with Jerri early on. My dad grew up in Denver
and left little to go on from his childhood. Her stories filled
in some of that background. Thanks Jerri, Ron Frazzini |
I was very saddened to read this and offer my deepest sympathy to her family. Wilberta (Mariani) DiVincenzo |
From the book, Colorado and The Italians in Colorado by Giovanni Perilli - "FIRST
ITALIANS TO SETTLE IN DENVER -- 1872 : John di Gian Francesco with a
few companions came in the Fall of the same year (1872), they being the
third group of real Italian settlers in this city."
Dear Mark, Thanks for visiting my website You noted you had found Frazzini in my 1895 database. For starters there is considerable information on the Frazzini family in Colorado. To answer your question on Prospero: He and his brothers where here as early as 1887 there is much on him and family. The best way to give you info is via the newspapers. Frazzini, Prospero, "President of New Station Society" Denver Times - 1/26/1901 Pg 5 C3 Frazzini, Prospero, "President of St. Anthony of Padova" Denver Times - 11/17/1901 Pg 24 C 7 Frazzini Brothers Wholesale & Retail Liquors (Includes photo of Prospero) Denver Times 11/17/1902, Pg 10 C6 Sec 2 Very flattering article on the family business includes brothers: P. Frazzini, F. Frazzini, T. Frazzini and C. Frazzini. Correspondents for the Bank of Naples and handle Italian exchanges. (Goes on to describe the various saloon, grocery and banking.) Mr. Prospero is "a wide awake progressive business man and public spirited and enterprising citizen. He is upright and honorable in all his dealings and is highly esteemed in our city. P. Frazzini and his brother C. Frazzini, also represent Zang's Brewery at Ogden, Ut". (Note: Zang surname and brewery are well know in this area.) Frazzini, Antonio, Death 2/25/1912 Pg 11, Sec I Frazzini, Prospero, "Italian American Bank President Disappears" Rocky Mountain News 1/20/1925 Pg 1 Frazzini, Prospero, "Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement - Sentenced" Denver Post, 2/11/1925, Pg 1 Frazzini, Prospero, "Dies In Prison" Rocky Mountain News 5/29/1926 Pg 1 C 7 Frazzini, Degna A., (Mrs.), "Wife of Italian Consul Dies" Denver Post, 12/22/1931 Pg 18 Frazzini, Felicito, "Pioneer Merchant Dies" Denver Post 12/13/1937, Pg 7 Rocky Mountain News 12/14/1937 (Born: San Pedro, Italy 1863, lived here 57 years. Engaged with three brothers in importing business. Father in law of Anthony F. Zarlengo, Deputy District Attorney. Survived by: Jennie, Mrs. Edith Austin and Mrs. Zarlengo, Nicolas and Fred Frazzini all of Denver, stepson, Louis Francisco of Monterey Calif., burial in family plot, Crown Hill. Frazzini, Cassio, 1908-1984 There are extensive listing for him, as he was the fire chief since 1947 and appears there was some civil service litigation thru most of 1970.(He sued for $400,000) (Mark's note: Cassio Frazzini, son of Antonio Frazzini and Angela diLorenzo) Frazzini, Cassio, "Wife Seeks Separation Denver Post 9/23/1970 Pg 50 Denver City Directory - 1905 Frazzini, Felix (P. Frazzini & Bros), resides 2138 15th Frazzini, Prospero, (P. Frazzini & Bros), resides 2138 15th Colorado Divorces - I'll just give you the name and dates as there are alot. I list the plaintiff first then Defendant, then date: The cards include the docket number and the court and any children: Ruth Christiene, from Cassio, A 5772, Dist Div 2, date unreadable, married at Littleton Co, maiden name Ruth C. Peterson Julia Erma from Albert Phillip, at La Plata Cnty, child Aldin Mason, age 10 mo. Feb 6, 1937 Paul from Rose, at Pueblo Cnty, 5/14/1932, children Dayton, Edw., ages unknown. Felicito, from Dorinda, marr. Naples, Italy, 9/10/1887, divorce Denver, child Francisco, age 10, 4/20/1899. Docket # 029098. Date: 04/20/1899 Josephine, from Damiano, marr. San Pietro, Avellana, Italy, 1/12/03, divorce Denver, children, Leandro, 16, Albino, 15, Michael, 10, Raymond, 9, Carmela, 7, Rose 3, Docket #064835. Date 6/16/1924 (Mark's note: Josephine is Giuseppa Columba Morelli, grandmother of Ron Frazzini. Here is a photo of Leandro (Mirando Leopoldo Giuseppe Frazzini.)) The divorce film is hard to read has to be viewed and transcribed on machine. (Mark's note: now available on-line at: Marriages: Prospero, to Eugenia Milano, at Denver 2/16/1908 Raymond, to Clara Barbacovi, at Golden, 11/5/1934 Pasqual, age 26 to Domenica Daniela, at Fremont County Cañon City 12/23/1901 Pasquale, to Cristina Di Sounza, at Trinidad, Colo., 8/29/1904 (Mark's note: Cristina diLorenzo, daughter of Sylvester diLorenzo and Sabina Carlini.) Paul age 24, to Rose Cappozzola, age 16, at Pueblo, Colo., 6/10/1916 Mike, age 21 to Naley Piccoli, at Cortez, Colo, 4/3/1904 Nestor Phillip, to Mable Irene Martin, at Denver 6/20/1936 Nicholas, age 21 to Gwendolyn Griffin, age 20, at Littleton, Colo., 5/3/1927 [Mark's note: these are Jerri Frazzini Bottomly's parents] John, to Rose Gerramona, at Welby, Adams Co, 10/3/?? (typed over) John, to Vibla Heck, at Denver, 10/3/1933 Joseph, to Carma Lee Rizzuto, at Denver, 3/24/1928 Frank Amico, to Murva Charhonnel, at Brighton, Colo., 4/9/1934 Frank, to Julia Rollins, at Denver 11/18/1895 (Mark's note: this is Prospero) Frederick, to Anna Gabardi, at Englewood, Co., 12/19/1917 (Mark's note: this is Felicito's son) Faire, to Murie Lake, both 23, at Pueblo, Colo., 10/25/1924 Felicito, to Carolina Dandrea, at Denver 2/10/1902 Chris, age 21, to Florence Troup, at Aurora, Colo., 3/14/1926 Earl, to Hazel Mae Mouat, at Golden, Colo., 12/31/1936 (Mark's note: Earl Frazzini, son of Antonio Frazzini and Angela diLorenzo) Antonio, to Maria Di Croce, at Denver, 4/24/1922 Cassio, age 23, to Ruth Peterson, age 19, at Littleton, Colo. 8/30/1931 Cesarino, to Degna Chioffa, at Denver, 3/23/1902 Frazzini, to Clara Barbacovi, at Denver 1/1/1935 It does appear the Prospero made a mistake that he owned up to. I have the article on his death. When the bank closed in 1925, a shortage of more than $200,000 was discovered. He went into the hospital at this time but never regained his strength of spirit. He pleaded guilty to the charges and on Feb 11, 1925 was sentenced to five to seven years by Judge Charles C. Sackman in West Side Criminal Court. In Nov of 1915, the King of Italy decorated him with the rank of Cavalliere Officiale, to the Italian Crown, the highest honor in the power of the government to bestow upon an Italian who remained outside the nation. At that time he was the only person holding the honor. There is most likely considerably more info, including the articles on the trial, but it does appear the family moved out of Denver in the early 1905 plus years. I did not see any bio's listed for them but there could be more. I suspect your Frazzini searchers have alot of this info, but I happened into this era on some research and picked up these few things while in there. What surprises me is that I didn't see all the brothers in the marriages, unless they are early enough to be in the "Arapahoe County Marriages", these are the ones I found in the Colorado State Marriages and Divorces. Appears some of the brothers married in Italy. You should be able to get info on Propero's prison record and mostly likely his trial transcript via the news article which would have the info in the time range. I didn't have a chance to look up the article on his quilty plea. I appears he made a mistake and the article does not indicate he was a criminal. It was respectful, in that his spirit was broken and he believed he would not live to complete his prison term, and he didn't. The one article has a nice photo of him. I live near Crown Hill, I might wander up there just to see how large the plot is. Hope this is a fun e-mail for you. Regards, Rita denelai ![]() |
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:38:20 -0400 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: Francisco Hi Mark, Have you figured out the parentage of Lewis Francisco? At one point, we had surmised that Lewis was the son of Carolina DeAndrea and (?) John Francisco. Here is an interesting twist to this story. I found a Lina & John Francisco in Denver with a son named Louis, born about the same time as our Louis/Lewis. Wilberta mentioned this family to us back in February, and she thought that although the dates were off, this was the one. Well, as it turns out, there were two Louis/Lewis Francisco's in Denver who were around the same age. This can be verified through different addresses, different jobs, and different spouses during the same timeframe in the '30's & '40's. Then Lewis & Ida had a son, also named Lewis. Is it possible that John Francisco had two kids named Louis, one with wife Lina and the other with Carolina d'Andrea? Another possibility could be that he was the son of Carolina d'Andrea and (?) Someone else named Francisco. The question had come up as to whether Carolina might be Lina. I found an obituary on Lina, so it turns out that Carolina was not he same person as John's wife Lina. Pat |
Monday, September 26, 2005 6:28 PM To: Pat Lauterbach Subject: Re: Francisco Pat, I found a Louie Francisco, 3y, in the 1900 census, father - James, mother - Gertie. Born Aug 1896. Chaffee, CO. Brother Fred. James Francisco Precincts 10-14, Chaffee, Colorado abt 1865 Italy White Head Gertie Francisco Precincts 10-14, Chaffee, Colorado abt 1879 Italy White Wife Louie Francisco Precincts 10-14, Chaffee, Colorado abt 1897 Colorado White Son Fred Francisco Precincts 10-14, Chaffee, Colorado abt 1898 Colorado White Son Just pieces here - nothing solid I can see. Ciao. Mark |
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:02:38 -0400 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Francisco Mark, Is it possible that there are 3 Louis Francisco's in that area, at that time, that were about the same age? The Louis that was called "stepson of Felix" was supposedly born on May 26, 1896 in Salida, CO and died Feb 5, 1968 in Denver. In Carolina's obituary, they referred to Louis as her son. In Felix's obituary, they referred to Louis as his stepson. In his obituary, no parents were mentioned. Was Carolina D'Andrea listed in the 1900 census with her maiden name? Or, perhaps, was there a Carolina Francisco in Salida with a son named Louis? Then there is the second one, son of John and Lina Francisco; And the third one being the son of James and Gertie Francisco in Chaffee. Pat |
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:12 PM To: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Francisco Pat, I have Francisco's spinning in my head!!! I found the name di Gian Francesco in the book "Colorado and the Italians in Colorado" by Giovanni Perilli. No reference to what we are researching though. I just thought it was another possible clue. (I just bought a copy of that book.). (Added comment: The Italian name di Gian Francesco would be pronounced "di johnfrancesco". This may be where the idea that Carolina's first husband's first name was "John" - it may really be just his original Italian surname.) Its not a name from SPA. One point is that in Italian, the spelling is Francesco. In Spanish, it would be Francisco. I checked for Carolina d'Andrea and variations but did find any possibilities. The first name "James" is very hard to make out. I used that because I found the index entry on and they had James. So its their guess. That is how I got the Gertie as well. The info about Salida City is interesting. Do you think that is too much to be just coincidence? Ciao. Mark |
Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:48:07 -0400 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Francisco Hi Mark & Wilberta, I've got Francisco's spinning in my head, too. Yes, I do think that it is a pretty big coincidence about the births of Louis and Fred in Salida to these other parents. Mark, you didn't happen to find any Frazzini's in Salida, Chaffee, CO in the 1900 Census, did you? How about Carolina in the 1890 Census? Wilberta, I have Carolina's obit, which I will send to you. I can either send you a hard copy in the mail, or copy the text. I don't have a scanner. Mark, did you happen to scan that obit? I think it was in the stuff I sent to Jerry & she gave to you. I don't have a tombstone reading. If Carolina was born in 1880, and married at 15, that would be just right to have Louis on May 26, 1896. But here's something else. When Felix was divorced from Dorinda in 1899, a son named Francisco was mentioned. "Felicito, from Dorinda, marr. Naples, Italy, 9/10/1887, divorce Denver, child Francisco, age 10, 4/20/1899. Docket # 029098. Date: 04/20/1899" He married Carolina in 1902: "Felicito, to Carolina Dandrea, at Denver 2/10/1902" Notice how her maiden name was used on this marriage record. From Mark's site, Jerry said: "Carolina had come over here at age 15, having been promised in marriage to ? Francisco. She had two boys with Francisco, named Fred (Fritz) and Louis (Louie)." Wilberta, you mentioned: "FRANCISO, LEWIS 26/05/1896 SALIDA Denver-#1 v.8 This is probably the one Mark found in the 1900 CO Census with parents of James and Gertie." This is the one called Felix's son. The birth dates and place of birth match exactly. He made a career out of the military. Pat |
Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:22:07 -0400 From: Pat Lauterbach Subject: RE: Francisco Hey Mark, I guess it is possible that "di Gian Francesco" became Francisco. Did you find this family in SPA? In looking at their obits, I noticed that both Louis & the next child down, Fred, were born in Salida. Isn't it interesting that the Francisco family you found had kids named Louis & Fred that were about the same age? Look at the census record you sent me. At the top, it says Salida City. I vaguely remember Jerri Bottomly saying something about thinking that both Louis and Fred were stepsons of Felix. All other references I have seen always referred to Louis as a stepson and Fred as his son. But Jerry might know something different. So where does Carolina come in to the picture? Is Gertie possibly Carolina? Is it possible that Louis is her son with James Francisco, and she had Fred with Felix while she was still with James? Look at the head of the family again. Are you sure that name is James? It is hard for me to make out, but doesn't it look like there is a "p" in the name? Perhaps James or Gertie's naturalization records would supply some answers. The only problem is that unless Gertie is Carolina, we would have a hard time finding her naturalization record because we don't know what her last name would be. On the 1900 census, it doesn't show her as being naturalized, but supposedly she came to America in about 1876. On Carolina's obit, both Louis and Fred are referred to as her sons. |
Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:41:04 -0400 (EDT) From: BertaIllig ![]() Subject: Frazzini and Francisco in WWI Draft Mark and Pat, The WWI Colorado Draft List online shows these men: FRANCISCO, LOUIS PETER '25/03/1900 Denver-#8 v.14 This would be the Lou in the 1900 CO Census in Boulder, CO, Marshall Precinct, with John Francisco as head, wife Lina, sons Angelo and Benjamin from previous marriage. John and Lina married three years, with son Lou born 'Mar 1900.' FRANCISO, LEWIS 26/05/1896 SALIDA Denver-#1 v.8 This is probably the one Mark found in the 1900 CO Census with parents of James and Gertie. FRAZZINI, FREDRICK 7/12/1897 Denver-#1 v.8 This is probably Fritz Frazzini, Felicito's son from first marriage (maybe) who married Anna Garbardi. SSDI shows: FREDERICK FRAZZINI 07 Dec 1897 Jan 1973 80212 (Denver, Denver, CO) (none specified) 521-03-5427 Colorado Mark, do you have access to the actual draft cards? If so, maybe there is a clue there - address, spouse name, etc. that would sort them out? - Wilberta |
Mark DiVecchio Subject: Re: Frazzini and Francisco in WWI Draft Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:07:54 -0700 All: Here are the WWI Draft Registrations that I found. Ciao. Mark =========================================== U.S. Veterans Cemeteries, ca.1800-2004 Name: Lewis Francisco Veteran's Rank:
Branch: US Army Last known address: 3698 South Sheridan Boulevard Denver , CO 80235 Birth Date: 26 May 1896 Death Date: 5 Feb 1968 Veteran Service Start Date: 1 Oct 1953 Veteran Service End Date: 31 Jul 1956 Interment Date: 9 Feb 1968 Cemetery: Ft. Logan National Cemetery Buried At: Section P Site 1934 Cemetery URL: U.S. Veterans Cemeteries, ca.1800-2004 Name: Ida R Francisco Veteran's Rank:
Branch: US Army Relation Name: Lewis Francisco Relationship: Wife Last known address: 3698 South Sheridan Boulevard Denver , CO 80235 Birth Date: 11 Dec 1901 Death Date: 17 Apr 1981 Interment Date: 21 Apr 1981 Cemetery: Ft. Logan National Cemetery Buried At: Section P Site 1934 Cemetery URL: Relationship Notes: Wife of Francisco, Lewis Colorado Soldiers in WWI, 1917-18 Given Name: Lewis Surname: Francisco Rank: Private
Branch: Med. Det. Place: Denver Roster of Men and Women Who Served in The World War From Colorado 1917-1918 Denver County |
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:35:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Wilberta Illig Subject: Re: obit Thanks for Carolina Frazzini's obit, Pat! I guess we should explain to everyone why Pat just posted it.... Pat had been looking over her gene notes and wondered if there might have been two different Louis Francisco's in Colorado. I'm glad Pat questioned this. When I found the saloon named "Francisco & Frazzina" in Marshall, Boulder County, I misled you all because I ONLY searched for a Francisco family in BOULDER County in the 1900 Census. I posted John Francisco, wife Lina and son, Lou, born Mar 1900, and thought that this was Carolina. Mark has been doing a lot of searches for us - Thanks, Mark! - and found a second Francisco family with a son Louis in the 1900 Census. In Salida, Chaffee County, Colorado were James Francisco, age 35?, wife Gertie, age 21, married 6 years, with two sons, Louis born May 1896, and Frederick born Dec 1897. It looks like this one Mark found is the correct family. The birth dates of this Louis and Frederick match up with Carolina's sons. Frederick or "Fritz" Frazzini said he was born in Salida on his WWI Draft card. This census shows the wife married at age 15, just like you said Gerri. 'Gertie' said she was born Mar 1879 in this census, but Carolina's obit says July 1878. The only other discrepancy is the name 'Gertie.' Either the census taker heard wrong or that may have been one of Carolina's names. I was hoping her obit might contain some clues, like a middle initial, but it didn't. Gerri, I have lots of questions for you... Have you ever heard your Grandmother called Gertie? heard of her middle name? I'm wondering if it was Gerarda, Girolama, Gerima, etc. and that's where the Gertie came from. Do you know why your parents named you Geraldine? Could you have been named after her? Wilberta |
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:35:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Wilberta Illig Subject: Re: Obit - Correction I just realized I typed it wrong - it was Lewis Francisco who said he was born in Salida on the Colorado Draft Cards, not Frederick/Fritz. - Wilberta FRANCISCO, LOUIS PETER '25/03/1900 Denver-#8 v.14 (the one from Boulder County, born March 1900, son of the saloonkeeper) FRANCISO, LEWIS 26/05/1896 SALIDA Denver-#1 v.8 (Carolina's son - born May 26, 1896 in Salida) FRAZZINI, FREDRICK 7/12/1897 Denver-#1 v.8 (Carolina's son - born Dec 7, 1897) |
![]() From: Jerri Bottomly <jfbottomly ![]() Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 03:08:06 -0500 (EST) Hi Mark: I'd love for Mom's picture to be on there with Dad's. By the way I am in touch with Vincent Zarlengo, son of Anthony and Lucy Zarlengo. Lucy was my father's sister, as you know. Vincent tells me that Fritz definitely was Carolina's son by her first husband, ? Francisco, along with Louis Francisco, the older son. He seems to be pretty definite about that, and my Aunt Lucy would have known, I'm sure, so her children would have known. Sincerely, Jerri |
First Name: | Francesco di Felicido |
Last Name: | Frazzini |
Ethnicity: | Italian |
Last Place of Residence: | S. Pietro Avellano |
Date of Arrival: | May 11, 1898 |
Age at Arrival: 10y Gender: M Marital Status: S | |
Ship of Travel: | Ems |
Port of Departure: | Bremen |
Manifest Line Number: | 0030 |
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