![]() |
After you upload the
RTCWTIU sketch into the ESP8266, it will
start an Access Point. If you look on your phone, you will see the new
AP listed as "mthdcs-XXXX". Touch on that AP to connect to it. |
![]() |
phone should connect up and you should see "mthdcs-XXXX
Connected without internet". |
.![]() |
startup a web browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Enter this IP
address into the Address Bar: . Press
GO. You should
see this screen which lists all of the accessibleWiFi routers in the
area. Here is were we enter the information that the
RTCWTIU sketch needs to communicate with your computer via the WiFi
router. Enter: The SSID of your router The WiFi password of your router The WTIU number to be emulated (1-5) The number of emulated AIU connected (0-5) Then click on [Setup RTCWTIU WiFi]. |
![]() |
should see this screen indicating that the device is rebooting and will
connect up the WiFi Router. The ESP9266 will reboot and start. If the LED on the board stays on, the board is having trouble connecting to the router. If you need to change these setting after first setting them, press the ESP8266 reset button twice a few seconds apart. The ESP8266 will then let you go through these setup steps again. |
E:\Projects\ESP8266\RTCWTIU>rem E:\Projects\ESP8266\RTCWTIU>rem USB E:\Projects\ESP8266\RTCWTIU>"C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python" -I "upload.py" --chip esp8266 --port "COM4" --baud "115200" "" --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash 0x0 "build\esp8266.esp8266.nodemcuv2/RTCWTIU.ino.bin" esptool.py v3.0 Serial port COM4 Connecting.... Chip is ESP8266EX Features: WiFi Crystal is 26MHz MAC: ac:0b:fb:ce:d6:2a Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB Compressed 367792 bytes to 261823... Wrote 367792 bytes (261823 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 23.1 seconds (effective 127.3 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting via RTS pin... E:\Projects\ESP8266\RTCWTIU>rem E:\Projects\ESP8266\RTCWTIU>pause Press any key to continue . . . |
Using library ESP8266WiFi at
version 1.0 in folder:
Using library ESP8266HTTPClient at version 1.2 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\ESP8266HTTPClient Using library ESP8266WebServer at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\ESP8266WebServer Using library ArduinoOTA at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\ArduinoOTA Using library ESP8266mDNS at version 1.2 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\ESP8266mDNS Using library EEPROM at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\EEPROM Using library Time at version 1.6.1 in folder: C:\Users\markd\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Time Using library ESP_DoubleResetDetector at version 1.3.2 in folder: C:\Users\markd\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP_DoubleResetDetector Using library LittleFS at version 0.1.0 in folder: C:\Users\markd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2\libraries\LittleFS Using library ESP8266TimerInterrupt at version 1.6.0 in folder: C:\Users\markd\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266TimerInterrupt |
The Free
Software Foundation
web page talks about what "free software" means.
For more information, look on the Open Source Initiative web site which includes a description of what Open Source means and their certification of the GPL version 3.
Here is the copyright notice for those two licenses:email : markd@silogic.com
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genealogy home page
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genealogy home page
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